When your eyes are blue. The rarest eye color in the world

Nowadays, many are already familiar with the concept of physiognomy. This science can tell almost everything about a person, guided by knowledge of the characteristics of various facial features. These properties also include eye color, which can tell a lot about a person. Let's take a closer look at blue eyes, the meaning of which affects not only but even the fate of a person. It's amazing that blue eye color can be viewed from different points of view.

Firstly, it is believed that people with blue eyes are always creative individuals. Even generally accepted frameworks and norms are not indicative for them. They look at the world as a field for realizing their desires, even if at first glance these desires seem crazy and unrealistic to some.

Secondly, there is an opinion that people are always right. Representatives of this group are almost always leaders in the group. Any person who gets into an argument with a blue-eyed person, even if he is 100% sure that he is right, will still end up agreeing with him.

Thirdly, people with blue eyes are often impulsive and almost always act on a whim. Although sometimes this deceptive one with blue eyes is not so easy to induce emotions. Very often, when people with blue eyes start dating for a serious relationship or get married, they are not guided by feelings and emotions, but by logic, which indicates how to act correctly in a given situation, so that it is more profitable for the owner. Logic is almost always present in the thoughts of this category of people.

The combination of your chosen one or chosen one is also a very important characteristic. People with blue eyes will be attracted to those with dark or green eyes. But achieving harmony in a relationship with the same light-eyed partner will be very difficult.

In childhood, such people usually dream of fairy-tale princesses and princes, and subsequently, ordinary courtship and signs of attention may be perceived as unworthy. People with blue eyes look something like this: they are sentimental, capricious, romantic, touchy, capable of being offended for a long time over trifles, vulnerable, but carefully try to hide it. It is also very difficult to make peace with blue-eyed people; they harbor a grudge for a very long time, play it over in their heads, consider options for revenge, and feel sorry for themselves. Because they often get angry and irritable, their mood changes from good to bad in a matter of seconds. But their huge advantage can be considered generosity. Such people are rarely greedy or petty.

Here are even some interesting facts about blue eyes:

1. The colder the shade of blue in the eyes, the tougher the person’s character, as a rule.

2. When driving a car, blue-eyed people feel less confident than those with dark eyes.

3. Almost all newborn babies have blue eyes. This should not be emphasized, since during the first three years of life the child’s eye color changes. But even in old age it approaches blue.

4. If you have blue eyes, this fact also matters in functioning. Color blindness is much less common in such people.

5. In ancient times, people with blue eyes were considered associated with magic and were persecuted to perform public exorcisms.

6. The level of intelligence of blue-eyed people is often slightly higher than that of their peers with other eye colors.

From all of the above, we can conclude that blue eyes, the meaning of which is so carefully analyzed by physiognomists, have an incredibly attractive power, they fascinate and at the same time repel with their coldness.

It has become quite common to talk about people based solely on their face. There is a special science - physiognomy, which deals with describing the character of people by facial features. Much attention is paid to eye color.

Of course, it is impossible to accurately describe the characteristics of each person, but some common qualities are indeed inherent in people with a certain eye color. Let's consider those with eyes of cool shades, in particular blue.

In general, blue eye color is more typical for residents of northern regions and countries, since their eyes have weaker light filters. In the south, greater eye protection from the sun is required, so most often the population of southern countries has brown or black eyes.

Sometimes blue and gray eyes are mistaken for the same color, but there is still a difference between them, although for the same person the color of the eyes can vary depending on the mood, become brighter or, on the contrary, dim.

When you accurately determine your eye color in a calm state, you can compare it with the general characteristic given for blue-eyed people.

The meaning of blue eyes

Blue eyes belong to the cold range. It is believed that the colder the color of the eyes, the colder the person’s heart. Blue-eyed people can be cruel. They can be quick-tempered and irritable, but this always relates to a certain situation or in relation to a certain person.

They often have hidden romance and sentimentality inside them, which they carefully try to hide from everyone. In childhood and adolescence, such people often dreamed of princes and princesses, and many attempts by their peers to court them were not taken into account, since they were far from being princes.

Rarely do blue-eyed people manage to maintain consistency in their emotions. Often, when interacting with such people, you don’t know what to expect from them: at a fun holiday, they may become sad and ruin everyone’s mood, sometimes they get irritated for no reason. Impulsive behavior is one of the main disadvantages of blue-eyed people. But when common sense and logic take precedence over emotions, a person with blue eyes makes the right and extraordinary decisions.

In general, blue-eyed people constantly crave change; they are not attracted to a monotonous, monotonous life. They quickly adapt to everything and navigate many issues.

But vigorous activity also depends on their mood: they can quickly complete any complex task, or they can be lazy all day without getting out of bed.

Blue-eyed people are creators. They often have original talents, their intelligence is higher than that of representatives with other eye colors.

Often, when a person with blue eyes has some exciting idea, it seems that he is ready to soar over the world to implement it. This is true. They are ready to do anything to achieve their goal.

And it’s not just about stubbornness, which is undoubtedly inherent in them. Blue-eyed people do not receive, nor do they expect, gifts from fate. They don't win the lottery, they don't have the necessary influential acquaintances. They achieve everything themselves.

Stubbornness in communication is not uncommon for blue-eyed people. Even if the interlocutor knows that he is right, he agrees with the blue-eyed person because he has leadership qualities and is able to persuade.

Blue-eyed people are touchy, and they get offended even over trifles. They are vulnerable and very sensitive, so they cannot forgive a traitor and offender for a long time. If someone is hated, then it is to be hated seriously and for a long time. Let them forgive the offender later, but they will never forget this situation.

Although they themselves may show tears, for example, when watching a movie, they do not react to the tears of others. It is difficult to pity them on purpose.

It is believed that people with blue eyes are ruled by the element of air. They are also constantly changing: sometimes they are kind and calm, it is pleasant to communicate with them, and sometimes they get irritated and destroy everything in their path, like a raging sky.

Blue eyes in women

Girls with blue eyes love to be the center of male attention, flirt, make advances towards them, but forget that they can hurt other people. Often they do not think about the feelings of others at all.

Girls with blue eyes, who in their youth wanted a prince on a white horse from a fairy tale, change their priorities as they grow up and use logic when choosing a life partner.

Blue-eyed girls are kind and many can take advantage of this. If they discover that someone is not sincere towards them, the consequences are inevitable. They never forget traitors.

Blue eyes in men

Men with blue eyes essentially remain children for life, since while a girl is forgiven for her whims and frequent mood swings, men with a changeable disposition are considered unreliable.

If a blue-eyed young man finds his beloved woman early, he will remain a monogamous man for the rest of his life. Although there are exceptions - rather flighty men with blue eyes.

Blue-eyed men become responsible workers, successful people, but in order to build a career and achieve high goals, they go through a long and difficult path, on which it is often not they themselves who suffer, but their loved ones.

Eye shades

If your eye color combines not only blue but also gray, your eye shade is blue-gray. In this case, the characteristics of both of these colors apply to you.

People with blue-gray eyes are distinguished by their desire for freedom. They do not like any restrictions, schedules, or frameworks; this leads to depression, irritability and even anger. Such people strive to achieve unusual goals and surprise everyone with their actions.

In any situation, such people are able to maintain composure and act as they see fit, despite the opinions of others.

The disadvantage of people with blue-gray eyes is their excessive gullibility, which is taken advantage of by others. And although they often got burned, life did not teach them to trust people, to look for positive qualities in them, even if they are not there.

In general, we can say that blue-eyed people are pragmatic romantics who, if they can curb their emotions, will move mountains to achieve results.

Heavenly, azure, cornflower blue, turquoise, blue... eyes. For thousands of years, blue eye color has been glorified and deified, considered the standard of beauty and a symbol of holiness. Nowadays, blue-eyed people are taken for granted and as a consequence of genetic laws that involve clever somersaults and combinations of alleles on the fifteenth chromosome.

Meanwhile, once upon a time there were no blue eyes at all. Blue eyes are a very young phenomenon. Primitive people looked at the world exclusively with brown eyes. And how the first blue-eyed man was born in the world is a mystery that has not yet been revealed.

Genetic error led to color revolution

Let's say right away that all blue-eyed people are to some extent mutants. Because blue eye color is the result of a genetic mutation. And it happened about ten thousand years ago. According to other sources, even later - about six thousand years ago.

Even more surprising is the fact that all modern owners of blue eyes are the descendants of one single person who first developed this (very tiny, by the way) mutation in the OCA2 gene, as a result of which the production of melanin in the iris was disrupted, which led to to the appearance of blue color. Today's blue-eyed people have the same genetic mutation - they inherited the same change in the same place in their DNA, which is very clear evidence that all blue-eyed people had a single common ancestor.

Recent studies confidently indicate that the first blue-eyed “mutant” was born somewhere in the northwestern part of the Black Sea region during the Neolithic Revolution, when there was a mass migration of people from Africa to Europe.

Scientists cannot say what gender the “mutant” was - a man or a woman, but they say with confidence that this person certainly belonged to the Caucasian type, that is, he was a European.

It's not always convenient for life

Geneticists are not too surprised by the appearance of blue eyes as such. Human DNA is generally not that stable, so the appearance of blue eyes could very well have happened, they argue. What causes much more bewilderment among scientists is the fact that the mutation that appeared once did not disappear, but began to spread throughout the globe.

For a mutation to become established, it must be beneficial to the species—this is required by natural selection. And blue eye color not only did not provide any special advantages, it was also not always convenient for life. The fact is that the cornea of ​​blue-eyed people is two times more sensitive to any mechanical influence than that of brown-eyed people, and almost four times more sensitive than that of black-eyed people. In addition, with an excess of solar irritant in blue-eyed people, protective mechanisms may fail, which leads to the development of certain diseases, as well as increased nervous excitability, the development of migraines and the threat of a hypertensive crisis.

Therefore, it is doubly surprising that the first blue eyes appeared in humans in the south, in conditions of the blinding sun.

Nowadays, most people with blue eyes are found in Europe, especially in its northern part, and in the Baltic states. Among Estonians, for example, 99 percent are blue-eyed.

However, blue and blue eyes are not uncommon in Central Asia, the Middle East, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, as well as India and Pakistan. Carriers of the “blue-eyed” gene are found even among the Negroid race.

Random mutation or experiment?

The inexplicable suddenness of the appearance of a mysterious mutation causes bewilderment. For millions of years people had dark eyes, and suddenly - bang! – among them a blue-eyed child is born from ordinary dark-eyed parents. Why did this take so long? Why did the mutation appear in this particular period of time (very favorable in terms of climate and living conditions, by the way)? What could have triggered its occurrence? And why are there actually quite a few blue-eyed people among the total population of the Earth?

Or maybe blue eye color is, in fact, not a random mutation, but a completely deliberate experiment that was carried out many thousands of years ago, and the ancestor of blue-eyed people, in fact, is not an ordinary person at all, but a “guinea pig” of some mysterious “ experimenters” who knew the secrets of genetics?

Of course, here science comes into conflict with mythology. If, according to science, all current blue-eyed people descended from one ancestor, then, according to myths, blue eye color was especially characteristic of the gods. Maybe blue eyes are a piece of the “image and likeness” of those very gods who decided to improve man?

Marina Sitnikova

Continuation in No. 9/2017 of the magazine “Miracles and Adventures”, pp. 18 - 21

Blue-eyed people have pronounced leadership qualities and prudence. As a rule, when making decisions, they are guided by common sense and logic. It is these qualities that allow them to identify the most favorable solution that can bring the greatest possible benefit. Even the romantic side of these people's lives is strongly influenced by logic, which is why serious relationships and even marriage are often perceived by them as a kind of project from which they need to get the maximum profit for themselves.

However, despite the practicality and prudence that are inherent in the owners of blue eyes, it is quite rare to find a greedy and petty person among them. Research also shows that the level of intelligence of these people is often significantly higher than that of their peers with other eye colors.

Personal life

People most often choose those with brown or green eyes as partners, but they get along much worse with a similar light-eyed partner. Blue-eyed people are eternal children and dreamers. At a younger age, they dream of fairy-tale princes and princesses, however, even with age, these dreams leave a strong imprint on the minds of the owners of blue eyes, which is why they always expect something unusual, fairy-tale, and beyond the ordinary from their partner. It is very difficult to conquer this dreamer with ordinary courtship.

The mood of a blue-eyed person can change at the speed of light and is practically independent of external circumstances. Prone to introspection, these people constantly analyze the situation and often come to disappointing conclusions, which can lead to resentment and a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with life. Despite such vulnerability, blue-eyed representatives of humanity try to carefully hide this quality from outsiders.

Even historically, blue eyes attracted attention and not always in a positive way. In ancient times, those with blue eyes were associated with magic and were persecuted by the church to perform public exorcisms. This fact is also interesting if we take into account one of the characteristics of the human body. Almost everyone has a blue iris. True, over time, the eyes, in most cases, acquire a different shade, and closer to old age, their iris brightens again.

Be that as it may, even today owners of blue eyes are considered unusual and attractive, and their cold gaze enchants and captivates.

From time immemorial, blue eyes have been considered the standard of beauty. Today, there are many associations associated with this color, for example, the popular idea of ​​a blonde with blue eyes as a stupid girl. It is believed that this color not only has an aesthetic characteristic, but also reflects the essence of character.

Common Traits of Blue-Eyed People

Since blue belongs to the cold range, owners of eyes of this color are considered cold and arrogant. But this definition is not always correct. Often these people find themselves vulnerable and emotional. To hide their weakness and protect themselves from influence, they try let loose looking indifferent. This is not always possible, since impulsiveness and hot temper take over: in acute moments of disputes and provocations, they are not able to control their emotions.

People with blue eyes are dependent on their mood. It can be difficult for them to tune in to perform important tasks and concentrate on something important when their thoughts are “in the clouds.” If they inspiration came to me, then they can redo a bunch of things, feeling a constant surge of vigor and strength.

If you are the owner of cold blue “mirrors of the soul”, then the following tips are for you:

  • Don't make important decisions when you are in the grip of emotions. Take your time, think through all the details, weigh the pros and cons, and consult with those you trust.
  • Try to maintain a work and rest schedule. Overwork, even if it occurs as a result of a sudden “fighting mood,” can lead to a long period of fatigue and laziness.
  • Speak out your grievances and forgive your loved ones. If you notice that you have a grudge, drive away bad thoughts.
  • Keep a diary. It will help you pour out unwanted emotions, understand yourself better, and put your thoughts and plans in place. After writing down negative experiences in a diary, try later to compare your state with what you wrote - if you no longer feel angry, then keeping notes is good for you.
  • Don't deceive your loved ones. If you can deceive people with whom you keep a distance with your cold appearance, then by remaining secretive with close people, you can easily lose them.

Girls with blue eyes

Blue-eyed representatives of the fair sex are often vindictive, and sometimes even vindictive. When they part with men, they never allow them into their lives again. They do not forget betrayal, but they reward loyalty with trust and reciprocal feelings.

Knowing about her attractiveness, the girl loves flirting and coquetry. Surrounded by men, she feels like a duck to water, skillfully seducing and arousing interest. This behavior also applies to a married woman, but it does not mean she is prone to cheating. By flirting, a woman is not looking for a partner, but simply realizing her femininity.

If such a girl feels sincere sympathy for someone, then she is ready to do a lot for this person. Her kindness, responsiveness and selflessness allow her to be a good, loyal friend and wise wife.

Features of men

The common belief that blue-eyed people are naive should only apply to men. They often look at the world, and especially at their beloved, through rose-colored glasses. Such a man can live side by side with a woman for many years, not noticing her shortcomings, and then, one day, discover a completely new, stranger.

To avoid misunderstandings, the lover of a blue-eyed guy should open up to him more, talk about herself, explain her behavior and draw his attention to the features of her character. If a woman is silent and secretive, the man himself completes her image to suit his preferences. And this cannot but affect the relationship in the future.

A man's eyes can say a lot in combination with natural hair color:

  1. A brunette with blue eyes is distinguished by his demands and high standards not only for others, but also for himself. Therefore, he quickly overtakes his competitors and achieves professional success. But for the same reason, his family often breaks up: not every woman can withstand endless nagging about her ability to cook and run a household.
  2. The blue-eyed blond is a true romantic. Like a fairy-tale prince, he is able to court the girl of his dreams, surrounding her with care and beauty. At the same time, it can be difficult to persuade such a man into a serious, permanent relationship - most often these seducers turn out to be womanizers.
  3. Brown-haired with blue acts under the influence of fleeting sensations. Every minute he can change his decisions, and this impermanence and inconsistency negatively affects his career growth.

Compatibility of people by eye color

It’s unlikely that anyone is looking for a soulmate based on the color of the “mirrors of the soul,” but a blue-eyed person will probably be interested in knowing how the color of his lover’s eyes affects relationships:

There are many interesting facts and opinions surrounding blue-eyed people. Here are the most common ones:

  • People with heavenly colored eyes are less likely to suffer from color blindness.
  • In the northern parts of the planet there are more blue-eyed people, and in the south there are more brown-eyed people.
  • Eye color can change as you grow and age. Thus, most newborns and the elderly have blue eyes.
  • Owners of blue eyes lack extrasensory abilities; their intuition is less developed than that of brown-eyed and green-eyed people.
  • Eye color has nothing to do with intelligence level.

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