What is switch disease? Treatment with folk remedies

How is a fistula that appears after surgery treated? We will introduce you to the most effective methods of treating ligature fistulas, and also tell you why they appear.

Any, even the simplest, surgical intervention on the human body, as a rule, requires quite a lot of time for wounds to heal. Absolutely all operations end with sutures, which should contribute to a faster and better recovery of the patient.

But sometimes, precisely in the place where the open wound was sutured, a strong inflammatory process begins, which is characterized by redness of the skin and the formation of pus. All this indicates that the person has developed a rather serious complication that requires immediate and high-quality treatment.

If you do not start fighting the fistula as quickly as possible, then it is likely that the patient may require another surgical intervention.

What is a fistula after surgery, what does it look like?

A fistula has formed in the middle of the seam
  • Fistula is a hollow channel inside the human body that connects human organs with the external environment. Also, a fistula can connect an internal cavity with a benign or malignant formation. As a rule, this tube is lined with epithelium and is a channel through which pus formed inside the body after surgery is released.
  • Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary deep wound, around which the skin has become inflamed. A fistula can appear on almost any part of the body, and not necessarily in the place where the incision was made. There are cases when the inflammatory process occurs inside the body for a long time and a person learns that something is wrong with him only when a characteristic hole appears on his body, releasing purulent masses
  • But not only pus can be released from the fistula; if the problem has not been dealt with for a long time, and it has affected the internal organs, then feces, urine and bile can be released from the canal that has formed

Fistula in the coccyx area

In addition, doctors distinguish several other types of postoperative fistulas:

  1. Full. It has two exits at once, which contributes to faster relief of the inflammatory process and healing
  2. Incomplete. It has only one exit, which is usually located inside the abdominal cavity. This contributes to the intensive proliferation of pathogenic microflora and increased inflammatory processes
  3. Lip-shaped. In this case, the fistula fuses with the dermatological tissue and muscle tissue. It can only be removed surgically
  4. Granulating. This type of fistula is characterized by the formation of granulation tissue, hyperemia and quite severe swelling
  5. Tubular. A fully formed duct that secretes pus, mucus and feces

Ligature fistula of postoperative scar after childbirth, cesarean section, appendicitis: signs, causes

Ligature fistula
  • Ligature- these are special medical threads that doctors use for layer-by-layer stitching of tissues damaged during surgery. Usually, before using them, the open wound is thoroughly treated with disinfectants and only after this proceed to suturing
  • But sometimes such actions are not enough and pathogenic bacteria enter the body along with the thread, provoking severe suppuration and the formation of a ligature postoperative fistula. As a rule, it opens after a few days and the material that was used to stitch the wound comes out along with pus.
  • Most often, this problem is caused by silk threads, so recently doctors have begun to use a material that dissolves on its own after a minimum period of time and does not require the removal of sutures or additional processing

The main reason for the development of postoperative fistula is infection

The main reasons for the appearance of a fistula after surgery:

  • Orgasm perceives the material that was used to stitch the wound as a foreign body and begins to reject it
  • The wound itself, as well as the ligature, becomes infected
  • Untimely and poor-quality processing of the postoperative suture
  • The patient is too old
  • Overweight
  • Reduced immunity

Signs of a fistula:

  • A seal appears around the cut in the skin, which begins to hurt noticeably when pressed. In some cases, pronounced tubercles appear that secrete infiltrate
  • Redness will be clearly visible near the infected scar. Moreover, it will look brightest as the ligature is applied
  • The temperature may rise very sharply. And since the inflammatory process in the body will intensify all the time, it will not go astray to normal levels
  • Severe suppuration appears, which, if not treated correctly, turns into a weeping quite large size
  • The fistula opening may heal for a while and then become inflamed with renewed vigor.

Consequences that cause fistulas

Postoperative fistula can provoke the development of sepsis

Postoperative fistula itself is not life-threatening. But if the patient lets everything take its course, then the pathogenic bacteria that are inside the fistula opening will begin to infect healthy organs and tissues, and this will provoke the appearance of quite serious diseases.

In addition, the body may refuse to respond correctly to medical therapy, which in turn can also cause quite serious complications.

The most common complications in the treatment of fistula after surgery:

  • Abscess. Purulent masses fill the entire internal cavity of the fistula opening
  • Phlegmon. In this case, the pus, in addition to tissues, also begins to affect fatty tissue.
  • Sepsis. A fistula opening occurs inside the human body. The pus ends up on the patient’s internal organs.
  • Fever,provoked by a purulent mass. Temperatures can rise to maximum levels. In this case, a person may lose consciousness and have difficulty oriented in space.

Purulent fistula on a surgical suture - treatment

Treatment of purulent fistula
  • As you probably already understood, a purulent fistula is not a death sentence and, with proper treatment, almost always responds quite well to treatment. But still, in most cases, surgery is usually required for a favorable outcome.
  • If the doctor decides to delay the intervention, the patient will be prescribed conservative treatment. But it should also be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist and preferably in a hospital setting. Typically, such treatment is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora that provokes inflammation
  • If the therapy is chosen correctly, the fistula opening will heal fairly quickly and the patient will be able to return to normal life. To treat an inflamed area of ​​skin, drugs that have antiseptic, antibacterial and bactericidal effects are usually used.
  • In addition, the patient must be prescribed antibiotics and vitamins, which help maintain the body’s defenses at a normal level. But I would like to immediately say that conservative treatment does not provide a 100% guarantee that the fistula will not reopen. Therefore, most doctors suggest not to suffer and immediately perform surgery to remove the purulent focus

Only surgical intervention can help completely get rid of the fistula.
  • After washing the wound, drainage is usually installed in it. In the postoperative period, the drainage is washed daily and sterile dressings are changed. If after a few days the amount of purulent masses does not begin to decrease, then the patient is additionally prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and vitamin E
  • In addition, bandages and ointments can be used to stimulate the healing process. In this case, for example, troxevasin ointment may be prescribed. As soon as the purulent ceases to be released, the drainage is removed from the wound and then the patient can only make sure that no infection gets into it and periodically change the bandage

Folk remedies for the treatment of fistula

In a trailer, it is permissible to treat ligature postoperative fistulas using traditional methods. Some of the methods described below remove inflammation quite well and reduce the amount of pus.

But still, if you decide to get rid of the problem in this way, then before starting treatment, be sure to consult with a specialist. After all, if you have neglected your condition very much, then it is likely that you will only aggravate the course of the disease.


  • Take equal parts olive oil and strong vodka and mix until smooth. Wipe the inflamed area of ​​skin with the resulting mixture 3-4 times a day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can immediately apply cabbage leaves previously scalded with boiling water. This way you will not only kill pathogenic microflora, but also contribute to a faster discharge of pus
  • To prepare the next miracle remedy, you will need mumiyo and aloe juice. The mummy should be soaked in boiled water, and when it turns it dark brown, add aloe juice to it. You will need to moisten a sterile bandage in this solution and apply it to the sore spot.

St. John's wort decoction for the treatment of fistulas
  • If you need to draw out pus as quickly as possible, then use the familiar herb St. John's wort for this. In this case, you can use both the decoction and the leaves. First, tear off the St. John's wort leaves, fill them with water, and then simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, soak a bandage in it and place the leaves on it in one layer. Fix this bandage on the fistula and leave it there for 4 hours. After this time, the bandage must be removed, the sore spot treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then a fresh one applied.
  • A decoction of celandine will help you fight fistula from the inside. If you prepare a decoction from this plant and take it regularly for a month, the substances that it contains will kill the infection located in the fistula opening and help relieve inflammation. But since this decoction thickens the blood very strongly, it will be better if the dosage is determined by a doctor
  • You can try to get rid of a fistula with regular black bread. Take the pulp and lightly sprinkle it with water. When the top layer softens a little, apply the bread to the sore spot and secure with a sterile bandage. This procedure must be carried out once a day. Before each znamenny bread, be sure to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. If you do everything correctly, then approximately on the third day you will see that the fistula is completely cleared of pus and begins to heal

Ointment for the treatment of postoperative fistula

Ointment with calendula for healing fistulas

Home-made ointments have also proven themselves quite well. They eliminate the cause of the infection quite well and contribute to a faster restoration of the dermatological integument. But even in this case, it is extremely important to be very careful when applying the ointment, as well as pre-treatment of the wound.

You need to protect yourself from re-infection of the fistula opening. After all, if you apply unsterile dressings and use a product of questionable quality, you are unlikely to improve your condition.

The most popular ointments:

  • At home, you can also use an ointment that will have anti-inflammatory and healing properties. To prepare it, you will need pine resin, natural honey, butter, aloe pulp and medical tar. All ingredients are mixed in equal parts and brought to homogeneity in a water bath. The resulting product should be applied to previously disinfected areas of the skin.
  • Another effective remedy is ointment made from fresh calendula flowers. They need to be tightly folded into a half-liter jar and filled with melted pork fat or butter. Leave the product in a dark place to brew for 10-12 hours. Then transfer it to a clay pot and simmer for 48 hours in the oven at 70 degrees. After the ointment has cooled, transfer it to a container with an airtight lid and store in a cool, dark place. You can simply lubricate the fistula opening with the resulting product or make medicinal dressings from it.

As already mentioned a little above, the best way to get rid of a postoperative fistula is to carry out its complete excision. Although this procedure is quite painful and has a fairly long recovery period, it will protect you from the development of complications such as sepsis and phlegmon.

Stages of the operation:

  1. First, the fistula opening and all the skin around it are treated with antiseptic agents.
  2. Anesthetic substances are then injected into the wound area
  3. At the next stage, the wound is carefully dissected and all pus and remnants of the ligature are removed from it.
  4. After this, everything is washed well, drainage is installed and closed with a secondary suture.
  5. In this case, the vessels are not sutured, as this can lead to the formation of another fistula

After surgery, the affected area of ​​skin will require special care. The wound will definitely need to be treated with disinfecting solutions (for example, furatsilin) ​​and ensure that it is clean and dry at all times. If, even after surgery, excessive granulation is noticeable at the site of fistula formation, it must be cauterized immediately.

Video: Ligature fistula of the perineum

Fistulas are long-term channels in tissues or organs formed as a result of ongoing pathological processes. Liquid secretions from the affected organ or tissue (urine, pus, intestinal, gastric contents or bile) constantly pass through them, so independent healing often becomes difficult.

Fistulas: causes and types

Fistulas can be congenital, acquired or artificial. Congenital fistulas are associated with developmental defects (for example, a fistula in the neck or umbilicus). Acquired fistulas are formed as a result of trauma, when tissue and organs are destroyed. Another reason is the breakthrough of pus from the source of inflammation to the outside or into the cavity of some organ. Observed in chronic forms of the inflammatory process, for example, osteomyelitis,. Sometimes fistulas are created artificially for therapeutic purposes.

According to their location, fistulas can be internal or external, single or multiple.

Purulent fistulas

The formation of purulent fistulas can be caused by poor outflow of pus, the presence of foreign bodies in the lesion, or the presence of bone sequesters (for example, in chronic osteomyelitis). The ongoing inflammatory process prevents the healing of the fistula. Sometimes the suppuration temporarily stops and the fistula closes, but if the cause is not eliminated, it soon opens again. Long-term non-healing fistulas of this type contribute to the development of amyloidosis or protein depletion.

Urinary fistulas

May occur on the ureters, urethra and bladder. Their development is caused by injuries to the ureters or bladder. Sometimes they are created artificially for the purpose of draining urine.

Gastric fistula

Fistulas in the stomach are created surgically for enteral feeding of the patient (for example, when the esophagus is narrowed). In such a situation, measures are taken to protect adjacent skin areas. With long-term treatment of a patient in a hospital, a fistula is formed in the form of lips, with a short duration of hospital treatment - in the form of a tube.

Fistulas in the small intestine

The cause of a fistula of the upper small intestine can be complications after surgery or injury. A characteristic feature is the secretion of a significant amount of digestive juice, which has pronounced digestive activity. This type of fistula heals on its own with proper care using a special paste.

A fistula in the area of ​​the lower small intestine is formed surgically due to intestinal obstruction or peritonitis. A special rubber tube is placed into such a fistula, through which intestinal contents are removed. The areas of skin around the fistula are protected.

Biliary fistulas

A fistula in the gallbladder area may appear as a result of a complication after surgery or during the operation itself. When bile gets on the skin, it damages it. In addition, the loss of a significant amount of bile will lead to disruption of metabolic processes: fat metabolism is disrupted, dehydration occurs, and vitamins are poorly absorbed. Therefore, treatment of this pathology must be quick and adequate. But there are known cases of their healing on their own.

Fistulas in the large intestine

Fistulas located in the colon can be artificial (for example, in intestinal oncology) or formed as a result of injury. It is necessary to use protective ointments, since feces passing through the fistula irritate the skin. This type of fistula heals on its own or is treated surgically.

Salivary fistulas

The cause of this problem is inflammatory processes. The localization of such a fistula can be the cheek, ear or neck area. Saliva is released through a small hole. Particularly intense discharge is observed during meals. This requires quick treatment.

Diagnosis of fistulas

Modern medicine easily diagnoses this pathology. It is characterized by canal formation and secretion. To determine how far the process has progressed, a probing method is used. And to determine whether an organ is affected or not, dyes are used.


Treatment of fistulas with traditional medicine

Recipe based on vodka and olive oil

A very simple and quite effective method of treatment. You need to mix equal parts of vodka and olive oil. The resulting mixture is wiped over the affected area 2-3 times throughout the day. In addition, a cabbage leaf is applied to the fistula with the outer side. The results of this treatment will appear within two weeks.

You can dissolve the mummy in water so that the water darkens. Mix this solution with fresh aloe juice. Soak a gauze napkin with this mixture and tie it to the fistula.

St. John's wort for the treatment of fistulas

There is a known case when a girl suffering from paraproctitis was operated on. But the fistula did not respond to any treatment. On the advice of friends, she used the following recipe. Pour three tablespoons of perforated St. John's wort into 300 ml of boiling water, boil a little and strain while hot. Lay polyethylene on a chair, lay out hot St. John's wort herb and sit on it. Even if it’s very hot, be patient. When the grass has cooled, you need to wash yourself with the resulting infusion of St. John's wort. This treatment is repeated until the pus is completely removed, then a couple more times to consolidate the result.

How to cure a ligature fistula

Cut twelve leaves from a two-year-old aloe, wash well with boiled water and chop finely. Place them in a liter jar and add honey. Infuse in the dark. The mixture must be stirred every day. After eight days, strain. You need to take the infusion 1 tsp. three times during the day.

Additionally, you need to draw a solution of furatsilin into a small syringe and rinse the fistula. Carry out this procedure daily.

If this treatment is carried out regularly for one and a half months, the suppuration stops and the fistula heals.

How to prepare ointment for fistula

This ointment is an excellent treatment for the vaginal or rectal area. It is prepared from plant materials: oak bark, water pepper grass and flax flowers. Pork lard is used as the base.

Pour melted lard over finely chopped vegetable raw materials. For one glass of raw materials you need to take two glasses of lard. Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat in the oven for several hours, but not less than half a day. Soak a gauze swab with this mixture and inject it for five hours. Then change to a new one.

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  • Causes and types
  • Navel fistula
  • Anal fistula
  • Rectovaginal fistula
  • Perirectal fistula
  • Epithelial coccygeal tract
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment
  • Prevention of fistulas

Fistula as a postoperative complication

A fistula is understood as a canal formed during the process of inflammation, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent cavities. It is formed in the absence of any other outlet for pus and is a narrow channel lined from the inside with epithelial tissue.

Causes and types

Based on the cause of their occurrence, fistulas are distinguished between acquired and congenital. The first occur during the inflammatory process or as a result of surgical operations. Congenital - a developmental anomaly. As a rule, they are located on the lateral or anterior surface of the neck; less often, an umbilical fistula develops.

Acquired fistulas can be classified according to the following characteristics.


External (exiting directly to the skin - for example, the rectum);

· internal (not communicating with the external environment - bronchoesophageal).


· slimy;

· purulent;

· urinary;


· feces, etc.


· gastric;

· esophageal;

· intestinal, etc.

Navel fistula

Fistulanavel- a disease that often occurs in a newborn child or fetus. This is usually detected during pregnancy during ultrasound examination or immediately after cutting the umbilical cord.

Anal fistula

Analfistula often occurs after drainage or natural rupture of an abscess. It usually goes away within a few weeks, but sometimes there are cases where the disease lasts for several years. An anal fistula may be a consequence of previous tuberculosis, paraproctitis or actinomycosis of the anus.

Rectovaginal fistula

With pathological childbirth (for example, prolonged, perineal rupture after childbirth, prolonged anhydrous interval, postpartum injuries) may develop rectovaginalfistula. Among the reasons for its appearance, one can also name inflammatory processes in the postoperative wound after surgery during childbirth.

Perirectal fistula

Pararectalfistula is a pathological channel connecting any cavity or surface of the body with the focus of the disease (ulcer or tumor). In addition, this type of fistula sometimes forms between two organs. It is a consequence of acute paraproctitis.

fistula channel inflammation

Epithelial coccygeal tract

Epithelialcoccygealmove- a disease in which a subcutaneous cyst with purulent contents is observed in the area of ​​the intergluteal fold, in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx, which can burst and form a coccygeal fistula. A fistula on the coccyx is often observed in men, mainly young and middle-aged, who have strong hair. Direct trauma in the sacrococcygeal region can provoke the formation of this type of disease.

Postoperative purulent channel

Postoperativepurulentchannel is formed due to disturbances in blood circulation in tissues. Often occurs as a result of incorrectly placed sutures or due to infection, as well as when the tumor resolves. As a rule, they affect a pair of adjacent organs.

Duodenal fistula

One of the most dangerous - fistuladuodenumguts. Complications from this type of disease can even lead to death. Such a fistula can develop after surgery affecting the abdominal organs.


The clinical picture of the disease is specific to various types of fistulas and depends on their location, as well as the cause of their appearance.

The main symptom of external fistula is holeonskin, from which a characteristic liquid is released. The appearance of a fistula can be caused by trauma in this area or inflammation of nearby organs and tissues, as well as surgery.

Domesticfistulas- a consequence of complications of acute or chronic diseases. For example, gallstones can form due to obstruction of the ducts by a stone. The clinical picture in this case depends on the amount of bile released into the abdominal cavity, pain syndrome and the severity of the digestive system disorder.

Bronchoesophagealfistulas may be complicated by the constant entry of food into the tracheobronchial tree, which can, in turn, lead to the development of bronchitis or aspiration pneumonia.

Diagnosis of the disease

As a rule, there are no particular difficulties in diagnosing the disease. Diagnosis is based on the study of characteristic complaints of patients, collection of anamnesis, type of fistula, analysis of the amount and composition of discharged pus, and in the case of interorgan varieties - on changes in the functions of the affected organs.

To clarify the length and direction of the fistula passage, as well as its connection with the pathological focus, probing and radiography are often used together with the introduction of a contrast agent into the fistula.

The diagnosis can be clarified by testing for the presence of hydrochloric acid. Its presence indicates the gastric location of the fistula.

A urinary fistula is characterized by the presence of uric acid salts. External fistulas are quite easy to diagnose because they have a characteristic exit hole.

When diagnosing internal ones, radiography, ultrasound and endoscopy are required.


As a rule, it is necessary to treat a fistula surgicalby, since conservative therapy cannot help in this matter. Depending on the location of the disease, you should contact the appropriate specialists. It is recommended to treat fistulas immediately when they are detected, without delay.

Sometimes the patient is practically not bothered by pain, and there is no urgent need for surgery. However, removal of the fistula is necessary, as it is a source of chronic infection. Delaying treatment can lead to damage to organs such as the kidneys and heart; joints also suffer. Often, fistulas can lead to the formation of a tumor.

Sometimes, during anti-inflammatory therapy, the cavity is cleansed of purulent discharge, which significantly facilitates the healing process. However, if the fistula tract is covered with epithelium from the inside, then independent healing does not occur. In this case, surgical intervention is performed to cut out the tissue and then stitch the canal.

Prevention of fistulas

Prevention of fistulas mainly involves preventing infections. During surgery, strict adherence to the rules of asepsis is necessary.

Prevention of gum fistula consists of timely elimination of all dental problems, and a set of procedures must be carried out by professional specialists. It is recommended to have a dental examination at least twice a year. In addition, it is necessary to take photographs of previously treated teeth at certain intervals (at least once every few years), since it is important to prevent possible complications as early as possible.

For general disease prevention, it is necessary to maintain your immunity at the proper level.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Or a fistula (from the Latin fistula - tube) is a pathological channel connecting the focus of the disease (abscess, tumor) with the surface or some cavity of the body. Liquid secretions from the affected organ or tissue (urine, pus, intestinal, gastric contents or bile) constantly pass through them, so independent healing often becomes very difficult.

Fistulas can be congenital, acquired or artificial. Congenital ones are formed in connection with developmental defects. These include median and lateral neck fistulas, umbilical fistulas. Acquired fistulas arise as a result of purulent diseases - osteomyelitis, tuberculosis or trauma to organs and tissues. Sometimes fistulas are created artificially for therapeutic purposes.

Types of fistulas

According to their location, fistulas can be internal or external, single or multiple

Depending on the location, fistulas can be purulent, urinary, gastric, salivary, bile, on the small and large intestines.

Purulent The fistula is located on the surface and is intended for the outflow of purulent discharge from the source of the inflammatory process. In rare cases, the inflammation goes away on its own, then the suppuration stops and the fistula heals, but then opens again.

Uric a fistula occurs on the ureters, bladder and urethra due to injury, and sometimes it is created artificially.

Gastric a fistula in the stomach is created specifically artificially for enteral feeding.

on the small intestine occurs due to a complication after surgery or injury; with proper treatment, such a fistula heals quite quickly.

on the large intestine occurs as a result of injury, or is created artificially, and can heal on its own. When feces pass through the fistula, the skin is injured, so it is necessary to use special ointments.

Gall fistula occurs due to complications after surgery, this fistula has bad consequences, so they need to be treated immediately.

Saliva a fistula occurs as a result of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the cheeks, ear or neck, in this case saliva is released.


Inflammation of various nature (with the presence of a cavity with infection), trauma with damage to the wall of the organ, chronic periodontitis, suppuration of sutures.


Weakness, fever, aching pain (can be very severe), discharge of pus with an unpleasant odor, itching, redness, swelling in the area of ​​the fistula.

Treatment with folk remedies

— Make candles from potatoes and when they dry a little, they need to be kept in menovazine. And after the enema, insert them into the anus. Repeat the procedure every other day. After a week, potato candles should be treated with celandine infusion and also placed every other day. So alternate: a suppository with menovazine for a week, a week with celandine (fistula in the large intestine).

Tear off 12 leaves from the bottom of a 2-3 year old aloe flower, rinse well in boiled water, finely chop and pour into a liter jar. Pour fresh honey over the aloe so that it completely covers it, close it and place it in a dark place for 8 days, shake well every day. Strain and take the infusion 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. (ligature fistula).

— Take mumiyo once a day on an empty stomach for 25-28 days (course of treatment). Dilute mumiyo in 2-3 tablespoons of boiled water, or better yet, in milk. In case of advanced disease, repeat the course after 10 days. The required amount of mummy per day depends on the person’s weight: up to 70 kg. – 0.2g, 80kg – 0.3g, 90kg – 0.3-0.4g, more than 90kg – 0.4-0.5g. And for better results, simultaneously with taking mumiyo internally, apply mumiyo externally and rub the affected areas. To do this, dissolve 3g of mumiyo in 100ml of boiled water.

Miracle ointment. Pour 1 cup of lean (sunflower) or olive oil into an enamel bowl, add natural wax (church candles will not work) the size of a matchbox. Place over low heat until the wax melts. Take half a yolk from a hard-boiled egg, grind it and add it in small pieces to the boiling mixture. The oil immediately begins to foam, so you need to be careful and quickly remove the pan from the heat - let it simmer to the side, but you must stir constantly. Place on the stove and add another piece of yolk to the brew, and so on until the entire half of the yolk is gone. Then strain the mixture through a nylon cloth. Store the ointment in the refrigerator and warm it up a little before use. (Purulent otitis, all abscesses, fibroma, ulcer, gangrene, burns).

Take everything for 50g. Mix rosin, natural wax and honey, unsalted lard (melted lard), laundry soap and vegetable oil (sunflower). Grind all ingredients and boil. When the mixture has cooled a little, add chopped onion, aloe and garlic. Place on the stove, let it boil and leave, covered, for 2 hours. Strain and lubricate sore areas, heat the ointment in a water bath before use. (Gangrene, ulcers, boils, fistulas, knotted udders).

Take 1 liter of vegetable oil, 30 ml of fresh juice of one whole stem and 100 ml of purified kerosene. Mix all components thoroughly and leave in a cool, dark place for 7 days, shaking occasionally. Soak a sterile napkin with the resulting mixture and apply to the sore spot. Change the bandage 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Shake the mixture constantly before each use. (Gangrene, purulent wounds, ulcers, boils, fistulas, knotted udders).

- Bring 2 liters to a boil, add peeled 2 medium-sized onions and 4 cloves of garlic into the milk. Boil for 2 minutes, cool slightly, and sit on it, wrapping a blanket around it. Sit while the milk is hot. Carry out such procedures daily until recovery. You can use the same milk every time.

— Take equal quantities of beeswax, lamb fat, spruce resin, honey and finely chopped garlic. Mix all ingredients, place in a frying pan and, stirring constantly, melt over low heat. Place a sterile gauze pad soaked in this mixture on the surface of a boil, abscess, fistula or purulent wound. Such « The plaster hardens quickly, draws out pus well, cleans and disinfects wounds.

- Take 5 handfuls of sifted ash in 7 liters of water, boil for half an hour, stand and strain. Take a warm lye bath for 20-30 minutes, you can simply wash the wound with this solution. Small thread-like worms, the culprits of the disease, should come out into the water. Depending on the severity of the disease, this needs to be done several times, but sometimes 2-3 times are enough for the wound to clear, heal and the fistula no longer appears.

- Take 100g each of spruce resin, lard and beeswax. Stir, boil and cool. Apply a bandage with the resulting ointment to the treated wound. (Ulcers, burns, fistulas).

Grate half a piece of laundry soap and mince 4 onions. Melt 50g of unsalted butter in a saucepan over low heat, add onion and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Then add 300g of lard, grated soap and stir constantly over low heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Place 2 church candles or 50g of pure wax and boil for another 5 minutes over low heat. Strain and place the mixture into a clean, sterilized container and store in the refrigerator. The ointment can be warmed before use. (Fistulas, purulent wounds).

A fistula is an unnatural channel that forms between organs. Fistulas can occur either spontaneously or as a surgical method - in this case they speak of intentional anastomosis (fistula).

What types of fistulas are there?

The classification of fistulas is based on the characteristics of their development and the causes of their occurrence.

Pathological and surgical fistulas

  • Pathological fistulas arise independently during various destructive processes - for example, inflammation with the formation of pus, which needs a way out; injuries; thinning and abrasion of tissues.
  • Surgical fistulas are applied by a surgeon specifically, for example, in case of temporary dysfunction of an organ (gastrostomy - a fistula between the stomach and the external environment in case of problems with the esophagus). Surgical fistulas can also be permanent – ​​when it comes to additional communication between internal organs and the creation of additional ducts.

Another classification of fistulas describes their location - external and internal fistulas are distinguished.

  • External fistula is a channel between the organ and the external environment. In this case, the contents of the internal environment of the body come out - the simplest example of an external fistula is an ulcer or abscess on the skin. Surgical methods can be used to create an external fistula on the stomach - for direct introduction of food; intestines - for its removal.
  • Internal fistula– is formed inside the body, usually between two hollow organs. During various pathological processes, fistulas can occur between the bladder and vagina, intestines and urinary system. Internal fistulas are often a congenital malformation - for example, the formation of additional holes between the cavities of the heart.

Pathological causes of fistulas

Fistulas spontaneously form under the influence of various factors:

  • Trauma in which the wall of an organ is damaged.
  • Chronic destructive process - tissue sclerosis, loss of elasticity, softening of fibers, erosion with the formation of ulcers.
  • Inflammations of various natures, in which the cause of the fistula is the body’s protective reaction to drain pus.

Features of the development of fistulas

Despite the fact that a fistula is often beneficial for the body, its spontaneous formation is fraught with various complications. The fistula channel may be too narrow or tortuous, which provokes stagnation of the infiltrate, its own blockage, and hence the development of a secondary infection with inflammation.

Without timely treatment of fistulas - installation of drainage - adjacent tissues are affected, and there is a risk of sepsis.

The most common places for the formation of spontaneous fistulas are the gums, large intestine, and organs of the genitourinary system.

  • Gingival fistula– a canal in the gum mucosa, which is a complication of periodontitis or untreated caries. The infection gradually destroys the cells, resulting in the formation of a channel between the gum and the oral cavity, jaw, or even the external environment through the facial tissue. Gingival fistula is a protective reaction of the body, thus pathogenic agents destroyed by the immune system will get out of the gums and teeth.
  • Fistulas of the large intestine, in particular the rectum, are formed for a variety of reasons: among them Crohn's disease (chronic inflammation of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract), trauma during childbirth, acute paraproctitis (infection of the anal area), postoperative complication. As a rule, a rectal fistula opens with a small wound in the perineal area, which tends to fester and periodically become inflamed. At the same time, a spontaneous fistula of the large intestine can be very small in size - from 1 to 5 mm - and only cause slight irritation. It is noted that rectal fistula is dangerous not only due to the spread of infection to the genital organs, but also the risk of malignant tissue degeneration.
  • Genitourinary fistulas most often occur in women due to the peculiarities of their anatomy - the separation of the urethra and vagina. Channels can form between the bladder and uterus, ureter and vagina, fallopian tubes and other genital organs. The highest prevalence is observed for vesicovaginal fistulas. The danger of such formations is that they are often asymptomatic - patients can only complain about an increase in natural discharge. At the same time, the components of urine - urea and salts - cause damage to the vaginal mucosa, reducing the sensitivity of the tissues, creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of infection.

Treatment of fistulas

Treatment of fistulas is largely individual and begins with identifying and eliminating the cause of its formation. Depending on the characteristics of a particular case, after this the fistula may undergo reverse development - the canal grows together as spontaneously as it was formed.

In other situations, plastic surgery is required to treat the fistula.