Cash payments to disabled people: EDV and NSU, amount, how to apply. Monthly cash payments (MCP) Breakdown of cash payments 2 groups by item


The social security system in Russia is constantly being reformed in order to wherever possible cover more citizens who need additional support. People with disabilities are the category of the population that receives priority attention. At the federal and municipal levels, disabled people are provided with a number of benefits and are paid one-time and monthly benefits, the amount of which depends on their health status and disability group.

What financial benefits are available to disabled people?

The category of disabled people includes individuals who, due to certain circumstances, congenital or acquired diseases, lose the ability to work or care for themselves. People with disabilities need special treatment. The state shows special concern for this category of citizens, therefore a whole list of preferences has been defined for them:

  • The right to receive free medicines.
  • Issuance of certificates for the purchase of aids, such as orthopedic shoes, wheelchairs.
  • Providing housing on a preferential basis.
  • Discounts when paying rent and utilities.
  • Free provision of food for children of the first 2 years of life.
  • Exemption from duties on certain types of vehicles.
  • Compensation for the cost of dental prosthetics (regional privilege).
  • Free professional legal assistance.
  • Providing household services at home.
  • Free travel on public transport.
  • Special assistance to families raising a child with a disability.

In modern practice, there are several categories of disability according to groups:

  • disabled children.

The category of disability is assigned only to adults after passing a medical and social examination. Upon completion of the examination, the citizen is given official confirmation of the presence of dysfunction. Having a certificate in hand, you can obtain a certificate and apply for various benefits:

  • insurance pension;
  • state pension;
  • social pension;
  • monthly cash payments;
  • a set of social services (its monetary compensation);
  • additional monthly financial support;
  • allowance for caring for a disabled person;
  • regional surcharges.

Regulatory framework

People with disabilities have the same rights as other Russian citizens. In addition to the Constitution and the Labor Code, according to which everyone without exception has the right to work and a decent life, a number of normative and legal acts have been adopted. In September 2008, Russia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, pledging to create all the necessary conditions for the life of disabled citizens and to exclude any discrimination against them.

Among the legislative acts, the following should be highlighted:

  • Law No. 181-FZ (November 24, 1995), which comprehensively examines the areas of activity and life of persons with disabilities. The document reflects all aspects of social protection of citizens with disabilities and reveals the meaning of all the norms contained in the Constitution and the Convention.
  • Law No. 122-FZ (02.08.1995), which reveals the main aspects of social services for the elderly and disabled.
  • Law No. 1244-1 (05/15/1991), which concerns the protection of citizens injured as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • Law No. 5-FZ (12.01.1995), regulating issues related to the social protection of veterans.

Regarding pension provision for persons with disabilities, here you should study:

  • Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, covering all aspects of the calculation of labor pensions.
  • Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, which addresses issues of pension provision in Russia.

In addition to this, a number of Presidential decrees and Government resolutions have been signed, which to one degree or another relate to incapacitated persons:

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for people with disabilities” (02.10.1992);
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 685 “On some measures of social support for people with disabilities” (06.05.2008).
  • Government Decree No. 95 on approval of the “Rules for recognizing a person as disabled” (06/20/1995), etc.

Disability pension amount

According to Russian legislation, people with special needs are entitled to pension benefits. The amount of payments and the period of provision depend on the group of incapacity assigned and the age of the person. All disabled people are required to periodically confirm the group assigned to them by passing the ITU. To receive payment, disabled people of group 2, as well as group 3, must undergo re-examination annually, and for group 1 - once every two years. People who have reached the generally established retirement age can be assigned a group for an indefinite period.


The insurance pension is paid to all citizens who have sufficient experience of insurance payments and the required individual pension coefficient. Their values ​​are revised annually upward. There is no such requirement for persons with disabilities. They can receive a labor pension if they worked at least one day in their life, and the employer paid insurance premiums from the earnings received.

Persons with disabilities have the right to receive a labor pension during the time when they are officially recognized as disabled or until they reach the age that makes it possible to receive an old-age insurance pension. For accruals, you need to prepare documents and contact the Pension Fund branch, multifunctional center or directly through your personal account on the Pension Fund website. The insurance pension consists of a fixed part and a number of components:

  • degree of disability;
  • presence of dependents;
  • place of residence;
  • age, etc.
  • Groups 1 and 2 – 4982 rubles 90 kopecks;
  • Group 3 – 2491 rubles 45 kopecks.


Disabled people from childhood, disabled children and all other disabled citizens who have never worked are not left without a means of subsistence. They are entitled to a social pension - a minimum that is guaranteed by the state and paid monthly. The amount of payments is set once a year, and its indexation occurs on April 1. The planned growth for 2019 should be 4.1% - this figure is included in the draft budget adopted by State Duma deputies.

Until April 1, 2018, the pension amount is:


Persons who, while performing official duties or in the first 3 months after dismissal, received an injury or illness that caused incapacity can apply for a state disability pension. Such persons include:

  • military personnel;
  • liquidators of radiation or man-made accidents;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • citizens who were awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • astronauts.

Payment amounts:

Percentage ratio to the amount of social pension

Disabled due to war trauma

Those who became disabled during military service

Victims of man-made or radiation disasters

WWII participants

Awarded with the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”

Some citizens can receive a double pension - state disability and old-age insurance:

  • military personnel;
  • WWII participants;
  • awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • astronauts (in this case they are not accrued a fixed part of the insurance pension).

Monthly cash payment

Disabled citizens and disabled children have the legal right to receive monthly cash payments. To assign and pay EDV, you must independently contact the regional office of the Pension Fund or MFC, since the accrual of funds occurs strictly on an application basis. If an individual has the opportunity to receive a monthly cash payment for several reasons, then the one whose size is more important is established for him.

The EDV consists of two parts:

  • Fixed payment. Paid exclusively in cash.
  • Set of social services. You can get it in kind or by monetizing the full set or part of it.

List of social services

From the moment the right to EDV is established, a citizen receives a set of social services, which is an integral part of the monthly cash payment. The NSO consists of 3 components that have a monetary equivalent. The applicant can independently choose whether to realize all the benefits provided by the package or receive monetary compensation. The citizen independently decides which services to monetize and submits an application accordingly. Once a year, you can change your priorities by writing a statement before October 1.

EDV size in 2018

The amount of the monthly cash payment for disability has different values ​​depending on the degree of disability assigned and the selected NSO. In addition, every year on February 1, the value of the UDV is subject to indexation - the inflation rate for the past year is taken as the basis. In 2018, the increase in payments was 2.5%, although the initially planned increase was 3.2%. From 02/01/2018 the following dimensions are established:

EDV size, rubles

Taking into account NSO

Excluding NSO

1st disability group

Disabled children

Disabled WWII

Citizens who received a disability group as a result of the Chernobyl accident

Additional monthly financial support for disabled military personnel (DEMO)

Since May 2005, thanks to the decree of the President of Russia, a new type of assistance was introduced - additional monthly financial support. This event was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War, so the payments themselves concerned exclusively the participants in hostilities. DEMO is paid through representatives of the Pension Fund simultaneously with pension benefits and has the following meanings:

Amount, rubles

  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • some participants of the Second World War;
  • imperfect prisoners of concentration camps and ghettos.
  • military personnel who served from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945 in units that were not part of the active army for at least 6 months;
  • persons awarded medals and orders of the USSR for service in the period from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945;
  • persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • adult prisoners;
  • widows of military personnel who died during the Second World War, wars with Finland and Japan;
  • widows of disabled veterans of the Second World War.

Federal social payments to disabled people

To improve the social situation of people with disabilities, the state provides supplements to disability pensions. You can take advantage of the preference if a person’s income does not reach the established minimum subsistence level for the region in which the citizen lives. The principle of providing assistance is based on the application system, with the exception of disabled children, for whom additional payment is assigned simultaneously with the establishment of pension benefits.

When determining the total amount of a citizen’s monetary security, all of his monetary income is taken into account:

  • pension;
  • DEMO;
  • regional surcharges;
  • compensation payments.

Care allowance

Citizens who, due to health conditions, cannot care for themselves and take care of themselves need additional help. It can be provided by people from close circles or other citizens. For the provision of care, the state provides a monetary reward, to which regional coefficients are applied:

  • compensation payment for caring for a person with group 1 disability in the amount of 1,200 rubles.
  • Monthly payment. Assigned to a person caring for a disabled child and incapacitated since childhood with 1st group of disability. For parents, guardians and adoptive parents, the amount of assistance is 5,000 rubles, for others – 1,200 rubles.

To assign this benefit to a citizen providing care, you must:

  • Obtain the consent of the person being cared for.
  • Be unemployed and not receive benefits for this.
  • Don't receive a pension.

Who is paid

The process of caring for a disabled person is a responsible task that requires a lot of time, effort and moral fortitude. Not all citizens have the right to carry out this type of activity. The legislation defines the criteria for a person planning to provide care. There are no requirements for kinship - a complete stranger can look after. In addition to the fact that the caregiver must obtain the approval of the incapacitated person himself, he must additionally be:

  • able-bodied;
  • not to carry out entrepreneurial activities;
  • be listed as officially unemployed, including under contracts;
  • do not receive unemployment benefits;
  • not receive a pension;
  • be over 14 years old.

How to apply

To provide care, you must contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund of Russia or a multifunctional center with an application, to which you must attach a certain package of documents. If these documents are in the personal file of the person being cared for, there is no need to provide them. The list of papers required for registration of care is as follows:

  • Identity document.
  • Work records of both citizens.
  • Conclusion of the medical institution on the need for care.
  • Extract from the ITU act.
  • Statement from the person being cared for or his legal representative.
  • A certificate stating that the person does not receive a pension.
  • Certificate that the citizen is not receiving unemployment benefits.
  • Permission from parents and the guardianship authority to carry out work activities if care will be provided by a person who has not reached the age of majority.
  • A certificate of completion of full-time studies issued by the administration of the educational institution.

Indexation in 2018

Every year the government reviews the amounts of social payments. This is done in order to minimize the consequences of rising prices and ensure an adequate level of life support for people with developmental disabilities. As a rule, the inflation rate is taken as a basis. According to the 2018 budget, indexation affects such payments as:

  • Insurance pensions - by 3.7% from January 1, 2018.
  • Monthly cash payment – ​​by 2.5% from February 1, 2018.
  • The range of social services – by 2.5% from February 1, 2018.
  • Social pension – by 4.1% from April 1, 2018

How to get benefits

To assign a payment, citizens can apply at any time after the official emergence of the right to receive it. To apply, you must visit your local PFR branch or multifunctional center, or submit an application through your personal account on the PFR portal. If a person cannot personally carry out this procedure, his legal representative, who has documentary evidence to carry out such actions, can do this for him.

The procedure itself is not complicated, but can take a long time:

  1. Pass a medical and social examination and receive a conclusion on assignment of a disability group.
  2. Collect the necessary documents.
  3. Submit an application, attaching the necessary documents.
  4. Wait for a decision on the assignment of allowances.
  5. Start receiving payments.

Application to the Pension Fund

When receiving a pension, the application principle applies, so the citizen must independently take care of the assignment of allowances by submitting an application. This can be done in person or through an official representative. It is allowed to submit an application through the Pension Fund portal or by registered mail. The form itself can be downloaded from the official portal of the Pension Fund of Russia or obtained on site. It must indicate:

  • The name of the territorial body where the application is being submitted.
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the citizen who is applying for a pension allowance.
  • SNILS number.
  • Citizenship.
  • Place of registration, residence and telephone number.
  • Information about the identity document.
  • Number of dependents.
  • Employment, military service, and other information that may affect the amount of your disability benefit.
  • Details of the legal representative, if he/she is filing an application.
  • Type of pension.
  • List of attached documents.
  • Date and signature.

What documents need to be provided

Documents must be attached to the completed application. Their list may vary in each individual case, but, as a rule, you will need:

  • Passport.
  • SNILS.
  • Disabled person's certificate.

If a disability insurance pension is assigned, you will additionally need:

  • Work book.
  • Certificate of income.

For military personnel, you must additionally attach:

  • Military ID.
  • Other documents confirming the fact of military service.

To arrange additional payments you will need to provide:

  • Certificate of residence in the contaminated zone.
  • Confirmation of registration in areas belonging to the Far North.

Payment procedure

When submitting documents, the employee must give you confirmation that the papers have been accepted, affixing a date and personal signature. According to the law, 10 days are allotted for consideration of the application. If it is discovered that any documents are missing, 3 months are given to correct the situation. Provided that the applicant has corrected the shortcomings within the specified period, the pension is accrued from the date of submission of the application. When the accrual of pension benefits has been denied, a citizen has every right to appeal the decision in court.


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Disabled people of the 2nd degree are a vulnerable group of the population, therefore the state pays them benefits and also provides various benefits and discounts. But how much do they pay for group 2 disability in 2019? And what will the EDV be for disabled people of group 2 in 2019? Below we will find out the answers to these and some other questions.

Amount of EDV for disabled people of group 2 from February 1, 2019

Until February 1, 2019: 2590.24 rub.

Benefits and benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2019

How much benefits should a second group disabled person receive? The total amount of benefits consists of a certain type of pension, as well as various additional payments and benefits. Pensions and benefits are indexed every year. There are three types of disability pensions:

  • Supplement to insurance pension. A labor pension is a pension that is compiled by deducting certain amounts of money to the Pension Fund. The size of the labor pension directly depends on length of service, type of work and some other parameters, however, such a pension must not be lower than the fixed labor pension. In 2019, the fixed labor rate is 4,805 rubles per month if a person has no dependents; if there is 1 dependent - 6,406 rubles, 2 dependents - 8,008 rubles, 3 or more dependents - 9,610 rubles.
  • Social pension. If a person has very little or no experience, he may be assigned a social pension. The standard social benefit for disabled people of group 2 in 2019 is 5,034 rubles per month; If a disabled person of group 2 has had a disability since childhood, then he is assigned an increased social pension - 10,068 rubles.

If a person belongs to a special group of the population, then the amount of payments to disabled people of group 2 in 2019 will be increased several times:

  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War - 200% of the social pension.
  • Military personnel - 200-250% of the social pension.
  • People affected by man-made disasters - 250% of the social pension.
  • Astronauts - 85% of salary at the time of disability retirement.

Also, disabled people of group 2 receive additional payments to their pension in the form of money, services and goods. The amount of additional payment for disabled people of group 2 in 2019 is as follows:

  • Monthly cash payment (). It is paid to all disabled people of group 2 and it amounts to 2590.24 rubles per month with a complete waiver of the NSU. If you have not refused the NSS, then the cost of the NSS will be deducted from the EDV.
  • Set of social services (NSS). NSO means the provision of free medicines, free holidays in a sanatorium, discounted travel on transport, and so on. The NSO can be abandoned; Money saved in this way will be transferred to EDV.
  • Additional payments. This category includes various additional federal and regional programs that provide cash payments to people with disabilities. Under the DEMO program, you can receive an additional 500 rubles (if you are a participant in the Great Patriotic War or were a prisoner of a concentration camp, then DEMO will be 1,000 rubles), if the pension is below 4,700 rubles, then under the FSD program you can receive an additional bonus, and so on.


The assignment of any disability group in the Russian Federation is possible only if there is a medical and social examination certificate (MSE). Disability category 2 is assigned to disabled people who have certain physical and social limitations, but do not need constant care from other persons. Disabled people of group 2 have the right to receive social assistance in the form of EDV and NSU. In the article we will consider the concept of daily allowance for disabled people of group 2, how to calculate and arrange additional payment.

Social benefits for disability

EDV is a monthly cash payment assigned to persons with disabilities. The EDV, in addition to the direct payment, also includes the NSO - a set of social services in the form of compensation for the cost of medicines, preferential vouchers to a sanatorium, as well as the right to free rail travel. A disabled person can receive NSU both in kind and in cash, while EDV is paid exclusively in the form of cash.

The right to EDV is granted to people with disabilities of all groups, including disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood. The amount of payment depends on the disability group and on the basis for issuing EDV.

EDV sizes for disabled people of group 2 in 2019

The amount of payment in the presence of group 2 disability depends on the medical and social category of the disabled person.

The basic monthly allowance for disabled people of group 2 is 2590.24 rubles. In this case, the size of the payment may vary depending on the form in which the citizen receives the NSO:

EDV size at:

full receipt of NSO in kind 1515.05 rub.
refusal of free railway travel 1633.99 rub.
maintaining the right to medical care RUR 1,762.10
maintaining the right to sanatorium and resort services RUB 2,462.13
maintaining the right to medical care and free travel 1643.16 rub.
maintaining the right to sanatorium-resort services and free travel 2343.19 rub.
Maintaining the right to free travel 2471.30 rub.

It should be noted that the amount of social payments is determined annually by the government of the Russian Federation and is subject to indexation. The table above shows the amounts of EDV taking into account the indexation carried out on 02/01/2018 in the amount of 5.4%.

What is a set of social services

NSU is an additional advantage to the EDV for disabled people of group 2. In particular, disabled people who have issued an EDV automatically acquire the right to NSU in the form of:

  • Free holiday in a sanatorium at least once a year;
  • Free access to certain medications with a doctor's prescription;
  • Free travel in both directions for sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • Free travel on intercity and suburban railway transport.

Documents for registration of EDV for a disabled person of group 2

When applying for EDV based on group 2 disability, a citizen should contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • application for appointment of EDV (form can be downloaded here ⇒);
  • an extract from the ITU certificate confirming the assignment of disability group 2;
  • application for choosing a payment delivery method (the form can be downloaded here ⇒).

When preparing documents, a citizen should correctly fill out an application indicating the following details:

  • The applicant's initials without abbreviations;
  • Passport details;
  • Actual residential address and place of registration if they differ;
  • Signature of the applicant and date of preparation of the document;
  • Reasons for prescribing EDV;
  • The obligation to promptly notify the Pension Fund in the event of a change of residence.

The procedure for obtaining EDV for a disabled person of group 2

In order for a group 2 disabled person to be prescribed a monthly daily allowance, it is necessary to go through a certain procedure.

Step 1 – If a person has an ITU certificate, an application for EDV is submitted to the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence. If the beneficiary already has a pension, then you need to contact the Pension Fund where it was previously issued. If a disabled person of group 2 permanently resides in a stationary medical institution, then the application is submitted to the body assigned to such institution;

Step 2 – This application is submitted for consideration in person along with accompanying documents. You can also send a letter with notification by mail or transmit through an authorized representative. It is also possible to submit an application electronically on the Pension Fund website. You must first register in your “Personal Account”;

Step 3 –An authorized employee reviews the received papers for completeness and correctness of the data within 15 working days;

Step 4 – Upon expiration of the specified period, the Pension Fund authorities notify the applicant of the assignment of payment to him. In case of refusal of EDV, the arguments for such a decision are given;

Step 5 – The citizen receives payment one month after submitting the application.

EDV design features

An applicant for an EDV must have in hand a certificate confirming the presence of disability group 2 and express a desire to renounce the NSU in favor of an EDV with a corresponding statement. EDV can be issued for a period of at least one year.

It should be noted that a disabled person of group 2 who is entitled to NSI can refuse only certain benefits in favor of additional payment, but not the entire range of services. In this case, the beneficiary will receive an additional payment and use the list of social services necessary for him. You can also refuse the EDV in the reverse order and receive a set of social services again.

After submitting a complete package of papers for registration of EDV, a disabled person of group 2 is entitled to accrual of this payment from the first day of the month following the month of submission of documents to the Pension Fund.

The amount of additional payment for disabled people of group 2 in 2018 is as follows:

  • Monthly cash payment (MCV). It is paid to all disabled people of group 2 and it amounts to 2,527 rubles per month with a complete waiver of NSU. If you have not refused the NSS, then the cost of the NSS will be deducted from the EDV.
  • Set of social services (NSS). By NSO we mean the provision of free medicines, free holidays in a sanatorium, discounted travel on transport, and so on. The NSO can be abandoned; Money saved in this way will be transferred to EDV.
  • Additional payments. This category includes various additional federal and regional programs that provide cash payments to people with disabilities.

About veterans." The document approved a complete list of military personnel entitled to receive EDV, and also fixed the amounts of EDV and NSU for each category of recipients. The amount of NSS for military personnel, like other federal beneficiaries, is fixed and in 2018 is 1,075.19 rubles/month, including:

  • compensation for the cost of medications (also called DLO - additional drug provision) - 828.14 rubles / month;
  • provision of vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions – 128.11 rubles/month;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as to a vacation spot and back – 118.94 rubles/month.

The table below provides generalized information about EDV recipients from among military personnel, and also indicates the size of EDV and NSO after indexation in 2018 in various situations (with complete retention/rejection of NSO, partial refusal of NSO).

Increase in size in 2018

The EDV for disabled people of group 2 was indexed in 2018. However, the same payment for working pensioners was stopped.


In this article we will figure out what the amount consists of and how much you can claim today. What is it? One-time cash payments, abbreviated EDV, were introduced in Russia in 2005.


They are especially important for people with disabilities, who sometimes find it difficult to find work. Social insecurity also negatively affects the financial situation of people in this category.

Payments to disabled people of group 2 are paid provided that they have a medical examination in hand. People with disabilities are one of the categories entitled to EDV.

This also includes heroes of labor, combat veterans and some others. What does it consist of? Disabled people who receive monthly payments do not always know what is included.

403 forbidden

At the beginning of 2018, legislative changes came into force, according to which an increase in pensions and social benefits for special categories of the population was provided, taking into account the growth rate of consumer prices. In particular, from February 1, 2018, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCB) and the set of social services (NSS) included in it were indexed.
In the article, we will look at how the EDV and NSI are being increased from 02/01/2018, what the new monthly payment amount is for different categories of recipients, whether the composition of the NSI has changed after indexation and what its value is in monetary terms. EDV and NSO: general information Increase in EDV and NSO from 02/01/2018: latest news EDV is a monthly cash payment assigned to special categories of citizens on the basis of current regulations.

Pensions in 2018

The list of additional benefits provided includes all types of social services. From the data in the table you can understand how much money is provided for the NSS (set of social services) for each category: Name of service Subsidy amount Features Medicines 828 rubles 14 kopecks If you have a prescription from a doctor Voucher to a sanatorium 128 rubles 11 kopecks Provided subject to availability of indications for treatment Travel on a certain type of transport 118 rubles 94 kopecks The subsidy applies to railway travel to the suburbs or if we are talking about travel to the place of treatment of a disabled person on international transport. From here you can calculate how much you get in the end. They are equal to 1,075 rubles 19 kopecks. This size of NSO is valid today.
You must submit an application to the pension fund to receive EDV before the current year, that is, in order to receive monthly cash payments in 2018, you must submit an application and complete all the necessary documents before the end of the current year 2017. Indexation of EDV by disability in 2018 for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3.
Documents for EDV in 2018 To receive a monthly cash compensation payment, you need to collect a package of documents, which should include an application in the prescribed form, an identification document of the pensioner, as well as his pension certificate. In some cases, it is additionally necessary to provide certificates about the benefits due to a given person; this may be evidence of his disability, because the increase in monthly disability payments will differ from, for example, payments for social benefits that are provided by the state to combat veterans.

Barely disabled people of group 2 in 2018

EDV and NSU for disabled people of all groups after 02/01/2018. Recipient of EDV Amount of EDV from 02/01/2018 Complete renunciation of NSI Complete preservation of NSU Retention of NSU in kind in terms of: DLO and treatment in the DLO sanatorium Treatment in the DLO sanatorium and railway travel Treatment in the sanatorium and railway travel railway travel Disabled people (I group).

3626.98 2551.79 2670.73 2798.84 3498.87 2679.90 3379.93 3508.04 Disabled people (group II). 2590.24 1515.05 1633.99 1762.10 2462.13 1643.16 2343.19 2471.30 Disabled people (III group). 2073.51 998.32 1117.26 1245.37 1945.40 1126.43 1826.46 1954.57 Disabled children 2590.24 1515.05 1633.99 1762.10 2462.13 1643.16 2343.1 9 2471, 30 Increase in EDV and NSU for “Chernobyl victims” Citizens recognized as victims of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Mayak plant, nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, as well as other persons who suffered as a result of man-made disasters, have the right to receive EDV and NSU in the general manner.
In conclusion, monthly cash payments, or as they are commonly called EDV, are paid to the recipient on a monthly basis and are aimed (designed) to compensate for the refusal of a pensioner, veteran or disabled person from state social benefits with an in-kind material payment. Compensatory assistance from the state is provided to preferential categories of Russian citizens along with their social benefits (pensions). If a person entitled to benefits does not receive any more benefits from the state or local authorities, then they have the right to process EDV payments in any way available to them. You can make EDV payments by transferring to a bank card (this is done at a banking institution), for which you need to contact them.
24-hour legal advice by phone Payments to group 2 disabled people in 2018 - how much should they pay? Disabled people of the 2nd degree are a vulnerable group of the population, therefore the state pays them benefits and also provides various benefits and discounts. But how much do they pay for group 2 disability in 2018? And what will the EDV be for disabled people of group 2 in 2018? Below we will find out the answers to these and some other questions.
How much benefits should a second group disabled person receive? The total amount of benefits consists of a certain type of pension, as well as various additional payments and benefits. Pensions and benefits are indexed every year. There are three types of disability pensions:

  • Supplement to insurance pension. A labor pension is a pension that is compiled by deducting certain amounts of money to the Pension Fund.

Increasing the size of the monthly allowance for beneficiaries from February 1, 2018

Today, the interested public is concerned about the following question: what will be the increase in monthly cash payments next year for Russians? Veterans are especially interested in this topic, because there are fewer and fewer of them every day and they are the ones who survived the most terrible period in our modern history. However, apart from the news about indexation by 4 - 4.5% to the level of official inflation next year, there is no other information on this matter at the moment. Perhaps you shouldn’t count on an increase in the EDV in 2018, but maybe the Russian government will somehow find reserves and be able to please these categories of our citizens. In this case, much will depend on the financial and economic state of the country, the capacity of the federal budget and local funds.
In general, Russian beneficiaries, recipients of social benefits, can count in the coming year on the fact that their benefits can be replaced with material (monetary) assistance in the following amount: - Disabled people of the 1st group will be able to receive up to three (3) thousand rubles , we note that disabled people of the 2nd group are not provided for an increase, so the list of benefits for this category of recipients apparently remains the same. Separately, it is worth noting that henceforth disability does not need to be confirmed every year, if it was received before 2015, all other citizens with disabilities, of any group, are required to undergo an annual confirmation commission. - Labor veterans will be able to receive a monthly cash payment of up to one (1.0) thousand rubles; - EDV payments to other categories of social benefit recipients will, as before, be calculated individually, taking into account personal characteristics, etc.

The size of the unit and nsu for disabled people of group 2 in 2018

  • participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, persons awarded the honorary order “Resident of Siege Leningrad”;
  • persons affected by man-made disasters;
  • citizens from special risk units;
  • Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, Labor, Knights of the Order of Glory.

NSU is a set of social services that is included in the monthly payment and is assigned simultaneously with the EDV. NSO gives recipients the right to:

  • compensation for the cost of medications prescribed by a doctor in accordance with medical indications;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport;
  • receiving discounted vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions, as well as reimbursement of the cost of travel to and from the vacation spot.

Unlike the EDV, which is paid exclusively in cash, NSI can be received both in kind and in the form of cash equivalent.

The EDV for disabled people of group 2 was indexed in 2018. However, the same payment for working pensioners was stopped. In this article we will figure out what the amount consists of and how much you can claim today.

What is it?

One-time cash payments, abbreviated EDV, were introduced in Russia in 2005. They are especially important for people with disabilities, who sometimes find it difficult to find work. Social insecurity also negatively affects the financial situation of people in this category.

Payments to disabled people of group 2 are paid provided that they have a medical examination in hand. People with disabilities are one of the categories entitled to EDV. This also includes heroes of labor, combat veterans and some others.

What does it consist of?

Disabled people who receive monthly payments do not always know what is included. The list of additional benefits provided includes all types of social services. From the table data you can understand how much money for the NSO (set of social services) is provided for each category:

From here you can calculate how much you end up with. They are equal to 1,075 rubles 19 kopecks. This size of NSO is valid today.

If desired, the EDV recipient can refuse 1 or 2 of the listed services and receive monetary compensation, which will be paid every month. There is no need to give up your benefits every year. It is enough to do this once. After which it will be impossible to change compensation for the service.

In addition to the NSO, the EDV also includes a payment depending on various conditions. For example, the maximum monthly allowance for disabled people of group 2 is 2,590 rubles 24 kopecks in 2018. Moreover, the final size turns out to be lower, since the EDV is indicated with the full cost of the NSO. It turns out that the fixed amount to be paid is 1,515 rubles 05 kopecks. And depending on the set of services, 0, 1 or 2 unused services may be added to this indicator.

The maximum amount to be received is 2,471 rubles 30 kopecks, provided that the disabled person refuses travel compensation. For example, giving up medications will reduce the EDV to 1,762 rubles 10 kopecks.

You cannot increase the size of the EDV. It is established in accordance with the existing basis for receiving benefits. The only option is to wait for indexing. But it is insignificant, so the EDV will increase quite a bit. The last indexation was carried out on February 1 and amounted to 2.5%.

How to get it?

EDV begins to be paid to disabled people, as well as to other categories, from the moment they apply for it. However, this must be done no earlier than obtaining a medical examination. The entire due amount is transferred every month to a separate personal account. If a person already has one at the Pension Fund, then payments will go there.

The EDV is assigned after a personal application for benefits to the Pension Fund. The employees themselves do not verify such information and do not automatically assign subsidies. A disabled person needs:

  1. make an application;
  2. attach all necessary documents (including medical examination);
  3. wait for the documents to be reviewed.

After which the funds will be transferred to his personal account every month. He can dispose of them at his own discretion.