Youth as a social group. "Social processes in modern Russia"

Municipal educational institution Novo-Usmanovskaya secondary school Trusova Svetlana Ivanovna

Summary of an open lesson in social studies in 11th grade

Topic: “Youth in modern society”

Goals and objectives: 1) show the main psychological characteristics of adolescence, trace the process of socialization among young people, characterize the main features of modern youth subculture;

2) develop the ability to analyze social problems, compare opinions on social issues, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic problems, reveal with examples the most important theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities;

3) to form students’ attitude towards the problem of youth and the responsibility of the younger generation.

Equipment: diagrams, handouts, projector.

Lesson type: lesson-problem.

Lesson date: 10/23/08.

Lesson progress

1.Organizational moment.

They (teenagers) today love luxury, they have bad manners and no respect for authority, they disrespect elders, loiter and gossip constantly. They argue with their parents all the time, they constantly interfere in conversations and attract attention to themselves, they are gluttonous and tyrannical with teachers...

This was said by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who lived in 470-399. BC e. How do young people live today? How do others treat her? Some representatives of the older generation believe that a significant part of modern youth does not live, but lives, does not work, but earns extra money, does not work, but pretends. Is this true? Let's try to deal with this problem in today's lesson.

Lesson topic: “Youth in modern society.”

Lesson plan.

    Youth as a social group.

    The process of socialization of youth.

    Youth subculture.

2. Political information.

Now let’s conduct political information. Political, economic, cultural news.

3. Studying new material.

Teacher's word

1. Youth as a social group

In the most general form, youth is a socio-demographic group 11 identified on the basis of:

a set of age characteristics;

features of social status;

socio-psychological properties that are determined
social system, religion, culture, characteristics
education, etc.

When studying young people as a socio-demographic group, the focus is on the characteristics of their consciousness and activities.

Why did youth as a special social group begin to be perceived by society only with the transition to the industrial phase of development? Find the answer to this question on p. 125textbook.

- (Approximate answer. 1. The deepening of labor caused by the industrial revolution separated the family from the process of production and management of social processes. This made family education insufficient for mastering social roles. 2. The complexity of technology, growing specialization required the skills of lengthening the period of general education, so young people began to enter the labor market later. 3. The increase in people’s mobility, the complication of social life, and the acceleration of the pace of social changes led to the fact that the lifestyles of the older and younger generations began to differ significantly.) Young people as a specific socio-demographic group have its social structure.

Let's look at the diagram:

ICT. (1 slide)

Social structure of youth

The basis for separating youth may be

various activities

Youth working in industry

Youth working in agriculture

Youth working in transport

Youth working in the service sector

Each of these groups of youth, constituting an entire structural formation, is characterized, in turn, by internal differentiation - professional and qualification differences;

marital status, etc.

Suggest what basic psychological characteristics young people have.

-(Approximate answer. \1. The formation of the foundation of the personality is completed, its upper - worldview - floors are being completed.

2. There is an awareness of one’s Self. 12

3. There is a comprehension of one’s place in life, parents, friends, and the surrounding society.

4. There is a constant search for moral guidelines associated with a reassessment of the meaning of life.

5. Teenagers are aware of their originality and uniqueness.

6. Hypertrophied independence is expressed in the emphasized harshness of one’s own assessments: for many teenagers, “good” and “correct” are only what they like.)

Teacher's word

2. The process of socialization of youth

How does the process of socialization, i.e. growing up, proceed?

What problems do young people face along the way?

(groups are pre-assigned)

Divide into three groups and, working with the textbook, characterize and analyze the process of socialization of youth; identify the problems that young people have to face.

The first group is civil majority (clause 2 § 18).

The second group is education and vocational training (clause 3 § 18).

The third group is the beginning of labor activity (clause 4 § 18).

Questions for the first group

    From what period, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, can a citizen independently fully exercise his rights and obligations?

    What rights and freedoms does a young person receive?

    At what age can young people get married? Are there exceptions?

    What does full legal capacity mean?

    What civic duties should a young citizen of the Russian Federation perform?

    How does the status of a young person change when he reaches civil age?

    Give examples showing the possibilities of individual choice of a young person in various areas of life.

    Is it easy to be young?

    Is it fair, in your opinion, to accuse young people of infantilism? Give reasons for your position.

    What positive aspects does the onset of civil adulthood have for a young person?

Questions for the second group

    What indicates the preservation of the prestige of education in our society?

    On what principles is education built in our society? Do you think they are fair? 13

    How do you feel about the emergence of private educational institutions and the partial operation of state educational institutions on a paid, commercial basis?

    Select arguments for and against paid education in Russia.

    What risks await freshmen entering universities? Is it possible and necessary to fight this?

    Is it easy to be young?

Questions for the third group

    When do teenagers start thinking about working?

    What do you think underlies their choice of future profession?

    Prove that the current situation in terms of employment opportunities is very difficult and contradictory.

    What factors of the current socio-economic situation in our country contribute and what hinder the employment of young people?

    What workplace benefits are provided for minors?

    Is it easy to be young?

    Youth subculture

Teacher's word

So, it's not so easy to be young. Difficulties in socialization are associated with three main circumstances:

ICT (2 slide)

    the discrepancy between the high level of aspirations (the desire to become a hero, to become famous) and the low social status of teenagers, which is determined by their age;

    the discrepancy between the old style of “parenting” leadership, focused on the fact that for a mother, a son or daughter always remains a child, and the new potential capabilities of teenagers, given by their psychophysical maturation;

    a contradiction between an increased focus on independence and increased dependence on the opinions and behavior of peers.

Certain social groups are characterized by special features of consciousness, behavior, and lifestyle. They create their own cultural niche - a subculture. Young people were no exception - they also created their own subculture.

    The youth subculture has:

    with your tongue;

    special fashion;

    art and style of behavior.

Its carriers are most often informal teenage groups.

What do you think motivates young people to create a subculture?

- (Approximate answer. Internal loneliness. Need for friends. Conflicts at school and at home. Distrust of adults. Protest against lies. Escape from social reality or rejection of it.

Let's try to draw the main features of the youth subculture.

The special nature of the relationship

Desire to separate from elders (informal style of behavior)

Youth subculture

Protection in the ruthless world of competition and rivalry

The desire to find understanding and emotional support

Power over others

Confrontation with official society


In our country there are many groups and trends in youth culture:

    rock movement (anti-bureaucracy, pacifism, anti-totalitarianism);

    leisure sphere (music, sports, etc.);

    environmental movements;

    youth political parties;

    youth groups challenging society
    opinion (fans in football and hockey);

Radical nationalist movements - skinheads.

Get acquainted with additional material and prove that emo kids are representatives of the youth subculture.

ICT(3 slide)

Emo kid - who is it? Emo - emotions, kid - child: a literal explanation on the fingers - each of us is a child. The child perceives everything in the world around him differently. He can find joy in every little thing, but even the smallest failure can greatly upset him. An emo kid is a person who feels the world around him, is not afraid of his emotions, and is not afraid to be himself.

The history of emo dates back to 1985. Emo was the joking name given to 15 new Washington bands who began playing strange music, somewhat different from the usual punk of that time.

Emo style presupposes the presence of strong emotions, both positive and negative. For emo, expressing your feelings is not a sign of weakness. Emo is a way of life and thinking of a person. Here are some attributes of an emo kid's appearance:

    Thick, greasy black hair should be cut short at the front with a razor and cover half of the forehead.
    In the same way, hair is cut high above the ears... In fact, any greasy, black-dyed hair. Pieces in front, sidelocks behind and over the ears, plus disheveled.


    Horn glasses, or at least thick black frames.

    Heavy slacks (wide-leg trousers), usually very tight and short.

    "Old man" pants made of polyester.

    Thin sweatshirts made of polyester, very small in size with a top row of buttons and a collar. Also kids size jerseys with random slogans on them or sports numbers on the back.

    Tight T-shirts with heavy metal design (“Iron Ma1oen”, “Me1aShsa”, “Moegneao1”). Preferably a little worn.

    Tennis shoes.

  1. Classic outerwear for the street, in the form of a coat.

    Hairpins for guys.

    Tight jackets and sweaters with y-shaped necklines. Sweaters in dark tones with a transverse stripe.

    Black denim pants should be rolled up no more than twice.

    Emo jackets from the workwear series, in earthy tones, as well as brown, gray and dark blue. One or two stripes.

    Wallets with a chain, but even cooler is a large key ring (doorman style).

    "Kangaroos" with a metal zipper.

    Riveted belts of different colors and wristbands.

    Anorexic thinness.

Emo style has nothing to do with posing. To be emo, you must first be sincere. Emo style implies uniqueness, exclusivity

Why do you think crime is so widespread among young people?

What are youth criminal groups?

I propose to discuss the role of the media in the emergence and development of youth culture. Express your opinion about the influence of the media on 16 young minds - pros and cons. Give reasons for your opinion.

III. Summary of lessons

Divide into groups.

Group participants receive sheets of paper with expressions reflecting the attitude towards youth of various social groups:

    “Eggs don’t teach a chicken” (“Parents”);

    “Young-green” (“Older generation”);

    “Hello, we are looking for talents!” (“Teachers”);

    “Young people are welcome everywhere!” ("Youth").

1. You must determine which group this expression corresponds to.

As a result, four groups are formed: “Parents”, “Youth”, “Teachers” and “Older Generation”.

2. Interactive exercise. Groups receive the task:

    depict schematically or using a drawing a portrait of a modern young man in

    in accordance with the views characteristic of a given social group (“parents”, “teachers”, “older generation”, “youth”);

    prepare a presentation based on your diagram or drawing, in which you indicate what guided the creation of the portrait.

So, the presentations allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

    it is impossible to judge unequivocally about modern youth;

    youth in our society are heterogeneous, have different goals and value orientations;

    the problem of youth has been relevant at all times;

    There are many problems in the lives of modern young people that require attention and resolution.

4. Homework

Learn § 18, compose a syncwine on the topic “Modern youth - what are they like?”

university? Youth culture: to be similar or different?
This paragraph is written not only for you, but also about you. It's you,
16--17 year olds, still sitting at a school desk, but already directed towards something else,
great life, you are in that wonderful and very responsible time
life, which is called


vue youth or youth. This is a look at you and your problems with
positions of people of older generations. It may not completely match yours
own idea “of time and of oneself.” However, think about
facts and judgments given here: it will push the boundaries of personal
experience, and perhaps will make certain changes in your views and assessments.
Usually there are two stages on the path to growing up: adolescence and
youth. However, the age limits for each stage are quite vague. IN
in modern Russian psychology, adolescent is most often considered
age 11-15 years, and early adolescence - 16--18 years, but in some cases
The upper limit is 20 years of age. From Western psychology to us
the term teenager came to cover young people from 13 to 19 years old, i.e.
age indicated by numerals ending in "teen" (thirteen
-- nineteen).
Youth as a social group is most often identified by sociologists and classified as
to it people aged 16 to 25 years (some researchers include
people under 30).
But age boundaries are not as significant as characteristic specific
traits of youth consciousness and behavior.
J.--J. Rousseau called youth the second birth of man, emphasizing
the very depth and significance of the changes occurring at this stage of life; V
adolescence, the physical maturation of a person is completed, his intellect develops
and will.
One of the main, according to psychologists, discoveries of this period is
discovery of one's own "I". If a teenager is primarily concerned with external
events, actions, then with the entry into adolescence, increasing significance
for a person acquires his inner world. Own thoughts and feelings
become no less a reality than the surrounding reality.
A person becomes more and more aware of his individuality,
uniqueness. And if in adolescence many were dominated by the desire to be
like others, then in youth one’s own uniqueness is realized as
value; it is developed, it is demonstrated.



From the age of 18, in accordance with the Constitution of our state, a citizen
Russia can independently exercise its rights in full and
responsibilities. Today our fundamental law guarantees everyone, as you already
you know, a wide range of rights and freedoms: civil and socio-economic
rights (right to property, free work, education, health care
etc.), political rights (right to association, participation in governance
state, the right to vote and be elected), personal rights (the right to
life, liberty and security of person, right to freedom of movement and
etc.), as well as freedom of conscience, thought and speech, and the media.
Having reached the age of 18, a citizen can enter into legal
marriage. However, if there are good reasons (pregnancy, birth
child, immediate threat to the life of one of the parties) local authorities
The authorities have the right to lower the age of marriage.
Full legal capacity presupposes not only the ability to use
rights, but also the need to fulfill a certain range of civil
responsibilities. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these include: compliance
Constitution and laws of the country, the care of parents for children, as well as children, if
they have reached 18 years of age and are able to work, about their disabled parents,
timely payment of legal taxes and fees, protection of nature and monuments
history and culture. It is mandatory to obtain a basic general
education. The duty of Russian citizens is to defend the Fatherland. by law
it is stipulated that men - citizens - are subject to conscription for military service
Russian Federation aged 18 to 27 years, not entitled to
exemption or deferment from conscription for military service.
The acquisition of full rights and responsibilities changes the position of the young
person and significantly expands his capabilities. The roles of children and adolescents in
mainly associated with family (son, daughter, brother, sister, grandson), school (student),
various forms of leisure activities (participant in the sports section). IN
further, while maintaining some of the previous social positions (son, brother and
etc.) new ones appear: student, worker, military man, voter, member
political party, parent, member of one of the public organizations and
many others.
However, in youth, as psychologists note, many of the new roles are not
are assimilated seriously and completely, but as if


tried on, tested. It is common for youth to seek, to choose,
try. And the older generations seem to reserve for the young “the right to
mistake", to some rash act or risky undertaking:
“A mistake is a smile for the young, a bitter tear for the old,” “Young is green—
I was told to take a walk,” “I was young and lived in sin.” But such a breadth of choice
social roles and a high degree of freedom of young people have established themselves in society
relatively recently.
In the past, the transition period from childhood to adulthood was significantly
Briefly speaking.
Over the course of many centuries, the experience accumulated by older generations
passed on to young people by including them directly in the labor force
an activity that began very early.
In peasant families, children from the age of five were entrusted with
feasible work. The younger ones in the family learned not so much by “talking and listening”,
how much participating. Many aspects of life were strictly regulated, and even
in his younger years there was little room for independence and self-reliance
So, back in the 19th century. the choice of a spouse was not a personal matter that concerned only
young people about to get married. Preparing for marriage
regulated by relatives. Marriages were often concluded through intermediaries
- matchmaker: knowing the “suitable” ones (by financial status, origin)
candidates, they arranged the required marriage for an appropriate fee.
In the current conditions, independent adult life for many
begins quite late: the period of study, professional
training of young people, there are many who are saving for the future and creating
own family.
Young people are often accused of infantilism (from the Latin infantilis -
infant, child), i.e. in the desire for dependency, demands
constant concern for others about themselves, reduced criticism towards themselves.
Obviously, such manifestations are not uncommon among young people. Together with
Thus, the very fact that a young man has acquired full civil rights and
duties indicates that society already recognizes his high
degree of social maturity, developed sense of responsibility, ability
make decisions based not only on personal interests, but also
civic feelings.



A significant part of young people are pupils and students. Daily in
in our country, in addition to tens of thousands of schools, almost 4000
vocational schools, more than 2600 secondary vocational educational institutions, about
600 universities. In educational institutions providing vocational training
youth, about 5.5 million people are studying - almost a third of young people in
aged from 16 to 24 years.
Many people understand the importance of education in modern conditions. It and
today it is considered as the most important indicator of social status
person. If previously parents associated a decent future for their children with
successful marriage, now more and more often - with a prestigious university. By
forecasts for the current century, which has already been called the century of knowledge and information,
education will become even more valuable.
On what principles is education built in our society? In the Law of the Russian Federation
“On Education” says that the state guarantees citizens
public availability and free general secondary and primary
professional education, as well as free of charge on a competitive basis
secondary vocational and higher education in state educational institutions
Along with the state education system,
private gymnasiums and lyceums, colleges and universities (the latter are already more than 300).
Most non-state educational institutions operate on a paid,
on a commercial basis.
The attitude towards paid education in our society is ambivalent: there are those
who supports him, however, critical assessments are also expressed. Let's consider
arguments for each group.
Proponents of paid education point primarily to the disadvantages
state educational institutions: low salaries for teachers,
overcrowding of school classes and student auditoriums, which does not allow
take into account the individual characteristics of students, lack of technical
funds, outdated laboratory equipment. This situation is caused by
that from the depleted state “pie” education is simply
"crumbs". But not only this. As the experience of developed countries shows, private
schools and universities are more attractive and prestigious in a rich country
state The disadvantages of state universities and technical schools also include
and the fact that they are poorly focused on new specialties that are in demand
market. The consequence of this is


high unemployment rate among vocational school graduates
institutions: in the mid-90s, about 40% of young unemployed people had higher education
and secondary specialized education.
Among the arguments put forward by opponents of toll expansion
educational services, we highlight the following. Commercialization of education
violates the legally established principles of its humanization and
democratization, since it destroys equality of chances in acquiring knowledge
and culture, deepens property and social inequality in society.
Private educational institutions in their current form are schools for the rich, and
Wealth is often associated with power. This means that it is being reborn
class character of the school. Moreover, the commodification of education
makes access to it difficult, leaving capable and promising people behind. IN
Under such conditions we are unlikely to get new Lomonosovs.
What is your position on this issue? Discuss it in class.
Many of those who had the opportunity to study at the institute at one time
They remember their student years as the best time of their lives. Creative activity,
openness in communication, big life plans and faith in one’s own strengths and
Opportunities paint life in optimistic tones. At the same time, not everyone
especially in the first years, one manages to properly manage the increased
degree of freedom, including in educational activities. Inability to
systematic mental efforts, work in fits and starts can cause
failure and disappointment in studies.


At the time of youth, as we have already noted, for many young people the leading
the activity remains study. At the same time, the problems of choosing a future profession or
Direct employment is already coming to the fore. The study itself
(even in high school, not to mention higher education)
is perceived not as an intrinsic value, but as a step towards mastering a profession.
Start of work after graduation from school, college, institute
has always been a serious challenge for a young man. Things don't get any easier
the case today.
Current socio-economic situation in terms of opportunities
youth employment is very contradictory.


Firstly, the last decade was a period of decline in domestic
production, lower wages in many state-owned
enterprises. This inevitably led to job cuts...
vacancies do not always attract young people due to insufficient
wages. The greatest number of refusals occur among young people in
under the age of 18, who have neither profession nor work experience. In other words,
focus on high earnings is not always supported by one’s own
Secondly, the state has ceased to be the only monopoly
employer. Private-individual, joint-stock, cooperative
enterprises where workers are paid, as a rule, higher than in
public sector. These companies are willing to hire
youth, although in recent years the requirements for professional training
employee and length of service have become more stringent.
Thirdly, the reforms carried out in the country have led to changes
nature of labor relations. Employment Law adopted in 1991
g., secured the ownership rights of Russian citizens to their labor force. This
meant a rejection of the previously existing and legally enshrined
the principle of universal employment. Central distribution was abolished
graduates of educational institutions. The consequences of such a step were
contradictory. On the one hand, it became possible to freely choose
suitable job and type of activity for those entering the market for the first time
labor. On the other hand, under the current conditions this inevitably led to an increase
youth unemployment. In the second half of the 90s, young people in
aged 15 to 24 years accounted for approximately a fifth of the working age
population. Among the unemployed, young people accounted for more than 30%.
Russian legislation provides for the possibility of installing
work from the age of 15. Moreover, for workers under 18 years of age,
various benefits are introduced in production: it is prohibited to use their labor
in heavy work, dangerous or hazardous industries, as well as in those types
activities that can harm moral development (in gambling
business, nightclubs, production, transportation, sale of alcohol
drinks). The law also provides for annual medical examinations
minors employed in production are prohibited from engaging them in night
and overtime work, establishes annual paid leave
lasting at least 31 days. All these measures from a health point of view
youth are absolutely legitimate. At that


At the same time, in conditions of declining employment, they impede hiring
underage workers: enterprise managers do not want to bear the burden
economic losses due to the benefits provided. Taking this into account, the state
enshrines in law a rule obliging the employer to hire
graduates of schools and vocational schools, as well as some categories of persons under 18
years, against the quota established by regional and local authorities.


Certain social groups are characterized by special features of consciousness,
behavior, lifestyle. They create their own cultural niche --
subculture, which can be quite closed and autonomous in relation to
to the dominant culture (from the Latin sub - a particle indicating the presence
under something, near something) or to resist its fundamental
values ​​- counterculture.
They started talking about a special youth subculture in Western countries after
World War II. Youth culture is far from homogeneous; in it
Gender, ethnic, and social class differences appear. Yes, for
communities of young men are characterized by a competitive spirit, an attitude towards
own success. For girls, it’s not so much the result of joint
activities, as much as the nature of the emerging interpersonal relationships. They
more selective in communication.
At the same time, youth culture can be considered as a whole,
which has certain characteristic features. First of all it is special
the nature of the relationship, focused rather on friendship and friendship in
peer groups than family. Need for communication with peers
As is known, it occurs very early. It is typical for adolescence to
the desire for isolation, primarily from elders (teachers, parents), so
and the desire to belong to some community of peers. Fold like this
so-called informal youth groups (the word "informal" in this
case is used to emphasize the fundamental difference with the official
registered and adult-led community youth
Everyone’s need for communication is transformed into their own special motives,
encouraging people to join this or that group, this or that youth
direction. Someone hopes


It is impossible to find here understanding and emotional support, which is deprived in
society of adults. Another feels that group affiliation multiplies
his strength and makes him more secure in the ruthless world of intense competition and
rivalry. There are also those who crave the feeling of power over others.
Many youth groups have a contradictory combination
uniformity and dissimilarity, specialness. Uniformity (in style of behavior,
musical preferences, fashion paraphernalia) is supported within the group.
At the same time, the community itself strives (primarily externally) to stand out in
the general flow of youth movements.
Some informal youth associations not only isolate themselves
from society, but within certain limits they oppose it, rejecting
established values ​​and culture (in this case we can talk about youth
counterculture). Such demonstrative rejection of social principles, morality,
lifestyle of the majority was especially clearly manifested in youth movements in
Western countries in the 60s. Some performances by students and young people
workers marched even under political slogans (new left). IN
later the protest began to be expressed not so much in direct confrontation
society, as much as in attempts to “escape” it by creating new forms
human hostel (hippie colony).
In our country, the time of the emergence of informal youth associations
became the 80s. The most influential movement was the rock movement,
united, in addition to hobbies for a certain musical style, common
ideological principles: anti-bureaucracy, pacifism, anti-totalitarianism. IN
1987 The first festivals of popular rock bands took place at large concerts
Today there are many groups and trends in youth culture.
The activities of most of them cover the sphere of leisure (music,
sports and technical hobbies, etc.). Challenge public opinion more often
everything is expressed in the features of clothing and fashionable additions to it. Sometimes,
however, direct antisocial actions are also committed (hooliganism, fights),
for example, groups of football or hockey fans. In this case, society
encounters deviant behavior.
The extreme and most dangerous manifestation of deviant behavior is
Crime, unfortunately, also occurs among young people.
(Remember what you know about deviant behavior. What are the reasons
crime? What are they


the main directions in the fight against it?) Youth criminal groups
characterized by a rigid hierarchy and subordination, strict distribution of functions,
mutual responsibility. They are closed and closed.
A major role in the emergence and spread of youth culture
played by the media. Tendency to follow patterns of what one sees
not only teenagers, but also young people experience it on television and in the movies.
Let's illustrate this with this example. In 1993, the film was shown in the USA
"Program". In one of his episodes, a university student with the goal
demonstration of one's own courage lying on the median strip
busy highway as heavy trucks whizzed past
next to him. Within two weeks after the film was shown, two young
guys in different states tried to do the same trick. Consequences
turned out to be tragic: both were crushed to death by those who did not notice them
To summarize, let us highlight the main features of youth culture:
-- challenging adult values ​​and experimenting with one's own lifestyle;
-- inclusion in various peer groups;
- unique tastes, especially in clothing and music;
- This is more a culture of leisure than work.
Basic Concepts
Youth as a social group.
Teenagers. Infantilism. Subculture. Counterculture.


What are the main psychological characteristics of adolescence?
What rights and responsibilities does a citizen of our state acquire?
having reached adulthood?


How do social roles and status of a person change in youth?
4 Give examples showing the possibilities of individual choice
young man in various areas of life.
rj; Which indicates the preservation of the prestige of education in our
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the public education system?
What are the factors of the current socio-economic situation in our country?
promote and which hinder youth employment?
What workplace benefits are provided for minors?
Describe the main features of modern youth culture.


What is characteristic of informal youth associations?


1 Some representatives of the older generation believe that significant
Some of today's youth do not live, but live, do not work, but
works part-time, doesn’t do it, but pretends to.
How do you feel about this point of view? Explain your position.
2 Tatyana is 18 years old. Two years ago she left home. The main reason is
rejection of the lifestyle of her parents, who, in her words, “only work, and
in their free time they “hang out” in front of the TV." Comment on this situation.
The share of youth among the unemployed in large cities is lower than the national average
indicator. At the same time, in certain regions, for example in some
North Caucasus republics, young unemployed make up half of all
those who have lost their jobs. How can these facts be explained?



4Which of the following characteristics of youth culture do you relate to?
Do you agree? Why? Youth culture is:
-- search for excitement, autonomy and individuality;
- the desire to create new things, and not just accept what is available;
- special clothing, music, leisure activities that are encouraged commercially.
5 One researcher wrote about teenage informal groups:
"Gathering in a heap, feeling impunity in it... mentally immature in
due to age, teenagers repeat the history of the barbarians who destroyed everything that
exceeded their understanding and aesthetic level. Aggressiveness rages within them
Do you agree with these assessments? Is any of the
of these features to youth informal groups?


"Youth is happy with what it has
future." N.V. GOGOL (1809--1852), Russian writer.
“When starting your career, do not waste, O young man, precious time!”
GOAT PRUTKOV, collective pseudonym, under
which they performed in the middle of the 19th century. poets
A.K. Tolstoy and the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers.
їі1Q Nations and interethnic relations
What determines the existence of a nation? What role does it play in the development of personality?
and does national identity play a role in a nation? What is characteristic of interethnic
relations in the modern world? What are the causes of interethnic conflicts?


tov and what are the ways to overcome them in a civilized manner? What should it be
national policy?
Apart from classes and other social groups, the social structure of society
constitute historically established communities of people: tribes, nationalities,
nation. Modern humanity is represented by approximately three thousand
different peoples, and in our country there are more than a hundred of them. At the same time independent
There are about 200 states in the world. Consequently, most
peoples live in multinational states.
No matter how dear the historical memory of our national
roots, it is important to understand something else: we all live and will always live together with
people of different nationalities. This requires from each of us a special personal
delicacy and responsibility in relations with people of other nationalities.
It should be remembered that different peoples have more similarities than differences,
and their commonality is constantly growing as interdependence increases,
interconnectedness and integrity of the world.
But, allowing humanity to persist in all its inherent diversity
and originality, the rapprochement of peoples does not mean the denial of their national
features. On the contrary, it is the uniqueness of their culture that serves as a living
  1. Why did youth begin to be considered as an independent social group only with the transition to an industrial society?
  2. What are the main psychological characteristics of adolescence?
  3. What rights and responsibilities does a citizen of our state acquire upon reaching adulthood?
  4. How do social roles and status of a person change in youth?
  5. Give examples showing the possibilities of individual choice of a young person in various areas of life.
  1. What indicates the preservation of the prestige of education in our society?
  2. What factors of the current socio-economic situation in our country contribute and what factors hinder the employment of young people?
  3. What workplace benefits are provided for minors?
  4. What is characteristic of informal youth associations?
  5. Describe the main features of modern youth subculture.

Think, discuss, do

1. Some representatives of the older generation believe that a significant part of modern youth does not live, but lives, does not work, but earns money, does not work, but pretends to work.

How do you feel about this point of view? Explain your position.

2. Tatyana is 18 years old. Two years ago she left home. The main reason is the rejection of the lifestyle of her parents, who, according to her, “only work, and in their free time they hang out at the TV.” Please comment on this situation.

3. The share of young people among the unemployed in large cities is lower than the national figure. At the same time, in some regions, young unemployed people make up half of all those who have lost their jobs. How can these facts be explained?

4. “A person who is not married and does not have a profession continues to remain a child in the broadest sense of the word,” writes the sociologist. Do you agree with this conclusion? Why?

5. Compare two definitions of the concept of “youth” given in modern scientific publications: “Youth is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, acquiring educational, professional, cultural and other social functions”; “Youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics and characteristics of social status.”

Do these definitions contradict each other or complement one another? Explain your conclusion.

6. According to sociologists, at the beginning of the 19th century. the average age of the child at the time of the father's death was approximately 20 years. Young people automatically took their fathers' jobs. At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. Twenty-year-olds had not only both parents alive and working, but often also grandparents. At the same time, scientific and technological progress led to a reduction in the number of jobs. Does this situation, in your opinion, have an impact on the position of young people in the labor market? What are the competitive advantages and disadvantages of young people compared to older generations in the labor market?

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the book by the German philosopher and sociologist K. Mannheim (1893-1947) “The Diagnosis of Our Time,” written in 1943, and answer the questions posed.

Youth is one of the hidden resources of society. The first problem we face is this: is the importance of youth in society stable? Obviously not. There are societies where older people are more respected than younger people. This was the case, for example, in Ancient China. In other societies, such as the United States, a person after forty is considered too old to work and only young people are needed. Societies differ not only in the prestige of their young people, but also in whether the youth are united in groups and movements that influence the course of events...

The problem is that although there is always a new generation and youth age groups, the question of their use depends each time on the nature and social structure of a given society. Youth is one of the hidden resources that exist in every society and on the mobilization of which its viability depends...

It is not difficult to guess in which societies older people have the greatest prestige, while the renewing forces of youth are not united in the movement and remain only a hidden reserve. I believe that static societies, which develop gradually and at a slow pace of change, rely mainly on the experience of older generations.

They resist realizing the hidden potential of youth. Education in such societies focuses on the transmission of traditions, and the methods of teaching are reproduction and repetition. Such a society deliberately neglects the vital spiritual reserves of young people, since it does not intend to violate existing traditions.

In contrast to such static, slowly changing societies, dynamic societies that strive for a new start, regardless of their prevailing social or political philosophy, rely mainly on cooperation with youth... In this regard, the difference exists only between societies that achieve change through reforms and revolutions. In both cases it should be young people. The older and middle generations can only predict the nature of future changes, but only the younger generation will live a new life. It will bring to life those values ​​that the older generation recognizes only theoretically.

Manheim K. Diagnosis of our time. - M., 1994. - p. 454-455.

Questions and assignments to the source

  1. How, according to the author, do societies differ in terms of the place and role of youth in them?
  2. Give examples of youth organizations that existed in different countries: a) that arose spontaneously, on the initiative “from below”; b) created and directed by the state.
  3. Do you share the author’s conclusion that the main driving force of revolutions and reforms is youth? Justify your point of view, drawing on facts known to you from the past and present.

Certain social groups are characterized by special features of consciousness, behavior, and lifestyle. They create their own cultural niche - a subculture, which can be quite closed and autonomous in relation to the dominant culture (from the Latin sub - a particle indicating being under something, near something) or opposed to its fundamental values ​​(counterculture). They started talking about a special youth subculture in Western countries after World War II. Youth culture is far from homogeneous; it reveals gender, ethnic, and social class differences. Thus, communities of young men are characterized by a competitive spirit and a focus on their own success. For girls, it is not so much the result of joint activities that is important, but the nature of the developing interpersonal relationships. They are more selective in communication.

At the same time, youth culture can be considered as a whole, which has certain characteristics. First of all, this is the special nature of the relationship, focusing more on friendship and fellowship in peer groups than on family. The need to communicate with peers, as we know, arises very early. Adolescence is characterized by both a desire for isolation, primarily from elders (teachers, parents), and a desire to belong to some community of peers. So-called informal youth groups are emerging (the word “informal” in this case is used to emphasize the fundamental difference with officially registered public youth organizations).

Everyone’s need for communication is transformed into their own special motives that encourage them to join one or another group, one or another youth trend. Someone, as you know, hopes to find here understanding and emotional support, which is deprived of adult society. Another feels that group membership increases his strength and makes him more secure in a ruthless world of intense competition and rivalry. There are also those who crave the feeling of power over others.

Many youth groups are characterized by a contradictory combination of uniformity and dissimilarity, specialness. Uniformity (in style of behavior, musical preferences, fashion paraphernalia) is maintained within the group. At the same time, the community itself strives (primarily externally) to stand out in the general flow of youth movements.

Some informal youth associations not only isolate themselves from society, but also, to a certain extent, oppose it, rejecting established values ​​and culture (in this case we can talk about youth counterculture). Such demonstrative rejection of social principles, morality, and the lifestyle of the majority was especially clearly manifested in youth movements in Western countries in the 60s. Some protests by students and young workers even took place under political slogans (new left). Subsequently, protest began to be expressed not so much in direct opposition to society, but in attempts to “escape” it, creating new forms of human community (hippie colonies).

In our country, the time when informal youth associations appeared was the 80s. The most influential direction was the rock movement, united, in addition to passion for a certain musical style, by common ideological principles: anti-bureaucracy, pacifism, anti-totalitarianism. In 1987, the first fe-

Popular rock bands performed at large concert venues.

Today in our country there are many groups and trends in youth culture. The activities of most of them cover the sphere of leisure (music, sports and technical hobbies, etc.). There are associations imbued with public interests, for example the environmental movement. Today, political parties are striving to strengthen their influence on young people. Parties of different orientations have their own youth divisions.

There are youth groups that challenge public opinion. Most often this is expressed in the features of clothing and fashionable additions to it. Sometimes, however, direct antisocial actions (hooliganism, fights) are committed, for example by groups of football or hockey fans. In this case, society is faced with negative, deviant behavior. One of the radical groups expressing antisocial nationalist, sometimes pro-fascist views are the so-called skinheads. This trend originated in the late 60s. last century in England. The main external sign is a shaved head. The peculiarity of behavior is open aggression. Decades later, skinhead groups appeared in a number of countries, including ours. Their actions go from being shocking (disturbing public opinion) to often becoming criminal (violating criminal law).

The extreme and most dangerous manifestation of deviant behavior - crime, unfortunately, occurs among young people. (Remember: what are the causes of crime? What are the main directions in the fight against it?) You know that youth criminal groups are distinguished by a strict hierarchy and subordination, a strict distribution of functions, and mutual responsibility. They are closed and closed.

The media play a major role in the emergence and spread of youth culture. Not only teenagers, but also young people have a tendency to follow the models of what they see on television and in the movies. Let's illustrate this with examples. In the early 90s. The film “The Program” was shown in the USA. In one of his episodes, a university student, in a show of courage, lay on the median of a busy highway while heavy trucks whizzed past him. Within two weeks of the film's showing, two young men in different states attempted the same trick. The consequences were tragic: both were crushed to death by drivers who did not notice them. Demonstration on our television

The series “Brigade” also caused a wave of imitators: young people in various regions of the country began to unite into their own “brigades” that were clearly criminally oriented.

To summarize, let us highlight the main features of youth culture: it is a challenge to the values ​​of adults and experiments with one’s own way of life; unique tastes, especially in clothing and music; it is a culture of leisure rather than work.

AI Basic concepts: youth as a social group.

IIT terms: teenagers, infantilism, subculture, counterculture.

1) Why did youth begin to be considered as an independent social group only with the transition to an industrial society? 2) What are the main psychological characteristics of adolescence? 3) What rights and responsibilities does a citizen of our state acquire upon reaching adulthood? 4) How do social roles and status of a person change in young years? 5) Give examples showing the possibilities of individual choice of a young person in various areas of life. 6) What indicates the preservation of the prestige of education in our society? 7) What factors of the current socio-economic situation in our country contribute and which hinder the employment of young people? 8) What workplace benefits are provided for minors? 9) What is characteristic of informal youth associations? 10) Describe the main features of modern youth subculture.

I think, judge, do

1. Some representatives of the older generation believe
They know that a significant part of today’s youth are not living
Vet, but lives, does not work, but works part-time, does not work
Xia, but pretends.

How do you feel about this point of view? Explain your position.

2. Tatyana is 18 years old. Two years ago she left home.
The main reason is the rejection of the parents’ lifestyle, which
who, in her words, “only work, and in their free time
“hanging out” in front of the TV.” Comment on this situation

3. Share of youth among the unemployed in large cities
below the national average. At the same time, the department
in regions, young unemployed make up half
all those who have lost their jobs. How can these facts be explained?

4. “A person who is not married and does not own a
profession, continues to remain a child in the widest
sense of the word,” writes the sociologist. Do you agree with this
conclusion? Why?

5. Compare two definitions of the concept “youth”, with
published in modern scientific publications:

“Youth is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, acquiring educational, professional, cultural and other social functions.”

“Youth is a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics and characteristics of social status.”

Do these definitions contradict each other or complement one another? Explain your conclusion.

6. According to sociologists, at the beginning of the 19th century. average cart
The child's height at the time of his father's death was approximately 20
years. Young people automatically took jobs
their fathers. In the second half of the 20th century. in twenty-year-olds
Not only were both parents alive and working,
but often both grandfathers. At the same time, scientific and technical pro
progress led to a reduction in the number of jobs.

Does this situation, in your opinion, have an impact on the position of young people in the labor market? What are: a) competitive advantages; b) disadvantages of young people in comparison with older generations in the labor market?

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the book by the German philosopher and sociologist K. Mannheim (1893-1947) “The Diagnosis of Our Time,” written in 1943, and answer the questions posed.

Youth- one of society's hidden resources

The first problem we face is: is the importance of youth stable in society? Obviously not. There are societies where older people are more respected than younger people. This was the case, for example, in Ancient China. In other societies, such as the United States, a person after forty is considered too old to work, and only young people are required. Societies differ not only in the prestige of young people, but also depending on whether youth are united in groups and movements that influence the course of events... The problem is that although there is always a new generation and youth age groups, However, the question of their use depends each time on the nature and social structure of a given society. Youth is one of the hidden resources that exist in every society and on the mobilization of which its viability depends...

It is not difficult to guess in which societies older people have the greatest prestige, while the renewing forces of youth are not united in the movement and remain only a hidden reserve. I believe that static societies, which develop gradually and at a slow pace of change, rely mainly on the experience of older generations. They resist realizing the hidden potential of youth. Education in such societies focuses on the transmission of traditions, and the methods of teaching are reproduction and repetition. Such a society deliberately neglects the vital spiritual reserves of young people, since it does not intend to violate existing traditions.

In contrast to such static, slowly changing societies, dynamic societies that strive for a new start, regardless of their prevailing social or political philosophy, rely mainly on cooperation with youth... In this regard, the difference exists only between societies that achieve change through reforms and revolutions. In both cases it should be young people. The older and middle generations can only predict the nature of future changes, but only the younger generation will live a new life. It will bring to life those values ​​that the older generation recognizes only theoretically.

Manheim K. Diagnosis of our time. - M., 1994. - P. 454-455.

Questions and assignments to the source. 1) How, according to the author, do societies differ in terms of the place and role of youth in them? 2) Give examples of youth organizations that existed in different countries: a) that arose spontaneously, on the initiative “from below”; b) created and directed by the state. 3) Do you share the author’s conclusion that the main driving force of revolutions and reforms is youth? Justify your point of view, drawing on facts known to you from the past and present.

Certain social groups are characterized by special features of consciousness, behavior, and lifestyle. They create their own cultural niche - a subculture, which can be quite closed and autonomous in relation to the dominant culture (from the Latin sub - a particle indicating being under something, near something) or opposed to its fundamental values ​​(counterculture). They started talking about a special youth subculture in Western countries after World War II. Youth culture is far from homogeneous; it reveals gender, ethnic, and social class differences. Thus, communities of young men are characterized by a competitive spirit and a focus on their own success. For girls, it is not so much the result of joint activities that is important, but the nature of the developing interpersonal relationships. They are more selective in communication.

At the same time, youth culture can be considered as a whole, which has certain characteristics. First of all, this is the special nature of the relationship, focusing more on friendship and fellowship in peer groups than on family. The need to communicate with peers, as we know, arises very early. Adolescence is characterized by both a desire for isolation, primarily from elders (teachers, parents), and a desire to belong to some community of peers. So-called informal youth groups are emerging (the word “informal” in this case is used to emphasize the fundamental difference with officially registered public youth organizations).

Everyone’s need for communication is transformed into their own special motives that encourage them to join one or another group, one or another youth trend. Someone, as you know, hopes to find here understanding and emotional support, which is deprived of adult society. Another feels that group membership increases his strength and makes him more secure in a ruthless world of intense competition and rivalry. There are also those who crave the feeling of power over others.

Many youth groups are characterized by a contradictory combination of uniformity and dissimilarity, specialness. Uniformity (in style of behavior, musical preferences, fashion paraphernalia) is maintained within the group. At the same time, the community itself strives (primarily externally) to stand out in the general flow of youth movements.

Some informal youth associations not only isolate themselves from society, but also, to a certain extent, oppose it, rejecting established values ​​and culture (in this case we can talk about youth counterculture). Such demonstrative rejection of social principles, morality, and the lifestyle of the majority was especially clearly manifested in youth movements in Western countries in the 60s. Some protests by students and young workers even took place under political slogans (new left). Subsequently, protest began to be expressed not so much in direct opposition to society, but in attempts to “escape” it, creating new forms of human community (hippie colonies).

In our country, the time when informal youth associations appeared was the 80s. The most influential direction was the rock movement, united, in addition to passion for a certain musical style, by common ideological principles: anti-bureaucracy, pacifism, anti-totalitarianism. In 1987, the first fe-

Popular rock bands performed at large concert venues.

Today in our country there are many groups and trends in youth culture. The activities of most of them cover the sphere of leisure (music, sports and technical hobbies, etc.). There are associations imbued with public interests, for example the environmental movement. Today, political parties are striving to strengthen their influence on young people. Parties of different orientations have their own youth divisions.

There are youth groups that challenge public opinion. Most often this is expressed in the features of clothing and fashionable additions to it. Sometimes, however, direct antisocial actions (hooliganism, fights) are committed, for example by groups of football or hockey fans. In this case, society is faced with negative, deviant behavior. One of the radical groups expressing antisocial nationalist, sometimes pro-fascist views are the so-called skinheads. This trend originated in the late 60s. last century in England. The main external sign is a shaved head. The peculiarity of behavior is open aggression. Decades later, skinhead groups appeared in a number of countries, including ours. Their actions go from being shocking (disturbing public opinion) to often becoming criminal (violating criminal law).

The extreme and most dangerous manifestation of deviant behavior - crime, unfortunately, occurs among young people. (Remember: what are the causes of crime? What are the main directions in the fight against it?) You know that youth criminal groups are distinguished by a strict hierarchy and subordination, a strict distribution of functions, and mutual responsibility. They are closed and closed.

The media play a major role in the emergence and spread of youth culture. Not only teenagers, but also young people have a tendency to follow the models of what they see on television and in the movies. Let's illustrate this with examples. In the early 90s. The film “The Program” was shown in the USA. In one of his episodes, a university student, in a show of courage, lay on the median of a busy highway while heavy trucks whizzed past him. Within two weeks of the film's showing, two young men in different states attempted the same trick. The consequences were tragic: both were crushed to death by drivers who did not notice them. Demonstration on our television

The series “Brigade” also caused a wave of imitators: young people in various regions of the country began to unite into their own “brigades” that were clearly criminally oriented.

To summarize, let us highlight the main features of youth culture: it is a challenge to the values ​​of adults and experiments with one’s own way of life; unique tastes, especially in clothing and music; it is a culture of leisure rather than work.

AI Basic concepts: youth as a social group.

IIT terms: teenagers, infantilism, subculture, counterculture.

1) Why did youth begin to be considered as an independent social group only with the transition to an industrial society? 2) What are the main psychological characteristics of adolescence? 3) What rights and responsibilities does a citizen of our state acquire upon reaching adulthood? 4) How do social roles and status of a person change in young years? 5) Give examples showing the possibilities of individual choice of a young person in various areas of life. 6) What indicates the preservation of the prestige of education in our society? 7) What factors of the current socio-economic situation in our country contribute and which hinder the employment of young people? 8) What workplace benefits are provided for minors? 9) What is characteristic of informal youth associations? 10) Describe the main features of modern youth subculture.

I think, judge, do

1. Some representatives of the older generation believe
They know that a significant part of today’s youth are not living
Vet, but lives, does not work, but works part-time, does not work
Xia, but pretends.

How do you feel about this point of view? Explain your position.

2. Tatyana is 18 years old. Two years ago she left home.
The main reason is the rejection of the parents’ lifestyle, which
who, in her words, “only work, and in their free time
“hanging out” in front of the TV.” Comment on this situation

3. Share of youth among the unemployed in large cities
below the national average. At the same time, the department
in regions, young unemployed make up half
all those who have lost their jobs. How can these facts be explained?

4. “A person who is not married and does not own a
profession, continues to remain a child in the widest
sense of the word,” writes the sociologist. Do you agree with this
conclusion? Why?

5. Compare two definitions of the concept “youth”, with
published in modern scientific publications:

“Youth is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, acquiring educational, professional, cultural and other social functions.”

“Youth is a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics and characteristics of social status.”

Do these definitions contradict each other or complement one another? Explain your conclusion.

6. According to sociologists, at the beginning of the 19th century. average cart
The child's height at the time of his father's death was approximately 20
years. Young people automatically took jobs
their fathers. In the second half of the 20th century. in twenty-year-olds
Not only were both parents alive and working,
but often both grandfathers. At the same time, scientific and technical pro
progress led to a reduction in the number of jobs.

Does this situation, in your opinion, have an impact on the position of young people in the labor market? What are: a) competitive advantages; b) disadvantages of young people in comparison with older generations in the labor market?

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the book by the German philosopher and sociologist K. Mannheim (1893-1947) “The Diagnosis of Our Time,” written in 1943, and answer the questions posed.