Pharmacy products for potency without side effects. What is the best remedy for men to increase potency? Reliable drug for men

Reading time: 13 min.

Violation of the reproductive function of men is one of the most pressing problems of our time, because according to statistics, problems with potency are observed in every fifth man in the world. The reasons for this may be different, caused by physical ailments or psychogenic nature. And the result is always the same – erectile dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction is no joke, so doctors and pharmacists have developed a number of drugs, both medicinal and biologically active, to restore male sexual activity. When looking for a remedy to increase potency, there is a risk of encountering ineffective semi-stimulants or simply dummies. How to understand the variety of medications and find the most effective drug? This article has compiled a list of the best means for male potency with a description of the active substances of the drug, their action and the effect they have.

The action of the potency enhancing drug "Vizarasin", like most similar drugs, is based on the introduction into the blood of a selective inhibitor that stimulates the functioning of blood vessels and restores erectile function.

The active substance of Visarasin is a powerful selective inhibitor of PDE-5 or, as it is also called, sildenafil. The drug penetrates the blood vessels and relaxes them, stimulating expansion, due to which blood can flow freely to the genital organ. The action of Visarasin begins half an hour after taking the drug, and the full therapeutic effect can be observed after a two-week course of treatment.

"Visarasin" is recommended for use for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which consists in the inability to achieve an erection of the penis or maintain it for satisfactory sexual intercourse. However, the drug has a list of contraindications and side effects, so you should take Visarasin only after consulting a specialist.

In its action, Impaza is similar to its predecessor, but, being a homeopathic drug, it does not have such strong side effects on the functions of the male genital organs. The drug also differs in the composition of active inhibitors that affect the circulatory system. "Impaza" contains purified C200 bodies, which affect the production of NO synthase nitric oxide, which gradually dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. The slow effect on the genital organ does not have a stressful effect, which reduces the risk of side effects.

"Impaza" is prescribed for erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and unstable potency caused by psychogenic and organic reasons. To achieve a noticeable improvement in reproductive function, the drug must be taken for at least 3 weeks. In addition to the main therapeutic task, Impaza simultaneously has a positive therapeutic effect on male libido, stimulating the production of testosterone.

It should be noted that the drug is not designed for short-term restoration of erection and is effective only when taken systematically.

Potency product "AliCaps" is a dietary supplement recommended for reproductive disorders in adult men of any age. It helps to strengthen erection and has a preventive effect in disorders associated with age and disease.

"AliCaps" does not belong to the category of inhibitors. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the presence of natural components of plant origin in the product. Eurycoma longifolia extract stimulates the production of testosterone and helps relieve stress, dwarf palm extract prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, improves the quality of sperm and increases its quantity, damiana leaf extract reduces anxiety and helps to believe in oneself, which significantly increases sexual desire.

The supplement is designed for long-term use and improves the reproductive functions of men by improving the functioning of the hormonal system. One of the main advantages of AliCaps is the absence of side effects.

“Vuka Vuka” is another completely natural drug for a comprehensive solution to male sexual problems: it helps restore and improve male potency, stimulates libido, fills with energy and gives stamina, and promotes longer duration of sexual intercourse. And all this in the complete absence of inhibitory and stimulating additives. “Vuka Vuka” does not speed up processes, it simply normalizes them.

The drug contains herbal components that significantly improve the quality of a man’s sexual life. Virosa securinega eliminates psychological discomfort, heteromorpha arborescens increases the duration of sexual intercourse, triumphetta velvicha stimulates the production of high-quality sperm, heeria reticulata increases desire, and carrisa edible improves the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole.

The drug is taken immediately before sexual intercourse or on a regular basis in order to prevent existing or possible disorders. For example, it helps to successfully fight prostatitis in all its manifestations. “Vuka Vuka” is absolutely harmless and non-addictive.

The effect of the drug “Sildenafil” is based on the work of the inhibitor of the same name, the benefits and harms of which doctors have been arguing for many years. In the meantime, discussions are ongoing, the medicine continues to have a positive effect on the reproductive functions of the stronger half of humanity.

Sildenafil is a selective peripheral inhibitor that, due to its vasodilatory effect, increases blood flow to the genitals, causing the penis to harden. Thanks to the drug, a man quickly becomes aroused, his erection improves and its duration increases, and the sensitivity of the organ increases. Thanks to its fast action, Sildenafil is one of the most popular remedies for solving a delicate male problem.

The drug has one significant “BUT” in the form of an important psychological factor: if a man has no desire for intimacy, an erection will not occur. But “Sildenafil” compares favorably with similar drugs due to its relative harmlessness when taken in small doses.

The active ingredient of Levitra is vardenafil, which directly affects the tissues and blood of the genital organ and pelvic area. The main advantage of this remedy is achieving maximum results in the complete absence of an erection. The biggest advantage of Levitra is minimal side effects, since the drug was originally conceived as a safe remedy for the treatment of sexual impotence. Thanks to this fact, the drug can be taken by men with diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.

The drug Levitra differs from its brother Viagra in the absence of contraindications to alcohol and certain foods.

Vardenafil is quickly absorbed by the body, and therefore the effect of Levitra begins 15-20 minutes after administration. The effect lasts from 4 to 6 hours. The drug is not addictive and does not lead to problems with childbirth.

“Tongkat ali platinum” is an active dietary supplement that helps restore a man’s erectile function and improves the quality of his reproductive abilities. By increasing testosterone production by almost 5 times, the drug increases male libido, which in turn affects blood circulation in the pelvis. The supplement increases desire, strengthens erection and helps prolong sexual intercourse. The action begins 1-2 hours after administration and lasts 3-7 days.

The drug contains exclusively natural ingredients, combined in the best traditions of the Malaysian recipe. Tongkat root promotes testosterone production and strengthens the body, yohimbe extract dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation, miurapuam bark extract acts as a powerful aphrodisiac, and ginseng root has a general healing effect.

The side effects of Tongkat Ali Platinum are only positive: increased sexual activity, increased muscle mass, physical strength and endurance.

Viagra is the most popular drug for restoring potency among the drugs currently on the market. An interesting fact remains the history of the development of the drug, which was originally intended to treat cardiovascular diseases, and the erection that followed the use was considered as a side effect.

The active ingredient of Viagra - sildenafil, already known to us - relaxes the pelvic muscles, increases the permeability of blood vessels, as a result of which they, together with the cavernous bodies of the penis, are rapidly filled with blood.

The drug is taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse, it begins to act after 40-50 minutes, the effect lasts 4-5 hours. It is not recommended to take more than one tablet per day, nor to mix it with alcohol.

For those who have heard about the properties of the drug or have managed to verify its effectiveness from their own experience, we will explain why Viagra is not in first place in our rating of the best drugs for potency. The reason for this is its one-time action. In addition, long-term use of Viagra is fraught with side effects, it has a fairly extensive list of contraindications, and doctors are still not sure of the positive effect of the drug on the body as a whole.

Yohimbine is the most effective dietary supplement for the treatment of male sexual disorders caused by stress and fatigue. The active substance of the drug is yohimbe tree bark extract, which has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the male reproductive system. Yohimbine also contains ginseng, which helps normalize blood circulation in organs and tissues, and zinc, which stimulates the functionality of the male gonads.

The supplement helps normalize sexual function, increases the body’s vitality, prolongs a man’s sexual activity, and gives him stamina. Along the way, Yohimbine helps improve sleep and burns fat.

The drug does not provide an immediate effect, since it is not intended for a single dose and requires a full course of treatment. Yohimbine has a long list of contraindications and side effects, so before you start taking it, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

The drug "Cialis" is an analogue of "Viagra" and acts on the basis of tadalafil, which increases the activity of blood circulation in the pelvic organs and ensures blood flow to the penis. The drug is intended not only for a one-time strong effect of increasing potency, but also for complex therapeutic treatment.

Cialis begins to act 15 minutes after administration, reaches its maximum effect after 1-2 hours, and can maintain it for up to 36 hours. No other inhibitor drug can boast such a duration of action. Food intake and the presence of alcohol in the blood do not affect the results of exposure. To avoid side effects, it is recommended not to take more than one tablet per day.

Let's look at 26 inexpensive and effective pills for male potency and the prices for these products in pharmacies and on the modern market.

What categories of medicines are there?

In the topic of sexual impotence, the following groups of medications are distinguished:

  • PDE inhibitors type 5. Increase blood flow to the intimate organ. They begin to act only if there is a sexual partner nearby. Not suitable for people with poor health due to side symptoms from taking it. Examples: Levitra, Viagra, Zydena and the like.
  • Activating synthesis nitric oxide. Thanks to the products of this group, nitric oxide is produced more strongly in the body, which is necessary for general muscle relaxation and dilation of arteries. After all, it is known that tension and tightness in the body prevent full intercourse and blood supply to the organ. For example, the group includes L-arginine, Impaza and the like.
  • Producing testosterone. Prescribed only for testosterone deficiency after appropriate tests. This male hormone is responsible for many processes in the body, including reproductive abilities. Examples: Methyltestosetron, Andriol and others.
  • dietary supplements. Active dietary supplements are made on the basis of natural extracts of plants or elements of animal origin. Hence, most of them are safe for health. Taking products from this group is also positively perceived during meals. Examples: Eroforce, Speman and the like.
  • Adrenergic blockers alpha class. They work for sexual impotence of a psychological nature, that is, if the problem is in the head. Also applicable in cases of circulatory disorders. They calm the psyche before intercourse and suppress adrenaline that interferes with relaxation. Examples: Yohimbine, Phentolamine and others.

Prices in pharmacies for male potency pills may vary. When indicating the cost of a medicine, the average value of the medicine was given. To understand the picture, let us first clarify one question.

How the organ for pleasure becomes stiffer before intimacy

How does an intimate organ acquire the appropriate forms for a full-fledged love act:

  1. The genital organ of the stronger sex is similar to sponge. This sponge is a so-called cavernous bodies that are filled blood with sexual attraction to a woman and desire.
  2. Your friend increases in size under the influence nitric oxide in the body. In order for blood to penetrate unhindered, it is necessary that the muscles root intimate organ were completely relaxed. That's exactly how it all works. We also talked about techniques for increasing blood flow into dignity.

How Nitric Oxide in the Body Causes Erections

Nitric oxide (NO) mixes with another substance in the body, and together they form a new component, cGMP → cGMP helps relax the muscles at the base of the erection → This causes blood to fill the intimate organ, making it stiffer → And to maintain an erection, the outflow vessels narrow.

26 medicines for men

1. Eroforce Forte

  • Dietary supplement A natural drug that has a comprehensive effect on the body. Increased from admission secretion testosterone, circulation is normalized blood into the genitals. Promotes the emergence persistent desires, relieves inflammation in the prostate gland. Affects the nervous system as an anti-stress product. Effective from the first capsule.
  • Contains such plant and mineral components as extract palm trees dwarf, root ginseng, rhodiola rosea, zinc.
  • Drink to 42 minutes before intimacy. For a stable result, it is advisable to take a course of 2 weeks. No special side effects or contraindications were noted.
  • Approximate cost is about 1000 rubles.

2. Speman

  • Dietary supplement Positively affects production seed in the body, also increasing their mobility. Reduces risk fibrosis prostate gland. Acts as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and diuretic. Dulls the excessive sensitivity of a combat cowboy, due to which lovemaking lasts longer.
  • Produced by the Indian company Himalaya. IN composition male orchis, wild lettuce, and pungent dolichos are present.
  • Take every 8 hours during the day. The course of treatment can last up to 6 months.
  • Costs approximately 350 rubles.

In our list of the best potency pills without side effects and fast action, in addition to prices in pharmacies, we pay great attention to the rules of administration from the instructions and various contraindications.

3. Cialis Tadalafil

  • The action of Cialis is due to the production of nitric oxide, due to which the relaxation mechanism begins to function correctly veins. Thanks to this, the intimate organ is more abundantly filled blood and this leads to his persistence. Works only with natural sexual irritation. Active for a long time after consumption.
  • Each Cialis 20 mg pill contains " tadalafil" Take for 34 minutes to closeness.
  • Contraindicated in case of illness hearts, is prohibited when taken together with other medications that correct sexual impotence, e.g. nitrates. Headaches may occur after taking pain.
  • The approximate cost starts from 2400 rubles.

4. Sildenafil

  • Helps restore the functioning of the reproductive organ by releasing oxygen-containing nitrogen compounds into it fabrics. This leads to an increase in the level of guanosine monophosphate ( cGMP), relieve tension in the groin area and increase circulation blood in it. Normalization of these physiological processes causes stability in the instrument of pleasure.
  • It contains a corresponding element called “Sildenafil”. Taken for 50 minutes before intended intimacy.
  • Contraindicated for chronic use nitrates any form, liver cirrhosis, Peyronie's disease, arrhythmias. Calls side effects from the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems.
  • The approximate cost of the product is about 500 rubles.

5. Impaza

  • Homeopathic medicinal product. Under the influence of Impase, the endothelium produces the required amount of nitric oxide, increases the content of guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and relaxes smooth tissues. muscles fighting buddy. Increases sexual function attraction, regular use increases testosterone levels in the blood.
  • "Impaza" contains components such as a water-alcohol mixture antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. Taken for 2 hours before intimacy. A long course of treatment lasts up to 8 months.
  • Contraindicated in people with congenital lactose intolerance. May cause diarrhea nausea.
  • Approximate cost 500 rubles.

6. Laveron

  • Dietary supplement Active only if available desires intercourse in relation to the woman nearby. Blocks sympathetic vasoconstrictor aspects in the genital area. Restores working state organ and physiological reactions to attract a gentleman. Improves the contrast of sensations from intercourse.
  • IN compound includes Chinese dodder and honeydew, plantain. Taken for 45 minutes to possible intimacy. The course of taking this dietary supplement is 1 month.
  • Undesirable reception for people with problems with sleep, in the presence of atherosclerosis or hypertension, as well as in case of deviations in nervous system.
  • “Laveron” will cost a man 680 rubles.

This list of male potency pills with the names of the best ones includes both natural herbal medicines and medicines with a chemical composition. Let us further analyze the dietary supplement “Vuka-Vuka”.

7. Vuka-Vuka

  • dietary supplement. A good stimulant for the stronger sex. Increases influx blood to the instrument for pleasure, helping to restore the stability of the intimate organ during intercourse. Makes love act longer and the impressions from it are more vivid. Awakens libido and attraction to the female sex (we also talked about the awakening of libido in another). Gives energy.
  • “Vuka-Vuka” includes natural ingredients such as edible carissa, heeria reticularis, and triumphetta velvicha. Accepted according to 2 pills per day, the required course is thirty days.
  • You should not resort to medication in case of food poisoning in recent days, or after undergoing sessions chemotherapy. Side effects can only appear if the dosage limit in the instructions is not followed.
  • Approximate cost – 1200 rubles.

8. Yohimbe forte

  • Dietary supplement Normalizes circulation blood in the groin area due to the excitation of specific neurons of the central nervous system. Stimulates libido, promotes the release of natural testosterone, increases the functioning of the nerve nodes of the spinal cord. Has an immunostimulating effect, increases performance and endurance.
  • Contains plant and mineral components: extract bark yohimbe, zinc, selenium, extract from ginseng root. The tablets listed for improving potency in men are taken in a course of up to 1 month.
  • Contraindicated for hypertension, sleep disorders, nervous disorders, serious liver and kidney diseases. Can cause both a decrease and leap blood pressure, disorder sleep, tachycardia.
  • Approximately costs about 300 rubles.

9. Tentex forte

  • dietary supplement. Affects areas of the central nervous system responsible for sexual attraction. Increases desire towards your partner. Leads to the necessary work of the hypothalamus, fights intimate disorders spheres.
  • Natural components of "Tentex Forte": seed saffron, nutmeg mallow seeds, powdered, sleeping pill roots withania and velvet itchy beans. Take for sexual problems during the day every 12 hours for up to 50 days.
  • Contraindicated in case of high blood pressure, kidney diseases. Possible side effects leap blood pressure.
  • Approximate cost 650 rubles.

10. Lovelace

  • Dietary supplement Kindles attraction to women, helps to achieve a fighting state for your cowboy. Increases blood circulation in the reproductive organs, increases the duration of the intercourse process itself. Normalizes hormone gentleman background. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial dietary supplement. Increases chances conception. We also talked about similar medications in another.
  • The plant ingredients of "Lovelace" are the root eurycomas, cordyceps chinensis, sarsaparilla. Take the course in the morning and evening for 4 weeks.
  • Contraindicated in case of impairment hearts, excessive nervous excitability, disorders sleep.

If you intend to buy male potency pills in an online store or pharmacy chain, you should carefully read the instructions for use. That is why such close attention to detail is paid when describing the medicine.

11. Gokshura

  • dietary supplement. Increases the production of physiological testosterone, enhances sexual wish, restores the ability to perform a full act of love. Has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties properties, helps dissolve stones in the bladder. Prevents the development of prostate adenoma and prostatitis. Positively affects spermatogenesis. Able to relieve neurogenic pain.
  • The dietary supplement is named after the plant of the same name in its composition - gokshura ( Tribulus creeping). Accept month twice a day.
  • Among the undesirable manifestations, there is a point related to the fact that “Gokshura” can cause dehydration.
  • Approximate cost 400 rubles.

12. Avanafil

  • Selective PDE-5 inhibitor. Destroys cGMP and accelerates circulation blood into the area of ​​the reproductive organ, relaxes its tissue fibers and fills them with arterial blood. As a result, due to the increase in these fibers, a raised state organ for receiving pleasure.
  • 1 50 mg tablet of the product contains avanafil. Taken for 35 minutes before possible sexual intercourse.
  • Do not take if you are sick kidney and liver, heart and vascular diseases, high blood pressure. Adverse reactions include headaches pain, dizziness, arrhythmia, blood pressure fluctuations, congestion nose, blurred vision.
  • Approximate cost 1000 rubles

Many men are looking for the safest potency pills that are harmless to health, and also want to get a very quick result. But one is not compatible with the other.

As a rule, medications that have a quick effect have a lot of contraindications and various side reactions may appear after taking them.

13. Dynamic

  • Increases the amount of blood flow to the manhood, stimulates relaxation in pelvis and relieving tightness by releasing nitric oxide in the intimate area organ and activation of the enzyme guanylate cyclase. All this makes it possible to have healthy sexual intercourse. Pharmacologically active only under conditions of intimate stimulation.
  • The product's pills contain the element " Sildenafil" Taken for 55-60 minutes to horizontal dancing with your beloved.
  • Contraindicated when taken nitrates any forms. Causes side effects in the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • Approximate cost from 600 rubles.

Video on the topic

14. Zidena Udenafil

  • It is a selective reversible inhibitor of guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Compatible with alcoholic drinks and high-calorie foods. Normalizes chain physiological processes, relaxing smooth veins in the tissues of the instrument for obtaining pleasure. Thanks to this, it leads to normal circulation blood and provokes his natural rigidity before intercourse.
  • Each pill contains the substance “udenafil”. Taken for half an hour before the start of horizontal dancing.
  • Cannot be taken in combination with nitrates in any form. Side effects from Zidena: facial flushing, dizziness, redness eye.
  • Approximate cost from 550 rubles.

Many dietary supplements and over-the-counter male potency pills that are compatible with alcohol or food have already been listed. But we'll look at a few more pills that also stand out.

15. Levitra Vardenafil

  • Activates the release of nitric oxide, which can cause relaxation of smooth muscles in fabrics intimate organ due to the appearance of a sufficient concentration of guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). These processes increase the volume of blood supplied to the area of ​​small pelvis and cause normal sexual intercourse hardness at the instrument of pleasure.
  • Available in different dosages containing vardenafil. Taken for 35-60 minutes before intended intimate contact.
  • Contraindicated with concurrent use of products - nitrates. Side effects from Levitra are facial redness, nausea, dizziness.
  • Approximate cost from 1000 rubles.

16. Art life “Formula for a man”

  • dietary supplement, which has a positive effect on sexual health. Prevents prostate diseases, restores sexual function. Brings the synthesis of males back to a natural norm hormones. Increases the amount of urination, removes salt chlorine Gives a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. During the course of admission, the overall performance of a person increases.
  • Includes parsley, saw palmetto, pumpkin and other elements.
  • Take this during the day and every 12 hours. The course lasts 1 month.
  • The approximate price is 900 rubles.

Some people will want to buy effective and inexpensive domestically produced male enhancement pills, while others prefer the most popular ones from abroad.

17. Strength of the Emperor

  • dietary supplement, not inferior in characteristics to chemical medications aimed at correcting erectile dysfunction. Stimulates relaxation of smooth muscles and increases the volume of blood flow to the reproductive organs. Normalizes hormonal levels. Relieves inflammation and spasms. Reduces blood glucose levels, improves performance vessels and hearts, heals the liver and kidneys.
  • Ingredients of the dietary supplement: extract from antlers deer, ginseng, extract wolfberry Chinese. Take for 60 minutes before expected sexual intercourse.
  • Contraindicated in case of disorder sleep, hypertension, heart failure. Side effects actions: redness of the neck, short-term disturbance vision, nausea.
  • Approximate cost from 1300 rubles.

18. Mai Dalivan

  • dietary supplement. Allows for sexual intercourse due to increased circulation blood in the organs of the groin area and relaxation of the muscles of the intimate organ. The dietary supplement is able to regulate the amount of produced testosterone, relieves inflammation, makes love act long lasting
  • Ingredients of "Mai Dalivan": desert cistanche, Tibetan saffron, wild black ants, common wolfberry ( goji). Taken for 22 minutes before making love.
  • Forbidden combine with other medications aimed at treating sexual impotence.
  • Approximate cost 2500 rubles.

19. Chongcao

  • It is a dietary supplement (we also wrote about dietary supplements in another). "Chongcao" restores the lost rigidity intimate organ, reduces inflammation, helps make lovemaking last longer. Stimulates wish to intercourse, has a positive effect on secretion seed. Long-term use according to the instructions causes changes in the size of the causative organ.
  • Ingredients include root extract ginseng, extract from organs of various types deer and also Tibetan saffron.
  • Taken for half an hour before the beginning of the love act. It is not recommended to take simultaneously with other similar products, in particular with dietary supplements.
  • Approximate cost 1650 rubles.

20. Gift of the Himalayas

  • dietary supplement, restores blood circulation in the penis by stimulating small blood vessels. Restores dignity, controls production serotonin, testosterone and dopamine, thereby prolonging love act. Positively affects semen production. Reduces inflammatory processes. Normalizes liver function and hearts, removes toxins from the body.
  • "Gift of the Himalayas" contains large-flowered Horny goat weed, mulberries, leeks, asparagus. Take 4 tablets per course 1 month.
  • Contraindicated in insomnia, heart diseases and vessels.
  • Approximate cost 1800 rubles.

21. Verona

  • Vegetable a product that normalizes the erectile function of gentlemen. Thanks to Verona, the volume of produced seed getting bigger. Awakens the extinct attraction to the opposite semi. Reduces severe astheno-neurotic reactions.
  • "Verona" contains the following herbal components: winter cherry, itchy mucuna, Tribulus creeping. Take twice a day. The course lasts 2 months.
  • It is worth accepting the product limit yourself persons taking antidepressants or sleeping pills, as well as those with cardiac arrhythmia. It is forbidden drink together with diuretic medications.
  • Approximate cost 600 rubles.

22. Fulibao

  • dietary supplement, the natural components of which lead to abundant blood supply fabrics reproductive organ. "Fulibao" can increase the amount of synthesized testosterone and reduce the possibility of premature pregnancy finish line(we also talked about methods for delaying the finish elsewhere). Relieves inflammation and spasms genitourinary system. Increases sexual activity, restores lost abilities to fulfill love act.
  • Natural components of the biological supplement: root ginseng, grass Horny goat weed grandiflora, leaves sage. It is necessary to drink it for 1-2 months once every three days.
  • Contraindicated in arterial hypertension, serious illnesses hearts.
  • Approximate cost – 1500 rubles.

Our list of the most powerful pills for potency and powerful stimulants of the reproductive system is slowly ending. Next comes Steamerect.

23. Steamerect

  • dietary supplement. Corrects erectile dysfunction. In combination with other medicinal medications, it makes the flow stronger blood to the organs of the groin area. With long-term use, the amount of testosterone synthesized increases. Raises attraction, makes the sensations of sexual intercourse more vivid.
  • Contains zinc and concentrate from northern antlers deer, as well as a lyophilic hydrolyzed extract from the organs of this animal (from the heart, kidneys, lungs). Take once every day in a course of 21 days.
  • Contraindicated in patients with unstable blood pressure.
  • Approximate cost 2000 rubles.

24. Yarsagumba

  • Dietary supplement Promotes exacerbation attractions, restores the gentleman’s sexual capabilities for intercourse. Has a positive effect on functioning kidney, lungs, circulatory system, normalizes blood pressure. Increases the concentration in the blood of free testosterone. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Contains only herbal ingredients such as extracts cordyceps Chinese, ginseng, olives European. Drink once every 3 days in a course of 1 month.
  • Contraindicated for illnesses hearts and nervous system, epilepsy. May cause facial flushing, dizziness, increased blood pressure and nausea.
  • The approximate cost is 680 rubles.

25. Likoprofit

  • dietary supplement, related to Russian potency pills. Prevents inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, protecting its cells from damage by free radicals. Delays the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which causes such diseases prostate like adenoma and cancer. Increases the amount of healthy semen produced.
  • “Likoprofit” contains lycopene, zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins. Use the product once a day in a course of 1 month.
  • Cannot be taken if you have arterial hypertension hypertension, nervous disorders, insomnia. May cause heartburn and vomiting.
  • Approximate price is about 600 rubles.

26. Tribestan

  • dietary supplement. Increases sexual activity, prolongs intercourse in bed. Significantly lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the appearance of disorders associated with poor performance hearts.
  • The active ingredient in Tribestan is a dry herbal extract Yakortsev creeping. Take three times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.
  • May appear after use nausea. Contraindicated in severe heart disease and vessels, kidney disease, prostate adenoma.
  • The approximate cost starts from 2000 rubles.

Gentlemen who often ask about this should also not forget about the strict rules of admission.

What medications should not be mixed with

  • Forbidden take simultaneously with medications from the group nitrates(for example, nitroglycerin) together with a group of inhibitors PDE type 5, that is, with Viagra, Zidena and the like.
  • Otherwise, due to low blood pressure and poor blood flow to the brain or heart, such a combination may lead to lethal outcome.
  • It is also known that dietary supplements are perfectly absorbed when taken with food. But here is another group of medications as inhibitors PDE-5 poorly absorbed by the body if taken together with fat food.

What criteria should you use to choose a medication?

Pay attention on the following points when choosing pills to restore potency:

  1. No contraindications and side effects.
  2. Consider your age. Medicines with a quick effect are not always suitable for older people.
  3. Is it absorbed normally when taken simultaneously with alcohol or bad.
  4. Safe and natural compound, for example, from plants, or a suspicious chemical composition.
  5. Absence dependencies after frequent use of the product.
  6. See by time on how quickly the desired goal is achieved effect. A quick result does not always mean it is safe. Long term is more suitable for some coursework treatment.
  7. Keep in mind that what does it depend on your sexual disorder. Is it psychological or physiological? Medicines with a chemical composition may not be suitable in cases of psychological impotence.

Foods and vitamins beneficial for sexual health

Certain foods are also beneficial for men's health and excellent sex life.

Which ones exactly:

  1. Fermented milk: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, kumiss, yogurt, cheese.
  2. Meat: beef, chicken, venison, rabbit, turkey.
  3. Porridge: all types of cereals except semolina.
  4. Seafood: lobsters, crayfish, mussels, mackerel, shrimp, oysters, flounder.
  5. Eggs quail, chicken or ostrich.
  6. Decoctions, tinctures and teas: from ginger, ginseng, nettle, thyme, St. John's wort.
  7. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dates, persimmons.
  8. Nuts: almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts.
  9. Green: basil, parsley, dill or celery.
  10. Fruits Vegetables of all kinds are healthy, as well as fruits of red and yellow flowers, citrus fruits.

All these ingredients can be combined, added simultaneously to first or second courses, or used as appetizers or spices.

What techniques and exercises help for prevention purposes?

In addition to medications, you should not ignore proven techniques and exercises that help keep your intimate health in good shape.

  1. About exercises. The kind of sport and those exercises that accelerate blood in the pelvis and also develop endurance are useful. These include: running, squats, pelvic rotation, groin stretching, cross-fit exercises, swimming, yoga. This applies to everyone: both the younger generation and older men over 60 years old.
  2. Morning technique. The essence of the technique is to tense and relax the muscles in the morning. The same muscle, by straining which our sexual organ will jump and move like a pendulum in isolation from other parts of the body. Such compressions are done only in the morning and only when your organ is in an erect state.
  3. Massage. The massage is done at special points: at the base of the intimate organ and in the area of ​​the bells. There is no need to excite yourself! The points at the base help to relax the arteries, thanks to which there will be an abundant flow of blood and there will be no reverse outflow. Points in the area of ​​the bells help remove the energy accumulated there and direct it to other parts of the body.
  4. With a lack of testosterone Any type of martial arts is suitable: sparring, wrestling, MMA, grappling or jiu-jitsu. These types of activities are useful for those who suffer from psychological impotence and other psychological barriers that interfere with intimate life. Often martial arts even remove psychological tremors.
  5. Steam bath and contrast showers are useful. Alternating between a steam room and an ice bath is an excellent workout for the circulatory system. After the session, endorphins are produced in the body, which fight depression. After the session, blood flows into the pelvic organs and beyond much better.

According to statistics, every second man over the age of 45 suffers from problems related to sexual life. Poor nutrition, bad habits, regular stress and poor environment are the main causes of erectile dysfunction. Erection problems affect not only relationships with women, but also the psychological state of a man. Possible impotence inspires uncertainty and horror in the stronger sex. Since the problem is delicate, not everyone turns to an andrologist or urologist, but trusts advertisements and reviews from close friends about various drugs designed to improve their sex life.

Modern medicine and scientific research do not stand still. Today there are a huge number of means to increase potency. These are not only classic tablets, but also sprays, creams, injections and drops. Most drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is worth remembering that self-medication can aggravate the disease. Before starting treatment, it is important to know the cause of the disease. To understand the variety of means to improve erection, we have compiled a rating of the best drugs for potency based on reviews from men and recommendations from doctors.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best potency pills

The most popular form of potency products is tablets. It is a solid preparation obtained by compressing a drug and an excipient that is used to coat or change the taste and color. After entering the stomach, the tablet swells and completely dissolves, releasing the active component. The drug begins to act later than analogues of other forms of release, but sometimes the manufacturer adds special substances to the composition to accelerate dissolution.

3 Vizarsin

Prolonged sexual intercourse
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 471 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

"Visarsin" is an effective medicine for improving potency. The active substance is sildenafil, which promotes blood flow to the penis. According to customer reviews, after regular use of the drug, the duration of sexual intercourse increases. To improve erection, one pill is enough, but additional sexual stimulation is needed.

The product begins to act 20-30 minutes after administration. The active substance affects the body from six hours to a day. Despite the fact that Vizarzin is sold without a prescription, consultation with a specialist is necessary before taking it and establishing the exact dosage.


  • persistent erection;
  • long lasting result.


  • an impressive list of contraindications and side effects;
  • cannot be taken after 60 years.

2 Viagra

The most popular remedy
Country: France
Average price: 1348 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

When the conversation turns to means to increase potency, the first thing that comes to mind is Viagra. The drug is so well known that it does not require additional advertising, and is even a common name for drugs that improve erection. Viagra is literally translated as the power of Niagara.

The active substance is sildenafil, which increases blood flow in the penis. You should not take more than one tablet per day. The effect occurs 30-40 minutes after administration and lasts 5 hours. It is produced strictly according to a doctor's prescription and has a number of contraindications.


  • prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • can be used at the first signs of impotence.


  • not compatible with alcohol;
  • headaches and insomnia are possible.

1 Sildenafil

Best for erectile dysfunction of various origins
Country: Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Sildenafil solves the problem of lost response to sexual arousal. A good erection is ensured by the release of nitric oxide in the cavernous body of the male genital organ. Due to this, a process occurs that increases blood flow in the penis. The product improves the potency of psychogenic, organic and mixed origin.

The effect of the drug lasts 3-4 hours, and a full erection occurs an hour after administration. It is worth remembering that the absorption of the drug into the blood can slow down the consumption of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.


  • can be used after 60 years;
  • positive reviews from those taking the drug.


  • cannot be used for heart diseases;
  • After use, increased blood pressure and headaches are possible.

The best capsules for potency

From Latin, “capsule” is translated as a casket or box with contents. In medicine, a capsule is a shell of dosed powders, liquid or paste medications for internal use. The capsule shell is made of gelatin or starch, so it dissolves faster than a tablet, which means the result comes faster.

2 Lovelace

Lovelace capsules contain extracts of dry plants growing in Asia. The basis of the active formula is Cordyceps sinensis, roots of Eurycoma longifolia and Smilax forget-me-not. The drug has a comprehensive effect on the problem, and the harmonious ratio of the components makes the product as effective as possible. The dietary supplement not only increases potency, but also normalizes hormonal levels and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

"Lovelace" has a cumulative effect, so it is important to take it regularly. Thanks to its natural ingredients, the product is recommended for men over 50 years old. The drug improves sperm quality, so it can be recommended for conceiving a child.


  • increases endurance and strengthens the immune system;
  • compatible with drinking alcohol.


  • It is not recommended to take it before bedtime;
  • Contraindicated for people with heart disease.

1 Verona

Improved spermatogenesis
Country: Pakistan
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Verona gelatin capsules contain extracts of winter cherry, itchy mucuna, beautiful argyrea and shooting tribulus. The drug suppresses astheno-neurotic reactions, which helps to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, increase erection and sexual desire. The plant composition has a positive effect on spermatogenesis: the volume of sperm increases, and the concentration of sperm increases, as well as their motility.

The course of treatment lasts 2 months. Capsules are taken twice a day, washed down with milk. The duration of the course or its repetition is possible only with the prescription of the attending physician.


  • fights premature ejaculation;
  • increases libido and erection.


  • Do not take if you have allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

The best means and preparations for potency for external use

Potency drugs are produced not only for internal use; there are also various creams, gels and sprays to improve erection. Products for external use have virtually no side effects, since they do not interact with internal organs. To avoid allergic reactions, it is necessary to test before use, that is, apply a small amount of the product to the inner surface of the elbow. If after 3-4 hours itching, redness, and peeling do not appear, then the drug can be used for its intended purpose.

3 Erekta Prompt

Best in speed of action
Country: Germany
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Erekta Promt potency stimulation cream is distinguished by its fast-acting effect. A full erection occurs 5 minutes after applying the product. Despite the fact that the drug has a stimulating effect, it prevents premature ejaculation.

The cream must be applied in a thin layer to the shaft of the penis, gently massaging until completely absorbed. Do not apply to the head of the penis as it may cause irritation. The product has an analogue for the fairer sex; it excites and increases female sensitivity.


  • suitable for men with allergies to sildenafil;
  • absorbs quickly.


  • If you overdo it with the cream, it increases sensitivity, which can lead to premature ejaculation.

2 Dominator

Increases penis size
Country: Russia
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Spray for increasing potency "Dominator" consists of natural active ingredients that are quickly absorbed. Essential oils moisturize and nourish the surface of the skin, preparing it for stretching and making it more elastic. By increasing the capacity of the porous tissue, active pectins make the penis larger not only in length, but also in thickness. Calcium, iron, zinc and sodium included in the composition guarantee long-lasting results.

When applying the spray, it is important to pay attention to the head of the penis. The entire surface should be evenly covered with the product. It is not recommended to use the product for more than a month.


  • does not cause discomfort or allergic reactions;
  • the result is noticeable after 5 minutes.


1 Androgel

Testosterone normalization
Country: Belgium
Average price: 2000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Androgel" is a drug containing testosterone for men for external use. The product stimulates the development of the genital organs and prostate gland, increases potency. The drug enters the bloodstream within 24 hours after application, so it is prescribed by the attending physician for a course of treatment. According to patient reviews, improvements are noticeable within the first week of applying the gel.

"Androgel" is used as replacement therapy for hypogandism. Contraindicated in epilepsy and malignant neoplasms. The gel should be applied daily at the same time with clean hands to dry skin of the abdomen or shoulders.


  • improves erection;
  • rapid restoration of sexual desire.


  • blood pressure increases;
  • Diarrhea and dizziness are possible.

The best dietary supplements for potency

To increase potency, they take not only medications, but also dietary supplements. The dietary supplement contains herbal components, which contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the male body. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of the drugs occurs after long-term use, so you should not expect an instant erection. In the reviews, men note that after systematic use of dietary supplements, not only potency increases, but also the state of health in general - insomnia goes away, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

3 Strength of the Emperor

Several sexual acts in a row
Country: China
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

The composition of the “Power of the Emperor” capsules includes only herbal ingredients: ginseng root, Chinese wolfberry berries, deer antlers, Eucommia vinifera bark. The active formula of the dietary supplement gently affects the male body, guaranteeing increased sexual activity. The manufacturer claims that after regularly taking the capsules, you can have three sexual acts in a row lasting more than an hour.

The natural composition causes virtually no side effects, so the product can be taken by older men. Capsules “Power of the Emperor” not only increase potency, but also strengthen the genitourinary system and normalize the functioning of the testicles. Although this is a dietary supplement, you should consult your physician before taking it.


  • prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • Can be taken for people with high blood pressure and diabetes.


  • Contraindicated for insomnia and increased nervous excitability.

2 Alicaps

Fights genitourinary tract infections
Country: Russia
Average price: 1550 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Alicaps contains Tribulus terrestris extract, which has long been used in China and India to increase male and female sexual desire. The formula also includes other natural ingredients: eurycoma, domiana leaf and creeping palm. This composition not only helps to increase desire, but also fights infections of the genitourinary system, and also improves sperm quality.

Eurycoma root helps produce the male sex hormone, testosterone. Therefore, the drug has a complex effect on the entire body - it calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep and improves overall well-being.


  • improving blood circulation in the reproductive system;
  • prolonged sexual intercourse.


  • Allergic reactions to the components included in the composition are possible.

1 Vuka Vuka

Treatment and prevention of sexual problems
Country: Russia
Average price: 1257 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The composition of Vuka Vuka tablets is completely natural. Extracts from 10 different herbs have a complex effect on the entire male body, replenishing the necessary reserves of nutrients and minerals. Dietary supplements are taken not only to increase potency, but also for low stamina and premature ejaculation.

The product can be used either once or as a course. For single use, drink 4 tablets two hours before sexual intercourse, which helps to increase desire and aggravate sensations. During the course, 2 tablets are taken daily at the same time, this serves to prevent impotence and improve erection.


  • promotes blood flow to the genitals;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.


  • It is not advisable for men under 16 years of age and over 50 to use;
  • individual intolerance.

Inability to have sexual intercourse or erectile dysfunction is an unpleasant event in the life of every man. The causes of this disease are different: hormonal imbalances, circulatory problems, and the like. Fortunately, medicine has long ago developed methods of combating and means to treat this male problem. Each medication acts differently and has a unique effect on the functioning of the male genital organs. We included in the list the best means for male potency, rating which are presented below.


Visarsin. This remedy for male potency, like most drugs, affects the sexual organ by introducing so-called inhibitors into the blood. In this case, it is a PDE-5 inhibitor or, as doctors call it, sildenafil. Vizarsin begins to act and starts the functioning of the male sexual organ within half an hour after administration. The therapeutic effect is achieved with a course of administration of two weeks. However, it has side effects and is not recommended for everyone. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required. It is because of the side effects that the drug is ranked 10th.


Impaza. This drug actually shares its place with its predecessor. In some respects it is superior to Vizarsin, but in others it is in many respects inferior to it. However, unlike the drug mentioned above, Impaza has no side effects on other functions of the genital organs and does not interfere with blood circulation. The drug is homeopathic and acts directly on the blood. But the composition of the inhibitors is completely different. Impaza contains purified C200 bodies, which gradually accelerate blood circulation and have a slow effect on the functioning of the genital organs. Treatment lasts from three weeks. Impaza deservedly takes 9th place in the ranking of the best means for male potency.


Alicaps. This product is not an inhibitor, but acts due to the active substances in the composition, such as extracts of Tribulus, which grows in eastern countries, ginseng oil, etc. Such drugs have a restorative effect on the level of the so-called hormone testosterone, which, as is known, is of primary importance for the normal functioning of the genital organs. In addition, the drug is applicable not only in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, but also in restoring the body after long-term use of other hormonal drugs and treating the endocrine system as a whole. But in the ranking of drugs for male sexual performance, Alicaps has earned a place due to the possibility of prophylactic use without side effects.

Vuka Vuka

Vuka Vuka. This drug continues the theme of the positive effects of medicinal plant extracts on sexual dysfunction. Vuka Vuka is a whole complex of plant extracts and natural additives, with zero content of chemicals that inhibit and stimulate hormonal processes. The drug is not intended to speed up processes, but to normalize them within the limits of natural functioning. Suitable as an additional remedy for the active treatment of particularly complex cases, as well as for preventive purposes when identifying the initial symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It is also recommended for use by older men not only to restore the ability to have sexual intercourse, but also to improve their well-being. But the main trump card of this drug is that a two-week course increases the duration of sexual intercourse, which is why it was awarded 7th place in the ranking of the best drugs.


Sildenafil. This is a well-known medicine that acts thanks to the inhibitor of the same name. The debate surrounding the benefits and harms of the inhibitor is still ongoing, and an exact answer has not been achieved. Nevertheless, the positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs is a proven fact. Thanks to the guaranteed effect, the drug has become very popular both among patients and among doctors, who very often prescribe this remedy. It is thanks to its popularity that the drug was included in the ranking of the best drugs for potency.


Levitra. This drug for potency in men works thanks to vardenafil, a drug designed to have a direct effect on the tissues and blood in the pelvic and genital areas. The principle of action is generally the same as that of the famous Viagra. But unlike it, it has no contraindications, such as negative effects when taking alcohol and certain foods. In addition, the drug begins to act almost immediately after administration, and the duration of action, depending on the organism, is up to 6 hours.


Viagra. Many, of course, will be surprised why Viagra is not in first place in the ranking of the best drugs for potency. Yes, the drug is very popular, most patients use it and, moreover, it is extremely effective. However, all therapeutic effects are limited to a one-time effect and side effects are possible with long-term use. Many doctors and specialists are still not sure about the positive effect of Viagra on the body as a whole. Therefore, its use is possible only with a doctor's prescription. But on the Internet and “black shops” there are a lot of analogues of the drug, and often harmful and low-quality copies. Therefore, you need to purchase it only in trusted pharmacies with prescription from your attending physician.

Tongkat ali platinum

Tongkat ali platinum. This dietary supplement with active agents of ginseng extract in its composition is known not only for its positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs, but also for improving the quality of the reproductive ability of men. Improving heredity is a proven fact. Doctors, through testing on several generations of fast-growing animals, have established purification from genetic abnormalities and hereditary diseases. It is thanks to this unusual property that Tongkat Ali Platinum took 3rd place in this rating.


Cialis. A drug for male sexual function, Cialis is known for its multifaceted positive effect on the treatment of sexual dysfunction. The product has both the ability to provide a one-time and strong effect, and the ability to treat sexual dysfunction with long-term use. Increases sexual desire and genital response for up to 36 hours. No inhibitory drug has such a long-lasting effect. However, the product has one side effect. For a short period of time after the expiration date, the man will experience weakness, and sexual dysfunction will intensify. This happens when taking most inhibitor drugs, but with Cialis this effect lasts up to 12 hours. For this reason, courses of treatment last up to one year when using the medicine, if necessary, at least once a week.


Yohimbine. This supplement has gained popularity in the last couple of years and has already proven its effectiveness. The main active ingredient of the product is a special extract that is extracted from the bark of a plant such as yohimbe. Hence the name of the drug. The drug not only affects blood circulation and the walls of the male genital organ, but also has a stimulating effect on the spinal cord in its lower part, which is responsible for sexual function. Many men who have tried this remedy note that yohimbe increases the hardness of the erection during sexual intercourse.

Contents of the article:

Potency drugs are an effective option for eliminating intimate problems at completely different ages, starting from 18 years. They all act in approximately the same way: they increase blood flow to the corpora cavernosa and increase sexual arousal, thereby helping to increase the size of the penis. Among them there are both synthetic and natural products that can be used either one-time or for long-term treatment, depending on the name of the drug.


This drug belongs to the group of generics designed specifically to enhance potency, but it is practically ineffective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by any disturbances in the functioning of the body.

This medicine has a synthetic base and contains hypromellose, triacetin, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate and a number of other artificial components. The active ingredient here is sildenafil.

Viagra is available in the form of diamond-shaped tablets of a rich blue color. Packages with 1-2 blisters containing 1, 2 or 4 tablets are available for sale. There are two types of dosages available on the market - 50 and 100 mg, the stronger one is prescribed in especially severe cases. This product is produced in France by the Fareva Amboise company.

This drug for increasing potency is sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. Its shelf life is 5 years, after which the medicine cannot be taken to avoid poisoning the body.

Contraindications to its use are hypersensitivity to any of the components in the composition, simultaneous use with guanylate cyclase stimulants, exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the use of Viagra can be dangerous in case of cirrhosis, severe renal failure, priapism, leukemia, anemia, hypertension and other cardiac diseases.

Viagra also has side effects. As a result of treatment with it, migraines, nasal congestion, dyspepsia, nausea, and dizziness are often recorded. Temporary visual disturbances, a feeling of heat and back pain are also possible.

This drug cannot be taken continuously to improve potency due to inhibition of heart function. It is recommended to drink it immediately before sexual intercourse, 30-60 minutes. A single dose is 25-100 mg, depending on the state of potency. Taking tablets more often than once a day is not recommended. This is done after meals; if taken during meals, the effect of the drug may be weakened.

Analogs: Adamaks-100, Alti-Met, Vecta.

The price of Viagra is from 400 to 1500 rubles, depending on the dosage and volume.


This drug for male potency is often prescribed as a replacement for Viagra, as it is less harmful to the heart in particular and health in general.

It is produced in the form of tablets, which contain magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate and a number of other auxiliary components. The main substance here is tadalafil.

Cialis increases blood flow to the penis, sexual arousal, increases libido, increases the duration of intercourse and intensifies orgasm. It is also relevant for the treatment of erectile dysfunction; the duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but on average it lasts 10 days. The effect of the medicine lasts for 2-3 hours, it is completely eliminated from the body only after 12 hours.

The medicine is available in blisters of 2, 4 and 10 tablets; one package can contain 10, 20, 50 and 100 pieces. They are suitable for consumption for a maximum of three years from the date of production, provided they are stored in rooms with a temperature not lower than 15°C and not higher than 30°C. Cialis is sold only with a prescription from a doctor.

It can be harmful if a man has recently had a heart attack or stroke, suffers from angina pectoris, suffers from heart failure, uncontrolled arterial hypertension and hypotension.

It should not be used while intoxicated due to incompatibility with alcoholic beverages. Before starting the course, it is necessary to exclude the presence of prostate hyperplasia and adenoma in a man, for which the use of the drug is prohibited.

Cialis must be taken half an hour before sexual activity, regardless of meals. They always start with a dose of 10 mg, after which, if it does not bring the desired results, they switch to 20 mg. The number of doses per day should not exceed once. In case of long-term treatment, the daily norm is 2.5-5 mg. In this case, it is important to take the pills at the same time, preferably in the morning.

Analogs: Erectadil.

The price of Cialis is 1100-8000 rubles.


This drug is part of a group of drugs for the treatment of erectile disorders. It acts on the principle of relaxing the muscles of the cavernous bodies and increasing blood flow to them by increasing the production of nitric oxide.

Levitra comes in the form of tablets that are taken orally. The safe daily dose is 80 mg; if it is exceeded, overdose symptoms are possible: muscle pain, migraine, nausea, dizziness.

The optimal single dosage, effective for increasing potency, ranges from 5-20 mg. This amount depends on the body's response to treatment and the degree of erectile dysfunction. For older people, a minimum threshold is always set due to the more difficult tolerability of the drug.

Levitra is made on the basis of the active ingredient vardenafil, supplemented with auxiliary components in the form of yellow iron oxide, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, crospovidone.

There are practically no contraindications to its use: these include only individual intolerance to the components of the drug and combination with other generics.

The recommended initial dose does not exceed 10 mg; it would be rational to take the tablet 30 minutes before sexual intercourse, regardless of food intake. But in extreme cases, it can be drunk 5-6 hours before sexual activity. If necessary, if the desired effect is achieved, the rate can be reduced to 5 mg or increased to 20 mg.

Treatment with this, one of the best drugs for potency, in some cases entails mild negative consequences - dizziness, migraine, nasal congestion.

Analogs: Adamax-100, Vecta, Viagra, Viafil, Vivaira, Vigramax, Vigrande, Vizarsin.

Levitra price - 700-2100 rubles.

Lovelace forte

This effective drug for potency is recommended for men to increase sexual desire, increase the duration of sexual intercourse and intensify the sensations received during coitus. It is noteworthy that all these effects are provided due to natural components - extracts of Eurycoma longifolia root, Smilax and Chinese Cordyceps.

“Lovelace” was created specifically for course use, that is, it is unlikely to give a quick effect, like Viagra. To improve the situation, it is necessary to undergo treatment for at least 2-3 weeks under the supervision of a doctor. After this, you should take a break for a month, and if the result is not satisfactory, the therapy should be repeated.

In fact, it is not a medicine, but a food supplement, so it does not harm health even with long-term treatment. Taking it practically does not lead to side effects, except for allergies in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition. This is also a contraindication to the use of Lovelace.

The drug is available in the form of capsules, of which there are usually 8 pieces in a package. They are easy to swallow because they are small in size and can be used both after and before meals. Despite the naturalness of the ingredients, it is not recommended to use more than 1 capsule per day to avoid overdose.

Analogues: Strength of the Emperor, Cialis, Levitra.

The price of Lovelace forte is 619 and 1065 rubles.

Emperor's Strength

When talking about which drugs increase potency best, one cannot fail to mention this remedy. It is prescribed to men with premature ejaculation, weak orgasm, impaired erection and weak potency. Helps improve blood circulation in the penis and increases sensitivity of the head of the penis.

"Emperor's Strength" is a dietary supplement made from natural ingredients - spermine obtained from the seminal glands of animals, as well as from deer antlers, ginseng and plant extract of Chinese wolfberry.

Thanks to this composition, the body easily absorbs the components and practically does not react to treatment with side effects. In some cases, mainly only with individual intolerance to the components of the dietary supplement, mild nausea, itching and redness of the skin are possible.

This product has become so popular that manufacturers have decided to produce it in a variety of forms. So, creams, capsules, tablets are available for sale; it is enough to take 2 pieces of the latter. per day. Those who want to get quick results, for example, immediately before sexual intercourse, should drink two capsules or tablets at once an hour before it.

The optimal duration of treatment is 30 days; after a break of a month, the course can be repeated in agreement with the doctor. With this regimen, the drug should be taken with plenty of water in the morning and evening, preferably half an hour before meals.

Contraindications to the use of dietary supplements are serious disorders in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart failure.

Analogs: Cialis, Levitra.

The price of the Emperor's Power is 1400, 2700 and 3900 rubles.

This is another quite popular and effective dietary supplement, relevant for men of any age over 18 years.

Unlike other products from this TOP, it is made on the basis of only one active substance - a plant of the same name. It is collected and prepared in Peru and distributed throughout the world.

In addition to improving potency, Peruvian maca improves sperm quality, which will be very useful for conceiving a child. It also increases libido, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and improves blood circulation, in particular in the genitals.

The effect of its use lasts for about a year. To maintain it, you need to take 2-3 courses over 12 months lasting 10-20 days.

Peruvian maca comes in powder form and is sold either in a bag or a jar. It must be dissolved in water, juice, milk or any other liquid. Those who don’t really like this option can eat it in its pure form, washed down with the indicated drinks.

There is no strict dosage for this supplement; it is selected individually. On average, you need to drink 2-3 tbsp per day. l., and liquid in relation to the indicated dose should be taken at least a glass. The powder should be dissolved in water until the paste becomes homogeneous.

Analogs: Stimulex.

The price of Peruvian maca is about 1300 rubles. for 300 g of powder.


This drug, which increases potency, is considered an analogue of Viagra, since it is also made on the basis of sildenafil. It also belongs to the group of effective generics that are prescribed for potency disorders of varying degrees.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains 25, 50 or 100 mg of the main active ingredient.

Visarsin is absorbed very quickly; it accumulates in the blood literally 30-60 minutes after administration. It is for this reason that it is recommended to take it on average an hour before sexual activity. The absorption of the medicine worsens when taken simultaneously with food, which is why you should take the tablet an hour before it or the same time after that.

The drug is not prescribed for those with individual sensitivity to the components in the composition, severe liver dysfunction, low and high blood pressure, or after a recent stroke or heart attack.

Quite often during treatment, adverse reactions of the body are detected: headache, nausea, dizziness, temporary blurred vision. In rare cases, immunosuppression, rhinitis and drowsiness may develop.

For adult men under 65 years of age, the recommended daily dose is 50 mg. The tablets are taken one hour before sexual intercourse, washed down with plenty of water. If it is not possible to achieve satisfactory results immediately, then the norm can be increased to 100 mg, but exceeding this volume is not recommended. Elderly people should completely reduce it to 25 mg.

Visarsin, like Viagra, is not suitable for long-term treatment due to the harm it causes to the cardiovascular system. That is why it is highly undesirable to use it every day. It is prohibited to combine the medicine with antihypertensive drugs.

Analogues: Adamax-100, Alti-Met, Vecta, Viagra.

The price of Vizarsin is from 120 to 700 rubles, depending on the number of tablets and dosage.


This drug is a fairly powerful generic and acts directly on the corpora cavernosa, increasing blood flow to them. The medicine is intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The product is available in several dosages of the main active ingredient, sildenafil - 50 and 100 mg.

Eroton is quickly absorbed in the intestines, its maximum concentration in the blood is reached 30-120 minutes after consumption. Given this, it is recommended to take it an average of one hour before sexual intercourse. In this case, it is better to take the tablet after or before a meal, since food impairs its absorption.

The maximum daily dose is 50 mg, that is, 1 tablet or half of it, depending on the state of potency. If necessary, this amount can be increased to 100 mg or reduced to 25 mg. The drug is prescribed for occasional use only.

Eroton is available only with a doctor's prescription. It is produced by PJSC Fitofarm.

Analogues: Vigrande, Vivaira.

Eroton price - 110 rubles. and 170 rubles, depending on the dosage.


This drug is considered semi-synthetic, so it is practically harmless to health. Based on this, it can be used even for long-term therapy for a week or more. The medicine contains lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and a mixture of homeopathic solutions C12, C30 and C200. Available for sale without a prescription and produced in the Russian Federation by Materia Medica.

The main task of Impaza is to increase potency, but at the same time it effectively fights premature ejaculation, enhances libido and orgasm, and improves sperm quality. Regular use of the drug helps increase the amount of testosterone in the blood by activating its production. Thus, in addition to other effects, the quality of the ejaculate improves and the likelihood of successful conception of a child increases.

Since Impaza is made from natural ingredients, in principle it cannot have any contraindications. The exception here is galactosemia and individual intolerance to the components of the drug, which is quite rare.

It should be noted that this drug is well compatible with other medications and nutritional supplements. It is also important that after using it there are almost never side effects, only sometimes allergies are possible. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the dosage of 1-2 tablets per dose. It should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved; it is not advisable to drink it with water.

If long-term therapy is needed, then the course of treatment should consist of at least 30 doses, and for episodic stimulation of potency, it is enough to drink 2 tablets 1-2 hours before the expected intimacy.

Impaza cannot be used after 3 years from the date of production. It should be stored in its packaging, in a well-ventilated, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Analogues: no.

Impaza price - 500 rub.

Yohimbine hydrochloride

The indication for the use of this medicine is erectile dysfunction of various origins.

It is presented in tablets, each of which contains 5 mg of the active substance yohimbine hydrochloride. The composition also includes potato starch, monohydrate, calcium stearate, lactose and some other natural ingredients. Yohimbine is sold in jars containing 50 tablets.

It should not be used in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, liver and kidney failure, severe arterial hypotension. The medicine should be used cautiously in people with high blood pressure.

It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets three times a day with water. Always start with smaller doses and gradually increase them. The effect of treatment does not occur immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. To completely eliminate the problem, you need to take 2-3 full courses lasting 20 days.

If side effects occur, you must immediately stop taking the medication. This should be done in case of increased heart rate, severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and weight, diarrhea and increased blood pressure.

Analogs: Adamaks, Vecta.

The price of Yohimbine hydrochloride is from 180 to 300 rubles.

What are the best drugs for potency - watch the video:

When deciding to buy drugs for potency, you need to keep in mind that most of them are available only by prescription and may have side effects. That is why before starting treatment it is better to consult with specialists and carry out therapy under their strict supervision.