Haiku about autumn bass. Matsuo Basho

Basho is considered the First Grand Master of Haiku. According to Basho, the process of writing a poem begins with the poet's penetration into the "inner life", into the "soul" of an object or phenomenon, followed by the transmission of this "inner state" in the simple and laconic form of a tercet. Basho associated this skill with the principle-state “sabi” (“sadness of loneliness”, or “enlightened loneliness”), which allows one to see “inner beauty” expressed in simple, even meager forms. This, first of all, meant a special type of whole life - Basho lived modestly and solitarily, had almost no property (although he was of good origin), and traveled a lot. In addition to haiku and renga, he left behind several poetic diaries.

On the day of high tide *The sleeves are soiled with earth.
"Snail catchers" all day in the fields
They wander and wander without rest.
In the spring, tea leaves are collected. All the leaves are picked by the pickers...
How do they know what is for the tea bushes?
They are like the wind of autumn! Answer to the student *And I am a simple person!
Only the bindweed blooms,
I eat my morning rice. In a hut covered with reeds, like a banana moaning in the wind,
How the drops fall into the tub,
I hear all night long. Leaving my homeland Cloud bank
She lay down between friends... They said goodbye
Migrating geese forever. I’m sad, alone, in a hut, having buried my friend the monk Dokkan. There’s no one else to beckon!
As if frozen forever
The feather grass does not move. *

Grove on the mountainside.
It's like the mountain has been intercepted
Sword belt.

It's time for the May rains.
It's like the sea is glowing with lights
Night watchmen's lanterns.

Frost covered him,
The wind makes his bed.
An abandoned child.

What is stupider than darkness!
I wanted to catch a firefly -
and ran into a thorn.

Today "the grass of oblivion"
I want to season my rice
Saying goodbye to the old year.

There's such a moon in the sky,
Like a tree cut down to the roots:
The fresh cut turns white.

A yellow leaf floats.
Which shore, cicada,
What if you wake up?

Everything was whitened by the morning snow.
One sign to look at -
Bow arrows in the garden.

How the river overflowed!
A heron wanders on short legs
Knee-deep in water.

Quiet moonlit night...
You can hear it like in the depths of a chestnut tree
The nucleolus is eaten by a worm.

On a bare branch
Raven sits alone.
Autumn evening.

In the darkness of a moonless night
The fox crawls along the ground,
Sneaking towards a ripe melon.

Swarming in the sea grass
Transparent fry... You'll catch them -
They will melt without a trace.

Willow is bent over and sleeping.
And it seems to me that there is a nightingale on a branch
This is her soul.

Top-top is my horse.
I see myself in the picture -
In the expanse of summer meadows.

The poets have disappeared.
Poems in memory of the poet SyampuK brought to your grave
Not the proud leaves of the lotus -
A bunch of field grass. In the house of Kavano Shokha, there were stalks of a blooming melon in a cracked vase, a zither lay next to it without strings, drops of water oozed and, falling on the zither, made it sound *Stalks of a blooming melon.
The drops are falling and falling with a ringing sound.
Or are these “flowers of oblivion”?

In my cramped shack
Illuminated all four corners
Moon looking out the window.

A short rest in a hospitable home. Here I will finally throw myself into the sea.
A storm-worn hat,
My torn sandals.

Suddenly you will hear “shorkh-shorkh”.
Longing stirs in my soul...
Bamboo on a frosty night.

In a foreign land, a thin tongue of fire, -
The oil in the lamp has frozen.
You wake up... What sadness!

Wandering Raven, look!
Where is your old nest?
Plum trees are in bloom everywhere.

Counter mountain dweller
He didn’t open his mouth. Chin length
He gets the grass.

We looked at the moon.
Finally we can breathe! -
A fleeting cloud.

How the autumn wind whistles!
Then only you will understand my poems,
When you spend the night in the field.

And I want to live in autumn
To this butterfly: drinks hastily
There is dew from the chrysanthemum.

The flowers have faded.
The seeds are scattering and falling,
It's like tears...

Gusty leaf
Hid in a bamboo grove
And little by little it calmed down.

For the New Year, how much snow have you already seen?
But they haven't changed their hearts
The branches of the pine trees are green! In memory of a friend, take a close look!
Shepherd's purse flowers
You will see under the fence. I look out the window after illness of the Kannon Temple there, in the distance,
The tile roof turns red
In clouds of cherry blossoms.

They fly to the ground
Returning to old roots.
Separation of flowers!

Old Pond
A frog jumped into the water.
A splash in silence.

Oh, wake up, wake up!
Become my comrade.
Sleeping moth!

To a friend who left for the western provinces of the West, East -
Everywhere the same trouble
The wind is still cold. I walk around the pond. Autumn Moon Festival.
Around the pond, and around again,
All night long all around! A jug for storing grain That's all I'm rich with!
Easy as if my life
Gourd pumpkin.

This overgrown grass
Only you remained faithful to the hut,
Winter colza peddler.

The first snow is in the morning.
He barely bent down
Narcissus leaves.

The water is so cold!
The seagull can't sleep
Rocking on the wave.

The jug burst with a crash:
At night the water in it froze.
I woke up suddenly.

New Year's market in the city.
And I would like to visit it at least once!
Buy smoking sticks.

Hey shepherd boys!
Leave some branches to the plum tree,
Cutting the whips.

Moon or morning snow...
Admiring the beauty, I lived as I wanted.
This is how I end the year.

To a leaving friend Friend, don’t forget
Hidden invisibly in the thicket
Plum color!

Sea kale is lighter...
And the old merchant carries it on his shoulder
Baskets of heavy oysters.

Clouds of cherry blossoms!
The ringing of the bell reached...
From Ueno or Asakusa? *

In the cup of a flower
The bumblebee is dozing. Don't touch him
Sparrow friend!

Stork nest in the wind.
And underneath - beyond the storm
Cherry is a calm color.

Long day long
Sings - and doesn’t get drunk
Lark in spring.

To a friend who sets off on a journey A nest abandoned by a bird...
How sad it will be for me to watch
To the neighbor's empty house.

Over the expanse of fields -
Not tied to the ground
The lark is ringing.

It's raining in May. *
Did the rim on the barrel burst somewhere?
The sound is unclear at night...

To a widowed friend Even a white flower on a fence
Near the house where the owner is gone,
The cold poured over me.

Let's go, friends, let's take a look
On floating duck nests
In the flood of May rains!

Sounds loudly
Lonely Hut Pillar

Today is a clear day.
But where do the drops come from?
There is a patch of clouds in the sky.

I broke off a branch or something
The wind running through the pines?
How cool is the splash of water!

Pure spring!
Up ran up my leg
Little crab.

Next to the blooming bindweed
A thresher is resting in the heat.
How sad it is, our world!

In a friend's deserted garden
He grew melons here.
And now the old garden has died out...

Evening chill Here you are intoxicated
I wish I could fall asleep on these river stones,
Overgrown with carnations... In praise of the poet Rika, as if he took it in his hands
Lightning when in the dark
You lit a candle.

How fast the moon flies!
On motionless branches
Drops of rain hung.

For the night, at least for one night,
O flowering hagi bushes,
Adopt a stray dog!

Steps important
Heron on fresh stubble.
Autumn in the village.

Left for a moment
Farmer threshing rice
Looks at the moon.

Withered sweet potato leaves
On a dry field. moonrise
The peasants can't wait.

They rise from the ground again,
Fading in the darkness, chrysanthemums,
Nailed by heavy rain.

She completely lay down on the ground,
But it will inevitably bloom
Sick chrysanthemum.

The clouds swelled with rain
Just above the ridge of the foothills.
Fuji - turns white in the snow.

On the sea coast, all covered in sand, all covered in snow!
My companion fell off his horse,
Drunk from wine.

The winter crop sprouts have sprouted.
A glorious shelter for a hermit -
A village among fields.

In the haze of May rains
Only one doesn't drown
Bridge over the Seta River. *

Pray for happy days!
On a winter plum tree
Be like your heart.

Road overnight, burning pine needles.
Drying a towel on the fire...
Winter cold is on its way. At home they are sniffling...
Dear country sound!
Plum trees are blooming.

In a glass of wine,
Swallows, don't drop me
Clay lump.

Under the canopy of cherry blossoms
I'm like the hero of an old drama,
At night I lay down to sleep.

The cherries are in full bloom!
And the dawn is the same as always,
There, above the distant mountain...

Catching fireflies over the Seta River *They still flicker in your eyes
Mountain cherries... And they draw with fire
Along them there are fireflies above the river.

There once was a castle here...
Let me be the first to tell you about it
A spring flowing in an old well.

Autumn evening It seems like now
The bell will also buzz in response...
That's how the cicadas call.

How the grass thickens in summer!
And only one-sheet
One single leaf.

Like a fragile young man
O flowers forgotten in the fields,
You are wasting away in vain.

I watch at night how fishing boats with cormorans float past * It was fun for me, but then
Something became sad... They float
There are lights on the fishing boats. In praise of the new house The house was a great success!
Sparrows in the backyard
They happily peck at the millet.

All bindweeds look the same.
What about gourd pumpkins in the fall?
No two are alike!

Autumn is not far away.
Field of ears and sea
One green color.

Oh no, ready
I won't find any comparisons for you,
Three day month!

Hanging motionless
Dark cloud in half the sky.
Apparently he's waiting for lightning.

Oh, how many of them there are in the fields!
But everyone blooms in their own way, -
This is the highest feat of a flower!

I wrapped my life around
Around the suspension bridge
This wild ivy.

On the mountain of the “Abandoned Old Woman” *I dreamed of an old story:
An old woman abandoned in the mountains is crying,
And only a month is her friend.

Then he said “goodbye” to others,
Then they said goodbye to me... And at the end of the road
Autumn in the Kiso Mountains. *

A chestnut rolled off a branch.
To those who have never been to distant mountains,
I'll take it as a gift.

Only some poems!
That's all that is in "Banana Shelter"
Spring has brought Porto.

To a friendVisit me
In my solitude!
The first leaf fell...

The house ran out of rice...
I'll put it in a grain pumpkin
"Female beauty" flower.

Still standing here and there
Uncompressed ears are islands.
The snipe screams in alarm.

The poet Rika mourns his wife. A blanket for one.
And icy, black
Winter night... Oh, sadness! On the day of cleansing from sins, a fresh breeze blew,
A fish jumped out with a splash...
Bathing in the river. *

Winter days alone.
I'll lean my back again
To the pillar in the middle of the hut.

The father yearns for his child. Everyone falls and hisses.
There's a fire in the depths of the ash
Will go out from these tears. Letter to the North Remember how together with you
Have we looked at the snow?.. And this year
It must have fallen out again.

Reeds cut for the roof.
On forgotten stems
Fine snow is falling.

In early spring I suddenly see - from the very shoulders
my paper dress
The cobwebs, swaying, grow. I’m giving up my house for the summer and you as guests
I found my hut in the spring:
You will become a house of dolls.

Spring is leaving.
The birds are crying. Fish eyes
Full of tears.

The sun is setting.
And cobwebs too
Melting in the darkness...

The evening bell rings -
And here, in the wilderness, you won’t hear it.
Spring twilight.

On the mountain of "Sunlight" *Oh, sacred delight!
On green, young foliage
Sunlight is pouring.

Here it is - my guiding sign!
Among the tall meadow grasses
A man with an armful of hay.

Garden and mountain in the distance
Trembling, moving, entering
In a summer open house.

Peasant sufferingWeed... Reap...
Only joy in the summer -
Cuckoo cry.

Driver! Lead your horse
Over there, across the field!
There's a cuckoo singing.

Near the “Stone of Death” the rock breathes poison. *
The grass all around turned red.
Even the dew is on fire. Wind at Old Shirakawa Outpost *West wind? Oriental?
No, I’ll listen to the noise first
Wind over a rice field. On the way to the north I listen to the songs of peasants. This is the source, this is the beginning.
All poetic art!
Song of planting rice.

May rains
The waterfall was buried
They filled it with water.

Islands... Islands...
And it splits into hundreds of fragments
Sea of ​​a summer day.

On the old battlefield
Summer herbs
Where the heroes disappeared

Like a dream. What bliss!
Cool field of green rice.
The water is murmuring...

Silence all around.
Penetrates into the heart of the rocks
The light sound of cicadas.

What a speed!
Mogami River collected *
All the May rains.

Three day month
Above the Black Wing Peak
It's cool.

The heat of a sunny day
The Mogami River carried away
Into the depths of the sea.

"Tide Gate"
Washes the heron up to its chest
Cool sea.

First melon, friends!
Shall we divide it into four parts?
Shall we cut it into circles?

Small perches are dried
On the branches of a willow... How cool!
Fishing huts on the shore.

Wooden pestle.
Was he once a plum?
Was it a camellia?

On the eve of the "Tanabata Holiday" Celebration of the meeting of two stars. *
Even the night before is so different
For an ordinary night.

The sea is raging!
Far away, to Sado Island, *
The Milky Way is spreading.

In the hotel With me under the same roof
Two girls... Hagi branches in bloom
And a lonely month.

What does ripening rice smell like?
I was walking through a field, and suddenly
To the right is Ariso Bay. *

In front of the burial mound of the early deceased poet Issho, tremble, oh hill!
Autumn wind in the field -
My lonely moan.

Red-red sun
In the deserted distance... But it’s chilling
The merciless autumn wind.

An area called "Sosenki" "Sosenki"... Cute name!
Leaning towards the pine trees in the wind
Bushes and autumn herbs.

Berries are falling from the branches...
A flock of starlings fluttered noisily.
Morning wind.

Musashi Plain around. *
Not a single cloud will touch
Your traveling hat.

In the autumn fields, wet, walking in the rain,
But this traveler is worthy of song too,
Not only hagi is in bloom. To a father who has lost his son With his head hanging to the ground, -
It’s as if the whole world has been turned upside down, -
Bamboo crushed by snow. Sanemori's helmet *Oh, merciless rock!
Under this glorious helmet
Now the cricket is ringing.

Whiter than white rocks *
On the slopes of Stone Mountain
This autumn whirlwind!

Parting with a friendFarewell poems
I wanted to write on the fan, -
It broke in my hand. In Tsuruga Bay, where the bell once sank. Where are you, moon, now?
Like a sunken bell
She disappeared to the bottom of the sea.

The wave receded for a moment.
Among the small shells they turn pink
Fallen hagi petals.

Never a butterfly
He won't... He's trembling in vain
Worm in the autumn wind.

I opened the door and saw Mount Ibuki to the west. She doesn’t need cherry blossoms or snow, she’s good on her own, just the way she is!
She doesn't need moonlight...
Ibuki Mountain. On the shores of Futami Bay, where the poet Saige lived. Maybe he once served
Is this stone an ink maker?
The hole in it is full of dew.

I'm alone in the house in the fall.
Well, I'll pick berries
Collect fruits from branches.

Cold rain without end.
This is how the chilled monkey looks,
As if asking for a straw cloak.

How long will it take
It's raining! On a bare field
The stubble turned black.

Winter night in the garden.
With a thin thread - and a month in the sky,
And the cicadas make a barely audible sound.

In a mountain village, a nun's story
About previous service at court...
There is deep snow all around. I play with the children in the mountains. Children, who is the fastest?
We'll catch up with the balls
Ice grains.

Snow hare - as if alive!
But one thing remains, children:
Let's make him a mustache.

Tell me why
O raven, to the noisy city
Is this where you fly from?

Thaw in the snow,
And in it - light purple
Asparagus stalk.

Spring rains are pouring.
How Chernobyl reaches up
On this dead path!

Sparrows over the window
They squeak and they respond
Mice in the attic.

The bonite seller is coming.
How rich are they today?
Will they help you get drunk with wine?

How tender are the young leaves?
Even here, on the weeds,
At a forgotten house.

Camellia petals...
Maybe the nightingale dropped
A hat made of flowers?

Spring rain...
They've already released two sheets of paper.
Eggplant seeds.

Over the old river
Filled with young buds
Willows on the shore.

Ivy leaves...
For some reason their smoky purple
He talks about the past.

On a painting depicting a man with a glass of wine in his hand. No moon, no flowers.
And he doesn’t wait for them, he drinks,
Lonely, wine. Celebrating the New Year in the capital. Spring Festival...
But who is he, covered with matting?
A beggar in the crowd? *

Mossy gravestone.
Under it - is it in reality or in a dream?
A voice whispers prayers.

Everything is falling apart dragonfly...
Can't get a hold
For stalks of flexible grass.

Don't think with contempt:
“What small seeds!”
It's red pepper.

On a high embankment there are pine trees,
And between them the cherries and the palace are visible
In the depths of flowering trees...

First I left the grass,
Then he left the trees.
Lark flight.

The bell fell silent in the distance,
But the scent of evening flowers
Its echo floats.

The cobwebs tremble a little.
Thin threads of saiko grass
They flutter in the twilight.

On four sides
Cherry petals are flying
To Lake Nio. *

The spring night has passed.
The white dawn turned around
A sea of ​​cherry blossoms.

The lark sings.
With a resounding blow in the thicket
The pheasant echoes him.

Dropping petals
Suddenly spilled a handful of water
Camellia flower.

The stream is barely noticeable.
Swimming through a thicket of bamboo
Camellia petals.

What a connoisseur's quirk!
For a flower without fragrance
The moth descended.

The May rain is endless.
The mallows are reaching somewhere,
Looking for the path of the sun.

Cold mountain spring.
I didn’t have time to scoop up a handful of water,
How my teeth are already creaking.

Falls with a leaf...
No, look! Halfway there
The firefly flew up.

At night on the Seta River Admiring the fireflies.
But the boatman is unreliable: he is drunk
And the boat is carried away by the waves...

How brightly the fireflies burn,
Resting on tree branches!
Roadside overnight of flowers!

And who could say
Why should they live so short?
The incessant sound of cicadas.

In my old house
Mosquitoes hardly bite.
That's all the treat for a friend!

Morning hour
Or evening - you don't care
Melon flowers!

Both flowers and fruits!
Melon is rich for everyone at once
At its best.

Fisherman's hut.
Mixed up in a pile of shrimp
Lonely cricket. *

One wise monk said: “The teachings of the Zen sect, misunderstood, cause great harm to souls.” I agreed with him * He is a hundred times nobler
Who does not say at the flash of lightning:
"This is our life!"

White hair fell.
Under my headboard
The cricket does not stop talking.

Sick goose dropped
On a field on a cold night.
A lonely dream on the way.

Transparent autumn night.
Far away, to the Seven Stars,
The sound of rollers can be heard.

"First the monkey's robe!" -
Asks the laundress to beat it out with a roller
A chilled guide.

They scare them and drive them out of the fields!
The sparrows will fly up and hide
Under the protection of tea bushes.

It's already the end of autumn,
But he believes in future days
Green tangerine.

To a friend's portrait Turn to me!
I'm sad too
Deaf in autumn.

Even a wild boar
Will spin you around and take you with you
This winter field whirlwind!

I eat my stew alone.
Like someone playing a zither -
The hail knocks on the fence.

In the travel hotel. Portable hearth.
So, heart of wanderings, and for you
There is no peace anywhere.

The cold set in on the way.
At the scarecrow's place, perhaps?
Should I borrow some sleeves?

Dried this mackerel
And the poor monk, exhausted,
In the cold on a winter day.

All long night
It seemed to me that the bamboo was getting cold.
The morning arose in the snow.

Sea kale stems.
The sand creaked on my teeth. *
And I remembered that I was getting old.

Mandzai arrived late *
To a mountain village.
The plum trees have already bloomed.

Where does the cuckoo cry come from?
Through a thicket of thick bamboo
The moonlit night oozes.

In the village, a completely emaciated cat
He eats one barley porridge...
And also love!

Night. Bottomless darkness.
That's right, I lost my nest
A sandpiper is moaning somewhere.

Why so lazy all of a sudden?
They barely woke me up today.
The spring rain is noisy.

sad me
Give me more sadness,
Cuckoos distant call!

I clapped my hands loudly.
And where the echo sounded,
The summer moon is growing pale.

I find my childhood drawing. It smelled like childhood...
I found an old drawing
Bamboo shoots.

May annoying rain -
Scraps of colored paper
On a dilapidated wall.

Every day, every day
The ears are getting yellower.
The larks are singing.

secluded house
In rural silence... Even a woodpecker
There is no knocking on this door!

It's drizzling endlessly.
Only the hollyhocks shine, as if
Above them is a cloudless day.

On the night of the full moon, a friend sent me a gift
Risu, I invited him
To visit the moon itself.

Light river breeze.
The tea is good! And the wine is good!
And the moonlit night is good!

A whiff of deep antiquity...
Garden near the temple
Covered with fallen leaves.

Sixteenth Night Moon So easy, so easy
Floated out - and in the cloud
The moon thought.

Unlock the door!
Let the moonlight in
To the Ukimido Temple! *

The rafters of the bridge are overgrown
“Sadness is grass”... Today she
Says goodbye to the full moon. *

Quails are calling.
It must be evening.
The hawk's eye went dark.

Together with the owner of the house
I listen in silence to the evening bells.
Willow leaves are falling.

White fungus in the forest.
Some unknown leaf
It stuck to his hat.

What sadness!
Suspended in a small cage
Captive cricket. *

They cook noodles for dinner.
How the fire burns under the pot
On this cold night!

Night silence.
Only behind the picture on the wall
The cricket is ringing and ringing.

That's right, this cicada
Are you all drunk?
One shell remains.

The leaves have fallen.
The whole world is one color.
Only the wind hums.

Dewdrops sparkle.
But they have a taste of sadness,
Don't forget!

Trees were planted in the garden.
Quietly, quietly, to encourage them,
Autumn rain whispers.

So that the cold whirlwind
Give them the aroma, they open up again
Late autumn flowers.

Rocks among cryptomeria!
How I sharpened their teeth
Winter cold wind!

Host and guest Daffodil at each other
And the white screen is thrown
Reflections of whiteness.

The falcon rushed upward.
But the hunter holds him tightly
Ice grains are cutting.

We gathered at night to admire the snow. Will there be fresh snow soon?
Everyone has anticipation on their faces...
Suddenly winter lightning shines!

The sprouts are turning green again
In the autumn fields. In the morning
Frost is like flowers.

Everything was covered with snow.
Lonely old woman
In a forest hut.

Having returned to Edo after a long absence...But, at worst, at least you
We survived under the snow,
Dry reed stalks.

Salted sea bass
They hang there, baring their teeth.
How cold it is in this fish shop!

"There is no rest from children!"
For such people, probably
And cherry blossoms are not cute.

There is a special charm
In these, crumpled by a storm,
Broken chrysanthemums.

I’m passing through the old Rashomon Gate in Kyoto on an autumn evening *A hagi branch touched me...
Or a demon grabbed my head
In the shadow of Rashomon Gate? Monk Senka mourns his fatherDark mouse color
The sleeves of his cassock
Even colder from tears.

Ugly Raven -
And it's beautiful in the first snow
On a winter morning!

A winter storm is on its way, like it's sweeping away soot,
Cryptomeria apex trembles
A storm has arrived. On New Year's Eve for fish and birds
I don't envy you anymore... I'll forget
All the sorrows of the year.

Cats in love
They fell silent. Looking into the bedroom
Misty moon.

Invisible spring!
On the back of the mirror
Plum blossom pattern.

Nightingales are singing everywhere.
There - behind the bamboo grove,
Here - in front of the river willow.

In the mountains of Kiso, obey the call of my heart
Land of Kiso. Pierced the old snow
Spring shoots.

From branch to branch
The drops are quietly running down...
Spring rain.

Through the hedge
How many times have you fluttered
Butterfly wings!

Planting rice I didn’t have time to take my hands away,
Like a spring breeze
Settled in a green sprout.

All the excitement, all the sadness
Of your troubled heart
Give it to the flexible willow.

Just the breeze blows
From branch to branch of willow
The butterfly will flutter.

How enviable is their fate!
North of the bustling world *
Cherry blossoms bloomed in the mountains.

Are you also one of those
Whoever does not sleep is intoxicated by flowers,
About mice in the attic?

The rain in the mulberry grove is noisy.
On the ground he barely moves
Sick silkworm.

Still on the cutting edge
The sun is burning out above the roof.
The evening chill blows.

She closed her mouth tightly
Sea shell.
Unbearable heat!

Chrysanthemums in the fields
They already say: forget it
Hot days of carnations!

Moving to a new hutBanana leaves
The moon hung on the poles
In a new hut.

By the light of the new moon
The earth is drowning in twilight.
White buckwheat fields.

In the moonlight
Moving towards the gate
Tide crest.

I'll say the word -
Lips freeze.
Autumn whirlwind!

You are green as before
I could have stayed... But no! Came
It's your time, scarlet pepper.

They are getting along with the winter hearth.
How old my familiar stove maker has aged!
Strands of hair turned white.

Student Today you can too
Understand what it means to be an old man!
Autumn drizzle, fog...Winter day *Chop beans for dinner.
Suddenly there was a knock on the copper cup.
Poor monk, wait!..

The coals turned to ash.
A shadow sways on the wall
My interlocutor.

Year after year everything is the same:
Monkey amuses the crowd
In a monkey mask. *

In memory of a friend who died in a foreign land You said that “come back, grass”
Sounds so sad... Even sadder
Violets on the grave hill. Seeing off the monk Sangin. The crane flew away.
The black feather dress has disappeared*
In a haze of flowers.

Rain comes after rain,
And the heart is no longer disturbed
Sprouts in rice fields.

The birds will be amazed
If this lute sounds.
The petals will dance...

Hey, listen up, kids!
The daytime bindweeds have already bloomed.
Come on, let's peel the melon!

I grieve that on the holiday “Meeting of Two Stars” it rains and the bridge in the sky is blown away!
Two stars separated by a river,
They sleep alone on the rocks. I mourn the death of the poet Matsukura Ranrapa. Where are you, my support?
My staff is made of strong mulberry
The autumn wind broke. I visit Ranrap's grave on the third day of the ninth month. You saw him too,
This narrow sickle... And now it shines
Above your grave mound.

Morning bindweed.
I locked the gate in the morning,
My last friend!

White dew drops
Without spilling, it sways
Hagi autumn bush.

In memory of the poet Tojun *I stayed and left
Bright moon... Stayed
Table with four corners.

First fungus!
Still, autumn dew,
He didn't consider you.

How chrysanthemums bloomed
In the mason's yard
Among the scattered stones!

They're even redder
With the arrival of the cranes.

And you don’t even have sadness,
"Birds of forty years" - magpies, *
What old age reminded me of!

Carrying a dead duck
The seller shouts out his product.
Ebisuko Festival. *

Praise for the treat How good celery is
From distant fields at the foothills,
Covered by the first ice!

Not a single drop of dew
They won't drop...
Ice on chrysanthemums.

Rice husk
Everything is crumbled: the edges of the mortars,
White chrysanthemums...

Boy perched
On the saddle, and the horse is waiting.
Collect radishes.

In the old manor house the pine tree has long since decayed *
On gilded screens.
Winter within four walls. Before the New Year, the Duck huddled to the ground.
Covered up with a feather dress
Their bare legs...New bridge Everyone runs to see...
The sound of wooden soles
On the frosty boards of the bridge!

Sweep away the soot.
For myself this time
The carpenter gets along well.

Seeing a painting by Kano Motonobu for sale *...Brushes by Motonobu himself!
How sad is the fate of your masters!
The twilight of the year is approaching.

Pungent radish...
And stern, masculine
Conversation with a samurai.

Oh, spring rain!
Streams run from the roof
Along wasp nests.

Under the open umbrella
I make my way through the branches.
Willows in the first down.

From the sky of its peaks
Only river willows
It's still raining.

Green willow drops
The ends of the branches are in the muddy mud.
Evening low tide.

I would like to create poetry,
Not like my old face,
Oh, the first cherry blossoms!

I'm floating to the cherry blossoms.
But the oar froze in his hands:
Willows on the shore!

Inscription on a painting of my own work She is not afraid of dew:
The bee hid deep
In the petals of a peony.

A hillock right next to the road.
To replace the faded rainbow
Azaleas in the sunset light.

Lightning in the darkness of the night.
Lake water surface
Suddenly it burst into sparks.

The waves are running across the lake.
Some people regret the heat
Sunset clouds.

Saying goodbye to friends The ground disappears from under your feet.
I grab the light ear.
The moment of separation has arrived.

On the way to Suruga *
The aroma of blossoming oranges,
The smell of tea leaves...

On a rural road I carried a load of brushwood
The horse is heading to the city... He's trotting home, -
A barrel of wine on the back.

Drive from the dark sky,
O mighty river Oi, *
May clouds!

Students: Don't imitate me too much!
Look, what's the point of such similarities?
Two halves of melon.

My whole life is on the way!
Like digging up a small field,
I wander back and forth.

What freshness it blows
From this melon in drops of dew,
With sticky wet soil!

Hot summer is in full swing!
How the clouds swirl
On Thunder Mountain!

The image of the coolest
Brush paints bamboo
In the groves of the village of Saga. *

"Transparent waterfall"…
Fell into a light wave
Pine needle.

An actor dances in the garden *Through the holes in the mask
The actor's eyes look there
Where the lotus is fragrant. At a gathering of poets Autumn is already on the doorstep.
Heart reaches out to heart
The hut is cramped.

What a glorious chill!
Heels against the wall
And I doze off in the middle of the day.

Looking at how the actor dances, I remember the picture on which a dancing skeleton is painted. Lightning sparkle!
As if suddenly on his face
The feather grass swayed. They visit family graves. The whole family wandered to the cemetery.
They walk, white with gray hairs,
Leaning on the staffs. Hearing about the death of the nun Jutei *Oh, don’t think that you are one of those
Who has no price in the world!
Remembrance Day... Back in my native village. How the faces have changed!
I read my old age on them.
All are like winter melons.

Old village.
The branches are dotted with red persimmons
Near every house.

Deceived by moonlight
I thought: cherry blossom!
No, it's a cotton field.

Moon over the mountain.
Fog at the foot.
The fields are smoking.

What do people feed on there?
The house pressed to the ground
Under the autumn willows.

Hanging in the sun
Cloud... Across it -
Migratory birds.

The end of autumn days.
Already throwing up his hands
Chestnut shell.

The buckwheat has not ripened
But they treat you to a field of flowers
Guest in a mountain village.

Just started drying
Straw of the new harvest... How early
It's raining this year!

The scent of chrysanthemums...
In the temples of ancient Nara *
Dark buddha statues.

Autumn darkness
Broken and driven away
Conversation of friends.

Oh, it's a long way!
The autumn twilight is thickening,
And - not a soul around.

Why am I so strong
Did you sense old age this fall?
Clouds and birds.

In the house of the poetess Sonome *No! You won't see it here
Not a single speck of dust
On the whiteness of chrysanthemums.

It's late autumn.
Alone I think:
“How does my neighbor live?”

On the bed of Illness I fell ill on the way.
And everything runs and circles my dream
Through scorched fields.


Hitting the road Maybe my bones
The wind will whiten... It's in the heart
It breathed cold on me.

You are sad listening to the cry of monkeys!
Do you know how a child cries?
Abandoned in the autumn wind?

I fell asleep on the horse.
Through my drowsiness I see the distant month.
Somewhere there is early smoke.

Moonless night. Darkness.
With cryptomeria millennial
The whirlwind grabbed him in an embrace.

In the valley where the poet Saige lived, girls wash sweet potatoes in a stream.
If it were Saige instead of me,
They would write a song in response to him.

The ivy leaves are trembling.
In a small bamboo grove
The first storm murmurs.

A strand of my deceased mother's hair, if I take it in my hands,
It will melt - my tears are so hot!
Autumn frost of hair. In the garden of the old monastery You stand indestructible, pine tree!
And how many monks have survived here?
How many bindweeds have bloomed... Overnight in a mountain temple Oh, let me listen again,
How sadly the roller knocks in the dark, *
The wife of the rector of the temple!

On a forgotten burial mound
"Sadness-grass" has grown... What is it about?
Are you sad, grass?

Dead in the autumn wind
Fields and groves. Disappeared
And you, Fuwa outpost! *

* Fuwa Outpost
The Fuwa outpost at the junction of the Omi and Mino provinces has been sung many times by ancient poets.

White peony in winter!
Somewhere a sea plover is calling
This cuckoo of the snows.

At the pale morning dawn
Fry - no longer than an inch -
They turn white on the shore.

Near the ruins of the old temple Even "sadness-grass"
Withered here. Go to a tavern?
Should I buy a flatbread? I couldn’t help but remember the master of “crazy poems” Chikusai, who wandered along this road in the old days * “Crazy Poems”... Autumn whirlwind...
Oh, how I am now in my rags
Looks like Chikusai a beggar!

Hey, listen, merchant!
If you want, I'll sell you a hat,
This hat in the snow?

Even on the rider's horse
If you look around, the road is so deserted,
And the morning is so snowy!

Dusk over the sea.
Only the cries of wild ducks
They turn vaguely white.

The old year is ending,
And I'm wearing a traveling hat
And sandals on my feet.

Spring morning.
Over every nameless hill
Transparent haze.

I pray in church all night.
The sound of shoes... It's past
The ice monk is coming.

To the owner of the plum garden Oh, how white these plums are!
But where are your cranes, sorcerer?
They were probably stolen yesterday? I’m visiting a hermit, standing majestically,
Without noticing the cherry blossoms,
Lonely oak.

Let my dress get wet,
O Fushimi peach blossoms, *
Pour, pour raindrops!

I'm walking along a mountain path.
Suddenly I felt at ease for some reason.
Violets in the thick grass.

Vaguely swirling in the darkness
Larch branches, foggy
Cherries in full bloom.

At noon I sat down to rest in a road tavern. Azalea branches in a pot,
And nearby there is crumbling dry cod
A woman in their shadow.

This is what a sparrow looks like
It's like he's admiring it too
A field of colza in bloom.

After twenty years of separation, I meet with an old friend. Our two long centuries...
And between us - alive -
Cherry blossom branches.

Come on, let's go! You and I
We'll eat ears of corn along the way,
Sleeping on green grass.

I learn about the death of a friend Oh, where are you, plum blossom?
I look at the colza flowers -
And the tears run and run. I part with the student. A moth beats with its wings.
White poppy wants them
Leave as a parting gift. Leaving a hospitable home From the core of a peony
The bee slowly crawls out.
Oh, with what reluctance!

young horse
He happily plucks the ears of corn.
Rest on the way.


To the capital - there, in the distance -
Half the sky remains...
Snow clouds. On the eleventh day of the tenth month I set off on a long journey, Wanderer! This is the word
Will become my name.
Long autumn rain...

The sun of a winter day.
My shadow freezes
On the horse's back.

"Oh look, look,
How dark it is on Cape Stars!"
Seagulls moan over the sea.

Irakozaki coast.
Here, in the deserted distance,
I'm glad to see Kite.

How much snow fell!
But somewhere people are walking
Through the Hakone Mountains. *

In the rich man's garden Only the scent of plums
Lured me to the fence
This new pantry.

I will smooth out all the wrinkles on it!
I'm going to visit - admire the snow
In this old paper dress.

Before the New Year I came to spend the night, I look -
Why are people fussing...
They sweep away the soot in the houses.

Well, hurry up, friends!
Let's go wander through the first snow,
Until we fall off our feet.

She's only nine days old
But both fields and mountains know:
Spring has come again.

Pieces of last year's grass...
Short, no longer than an inch,
The first cobwebs.

Where the Buddha statue once stood, the cobwebs towered high.
I see the image of Buddha again
At the empty foothills. In the garden of the late poet Sengin *So many memories
You awakened in my soul,
O cherries of the old garden! I visit Ise temples *Where, what tree are they on,
These flowers - I don’t know
But the aroma wafted... Having met with a local scientist... But first of all I’ll ask:
What is the name in the local dialect?
Is this reed young? I meet two poets: father and son grow from a single root
Both old and young plum.
Both pour out aroma. I visit a poor hut. A sweet potato is planted in the yard.
They drowned it out, grew at the gate
Young shoots of grass.

Let's go! I'll show you
How cherry blossoms bloom in distant Yoshino
My old hat.

I've barely gotten better
Exhausted, until the night...
And suddenly - wisteria flowers!

Soaring larks above
I sat down in the sky to rest -
On the very ridge of the pass.

Waterfall "Dragon Gate" Cherries at the waterfall...
To those who love good wine,
I'll take the branch as a gift.

Only for connoisseurs of fine wines
I'll tell you how the waterfall flows
In the foam of cherry blossoms.

They flew around with a rustle
Mountain rose petals...
The distant sound of a waterfall.

Comes to life again in the heart
Longing for mother, for father.
The cry of a lonely pheasant! *

The past spring
In the distant harbor of Vaca *
I finally caught up.

Visiting the city of Nara *On Buddha's birthday
He was born
Little deer. Parting in Nara with an old friend Like branches of a deer antler
They diverge from a single butt,
So we part with you. I visit a friend’s house in Osaka, in the garden where the irises have opened,
Conducting a conversation with an old friend -
What a reward for the traveler! I did not see the autumn full moon on the shore of Suma. The moon is shining, but not the same one.
As if I didn’t find the owner...
Summer on the banks of Suma.

I saw it first
In the rays of dawn the face of a fisherman,
And then - a blooming poppy.

Fishermen scare the crows.
Under the aimed arrowhead
Cuckoo alarm cry.

Where it flies
The pre-dawn cry of the cuckoo,
What's there? Distant island.

Flute SanemoriTemple Sumadera. *
I hear the flute playing by itself
In the dark thicket of trees. * Sumadera Temple
Sumadera Shrine is located in Kobe.
I spend the night on a ship in Akashi Bay, trapped by an octopus.
He sees a dream - so short! -
Under the summer moon.More from Basho
(translation by A. Dolina) Oh dragonfly!
With what difficulty on a blade of grass
You've settled down!

First winter rain.
The monkey doesn't mind either
Put on a straw raincoat...

How heavy the first snow is!
They sank and sadly drooped
Daffodil leaves...

Even the gray crow
This morning suits you -
Look how prettier you have become!

Sings by the hearth
So selflessly
Familiar cricket!...

On a cold night
It will lend me rags,
Scarecrow in the field.

Oh dragonfly!
With what difficulty on a blade of grass
You've settled down!

I planted a banana -
And now they have become disgusting to me
Sprouts of weeds...

First winter rain.
The monkey doesn't mind either
Put on a straw raincoat...

How heavy the first snow is!
They sank and sadly drooped
Daffodil leaves...

Don't imitate me too much!
Look, what's the point of such similarities?
Two halves of melon. For students

I want it at least once
Go to the market on holiday
Buy tobacco

"Autumn has already arrived!" -
The wind whispered in my ear,
Sneaking up to my pillow.

He is a hundred times nobler
Who does not say at the flash of lightning:
"This is our life!"

All the excitement, all the sadness
Of your troubled heart
Give it to the flexible willow.

What freshness it blows
From this melon in drops of dew,
With sticky wet soil!

In the garden where the irises have opened,
Talking with your old friend, -
What a reward for the traveler!

Cold mountain spring.
I didn’t have time to scoop up a handful of water,
How my teeth are already creaking

What a connoisseur's quirk!
For a flower without fragrance
The moth descended.

Come quickly, friends!
Let's go wander through the first snow,
Until we fall off our feet.

Evening bindweed
I'm captured...Motionless
I stand in oblivion.

Frost covered him,
The wind makes his bed...
An abandoned child.

There's such a moon in the sky,
Like a tree cut down to the roots:
The fresh cut turns white.

A yellow leaf floats.
Which shore, cicada,
What if you wake up?

How the river overflowed!
A heron wanders on short legs
Knee-deep in water.

How a banana moans in the wind,
How the drops fall into the tub,
I hear it all night long. In a thatched hut

Willow is bent over and sleeping.
And it seems to me that there is a nightingale on a branch...
This is her soul.

Top-top is my horse.
I see myself in the picture -
In the expanse of summer meadows.

Suddenly you will hear “shorkh-shorkh”.
Longing stirs in my soul...
Bamboo on a frosty night.

Butterflies flying
Wakes up a quiet clearing
In the sun's rays.

How the autumn wind whistles!
Then only you will understand my poems,
When you spend the night in the field.

And I want to live in autumn
To this butterfly: drinks hastily
There is dew from the chrysanthemum.

The flowers have faded.
The seeds are scattering and falling,
It's like tears...

Gusty leaf
Hid in a bamboo grove
And little by little it calmed down.

Take a close look!
Shepherd's purse flowers
You will see under the fence.

Oh, wake up, wake up!
Become my comrade
Sleeping moth!

They fly to the ground
Returning to old roots...
Separation of flowers! In memory of a friend

Old pond.
A frog jumped into the water.
A splash in silence.

Autumn Moon Festival.
Around the pond and around again,
All night long all around!

That's all I'm rich with!
Easy as if my life
Gourd pumpkin. Grain storage jug

First snow in the morning.
He barely covered
Narcissus leaves.

The water is so cold!
The seagull can't sleep
Rocking on the wave.

The jug burst with a crash:
At night the water in it froze.
I woke up suddenly.

Moon or morning snow...
Admiring the beauty, I lived as I wanted.
This is how I end the year.

Clouds of cherry blossoms!
The ringing of the bell floated... From Ueno
Or Asakusa?

In the cup of a flower
The bumblebee is dozing. Don't touch him
Sparrow friend!

Stork nest in the wind.
And underneath - beyond the storm -
Cherry is a calm color.

Long day to go
Sings - and doesn’t get drunk
Lark in spring.

Over the expanse of fields -
Not tied to the ground by anything -
The lark is ringing.

It's raining in May.
What is this? Has the rim on the barrel burst?
The sound is unclear at night...

Pure spring!
Up ran up my leg
Little crab.

Today is a clear day.
But where do the drops come from?
There is a patch of clouds in the sky.

It's like I took it in my hands
Lightning when in the dark
You lit a candle. In praise of the poet Rika

How fast the moon flies!
On motionless branches
Drops of rain hung.

Steps important
Heron on fresh stubble.
Autumn in the village.

Left for a moment
Farmer threshing rice
Looks at the moon.

In a glass of wine,
Swallows, don't drop me
Clay lump.

There once was a castle here...
Let me be the first to tell you about it
A spring flowing in an old well.

How the grass thickens in summer!
And only one-sheet
One single leaf.

Oh no, ready
I won't find any comparisons for you,
Three day month!

Hanging motionless
Dark cloud in half the sky...
Apparently he's waiting for lightning.

Oh, how many of them there are in the fields!
But everyone blooms in their own way -
This is the highest feat of a flower!

I wrapped my life around
Around the suspension bridge
This wild ivy.

Blanket for one.
And icy, black
Winter night... Oh, sadness! Poet Rika mourns his wife

Spring is leaving.
The birds are crying. Fish eyes
Full of tears.

The distant call of the cuckoo
It sounded wrong. After all, these days
The poets have disappeared.

A thin tongue of fire, -
The oil in the lamp has frozen.
You wake up... What sadness! In a foreign land

West, East -
Everywhere the same trouble
The wind is still cold. To a friend who left for the West

Even a white flower on the fence
Near the house where the owner is gone,
The cold poured over me. To an orphaned friend

Did I break off the branch?
The wind running through the pines?
How cool is the splash of water!

Here intoxicated
I wish I could fall asleep on these river stones,
Overgrown with cloves...

They rise from the ground again,
Fading in the darkness, chrysanthemums,
Nailed by heavy rain.

Pray for happy days!
On a winter plum tree
Be like your heart.

Visiting the cherry blossoms
I stayed neither more nor less -
Twenty happy days.

Under the canopy of cherry blossoms
I'm like the hero of an old drama,
At night I lay down to sleep.

Garden and mountain in the distance
Trembling, moving, entering
In a summer open house.

Driver! Lead your horse
Over there, across the field!
There's a cuckoo singing.

May rains
The waterfall was buried -
They filled it with water.

Summer herbs
Where the heroes disappeared
Like a dream. On the old battlefield

And it splits into hundreds of fragments
Sea of ​​a summer day.

What bliss!
Cool field of green rice...
The water is murmuring...

Silence all around.
Penetrate into the heart of the rocks
Voices of cicadas.

Tide Gate.
Washes the heron up to its chest
Cool sea.

Small perches are dried
On the branches of a willow...What coolness!
Fishing huts on the shore.

Wooden pestle.
Was he once a willow tree?
Was it a camellia?

Celebration of the meeting of two stars.
Even the night before is so different
For an ordinary night! On the eve of the Tashibama holiday

The sea is raging!
Far away, to Sado Island,
The Milky Way is spreading.

With me under the same roof
Two girls... Hagi branches in bloom
And a lonely month. At the hotel

What does ripening rice smell like?
I was walking across the field, and suddenly -
To the right is Ariso Bay.

Tremble, O hill!
Autumn wind in the field -
My lonely moan. In front of the burial mound of the early deceased poet Isse

Red-red sun
In the deserted distance... But it’s chilling
The merciless autumn wind.

Pines... Cute name!
Leaning towards the pine trees in the wind
Bushes and autumn herbs. An area called Sosenki

Musashi Plain around.
Not a single cloud will touch
Your traveling hat.

Wet, walking in the rain,
But this traveler is worthy of song too,
Not only hagi are in bloom.

O merciless rock!
Under this glorious helmet
Now the cricket is ringing.

Whiter than white rocks
On the slopes of a stone mountain
This autumn whirlwind!

Farewell poems
I wanted to write on the fan -
It broke in his hands. Breaking up with a friend

Where are you, moon, now?
Like a sunken bell
She disappeared to the bottom of the sea. In Tsuruga Bay, where the bell once sank

Never a butterfly
He won't be anymore... He trembles in vain
Worm in the autumn wind.

A secluded house.
Moon... Chrysanthemums... In addition to them
A piece of a small field.

Cold rain without end.
This is how the chilled monkey looks,
As if asking for a straw cloak.

Winter night in the garden.
With a thin thread - and a month in the sky,
And the cicadas make a barely audible sound.

The nuns story
About his previous service at court...
There is deep snow all around. In a mountain village

Children, who's the fastest?
We'll catch up with the balls
Ice grains. Playing with children in the mountains

Tell me why
Oh raven, to the noisy city
Is this where you fly from?

How tender are the young leaves?
Even here, on the weeds
At a forgotten house.

Camellia petals...
Maybe the nightingale dropped
A hat made of flowers?

Ivy leaves...
For some reason their smoky purple
He talks about the past.

Mossy gravestone.
Under it - is it in reality or in a dream? -
A voice whispers prayers.

The dragonfly is spinning...
Can't get a hold
For stalks of flexible grass.

Don't think with contempt:
“What small seeds!”
It's red pepper.

First I left the grass...
Then he left the trees...
Lark flight.

The bell fell silent in the distance,
But the scent of evening flowers
Its echo floats.

The cobwebs tremble a little.
Thin threads of saiko grass
They flutter in the twilight.

Dropping petals
Suddenly spilled a handful of water
Camellia flower.

The stream is barely noticeable.
Swimming through a thicket of bamboo
Camellia petals.

The May rain is endless.
The mallows are reaching somewhere,
Looking for the path of the sun.

Faint orange aroma.
Where?.. When?.. In what fields, cuckoo,
Did I hear your migratory cry?

Falls with a leaf...
No, look! Halfway there
The firefly flew up.

And who could say
Why don't they live so long!
The incessant sound of cicadas.

Fisherman's hut.
Mixed up in a pile of shrimp
Lonely cricket.

White hair fell.
Under my headboard
The cricket does not stop talking.

Sick goose dropped
On a field on a cold night.
A lonely dream on the way.

Even a wild boar
Will spin you around and take you with you
This winter field whirlwind!

It's already the end of autumn,
But he believes in future days
Green tangerine.

Portable hearth.
So, heart of wanderings, and for you
There is no peace anywhere. At the travel hotel

The cold set in on the way.
At the scarecrow's place, perhaps?
Should I borrow some sleeves?

Sea kale stems.
The sand creaked on my teeth...
And I remembered that I was getting old.

Mandzai came late
To a mountain village.
The plum trees have already bloomed.

Why so lazy all of a sudden?
They barely woke me up today...
The spring rain is noisy.

sad me
Give me more sadness,
Cuckoos distant call!

I clapped my hands.
And where the echo sounded,
The summer moon is growing pale.

A friend sent me a gift
Risu, I invited him
To visit the moon itself. On the night of the full moon

ancient times
There's a whiff... The garden near the temple
Covered with fallen leaves.

So easy, so easy
Floated out - and in the cloud
The moon thought.

Quails are calling.
It must be evening.
The hawk's eye went dark.

Together with the owner of the house
I listen in silence to the evening bells.
Willow leaves are falling.

White fungus in the forest.
Some unknown leaf
It stuck to his hat.

What sadness!
Suspended in a small cage
Captive cricket.

Night silence.
Only behind the picture on the wall
The cricket is ringing and ringing.

Dewdrops sparkle.
But they have a taste of sadness,
Don't forget!

That's right, this cicada
Are you all drunk? -
One shell remains.

The leaves have fallen.
The whole world is one color.
Only the wind hums.

Rocks among cryptomerias!
How I sharpened their teeth
Winter cold wind!

Trees were planted in the garden.
Quietly, quietly, to encourage them,
Autumn rain whispers.

So that the cold whirlwind
Give them the aroma, they open up again
Late autumn flowers.

Everything was covered with snow.
Lonely old woman
In a forest hut.

Ugly Raven -
And it's beautiful in the first snow
On a winter morning!

Like soot sweeps away,
Cryptomeria apex trembles
A storm has arrived.

To fish and birds
I don't envy you anymore... I'll forget
All the sorrows of the year. New Year's Eve

Nightingales are singing everywhere.
There - behind the bamboo grove,
Here - in front of the river willow.

From branch to branch
Quietly the drops are running...
Spring rain.

Through the hedge
How many times have you fluttered
Butterfly wings!

She closed her mouth tightly
Sea shell.
Unbearable heat!

Just the breeze blows -
From branch to branch of willow
The butterfly will flutter.

They are getting along with the winter hearth.
How old my familiar stove maker has aged!
Strands of hair turned white.

Year after year everything is the same:
Monkey amuses the crowd
In a monkey mask.

I didn’t have time to take my hands away,
Like a spring breeze
Settled in a green sprout. Planting rice

Rain comes after rain,
And the heart is no longer disturbed
Sprouts in rice fields.

Stayed and left
Bright moon... Stayed
Table with four corners. In memory of the poet Tojun

First fungus!
Still, autumn dew,
He didn't consider you.

Boy perched
On the saddle, and the horse is waiting.
Collect radishes.

The duck pressed to the ground.
Covered with a dress of wings
Your bare legs...

Sweep away the soot.
For myself this time
The carpenter gets along well. Before the New Year

O spring rain!
Streams run from the roof
Along wasp nests.

Under the open umbrella
I make my way through the branches.
Willows in the first down.

From the sky of its peaks
Only river willows
It's still raining.

A hillock right next to the road.
To replace the faded rainbow -
Azaleas in the sunset light.

Lightning in the dark at night.
Lake water surface
Suddenly it burst into sparks.

The waves are running across the lake.
Some people regret the heat
Sunset clouds.

The ground is disappearing from under our feet.
I grab a light ear...
The moment of separation has arrived. Saying goodbye to friends

My whole life is on the way!
It's like I'm digging up a small field,
I wander back and forth.

Transparent waterfall...
Fell into a light wave
Pine needle.

Hanging in the sun
Cloud... Across it -
Migratory birds.

The buckwheat has not ripened
But they treat you to a field of flowers
Guest in a mountain village.

The end of autumn days.
Already throwing up his hands
Chestnut shell.

What do people feed on there?
The house pressed to the ground
Under the autumn willows.

The scent of chrysanthemums...
In the temples of ancient Nara
Dark buddha statues.

Autumn darkness
Broken and driven away
Conversation of friends.

Oh this long journey!
The autumn twilight is thickening,
And - not a soul around.

Why am I so strong
Did you sense old age this fall?
Clouds and birds.

It's late autumn.
Alone I think:
“How does my neighbor live?”

I got sick on the way.
And everything runs and circles my dream
Through scorched fields. Death Song

* * *
Poems from travel diaries

Maybe my bones
The wind will whiten - It is in the heart
It breathed cold on me. Hitting the road

You are sad listening to the cry of monkeys!
Do you know how a child cries?
Abandoned in the autumn wind?

Moonless night. Darkness.
With cryptomeria millennial
The whirlwind grabbed him in an embrace.

The ivy leaf is trembling.
In a small bamboo grove
The first storm murmurs.

You stand indestructible, pine tree!
And how many monks have lived here?
How many bindweeds have bloomed... In the garden of the old monastery

Drops dewdrops - tok-tok -
The source, as in previous years...
Wash away the world's dirt! The source sung by Saigyo

Dusk over the sea.
Only the cries of wild ducks in the distance
They turn vaguely white.

Spring morning.
Over every nameless hill
Transparent haze.

I'm walking along a mountain path.
Suddenly I felt at ease for some reason.
Violets in the thick grass.

From the heart of a peony
A bee slowly crawls out...
Oh, with what reluctance! Leaving a hospitable home

young horse
He happily plucks the ears of corn.
Rest on the way.

To the capital - there, in the distance, -
Half the sky remains...
Snow clouds. On a mountain pass

The sun of a winter day,
My shadow freezes
On the horse's back.

She is only nine days old.
But both fields and mountains know:
Spring has come again.

Cobwebs above.
I see the image of Buddha again
At the foot of the empty. Where the Buddha statue once stood

Let's go! I'll show you
How cherry blossoms bloom in distant Yoshino,
My old hat.

I've barely gotten better
Exhausted, until the night...
And suddenly - wisteria flowers!

Soaring larks above
I sat down in the sky to rest -
On the very ridge of the pass.

Cherries at the waterfall...
To those who love good wine,
I'll take the branch as a gift. Dragon Gate Waterfall

Like spring rain
Running under a canopy of branches...
The spring whispers quietly. Stream near the hut where Saigyo lived

The past spring
In the distant harbor of Vaca
I finally caught up.

On Buddha's birthday
He was born
Little deer.

I saw it first
In the rays of dawn the face of a fisherman,
And then - a blooming poppy.

Where it flies
The pre-dawn cry of the cuckoo,
What's there? - Distant island.

So, I report that I failed the first two tasks (for those who are keeping track). The circles, it turns out, had to be filmed exactly as circles, and no one needs all my stories about “my circles” with ovals and perspectives. Everything is bad with dreams too. I showed two options - bw "Dream is a little death" and the one where there are two of me and the sea with a girl. I was told that the first one is a wonderful movie poster, the second one (b&w) is the CD cover. But not about sleep. They asked me to reshoot... and so that I wouldn’t be there)).

And they gave me a new task: to film “Ceiling”, “Breakfast” and haiku about autumn.
I can’t shoot the ceiling... I just don’t want to even think of anything about how to express the ceiling. I'm not interested. I didn’t take off breakfast either. I know for sure that I can photograph 150 wonderful breakfasts (let’s assume that I filmed it all in my head). The only topic that caught my attention was haiku about autumn.

(This is just a picture so you can make a cut and continue whining.)

I immediately started looking for haiku. I found this beautiful one.

You stay
I'm leaving - two different
Autumn for us

I immediately imagined in my head... Patriarch's Ponds... She stands, he walks away sideways. It’s possible even with a slob))
Great! There is a plan. I went to Patriarch's. I parked like a big one, where it’s not allowed, and I thought, well, for five minutes, I even left my phone under the glass, for parking lots like)). I think I’ll take off “my own” now and immediately return. Indeed, it bypassed the Patriarchate in five minutes. But my beautiful couple was not there. Although while I was driving I was even thinking about how I would approach the young people, explain my task to them, smile and seduce them into acting in haiku.
Fuck you!! Only Filipinas with strollers (a lot), ugly aunties with dogs walk on the Patriarch's, and here... my aged Assol... unfortunately, alone..

By the way, I realized that when I don’t understand how to shoot it all, I automatically switch to multiple exposure mode, and there I know how to shoot it... What is this, by the way, what do you think?? Not the ability to think outside the box and therefore using a technique that not everyone knows?

I took it off and decided that I had no inspiration. And she went to look for him at the Museum of Modern Art for the exhibition “Dreams for those who are awake.”

I took a couple of dreams there...

and I realized that I still can’t shoot on assignment... especially on assignment, the meaning of which I don’t understand ((

Today I went out into the garden and filmed haiku with pleasure...

How I envy you!
You will achieve the highest beauty
And you will fall, maple leaf!

Here a leaf has fallen,
Here's another leaf flying
In an icy whirlwind. Death Song

The wind flies from the west,
Circling, driving to the east
A heap of fallen leaves

O maple leaves!
You burn your wings
Flying birds

Red-red sun
In the deserted distance... But it’s chilling
The merciless autumn wind.

leaves in autumn
Falling, they give away the light
Summer sun.

The leaves have dried up
Like the hands of an old woman.
I hold them, saying goodbye.

In a forgotten park
Looking for a meaningless path
From leaf fall.

Well, a few more without haiku
