Color therapy, color treatment. Video

Color therapy is a color treatment method that has become very popular today. Even in ancient times, it was believed that exposure to color was not only capable of restoring mental balance, but was also a serious healing factor for numerous physical ailments. Color therapy was born in ancient times.

Color was used to treat in Egypt, China, India, and Persia. The history of color therapy began at the moment when people noticed the healing power of the sun's rays. It soon became clear that certain colors of the rainbow also affect the human body - they calm, heal, or, conversely, cause discomfort. According to surviving evidence, Queen Nefertiti used multi-colored cosmetic oils, believing that red and green shades would have a beneficial effect on her beauty.

Color is light, without which our existence is unthinkable. We perceive color primarily through vision, but unconsciously we absorb it through our skin, muscles, and even bones.

Color, penetrating into our body in this way, causes certain biochemical reactions in tissues and stimulates important glands, including the pituitary gland. This gland produces hormones that control body functions: sleep, sexual arousal, metabolism, appetite. By influencing our body, color can become its healer. The science of color healing is called color therapy.

Color therapy is quite popular these days. The human brain perceives color the same way the stomach perceives food. Thus, just as we sometimes crave certain foods, our bodies sometimes need a specific color. Moreover, color therapy is completely safe for humans, while taking synthetic drugs is usually accompanied by many side and undesirable effects.

In the 21st century, color therapy is beneficially used in the treatment of stress, headaches, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome and rehabilitation of people with psychological problems.

In addition, color treatment has a good effect on the condition and appearance of the skin, and also has excellent cleansing and immunostimulating properties, helping to restore a person’s condition and appearance. Color therapy is also used for lack of appetite, abdominal pain, constipation, enuresis, allergies and skin diseases and other diseases.

If a person is tired of everyday life, he instinctively wants to get into the optimal color environment for him, into a green forest, yellow sand or blue water. Tibetan lamas have always believed that yellow is the color of joy and peace, using it in their prayers, rites and rituals.


Meditation with color is one of the oldest ways of self-healing. Meditation with the color of a particular chakra will restore balance and harmony.


It is similar to meditation, except that during visualization a person sees or creates pictures in his brain. It is enough for a person to look at any surface painted with a pure color or simply imagine a color in front of him and pictures begin to float before his inner gaze (these can be pictures of wildlife or events that happened during the day).

Color in this method serves only as a way to achieve an altered consciousness. That color that a person cannot imagine at all or sees very vaguely may not be in his aura and, thus, we can talk about a reduced function of the chakra corresponding to this color.

Red color (pathogen)

The red area in the body is associated primarily with the genital and reproductive organs, as well as sexuality. Since ancient times, primitive people have associated the color red with vitality. It symbolizes the energy and power of creation.

Psychologically, red can promote growth or cause destruction.

Red color has a strong cleansing effect; it will relieve you of melancholy and drive away negative emotions, improve your mental and body health. Muscles also react to the color red. It helps relax stiff limbs and joints, especially the legs, and is useful for paralysis.

Red is a warming color and should be used by those who are prone to colds and need warmth. Helps stop the inflammatory process. However, excessive use of red can cause irritation and complications of the disease.

If you feel sluggish or reluctant to take on difficult but necessary tasks, working on visualizing the color red will give you strength.

Red color acts optimistically. He has energy and drive, pushing him to accomplish great things. Red is the color of strong people; it represents perseverance and will, cheerfulness and fun. However, if you have high blood pressure, it can make your condition worse and cause anger and irritation.

If you are excited or, on the contrary, get tired quickly and constantly want to sleep, try decorating the room you work in with something red. Buy red roses, hang a red picture in front of your eyes, or simply put a bright red folder on the table. This will immediately improve your mood, calm your nerves, and increase your efficiency and vitality.

Orange color (creator)

Orange color is useful for any disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, heals the kidneys and bladder, and stimulates the adrenal glands. When a threat arises, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which instantly enters the bloodstream and forces you to act quickly to avoid danger.

Orange is the color of the harvest, the fruits of the earth grown under the rays of the sun. It stimulates the appetite.

This is the color of action, enthusiasm and freedom, which will help you rebuild your life when everything seems to be shattered: you are experiencing grief, divorce, bereavement, shock.

People suffering from pulmonary, heart and endocrine diseases should definitely get orange curtains. The body will respond to this color with excellent health. And if you hang them in the bedroom, you will forget about sexual disorders.

This color is good during menopause as it balances hormonal conditions. It helps with infertility and helps clear mucus from any system of the body.

Orange color treats mental breakdowns and depressive states. It helps to free yourself from obsessive fears and strengthens you mentally.

Orange encourages you to move forward. Working with this color, a person instinctively finds the right path, regardless of his intelligence. By mastering the energy of orange, you will become the mistress of your destiny.

Yellow color (communication skills)

The color yellow affects the solar plexus, which is connected to the liver, gall bladder, spleen and stomach. Thus, the yellow area extends to the entire digestive tract. It is good for the skin and nervous system, improves vision.

Yellow color is a wonderful “orderly”. It tunes and detoxifies the entire body, helps relieve constipation, controls weight, as it promotes the movement of bodily fluids, for example, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice necessary for digestion, controls sweating, and relieves swelling.

It has been noticed that yellow color strengthens the central nervous system, promotes the desire to speak out, which lightens the soul and relieves obsessive thoughts.

Yellow color gives vitality to the mind, helps to quickly absorb information, promotes clarity and accuracy of thought, and awakens curiosity. With the help of yellow energy, you can overcome all difficulties and take advantage of all opportunities. This is the color of energetic people.

Yellow vibrations are useful if you lack self-confidence or are shy. Yellow color gives fun and joy. It can relieve depression and a gloomy outlook on life. This is the color of laughter.

Yellow is a very diplomatic color, full of composure, style and sophistication. It is the color of focus, so use it when you need to bring certainty to your life.

Green color (manufacturer)

Green color affects the heart, as well as other organs located in the chest. It is the most harmonious and balanced of all the colors of the Universe. This is an emotional indicator - if the balance of the green color is disturbed, pain in the heart occurs, which can be a consequence of envy and jealousy. Green color encourages integrity and love. This is the color of emotional relationships. Since green helps to get rid of negative feelings, turn to it during stormy periods of life, it will calm and cool your emotions. Green color guides. Therefore, it is used when a decision needs to be made.

Green is the gateway to freedom, halfway rest, the color of friendship, it relieves negative emotions and stress, reduces excitement and restores stability.

Green is the color of decision making. If you hesitate and feel indecisive, close your eyes and visualize the color green. He is very productive, especially in business. A characteristic feature of green is practicality. It encourages generosity and brings comfort to the world.

Green color consists of yellow and blue. Yellow is the last color on the hot side of the spectrum, and blue is the first part of the cool side. Yellow brings clarity, and blue brings wisdom. Together they help you understand the events of your life. This is very important, because most diseases develop as a result of negative images of the past, from which it is necessary to free ourselves.

Green loves harmony and balance: it is neither hot nor cold, neither active nor passive. This is the color of great change. Green color helps with claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), expanding the space.

Green color perfectly treats heart diseases, relieves headaches, improves liver function, stabilizes blood pressure and calms the nerves. It is a wonderful tonic. It harmonizes with everything, therefore it is a healing color with a wide spectrum of action. Trees and grass - what could be the best color therapy for a person?

Blue color (order of the highest mind)

The color of the present time is the era of Aquarius, the seeker of truth, going ahead in search of truth.
The power of blue lies in calmness and directness; Diplomats usually have a blue aura. Sometimes a craving for blue means a thirst for change.

Blue color helps with stress and anxiety, it can lower blood pressure. With its help, they relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, reduce pain due to sciatica and stomach ulcers; it helps with urinary incontinence.

Blue color will not be beneficial if you want to lose weight. It has been noted that it attracts overweight people because it calms and encourages them to stay the way they are. Craving for blue is typical for weak, spineless people.

Blue brings peace and contentment. He exudes calm and balance. It encourages reflection and reminds you of the need to rest and relax.

How many people suffer from insomnia and do not know that they need to read at night under a blue lampshade, then sleep will not take long to come. You can hang a blue-blue patterned carpet in the bedroom, the result will be the same.

Blue color (spirit of justice)

Blue color facilitates the course of diseases of the endocrine system. In addition, it affects the skeletal system, especially the spine. The brain, eyes and sinuses are also treated with blue.

This is the most powerful analgesic color in the spectrum. It can reduce the effects of air, water and food pollution, as well as negative vibrations that are embedded in the subconscious. Since its field of influence includes the ears, eyes and nose, blue color is good for acute inflammation of the sinuses and catarrhal phenomena.

Blue color is used for bronchitis, asthma, for the treatment of lumbago, migraines, eczema, bruises and inflammations, in small doses - for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and kidney diseases.

Blue color can reveal addictions of any kind - to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. Such bad habits usually indicate that something is wrong with the person. This color heals painful memories, helps cope with emotional turmoil, and promotes inspiration; wonderful cleaner. Blue is the color of desires and intuition. With its help, you can understand what you need to get rid of in life.

Purple color (secret leader)

Physically, the color violet affects the pineal gland, located in the diencephalon. All mental orders come from here. Purple must be used carefully - it is a heavy color. Too much of it can cause depression. It is not recommended for use in young children.

Purple color is very useful for any internal inflammation. It is also good for sciatica. Reduces skin rashes, weakens heartbeat, and helps with any disorders related to the head (for example, concussions). Supports the immune system and can calm frayed nerves. Useful for tired and painful eyes, calms emotionally unstable people.

The color purple is very powerful. It brings peace, combining strength and softness. This is the highest energy of humanism, kindness and love. Absorb the color violet to reveal and release hidden possibilities. If you are lonely or feeling disconnected from life, imagine the color purple - it will protect you.

Because purple combines red and blue, it promotes the union of body and spirit. Enhances vision and senses, but suppresses appetite.


Pink the color is derived from the fusion of red and white - it surprisingly combines energy, passion with tenderness and purity. This color is not in the rainbow. He is a symbol of unearthly, Divine love, which makes it possible to feel happy and childishly carefree, “to see everything in a rosy light.”

Nature is partial to pink. She colors her most beautiful phenomena with this color: morning dawns, roses, amazingly beautiful flamingo birds. Yes, this is a rather rare color, like everything vertex.

Being insensitive to pink, a person seems not to be aesthetically awakened: he has no need to enjoy the contemplation of graceful, sophisticated beauty, he does not feel the need to create an “ensemble”, and is helpless in building harmonious unions. It is difficult for such a person to be light and charming, to bring selfless joy to others.

Pink is a unique color. Anyone will feel its stimulating and cleansing influence. Delicate pink shades, literally at the cellular level, saturate the body with vibrations of softness and tenderness, compensate for the lack of warmth and lightness, resist melancholy, have a beneficial effect on the heart and provide a powerful rejuvenating effect. The entire body responds holistically to the effect of pink color.

Pink is tenderness and affection, pink is love. This unique color will help everyone radiate it into the world, and therefore attract love into their lives. It is recommended to listen to the pink disc in situations of apathy, disappointment, loss of interest in everyday life, and fatigue from it.

We should always have vitality (or nervous energy) in reserve to cope not only with “bad weather”, but also with our own fears, jealousies, and grievances. Today we will learn to accumulate additional energy in our physical body.

Inside our spine there are the bases of energy centers (the so-called chakras), and the vortexes of these centers extend beyond the physical body. Chakras are both pumps of energies of different colors, and peculiar accumulators of these energies. Energy can also be accumulated and stored in the chakras. You should have a lot of energies of all colors of the rainbow:

1st chakra - tailbone - red,
2nd chakra - lower back - orange,
3rd chakra - solar plexus - yellow,
4th chakra - chest center - green,
5th chakra - throat - blue,
6th chakra - forehead - blue,
7th chakra - crown - purple.

How to take any energy from the air and fill energy centers with it? This can be done with the help of your attention, imagination and breathing. Enter a state of humility, send a smile to the whole world, read a prayer - this is your protection and guarantee of a set of pure energies.

Find a comfortable position (sitting or lying in a quiet room with fresh air). First imagine red energy around you, inhale, and as you exhale, mentally place the red energy in the tailbone area. Some may feel warmth in the tailbone, others will not feel anything - it doesn’t matter, everyone has their own sensitivity (sensitivity).

Then move on to orange energy - fill it into the lower back, kidneys and genitals. Yellow - to the solar plexus, green - to the chest, heart, etc. After saturating the chakras with multi-colored energies, move on to a general set of energy. To do this, imagine the energies of the sun and moon, silver around you, mix silver and gold sparkles and draw them in as you inhale. As you exhale, fill your entire body (arms, legs, skin) and the space around your body with energy.

Various studies have shown that there is a mechanism for the influence of the color palette on the human psyche. It is not for nothing that color tones are divided into three groups: warm, cold and neutral. Some colors can soothe, others, on the contrary, can irritate, and still others can evoke sadness or make you feel melancholy, etc. In addition, many light waves can have a purely physiological effect on the body; for example, ultraviolet light has a pronounced antibacterial property. And traditional medicine widely uses the anti-inflammatory properties of “blue” radiation, as well as infrared rays for deep heating. As we can see, a certain wavelength of the light flux turns out to be a decisive factor in this case. And since such a mechanism for the active influence of light still exists, it means that various options for its use are possible.

Absolutely identical processes in the body can be caused by several (and even diametrically opposed) means of influence at once. Let's look at this with specific examples. For example, when the skin received a measured dose of irradiation from the sun's rays. If there are small, insignificant scratches, or pustules, or any boils on it, then such irradiation with sunlight will have a healing effect. Ultraviolet, which is part of sunlight, will disinfect the wound, killing all bacteria; and infrared rays will deeply warm the affected areas of the skin, activating local blood circulation (at least due to the expansion of blood vessels in the heating zone); and finally, the middle part of the spectrum will dry the wound, removing excess moisture, and thereby preventing the general process of rotting, etc. In other words, each wave of the spectrum performs its specific function. As already mentioned, there are several types of sun rays. Moreover, they all have different wavelengths. And the shorter the length, the greater the charge of energy the rays carry.

These effects of light fluxes, in turn, are a trigger for certain physicochemical processes that cause a secondary effect - an increase in the total number of red and white blood cells, urgently thrown to eliminate already weakened bacteria, and the activation of all skin regeneration processes, due to a sharp decrease tissue decay and a more intensive process of removing already dead cells, waste, and surviving micro-organisms, due to increased blood flow in dilated vessels, etc. This information is recorded by nerve endings and transmitted to the subcortex. The subsequent recording in the cerebral cortex falls on the matrix of the etheric body, recording in it all the changes occurring with the physical body. Thus, the prerequisite for rewriting existing defects onto new regenerated human skin disappears. The reason for the long-term non-healing of many ulcers, eczema, or other skin lesions, including psoriasis, is the preservation of causal information. Being preserved at the level of the matrix of the etheric body, it (the information) will be carefully rewritten on the physical plane, preserving any, even the most insignificant, defect. In order for such a negative record to disappear, at least the prerequisites for its elimination are necessary (including at the mental level).

It is on this, most often, that another version of the influence is based - from the opposite. For example, when we irradiate the body not on the physical, but on the mental level, that is, by influencing some non-existent stream of light. In this case, you need to convince yourself or the patient as much as possible that your body has undergone the healing effects of light. The neurons of the cerebral cortex, having received the initial information, transmit an impulse through nerve endings to the area of ​​the affected skin, causing certain physical and chemical reactions to take effect. They, in turn, cause inevitable structural changes in the skin. Only instead of a secondary effect, these physical and chemical reactions of the body are primary in relation to the affected area of ​​the skin, i.e. caused by a direct reaction of the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex. In the same way, similar processes can be caused that change the nature of the course of any disease in general (!). In other words, positive structural changes in the body can be caused both by external medicinal effects and by activation of the body’s internal (hidden) reserves. And the result, in both cases, is the overall healing of the body.

Colors that have certain healing properties

Violet. This color is used when working with inflammatory phenomena, as well as with elevated temperature and heart disease. In addition, it can be successfully used when working with blood (especially red blood), as well as with the spleen and bone marrow. In addition, this color evens out the overall balance of potassium and sodium.

Blue necessary for a general increase in tone in the entire weakened body.

Blue- to consolidate the effect of other colors, and in addition, it contributes to the general normalization of the entire cardiovascular system, incl. capillaries and veins. Can help with myopia, liver and kidney diseases.

Yellow necessary for stagnation and atrophic phenomena. It can be used to work with the central nervous system, especially with processes associated with nerve atrophy.

Orange- both with venous and lymphatic stagnation, as well as with all kinds of violations of the thermoregulatory regime, for example, in the case of neoplasms. This color stimulates the thyroid gland and has pronounced antispasmodic properties. It can also be used to treat bronchial asthma.

Red It is necessary, first of all, to warm up and activate blood circulation, and also stimulates all wound healing processes and promotes additional formation of hemoglobin.

Gold- an effective means to achieve a bactericidal and cytostatic effect. It is necessary for harmonizing “Yin” energy, as well as when working with the subconscious.

Lilac- this is an assistant for working with bone tissue (for example, with fractures).

Green, first of all, it is necessary to stimulate cell regeneration, in addition, it well stimulates the pituitary gland, the genital area, and stabilizes the entire nervous status.

Silver in combination with golden- this is an additional means for destroying foreign cells in the body, as well as for harmonizing “yang” energy, and working with the subconscious.

Meditation "The Artist's Palette"

  1. Starting position.
  2. Let in the flow of solar energy and decompose it into many components.
  3. Now, one by one and one at a time, begin to pass color or light through yourself, according to the given method. To do this, you need to imagine how a color or light wave (a possible option is a “ball of color or light”) rises through the soles of the feet along the trunk of Sushumna to the seventh chakra and exits through the hole of Brahma in an arc, returning back. Cycling for each color - 5-6 revolutions of the wave or ball, within 30 seconds, then color change. A sharp change in color scheme is undesirable. It must be changed through halftones, smoothly, from a light shade gradually thickening to a rich tone.
  4. Coming out, thanksgiving.
  5. In addition, the existing color spectrum is only some basic basis for your work in the field of color therapy, since it requires both a mandatory individual approach and an overall creative principle of work.
  • Black
  • Grey
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Salad
  • Blue
  • Blue
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Golden
  • Silver
  • White

Healing technique with the formation of mental images

  1. Grounding.
  2. Create a mental picture of the patient’s diseased or affected individual organ in all details. This should be preceded by long meditations with a medical anatomical atlas.
  3. Imagine a bowl of clear liquid. Feel its weight and shape.
  4. Dip the diseased organ into this bowl and slowly dissolve it. Carefully pour the liquid under the plant.
  5. Create an image of an absolutely healthy part of the body or organ and keep it in your mind’s eye throughout further work.
  6. At the same time, healing with hands is carried out until a feeling of completion appears. Here it is possible to replace the diseased organ with a healthy one (on the subtle plane), followed by the dissolution of the patient.
  7. Imagine a light, golden energy that flows through both your bodies (yours and the patient’s body), from somewhere above. Don't forget to thank Healing Power/Reiki when you're done.
  8. Bend over and straighten up sharply (discharge of excess energy).
  9. Additionally, you can stretch the patient. For example, back to back and gently pull up by the arms.

Working with anatomical atlas

  1. Starting position (thoughtlessness, grounding, open posture, etc.)
  2. Select an object in the atlas that corresponds to the problem being solved. You can work directly from the atlas, or you can create an image on a mental level (using a phantom).
  3. Convince yourself that there is severe pain in some place on the existing silhouette. A “redness” should appear in this area, indicating the location of this painful area. Cause this effect of redness (glow, darkening, etc.), everyone is free to see differently.
  4. Assess the relationship between this spot and the chakras. Dissolve the picture.
  5. Now, on the newly created silhouette, or on the atlas, where the pain is, bright orange or red spots should appear. Try to remember the associative signs. Then dissolve the picture again.
  6. Exit.

Method of swinging anomalous zones

This technique can be combined well with “contact” massage or manual therapy, and it is best to carry it out shortly before the end of this massage, although you can do it yourself. Holding your hands 20-30 cm from the patient's body, find the abnormal area. According to subjective sensations, it can be hot, slippery, cold, etc. Having found it, do not change the tension in your hand, but enter into resonance with it. Start gradually swinging it: left-right, up-down. By doing this, you make it less stable, and therefore more amenable to any external correction. You need to swing until your palms begin to extend beyond the body. Then you pull the associative image of the anomaly (according to your feelings: a tourniquet, a nail, a snake, a ball, etc.) from the patient’s field (“throwing it out”, “knocking it out”). The “stretched” one should be immediately thrown into fire, water, but better yet into the cosmic “Black Hole”. Reset is carried out through the back of the hand and fingertips. Execution time - from 3 to 30 minutes. After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands in cold water.

Similar technique: when instead of hands, two burning candles are used. Here, both simultaneous buildup and utilization of the anomalous zone are carried out.

When performing contact massage, the effect will be even more significant if you additionally use the creation of mental images. As an analogy, you can use a mental image, for example, a lake. In this “reservoir” you see rotten logs, driftwood, a silted bottom, and on top - fuel oil and garbage. During the massage, begin to slowly cleanse the “lake”. Sludge into compost and under plants. Filter the fuel oil and burn it, along with the collected fuel oil and debris. It is necessary that the candle is constantly burning during this meditation. Combine the final cleaning of the lake with the end of the massage session.

Remote technique

It is possible using a photograph, a personal item, or a sample of handwriting, and sometimes even just a full name is enough, but (!) it must be carried out only with the consent of the patient himself. This is due to the fact that at this moment the patient may show any negative emotions, thoughts or feelings towards someone or something. Having received a huge energy boost, it is quite possible to implement these plans in the form of very specific actions (including even leading to suicide).

  1. After receiving written or verbal consent from your patient, assign him a specific date and time for your work with him. During this time, the patient should not walk, much less do any work, especially those involving danger to life (for example, with electricity or cutting tools). You cannot cross your arms and legs. At this time, it is best to just sit quietly or even lie down. If you have a phone, it should be at hand.
  2. Ground yourself.
  3. A state of thoughtlessness, and then evoke a mental image of your patient (his phantom).
  4. Grounding the phantom. Paint it with the required color of the corresponding range. In the center of the phantom there should be a brighter glow of the color you chose.
  5. If the work is related to a specific part of the body or a specific organ, then the color here should be the most intense. Then visualize (separately) a completely healthy organ and apply it to the diseased one. As your skill grows, you can simply replace a diseased organ with a healthy one.
  6. Duration of the operation until you feel that you have done everything you can for him. Dissolve the phantom, and fill the patient’s body with the bright May sun, and even better, fill both him and yourself with this light.
  7. Exit with a sharp forward bend to release excess energy.

Treatment of skin diseases

The main color for treating skin diseases is orange. It imparts additional joy to life, especially when the illness is based on emotional “pressures”. The affected areas should be irradiated with this light 3 times a day, for 10-15 minutes. You need to wear orange clothes, take baths, drink and eat orange food, water, and often visualize or conduct meditations using this color. You can also use blue color to relieve itching.

Healing affirmation: “I don’t need to worry unnecessarily, my skin can get everything it needs to live and exchange, and what has accumulated in my body can be eliminated through the skin. This exchange between the outer and inner world helps me merge with the flow of life. This will help me expand and deepen my consciousness and gain true knowledge of myself."

Treatment of stomach diseases

To eliminate stomach problems, alternate irradiation with yellow and orange is performed. Irradiation is carried out 3 times a day, for 20-25 minutes. During breathing exercises, these colors are “passed” through the stomach. This cleanses the stomach. The healing process should be supported by visualization and meditation.

Healing affirmation: “I let go of my fear of everything new and unknown and look at my life experiences with a positive outlook. I can easily digest my impressions, and let go of the fear of everything unknown and new. Thanks to this, I gain the opportunity to move forward. I enjoy any new ideas and new experiences.”

Treatment of inflammation

All inflammations are treated mainly with the help of blue color. Irradiation is carried out daily 3 times a day, for 10-20 minutes. Additionally, green color can be used, which gives a calming and balancing effect. The inflamed areas are wrapped with blue bandages, or blue cloth, or white material irradiated with blue light, or soaked in “blue” water.

Healing affirmation: “I release my anger and anger and focus on the joys of today. I imagine my day today as successful as possible. I forget my anger and let go of this negative energy. It gives me new strength and new energy to imagine my tomorrow as an even better day. Just as I can let go of my anger, so can any infection.”

Cough treatment

The cough quickly stops if you irradiate the chest area 2 times a day for 15 minutes with orange light, and if you drink water irradiated with the same color 2 times a day.

Treatment of a runny nose

A runny nose is treated with blue, blue-violet and blue-green colors. The head is irradiated 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes and painted with an imaginary brush in blue tones. During breathing exercises, paints are sent to all cavities of the head: to the frontal sinuses, nasal and jaw.

Healing affirmation: “I can let go of my anger towards someone close to me. This irritation becomes insignificant and unimportant. I can take care of myself and my needs. Without rejecting the needs of those close to me.”

Color and vitamins

In addition to these listed techniques, some healers believe that even vitamins can have a certain analogue in color. This means that you can try to compensate for the lack of one or another food product using color influence. Rather, slightly balance the negative absence of the vitamin with a color effect. If, for example, there is no vitamin C at all, scurvy is inevitable with any visualization

Vitamin A is yellow.
Vitamin B - orange.
Vitamin C - yellow and green.
Vitamin D is purple.
Vitamin E - fiery and raspberry red.
Vitamin K - indigo blue.

Correspondence of color and letters of the Latin alphabet

How can you determine (in an unconventional way) which vitamins your body lacks the most (and most often)? To do this, write your name in Latin letters and determine the ratio of colors and letters that are not in the spelling of your name. It is this missing color effect that your body needs. At the same time, in order to even out the overall “color” balance, it is necessary to at least occasionally use those items in your wardrobe that can make up for this color deficiency.

A J S - red
D M V - green
G P Z Y - purple
V K T - orange
E N W - blue
H O Z - pink
C L U - yellow
F O X - indigo
I R - gold

Reading time: 2 min

Color therapy is a type of alternative medicine that involves exposing the subject’s body to color radiation to heal it. Color treatment has long been used to restore mental balance, increase immunity and treat some somatic ailments. Many modern experts and ordinary citizens are convinced that color therapy is one of the most reliable and most promising techniques today. Doctors believe that the human brain perceives colors in the same way as the stomach perceives food. Scientists have substantiated that the color scheme provokes the onset of certain biochemical reactions in the tissues, normalizes the functioning of various glands and stimulates certain areas of the brain, for example, the pituitary gland, which regulates the production of hormones that stimulate sexual arousal, are responsible for metabolic processes, regulate a person’s appetite, his emotional mood and sleep.

Simply put, the well-being of an individual can largely depend on the color spectrum surrounding him. Therefore, according to the ideas of some scientists, colors have a stronger effect on the human body than chemical medications. The most famous researcher today in the field of studying the effects of color healing on the human individual is Max Luscher, a scientist from Switzerland.

Color therapy for stress relief

Considering that the modern world produces many problems and stressful situations, it becomes understandable that humanity strives to find effective and reliable methods of dealing with the daily negative impact of circumstances and the environment. That is why many have already chosen color therapy as the only effective and safe means of overcoming stressful conditions.

Stress is a strong tension that an individual is under. Most often, its onset is provoked by unpleasant events and experiences. In other words, stress is the body's response to external stimuli.

One of the effective means of combating stress is the methods of color therapy or chromotherapy. The principle of operation of the described technique is the therapeutic effect on the individual of light radiation, colored in different shades.

Color therapy programs are ideal for people who often experience stress. However, you need to understand that it is impossible to cope with prolonged and severe depressive states with chromotherapy alone. In such cases, specialist intervention is necessary.

Color therapy does an excellent job of leveling a person’s psycho-emotional background. There are a number of precautions before using chromotherapy methods in practice. Firstly, red color is not recommended for hypertensive patients and in the presence of inflammatory processes, and blue color is contraindicated for hypotensive patients. If you have cancer, you should not overuse shades of green. Secondly, the use of black color to relieve stress is not practiced. It can only be used in conjunction with other colors. Thirdly, you cannot use one color for a long time.

The use of color therapy is possible, for example, with the help of special lamps that can paint a room a certain color. You can use a regular lamp with attachments of different colors. Glasses are also often used, the lenses of which are painted with the desired color or combination of colors.

Today, color baths are successfully used for a corrective effect on the emotional background, relief from stress and mental stability to various kinds of negativity. Their effectiveness can be increased using aromatherapy. Colored aromatic baths not only have a beneficial effect on the state of mind and body, but are also quite pleasant in themselves, and also help to relax after another hard day and relieve unnecessary stress.

To prepare a bath you will need colored salt. In addition, you can add petals. The temperature should be pleasant to the body. Warm colors are best used before lunch, as they are invigorating, and cool colors are best used in the evening due to their relaxing effect.

Color therapy - the meaning of flowers to relieve stress.

Since, basically, the occurrence of stress is associated with work moments that happen every day, to distract from negative situations, you should use the blue color, which successfully copes with relaxing the body and removes all pressures. In addition, it will give you peace of mind, help you become more focused and stress-resistant.

Today, many people spend most of the day behind a monitor screen, so it is recommended to put a blue screensaver on your desktop or purchase a blue mouse pad.

Black color is considered the best assistant in professional affairs. He draws attention to himself. This is why many people choose black suits when going to business rendezvous. Black tones put people in a working mood and give a stern appearance, which is important for a leader.

Wearing green clothing accessories will help you cope with problems in relationships with colleagues and feelings of insecurity at work. Green color will not only eliminate any indecision, but also take care of the immune system, give positive emotions and invigorate.

Orange color can quickly eliminate a bad mood, disperse the blues and bring bright colors to everyday life. After all, the orange tone is considered the color of solar warmth and energy.

The color purple helps get rid of anger and excessive temper.

Pink tones are also aimed at eliminating aggressiveness, but at the same time they are an ideal remedy for insomnia. Therefore, in a pink-style bedroom, a person will never experience insomnia.

Headache is often an integral part of stress. The color red helps to cope with this problem, as it stimulates the production of adrenaline and accelerates blood circulation.

Color therapy for children

Colors play a huge role in a baby's life. After all, they have the power to change his mood, improve behavior, regulate sleep and appetite, and correct his well-being. Some color schemes can calm the baby, while others, on the contrary, can excite or even frighten. In addition, the colors will tell about the child’s character, and the baby’s worries and worries.

Previously, it was believed that babies in the first days of their lives see the world in black and white. Today, ophthalmologists refute this belief. The baby is able to distinguish the entire color spectrum, but concentrates his gaze selectively, gradually highlighting the colors he needs from the surrounding reality.

Children's color therapy is based on the effect of light photons on the child's brain. With its help, you can achieve great success in correcting apathy, increased irritability, hyperactivity and even aggressiveness.

At the age of one year, the baby makes the first attempts to distinguish colors and recognize tones. Scientists have noted that one-year-old babies often prefer yellow-green colors. Therefore, at this age stage, it would be optimal to surround the baby with toys of a calm, monochromatic palette. For example, the cubes with which the baby plays should be the same color. In the age period from two to three years, toys can be of different colors (maximum 4 colors). By the age of six, children usually begin to prefer bright colors.

In addition, all colors are divided into active and passive. Active colors include a bright palette represented by red, orange and yellow. The listed colors have a stimulating effect and accelerate all processes in the body. Passive colors include light shades, represented by green, pink, blue and partly white. These colors have a calming effect on the nervous system.

All shades of brown, lilac and violet cause anxiety, evoke melancholy and sadness.

For the first hour, surrounded by orange and red tones, the baby feels a surge of strength, but after thirty minutes he will become overly excited, and then irritable and even aggressive. When changing the color palette to a combination of blue and light green shades, the child calms down after ten minutes. That is why it is very important for the baby to choose toys of non-aggressive and exciting colors. This does not mean a complete rejection of red objects in children’s lives. You just need to reduce their number.

You should also choose clothes with some caution, since overly bright outfits will negatively affect the baby and his environment. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to monochromatic and calm tones in clothes.

Children's color therapy, first of all, involves establishing the baby's favorite color and consistently filling the space surrounding the baby with this color. For this purpose, you need to know the meaning of each color for the little man.

Basically, babies choose yellow, red or green as their favorite colors, which indicates normal childhood development. Such children are interested in everything bright and new, unusual and unknown. They are dynamic and cannot stop exploring the world even for a moment. If a child prefers white or black colors, then this indicates that the child is withdrawn. Such a baby is more comfortable alone with himself than surrounded by his peers.

Children's color therapy meaning of flowers.

Contemplation of purple, blue and blue shades can calm a child, relieve anxiety, and relieve confusion. In addition, according to researchers, the described colors can relieve pain and lower blood pressure.

It is recommended to influence children with green colors if they are overtired or if they are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. You also need to take into account that an excess of green color can make you sad and cause headaches. Therefore, when the baby strongly resists the green color, you should not insist.

In cases where children are upset and are unable to calm down, use an orange and yellow palette.

Children's color therapy programs need to be carried out harmoniously. The child and the color must form a single whole.

Often, most kids are not interested in the color scheme they are wearing. Therefore, to correct the behavior or emotional background of children, you should use the right colors in the decoration of the room, when choosing toys and other children's items.

Color therapy for kindergarten.

A universal method is color therapy in kindergarten, which allows not only to highlight the characteristic psychological traits of each child, but also to take timely measures to correct possible psychological deviations. In addition, in a preschool institution, the undoubted advantage of this technique is the favorable climate and harmonious atmosphere created by color therapy. All exercises mainly evoke an emotional response in children and deep interest.

So, for example, in order to determine the mood of the kids, teachers suggest choosing a pencil that they like the most in terms of color. After the children have chosen the pencil they like, it is removed from their field of vision and they are asked to select the most beautiful one from the remaining colors. Thus, it is necessary to act until the last pencil. The colors of emotional well-being are considered to be the first three pencils chosen by the baby, the next three are emotionally neutral colors, and the last chosen colors of pencils symbolize emotional distress.

In addition, if a child prefers dark colors, this may indicate that he has fears, a high level of anxiety, low self-esteem and uncertainty. Also, painting in black may be the first signal of damage to the baby’s vision, since he chooses the paint that is most contrasting for him.

In a three-year crisis, a black tone can mean protest. For children over four years old, drawing in dark colors most often reflects the presence of a certain problem. And for younger children, the preference for dark colors may not have any hidden meaning.

Color therapy in kindergartens is being used more and more often today. The course of a color therapy lesson can be different, depending on the preferences of the teacher or psychologist and the focus of their work. However, chromotherapy is often practiced within the boundaries of art therapeutic exercises.

Color therapy methods are considered an excellent opportunity to help the smallest members of society using natural and very gentle means.

Color therapy treatment

Scientists have previously proven that color radiation can produce physiological changes in the cells of the body. The use of a combination of colors and light leads to alignment and growth of energy, and the soul, mind and body move into a state of harmony.

Color exposure can either increase or decrease a person’s energy. Therefore, colors play a huge role in people's lives. Each primary color is characterized by an individual wavelength and amount of energy, that is, different colors will have different effects on the body.

However, you should not completely rely on the mercy of color therapy, while pushing traditional medicine into the background. After all, it is not a panacea.

Color therapy fills the body and mind with new energy, leading to a balanced emotional state. Scientists say that color energy enters the human body by stimulating the pineal gland and pituitary gland. This, in turn, stimulates the production of certain hormones that affect various physiological processes. This is how they explain the influence of color on emotional mood, thoughts and behavior. Therefore, scientists recommend that you always remember when choosing clothes and giving preference to a certain color palette that it affects a person. Therefore, the chosen tone must suit the specific purpose.

Modern researchers are convinced that the use of color therapy is today one of the priority areas of medicine and a promising method of treatment and mental health. Each shade of the optical spectrum has a specific effect on the physiological state and psycho-emotional state of the individual.

Red color has an antidepressant and thymoerectic effect. It stimulates the activity of tropic hormones, improves metabolism, increases heart rate, increases breathing, eliminates congestion, normalizes cardiac activity, and increases blood pressure. In addition, it improves appetite, increases performance and endurance, stimulates libido and immunity, accelerates mental activity, and improves visual acuity.

Exposure to red color is effective for hypotension, flu and respiratory diseases. Along with this, it can provoke emotional stress, restlessness, anxiety, hypertension and increased heart rate. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension and obesity are recommended to use the pink palette. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces excitability and improves mood.

Orange color relieves fatigue, stimulates appetite, gives optimism and joy. It treats constipation, allergies and fatigue.

The color violet develops in a person a desire for spirituality, develops intuition and improves concentration. It calms the nerves, eliminates irritation and pain, treats anemia, insomnia and obesity, suppressing appetite.

Pink color has a calming effect on the human body, relaxes muscles, and creates a feeling of romance. He is a symbol of life and the personification of love. Pink tones convey positive energy and are ideal for bedrooms.

The most memorable and brightest color is yellow. It increases blood pressure and increases heart rate, but to a much lesser extent compared to red. Yellow tones have a tonic effect, as a result of which they are used to treat muscle spasms. It is also used for hypoglycemia, cholelithiasis, and overactive thyroid gland. The yellow palette improves memory and mental activity. Yellow color therapy is often used to treat epilepsy, diabetes and impotence.

Green color can strengthen the immune system and counteract stress factors. In addition, it harmonizes mental and physical energy, eliminates pain, and relieves tension.

Green chromotherapy generally improves health. Green gamma is an irreplaceable source of energy, which is necessary for the restoration of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Blue color helps to cope with depression, nervous tension, cures inflammatory processes, relieves toothache and treats joint diseases. It effectively copes with migraines, high blood pressure, and relieves insomnia. This color is considered the color of tenderness and fidelity, sky and sea. People who are prone to aggression, often get angry, and have trouble controlling negative emotions are recommended to give preference to blue shades in clothes.

Blue color has a calming and bactericidal effect, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, improves the functioning of the bronchi and lungs, and stimulates the digestive system. It regulates the functioning of the heart, reduces appetite, and therefore promotes weight loss, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates muscle tightness and tension.

Thus, by practicing color therapy, you can achieve unprecedented results in healing the body and harmonizing your state of mind.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Have you noticed how significant a role colors play in our lives?

Hair color, eye color, skin color are the first things that distinguish people from birth. Then color preferences in clothing, cosmetics, and household items come into play. Why do colors play such a big role in our lives? Why do we refuse color monotony?

Color preferences reflect the inner state

Undoubtedly, a person’s color preferences are part of his image, a matter of taste and aesthetics. However, such diversity is also dictated by the peculiarities of the human energy structure. And sometimes adherence to a certain color scheme can speak about the psychological, emotional and internal state of a person. We are not currently considering physics, issues of the color spectrum and the perception of colors by our eyes. We are talking about human energy, about what is invisible to the eye. Almost all people have heard about chakras at least once in their lives. Chakras are energy centers that are responsible for receiving, accumulating and transforming energies of various levels. There are only 7 main chakras, each of them is “colored” according to the colors of the rainbow (from red to purple). In this regard, the urgent need for replenishment with one color or another arises due to malfunctions in human energy centers. Below I offer a small test, after passing which you can diagnose a lack of one or another energy. Take a look around. Carefully inspect your home, things, clothes purchased by you personally. Assess whether there is a dominant color. You may see interior items of the same color (shade) purchased at different times. In general, determine the color to which you are particularly drawn. The fact that you surround yourself with objects of a certain color means that you need to cleanse the chakra that corresponds to that color. There is an important point here: you should not just like the color - it should be present in your life in large quantities, you should be drawn to it. If you cannot immediately answer the question “Do I have a color that predominates in my life, that I want to look at constantly and a lot,” it means that at the moment you are in a state of energy balance.

Color Meanings


The color of vitality, strength and stability. Feeling an urgent need for red? This may mean: - lack of support, lack of support; - anxiety, uncertainty, feeling unsafe; - feeling of fear, depression. Red color is associated with warmth and fire. It is symbolic that people who attract the color red into their lives want to attract human and spiritual warmth, feel protected, and also be fed with the energy necessary for life, for ordinary, everyday actions. Emotional manifestations: touchiness, feelings of fear, anxiety, isolation, passivity. Physical manifestations: diseases of the lower back, spine, adrenal glands.


The color of emotions, impressions, pleasures. One is drawn to orange if: - a person experiences an urgent need for new impressions and emotions; - entertainment and pleasure of any nature (including sexual) are necessary; Emotional manifestations: irritability, anger, envy. Physical manifestations: disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, pain in the lower abdomen.


Responsible for socialization, a person’s place in society, development. Adherents of yellow are people: - those who want to establish themselves in society and improve their sociability; - who need development, self-control and self-discipline; - who need to define clear goals and objectives for the future. Do you want yellow? It's time to pay attention to your career; perhaps you are “stagnant” in place. Yellow also speaks of the need for growth - intellectual, career. Emotional manifestations: the desire to defend one’s point of view, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt. Physical manifestations: diseases of the digestive system.

Green and pink

Expression of feelings, love, vulnerability, emotional state. If your favorite at the moment is one of these colors, pay attention to: - vulnerability and sentimentality; - the fact that a person takes everything too close to his heart, “passes it through himself”, shows compassion; - the need to love and be loved. Emotional manifestations: excessive emotionality, feelings of guilt due to the failures of other people, dependence on love, the need to be in a couple. Physical manifestations: diseases of the cardiovascular system, weak immunity.


The color of creativity, manifestation of oneself. Blue color expresses the energy of creativity and creation, creation with one’s own hands. He talks about the need to speak out, to express himself not only in creativity, but also in life, to talk about what haunts us. The blue chakra is located in the throat area. And creative people and touchy people often suffer from throat diseases (colds, sore throats), which symbolize a person’s deliverance from the excess accumulated desire to tell the world about himself (in a positive way - creativity, in a negative way - to talk about grievances and frustrations). Physical manifestations: diseases of the throat, thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, excess weight.


The color of manifestation in a person of the beginning of spiritual growth. This is a need for: - expanding spiritual vision, intuition, clairvoyance; - knowledge of not only the material part of the world. People who are adherents of blue are, as a rule, people at the initial stage of spiritual growth, with a small set of knowledge and skills. It can go to extremes - abuse of alcohol and stimulants. The “blue” chakra is a higher order chakra that works for people seeking spiritual growth and development.

Purple and white

Correspond to the chakras of the highest order. People close to enlightenment and insight have an unconscious love for these flowers. These people, as a rule, are engaged in spiritual practices and are in a constant state of spiritual growth and development. This is the desire for a higher level of consciousness.

In psychology, color therapy is often used to relieve stress, to correct behavioral reactions in children, to stabilize the emotional background and to solve many other psychological problems. Only knowing the meaning of colors, as well as their influence on the emotional sphere and psychological state, can the correction be made correctly.

Psychosomatic aspect in the treatment of children

Each color has a specific wave. It affects those organs of the endocrine system that are responsible for the production of hormonal substances - the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. That is, color gives a signal for intensive production, or to reduce the production of these substances.

Children are more impressionable; they are able to deeply perceive what they see. Therefore, the use of color therapy is one of the effective ways to influence not only the psychological background of the child, but also the physiological state.

Features of the influence of flowers on the children's body

  1. Red and its shades have a positive effect on getting rid of various dermatological problems. The parallel use of such rays together with yellow ones helps eliminate problems with iron deficiency, depression, increases physical activity and endurance, promotes active growth and weight gain in children.
  2. Orange the spectrum is recommended for use in case of disturbances in the activity of the cardiac apparatus, in case of frequent diseases of the upper respiratory system. Orange rays directed at the area where the spleen is located are very effective for treating flu and colds.
  3. Yellow is an indispensable aid for vision. It is easy to perceive and helps in correcting many ophthalmological problems.
  4. Blue has a positive effect on the psychological and mental state, helps in the correction of mental disorders, helps to relax the muscular system of the visual organs.
  5. Thanks to blue color, appetite decreases, manifestations of skin problems - vitiligo, burns - decrease.
  6. By using green colors can calm and relax, treat various phobias, in particular, fear of closed spaces.
  7. Thanks to purple spectrum can strengthen the natural protective functions of the body, balance blood pressure, and improve the emotional background.
  8. Pink color can be used to treat “childhood” diseases (chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, etc.).

For a child, the most positive color combinations are blue, light blue and green. With their help, the child's psyche relaxes and the quality of sleep improves. That is why experts in the field of psychology recommend using exactly this combination of colors when arranging a room for a child.

How to use

There are two main methods of using color therapy - special and everyday. A special method includes the use of a certain range in clinics, as well as in specialized medical institutions in specially equipped rooms. Also, special application methods involve: organizing a corner with a certain range in companies and offices; the use of special cards by a psychologist or psychotherapist and intentional concentration of attention on them.

Color therapy- home color treatment involves the use of a certain range of colors in the interior of premises, clothing, accessories, and the use of products of a certain color. According to many experts, both methods are effective.

Basic palette values

Each color has its own vibrational wave and its own information, which is distinguished by our organs of vision. The following values ​​can be distinguished:

  1. Scarlet– warms, has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and hematopoiesis, the muscular system. Promotes physical activity, helps to find balance between emotions and thoughts.
  2. Orange gamma helps in the functioning of the digestive system, improves the functioning of the upper respiratory system, promotes the production of hormonal substances that are responsible for positive emotions, and helps improve the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Thanks to yellow Confidence, determination, and willpower appear in the shade.
  4. By using green palette you can achieve peace, optimism, harmony. A particularly positive effect is noted on the cardiac apparatus.
  5. By using blue color, the functioning of the urinary system is improved, relaxation of the body and psyche is achieved.
  6. Thanks to blue color can reduce pain and help in getting rid of bad habits.
  7. Impact purple gamma on the organs of the endocrine system helps balance hormonal levels.

When treating with color therapy, a careful approach is necessary, since an excessive amount of colors causes the opposite reaction - instead of treatment, the disease worsens.

The impact of a green palette

Green is the most harmonious. It contains the following qualities: friendship, love relationships, generosity, prosperity, peace. There is a positive effect on the human body:

  • Helps improve the functioning of the heart, hearing and visual systems;
  • Helps reduce allergenic substances, prevents the development of the inflammatory process;
  • Improves the functioning of the urinary system;
  • Helps get rid of headaches.

Green also helps eliminate psycho-emotional stress, eliminates the negative effects of prolonged and intense stress, is an assistant in making even the most difficult decisions, and relieves negative emotions and thoughts. It is recommended to contemplate a natural color palette; it is much more effective than an artificial one.

Exposure to the yellow spectrum

The influence of yellow on the physiological side of the body is as follows: it improves the functioning of the digestive tract, solar plexus, liver and gall bladder, improves the quality of memory and attention. It also eliminates problems with the epidermis and kidneys, helps remove toxic substances, thereby achieving healthy weight loss and improving metabolic processes.

Psychologically, yellow helps overcome shyness, uncertainty, and depression, gives a positive emotional mood, energizes the mind, imparts sophistication and concentration to one’s nature, increases curiosity, and improves the emotional background. Yellow color helps to establish communication, allows a person to feel needed in society and to realize self-realization.

Application of white color

This color is the personification of innocence, it symbolizes the transition from life to death. Psychologically, it helps to cleanse yourself of negative thoughts, emotions, and attitudes.

Blue palette

Blue is an activator of intuitive thinking and helps achieve goals. This color relieves pain, helps achieve healing from diseases of the organs of vision, hearing, problems with the bone system, spine, improves the therapeutic effect in eliminating problems with the organs of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Regulates blood pressure, reduces the severity of menopause, cleanses the respiratory system of harmful substances, eliminates skin problems (bruises, abrasions, epidermal diseases).

Blue color also helps fight negative addictions. Psychologically, this spectrum makes it possible to improve the functioning of the brain, restores mental health, calms, instills self-confidence, relaxes, instills a feeling of comfort and security, eliminates negative emotions, and is an inspiration.

Application of red color

Red has a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being and psychological state. At the physiological level, he has the ability to:

  • Positively influence the functioning of the circulatory system, dilates blood vessels, prevents the occurrence of congestion and blood clots, dilutes blood fluids, increases the production of red blood cells;
  • Increases the body’s natural protective functions, hemoglobin levels, and helps achieve maximum effect during various therapeutic procedures;
  • Regulates liver activity;
  • Improves blood pressure, relieves colds and infectious processes in the body;
  • Activates brain activity, increases blood circulation;
  • Helps restore weakened immunity during periods of illness.

At the psychological level, red replenishes energy reserves in the body, gives self-confidence and energy, and helps to get out of depression, apathy, and melancholy.

Features of using pink, orange and purple colors

The delicate pink color is an assistant in the treatment of heart diseases, regulates the activity of the vascular system, eliminates depression, increases the speed of recovery from colds and diseases, relieves problems in the reproductive system, and makes it possible to achieve peace and physical relaxation.

Thanks to the orange spectrum, you can achieve a positive attitude and thinking. There is a positive effect on the following internal organs: spleen, liver, gall bladder. It cleanses the body of negativity and toxic substances, gives vigor, self-confidence, joy, helps a person to be reasonable, transforms negative into positive, teaches one to accept one’s destiny and all events in life and cope with difficulties as effectively as possible.

Purple will certainly appeal to sentimental, emotional, and romantic people. It promotes weight loss, has a positive effect on the visual organs, the lymphatic system and immunity, improves heart rhythm, eliminates migraine attacks, and helps fight skin problems - acne, blackheads, boils.

Using color therapy in sessions with a psychologist

The human visual organs perceive only red, blue and green colors; all the rest are shades that are acquired after mixing the primary colors. If the eyes do not perceive any spectra, a person sees black.

In addition to the organs of vision, the skin and human organs are also capable of capturing the vibration of colors. Thanks to this, a large number of techniques have been developed to help achieve physical and psychological health.

Among such methods of psychocorrection one can highlight: art therapy, staying in colorful rooms, wearing clothes of a certain color, an aromatic bath using components for coloring water. It is also recommended to contemplate natural shades - ponds, forests, grass, foliage, autumn and winter landscapes.

In addition, contemplation of paintings, flower arrangements, fire sources and artificial reservoirs is also recommended. Each shade has its own effect on the psychological and physiological background and helps solve certain problems.

Color therapy, as color treatment, also involves the use of techniques that include the use of special equipment to apply one color or another, depending on what ailment needs to be cured.

Thanks to color therapy, you can achieve maximum effect in the treatment of physical diseases and negative psychological conditions. You don't have to be an expert in psychology to use different shades correctly. It is enough to study their meanings.