What synechiae looks like in girls and how it should be - photo. Treatment and care for fusion of the labia in girls

Synechia, or sticking together of the labia minora, occurs in early infancy or somewhat later, before the age of six. Often the disease is asymptomatic and is discovered by parents while caring for the child or by a doctor during a medical examination. Determining what synechiae look like is not difficult in most cases. This can be done by carefully examining the genitals.

The disease is prone to constant recurrence. In approximately a third of patients, new adhesions appear.

How to conduct an inspection

Before the examination, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and cut your nails so as not to injure the delicate skin. Spreading the child's legs, carefully examine the genitals. In this case, pay attention to the presence of a genital slit through which the vagina is visible.

If instead of a slit only a whitish stripe is visible, and an attempt to part the labia minora does not bring success, there is a high probability of synechiae. In rare cases, fusion of the labia majora also occurs.

Signs of pathology

Synechiae of the labia minora may not cause discomfort to the girl. In some cases, problems with urination are observed; when wanting to urinate, the child begins to grunt, strain hard and cry. After urination, immediate relief occurs.

The following symptoms can also be identified:

  • redness of the skin in the genital area, the appearance of a rash;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • crying indicating pain when touched while washing or bathing;
  • the direction of the urine stream is upward, which is typical for boys.

In girls 1 year of age and older, urine leakage occurs, even if the child is already using the potty.

How dangerous is the disease?

The fusion of the labia cannot be regarded as a natural process that should not be paid attention to, but its occurrence rarely brings serious consequences for the female body.

However, the condition can contribute to the development of various infectious processes. With the progression of the disease in the future, associated with the growth of the genital organs and improper formation of the perineum, the girl may have problems with conception and delivery.

The initial stage of the formation of synechiae makes itself felt by swelling of the vulva, its redness, irritation, and pain when urinating. If you suspect a pathology, you need to take your child to a doctor.

Synechia is an insidious disease prone to relapse. Girls under one year old cannot rely on their independent resolution. The problem can be eliminated by puberty. With this pathology, the child should be under the supervision of a pediatric gynecologist, who will determine the necessary treatment and give recommendations on the care of the genitals.

Causes of fusion

The reasons for the formation of synechiae may be different. If they are noticeable even in a newborn, then they were most likely caused by a complicated pregnancy and intrauterine infection of the fetus.

In preschool age, adhesions in girls may appear for the following reasons:

  • previous infectious diseases of the genitourinary area (cystitis,), when bacteria penetrate into the site of inflammation, which provokes fusion of the labia minora;
  • transmission of viruses through household means (through towels and other care items);
  • improper genital hygiene, use of aggressive cosmetics that eliminate the necessary bacterial environment;
  • tendency to allergies as a result of skin contact with residues of washing powder on linen, sanitary wet wipes, diapers, leading to swelling of the vulva and the further appearance of synechiae;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by;
  • wearing underwear made of low-quality synthetic materials;
  • helminthic infestations, intestinal discbacteriosis, taking certain medications.


Synechiae can be incomplete or complete. If the fusion occurs in a small area of ​​the labia minora, the problem can be solved by following the rules of hygiene and care. A great danger is the complete fusion of the labia minora, which can only be cured with timely consultation with a doctor.

Before determining treatment, the patient is prescribed general blood and urine tests, a smear is taken for bacterial culture from the vagina or tests for hidden infections.

If synechiae is caused by allergies, consultation with an allergist is required.

Local therapy

Ointments and creams containing are used in treatment.

  • Ovestin

A hormonal agent used for various diseases associated with estrogen deficiency. The main active ingredient is estriol.

Treatment with Ovestin is carried out for 20 days, then take a short break of 10 days. After a break, the course is repeated. Ovestin is recommended for use no more than once a day. It is better to treat synechiae before the child goes to bed. If the baby sleeps in a diaper, it should not be put on until the cream is completely absorbed.

In some cases, negative reactions are possible: vaginal itching, mucus secretion, skin rashes. The cream should be prescribed with caution to patients with bronchial asthma, epilepsy, and liver diseases.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer. The treatment is carried out with careful rubbing movements. You cannot put pressure on the genitals or try to separate the synechiae yourself. It is strictly forbidden to use various improvised means for this purpose, which can serve as a source of infection.

  • Contractubex

The cream is often prescribed for synechiae in girls. The optimal combination of active ingredients (onion extract, sodium heparin, allantoin) has a bactericidal effect, anti-inflammatory effect, and heals wound surfaces.

The product is applied to the fused area twice a day in a thin layer. A greater effect can be achieved by combining this drug with Traumeel S or Bepanten. The course of treatment is 20 days, then after a pause it is repeated. Since synechiae is a recurrent phenomenon, Contractubex can also be used for prophylactic purposes.

The drug has virtually no contraindications. The only obstacle to its use is increased intolerance or sensitivity to individual components.

  • Bepanten

Bepanten ointment or cream is effective if the disease is complicated by inflammation. Bepanten eliminates ulcers, cracks, and erosions of delicate skin. Its use prevents the development of infection.

Bepanten is a safe drug; it is suitable for both newborn girls and older children. The treatment is carried out after washing and thoroughly drying the genitals.

Baths with the addition of chamomile, calendula, and oak bark will help prevent relapse. When treating synechiae in girls at home, oils of plant origin (sea buckthorn, peach, almond, grape seed) are used.

Surgical treatment

How to treat complete fusion if conservative treatment does not produce the expected results? In this case, a dissection is performed. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is not dangerous and does not cause any discomfort or bleeding in the girl.

The operation takes only a few minutes. After the procedure, the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution and after 15-20 minutes the girl and her mother can go home.

After surgical separation of synechiae, regular treatment of the genital organs is necessary for some time. For this purpose, both creams and ointments and vegetable oils are used. Regular baby cream will also work. Soothing baths based on decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, and string are prescribed.

You will have to treat small lips with cream for at least a month. In the future, this procedure is carried out once a week for the purpose of prevention.


This procedure belongs to the auxiliary methods of treating synechiae. Massage is done after applying the ointment. After waiting a minute or two until the cream-gel begins to be absorbed, begin massaging the glued labia. The movements should be smooth, careful, but slightly pressing.

If fusion is not complete, you can try to gently separate the lips, but you should not overdo it. It is undesirable to make sudden movements, especially when trying to separate glued lips, as movements can cause injury or psychological discomfort in the child.

The following home remedy has worked well. Wipe the affected area with a cotton pad soaked in potato juice, trying to slightly stretch the labia in different directions. The procedure must be regular. Thus, in case of incomplete fusion, surgical separation can be avoided with the help of a kind of massage.

Prevention of synechiae in girls

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of synechiae is prone to repeated “return” even after surgical separation. The problem is solved only with the onset of puberty. Preventive measures, compliance with hygiene rules and daily routine will help significantly reduce the risk of relapse. So, prevention includes following the following rules:

  1. You need to wash your child with regular tap water without using soap or other cosmetics that dry out the vaginal mucosa and wash away beneficial microflora.
  2. Don't get carried away with bubble baths, if you can't give them up completely, add it just before finishing your bath.
  3. The choice of underwear should be made in favor of models made from natural cotton. Only in such panties will the skin breathe freely. You also need to make sure that the underwear does not squeeze or rub the skin, as this can provoke an inflammatory process.
  4. Timely detect and treat infectious and viral diseases. In most cases, synechiae occur as a consequence of incorrectly and incompletely treated diseases.
  5. Regular visits to a pediatric gynecologist. This recommendation often causes confusion among mothers who believe that a little girl has no business being in a woman’s doctor’s office. However, doctors advise visiting a gynecologist already in preschool age.
  6. Changing diapers in a timely manner; in some cases, you will have to stop using them; it is better to wash preschool children’s clothes separately from the clothes of adult family members.
  7. Choose commercial detergents and cosmetics, toilet paper and other care products without artificial dyes and fragrances.
  8. Preventive use of ointments with estrogen in those girls who have previously been diagnosed with genital fusion. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor!
  9. Pregnant women in the third trimester should actively combat symptoms (protein in the urine, edema, high blood pressure), as these symptoms lead to complications during childbirth and the appearance of pathologies in the newborn.

Synechiae in girls is very common. It is important to detect the disease in time to prevent complications.

Most parents are not even aware of synechiae of the labia minora in girls. They don’t talk about this in courses for expectant mothers. It is difficult for a mother, even a woman, to determine whether her daughter has synechiae or not.

What do synechiae of the vagina and labia minora look like in girls?

Synechia, simply put, is a fusion. Synechia of the labia minora is the fusion of the labia minora in a girl. Possible fusion of the labia minora with the labia majora. Fusion can be complete or partial.

To examine your daughter for the presence of synechia, you need to:

  • wash your hands well with soap
  • nails should be cut short
  • put the baby on her back
  • Gently spread your legs and carefully examine the genitals

Having opened the labia majora, the mother will see that the labia minora are tightly pressed to each other and a film has formed between them. The vagina is not visible at all, or only part of it can be seen. When I try to separate the jaws, nothing happens. This brings pain to the baby and the child begins to cry.

IMPORTANT: With a normal structure of the labia minora, the gap is large, the vagina is clearly visible. The labia minora look like petals and are separate from the labia majora.

Signs of synechia in girls

IMPORTANT: The main sign of the presence of synechia in a girl will be problems with urination. The child will cry and strain. Relief comes only after urination. The situation worsens in the evenings. The baby practically cannot sleep.

Sign indicating the possible appearance of synechia are:

  • redness of the baby's genitals, the presence of a small rash
  • When washing, there may be painful sensations, the girl will cry
  • Synechia is also indicated by the fact that when urinating, urine rises in a stream upward, like in boys
  • constant leakage of urine, the child went to the potty, but his panties were always wet

Synechia in girls, photo

The first photo shows the normal structure of the genital organs. The second photo clearly shows the complete fusion of the labia minora.

Synechia in infant girls

Almost from the first days of life, girls can have fused labia. It is believed that The cause of this disease is low levels of sex hormones. This should not alarm parents. Since the absence of sex hormones before puberty is the norm.

Up to about 8 years of age, relapses of the disease are possible. As a girl grows up, the genital mucosa becomes less susceptible to external irritants and more dense. And it hardly grows together.

Causes of synechia in girls

The reasons that can provoke synechiae are:

  • food allergies in a child to certain foods in the diet of a baby or mother who is breastfeeding
  • household allergies can occur to diapers, powder, cream, soap, napkins, oil
  • insufficient washing
  • washing too often
  • use when washing soap
  • improper washing
  • genitourinary system infections
  • hormonal medications taken by the mother while the baby is pregnant
  • dysbacteriosis
  • worms

In order to find the cause of the formation of synechiae, the specialist will prescribe a series of tests:

  • vaginal smears
  • blood and urine test
  • feces for dysbacteriosis and worm eggs
  • scraping for enterobiasis

Breeding synechiae in girls

IMPORTANT: The earlier synechiae are detected, the easier it is to breed them. At the very beginning of the disease, the film is thin and transparent. And when fully fused, it becomes dense, the body perceives the genital gap as a wound, and without surgical intervention it cannot be separated.

  • You cannot do this on your own; you can only harm the child. If you suspect synechia, you should seek help from a pediatric gynecologist.
  • It is believed that synechiae should not be touched at the initial stage, but only need to be diluted when the fusion brings discomfort to the baby

Treatment of synechiae, dissection of synechiae in girls

  • The dissection of synechiae in girls is done by a pediatric gynecologist. This procedure is performed using a scalpel and takes a few seconds. The manipulation is painful and requires special care for the baby’s genitals
  • To relieve painful urination and wound healing, sitz baths, lotions and antibacterial ointments are recommended

IMPORTANT: Dissection does not protect against repeated relapses. The labia minora may grow back together. Parents have the right to refuse this method of treatment, but with complete fusion, when urination is impaired, this is the only way to help the girl.

  • give up diapers
  • carefully monitor your baby’s personal hygiene
  • lubricate the labia with baby cream and vegetable oil
  • do air baths as often as possible.

How to treat synechiae in girls at home?

Treatment of synechiae at home is possible only with partial and uncomplicated fusion. To do this, use warm sitz baths with the addition of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, string.

The procedure takes 10 minutes. After this, it is recommended to lubricate the fusion site with sea buckthorn, olive or peach oil. The oil must be clean, without impurities.

IMPORTANT: before use, you must check if your child is allergic to the selected type of oil.

Cream for synechia in girls

  • If synechiae progresses and causes discomfort to the baby, a specialist will prescribe special hormonal creams
  • They can be used only in strictly specified quantities and once a day. Apply such creams with a clean index finger, strictly to the area of ​​adhesion. The course of treatment is 14 days
  • After a course of treatment with hormonal cream, the area of ​​the labia minora is treated with baby cream without fragrances. Apply cream after washing

Ointment for synechia in girls

To improve the effect of using hormonal cream, ointments are prescribed. They are applied to the adhesion zone in the morning, after washing. These ointments include Traumeel S, cream-gel Malavit, Contractubex.

Does Contractubex help with synechiae in girls?

  • Contractubex is an anti-scar gel. Used as an additional remedy in the treatment of synechiae in girls
  • Apply a thin layer to the adhesion site twice a day. If the doctor or parents do not want to use hormonal creams, treatment is only possible contractubex
  • This method requires more time and patience. The full course of treatment is 3 months . When used correctly it gives results

Ovestin treatment of synechia in a girl

For successful treatment of synechiae, a hormonal cream is prescribed.

IMPORTANT: Ovestin, when used correctly, acts only on synechiae and does not affect the baby’s hormonal levels.

Use Ovestin once a day after evening washing.

  • Apply half a centimeter of cream to your finger
  • gently spread the labia majora
  • apply cream to the adhesion line
  • make light circular movements with the labia majora
  • You cannot put on a diaper immediately after the procedure; you must wait until the cream is absorbed
  • When applied Ovestin It is recommended to use only your finger. But, some doctors advise using a cotton swab and rubbing the cream into the commissure. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the girl’s genitals.
  • The course of treatment is 14 days . If the synechiae have not resolved or have resolved, but only partially, after a ten-day break you can continue treatment

Prevention of synechiae in girls

In order to prevent synechiae in girls, you need to:

  • wash properly, this is done every day under running water and from front to back to avoid infection
  • wash only with your hands, it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth, as this can damage the delicate tissue of the labia
  • When washing, use soap only once a week; it should be baby soap without fragrances or dyes. Frequent use of soap dries out the mucous membrane and provokes synechiae. It's better to give up soap altogether
  • use diapers correctly, change them every three hours or more often
  • do air baths for the genitals, the longer the better
  • choose underwear only from natural fabrics and in size; before putting it on the child, it must be ironed
  • wash children's clothes separately from adults' clothes
  • If your child is allergic, closely monitor allergic reactions. In case of redness, generously lubricate the labia minora with unscented baby cream or use diaper rash cream
  • do not overuse herbal or potassium permanganate baths

IMPORTANT: It is imperative to examine the baby’s genitals. The earlier synechiae are diagnosed, the easier it is to treat them.

  • Most mothers and specialists speak positively about treatment with hormonal cream. When applied correctly, synechiae go away easily and painlessly
  • After dilating the labia minora, the adhesion site should be treated with additional non-hormonal ointments
  • The use of Ovestin is also justified in case of fusion of the labia minora with the labia majora. The cream is applied to the fusion site and the result will be visible in about a week.

In the fight against synechiae:

  • Be sure to exclude allergens, both household and food. Otherwise, the mucous membrane will be irritated and re-growth may occur.
  • In case of viral infections, carefully monitor the labia minora
  • Lubricate with baby cream or oil several times a day. Massage the perineum
  • If the fusion of the labia is partial and does not cause discomfort, carry out only observational tactics

Many mothers are worried about frequent relapses of synechiae. This means something was done wrong. We need to be patient. And, most importantly, remember that the girl will grow up, and the problem will go away on its own.

Video: Pediatrician Plus - Synechia (fusion of the labia minora) in girls

Video: Why synechiae occurs in girls - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: When to treat synechiae in girls - Dr. Komarovsky

Video: How to treat fusion of the labia - Dr. Komarovsky

Synechiae, or adhesions, are most often observed in little girls.

Most often, doctors make this diagnosis between the ages of 1 month and 3 years.

If symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. Thanks to this, treatment of synechiae in girls at home will be effective.

By this term, experts understand the adhesion or fusion of the labia minora or majora. This may occur throughout the entire perineum or affect only a third. In this case, there is no entrance to the vagina.

The labia are connected by a thin membrane. If complete fusion is observed, the urethral opening cannot be seen.

According to statistics, the peak of this disorder occurs in 2 age groups - 1-3 years and 7-8 years. In this case, the labia minora most often grow together. However, sometimes they are observed to be combined with larger ones.

This condition can be easily determined by performing a detailed inspection:

  • the labia are connected by a light gray film;
  • when the girl's lips are pulled apart, pain occurs, while the adhesive remains;
  • It is possible to visualize only part of the vagina or it is completely closed.

In a normal state, the gap between the labia during dilution is quite large. In this case, the vagina can be examined unhindered.

Pediatrician Plus - Synechia (fusion of the labia minora) in girls


Before treating this disease, it is necessary to determine the causes of its occurrence. The main factors include the following:


Synechia is accompanied not only by visual differences in the structure of the genital organs.

In addition, the following symptoms may occur:

In some cases, synechiae is accompanied by symptoms of infection. However, in most situations the disease is asymptomatic. Therefore, parents often discover it by accident when carrying out hygiene procedures.


How to treat synechiae in girls? This question worries many parents. In the absence of severe symptoms, specific therapy is not needed. With an increase in estrogen levels in the body, the disease will go away on its own.


In simple cases of the disease, it is necessary to provide proper care to the girl’s genitals:

Herbal baths and massage are used as a complement to hygiene procedures. When performing it, you must apply Bepanten to your finger.

Medicinal plants such as sage, calendula and chamomile are commonly used for sitz baths. The duration of each procedure should not be more than 10 minutes.

Then you should lubricate the genitals. Sea buckthorn or peach oil for synechia in girls will be an excellent option in this case.

When performing a massage, you need to use light strokes without pressure. In this case, movements should be directed towards carefully separating the labia.

To stimulate the recovery process, you should use Bepanten ointment. It is important to consider that you will not be able to achieve results immediately. Therefore, movements should be as careful as possible - this will help avoid discomfort.

Treatment of synechiae with folk remedies involves the use of simple recipes:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the potatoes, then soak 2 cotton pads in it. Rub them over the area where the adhesions are located, gently stretching them to the sides.
  2. Wash your hands well, take sunflower oil and dip your finger in it. Pass in the area of ​​the commissure, gently pressing on it. It is important that the child does not feel discomfort.

Such procedures can be done with a partial form of pathology, which is not accompanied by complications. Before using any product, you need to consider the risk of allergic reactions.

If you are intolerant to sea buckthorn or peach oil, you can use olive oil.

If pain occurs, standard therapy should include the use of special ointments with estrogens or ordinary children's creams.

The first category of drugs should not be used without medical advice, although they cause minimal side effects. The ointment should be applied strictly along the line of adhesions, trying not to touch the rest of the genitals.

The standard duration of therapy is 2 weeks. In this case, it is recommended to use the drugs twice a day.

The doctor should then evaluate the results and, if necessary, prescribe another course of therapy. However, in this case, the ointment is applied once a day.

In addition to ointments with estrogen, regular baby cream is used. They should clean the baby's genitals after bathing. A good option would be Malavit cream gel, which has a calming effect on the skin.

The most commonly used ointment is Ovestin, which in most cases successfully copes with synechiae. This drug is an analogue of estrogen.

Gradually, the drug is replaced by a regular cream containing lanolin, which will become a reliable prevention of re-formation of adhesions.

Ovestin for synechiae in girls is applied once a day before bedtime. Therapy with this remedy has certain features that must be taken into account in order not to damage the mucous membranes of the genital organs:

  1. It is forbidden to put pressure on fused organs or try to separate them.
  2. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer. To do this, apply 5 mm of the product to a clean finger and treat the synechiae, performing gentle rubbing movements.
  3. The drug is absorbed quite quickly and is eliminated after about 18 hours. Therefore, it is enough to use it once a day.
  4. After completion of therapy, the synechiae will completely disappear. However, Ovestin should continue to be used for prevention.
  5. The duration of treatment with this drug is 20 days. Then you need to take a break for 10 days.

For people who are afraid to use hormonal ointments, the doctor can choose alternative remedies. Contractubex for synechia in girls should be mixed with the drug Traumeel.

These substances are taken in the same ratio and applied to the adhesions. Treatment should be continued for 3 months. Methyluracil ointment can be prescribed for the same purposes.


This question worries many parents. Prevention of this disorder includes the following components:

If synechiae occurs in a girl more than once a year and is accompanied by redness, itching or discharge, it is very important to undergo a bacteriological culture or vaginal smear. Thanks to timely therapy, it will be possible to prevent relapses of the pathology.

Synechiae is considered a fairly common problem that can cause serious discomfort in young girls.

To avoid such problems, you should promptly consult a doctor who will select adequate therapy. Folk remedies can be used as a complement to traditional treatment.

Sea buckthorn oil

Active ingredient:

Sea buckthorn oil (Oleum Hippophaеs) (Oleum Hippophaеs)

Composition and release form:

Oily solution for oral and external use 1 fl. carotenoids no less than 180% complex of biologically active substances from sea buckthorn fruits: tocopherols, sterols, PUFAs (linoleic, palmitoleic, oleic, linolenic, palmitic)

in orange glass bottles of 20, 50 and 100 ml; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Gelatin capsules 1 caps. (200 or 300 mg) carotenoids not less than 180 mg% complex of biologically active substances from sea buckthorn fruits: tocopherols, sterols, PUFAs (linoleic, palmitoleic, oleic, palmitic)

in plastic jars of 100 pcs. (200 mg); in a cardboard pack 1 can; in contour cell packages 10 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 1 or 5 (200 mg) packages.


  • radiation injuries and burns of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • colpitis, endocervicitis, cervical erosion;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, chronic colitis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis (as part of combination therapy);
  • acute and chronic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa and periodontal tissue;
  • atrophic pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis;
  • prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • to increase the body's resistance to harmful environmental factors;
  • decreased vision.


  • hypersensitivity.

Additional for oral administration:

  • acute inflammatory processes in the gall bladder, liver, pancreas;
  • gallstone disease.

Side effects:

When applied topically- burning sensation when applied to a burned surface.

When taken orally- bitterness in the mouth, diarrhea.

For both methods of use- allergic reactions are possible.

Directions for use and dosage:

Locally, orally, rectally, inhalation. Locally in the form of oil dressings every other day (until granulations appear), having previously cleared the affected area of ​​granulations.

In gynecology, it is used for lubrication or on tampons: for colpitis and endocervicitis, the vaginal walls are lubricated, having previously cleaned them with cotton balls; for cervical erosions, generously moistened tampons (5–10 ml per tampon) are pressed tightly onto the eroded surface, changing them daily. The course of treatment for colpitis is 10–15 procedures, endocervicitis and erosions is 8–12 procedures. If necessary, repeat the course after 4–6 weeks. For diseases of the oral mucosa and periodontium, it is used in the form of applications or turundas moistened with oil; the course of treatment is 10–15 procedures.

Inside, before meals, 1 teaspoon or 8 capsules 2-3 times a day. For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30–40 minutes before meals and 1 teaspoon at night, before bed. For duodenal ulcer, the dose of oil is gradually increased to 1 teaspoon. If the acidity of the gastric juice is significantly increased, it is recommended to take a dose of oil with alkaline mineral water without gas. The course of treatment is 25–30 days. As a general tonic - 2–3 teaspoons per day on an empty stomach.

Rectally, in the form of microenemas, after bowel movements they are inserted deep into the anus. Adults and children over 14 years old - 0.5 g 2 times a day, course of treatment - 10-15 days. Children under 6 years old - 0.5 g 1 time per day; 6–14 years - 0.5 g 1–2 times a day; course of treatment - 14 days or more. If necessary, repeat the course after 4–6 weeks.

Inhalation, 15 minutes daily, for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the course of treatment is 8–10 procedures.

Medical statistics in the field of gynecology indicate a diagnosis of synechia of the labia in girls in 10 out of 100 cases. What is this problem, how serious is it and is it easy to fix? A child's developmental defect, when the labia labia, more often the labia minora, less often the labia majora, are fused, is called synechia in girls. Such adhesion occurs at an early age, in newborns, or at 1–2 years. Fused labia in girls in a small area are not dangerous and if certain hygiene requirements are met, the pathology can be resolved, but it is important to prevent re-fusion.

What is synechiae in girls

Synechia is translated from Greek as continuity, connection. The formation of adhesions, fusion of internal organs or external parts on the body is called synechia. As a rule, this pathology is observed as a partial fusion of the labia minora in girls, and less often – of the labia majora. In most cases, adhesion is asymptomatic, unnoticed by parents in the absence of children's complaints. The peak of the problem appears when the child reaches the age of 1-2 years and requires separation of the synechiae.

If detected early, synechiae do not cause discomfort to the baby and are easily treated, but advanced stages are dangerous with serious consequences, so it is important to detect the fusion at the initial stage. Parents need to pay attention to the child’s well-being and monitor the condition of the genitals. If a girl becomes uneasy and suspects a pathology, she should consult a doctor. An examination by a gynecologist is required if:

  • the baby experiences constant difficulties when going to the potty (cries, avoids, strains);
  • there are changes of various properties on the genitals (peeling, redness, irritation).

What they look like

With synechia, the labia can grow together in the lower third of the organs or along their entire length. The labia are connected to each other by a thin membrane that blocks the entrance to the vagina. If complete fusion is observed, then the opening of the urethra is also closed. A stripe is clearly visible on the film - the place of fusion. There are cases of symmetrical fusion of the labia minora and labia majora on both sides. However, the small external genitalia often stick together, closing the entrance to the vagina by a few millimeters, by a third or half, or complete overgrowth is possible.


Among the factors that cause fused labia minora in a child, a common reason is congenital pathology. Often the phenomenon occurs due to improper washing: the membrane of the vulva is very delicate, when washing it can be injured, and during healing the labia can stick together. Conditions conducive to the formation of synechiae are as follows:

  • lack of the hormone estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman and, as a consequence, in the body of a girl (although low estrogen levels are normal for a child until puberty);
  • the presence of infections and bacterial diseases of the urinary tract;
  • allergic reaction to food, intimate hygiene products, clothing;
  • diaper rash due to untimely changing of diapers;
  • rubbing underwear in the genital area;
  • the use of synthetic fabrics in baby clothes;
  • frequent washing (especially if soap is used every time the girl is washed).

Why are synechiae dangerous in girls?

The problem cannot be ignored: an advanced disease is fraught with serious complications. Synechiae are dangerous due to the formation of a closed space in the vagina, where vaginal discharge begins to accumulate. They create a favorable atmosphere for the formation of bacteria. Due to urination disorders, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs develop. In addition, the pathological development of the labia directly affects the reproductive system, and problems with conception, gestation and the development of infertility are possible.

Treatment of synechiae in girls

In the early stages of synechia in infants, they can be corrected simply - with the help of a special cream. At night, an ointment containing estrogen is applied to the labia. At the end of the course (the duration is strictly individual), the drug is replaced with baby cream. The use of perfume hygiene products must be limited. In advanced stages, the labia minora are separated surgically under local anesthesia. P After using this method, preventive treatment is carried out (lotions, ointments). Either method requires strict hygiene with frequent diaper changes.


An alternative to surgical treatment are vaginal creams with estrogen: Bepanten or Ovestin. After hygiene procedures, anti-scarring agents Contractubex and Traumeel S are applied to the external genital organs. Malavit is used to relieve irritation. The effectiveness of creams is high in cases of initial and mild pathology, which makes it possible to avoid surgery. The disadvantages of using hormonal ointments include extreme care and application strictly to the sticky area. The drugs are gradually being replaced by fragrance-free baby creams.

How to use Ovestin

With Ovestin hormonal cream you can painlessly get rid of synechiae. The drug is recommended for use in cases of estrogen deficiency and in children with synechiae. As a rule, a course of treatment is prescribed for a month. Local use of hormonal drugs is practically safe, and the course can be extended to three months, but if an effect is obtained in the early period, treatment can be stopped.

The advantages of Ovestin for pathologies of the mucous membranes of the genital organs are its mild and effective action, thanks to the component estriol, an estrogen analogue. The difficulty of use lies in the correct application technique. After hygiene procedures, twice a day, the drug is carefully applied in a thin layer with your finger to the fusion site. In this case, you should not use cotton swabs, disks, or apply pressure to the vulvar mucosa. Do not attempt to separate tissues. Ovestin cream is recommended for use until the adhesion is completely destroyed.

Contractubex for synechia

This gel is used in complex conservative treatment to affect connective tissues. A positive effect is achieved from heparin and allantoin, which are part of contractubex: the components help smooth out adhesions and protect sensitive tissues. The gel is mixed with Traumeel C in the same proportion and applied with a finger in a thin layer to the site of synechia, similar to the use of Ovestin - gently and carefully, exclusively on the problem area.

Surgical intervention

The last therapeutic measure for synechia is surgery. It is used if conservative methods are unsuccessful. Surgical division, rather than dissection of synechiae, is carried out with local anesthesia, but in cases of tight fusion, general anesthesia is possible. Doctors always try to treat the problem without surgery. The painful process requires recovery. The girl may have neurotic problems, and in the future - psychosexual disorders, so it is advisable to show the child to several specialists before separating the lips in this way.

Folk remedies

In case of pathology, the use of home remedies cannot be ruled out. Twice a day, the area of ​​adhesion should be wiped with fresh potato juice using cotton swabs. Such lotions are made carefully, stretching the fused labia. It is good to use olive, peach or other vegetable oils. At the same time, they lubricate the problem area with a finger, lightly pressing on the area of ​​the commissure, as if separating it.


Synechia tends to appear again, up to 8 years. To avoid the risk of synechiae and relapses of fusion, parents should follow simple preventive rules:

  • wash with your hand under running water, without using washcloths or sponges;
  • use detergents without dyes and fragrances;
  • after bathing, put on the girl dry cotton clothes that do not restrict movement;
  • change diapers in a timely manner, avoiding skin irritation;
  • after urination, make sure that urine does not remain on the perineum;
  • Examine your child yourself and visit a pediatric gynecologist regularly.
