Medicines for diarrhea. Quick-acting remedies for diarrhea: folk recipes, drugs in the pharmacy Medicines for diarrhea

Diarrhea itself is not a disease that can be cured, but a symptom indicating problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the range of problems is very wide: from simple indigestion to an infectious disease.

Loose stools accompany intoxication conditions, acute or chronic pathologies of the digestive and excretory systems, as well as infectious diseases. In addition to the fact that a person experiences a state of discomfort (frequent urge, pain and bloating, nausea), prolonged diarrhea leads to the body losing a lot of fluid and nutrients, resulting in exhaustion.

Therefore, it is quite understandable that every patient who is faced with this unpleasant condition wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. And here advertising comes to the rescue, offering inexpensive and effective anti-diarrhea tablets that guarantee instant effect. However, before you go to the pharmacy and buy the drugs recommended from the TV screen, you need to understand what is actually happening in the body.

Causes of diarrhea

There are many diseases that can cause this unpleasant symptom. But Most often, digestive disorders occur as a result of:

  • common stomach upset due to low-quality foods and liquids;
  • nervous stress;
  • due to diet;
  • reaction to medications;
  • poisoning with any substances;
  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • evidence of serious illness.

In the first, second and third cases, you can really safely choose inexpensive anti-diarrhea pills from the list of the most effective ones. You can review the list in person or consult your pharmacist. But it’s still worth finding out what’s going on, because diarrhea is only a symptom. To prevent it from recurring, its cause must be nipped in the bud.

In all other cases, cheap medications may stop diarrhea, but certainly will not solve the problem. Moreover, it will be more difficult for doctors to make a primary diagnosis, because such an important symptom is missing.

When should you definitely see a doctor?

Immediate consultation with a doctor for diarrhea is necessary when:

  • diarrhea that occurs in infants;
  • diarrhea, accompanied by fever, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, regardless of the patient’s age;
    presence of blood in the stool;
  • signs of loss of fluid and mineral salts (pain in the kidney area, dry tongue, cramps, thirst, lack of urine for 5 hours or more);
  • elderly people over 70 years of age;
  • patients suffering from severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and blood system;
  • pregnant women at any stage of gestation.

If severe diarrhea occurs, you should not self-medicate, as intestinal upset may be infectious. You must seek medical help immediately!

Available medications for diarrhea: enterosorbents

If diarrhea occurs as a result of poisoning of the body, then neutralization of the negative effects of harmful substances is carried out with the help of adsorbents. These are the most effective and inexpensive tablets for diarrhea, which have the property of binding and removing toxins and poisons from the body.

Here is a short list of the most affordable drugs:

  1. (dioctahedral smectite). This drug is excellent for both diarrhea and heartburn, as well as bloating. The average price for a package of 10 sachets is 150 rubles.
  2. (polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate). An indispensable remedy for food poisoning. Helps quickly remove toxins from the body, but is not suitable for diarrhea caused by indigestion. The average price per package (225 g) is 355 rubles.
  3. kills pathogenic flora, removes toxins, stops diarrhea. The active substance is activated carbon. After ingestion, the stool turns black. Do not be afraid of this: this is a completely natural reaction of the body to this medicine.
  4. (phthalylsulfathiazole). A cheap remedy for the treatment of intestinal infections. The average price per package (500 mg) is 23 rubles.
  5. Enterodes is a povidone-based drug that has a detoxifying effect on the body, eliminating the manifestations of intestinal poisoning, including diarrhea, bloating, and vomiting. Used in the treatment of children from 1 year. The dosage rate is calculated taking into account the weight and age of the patient (0.3 g per kg of the child’s weight). The course of treatment under medical supervision ranges from 3 to 7 days.

It is quite difficult to determine which remedy for diarrhea will be effective in a particular case, even if the cause of the problem has been established. Therefore, it is advisable not to self-medicate, but to choose a medicine together with a doctor, because the range and the patient can simply get confused in so many drugs.


Prescribed for intestinal dysbiosis, as well as for the prevention of diarrhea when taking antibiotics to treat intestinal infections.

  1. – produced in capsules, tablets for diarrhea, in the form of a dry preparation that requires dilution with water. Taken for food poisoning and intestinal infections. Ingredients: Live bifidobacteria. Special instructions: Concomitant use with antibiotics is not recommended; the medicine should not be dissolved in hot water and stored in dissolved form. Price: 80-120 rub.
  2. Lactobacterin - restores intestinal microflora, normalizes digestion and stool, improves metabolic processes in the body. Contraindicated for candidiasis and lactose intolerance. Active ingredient: dry lactobacilli. Cost: 100 – 140 rubles.
  3. – a popular antidiarrheal agent, a drug that normalizes intestinal microflora. Composition: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis, Enterococcus faecium. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, not recommended to be taken simultaneously with hot food or alcohol. Price: 400-500 rub.
  4. – promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, improves gastric secretion, and has a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Prescribed for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, chronic disorders of the digestive tract, diarrhea, colitis, and infectious diseases. Active ingredient: biosynthetic lactic acid. Cost: 140-180 rub.

Diarrhea tablets: list

It is impossible to determine what the most effective remedy for diarrhea will be in each specific clinical case. We offer a list of some well-known, popular, effective anti-diarrhea medications that are taken as prescribed by a doctor for various causes of diarrhea.

  • enterofuril;
  • sulgin;
  • tannacomp;
  • nifuroxazide;

Important! Before using any of the drugs, you should consult your doctor, or at least read the instructions. You should not start treatment on your own if there is a suspicion of infectious diseases or damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

(loperamide, lopedium, suprelol). These are 2 mg lingual tablets (for resorption in the oral cavity). The advantages of this form of the drug are a faster onset of effect (within 1 hour), the possibility of use for vomiting and difficulty swallowing. Or 2 mg capsules.

Imodium is the drug of choice for acute diarrhea of ​​a non-infectious nature (if diarrhea occurred due to a change in the usual diet, “stressful” diarrhea), traveler's diarrhea, mild to moderate infectious diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea.

For adults with acute diarrhea - 4 mg (2 capsules) at once, then 2 mg after each bowel movement. The maximum daily dose is up to 8 mg per day.

A sulfanilamide drug is more indicated for infectious diarrhea (acute dysentery, exacerbations of its chronic form, colitis, enterocolitis of an infectious nature), so taking phthalazole for diarrhea caused by banal indigestion is not always rational. The effect of taking it begins to be observed only on days 2-3, which is explained by the suppression of the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestines.

And although the drug has few side effects, its use is undesirable in patients with kidney problems, liver problems, hematopoietic disorders and hemophilia. During pregnancy, phthalazole can be prescribed when there is a risk of irreversible consequences for the woman, and in the first trimester it is strictly contraindicated.

Levomycetin is an antibiotic drug. Its main function is bacteriostatic effect and protein destruction. This is why tablets are great for diarrhea. They destroy bacteria in the body that are not sensitive, for example to tetracycline.

In fact, the spectrum that levomycentin covers is very large. It can help with pneumonia, brucellosis, fever, biliary tract diseases, typhoid fever and salmonellosis.

Chewable loperamide hydrochloride tablets. Taking the tablet helps relieve the symptoms of diarrhea by slowing down the motility of the intestinal muscles and eliminates the frequent urge to defecate.

Main indications for use: acute, chronic diarrhea. A single dose of the drug is 4 mg for an adult, 2 mg for a child over 6 years old. The maximum daily intake is 16 mg.

Unfortunately, each of us knows the syndrome of diarrhea, simply called diarrhea, and curing this condition is not at all so easy. It can be caused by various reasons, but for a person who is not a specialist, it manifests itself in approximately the same way. So, when poisoned by stale food, only toxins can enter the body, which will cause diarrhea and even vomiting, but no microbes will enter the body and antibiotics are not needed.

In case of chronic pathology of the pancreas, for example, there is a deficiency of enzymes for the breakdown of fats, and the patient will have frequent chronic diarrhea, since the intestinal contents will be fatty. Diarrhea occurs with acute intestinal infections, with a deficiency of one's own microflora (dysbacteriosis), and can even be a consequence of nervous stress. Let's consider modern tablets for the treatment of diarrhea, which are included in the list of the most effective and popular remedies. The first group includes various sorbents.


Enterosorbents are special drugs that have a universal absorption effect, and they can be used for a wide variety of types of diarrhea. They bind, adsorb on their very large specific surface area various toxins, microbial poisons, antigens, harmful substances and remove them from the intestines.

In the case where diarrhea has not developed as a result of an intestinal infection, and is not accompanied by fever, abdominal pain and malaise, they can be used to cope with diarrhea without other medications.

Perhaps the cheapest, most accessible and popular anti-diarrhea tablet is regular activated carbon. This is a real folk drug, and there are many different indications for its use. For diarrhea, activated charcoal can be used in the first hours after its onset; it is indicated for various forms of bacterial diarrhea, salmonellosis and dysentery. It can also be used for non-infectious causes of diarrhea, as well as for food poisoning and toxic infections.

Everyone knows that this is an ordinary black powder, odorless and tasteless. It is not soluble in water, but, thanks to the special treatment of charcoal, it has a very large active specific surface area, which collects various harmful substances. Taking activated carbon sharply reduces their absorption in the intestines - carbon binds them and removes them from the body. The remedy is used not only for diarrhea, but also for various unpleasant phenomena in the abdomen, increased gas formation and flatulence.

On average, the usual dose for adults is 2 - 3 tablets 3-4 times a day. In case of acute diarrhea, you can immediately take 10 tablets of activated carbon, nothing bad will happen. To increase activity, it is necessary to turn the tablets into powder, that is, it is better to chew them. In this case, the tongue may become covered with a black coating, but it is soon washed off with saliva and you should not be afraid of this.

For infectious diarrhea, it is quite enough to take activated charcoal for 3 days, but for acute intestinal infections, you should first visit a doctor. You can buy the product at any pharmacy - a package of 20 tablets with a standard dosage of 0.25 g costs from 10 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, activated carbon is the simplest and not very convenient representative of enterosorbents. It turns the patient’s stool black; several tablets are taken at a time, since it is still not active enough; there are many contraindications for taking it.

It should not be used during exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Also, you should not use it for a long time, since charcoal can slow down the absorption of not only harmful substances, but also remove vitamins, calcium ions and some proteins from the body.

If activated carbon is prescribed together with other medications, it sharply reduces their activity, and therefore the intake of activated carbon, as well as other sorbents with other medications, should be spaced out over time. Sorbents are taken several hours before medications and between meals, 2 hours before or 2 hours after. But activated carbon also has positive sides. It is widely available and very inexpensive.

The next generation of sorbents includes Smecta, or dioctahedral smectite. These are not tablets for diarrhea and diarrhea, but sachets of soft paste - a natural aluminosilicate, or a compound of aluminum and silicon. Smecta was included in the list of drugs for diarrhea for its effectiveness and for its ability to be removed from the body unchanged. The drug is not absorbed in the intestines and does not enter into any reactions.

Used in adults and children for various types of acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea of ​​various origins, including acute intestinal infections. It is also successfully prescribed for flatulence, bloating and discomfort.

It is recommended for an adult patient to use Smecta in the amount of 6 sachets per day. This intake, as in the case of activated carbon, should be between meals, and separately from medications. On average, a package of 12 sachets of 3 g each can be purchased at a price of 210 rubles. Produced by the French company Bofur Ipsen.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Smecta are that this sorbent can be safely used by pregnant women and children, as well as during lactation. It can be prescribed for any form of acute diarrhea; its color is white, and unlike activated carbon, it does not turn stool black. This makes it easier to diagnose intestinal bleeding, but against the background of black stools it can be easily missed.

However, Smecta can cause constipation when taken for a long time, and very rarely there can be a skin allergy. The drug can be classified as a medium-priced medicine, but for pensioners and the poor, pay 108 rubles. per day per day, taking it can be quite difficult.

It is an excellent domestic development; it is an organosilicon molecular sponge. It is hydrophobic, repels water and collects only medium-sized toxin molecules on its surface. These include precisely the same harmful substances that are secreted by pathogenic microbes, are elements of their antigenic structure and microbial poisons that cause diarrhea.

Enterosgel, due to its selective activity, does not impair the absorption of vitamins and microelements in the intestine, does not affect the normal intestinal microflora, and does not lead to dysbacteriosis.

This medicine for diarrhea is indicated primarily for acute intestinal infections - salmonellosis, dysentery, foodborne illnesses. Enterosgel can also be used for diarrhea caused by pancreatic insufficiency. The drug is available in different versions, the most commonly used is a paste in a tube.

It should also be used separately from other medications and between meals. An adult patient is usually prescribed to take one tablespoon of paste, which must be mixed in a glass of water before use, three times a day. Usually, with uncomplicated diarrhea, the duration of treatment does not exceed 4 days, and if the symptoms do not disappear, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

This wonderful sorbent is produced by the domestic company Silma, and you can buy a 225 gram package of Enterosgel for 345 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The great benefit of Enterosgel is that this medicine for diarrhea is capable of selectively absorbing medium molecules, this drug cannot be overdosed, it cannot be poisoned, and it can be used in children. It is not absorbed into the blood and is excreted unchanged.

The negative aspects include the high cost, as well as a certain feeling of disgust, which, however, is not experienced by all people. The fact is that a paste without color, taste and smell is very difficult to take orally, even when mixed in water. Therefore, a slight feeling of nausea may occur after administration, which soon passes. A special Enterosgel with a sweet taste is produced for children.

Loperamide hydrochloride (Imodium)

This drug is not an enterosorbent and does not belong to antibacterial agents. , which is better known by its most common commercial name, affects opiate receptors in the intestines - it is a symptomatic drug. It does not act on microbes and viruses, and does not absorb harmful substances like sorbents.

Able to reduce intestinal motility and reduce muscle tone. Imodium is produced by the company Janssen-Cilag, and it most easily helps with diarrhea when there are no signs of damage to the colon or colitis.

In other words, if there are symptoms of dysentery, a painful urge to defecate, and instead of loose stools there is scanty mucous discharge streaked with blood, then this drug should not be prescribed. But with loose and profuse stools, you can take two anti-diarrhea tablets at once for an adult patient, and then one tablet after each trip to the toilet.

Each tablet contains 2 mg of loperamide hydrochloride. Imodium can be purchased in both diarrhea tablets and capsules. A pack of 10 tablets costs an average of about 270 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The lack of loperamide and Imodium is its side effect, it increases the tone of the anal sphincter, and in case of dysentery it will be contraindicated. Contraindications also include intestinal obstruction, constipation and colon ulcers, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. The drug should not be prescribed to pregnant women and children.

At high dosages, it can cause dry mouth, drowsiness and flatulence. If patients have renal or liver failure, this drug should be prescribed only by a doctor with dose adjustment. But the tablets have a quick symptomatic effect on diarrhea, and it is able to stop most non-infectious attacks of diarrhea within a day.

Probiotics and eubiotics

Everyone should remember that diarrhea syndrome (diarrhea) can occur not only with an acute intestinal infection, but also as a result of treatment with antibiotics for completely other diseases, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pneumonia or inflammation of the joints. In this case, the intestinal’s own beneficial microflora often dies and a condition called dysbiosis develops, which is manifested by frequent diarrhea.

Dysbiosis also appears after any intestinal infection, which is a local “ecological disaster” for the normal inhabitants of the large intestine. And to treat this condition, it is necessary to begin restoring the normal population of intestinal microflora. For this purpose, various bacterial preparations are successfully used. These are capsules or tablets for diarrhea containing representatives of the normal intestinal microflora, as well as some other agents called probiotics and eubiotics. Let's look at some of them that are on the list of the most popular medications for diarrhea.

Hilak – Forte

Some of the most popular drugs are. This is a probiotic, that is, a drug that “prepares the ground” for living microorganisms. They are quite complex in their composition and do not contain any beneficial microorganisms, but they do contain a nutrient medium for their reproduction, or metabolic products of normal microflora.

The drug is available in drops, allows you to evenly populate the intestines subsequently, it also normalizes the balance of intestinal microflora and strengthens local immunity.

Drops are taken in 50 pieces at a time, diluting them with a small amount of liquid, except milk and alcoholic beverages. The product is produced by Merckle (Germany) and the cost of one 100 ml bottle will be 360 ​​rubles. and higher.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the best advantage of this drug is its function: it prepares the environment for successful colonization and subsequent reproduction. Hilak-Forte can be used in any patient: the elderly, infants, pregnant and lactating women.

It is well tolerated, and no side effects have been identified. The medicine significantly increases the chances of quickly eliminating the consequences of diarrhea and normalizing stool.

Perhaps the disadvantage of the drug may be the rather high price, as well as the very rare occurrence of individual intolerance.

This widely known eubiotic is produced not in tablets, but in capsules, but they still help against diarrhea because they actively restore the intestinal microflora.

- this is a “landing” of normal microflora, which consists of enterococci, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. One capsule contains millions of living microorganisms that replenish and normalize the human intestinal microflora. It is known that only thanks to these microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria do not survive in our intestines, many vitamins are synthesized, and local immunity is increased.

Linex is taken after meals with a small amount of liquid. For an adult, the standard dosage is 2 capsules / 3 times a day, and for the youngest patients, the capsules are opened and the powder they contain is given, mixed with liquid.

The duration of treatment is not limited - this medicine for diarrhea can be prescribed even to healthy patients for preventive purposes, for example, after changing eating habits, heavy meals and alcohol abuse. The drug is produced by the Lek company, and the price for one package of 16 capsules starts from 240 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The convenience of all bacterial preparations is that they have few disadvantages and many positive effects. You cannot overdose, there are practically no side effects, the drug quickly relieves the symptoms of dysbiosis and residual effects of diarrhea. All this leads to rapid normalization of stool in patients.

The only thing that is important to remember is that Linex and other bacterial preparations should not be taken with very hot drinks, alcohol, or in general, take alcohol during treatment, since ethyl alcohol is a poison that kills beneficial microflora.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial drugs are the basis for the treatment of infectious diarrhea, or acute intestinal infections - especially if diarrhea develops after eating questionable or poor-quality food, or is of an outbreak nature when several family members become ill. Also, for their use, in addition to diarrhea, symptoms of intoxication, fever, poor health, and often nausea and vomiting are needed.

Of course, viral diarrhea may also be to blame for this, but only a doctor can distinguish one infection from another; in any case, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist; self-medication can end sadly. Let's look at the most popular antibacterial diarrhea tablets, which are prescribed for diarrhea caused by bacteria. The rating includes both the most effective drugs and the most affordable ones.

Ersefuril is a real antimicrobial agent; it is used for various infectious gastroenteritis, for diarrhea, which is combined with symptoms of intoxication and fever. The drug belongs to nitrofuran compounds, and the active substance is nifuroxazide. Each capsule of Ersefuril contains 200 mg of nifuroxazide. Its molecule is highly active against salmonella, shigella, or dysentery pathogens, Vibrio cholerae, and staphylococci that cause foodborne illnesses.

This medicine works only in the intestinal lumen and is not absorbed into the blood. It can be prescribed if the diarrhea occurs without a sharp deterioration in the general condition. If the symptoms indicate a severe course, then the patient needs urgent hospitalization in the intestinal department of an infectious diseases hospital, since additional antibiotics will be required.

When taken by adults, 1 capsule is needed 4 times a day, taken evenly, at intervals of 6 hours. If after 3 days you do not feel better, you should definitely consult a doctor. The drug is produced by Sanofi-Aventis, and you can buy it at a price of 360 rubles per 14 capsules per package.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ersefuril is a drug that is difficult to overdose; it can be prescribed even to elderly patients with diabetes and to children from 3 years of age.

Phthalazol is an old, proven tablet against diarrhea, and back in Soviet times they were always in the first aid kits of drivers, travelers, and geologists. This drug from the group of sulfonamides is indicated for various diarrhea, but more often for infectious ones. Each phthalazole tablet contains 500 mg of sulfonamide derivative.

The tablets must be taken in high doses. If you prescribe a low dosage, microbes will develop resistance to the drug. Also, Fthalazol, in addition to treating diarrhea, also has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be prescribed as a means to prevent complications after intestinal surgery.

Treatment with Fthalazol for acute diarrhea is necessary for an adult using 2 tablets / 6 times a day, that is, 12 tablets a day. This is how you need to take it for the first 2 days, and then reduce the dosage, according to the doctor’s recommendation or the official instructions for the drug.

It is produced by various domestic companies, and Fthalazol is one of the most affordable and popular remedies. So, 10 tablets can be purchased for only 13 rubles. in almost any Russian pharmacy.

Advantages and disadvantages

A certain advantage of Phthalazol is its availability and low cost, the ability to create a high concentration in the intestinal lumen, and, as a result, a good bacteriostatic effect.

But Fthalazol should be used very carefully for hyperthyroidism, blood diseases, chronic liver and kidney failure, and it is better to use it only as prescribed by a doctor, especially for a long time.

Phthalazol often develops side effects, and these are not only allergies or headaches, but also leukopenia, dizziness, and even the appearance of signs of inflammation of the heart muscle - myocarditis. Sulfonamides also interact with other medications, and this should be reported to your doctor.

Sulgin contains sulfaguanidine, and it has also been successfully used to treat diarrhea syndrome. Sulgin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. These anti-diarrhea tablets are still used in infectious diseases hospitals. Sulgin exhibits high activity, especially against pathogenic pathogens of intestinal infections - dysentery, infectious gastroenteritis, carriage of dysentery and salmonellosis, coccal infections.

The medicine is used orally for acute diarrhea; its regimen is a little similar to the regimen for taking Fthalazol. During the first day, a dose of 6 tablets/3 times a day is prescribed, and then the amount is reduced by one tablet daily.

Typically, the course of treatment does not exceed a week for uncomplicated intestinal infections. It is produced by various domestic companies, and one package of the drug of 10 tablets, in a minimum dosage, will cost only 50 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Sulgin, as in the previous case, is high activity combined with low cost, but only against the above pathogens.

The negative point is that with long-term use, a deficiency of B vitamins may occur, therefore, when treating for more than 5 days, it is necessary to prescribe drugs - thiamine, cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine. Also, if the drug is used together with ascorbic acid, the patient has a risk of developing hyperacidity of urine, especially if he has urolithiasis.

Burnet - a folk remedy

In conclusion, we need to remember about the herbal remedies that have long been used to treat diarrhea among the people. One of these outstanding plants is the medicinal burnet, which grows along the edges of roads and everyone is well aware of its small burgundy paniculate flowers. The plant has strong roots, and a decoction of them can be used to treat infectious diarrhea - the decoction exhibits bactericidal properties against E. coli, as well as pathogens of the typhoparatyphoid group.

If you yourself have prepared this medicinal raw material, then you can prepare a decoction of burnet rhizomes to reduce abdominal pain and stop signs of diarrhea. You can also purchase the drug in pharmacies, in the form of ready-made filter bags. They need to be brewed, and the cost of one package of 20 bags does not exceed 80 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of herbal medicine treatment include a gentle effect on the intestines, the ability to work together with other medications, and low cost. But there are also significant drawbacks. Burnet alone cannot cope with severe infectious diarrhea; the effectiveness will be quite low and incomparable with modern drugs.

In addition, it is impossible to accurately dose medicinal raw materials, because different plant specimens at different times of the year and collected in different places contain different amounts of active substances.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant phenomenon, but almost everyone experiences it. Therefore, anti-diarrhea tablets are necessary in every home medicine cabinet. You can order them on our website. There is a large selection of products at reasonable prices. In addition, various promotions are often held and discounts are announced.

Choosing the right drug is made easier by sorting by price, manufacturer, active substance and release form. Thanks to this, you can easily select the desired drug from available analogues.

Ordering medications on our website? extremely simple process. You need to select a drug and indicate the address of the pharmacy to which the medicine will be delivered. There you will need to pay and pick up your purchase. The chain's pharmacies are located in the Moscow and Leningrad regions.


Normally, the amount of stool per day does not exceed 300 g; with diarrhea, its amount increases and becomes liquid, the amount of water in the stool increases by 60-70%. Moreover, most often, diarrhea is a consequence of other problems: poisoning, intestinal infections, disturbances of intestinal microflora, and so on. Therefore, treatment of diarrhea must be comprehensive.

Diarrhea is often accompanied by acute abdominal pain, nausea, and severe vomiting, especially in cases of poisoning or infection. This further increases fluid loss, which means that help must be immediate. That is why it is so important to choose the right modern, effective drug for children and adults.

Antidiarrhea medications are prescribed in the following cases:

  • poisoning;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infections.


Common contraindications for anti-diarrhea medications are:

  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • childhood;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • colitis.

However, there may be other contraindications. To avoid confusion, carefully study the instructions that are attached to each drug on the portal.

Release form

Liquid products are considered the most effective, as they are absorbed faster, but they are not always convenient to use in emergency situations. Therefore, medications for diarrhea are often produced in tablets. An experienced doctor will help you decide on the best type for your case.

Common release forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • powders;
  • suspensions.

Manufacturing countries

In addition to Russian medicines for diarrhea, the assortment of pharmacies in the “36.6” network includes drugs from:

  • Italy;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Croatia;
  • France;
  • Poland;
  • Germany;
  • Spain.


Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a bowel disorder - stool becomes liquid. The condition can be caused by various factors. Sometimes frequent bowel movements are the body's response to a stressful situation.

But most often, diarrhea develops as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). When choosing a medicine for diarrhea, it is necessary to take into account the root cause that provoked it. Before starting to take the drug, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Classification of antidiarrheals

The drugs used for diarrhea are divided into 5 large groups. For diarrhea in adults and children:

  • probiotics are prescribed when dysbiosis is diagnosed, a complication of which is often stool disorder;
  • medications that reduce intestinal motility;
  • antibiotics are used if diarrhea is caused by intestinal infections;
  • enterosorbents help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Plant-based products help to consolidate stool due to the presence of astringents and tannins.

Probiotic group

The drugs are used when the balance of intestinal microflora is disturbed, which can cause the development of diarrhea. The most effective means in this group are:

  • Linux. Promotes rapid restoration of gastrointestinal microflora. Approved for use in newborns.
  • Lactobacterin. Contains dry lactobacilli. Normalizes the course of digestive processes and stool. Increases the speed of metabolic reactions. Prohibited for use when diagnosing candidiasis and lactase intolerance.
  • Bifidumbacterin. It is a powder containing live bifidobacteria. Pre-dissolve in cold water in accordance with the instructions. Recommended for restoring gastrointestinal microflora after food poisoning and intestinal infections. Cannot be combined with antibiotics.
  • Hilak forte. The product contains synthetically produced lactic acid. Drops help increase the number of beneficial bacteria, improve the functioning of the stomach and the entire digestive system as a whole.

The list of probiotics is quite extensive. The above are inexpensive but effective drugs. To view the list of medications for diarrhea for children, you can read.

Medicines to reduce peristalsis

Diarrhea caused by increased intestinal motility is treated with medications that help reduce contractility.


Loperamide is a cheap but powerful remedy. The effect of taking the drug develops in a very short time and is due to an increase in the absorption rate of the intestinal walls. The number of urges is significantly reduced. Contraindications: children under 4 years of age, pregnancy, liver dysfunction, chronic constipation.

During the use of tablets, the development of dehydration cannot be ruled out.

The active ingredient of Imodium is loperamide, so the drug also belongs to the fast-acting drugs. It begins to work within 60 minutes of administration. Imodium manufacturers offer consumers lozenges with a pleasant minty taste. This allows you to take them if necessary, anywhere and at any time.

Imodium is one of the best remedies for non-infectious diarrhea


The active substance of the drug is loperamide. The tablets are intended for resorption. This diarrhea medicine is recommended for use in adults. Used in children after reaching 6 years of age.

Prescribed for acute and chronic (as prescribed by a doctor) diarrhea. Drugs in this group most often contain loperamide, so they begin to act quickly. In childhood, they are used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor.

Group of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents

Quite often, the cause of diarrhea is gastric and intestinal pathologies. The formation of the disease is caused by the penetration of pathogenic agents into the cavity of the stomach and/or digestive system. In this case, antibiotics are used to eliminate diarrhea. How can you treat diarrhea?


An inexpensive drug from the sulfonamide group. Helps achieve good results with diarrhea of ​​infectious origin due to the rapid destruction of pathogenic microflora. But, like other antibiotics, it can cause the development of dysbiosis. Available in tablet and powder form. For severe intestinal disorders, treatment is carried out in two stages.

Important! Approved for use in children starting from the second month of life.


Furazolidone is an antibacterial agent that inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Most often used for food poisoning. The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually. On average 2 weeks.


  • children under 3 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness;
  • liver pathologies.

During treatment, it is possible that mild nausea and skin rashes may develop.


Levomycetin is a representative of the group of antibiotics. Highly effective against meningococcal and purulent infections. It is used for diseases caused by the following types of bacteria: chlamydia, brucella, hemophilus influenzae, spirochetes.

The drug is offered in tablet and powder form for injection. The latter is used only in hospital settings. Contraindications: pregnancy, pathologies of the kidneys, liver and hematopoietic systems. The development of an allergic reaction is possible.

Sulgin (sulfaguanidine) is a drug with antibacterial properties, widely used for diarrhea syndrome. The medicine is effective against most representatives of pathogenic microflora that cause the development of intestinal infections.

Sulgin is used in diagnosing dysentery and diarrhea caused by diseases of the large/small intestine. Taking the drug is justified in people who are carriers of the dysentery bacillus. Duration of therapy is 5...7 days (for uncomplicated forms).

Treatment with Sulgin can cause a lack of B vitamins. To prevent the development of this condition, it is necessary to take vitamins B 1, B 6 and B 12. The combined use of Sulgin and ascorbic acid can cause an increase in urine acidity, which leads to the formation of urolithiasis.

Sulgin is an effective remedy against diarrhea of ​​infectious origin.


Ersefuril is a drug with an antimicrobial effect. Prescribed for diarrhea accompanied by febrile conditions and a disturbance in general well-being. The drug is part of a large group of nitrofurans. The active ingredient is nifuroxazide, so the medicine is active against the following intestinal infections:

  • salmonellosis;
  • cholera;
  • dysentery.

Important! The medication begins to work only after entering the intestinal lumen. It is present in minimal quantities in the general bloodstream.

It is prescribed if diarrhea is not accompanied by a sharp deterioration in general condition, the appearance of signs of intoxication and febrile conditions. Ersefuril is approved for use in people with diabetes, as well as children over 3 years of age. Contraindications include the gestation period and breastfeeding.

In the latter case, a short course of taking the medication is acceptable, but only after agreement with the treating doctor. Self-prescribing and taking drugs from the group of antibiotics is unacceptable. The selection of medications and the development of a dosage regimen should be carried out by a specialist, based on test results.

Group of enterosorbents

If the cause of diarrhea in a person is food poisoning, then it is recommended to start taking adsorbents to stabilize the stool. Drugs in this group have the ability to bind poisons and toxins present in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and remove them naturally.


Smecta is a natural aluminosilicate of natural origin. It is excreted unchanged from the intestines and does not participate in metabolic processes. The powder is approved for use in children and adults for acute diarrhea, regardless of the nature of the origin. Helps well against bloating.

Daily dosage – 6 sachets. The drug should be taken between meals, separately from other medications. To stop diarrhea, Smecta can be taken during pregnancy and the subsequent period of breastfeeding. But with prolonged treatment, it is possible that severe constipation may develop, as well as allergic reactions (extremely rare).


Enterosgel refers to organosilicon compounds. When passing through the lumen of the intestinal tract, it repels water, but actively collects medium-sized toxins. Having selective activity, it does not in any way affect the state of the intestinal microflora.

Indications for use:

  • diarrhea accompanying salmonellosis, food poisoning, etc.;
  • diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin.

Available in paste form. It should be taken separately from other medications and food. Duration of therapy is 3...4 days. If the diarrhea does not stop, you should consult your doctor. The paste is not absorbed into the intestinal walls and is excreted along with feces. It has neither taste nor smell. After taking it, a person may feel slightly nauseous.

Activated carbon is an adsorbent that can be found in every home medicine cabinet. You can start taking it immediately after diarrhea appears. The medicine will be effective against all types of diarrhea: caused by all forms of salmonellosis and dysentery caused by food poisoning.

The product is a black, odorless tablet with a neutral taste. It is insoluble in liquid, but at the same time has high absorption abilities. The dosage is calculated based on the patient’s weight: 1 tablet is taken for every 10 kg of body weight. To increase the adsorbing capacity, it is recommended to chew the tablet during administration.

Activated charcoal helps not only with diarrhea, but also with a feeling of fullness in the intestines (increased gas formation)


The active ingredient of the drug is povidone. Has detoxifying properties. Quickly eliminates the symptoms of intoxication - loose stools, nausea (vomiting), bloating. Can be used in children starting from the second year of life. The dosage is calculated individually. Duration of the course is 3...7 days.

Antifungal drugs

An equally common cause of diarrhea is a fungal infection. Treatment of the disease involves taking medications that have the ability to suppress the viability of the colony. How can you cure this type of diarrhea?

The most commonly used product is Intetrix. Contraindications for its use are intolerance to the component composition and impaired liver function. At the same time, the patient is prescribed stool-fixing medications.

Herbal products

Stomach and digestive tract disorders, accompanied by the appearance of loose stools, can also be treated using traditional medicine. The following herbs have worked well:

  • Burnet (roots). The plant contains tannins, saponins, flavonoids and ascorbic acid. Thanks to this, the product has fixing and antiseptic properties and reduces gastrointestinal motility. Contraindicated in case of allergies to plant components.
  • Blueberries. They have anti-inflammatory, strengthening and antiseptic properties. A decoction is prepared from the fruits. Dosage – ½ glass up to five times a day.
  • Bird cherry fruits. One of the strongest antidiarrheal herbal remedies. It contains a large amount of tannins, which is responsible for the high efficiency of bird cherry. Contraindication – hypersensitivity to the berries of the plant.

It is worth understanding that folk recipes can be used independently for diarrhea caused by dietary errors or food poisoning. In the presence of infectious pathologies, the use of antidiarrheal decoctions and infusions must be combined with drug therapy. Diarrhea is a condition that requires adequate therapy. Otherwise, the development of dehydration is possible, which can threaten a person’s life.

This kind of trouble can happen to anyone. Therefore, in addition to other essential medical supplies in your home first aid kit, it would be useful to have medicines for . Nowadays there is no problem with the choice of antidiarrheal drugs.

Any pharmacy will offer you at least a dozen medications that, according to manufacturers, can help treat diarrhea. However, how can you choose a really fast and effective remedy in such a variety? Of course, we will not be able to cover all medications for the intestines, and is it necessary?

However, it is quite possible to consider the most popular antidiarrheal drugs and choose the best one from them. However, before we move on to a review of medications for diarrhea, we should briefly highlight some general points associated with this ailment.

Treatment of diarrhea in adults

Diarrhea or diarrhea in common parlance, it is a condition characterized by frequent defecation (more than three times a day), while the stool (stool) becomes watery, and pain is observed in the abdominal area.

When faced with an intestinal disorder, most of us will think: “What could I have eaten?” In fact, diarrhea can be caused not only by food.

It is worth noting that this ailment is an extremely serious pathological condition that can even result in death. For example, in third world countries diarrhea considered a common cause of infant mortality.

In medicine there is a distinction chronic And acute diarrhea . This ailment develops due to disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, which leads to an acceleration of the digestive process, frequent bowel movements and dilution of stool.

Causes of diarrhea may include the following:

  • viral infections;
  • bacterial infections;
  • food poisoning;
  • reception for a long time.

Diarrhea can be caused by harmful microorganisms such as salmonella , Shigella , enterococci (especially Enterococcus faecium), dysentery , rotaviruses and others . According to statistics, the most common reason diarrhea in adults it is a gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli better known as Tocoli .

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Worked in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).


In my opinion, the most effective remedy for treating diarrhea is Enterofuril. I drank it myself when I had diarrhea, so I can safely advise it, and I bought it for my son for diarrhea, only in suspension, and it all went away just as quickly.

I don’t really trust online articles, so I checked with a gastroenterologist and an infectious disease specialist about CounterDiar. To my surprise, everything is true. This drug is very gentle on the intestines when fighting infection. I bought 2 packs and am happy because it saved half of my family on a trip to Egypt. The people decided to buy food from a street vendor and paid with diarrhea. And I have CounterDiar with me. All symptoms disappeared within a day.

I started having severe diarrhea after a course of antibiotics for a purulent sore throat. At first I decided that a diet with fasting days would help, but then I realized that this was a mistake, the condition did not improve. CounterDiar was given at the pharmacy to normalize bowel function and stool. I took 4 capsules a day for a week. In fact, everything has been restored and there is no dysbacteriosis.

Life has taught me to carefully pack a first aid kit for vacation. And now I always have Counterdiar. I am a mother of two children. Abroad, stool upset is a common problem, so an anti-diarrhea drug is an indispensable thing. Counterdiar does not spoil the natural microflora, it only affects pathogenic ones, which is what attracted my attention. It always helps quickly, I advise you to stock up on it.

It’s a pity that it’s not on the list, but CounterDiar in the summer is really the best. Now is the time for vegetables and fruits, which need to be washed well, but few people do this. Hence the risk of catching an intestinal infection is huge. Either my husband or my children eat fresh fruits from the garden and then don’t leave the toilet. So I immediately give them CounterDiar so that there are no complications and at the same time empty the toilet)) From my own experience I can say that everything goes away in a couple of days and without side effects)

That week I just treated my son’s diarrhea with Contrdiar, he is 13 years old. When I came home from the street in the evening, I noticed a fever, complained of pain, and then diarrhea began. The pharmacy described the symptoms and advised Contrdiar, which is antimicrobial. By morning there was no fever, but there was loose stool. During the day, with each capsule taken, the stool became better, and by day 3 it returned to normal.