Autoimmune thyroiditis what antiviral drugs can be used. Autoimmune pathology in integrative medicine


Active ingredient

Glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP)

Release form, composition and packaging

Pills white, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a notch.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate - 184.7 mg, sugar (sucrose) - 12.5 mg, potato starch - 40 mg, methylcellulose - 0.3 mg, calcium stearate - 2.5 mg.

10 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.

Pharmacological action


The active ingredient of Lykopid tablets is glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP) - a synthetic analogue of the structural fragment of the membrane (peptidoglycan) of bacterial cells. GMDP is an activator of innate and acquired immunity, strengthens the body’s defense against viral, bacterial and fungal infections; has an adjuvant effect in the development of immunological reactions.

The biological activity of the drug is realized through the binding of GMDP to the intracellular receptor protein NOD2, localized in the cytoplasm of phagocytes (neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells). The drug stimulates the functional (bactericidal, cytotoxic) activity of phagocytes, enhances their presentation of antigens, proliferation of T- and B-lymphocytes, increases the synthesis of specific antibodies, and helps normalize the balance of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes towards the predominance of Th1. The pharmacological action is carried out by enhancing the production of key interleukins (interleukin-1, interleukin-6, interleukin-12), TNF alpha, interferon gamma, colony-stimulating factors. The drug increases the activity of natural killer cells.

Lykopid has low toxicity (LD 50 exceeds the therapeutic dose by 49,000 times or more). In the experiment, when administered orally in doses 100 times higher than the therapeutic dose, the drug does not have a toxic effect on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, and does not cause pathological changes in internal organs.

Lykopid does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects and does not cause chromosomal or gene mutations.

Experimental studies conducted on animals provided data on the antitumor activity of the drug Lykopid (GMDP).


The bioavailability of the drug when taken orally is 7-13%. The degree of binding to blood is weak. The time to reach Cmax is 1.5 hours after administration. T 1/2 - 4.29 hours. Does not form active metabolites, is excreted mainly through the kidneys unchanged.


The drug is used in adults in the complex treatment of diseases accompanied by secondary immunodeficiency states:

  • acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory and soft tissues, including purulent-septic postoperative complications;
  • sexually transmitted infections (human papillomavirus infection, chronic trichomoniasis);
  • herpetic infection (including ophthalmoherpes);
  • psoriasis (including);
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.


  • hypersensitivity to glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide and other components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • autoimmune in the acute phase;
  • conditions accompanied by febrile temperature (>38°C) at the time of taking the drug;
  • rare congenital metabolic disorders (alactasia, galactosemia, lactase deficiency, sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption);
  • use in autoimmune diseases is not recommended due to the lack of clinical data.

Lykopid 10 mg with caution used in elderly people, strictly under the supervision of a physician.


Likopid is taken orally on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals.

If you miss a dose, if passed no more than 12 hours from the scheduled time, the patient may take the missed dose; in case it has passed more than 12 hours from the scheduled time of administration, you must take only the next dose according to the schedule and not take the missed one.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues, acute and chronic, severe, including purulent-septic postoperative complications:

Herpetic infection (recurrent course, severe forms): 10 mg 1 time/day for 6 days.

For ophthalmoherpes: 10 mg 2 times/day for 3 days. After a break of 3 days, the course of treatment is repeated.

Sexually transmitted infections (human papillomavirus infection, chronic trichomoniasis): 10 mg 1 time/day for 10 days.

Psoriasis: 10–20 mg 1 time/day for 10 days and then five doses every other day, 10–20 mg 1 time/day.

For severe psoriasis and extensive damage (including psoriatic arthritis): 10 mg 2 times/day for 20 days.

Pulmonary tuberculosis: 10 mg 1 time/day for 10 days.

Side effects

Often (1–10%)- arthralgia (joint pain), myalgia (); at the beginning of treatment, there may be a short-term increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(up to 37.9°C), which is not an indication for discontinuation of the drug. Most often, the side effects described above are observed when taking Lykopid tablets in high doses (20 mg).

Rarely (0.01-0.1%)- short-term increase in body temperature to febrile values ​​(>38.0°C). If body temperature rises >38.0°C, antipyretics can be taken, which does not reduce the pharmacological effects of Lykopid tablets.

Very rarely (<0.01%) - diarrhea.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse or the patient notices any other side effects, you should inform your doctor.


Cases of drug overdose are unknown.

Symptoms: Based on the pharmacological properties of the drug, in case of overdose, a rise in body temperature to subfebrile (up to 37.9 ° C) values ​​may be observed.

Treatment: If necessary, symptomatic therapy (antipyretic drugs) is carried out and sorbents are prescribed. A specific antidote is unknown.

Drug interactions

The drug increases the effectiveness of drugs, there is synergy with antiviral and antifungal drugs.

Antacids and sorbents significantly reduce the bioavailability of the drug.

GCS reduce the biological effect of the drug Lykopid.

Special instructions

At the beginning of taking the drug Likopid 10 mg, an exacerbation of the symptoms of chronic and latent diseases is possible, associated with the main pharmacological effects of the drug.

In elderly people, Likopid 10 mg is used with caution, strictly under the supervision of a physician. Elderly patients are recommended to start treatment with half doses (1/2 of the therapeutic dose), in the absence of side effects, increasing the dose of the drug to the required therapeutic dose.

The decision to prescribe Licopid tablets 10 mg to patients with a combination of diagnoses of psoriasis and gout should be made by a doctor when assessing the risk/benefit ratio, due to the potential risk of exacerbation of gouty arthritis and joint swelling. If the doctor decides to prescribe the drug Licopid tablets 10 mg in a situation where the patient has a combination of diagnoses of psoriasis and gout, treatment should begin with low doses, in the absence of side effects, increasing the dose to a therapeutic one.

Each Likopid 10 mg tablet contains sucrose in the amount of 0.001 XE (bread units), which should be taken into account in patients with diabetes.

Each Lykopid 10 mg tablet contains 0.184 grams of lactose, which should be taken into account by patients suffering from hypolactasia (lactose intolerance, in which the body experiences a decrease in the level of lactase, the enzyme necessary to digest lactose).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms.

Pregnancy and lactation

Taking Likopid 10 mg is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Likopid is a new generation immunomodulator that is used to restore immunity. Immunity disorders often develop against the background of long-term infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs. The inclusion of lycopide in the complex treatment of such diseases reduces the number and severity of relapses.

How does lycopid work?

The active ingredient lycopid (glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide - GMDP) is part of the bacterial cell wall, which is common to most bacteria. GMDP actively affects the immune system due to the fact that immune cells (macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes) have special receptors that are sensitive to this substance. By contacting immune cells, lykopid increases the activity of cells of the cellular and humoral immunity.

This is a drug that is highly effective and safe, so it is prescribed to both adults and children. It is available in tablets of 1 and 10 mg. As a result of the action of lycopid, the body's resistance to infectious factors increases, the proliferation of tumor cells is suppressed, and leukopoiesis is stimulated - the synthesis of leukocytes, the main function of which is to fight infection.

In what cases is it prescribed

Likopid is prescribed for the treatment of chronic, sluggish infectious and inflammatory diseases, in which there is a decrease in immunity. Most often these are diseases of the bronchi and lungs - chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive (impaired bronchial obstruction) pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis , chronic pneumonia, tuberculosis lungs. With all these diseases, immunity is very important and if it is damaged, the disease occurs with frequent exacerbations and constantly progresses.

Lykopid is used in the treatment of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases and other organs. It is actively used in the treatment of infections of ENT organs, soft tissues (including infected wounds), urological, gynecological, and ophthalmological diseases. Lykopid is also good for treating bacterial infections because it increases the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs, with the exception of sulfonamides and tetracyclines.

Good immunity is also necessary to fight chronic viral infection, so licopid is used in the treatment of recurrent herpes (including herpes eye infections), chronic viral hepatitis, cytomegalovirus infection, genital warts caused by the human papillomavirus. For all these diseases, lycopid is part of complex therapy, enhancing the effect of antiviral drugs and allowing them to be reduced in dosage.

Lykopid is also used in pediatric practice. There are no age restrictions for using this drug. It can be used both in the treatment of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases and chronic ones. Likopid should not be used only at high temperatures - this may increase the fever. Likopid can be prescribed to children who often suffer from colds, intestinal infections, chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, and so on.

How to take it correctly

Likopid is taken under the tongue or placed behind the cheek. You can take the whole tablet, or you can grind it and use it as a powder. For acute bacterial or viral infections, exacerbations of chronic infections, adults are prescribed lycopid tablets 1 mg once or twice a day half an hour before meals for 10 days.

To prevent relapses of chronic, often recurrent infections, including tuberculosis, take 10 mg tablets also once a day for ten days. Children under 16 years of age are prescribed 1 mg tablets, selecting the dose individually.

Likopid is a safe drug and there have been no cases of overdose so far.

When is Lykopid contraindicated and does it have side effects?

Likopid is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, high temperature (above 38°C), autoimmune thyroiditis Autoimmune thyroiditis - a disease of the thyroid gland

This article was written for doctors of various specialties.

Official medicine considers autoimmune diseases incurable. The theory of the occurrence of autoimmune aggression is complex and confusing, so treatment tactics provide only symptomatic procedures that do not affect the underlying causes of the disease. Cause-and-effect relationships cannot be put into a coherent concept.

The general theory of autoimmunity is a dysregulation of the immune system and the appearance of “errors” in it, leading to auto-aggression.

An interesting fact that we often identify using the ATM diagnostic complex (K. Schimmel’s method) is the presence of general immunodeficiency in autoimmune diseases (psoriasis, UC, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroiditis). It is difficult to imagine that in the absence of an immune response to invasive pathogens (viruses, fungi, bacteria, worms) in immunodeficiency states, immune aggression against one’s own antigens develops. If the number of autoantigens in the body is too large and constantly reproduced, the immune system spends its biological potential on their destruction, which leads to general immunodeficiency. The immune system works on this problem, ignoring genetically alien life forms that have entered the body.

When exposed to a pathological factor leading to cell death, the body sends a command to increase proliferation, which inevitably leads to the appearance of a large number of young cells designed to compensate for the loss from dead cells. Pathology occurs at a time when cells do not have time to differentiate into functionally active ones for various reasons (lack of vitamins, microelements, impaired breathing and nutrition due to insufficient capillary circulation, etc. .) This leads to embryonication of organs, which induces a system of organ-specific autosystems.

In other words, the body, with the help of autoantibodies, gets rid of undifferentiated cells that pose a threat to the entire body.

The appearance of autoantigens and autoantibodies is associated with the process of progressive tissue embryonication under conditions of increased pathological proliferation. These conditions are otherwise called precancerous with varying degrees of severity of pathology.

It is clear that this process is secondary, since the primary cause is the influence of a pathological factor leading to cell death.

    For example, with psoriasis, one of the causes should be considered stress, leading to spasm of the arteries in the skin. This leads to cell death as a result of cessation of blood circulation, increased proliferation (200 times higher than normal), embryonication and the subsequent production of specific antibodies designed to eliminate this pathology.

    In autoimmune thyroiditis, the root cause is a “weak liver”, in which the antitoxic and metabolic function is significantly reduced. Such a liver is not able to neutralize spent thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine), and their amount accumulates in the blood. Autoimmune aggression in this case is aimed at the hormones themselves, their precursors (thyropobulin), and thyroid cells in order to reduce the concentration of thyroid hormones in the body. Another option for autoimmune thyroiditis can be irradiation, leading to changes in the DNA of cells, viral or bacterial infection, accumulation of “waste and toxins” in the thyroid cells, etc.

    In connection with the above, it becomes clear that the accumulation of embryonic young cells in tissues enhances their “foreignness”, while simultaneously provoking autoimmune aggression. This “foreignness” is characterized by the appearance in the tissue of another antigenic structure, perceived by the immune system as a target for an autoimmune attack.

  1. The causes of autoimmune processes can be bacteria, worms, viruses, injuries, tissue metabolism disorders, radiation, and the administration of certain medications and vaccines. That is, any reasons the impact of which leads to the formation of a foreign antigenic structure (in other words, a foreign protein)

G. Reckeweg defined autoimmune diseases in the IV cellular phase of “slagging of the body.” In these phases, when toxins and wastes penetrate into cells, cellular structures are disrupted and an antigenic structure is formed (see methods - homotoxicology). Since the “biological barrier” (after which complete tissue restoration is impossible) passes between stages III and IV of painful conditions, the treatment of autoimmune diseases seems to be a rather long and complex process.

Unfortunately, there are catastrophically few doctors capable of assessing the condition of the body on the basis of objective standard tests. A system for training doctors in the principles of integrative medicine is needed. Only such specialists are able to determine the correct tactics for treating autoimmune diseases, taking into account the entire chain of pathological processes. Being within the strict framework of “standard protocols”, official medicine limits the ability of specialists to carry out non-standard treatment of autoimmune diseases that require knowledge from a variety of fields: immunology, pathophysiology, virology, hematology, pharmacology, therapy, endocrinology.

Step-by-step scheme for the treatment of autoimmune diseases (author’s method)

    Cleansing the intestines, liver, blood, blood vessels (see section “Methods”).

    Oxidant therapy (ozone therapy, iodine therapy, “dead” water, etc.).

    Antioxidant therapy (freshly squeezed juices, glutathione, vitamin E, C, A, D).

    The use of unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3-6-9 to restore cell membranes.

    The use of B vitamins.

    Application of microelements.

    External and internal use of kaolin clay (silicon).

    Detoxification (rheosorbilate, reamberin, heptral, thiotriazoline, sodium thiosulfate).

    Metabolic restoration of the liver (Berlition, Essentiale, Karsil, Liv 52).

    Restoring blood pH (sodium bicarbonate).

    Ion detox + oxygen enrichment (hardware treatment, ultraviolet irradiation, skin massage with vitamins A, D, E and clay).

    Points 1-12 are carried out within 14 days simultaneously

    Restoration of blood circulation (actovegin, mexidol, l-lysine, hardware treatment of STSEK, catholyte).

    Program for restoring psycho-emotional balance and anti-stress therapy.

    Points 13-14 are carried out simultaneously for 7 days.

    Reduced level of immune reactions (solu-medrol, medrol, methotrexate, thymodepressin).

    Use of the adrenergic blocker doxazosin (Cardura).

    Continuation of antifungal therapy (intraconazole).

    Points 15-16-17 are carried out simultaneously for 14-28 days (until all signs of the disease disappear).

    Restoration of immunity (thymalin, immunofan, cycloferon, polyoxidonium, lykopid, liasthene).

    Restoring adrenal function (synacthen depot, pantethine, pantothenic acid, cranberry, vitamin C, licorice, viburnum, raw eggs, etc.).

    Autohemotherapy according to Filatov's method.

    Introduction of foreign protein (Kapustin method, pyrogenal).

    Taking transfer factor.

    Taking doxazosin.

    Points 18-23 are carried out simultaneously for 30-40 days.

Carrying out such treatment guarantees a complete cure for autoimmune diseases.

The “mistake” of the immune system and the breaking of the “vicious” autoimmune circle can only be accomplished in such a complex way, implying:

    body cleansing

    restoration of blood circulation

    restoration of metabolic liver function

    restoration of metabolism

    saturation of the body with silicon

    anti-stress treatment (hypnosis)

    immunocorrection: decrease in the level of immunity, increase in the level of immunity, introduction of a foreign protein, autohemotherapy according to Filatov, administration of a transfactor

    restoration of adrenal function

Failure to complete any step of this scheme again forms a “vicious circle”, which can lead to relapse of the disease.

The effectiveness of treatment of autoimmune diseases increases significantly if patients follow a rich vegetarian diet (nuts, legumes, fruits, vegetables) with a large amount of freshly squeezed juices (2 liters per day) during the entire course of treatment. After the course of treatment, you can switch to separate meals.

During and after the course of treatment, drink at least 2 liters of water. per day.