How to renew the body's cells. Cell renewal cycles in the human body

Can we adults consciously grow new neurons in our brains? It sounds fantastic, but neurologist Sandrine Thuret says it's possible.

Citing cutting-edge neuroscience research, she provides practical advice on how we can improve our mood, improve our memory, and prevent brain aging.

In short, the point is that our brain is constantly renewing itself, building new cells instead of dying ones. And we can influence the rate at which neurogenesis occurs.

Here are the main thoughts and takeaways from the TED platform.

For a long time, scientists studying the human brain and nervous system were convinced that " nerve cells do not recover"But, as it turns out, they are not only restored. All adult brain cells are constantly renewed! The process received its scientific name: neurogenesis.

Until recently, this was hard to believe, but now neurologists know: The adult brain can generate new nerve cells. The process of updating them occurs especially quickly in hippocampus, which plays a critical role in things like memory, mood and emotions. Jonas Friesen from the Karolinska Institute calculated that we produce 700 new neurons for the hippocampus every day.

This may not seem like much compared to the billions of cells that make up the brain. But by the time we become 50 , there will not be a single cell left in our brain from among those with which we were born! In other words, in 50 years the brain reproduces itself entirely!

So what?

Firstly, scientists know that it is very important for learning and memory. Every time you learn something new, your brain wonders where to place it. To do this, it needs new neurons. If they are not there, the information will simply “disappear” from your head. Your ability to navigate in space and mentally lay out complex routes in your head will suffer more than others.

Second, neurogenesis is critical for quality memory. The more “free” cells you have, the more details about the event your head remembers.

Thirdly, this process has direct impact on your mood. Slowing neurogenesis is one of the main causes of depression. You can start taking antidepressants, but this will not speed up the formation of new neurons. Moreover, drugs may lose their effectiveness if neurogenesis stops.

The next question is: can we control neurogenesis? Answer: yes.

One of the main studies on this topic was conducted by specialists from the Salk Institute. They proved that the rate of formation of new neurons Your physical activity is of utmost importance. Experiments on laboratory rats showed that those that were in an empty cage had brain renewal slower than those animals that ran inside a “wheel.”

Secondly, what you eat matters a lot.

Research shows that Calorie restrictions accelerate neurogenesis by 20-30%. In general, calculate how much you need for your height and weight, and do not exceed the serving size.

The process of formation of new cells in the brain also accelerates in cases where we we often have snacks. Reduce the intervals between meals!

To speed up neurogenesis you can also increase flavonoid intake(found in dark chocolate and blueberries) and Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon and other fatty fish). Conversely, a diet high in saturated fat will have negative influence on neurogenesis.

Ethanol- alcohol contained in all alcoholic beverages, - also slows down neurogenesis. An exception can be made for wine: It contains resveratrol, which promotes the survival of new neurons. So next time you're at a dinner party, stick to this "neutral" option.

And the last point regarding food.

Japanese research on this topic has shown that soft foods that are easy to chew reduce the rate of new cell formation. Your brain needs crunchy food which takes a long time to chew!

Scientists made all these conclusions based on their studies on laboratory animals. They found out that Diet actually modulates mood and memory. Restricting calorie intake increases memory capacity, while a high-fat diet inevitably leads to worsening symptoms of depression. So pay attention to the caloric content and texture of the food you are about to eat.

Numerous clinical studies have shown that in the human body, used cells are replaced with new ones with a certain frequency. The process of blood renewal is of utmost importance, during which the body is cleansed of old cells and toxins, and new ones receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen.

Most doctors believe that this process takes its own time for each person, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and age. But it has been proven that the fair sex undergoes renewal a little faster than men.

Many people ask why the body renews blood and what factors influence the rate of hematopoiesis. This will be discussed further below.

Process characteristics

In international medicine, blood renewal is called “hematopoiesis.” Its progress is 80% dependent on the correct functioning of the bone marrow.

The process of updating the biomaterial has not yet been fully studied; scientists around the world are trying to study its features, so a reliable and correct table of hematopoiesis has not yet been compiled.

The biomaterial consists of several types of cells that perform different functions. Basically the following are subject to replacement:

  • Red blood cells. The most common type of cells, they contain hemoglobin and iron. Red blood cells enter the blood from the bone marrow and are responsible for the supply and saturation of oxygen to other tissues. Doctors have found that the lifespan of red blood cells is 4 months; after this time, the cells begin to die in the liver and spleen.
  • Leukocytes. The main task of these bodies is to protect the body from various viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. They prevent infection, and if malicious compounds penetrate, they detect and destroy them. There are several types of leukocytes in human blood: eosinophils (protect the intestinal tract and respiratory system), neutrophils (the functioning of the immune system depends on their activity), monocytes (fight the inflammatory process), basophils (prevent the development of the allergic process).
  • Platelets. They are responsible for restoring and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, activating the coagulation process when receiving cuts and injuries, and preventing blood loss. Unlike other elements, platelets live from 8 to 12 days, after which they die. In their place, new ones are formed.

What determines the update speed?

Blood renewal is a complex process that depends on various factors. Today, the theory of hematopoiesis is gaining great popularity, especially among young couples planning to conceive a child.

Numerous studies have confirmed that if a child is conceived when the biomaterial of both parents is completely renewed, the likelihood that he will be born healthy, without various pathologies, increases to 98%.

The blood in the body changes in any case, but the speed and number of replaced cells depend on the physiological state of the person and the influence of external factors.

Main reasons influencing the process:

  • gender identity;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • nutritional features;
  • taking medications of certain pharmaceutical groups;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • receiving serious injuries accompanied by heavy blood loss;
  • donation;
  • Lifestyle.

It is impossible to say exactly how many years or months the update lasts, since it depends on the characteristics of a particular person.

In men

Recent studies have confirmed that in men this biomaterial is completely renewed every 4 years. During this period, a person becomes as strong and healthy as possible.

If a married couple is planning to conceive a baby, experts recommend waiting for this moment, as the baby will be strong, resilient and strong.

The optimal age for a man to conceive a child: 24, 28, 32 years. But it is important to remember that replacement can occur at other times. This happens if a person has been seriously injured or during donation.

Among women

Unlike representatives of the stronger sex, in women renewal occurs a little more often - once every 3 years. This is largely due to the fact that during menstruation a small amount of biomaterial is lost, as a result of which recovery is faster.

Failure of the full update cycle can occur due to termination of pregnancy (both medical and surgical), donation, or recent operations.

All these processes will affect your health and condition, so blood renewal may happen earlier. It is impossible to answer how many years later the process of hematopoiesis will begin.

Update during the menstrual cycle

During menstruation, women on average lose about 150 ml. By medical standards, this volume is quite insignificant (during a donation, a person gives about 450 ml of blood).

Doctors claim that during this natural process, the blood is also renewed, but in too small quantities. However, this affects the overall renewal cycle, and in women it happens a little faster.

During pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy, the blood is practically not renewed, the process slows down.

This feature is due to the fact that the body devotes energy to the life support of the baby, and other processes are “frozen”.

The situation is completely different after the baby is born. During childbirth, women lose a large amount of blood, and heavy bleeding is also observed in the days following childbirth.

The body begins to quickly and intensively cleanse itself of the baby’s waste products, and the process of hematopoiesis is activated.

Update calculation

Many health-conscious people ask their therapists whether it is possible to calculate when blood fluid renewal will begin.

It must be taken into account that each person's renewal cycle is slightly different. Also, the period of hematopoiesis largely depends on anatomical features and the influence of external factors. If a person is a donor, his renewal will occur more often and faster, this will become an individual feature.

International medicine is of the opinion that in men and women the biomaterial is renewed in the following way:

Age dependent

The number of years lived has virtually no effect on the rate of blood replacement. But human health directly depends on age. The more significant the latter, the more stress, infections and nervous experiences a person has encountered. This directly affects your overall health.

Planning a pregnancy

Recently, future parents have begun to pay great attention to the quality and age of blood. Many experts claim that the health and gender of the baby depend on the characteristics of the biomaterial.

  1. The father's age must be divided by 4.
  2. Mother's age is 3.
  3. Then you need to compare the remainder of the numbers.

Whose remainder is smaller, the parent determines the future gender. If the father has less balance, a boy will be born. If the mother has a girl. When the remainders are the same, the probabilities of having a son or daughter are equal.

How to speed up the update

If necessary, the process can be accelerated artificially. The easiest way to do this is to sign up as a donor. If a person donates blood once a month, the formation of new cells in him accelerates several times.

If we talk about the blood transfusion procedure, it is ineffective and will not help improve the health of the body. This technique also increases the risk of side effects..

Foods that are good for your blood

You can improve the quality of your blood and saturate it with useful microelements if you adhere to the right diet. Research has confirmed that the foods that are most beneficial for your blood are:

  1. Carrots, beets. They are recommended to be consumed fresh, and juices can also be made from them.
  2. Garlic. If you swallow a clove of garlic before going to bed, hematopoiesis will accelerate.
  3. Sea fish. Almost all varieties contain a large amount of omega-3 acids, which helps remove cholesterol and cleanse the blood.
  4. White cabbage. It is recommended to make salads based on it. A vegetable subjected to heat treatment loses its properties.
  5. Apples.
  6. Pomegranate.
  7. Nuts. They contain a lot of iron, magnesium, potassium and various vitamins.

Some scientists are still skeptical about the theory of blood renewal and consider it false, especially when it comes to planning a child. Nevertheless, many women who calculate the gender of the child using this theory note that the results coincide with the calculations.

It is necessary to understand that this biomaterial in the body, like all other cells, is renewed in any case, but it is almost impossible to calculate the frequency of the process, since it is very complex and depends on individual characteristics.

Friesen discovered that the body's cells mostly replace themselves every 7 to 10 years. In other words, old cells die and are replaced by new ones during this period of time. The process of cell renewal occurs faster in some parts of the body, but complete rejuvenation from toes to head takes about ten years.

This explains why our skin flakes fall off, our nails grow, and our hair falls out. But if we are constantly filled with new cells, why does the body age? Aren't new cells supposed to act like a shot of Botox? When it comes to aging, it turns out that the secret lies not in our cells, but in cellular DNA.

Cell lifespan

The body is renewed in different ways. The time cells work in certain areas of the body depends on what is required of them. Red blood cells, for example, live for four months because they are required to travel the arduous journey through the circulatory system and deliver oxygen to tissues throughout the body.

But how long do other cells live?

  • Skin: The epidermis undergoes a fair amount of wear and tear as it acts as the body's outer protective layer. These skin cells turn over every two to four weeks.
  • Hair: Natural body hair has a lifespan of about 6 years for women and 3 years for men.
  • Liver: The liver cleanses the human body by removing a wide range of pollutants from our systems. It promotes a constant blood supply and remains immune to damage from these pollutants and toxins, renewing its cells every 150-500 days.
  • Stomach and intestines: The cells lining the surface of the stomach and intestines live short and complex lives. Constantly exposed to caustic stomach acids, they usually live only 5 days, no more.
  • Bones: The cells of the skeletal system regenerate almost constantly, but the entire process takes up to 10 years. The renewal process slows as we age, so our bones become thinner.

Despite all this constant regeneration, people who want to live forever should not stop searching for the fountain of youth. The fact is that we continue to age and gradually die. Friesen and others think this may be due to DNA mutations that get worse as they pass to new cells over time.

There are also a number of cells that never leave us and can contribute to the aging process, or at least the breakdown of the body over time. Although the cornea of ​​the eye can recover in just one day, the lens and other areas of the eye do not change. It's the same with neurons in the cerebral cortex - the outer layer of the brain that is responsible for memory, thinking, language, attention and consciousness - they remain with us from birth to death. Because they are not replaced, the loss of these cells leads to serious illnesses. The good news is that other areas of the brain, the olfactory bulb, which is responsible for smell, and the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning, can and do renew themselves.

Take care of yourself. The first person who will live forever has already been born.

We lose hair every day, but we usually don't go bald; We cut our nails, but they still grow back. We remove dead skin cells to give it smoothness and radiance, and carry out procedures that start the process of skin regeneration.

All this is possible thanks to the body’s ability to renew itself. You've probably heard that the human body is completely renewed every 7 years, that is, at the end of this period you become a different person, because every cell in your body is replaced by a new one.

Sounds amazing! But is this really so and why do we, despite the renewal of the body, continue to age?

Renewal of the body: each cell has its own “lifespan”

Indeed, the lifespan of individual cells in the human body is limited. After this period has expired, the cells die and new ones take their place. The adult human body consists of a huge number of cells - approximately 50-75 trillion - and each type of cell has its own “lifespan”.

After the death of a person, not all cells die immediately - some of them take several minutes, others - hours, and others - a day. The rate of cell death is one of the factors used to determine the cause and time of death of a person.

The rate of cell death is one of the factors used to determine the cause and time of death of a person.

The site will review below:

  • approximate renewal time of various cells, tissues and organs of the body;
  • why do we grow old?

At what speed does the body's cells renew?

Below are the approximate rates of cell renewal in the human body:

1. Red blood cells (erythrocytes), which carry oxygen, live for about four months.

2. The average lifespan of white blood cells is just over a year. At the same time, the most numerous group of leukocytes - neutrophils - live only a couple of hours, eosinophils - 2-5 days.

3. Platelets live for about 10 days.

4. Lymphocytes are renewed at a rate of 10,000 cells per second.

5. Epidermal cells are renewed approximately every 10-30 days of the week, the skin recovers 4 times faster after minor injuries.

6. The “age” of hair on the head can reach 6 - 7 years. Every day, the hair on your head grows by about 0.5 mm. Hair on other parts of the body - approximately 0.27 mm per day. Eyebrows are renewed every 64 days.

7. The surface of the cornea of ​​the eye is covered with a thin layer of cells, which are constantly renewed over 7-10 days. Retinal cells do not renew themselves, as does the lens of the eye, which is why age-related vision deterioration is a common problem. However, experts are developing methods for retinal regeneration using stem cells.

8. Epithelial cells of the small intestine are renewed every 2-4 days, the colon - approximately every 4 days, the gastric mucosa - about 5 days.

9. Cells in the cerebral cortex, as far as is known today, are not capable of regeneration, unlike hippocampal neurons. Damaged nerve cells can recover to a certain extent if the cell body of the neuron is not damaged.

10. The rate of nerve regeneration after injury is approximately 2-3 mm per day.

11. The average age of a fat cell is 8 years. Every year, 10% of fat cells are replaced by new ones.

12. Liver cell renewal takes approximately 300-500 days. The human liver has an excellent ability to regenerate. If 70% of this organ is removed, it will recover to normal size in just a couple of months. Surgeons even removed 90% of the liver, but recovery in this case was incomplete.

13. Kidney and spleen cells require 300-500 days to renew.

14. Nails grow approximately 3.5 mm each month, although the nail on the little finger grows slower than the others. Toenails grow at a rate of about 1.6 mm per month, with the big toenail growing fastest.

15. The heart is one of the slowest regenerating organs of the human body. In a 25-year-old person, only 1 percent of heart cells are renewed annually; this figure decreases with age. Less than half of the heart cells are renewed over a lifetime.

The heart is one of the slowest regenerating organs in the human body.

16. Taste buds on the tongue are renewed every 10 days.

17. Fingertips can partially regenerate after injury. The best results are observed in children several months after injury. To restore the fingertips, an unaffected nail bed is necessary. The new fingertip is sensitive and has an imprint on it.

18. The mucous membrane of bronchioles is renewed every 2-10 days.

19. Microscopic air sacs - alveoli - are renewed in 11-12 months, and surface cells of the lungs - in 2-3 weeks.

20. Muscle cells are “long-livers”, since their life span is 15 years.

21. Skeletal cells are constantly renewed, but rather slowly - 10% per year, and it takes about 10 years to completely replace skeletal cells.

Why, despite the renewal of the body, do we age?

The fact of body renewal was established back in the early 50s during the observation of the movements of objects with radioactive atoms embedded in them. Jonas Friesen, a molecular biologist from Sweden, has been studying body renewal by measuring levels of radioactive carbon-14.

He discovered that every 7-10 years, most of the body's cells are replaced by new ones. Of course, this figure is arbitrary, taking into account the rate of renewal, for example, of heart and skeletal cells or the lack of the ability to regenerate certain neurons, retinal cells, lens, and oocytes.

We are accustomed to the fact that with age our body ages. The vast majority of people (almost all) have in their heads some generally accepted template for the life cycle of the human body as a whole and its components - organs, tissues, systems:

During the prenatal period, the formation of the body, its organs, and systems occurs. In childhood and adolescence, active growth and development of the body occurs. In youth and maturity, the body and all its systems work at full capacity. Next, the organs exhaust their reserves, “reduce their speed,” malfunctions in the functioning of various systems and organs begin, and various “diseases” begin or worsen. In old age, a worn-out organism “breathes its last”, gradually dying.

Official science and medicine do their best to maintain this idea of ​​people about their own body. And this algorithm seems familiar and absolutely natural.

But is it really natural? And how far is people’s idea of ​​the life of their own body from the real processes in it?

We lose hair every day, but we usually don't go bald; We cut our nails, but they still grow back. We remove dead skin cells to give it smoothness and radiance, and carry out procedures that start the process of skin regeneration. All this is possible thanks to the body’s ability to renew itself.

You've probably heard that the human body is completely renewed every 7 years, that is, at the end of this period you become a different person, because every cell in your body is replaced by a new one. Sounds amazing!

The lifespan of individual cells in the human body is limited. After this period has expired, the cells die, but new ones take their place. The adult human body consists of a huge number of cells - approximately 50-75 trillion - and each type of cell has its own “lifespan”.

At what speed does the renewal of various cells in the body occur?

About the fact that cells hearts They also have the ability to update, it became known only recently. According to researchers, this happens in about 25 years, i.e. only once or twice in a lifetime, so it is extremely important to preserve this organ.

For every type of fabric lungs cell renewal occurs at different rates. For example, the air sacs that are located at the ends of the bronchi (alveoli) are reborn every 11 to 12 months.
But the cells located on the surface of the lungs are renewed every 14-21 days. This part of the respiratory organ takes on most of the harmful substances coming from the air we breathe.

Bad habits (primarily smoking), as well as a polluted atmosphere, slow down the renewal of the alveoli, destroy them and, in the worst case, can lead to emphysema.

Liver - champion in regeneration among organs of the human body. Liver cells are renewed approximately every 150 days, that is, the liver is “born” again once every five months. It is able to recover completely, even if as a result of the operation a person has lost up to two-thirds of the organ.

This is the only such organ in our body.

Of course, such endurance of the liver is possible with your help to this organ: the liver does not like fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods. In addition, alcohol and most medications make her work very difficult.

And if you don’t pay attention to this organ, it will cruelly take revenge on its owner with terrible diseases - cirrhosis or cancer. (By the way, if you stop drinking alcohol for eight weeks, the liver can completely cleanse itself).

Blood - a liquid on which our whole life depends. Every day, about half a trillion different blood cells die in the average person's body. They must die in time for new ones to be born. In the body of a healthy person, the number of dead cells is equal to the number of newborns. Complete blood renewal occurs within 120-150 days.

Red blood cells (erythrocytes), which carry oxygen, live for about four months.

The average lifespan of white blood cells is just over a year. At the same time, the most numerous group of leukocytes - neutrophils - live only a couple of hours, eosinophils - 2-5 days.

Platelets live for about 10 days.

Lymphocytes are renewed at a rate of 10,000 cells per second.

Walls intestines The inside is covered with tiny villi, which ensure the absorption of nutrients. But they are under constant influence of gastric juice, which dissolves food, so they do not live long. The time frame for their renewal is three to five days.

Skeleton bones are updated continuously, that is, at every moment in time there are both old and new cells in the same bone. It takes about ten years to completely renew the skeleton.

This process slows down with age, when bones become thinner and more fragile.

Muscular cells are “long-livers”, since their lifespan is 15 years.

Hair They grow on average one centimeter per month, but hair can completely change in a few years, depending on the length. For women, this process takes up to six years, for men – up to three.

Eyebrow and eyelash hairs grow back in six to eight weeks.

In such a very important and fragile organ as eye, only corneal cells are capable of renewal. Its top layer is replaced every 7 to 10 days. If the cornea is damaged, the process occurs even faster - it can recover within a day.

10,000 receptors located on the surface language. They are able to distinguish the tastes of food: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty. Tongue cells have a fairly short life cycle - ten days.

Smoking and oral infections weaken and inhibit this ability, and also reduce the sensitivity of taste buds.

Surface layer skin updated every two to four weeks. But only if the skin is provided with proper care and does not receive excess ultraviolet radiation.

Smoking also has a negative effect on the skin - this bad habit accelerates skin aging by two to four years.

The most famous example of organ renewal is nails. They grow 3–4 mm every month. But this is on the hands; on the toes, nails grow twice as slow.
It takes an average of six months for a fingernail to be completely renewed, and ten for a toe nail.

Why, despite the renewal of the body, do we grow old and die?

The fact of body renewal was established back in the early 50s during the observation of the movements of objects with radioactive atoms embedded in them. Jonas Friesen, a molecular biologist from Sweden, has been studying body renewal by measuring levels of radioactive carbon-14. He discovered that every 7–10 years, most of the body's cells are replaced by new ones. Of course, this figure is arbitrary, taking into account the rate of renewal, for example, of heart and skeletal cells or the lack of the ability to regenerate certain neurons, retinal cells, lens, and oocytes.

But if many “parts” of our body are constantly renewed and, as a result, turn out to be much younger than their owner, then some questions arise.

For example, why doesn't the skin remain smooth and pink all its life, like a baby's, if the top layer of skin is always two weeks old?

If muscles are about 15 years old, then why is a 60-year-old woman not as flexible and mobile as a 15-year-old girl?

Who is guilty? So what should I do?

We fly into space, think about conquering and colonizing other planets. But at the same time we know so little about our body. Scientists, both in ancient times and in modern times, have absolutely no idea why, with such a huge capacity for renewal, we grow old. Why wrinkles appear and muscle condition deteriorates. Why do we lose flexibility and our bones become brittle? Why are we going deaf and stupid... No one can still say anything intelligible.

Some say that aging is in our DNA, but this theory has no evidence to support it.

But perhaps common sense, attentiveness and honesty are enough to understand without scientists - what exactly prevents our body from aging for many years, not getting sick and independently restoring all its functions and health in general?

It is known that the work of all systems and organs is coordinated by the brain. In theory, he must ensure that all processes in the body, including regeneration, occur correctly for the purpose of effective functioning and, if necessary, the survival of the body.

But in modern conditions, how aware are we of what processes take place in our mind, what it considers to be the effective functioning of the body, and does it understand correctly how and when we need to survive?

Do our brain, our psyche, our lifestyle, our emotions and feelings help the body or do they only interfere with the functioning of systems and organs as intended by nature?

Stress, unresolved internal conflicts, an unbalanced emotional plane - all this directly and directly affects the functioning of the body, introducing an imbalance into the complex, finely tuned chemical and energy processes of all its systems.

One could say that in our difficult times, so many external factors have a negative impact on our health - dirty air and generally poor ecology in cities, poor quality of water and food, the frantic pace of modern life, stress and problems, a sea of ​​heterogeneous information, giving rise to many inharmonious reactions and emotions in us….

But are these “external” factors really that external? Are we really unable to influence them within our own lives?

For example:

  • learn to manage your own time effectively and profitably by honestly reviewing useless or even downright harmful activities;
  • increase your time in nature, move more, breathe clean air correctly;
  • finally resolve internal conflicts that torment the soul, often stretching from early childhood;
  • learn to manage your own emotions, and not be a puppet under their control;
  • limit the thoughtless absorption of modern garbage information flow. Learn to understand the motives and goals of creating information whirlpools in modern media;
  • Responsibly treat the quality of food and water entering the body. Chemically, we are made up of what we drink and eat. It is clear that it is impossible to build a good house from rotten material;
  • learn to truly rest and relax, removing the stress plate from the body, giving it the opportunity to turn on this magical process, unknown to us, and natural for all cells - regeneration.

By transferring your own psyche from the mode of self-destruction, using the natural human desire for self-improvement, you can also significantly help the working organism in the matter of cleansing, regeneration, and healing.

And for this purpose, a lot of different methods, techniques, and techniques have been developed over the centuries. Our forum alone has already collected a lot of materials about natural methods of holistic healing, tested on the personal experience of the participants.