Miso braces. Miso sapphire bracket system - transparent aesthetic designs

Sapphire braces are the most beautiful and expensive today. This trend is due to the expensive, high-quality material from which they are made. And also excellent design characteristics. Installation of braces is indicated for violations of the position of teeth, malocclusion, spaces between teeth, and crooked teeth. Sapphire braces are a godsend for those who feel embarrassed by treatment and want to leave this process unnoticed.

Features and types of sapphire bracket systems

Celebrities and people of high income use sapphire braces to straighten their bite and teeth. They are made from artificially grown sapphires. These braces are transparent and somewhat reminiscent of ceramic, but they are as durable as metal.

Braces are attached on the vestibular side. They have a streamlined shape, rounded edges, which makes them very comfortable to wear. Another indicator of quality is reliable attachment to tooth tissues, but they do not harm tooth enamel. But the main advantage is considered to be colorlessness and transparency.

Braces on teeth are invisible and allow neon light to pass through. This is an important criterion for people in the club industry, since even there they will go unnoticed. Other types of clear braces will glow bright white when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Sapphire braces are good for people with light-colored teeth.

Review (Marina Anatolyevna, practicing orthodontist): “Sapphire braces are an excellent, but expensive system for treating bite problems. They are almost invisible on the teeth and are durable. It’s a pity that they cannot be used to correct all types of malocclusion.”

If the enamel is light and transparent, then they will be completely unnoticed. But even if you have yellowish teeth, you can install such systems, you just need to do whitening first. In the case of dark tooth enamel, it is better to install braces made of opaque ceramics.

It is worth noting that sapphire braces are only available for vestibular braces. It is not advisable to install transparent structures on the lingual surface. They are also ligated and self-ligating.

Another element of the system is the orthodontic arch; it is attached to each brace and promotes tooth movement. The power arch is a metal element, it will be slightly visible even on transparent braces. But at the request of the patient, the arch can be made matte or white, so it will be less noticeable.


The most popular sapphire bracket systems:

Inspire Ice is a deservedly popular bracket system from the American company Ormco. During production, the developers took into account all the shortcomings of previous systems. The base consists of microscopic zirconium, which ensures reliable fixation to the tooth surface. Moreover, after the end of treatment, braces can be easily removed without damaging the enamel. The system is a ligature system, so fixation is done using rubber bands. Such systems are highly aesthetic, beautiful, reliable, effective during treatment and comfortable. Sapphire does not cause allergies and does not damage the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Damon clear is an American self-ligating brace system. A special feature is the presence of a Spin Tek mechanism on the surface of the bracket for reliable and easy fastening of the arch. This saves time for the doctor and the patient during the correction procedure. Also, thanks to this design, you can visit the orthodontist less often, once every 5-6 weeks.

Sapphire braces of this brand can be used from the age of 12 and for diseases of periodontal tissue. The braces are very beautiful, translucent, invisible in conversation and in photographs. Up close, they look like white decorations on the teeth. They do not require complex care. Their main advantage is the effective treatment of bite pathologies of any complexity.

Miso is a ligature-free fixation system, the peculiarity of which is the presence of a special arch fixation. The orthodontic arch is fixed without blocking thanks to a mechanism similar to a latch. The braces are securely attached to the tooth and are easily removed; they do not change color and are not stained by food coloring. The staples are distinguished by their small size and excellent aesthetic properties. If necessary, the color of the locks can be matched to any shade of teeth.

Radiance from American Orthodontics (USA) is a classic ligature system that can cope with any irregularities in the teeth and dentition and help you acquire beautiful and straight teeth. A special feature of the system is the fastening mechanism; it is very strong in the central part of the bracket and weak on the sides. Thanks to this, the system is securely fixed, easily removed and does not damage tooth enamel. Like the others, they are very beautiful, discreet and durable.

Pure from Ortho Technology features a sleek design, small size and durable mounting. Braces look like jewelry on your teeth. Another feature is the ability to transmit daylight and neon light. The system is very comfortable to use, does not interfere during a conversation, does not touch the mucous membrane and is very easy to clean.

Installation of sapphire braces

Braces are installed on the teeth only after preparing the mouth and teeth. Preparation includes examination of the teeth, gums, jaws, and temporomandibular joint. As well as treatment of dental caries and any other diseases in the mouth. They cannot be installed if there is an allergy to any components of the system, if acute inflammatory processes are detected in the oral cavity (pulpitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis).

Review (Valentin, 23 years old): “I got sapphire braces six months ago. They are really unnoticeable in the mouth. The braces have not turned yellow and do not break. The results of the treatment are already visible, but you need to wear the braces for another year.”

The process of installing sapphire braces takes about two hours. For the patient, the manipulations are painless, the only difficulty is keeping the mouth open for a long time, but for this, the patient is also fitted with a mouth opener and a mouth holder.

The clasps are secured to the teeth using a special dental glue, which is hardened under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp. Then the doctor talks about caring for braces, dietary restrictions and gives recommendations.

Pros and cons of sapphire bracket systems

The advantages include:

  • have the highest level of aesthetics. Braces are very beautiful, translucent, blend with natural teeth, invisible when smiling and talking. The translucent structure is ensured by monocrystalline material and is invisible in any light. People choose these systems precisely because of the color and design;
  • resistant to food dyes. Unlike plastic and ceramic braces, sapphire does not change its color under the influence of food pigments and dyes. This is a very important point, since there are no restrictions on the use of coloring products. Even after 2-3 years of being in the oral cavity, braces will have a beautiful color and appearance. However, it is necessary not to neglect dental hygiene;
  • strength. Sapphire is comparable in strength to diamond. It is not surprising that sapphire braces are particularly durable and reliable. They are able to withstand significant chewing pressure;
  • quick addiction. Thanks to the shape and material from which the staples are made, the adaptation process is quick and painless. The smooth edges of the clasps do not damage or scratch the mucous membrane;
Vitaly Vasilyevich, practicing orthodontist: “I advise you to use a combined braces system when treating a malocclusion. Install sapphire braces on the front teeth, and metal braces on the side teeth. This will make the structure cheaper, more reliable and shorten the duration of treatment.”
  • the design is not indicated in all cases; sometimes for a therapeutic effect it is necessary to install a metal structure;
  • sapphire braces are quite large or medium in size, so at first you will have to get used to them;
  • the main disadvantage is the high cost of treatment;
  • the duration of bite correction with such braces is slightly longer than when using other systems;
  • There is a risk of the bracket chipping.

Review (Katya, 18 years old): “I got transparent braces a year ago to treat my front teeth. I was choosing between ceramic and sapphire. I didn’t regret choosing sapphire. My friend’s ceramic ones broke several times.”

Comparison of sapphire bracket systems

Most sapphire systems for the treatment of malocclusion are developed by American companies. Radiance from American Orthodontics are a proven classic in orthodontic treatment. Ortho Technology Pure stands out from other systems due to its small size and beautiful design. Damon clear is very popular due to its ability to be used from adolescence and for periodontal disease.

InspireIce are also very popular, beautiful and effective. When comparing sapphire bracket systems, you will notice that they have more common qualities. By choosing any of these systems, you can get excellent treatment results. The orthodontist must select the system individually.

Caring for this type of braces

After installing the brace system, in the first two weeks you need to get used to the structure in the oral cavity. For reliability, they are rather large in size and can rub a little. At the same time, orthodontists advise using medical wax to isolate problem areas of the system. The necessary brackets can be sealed with wax at night. Sapphire braces must be treated with care and the rules of care must be followed.

Review (Irina Pavlovna, pediatric orthodontist): “The use of sapphire systems for the treatment of malocclusions is not advisable for teenagers. Treatment with expensive structures is best carried out after 20 years, when a person takes on the responsibility of caring for braces.”

Carry out hygienic brushing of teeth regularly 2-3 times a day. Use special hygiene devices for braces: toothbrushes, brushes and brushes. You need to rinse your mouth after every meal. It is advisable to use mouth rinses. They prevent the development of painful microorganisms on the orthodontic structure and remove food debris.

Until recently, the only system that corrected bites was a bulky metal structure with multiple disadvantages.

In particular, due to the unsightly appearance of braces, many patients, especially girls, refused installation.

But currently there has been significant progress in the field of dentistry, in which the South Korean company introduced unique Miso sapphire braces.

About the manufacturer

The system manufacturer is a company from South Korea, HT Corporation. Work experience in the Russian market of orthodontic products is 15 years.

The corporation produces dental instruments, metal, ceramic and sapphire braces. For the manufacture of all products, advanced technologies and unique developments of the company’s specialists are used.

The main advantage of the corporation is undoubtedly the designs of the Miso brand. Unlike European manufacturers, HT Corporation expresses its concern for beauty and aesthetic value differently.

So, while global brands strive to make designs as inconspicuous as possible, the South Korean company, on the contrary, adds more shine to sapphire plates.

Model range

The range of braces from HT Corporation includes three varieties, each of which has its own advantages.

The models in the line have a unique aesthetic beauty, the stones magically shimmer in the light.


Traditional sapphire designs are able to adapt to any shade of enamel. Their translucency is also a special feature.. They are the most popular in the model range.


The plate design is more rounded, which provides additional comfort. And the dimensions of the structure are specially reduced by 10%, thanks to which the system becomes less noticeable.


The unique dimensions of this system are the smallest among all sapphire analogues. Treatment with such structures is excellent for both adults and children.

The advantage of using these systems in children is their organic combination, which allows them to avoid ridicule and not be embarrassed about wearing braces.

Material used

Miso braces are made from unique synthetic sapphire compounds. Stone is considered safer and more durable compared to classic metal structures.

Initial raw materials for systems are divided into two main categories:

  1. Monocrystalline compounds They are distinguished by higher quality, lasting strength and have a memorable transparent shade. Externally, the products look like real jewelry.
  2. Polycrystalline systems are not inferior in quality and strength, but differ significantly in gloss and transparency. However, it is possible to choose a system that matches the color of the patient’s teeth as closely as possible, which makes the braces almost invisible.

Polycrystalline structures are less finicky to care for and almost invisible when worn. WITH The systems are more similar to ceramic models and do not have a memorable shine.

System Features

The use of precious stones in medicine, in particular in dentistry, began quite recently, when it became possible to inexpensively grow artificial sapphires that are not inferior in quality to natural ones.

Positive characteristics of the products include:

  1. Aesthetics. By using sapphire systems instead of metal devices, aesthetic appeal was achieved.
  2. Unique base relief. The undoubted advantage of Miso braces is the system for attaching the structure to the tooth.

    It is this aspect that is the weak point of many manufacturers, but the specialists of this company have found an original way to solve it.

    A small incision is made at the base of the pad with a laser, forming a slight relief that allows the system to be securely fastened.

  3. Compactness. The small size of the structure and stones does not constrain the patient, and the adaptation process is quick and unnoticeable. They do not affect chewing functions and do not serve as a source of speech defects.
  4. Safety. The systems are indicated for installation by people with possible allergic reactions. Miso sapphire braces are completely hypoallergenic, which allows them to be installed on patients with even the highest level of sensitivity.

Also, sapphire systems do not oxidize and are resistant to mechanical and chemical influences.


Despite the obvious advantages and differences of Miso braces, a number of significant disadvantages have been identified that can significantly affect the patient’s choice:

  1. Price. Although artificial stones are used in the manufacture of systems, their cost is also high.

    The price is also influenced by high-quality laser equipment for the production of structures, which provides jewelry work in every sense.

    Not everyone can afford such a system; Miso braces are completely out of reach for the average patient.

  2. Duration of treatment. For the complete desired correction of the bite using sapphire products, it will take a little longer than with classic metal structures.

    This is due to less pressure on the teeth, which slows down their movement. On average, correction using sapphire systems takes two years or more.

  3. Strength. Miso systems are well protected from chemical attack, but not mechanical attack. The structures are quite fragile. In this connection, the patient will have to give up some foods, such as crackers and carrots.
  4. Monocrystalline sapphire braces look ideal only on snow-white teeth. The devices will contrast strongly against the background of other shades of enamel, so it is recommended to choose polycrystalline designs that are more similar in structure to ceramics.

Important! Before installation, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of the company’s braces. Ask your dentist about possible side effects and the required wearing time.

In the video, a specialist will talk in more detail about the pros and cons of sapphire braces.

Maintenance and care

The high cost and fragility of the materials used in the manufacture of Miso systems require special care.

Compliance with certain rules for maintaining structures becomes a prerequisite:

  1. Avoid brushing teeth with abrasive substances. Microparticles significantly affect the transparency of sapphire, which results in a loss of aesthetic appeal.
  2. You will have to completely give up a number of products apples, nuts, dried fruits. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of sour and carbonated drinks. Smoked sausage and dried fish pose a certain danger.
  3. You should also refrain from eating sweets. Sugar does not affect Miso braces, but it does lead to the development of dental caries, which also makes it difficult to keep the systems sterile.
  4. You should brush your teeth every time after eating. It is recommended to carefully remove food particles from the teeth, but it is recommended to pay special attention to the structural elements.

    Regular coffee drinking should be completed by rinsing with special means, which also helps preserve the color and transparency of the material.

  5. At the end of the day, before going to bed, cleaning your mouth should be especially thorough. using dental floss and brushes.

Also, depending on the installation method, it will depend on how many times during the period of wearing braces it will be necessary to visit the dentist.

For the first few months, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a dentist to avoid cases of incorrect bite placement.


Sapphire braces are recognized as the most expensive option for correcting malocclusion. The cost of installing one system starts from 35,000 rubles, which is significantly higher than the price of metal structures.

The full cost with installation on both jaws will cost from 100 to 120 thousand rubles. However, in order to save a little, it is possible to install aesthetically attractive sapphire braces on the front (visible) teeth, and leave a more affordable metal option on the side of the jaw.

Much also depends on the method of installation of the structure. There are two methods:

  1. Ligature. In this case, the structure is fastened with small rubber bands to an arc and secured in a stationary state. This installation method is less expensive, but the patient will have to regularly visit the dentist to correct the arches.
  2. Not a ligature method. The system is secured using special locks. When installing self-ligating braces, there is no need for such frequent visits to the doctor, but the cost of such an installation is much higher. However, such designs are rarely found in the Miso line.

Also, the cost may be affected by the initial condition of the teeth, since braces must be installed on exclusively healthy teeth.

If you have caries or other oral diseases, you definitely need to get rid of them. This affects both the cost and timing of treatment.

According to historical sources, in 1776, the French surgeon Pierre Fauchard came up with such a device to correct the bite - he tied each patient’s tooth with threads to a metal arch fixed on the outside of the dentition. Need I say that such structures looked frightening, extended beyond the mouth and prevented a person from speaking normally? Therefore, they had to be removed frequently, which negatively affected the results of treatment.

The first fixed appliance for aligning bites was invented in 1886 by American dentist Edward Hartley Angle. The system consisted of a wire arch, ligatures and tubes with nuts for fixation on the supporting teeth. Subsequently, the doctor refined and modernized his braces, used spacers to widen the jaw, and wrapped each tooth with a thin metal band, to which a stainless steel arch was then attached. And only in the late 1970s, instead of tape, clasps began to be glued to teeth using special glue.

In 1987, the American company Unitek began producing the first braces made of polycrystalline aluminum oxide. Moreover, almost all elements of the bracket system were made from this material, including the archwire. Such systems were very expensive, and not everyone could afford them. However, later cheaper options appeared made of plastic and ceramics with an arc made of nickel-titanium alloy.

Today it is difficult to imagine correcting the bite without the use of braces. They have been modernized and turned into an effective and convenient tool that allows you to achieve a perfect smile without sacrificing your comfort and attractiveness during the treatment period.

Manufacturers of bracket systems by country


Braces from American manufacturers deservedly inspire confidence among patients all over the world. The explanation is simple. Braces systems in the form in which we are accustomed to them today were created in the USA, which means that many years of experience in their production with constant improvement of technology served as an invaluable basis for creating perfect devices - reliable, aesthetic and effective.

3M Unitek

The company has existed since 1948. She was the first to release stainless steel braces, thereby making a colossal breakthrough in orthodontics. Its developments also include self-ligating systems and brackets with pre-applied adhesive, which allows you to quickly and easily attach braces to your teeth.

3M Unitek is a manufacturer of bracket systems for every taste and budget, constantly using the latest techniques and technologies. Today, the list of products of this company includes several thousand bracket systems, the most popular of which are ceramic and universal metal devices. The prices for these braces are quite high due to the use of the most modern equipment and innovative solutions in their production.


The company, a recognized leader in the orthodontic structures market, was founded in the 60s of the last century. The devices of this brand have proven themselves only from the best side, guaranteeing the achievement of the desired treatment results in the shortest possible time. An important advantage of this manufacturer, in addition to the impeccable quality of the systems produced, is the presence of a wide dealer network, which allows quick delivery even to the most remote regions of Russia.

The company's product range includes non-ligature metal and ceramic braces, ligature titanium, steel and sapphire models, as well as mini-braces, which are one third smaller in size than standard braces. The cost of products from the manufacturer of Ormco brace systems can also be classified as high, but any design of this brand always justifies the cost, so the number of satisfied patients treated with Ormco orthodontic systems is increasing every day.

American Orthodontics

The company has existed for more than forty years. During this time, she managed to gain the position of the flagship of the global orthodontic industry. It should be noted that this manufacturer not only closely monitors the impeccable quality of the braces produced, but also pays special attention to training doctors to achieve the best treatment results using American Orthodontics devices. The company produces all possible types of bracket systems - ligature and non-ligature, metal, ceramic and sapphire. Prices for products of this brand are practically no different from the cost of products from previous American manufacturers.

Ortho Technology

The company was founded in 1991. In addition to braces, it produces wires, glue, laboratory instruments and dental care products while wearing braces. Ortho Technology offers only about ten models of various systems (ceramic, sapphire, plastic and metal), but their quality is highly appreciated by specialists around the world, and their affordable prices attract patients.

The Dentsply GAC

Dentsply has been producing dental materials for over a hundred years. Dentsply GAC is its division that specializes in the manufacture of braces and other orthodontic appliances. Among the models of this manufacturer of bracket systems there are ceramic, plastic and metal devices. The most expensive of them are the In-Ovation R self-ligating structures, which independently distribute the force of pressure on the teeth, based on how their position changes during the correction process.


The quality of many products made in Germany is admirable. Filigree precision, meticulous attention to detail, and the use of modern materials are strong arguments for choosing braces from German manufacturers.

TOP-Service für Lingualtechnik GmbH

The company has been operating since 1997. It produces the famous Incognito lingual braces, which are attached to the inside of the teeth and are invisible to others. These devices are manufactured individually for each patient on fully automated equipment using unique technology, so their cost is higher than that of any other types of braces.


Manufacturer of the first self-ligating braces. Initially, she was engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, so her orthodontic designs are distinguished by their particularly precise parameters and elegant design. Forestadent produces all types of braces, and their metal systems have been in demand among patients around the world for several decades. The excellent quality and effectiveness of Forestadent braces fully correspond to their high price.


Korean brands will not leave indifferent those who want to save money on installing braces, but at the same time become the owner of a high-quality and pleasant-looking orthodontic design. The long-awaited golden mean? Maybe.

HT Corporation

A South Korean company that appeared on the orthodontic market 15 years ago. It produces a wide line of brace systems, but its calling card is MISO sapphire braces, which look like a stylish accessory, but at the same time successfully cope with the elimination of various bite defects. In addition, HT Corporation offers all the necessary consumables for orthodontic treatment. Compared to German and American analogues, the cost of products from this Korean brand is quite affordable due to the current strategy of reducing the cost of production.


In a country where almost every activity is turned into an art, even metal braces are made attractive and very comfortable. And if we take into account the love of Italian manufacturers for the use of the latest technologies in the manufacture of orthodontic structures, then a rather attractive image emerges of a braces system that will make your smile perfect without causing much inconvenience.

SIA Orthodontic

The company began its activities in 2000. Many models of this manufacturer of brace systems are distinguished by innovative elements that provide patients with increased comfort while wearing corrective devices. For example, Evolution metal braces have a rounded shape and low profile, which minimizes discomfort during treatment and shortens the period of adaptation to the system. And Crystal ceramic devices have a special mesh base, which ensures a tighter fit of braces to the surface of the teeth. The prices for SIA Orthodontics brace systems are reasonable, but so far the products of this brand are not so often found in Russian clinics.


If all braces, without exception, correct your bite at the same rate, why pay more? Among those who want to achieve a perfect smile, there will definitely be those who will like this logic. These undemanding patients can with a clear conscience recommend Russian braces - reliable metal structures that guarantee excellent results. So far in our country there is only one manufacturer of devices for bite correction, but it has already managed to win the favor of several hundred thousand patients.


A domestic company that produces metal vestibular brace systems of ligature type. Their cost is several times lower than that of foreign manufacturers, so these braces are most often used in Russia to correct the bite, effectively coping with all the tasks of orthodontic treatment. However, a significant disadvantage of these designs is that the patient has to change the ligatures every month and periodically change the metal arches.

Manufacturers of bracket systems and prices

The cost of orthodontic appliances depends mainly on the materials used and the use of innovative technologies in the production process of structures. The most expensive and, accordingly, the highest quality braces are from American manufacturers 3M Unitek, Ormco, American Orthodontics. In second place in terms of cost are the German brands TOP-Service für Lingualtechnik GmbH and Forestadent. At the same time, they are in no way inferior to designs from the USA and cope well with various malocclusions without causing pronounced discomfort when worn.

Following the manufacturers from Germany are Italian companies (for example, SIA Orthodontic), which produce braces that are worthy in all respects, which, unfortunately, have not yet become actively widespread in Russia. And the honorable fifth place in our informal price ranking was shared between Korean and domestic manufacturers - HT Corporation and Pilot. Their durable, functional and inexpensive designs fully meet patients' expectations in terms of results and do not cause regrets about the extra costs of orthodontic treatment.

The table below will help you get a more complete picture of the prices for different brands of braces.

Manufacturer Price of braces (per jaw)
3M Unitek Metal devices - from 25,000 rubles.
Self-ligating and ceramic systems - from 70,000 rubles.
Lingual braces - from 200,000 rubles.
Ceramic - from 45,000 rubles.

Lingual - from 45,000 rubles.
Individual Insignia braces - from 70,000 rubles.
Mini-braces - from 50,000 rubles.
American Orthodontics Metal - from 40,000 rubles.
Ceramic - from 70,000 rubles.
Sapphire - from 50,000 rubles.
Ortho Technology Metal - from 15,000 rubles.
Self-ligating systems - from 25,000 rubles.
Ceramic - from 35,000 rubles.
Sapphire - from 40,000 rubles.
The DENTSPLY GAC Metal - from 18,000 rubles.
Self-ligating - from 40,000 rubles.

Lingual - from 70,000 rubles.
TOP-Service für Lingualtechnik GmbH Lingual bracket system Incognito - from 80,000 rubles.
Forestadent Metal - from 30,000 rubles.
Ceramic - from 60,000 rubles.
Sapphire - from 70,000 rubles.
HT Corporation Metal - from 20,000 rubles.
Sapphire - from 30,000 rubles.
SIA Orthodontic Metal - from 20,000 rubles.
Ceramic - from 30,000 rubles.
Pilot Metal ligature braces - from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles.

Sapphire braces are one of the popular designs among patients in orthodontic clinics. With their help, it became possible to correct the bite while maintaining aesthetics and comfort.

Many companies around the world are engaged in the production of such products. In recent years, Korean companies have become increasingly popular, offering high-quality orthodontic products at relatively low prices.

Miso sapphire braces have features that allow them to compete with their European counterparts.

Briefly about the manufacturer

Miso bracket systems are manufactured by the Korean company HT Corporation. This company began its activities in the early 2000s. In a fairly short period of time, it has gained a strong position in the dental market and gained worldwide fame.

HT Corporation products are distinguished by high quality, aesthetics and reasonable prices. Active research and development allows us to constantly improve and improve the quality of products.

The company's product range includes both metal and sapphire models of braces. In addition, HT Corporation produces the entire range of instruments necessary for orthodontic treatment.

Model range

Until recently, correcting malocclusions with classical systems was considered inconvenient and far from attractive. Miso sapphire braces have made this process more aesthetically pleasing and quite effective.

The manufacturer HT Corporation, in addition to focusing on the appearance of the systems, has developed several Miso models, which allows you to choose the most convenient option for each patient.


The classic Miso version has standard sizes and shapes, similar to other varieties of sapphire systems from other manufacturers. The main feature is translucency, thanks to which the plates adapt to all shades of enamel.


The Miso Plus model is an innovative development of the company. This version of braces differs in that the corners of the plates are rounded.

Thanks to this, the size of the model is reduced by 10% compared to standard options. This decision made the treatment process even more comfortable and less traumatic.


This Miso model can be called unique. It has no analogues from other manufacturers.

The Mini option is the smallest. Their use allows corrections to be made even in the most difficult situations with limited access.

Material used

The use of sapphire in the manufacturing process of braces began relatively recently.

The process of growing an artificial gemstone is quite complex and lengthy. Previously, its entire volume was spent on jewelry. And the use of a natural analogue in the production of orthodontic systems is not an economically profitable enterprise.

With the advent of modern technologies that make it possible to grow large volumes of sapphire, it has become possible to use it in the field of orthodontics.

Two types of artificial stone can be used to produce braces:

  • Monocrystalline sapphire- This is an artificial stone that has a solid structure. This type has increased strength and transparency. The systems are very similar to jewelry. This effect is created due to the shine of the material;
  • Polycrystalline stones consist of a combination of several miniature fragments. This type of production is cheaper.

    In addition to the price, the quality of the product also decreases - the stone is less transparent, but can have different shades.

    Thanks to this, you can choose the right option for different shades of the enamel coating of your teeth. Despite this, the strength characteristics remain at a high level.

Miso products are manufactured using high-precision modern equipment. This process provides products with a perfectly smooth surface and rounded shapes.

To improve fixation, a special surface of the plate bases has been developed, created using a laser. The result of the treatment is a notch, with the help of which the bracket is securely glued to the surface of the tooth.

System Features

The biggest advantage of Miso is, of course, their transparency. Thanks to this, they are practically invisible on the teeth. And when examined, they are very reminiscent of decoration.

Other important features and distinctive characteristics of Miso include:

  • Sapphire is a safe material. It does not cause an allergic reaction, irritation or other unpleasant sensations;
  • Miso braces have a very smooth surface and small size, thanks to which getting used to them occurs almost immediately. They do not interfere with eating or speaking in any way;
  • Unique processing and relief of plates provides reliable attachment to the teeth and prevents them from accidentally coming off;
  • Products made from sapphire have increased strength. They are not subject to abrasion, resistant to temperature changes and shocks;
  • Artificial stone is not painted. During the treatment process, there is no need to limit yourself to coffee or coloring products;
  • Model range from several types allows you to choose the most suitable option in each specific case;
  • Relatively affordable price while maintaining high aesthetic qualities.


Despite the large list of advantages, any orthodontic products have their disadvantages.

The most basic disadvantages of Miso include:

  • High cost of treatment. Although Korean products are cheaper than their European counterparts, treatment with sapphire braces is much more expensive than using metal systems.

    Not many patients have the opportunity to pay such amounts even with high aesthetic properties;

  • The fragility of sapphire. No matter how durable artificial stone is, it cannot be compared with metal;
  • Long treatment period. The use of sapphire braces is more comfortable, but they put less pressure on the dentition. As a result of this, the treatment period increases by 1.5 times compared to classic products.

Maintenance and care

Installing braces is a task comparable to jewelry work. And the main period of treatment requires regular visits to the doctor. A dental examination should occur at least once a month.

At the appointment, the doctor examines the oral cavity, adjusts the tension force, changes the arch and elastic bands (if necessary), and also makes adjustments in accordance with the treatment plan.

The average treatment period depends on the complexity of the defects and is 1.5 – 2 years.

In addition to regular visits to the doctor, sapphire braces require special care. An expensive sapphire requires proper wearing and oral hygiene.

The basic rules of hygiene coincide with the care of ceramic and metal systems:

  • Regular brushing of teeth - after every meal;
  • Use of additional devices for thorough cleaning - brushes, threads, irrigator;
  • Using mouth rinses.

Among the most important care conditions are:

  • Do not use abrasive products for cleaning. Such toothpastes or powders can create scratches that will be clearly visible on sapphire pieces. In large quantities they will cause the bracket to lose its transparency and shine;
  • Despite the strength of the fixation of the plates, it also has a limit. You should avoid eating foods that are too hard or sticky.

Following these rules will help avoid caries and other oral diseases. And besides this, it will preserve the integrity and appearance of sapphire products for the entire period of treatment.

If you experience pain or damage to the system, you should immediately contact your doctor. Timely correction of damage will help to avoid negative consequences and increase the treatment period.


HT Corporation offers relatively inexpensive but high-quality products. Miso sapphire bracket systems are more expensive than metal ones, but cheaper than their European counterparts.

The cost of installing Miso on one jaw will cost approximately 30-35 thousand rubles. The total cost of treatment will be much more.

The final cost of treatment is influenced by the following factors:

  • Installation on one or two jaws;
  • Complexity of defects;
  • Duration of treatment;
  • The need for retention products;
  • Region of the country;
  • Type of clinic.

The more complex the bite defects, the longer the treatment will take. This means that you will have to change ligatures and arches many times.

Different regions of the country have their own prices for certain services. For each specific case, the final amount of treatment will be different.

In the video, watch the process of installing sapphire braces systems.