Clay face masks for acne. Which clay is best for acne on the face - recipes and tips

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The healing properties of clay have been known for a long time. And wanting to correct the shortcomings of our appearance with the help of this product, we are faced with the problem of choice. Modern cosmetology offers us several options for acne clays: green, blue, red, white, pink, black and yellow. And the essence of the situation is that these are not the same clay to which dyes have been added - these are completely different products in their qualities.

What is clay?

Clay is a product of chemical destruction of rocks. The medicinal properties of this product are determined by the ratio of minerals and plant substances present in its composition. Clay is used for acne, blackheads, skin rejuvenation, moisturizing, and relieving itching, redness and inflammatory processes.

Types of cosmetic clay and methods of its use

On the shelves of modern cosmetics stores and pharmacies you can find the following types of clay:

  • Green;
  • Red;
  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Black;
  • Yellow.

Each of the above types has a certain set of beneficial properties that help get rid of problem skin, making it clean and beautiful. Let's take a closer look at which acne clay is more effective.

White clay

This product contains silicon, titanium, iron, aluminum and kaolinite. How does it help the skin?

  • Takes away decay products;
  • Cleanses pores;
  • Saturates the skin with minerals;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Kills germs.

There are a large number of masks and compresses, some of the most effective are:

  1. Add 40-50 grams of white clay to a decoction of 40 ml of chamomile flowers and 100 ml of water. After the formation of a homogeneous consistency, apply to the face for 10-15 minutes and remove with wipes moistened with water;
  2. To 40 ml of milk you need to add 30 grams of white clay, 5 ml of lemon juice and a little essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 8-15 minutes. Repeat every 2 days.

Pink clay

This product is obtained by mixing white and red clay, and thanks to all the properties obtained, it is often used by people with sensitive and allergenic skin.

Useful properties:

  • Gently removes dead cells;
  • Fills the skin with oxygen;
  • Cleans cells from impurities;
  • Does not dry out the skin;
  • Pulls out toxins and cell waste products.

Pink clay also helps with skin irritations and relieves allergic reactions. Here are some effective options for using it:

  1. You need to dilute 1 tablespoon of pink clay in 60 ml of chamomile decoction, and then add a little jojoba oil and essential oil (preferably chamomile). Apply the resulting mass to the face until completely dry;
  2. Mix pink clay and calendula decoction in equal proportions, and then add a few drops of essential oil. Apply evenly to face and rinse, leaving on for 20 minutes.

Blue clay

This product, which contains a lot of copper, chromium and salt, has a clear antibacterial effect. Reviews about it are only the best.

The impact it has:

  • Cleanses pores;
  • Relieves inflammation and disinfects;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Starts the process of skin cell renewal.

Blue clay copes better than others with the later stages of acne and acne. And thanks to its whitening effect, it makes acne scars invisible.

According to reviews from women, the following masks are the most effective:

  1. To a liquid of 2 tablespoons of water and the same amount of cucumber juice, add 2 tablespoons of blue clay powder and 2 drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and rinse after drying;
  2. Beaten egg yolk should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. Add 2 tablespoons of blue clay and a little water to the resulting mass. Apply a thick layer and rinse off after drying completely.

Green clay

This product contains silver, aluminum, iron oxide, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus and calcium.

Useful properties:

  • Cleanses the skin;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Tightens enlarged pores;
  • Eliminates oily shine;
  • Restores the hydrobalance of the skin;
  • The blood circulation process becomes better.

It is better not to use this product for dry and sensitive skin. And for oily, normal and combination, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of clay, 1 egg white, 5 ml of olive oil and 1 kiwi pulp. Leave on face for 10 minutes, then rinse with water;
  2. To a mixture of 2 tablespoons of water and the same amount of cucumber juice, add 2 tablespoons of green clay and a little lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Black clay

Reviews about this product are very contradictory, since it has not yet been established which skin type it is exactly suitable for.

How does she help?

  • Cleanses well and tightens pores;
  • Starts the process of cell renewal;
  • Rejuvenates and nourishes the skin.

Effective black clay masks:

  1. To 40 ml of string decoction you need to add 2 tablespoons of black clay and 5 ml of lemon juice. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Use every 7 days;
  2. In 40 ml of milk you need to add 40-50 grams of black clay and mix with 1 beaten yolk. Apply the mask to problem areas and after 10 minutes, remove from the face using napkins or rinse with water.

Yellow clay

This product contains potassium and iron, making it suitable for aging skin prone to pimples and acne.

Useful properties:

  • Acts as a peeling agent;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Cleanses the skin;
  • Removes toxins;
  • Makes the complexion much better.

Directions for use:

In a glass container you need to mix soda and clay in proportions 1: 2. Then take tar soap, lather it on a washcloth and squeeze a little foam into this container. Mix everything with a wooden stick. Finally, add a little ylang-ylang oil, stir again, cover and store in a cool place. Every morning you need to take a small amount of this mixture, spread it over your face with massaging movements for 2-3 minutes and then rinse off.

Red clay

Directions for use:

Mix half of 1 tablespoon of this product with enough heavy cream to obtain a mushy consistency. Apply to the face and after 10 minutes, remove with tissues moistened with water or wash.

What should you pay attention to?

All of the above masks will give a more positive effect if you follow several rules:

  • Before preparing masks, the clay must be sifted;
  • The skin must be cleaned before application;
  • It is not recommended to keep the mask on your face for more than a quarter of an hour;
  • During the procedure, it is prohibited to move your face;
  • You need to wash off the mask either with plain water without soap, or with napkins moistened with water;
  • For dry skin, you need to add a little sunflower or olive oil to all the ingredients of the mask, and after using it, apply a little cream to your face;
  • To determine which clay is right for you, you need to experiment. Mix a little clay with water and spread the resulting mixture onto a small area of ​​skin for 5 minutes. If there is no redness or discomfort, continue to use it.

Using clay masks for acne is an easy and reliable way to get rid of this problem forever. Regular use, the right ingredients and compliance with all important nuances will help you forget about problem skin like a bad dream.

Since ancient times, humanity has known about the benefits of clay and used it not only for domestic purposes, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Nowadays, clay is also actively used in the fight against skin diseases and to preserve the beauty, youth and elasticity of the skin. This article will help you figure out how, among the abundance of different types of clay and many recipes for masks, to choose the most suitable ones to combat acne and their marks.

White clay (kaolin)

If you are worried about acne and have oily, combination, or dry and sensitive skin, white clay is perfect for you. Kaolin contains many minerals: silicon oxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide and titanium oxide, which determine its following properties:

  • Adsorbs - capable of drawing toxic substances from the skin;
  • Cleanses pores and removes excess oil;
  • Relieves inflammation (redness);
  • Dries out acne;
  • Stimulates blood circulation;
  • Promotes skin regeneration, thereby speeding up the healing of acne marks.

White clay masks against acne

Prepare a decoction of chamomile or calendula(1 tablespoon of herb per 1 glass of water), dilute the clay (white clay powder you can find in any pharmacy) with herbal decoction to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 10 drops of salicylic acid. After 10-15 minutes, the mask can be washed off with the remaining herbal decoction.

Dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice with boiled or mineral water 1:1, dilute with clay to a pasty consistency. You can also use apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

Mix natural yogurt, kefir or sour milk with clay 1:1.

White clay spot mask for acne: Dilute boric alcohol with clay and apply to acne areas at night.

To combat acne marks, you can add a few drops of rosemary oil to the diluted clay.

Attention! All masks and lotions must be applied to clean skin, without makeup, in a layer of 2-3 mm. for 10-15 minutes. It is better to wash off masks with warm boiled or settled water.

If you are worried about acne on your back, chest and other parts of the body, the situation will be improved by using clay baths: dilute 300 grams in one hundred liters of hot water. white and 1 kg. sea ​​salt. Take a bath for 30 minutes, can be used once a week for 2-3 months. This bath perfectly dries out acne, regenerates the skin and helps you relax.

Blue clay

Blue clay also perfectly helps in the fight against acne and blackheads, since this particular clay has unique properties:

  • Bactericidal effect (kills bacteria that cause acne);
  • Relieves inflammation and redness;
  • Promotes healing of acne marks;
  • Accelerates metabolism in the skin;
  • Improves skin structure (evens out surface and tone).

How to use blue clay

Against acne on the face:

  • In the morning, wash thoroughly with hot boiled water and apply mashed blue clay to problem areas. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask; after the procedure, you can use a moisturizer. In the evening, repeat the procedure, but leave the mask on for 25-30 minutes, periodically wetting your face with warm water to avoid drying out and damaging the skin. Procedures should be carried out three times a week for two weeks.
  • Dilute a teaspoon of clay with a tablespoon of warm milk, add 2-3 drops of rosemary or tea tree oil.
  • Dilute the clay with mineral water, add a teaspoon of aloe juice.

Against acne on the back, chest and butt: Dilute the clay with warm boiled water to a paste-like state, place it while warm on gauze folded in several layers and apply to the problem area on the skin. Leave for an hour, rinse with warm water.

Black clay

This type of clay is the densest in consistency and has a pronounced drying effect, so it is perfect for oily problem skin. The composition of black clay includes: strontium, iron, calcium and magnesium, which contribute to its wide cosmetic effect:

  • Gets rid of blackheads;
  • Dries oily skin, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Dries out acne;
  • Improves blood circulation, restoring natural complexion.

Black clay masks for acne

Dilute a teaspoon of clay with a decoction of the herb (infuse a tablespoon of herbs for an hour with a glass of boiling water).

Mix a tablespoon of clay with egg white, add water if necessary. Can be applied to the face and chest. The mask perfectly tightens pores, preventing the formation of blackheads in the future.

Attention! Black clay masks are contraindicated for rosacea (dilation of capillary vessels on the face)

Green clay

Green clay will help in the fight against acne for those with oily skin, maintaining a mattifying effect for a long time after it. Clay is also able to penetrate deeply into pores, thoroughly cleansing them of impurities and blackheads. Properties of green clay:

  • Promotes desquamation of keratinized epithelium;
  • Removes toxins from the skin;
  • Mattifies and evens out complexion tone for a long time;
  • Tightens pores.

Green clay masks against acne

Dilute a tablespoon of clay with 2 tablespoons of mineral water, add a teaspoon of hazelnut oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

Dilute clay with water 1:1, apply to problem areas for 20 minutes.

Pink clay

Pink clay is softer in action than others, so it is best suited for those who need to get rid of acne, but dry and sensitive skin. Pink clay soothes inflamed and irritated skin.

Pink clay acne mask for sensitive skin

Mix 1 tablespoon of clay, 3 tablespoons of chamomile infusion, 1 teaspoon of avocado oil and 3 drops of chamomile essential oil, apply to face for 10 minutes.

Yellow clay

Yellow clay is no exception, and also actively fights acne and blackheads. It is more suitable for oily and combination skin. It saturates the facial skin with oxygen, tones and relieves inflammation.

Yellow clay acne mask

Dilute the clay with water to a paste-like consistency, add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

Which clay is best for acne?

Each clay has a unique set of properties and is quite effective against acne. But you need to select clay based on the type of skin you have and your goals. For oily and combination skin it is better to use: white, black, blue, green and yellow clay. For dry and sensitive skin, white and pink clay are better suited. When trying to get rid of acne, black and green clay are better options. Yellow clay will most effectively help get rid of acne marks.

Remember! Each person has individual sensitivity to clay components. Before applying clay to the face or other areas of the body, perform an allergy test: apply a small amount of diluted clay to the back of the hand, rinse off after 10-15 minutes; if there is no negative reaction, the mask can be used.

An excellent remedy for acne is blue clay. By destroying microbes, it reduces the risk of infection and inflammation on the skin. Clay is used as a mask to not only get rid of acne, but also to even out skin tone.

Rules of application

Preparing and using a blue clay mask does not require much effort:

  • Before preparing the mask, you need to carefully sift the blue clay.
  • Apply clay only to well-cleansed and steamed skin.
  • Do not apply the mask with metal objects or mix ingredients in metal containers.
  • Clay can be diluted with herbal decoctions to increase the effect of the mask.
  • Do not move your face after applying the mask.
  • Do not overexpose the clay for more than 20 minutes to prevent wrinkles from forming.
  • Since the oil content on the skin is not the same, masks may dry unevenly. To avoid varying degrees of drying, moisten quickly drying areas of the skin with water.
  • We wash off the clay only with cotton pads or wet wipes soaked in water, without using soap.
  • After the procedure, apply cream to your face.

Mask recipes

Below are several recipes for masks with various ingredients that complement the effect of blue clay. Use masks once every two days.

Simple recipes

Blue clay can be used in its pure form, diluted only with water or herbal infusions. Choose the recipe you like against pimples and acne:

  1. We dilute the clay with warm water until the mixture becomes mushy. Apply and wait for it to dry. We wash it off.
  2. Take 10 g of water and 10 g of cucumber juice. We dilute 30 g of clay with liquid. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the mask and wait until it dries. We wash it off.
  3. Mix 20 g of clay with 10 g of badyagi. Fill with water until liquid consistency. Lubricate areas of skin with acne. When the mask dries, wash off with wet wipes.
  4. Take a spoonful of clay and dilute it with a spoonful of alcohol. Add a little aloe juice and mix. Apply the mask to acne-prone skin and leave on for 15 minutes. Repeat the mask every other day until the acne disappears.
  5. Mix 20 g of clay with 5 g of apple cider vinegar. Add some warm water to the mixture. Lubricate your face with the paste and leave it until it dries.
  6. Take 20 g of blue clay and add half a teaspoon of sea salt. Stir with three teaspoons of warm water until smooth. We apply.
  7. We dilute blue clay with chamomile decoction to a paste. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Wash off the clay with warm water. We repeat the mask every other day for a month.

Multi-ingredient masks

With more ingredients, clay cleansers will increase significantly, and the skin will also be filled with vitamins and nutrients:

  1. Mix clay and salt in a 2:1 ratio. Add 10 g of glycerin and 50 g of boron solution. Apply a clay mask using a cotton pad to areas of the skin affected by acne. Use the mask no more than 2 times every 6 days, as it dries the skin very much.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of clay and 20 g of aloe juice with three drops of rosemary oil or tea tree oil. Add a little water and bring the mixture to a thick consistency. Apply to skin and leave until dry.
  3. Beat the yolk, 20 g of honey and 10 g of vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients and add 40 g of blue clay. Pour the mixture with water and stir. Apply the mask and leave until dry.

Blue clay is an excellent antiseptic and cleansing agent. By periodically using such masks, you will get rid of skin problems before inflammatory processes appear.

Cosmetology and medicine use blue clay, which is the most valuable type of clay, with great success. This product is mined at great depths (over forty meters) - these are deposits of the Cambrian historical era of the development of earthly civilization. That is why the parallel name is used - Cambrian clay. Anyone who has oily and problematic skin and frequent acne can find salvation in blue clay. What healing properties does it have and how is it used in the fight against acne?

There are many options for getting rid of acne, since there are also many different causes for their occurrence. To achieve a certain success, it is necessary to take into account both internal and external influences. With the help of internal factors, you will achieve holistic healing of the body, including increasing immunity, and at the same time reduce the likelihood of rashes. Basically, a direct effect is carried out on the skin.

The most popular and effective way to remove acne and improve skin condition is to use ordinary clay.

Healing properties of clay

Cosmetic clay, which has medicinal properties, is pre-cleaned at mining sites or special production facilities. Blue clay contains large quantities of cadmium and cobalt, and its bluish tint is due to the presence of chromium and copper salts. In addition to these elements, clay contains aluminum, calcium, silver, iron, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, which together do an excellent job of cleansing the skin and preventing it from becoming infected. This is the kind of clay that cosmetologists recommend using; it copes even with persistent acne.

Activation of blood circulation in the skin Tissue regeneration Removes oily shine from the face Facial cleansing

Using blue clay for facial skin you can:

  • cleaning and disinfection;
  • removing oily shine;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • activation of local blood circulation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • improving the process of tissue regeneration;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • toning and restorative masks;
  • lightening of pigment spots.

Thanks to the deep penetration of clay into the pores, they are perfectly cleaned. And one more positive point: blue clay is suitable for any skin, even mixed skin.

To ensure that the treatment effect is present, you can take step-by-step photographs of problem areas and compare them over time. This process will help you quickly understand whether this remedy is right for you.

Cosmetic blue clay can be used by simply diluting it with water (as an independent product), or you can make various face masks based on it. Other components of the mask will enhance the desired result.

Basic principles of use in treatment

  • Both the clay itself and the mask it comes in are never made in metal containers. Do not mix or apply cosmetics with metal objects.
  • The clay mask is applied to a face cleansed with lotion (ideally steamed) along massage lines.

The duration of the clay mask is limited to twenty minutes. The face during the procedure should be emotionally calm and even. The clay on the face should not be allowed to dry out, as this will dehydrate the skin, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

  • Women with sensitive skin may notice temporary patchy redness after using a clay mask. This effect should usually disappear within half an hour.
  • To wash off the mask, it is better to use cosmetic cellulose discs soaked in heated water. After the mask is removed, you need to moisturize it with cream.
  • The mask can be prepared not with water, but with a decoction of a medicinal plant (chamomile, calendula, celandine, mint and other herbs are suitable). This way you will achieve a stronger healing effect.
  • Blue clay in the form of acne masks is recommended twice a week.

Blue clay masks for acne

The easiest mask to prepare is a mixture of clay and water, but as the ingredients increase, the healing functions of the prepared composition will also increase. In addition to adding herbal infusions, other components can be used.

Recipes for masks with blue clay

Blue clay and aloe Blue clay and kefir Blue clay and sea salt Blue clay and grapes
Blue clay and cucumber Blue clay and lemon Blue clay and honey Blue clay and apple cider vinegar

  • Apple cider vinegar mask.

Three to four drops of apple cider vinegar are added to a tablespoon of clay, diluted in water to the required state.

  • With lemon juice (for those with particularly oily skin).

To the usual ready-made composition you need to add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a couple of drops of any essential oil.
The second option is to mix two tablespoons of blue clay with lemon juice (5-10 drops) and fifteen milliliters of vodka, mix thoroughly - the mask is ready.

  • With natural honey.

Clay, honey and cosmetic oil are mixed in proportions 2:1:1, by adding water the desired thickness of the product is achieved (water can be replaced with egg yolk).

  • With cucumber juice.

Two tablespoons of clay are mixed with water (half a tablespoon) and the same amount of cucumber juice. Add olive and essential oils, lemon juice (a few drops each).

  • With grape juice.

The clay is mixed with natural grape juice with the addition of a small amount of honey.

A tablespoon of blue clay is mixed with bodyaga powder (one teaspoon), diluted with three to four teaspoons of water. Apply after thorough stirring.

Blue clay is mixed with sea salt (in the ratio: 2 to 1, that is, 1 tablespoon of clay plus half the salt), stirred with water (3-4 teaspoons) until smooth.

Blue clay (2 tablespoons) is mixed with aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and rosemary oil (can be tea tree) - 3-4 drops. A small amount of water is brought to a creamy state.

Equal proportions of blue clay, talc and low-fat kefir are taken and everything is mixed. The mask is ready.

Reviews from those who were satisfied

Blue clay face mask

I make a clay mask often, I use different clays (pink, black, green), all types are useful. I really like white clay, but I use blue clay most often.

Clean face after mask

I like the effect obtained from using masks based on blue clay. The face becomes soft and at the same time elastic. I use the mask twice a week. I add tea tree or peach oil to it. After removing the mask, I moisturize my face with cream with the addition of peach oil. I like that all the ingredients here are natural!

With my problematic skin, I have to make blue clay masks quite often. After it, irritation disappears, pores are cleaned, wrinkles become less noticeable. And preparation does not require much expense.

Fight blackheads with blue clay

The presence of black dots on the face does not decorate it at all. Everyone who has them tries to remove this “gift” in one way or another.

Mask against blackheads

Mask recipe

Blue clay (two teaspoons), lemon juice and water (one teaspoon each), rose oil - 3 drops. Mix everything. A thick layer of mask is applied to a face that has been prepared and cleansed with hot water. The duration of action is fifteen minutes. As the mask dries, the skin will begin to tighten, this is normal. Wash off the mask, dry your face and be sure to moisturize it with lotion.

Different colored clays have different properties. All of them effectively fight acne, blackheads, blackheads and other troubles. But the choice of one or another clay to use depends on the type and condition of the skin.

White clay

White clay is considered the most effective. It is not only a storehouse of microelements, but also an excellent antiseptic. In addition, the acidity level in it is optimal for the skin. White clay is a product of soft and delicate action. Therefore, it is recommended for use on sensitive, dry and dull skin. In addition to getting rid of acne, it will also have a tonic effect. But for those whose blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, it is not recommended to use white clay.

To prepare a white clay mask, it is good to use chamomile decoction.

Black clay

Black clay is quite versatile. Suitable for both normal and dry, but especially oily skin. It has a light moisturizing effect, tightens pores, cleanses, removes dead skin cells, regenerates skin tissue and effectively fights acne and blackheads.

It is better to prepare a black clay mask using a decoction of string and mint.

Blue clay

It, compared to the others, contains the most minerals. It is suitable for any skin, but especially for dry and aging skin. Blue clay is an excellent antiseptic that has an anti-inflammatory effect and allows you to get rid of inflamed acne.
It is good to add a decoction of calendula or dry bodyaga to a blue clay mask.

Green clay

In addition to all other medicinal effects, it has a drying effect. It is thanks to him that she quickly gets rid of acne and inflammation. Green clay deeply cleanses pores, tightens them, removes oily shine, and gives the skin a matte appearance. It is best used for oily skin.

A mask made from a mixture of green and white clay works very well. This mixture can be diluted with thermal water or mineral water.

Red clay

It is not as aggressive as black, blue and green. This type of cosmetic clay gently and delicately cleanses the skin, providing a slight lifting effect. Used to treat acne on dry, hypersensitive and problematic skin. It is not effective for oily skin.

Red clay is mixed with milk or cream.

Yellow clay

Yellow clay enriches the skin with oxygen. It contains iodine, and it does a very good job of removing toxins, enriching the skin cells with oxygen.

To get rid of acne, masks are made from yellow clay with the addition of honey and lemon juice (a few drops).