Mikhail Malyshev is a cannibal. Killing an animal is ALREADY a diagnosis

Few people imagined that in the house on Marshal Rybalko Street, in apartment 128, a tragedy would unfold, which seasoned policemen still talk about with a shudder.

“A terrible apartment,” recalls Alexey Filippov, senior detective at the Kirov Department of Internal Affairs in Perm. “It all started when the dismembered corpse of a man was discovered in one of the garage cooperatives. The body was dug up by stray dogs. A preliminary examination was carried out at the scene of the incident. Her results were shocking.

From the special medical report:

"Fragments of tissue were identified on the remains, which were cut off with a sharp object, presumably a knife. Part of the right thigh and leg were cut off. No missing tissue was found."

In forensic science, it happens that individual body parts cannot always be found. In such cases, one can assume anything, including cannibalism. It became clear that the butcher had worked thoroughly on the body. The operatives began to search for the suspect, but they could not quickly find the trace of the cannibal.

Misha is a glutton

According to the memories of neighbors, Misha grew up as an ordinary boy, perhaps a little more vulnerable than other children. Mother and father often came drunk and started scandals. He was terribly worried, and when he was angry with someone, he took out his anger on his pets.

One day in the yard he cut off the tail of a neighbor's cat. When the residents came to the parents to sort things out, the flayer’s mother told them from the doorway: “Well, just think! The bear is angry with his father. So he decided to take it out on this creature.” His mother always stood up for him, dealing harshly with offenders. He finished eight grades with unsatisfactory behavior. In three years, Mikhail changed three schools. I didn't go to work. Yes, they didn’t take him anywhere.

Over time, his behavior did not change. Since 1990, he was registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate for violent acts against animals. He admitted to the district police officer that he consumed animal meat for food. But the law enforcement officer did not attach any importance to this, considering the flayer’s stories to be boyish fantasies. But in vain.

Misha's favorite places of leisure were attics and basements. He dreamed of working at a meat processing plant, where he believed he could eat his fill. His family did not spoil him with delicacies, although there was alcohol in abundance.

Malyshev’s independent life went awry. He did odd jobs. He had frequent guests: men with traces of an eternal hangover and ladies battered by life. The apartment turned into a den, where one drinking session followed another. And then one day a thought occurred to him: why buy food when the food itself comes to your home for free?

Hatchet work

Six months after the mysterious murder of a man, investigators discovered the dismembered corpse of a woman in the Kama River. When the disfigured fragments fished out of the river by the police began to be examined by experts, trying to restore the whole, to everyone’s amazement, extra parts were revealed that belonged to the previously killed man. The version about a mentally abnormal person who eats human flesh was confirmed.

Based on their sources, investigators received information about an apartment on Rybalko Street. The case was set in motion, and soon the detectives came close to the suspect. It was decided to search Malyshev’s apartment.

Residents of the house, says detective Alexey Filippov, heard heartbreaking screams more than once. However, no one called the police. The owner did not open the metal door. I had to hack it. What they saw shocked everyone.

In the kitchen there were a large number of cutting boards, an ax, knives... There was a pan with the remains of soup on the stove. The freezer was filled with human meat, chopped into small pieces. The sight was terrible. The policemen, who had seen dozens of corpses in their lifetime, swallowed validol by the handful.

The ogre kept a diary

The first to be interrogated was Malyshev’s partner, Inna Podsertseva. A mask of horror seemed to be frozen on her face.

From the testimony:

He cut off my ear and ordered me not to leave the house. He said: “If you don’t listen to me, you’ll end up in the refrigerator.” He forced me to spin the meat, turning the fillet into mince. I thought with horror that the same fate awaited me. I was afraid to run.

During interrogation, Malyshev behaved calmly.

How did the murder happen?

Just. They drank, quarreled... I hit him with an axe. I calmed down when the blood washed my hands. Then I did everything in the bathroom.

What did they do with the dead?

I used the soft parts for frying cutlets. The rest was thrown away.

The maniac kept a notebook where he meticulously wrote down the recipes of his culinary art. A note was made in the margins, underlined in red pencil: “There is a king in the world, this king is merciless, hunger is his name.”

Malyshev was in solitary confinement before the trial. I stared at one point all day long. The cannibal did not ask for anything and was not interested in anything, remaining completely indifferent.

At the trial, curses were thrown at the maniac, but he seemed not to notice anything.

The court sentenced Malyshev to capital punishment. Presumably he will receive a life sentence. Many people wondered: is Malyshev mentally healthy? The court found the cannibal fully sane. Yes, this is understandable. Law enforcement agencies cannot give a 100% guarantee that the cannibal will not be released after the psychiatric hospital. And who wants to be a maniac's dinner?

Domestic serial killers of different years (late 20th - early 21st centuries).

Part 2.

Sergey Osipenko.

Sergey Osipenko is a dangerous serial killer who operated in the Voronezh region from August 2005 to February 2006.

In the first half of the 90s. Osipenko was an employee of the internal affairs department of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from where he resigned in 1999 due to the impossibility of making a career (due to the nationalist policy pursued by the Kazakh authorities, Kazakhs enjoyed the right of preferential career advancement). In the same year, Osipenko and his wife left for permanent residence in Russia, settling in the city of Rossosh, Voronezh region. There the couple had a daughter.
All murders committed by Osipenko involved rape of victims and robbery of apartments. The first of them took place in Voronezh, at a distance of more than 200 km. from the offender's place of residence. Osipenko deliberately moved away from home, thereby violating one of the axioms of the behavioral analysis of the criminal personality, according to which serial criminals initially operate close to their place of residence and only expand their “area” over time. The victim of Osipenko’s first established crime was a mature woman; in all subsequent episodes, schoolgirls (13, 15 and 16 years old) died at the hands of the killer.
In January 2006, Osipenko carried out two attacks in Rossoshi, causing real panic in the city. The killer, well aware of the details of forensic work, managed not to leave any incriminating traces, but in both cases there were witnesses who saw him near the crime scenes. This made it possible to draw up fairly complete and accurate verbal and compositional portraits of the alleged criminal in the shortest possible time.

After two murders of schoolgirls in Rossoshi, law enforcement agencies managed to get a fairly accurate idea of ​​what the unknown maniac looks like.

An absolute success of the investigation was the identification of the descriptions received by the residents of Rossosh (whatever one may say, the city is relatively small, and therefore almost the entire adult population became familiar with the description of the killer and his portrait). Sergei Osipenko, without waiting for his identification, went to Voronezh, where on January 26, 2006 he committed the last known crime. After this, the killer went to Kazakhstan, to the very places from where he had left for Russia several years ago. He remained there until his arrest by Kazakh law enforcement agencies and subsequent extradition to Russia at the end of March 2006.

Just a few days after his expulsion from Kazakhstan, Sergei Osipenko began to confess.

In the first days after his arrest, he tried to lock himself out, then, pinned down by numerous identifications and the discovery of jewelry from robbed apartments in his belongings, he cooperated with the investigation.
Sergei Osipenko is a prominent representative of the type of organized non-social serial killer who acted according to a well-thought-out scheme. He chose his victim on the street, carried out covert surveillance of her right up to the entrance to the entrance, after which he overtook her and climbed higher up the stairs. After waiting for the victim to open the front door with his key, Osipenko quickly ran downstairs and burst into the apartment, where he threatened the girls with a knife and handcuffed them. By intimidating victims and cutting their limbs, he ensured that he was told where jewelry and money were kept. After that, he raped and killed his victims. Despite the presence of a knife, the murders were carried out by blows to the head with a piece of gas pipe. He always wore gloves and did not leave a single fingerprint at crime scenes.
Of course, the exposure of such a cautious and detail-oriented criminal was a major success for the law enforcement agencies of the Voronezh region. But it should be noted that if not for the mistake of the killer himself, who arrogantly decided to commit crimes in the immediate vicinity of his place of residence in the city of Rossosh, his search could have dragged on for a very long time.
Osipenko was tried by a jury and sentenced to life in prison.

From left to right: human thighs with cut off soft parts in a bucket on the balcony of Nikolaev; a baking sheet from the oven on which the cannibal baked human flesh; bathroom, which was used by the killer as a cutting table. In some places, the enamel was worn away and blood was deeply embedded in the bathtub coating.

Nikolaev was completely exposed by the fragments of a human body found in his apartment and therefore did not particularly lock himself away. At the end of the investigation, he asked what would happen to the flesh that was seized at his place of residence. Having learned that it would be handed over to the relatives of the murdered man for burial, the cannibal innocently asked to give this flesh to him so that he could finish it. He motivated his incredible request with the innocence of a savage: “Why bury food?”
In July 1997, Vladimir Nikolaev was sentenced to an exceptional punishment - execution. Although there was already a moratorium on the death penalty in Russia and the Supreme Court recommended that judges refrain from imposing such sentences, the blatant savagery of Nikolaev’s crimes predetermined the death sentence. The cannibal spent almost 2 years on death row, and in 1999 the “capital punishment” was replaced with “life imprisonment.” Nikolaev perceived this change in his fate with jubilation. In one of the television interviews of that time, he spoke with radiant optimism that after “25 years of imprisonment” he would write a petition for pardon. “Why don’t I serve twenty-five years?!” the cannibal asked, smiling at the camera.
After his transfer to the Sol-Iletsk “Black Dolphin”, Nikolaev’s mood noticeably dropped. In a 2006 interview, he argued rather gloomily that those sentenced to life in prison should have the right to choose the death penalty.
Currently, Nikolaev continues his indefinite stay in one of the strictest prisons in Russia. He turned 50 in 2009; due to his conflict nature, he is kept in solitary confinement cell No. 174 (although this is against the rules and representatives of the Council of Europe consider such detention to be inhumane, for Nikolaev the leadership of the colony made an exception)...

Mikhail Malyshev.

Mikhail Malyshev is another cannibal killer, a criminal, in many ways similar to Vladimir Nikolaev described above. It is officially believed that in 2001 he killed, dismembered and partially ate 2 people (a man and a woman). It is quite possible that in reality there were more victims, since along with the remains of the second victim, caught in the Kama River, fragments of a human body that did not belong to her were found.

In the photo on the left: 2001, Malyshev in the police station immediately after his arrest. The photo on the right: he is in a maximum security colony after 4 years. After forced psychiatric treatment, the criminal stopped smoking and drinking and gained almost 30 kg. weight, began to stutter severely.

Malyshev lived in the Kirovsky district of Perm, on the street. Marshal Rybalko, the source of his income was the slaughter of wild dogs “for hats”. Mikhail can rightfully be classified as a pronounced psychopath, whose antisocial behavior was intensified by chronic alcoholism and periodically worsening delirium tremens. Malyshev suffered from persecution mania and therefore tried to turn his house into a fortress in the real meaning of the word (he even hung homemade steel blinds on the windows). Perhaps the first murder, the victim of which was Malyshev’s drinking companion, was dictated precisely by delirium of persecution. It must be said that even before this, Malyshev had already demonstrated self-mutilating tendencies: he bit off the ear of one of his drinking buddies, cut off the tip of his partner’s nose and part of her ear, etc. At a certain stage of the search, these cases became known to law enforcement agencies and helped identify the identity of the unknown cannibal (it is strange that such incidents themselves did not become the subject of criminal prosecution; apparently, in Perm, biting off ears and cutting off the tips of noses is not considered harmful to health).
Malyshev committed both murders imputed to him in front of his partner (the investigation considered her a hostage of the cannibal and did not bring charges against the woman). The criminal, without further ado, threw out the dismembered remains of the first victim on the territory of a garage cooperative near the house. It is noteworthy that next to the fragments of the human body, the killer also threw the mangled carcass of a skinned dog. In principle, even then, criminal investigation officers could connect the murder and dismemberment of a person with the “dog hunter” Malyshev, a well-known drunk and rowdy in the area. This, however, did not happen and the killer remained free. The nightly commotion caused by the discovery of human body parts in a garage cooperative made a certain impression on Malyshev and clearly frightened him. For five months he refrained from attacking people (at least according to the official version of events), until he finally committed his second murder. This time he threw the remains of the deceased into the Kama; After their discovery, it became clear that a cannibal killer was operating in Perm.

Photo on the left: examination of a dismembered male body found in January 2001 on the territory of a garage cooperative in the Kirovsky district of Perm. Photo on the right: in Malyshev’s apartment, gutted dog carcasses, skins, and parts of skeletons were found in abundance. The criminal did not disdain to snack on vodka with dog meat, as well as human...

Malyshev quite soon attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies both due to his “knacker” trade and due to the savagery of his own unbridled antics towards others. As soon as the police appeared in his apartment for a conversation, Malyshev’s partner hastened to make a statement about the murders known to her.
In 2002, Malyshev was sentenced to 25 years in a maximum security colony. He underwent compulsory psychiatric treatment (as a result he began to stutter).

05/14/2015 at 13:20

This story was not copied from the script for a Hollywood film, although many journalists, when the details of what happened were leaked to the press, sought to compare it with the famous film “The Silence of the Lambs.” The drama, which once shocked fans of the film talent Anthony Hopkins, took place a year ago very close to us, in the suburbs of Volgograd, and the main character in it was not an aging maniac, but a very young guy named Dmitry Malyshev. Yesterday, the court handed down a harsh sentence to him - 25 years in prison, the first 10 of which will be in a maximum security colony. The story of the Volgograd cannibal is monstrous in its reality.

Got a taste for it

By this day, the investigation had reconstructed almost to detail the picture of the drama that took place on a cold February evening in 2014. Dmitry Malyshev, a resident of the village of Rakhinka, Sredneakhtubinsky district, was drinking with his friend - a man almost twice his age. At first the men “fraternized,” then, as often happens when the dose of alcohol exceeds reasonable limits, they began to quarrel. What was the reason - Malyshev no longer remembers, but he considered the insult inflicted by his friend mortal and decided to wash it away with blood. The comrade, leaving home, did not yet know that his drinking companion had sentenced him. Returning to the house, where there were still glasses of vodka, Malyshev grabbed a metal crowbar and ran to catch up with his friend. He dealt him only two blows, both to the head - the unfortunate man fell, bleeding profusely. He was already dead, but for the heated Dmitry Malyshev, who smelled blood, this was not enough. He already knew what blood was, he felt this strange feeling of excitement when killing - now he wanted to taste blood.

Reveling in his own greatness, Dmitry Malyshev cut out the heart from the body of the 42-year-old victim, brought it home and fried it in a frying pan. By that time, as experts would later establish, he had mastered himself so much that he even filmed the process of preparing dinner from human flesh on a mobile phone camera. In the terrible footage, which will forever remain only in the investigation materials, you can clearly see how a young guy stirs an unappetizing brew in a frying pan, commenting: “Now we will cut the onions, and now – the carrots...”

The killer was detained almost immediately as soon as the dismembered body of his drinking companion was discovered. It was not difficult for experienced investigators to find him - the bloody trail literally led them to the house of Dmitry Malyshev. He did not deny his guilt: in his kitchen, detectives found the remains of a terrible dinner - the service dogs that were in the house at that moment began barking wildly, sensing the smell of a eaten person...

Bloody winter

It took a lot of work for the police and investigators to save the murder suspect until trial - residents of the village of Rakhinka almost lynched Dmitry Malyshev. Realizing that he has nothing to lose, Malyshev suddenly makes another confession during interrogation - he talks about the events of the end of the year 2013, about the case that the detectives have already recorded as a “grouse grouse”. This is how investigators became aware of the atrocities of Dmitry Malyshev’s friends – 27-year-old Vladimir Bryzgunov and 23-year-old Vladimir Morozov, who would later be popularly called “man hunters.”

– In December 2013, Bryzgunov, while relaxing in a bathhouse with Malyshev and Morozov, suggested that they “earn” their living by attacking citizens and organizations. The first victims of the newly minted criminals were to be police officers, after shooting whom the attackers planned to take possession of their weapons and ammunition for subsequent attacks. Bryzgunov, Malyshev and Morozov ambushed law enforcement officers the next day on a highway in the Sredneakhtubinsky district of the Volgograd region, but their plan did not work, since the patrol car passed a little earlier than the bandits expected. Then they decided to attack any other car that would pass by them. Having blocked the route with branches, the bandits began to wait. The random victims were two businessman friends from the Sakharny farm, who were returning home together on that day and at that time. The scoundrels shot the driver and his passenger with a machine gun, which Bryzgunov had acquired in advance, but they again failed to take possession of the car - the car with the already killed men slid into a ditch, receiving serious mechanical damage, says Natalia Kunitskaya, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Region.

The “Black Winter” for the residents of Rakhinka ended when all three ended up in the dock. On May 13, 2015, the court sentenced Dmitry Malyshev to 25 years in a maximum security colony, the first 10 years of which he will spend in prison. Vladimir Bryzgunov will have to spend 12 years in prison; the third accomplice, Vladimir Morozov, was sentenced to 7 years as a “stricker.”

Text by Ekaterina Efitsenko

1. The vast majority of maniacs abused animals before killing people. Experts unanimously say this, and the discrepancies relate only to individual percentages. Thus, according to the Serbsky Institute, more than 85% of maniacs started out as flayers, and the head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance, Mikhail Vinogradov, generally believes that 95% of serial killers have such a past.

The words of psychiatrists are clearly confirmed by the facts of the biography of the most cruel maniacs. Chikatilo mocked dogs and cats. The famous maniac Anatoly Slivko, before killing people, started raising rabbits, so that he could then kill and butcher them. Serial killer Vasily Kulik loved to hang cats. The cannibal Mikhail Malyshev first killed and ate domestic animals. And only then did he move on to people.

“I believe that killing an animal is already a diagnosis,” says psychologist Vinogradov. A normal person would never do this consciously.” According to him, four-legged killers are given one of three diagnoses: organic brain damage, a severe form of psychopathy or schizophrenia. There is no fourth option.

2. Dnepropetrovsk maniacs:

Viktor Saenko and Igor Suprunyuk (both born in 1988), known as the "Dnepropetrovsk maniacs", are serial killers responsible for a string of crimes in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, in June and July 2007.

The killers made videos of some of the murders, and one of the videos ended up on the Internet(the brutal murder of a Chisinau resident, half-mute 48-year-old Sergei Yatsenko, whose face the killers smash with a hammer wrapped in a plastic bag.). Before this, maniacs killed animals and filmed them.

Most of the victims were killed using improvised objects, including hammers and rebar. The blows were often aimed at the victims' faces, smashing them beyond recognition. Many victims were mutilated and tortured, and some had their eyes gouged out while they were still alive. One of the victims was a pregnant woman whose fetus was cut from her womb.

The charges were “murder” (there were 21 of them), and also “attempted murder”, “robbery”, “possession of firearms” and also “cruelty to animals” ( killers trained on cats and dogs). A third accomplice, Alexander Ganzhe (born February 16, 1988), was charged with two armed robberies that occurred before the murders.

On February 11, 2009, Suprunyuk and Sayenko were found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Immediately after the arrest, a forensic psychiatric examination was carried out, which found the guys sane and aware of the commission of all crimes.

The torture and murder of cats and dogs continued for a year and a half, which the future killers carefully filmed, later explaining with a desire to strengthen their will in the intention of becoming hired killers. From torturing animals, at a certain stage, criminals switched to attacks on people. The killers preferred to attack weaker people - women, children, pensioners, the disabled or drunk. All the murders of criminals followed the same scenario - the attack was carried out unexpectedly, without any reason, during which the victim’s head was smashed with a hammer or other heavy and sharp object - most often with rebar.

The youngest victim was 13 years old, the oldest was 70. Sometimes several people of different ages and genders were killed within a day.

On April 5, 2011, 18-year-old Artyom Anufriev and Nikita Lytkin were arrested on suspicion of 16 crimes - 6 murders and 10 attempts. During the investigation, it turned out that Artyom and Nikita imitated many serial killers, including the “Dnepropetrovsk maniacs.” At the moment, Anufriev and Lytkin are in custody.

In the Sverdlovsk region, the police caught another flayer, whom local residents nicknamed “the bestial Chikatilo.” Experts are seriously concerned about the increase in cases of abuse and killing of animals, which will inevitably lead to the emergence of new maniacs.

On Monday, a serial killer of animals was detained in the village of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region. For several years, 28-year-old Dmitry Gorkevich abused dogs and cats, writes the newspaper Novye Izvestia.

A young man was taken to the police for killing a six-month-old puppy, but it is obvious that he is responsible for the deaths of more than a dozen animals. Animal rights activists note that the number of knackers who kill dogs and cats with unmotivated cruelty has increased in recent years. This is a very alarming indicator for the country, since almost all serial killers began their “career” by mocking animals, the publication writes.

Dmitry Gorkevich was nicknamed “the bestial Chikatilo.” According to local residents, the man systematically abused dogs and cats and then killed them. First in the forest, and then in front of the whole house.

Dmitry's neighbors contacted the police because they saw a young man burying the body of a six-month-old puppy he had killed. So far, Gorkevich has been sentenced to 15 days for hooliganism, but he faces Article 245 on cruelty to animals.

What happened in Verkhnyaya Pyshma is not the first case of outright sadism towards animals. The expert is concerned that the number of “animal maniacs” is increasing. And some of them feel impunity.

Flayers are everywhere

The most famous knacker in Moscow is 17-year-old girl Violetta. According to neighbors, she systematically steals small dogs and sets her Rottweiler on them. Animal rights activists say that the girl finishes off those who were not killed by the fighting dogs: she pulls out the puppies’ nails, even gutting them. However, it has not yet been possible to prove all this.

Last year, Violetta was tried on suspicion of kidnapping and brutally killing Masya’s dog, but the case never ended. Before this, animal rights activists tried to find justice for Nina Glushkova, who, according to them, picked up stray animals and then threw them from the seventh floor balcony.

Almost every Russian region has its own “animal Chikatilo”. At the end of November, Ivan Kuryakin, a resident of the village of Generalshino, was convicted in the Kursk region. He was sentenced to nine months of correctional labor for the sadistic murder of seven dogs.

“On April 15, 2007, he hanged his dog, which began to show aggressiveness towards him,” said a representative of the court. “The man drowned the killed dog and its five puppies in a stream.”

A month later, a fellow villager offered him to kill a dog that her children had tamed for a piece of bacon. The flayer not only hanged the unfortunate animal, but also kicked it.

Not long ago, all of Barnaul was discussing the trial of 40-year-old Yuri Nikitin, who caught stray dogs, killed them with a knife and sold them under the guise of beef or pork. Then the flayer received a 2-year suspended sentence.

And these are just the most high-profile cases that came to the attention of the police. In most cases, such cases do not reach court, the publication notes.

Expert Warnings

Cruelty to animals is not even considered a crime by most Russians, despite the article of the same name in the Criminal Code. However, the maximum penalty for such crimes can be up to two years in prison.

However, in reality, this measure of punishment is not applied. “In practice, if the case comes to court, the sentence is limited to a suspended sentence for a maximum of a year or a fine,” says lawyer Ekaterina Polyakova. “But the consequences of lenient court sentences can be the saddest.”

So, several years ago, Polyakova handled a case where the defendant was a man who had beaten a dog to death in the city of Reutov. A week after the trial, a man attacked a man and injured him with a ski pole. Only after this he was sentenced to a year in prison.

The vast majority of maniacs abused animals before killing people. Experts unanimously say this, and the discrepancies relate only to individual percentages. Thus, according to the Serbsky Institute, more than 85% of maniacs started out as flayers, and the head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance, Mikhail Vinogradov, generally believes that
95% of serial killers have some past.

The words of psychiatrists are clearly confirmed by the facts of the biography of the most cruel maniacs. Chikatilo mocked dogs and cats. The famous maniac Anatoly Slivko, before killing people, started raising rabbits, so that he could then kill and butcher them. Serial killer Vasily Kulik loved to hang cats. The cannibal Mikhail Malyshev first killed and ate domestic animals. And only then did he move on to people.

“I believe that killing an animal is already a diagnosis,” says psychologist Vinogradov. A normal person would never do this consciously.” According to him, four-legged killers are given one of three diagnoses: organic brain damage, a severe form of psychopathy or schizophrenia. There is no fourth option.

The psychologist believes that such people need to be treated forcibly. And even after leaving a specialized hospital, they must be monitored by a psychiatrist for the rest of their lives. “But for this we need to make appropriate changes to the legislation,” complains Vinogradov. “It is too soft not only in the field of cruelty to animals, but also in the field of psychiatry.”

But in Russia they still continue to fight the investigation, without trying to eradicate the causes. “Abroad, every case of cruelty to animals becomes the object of consideration by a special commission,” explains the president of the Vita Animal Rights Center, Irina Novozhilova. “Even for the squeaking of an animal at night, the owner will be given a huge fine. People there know how to value the lives of our little brothers.”

For example, recently in France, passers-by saw that the owner had locked a dog inside the car. In 30-degree heat, the animal suffered in stuffy conditions. For this, the owner went to prison for two years, and also paid a huge fine.