The program of the Olympic Games includes modern pentathlon. As host: Lesun won Olympic gold in modern pentathlon

Modern pentathlon is a multi-event sport consisting of 5 disciplines: show jumping, epee fencing, shooting, running and swimming. Athletes earn points based on their performance in each event.

The idea of ​​creating a sport that combines the ability to wield a horse, sword and pistol arose back in the 19th century. It reflected the essence of the combat training of officers of that time. Therefore, when such a sports complex was created first in Sweden, and then in some other countries, it was used for training and competitions for officers.


Modern pentathlon competitions were included in the program of the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm. Women's competitions appeared in 2000 in Sydney. The first five Games were won by Swedish pentathletes, then the Hungarians and Soviet masters dominated. The only three-time Olympic champion is the Hungarian pentathlete Andras Balzo.


Gold at the Olympic Games in the individual championship was won by Anatoly Starostin (1980), Dmitry Svatkovsky (2000) and Andrey Moiseev (2004 and 2008). Pentathlete Igor Novikov became world champion 4 times. The real legend of Soviet pentathlon Pavel Lednev - two-time Olympic champion, six-time world champion and two-time USSR champion - is the owner of the largest number of Olympic awards in the history of modern pentathlon (2 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze), as well as the oldest Olympic champion among pentathletes (37 years and 4 months during the 1980 Games in Moscow).

Photo - Sergey Kivrin and Andrey Golovanov

Modern pentathlon is a multi-event sport consisting of 5 disciplines: show jumping, epee fencing, shooting, running and swimming. Athletes earn points based on their performance in each event. The points earned in the first four events of the competition determine the starting order in the last event - the combine (shooting + cross-country).

The athlete who has scored the most points in the first 3 events starts first, subsequent participants start in accordance with the number of points they previously scored. Shooting is carried out from a laser pistol from a standing position from a distance of 10 m at a stationary target. In total, at a distance of 3 kilometers cross-country, 3 series of shooting are carried out (one at each kilometer) with an unlimited number of shots and a time of 1 minute. 10 sec. for each episode. The height of obstacles in horse riding is 120 cm, width up to 150. Swimming is freestyle at a distance of 200 m.


President: Klaus SCHORMANN (Germany)

Date of formation: 1948
Number of national federations: 103

Address: Stade Louis II, Entree E, 13, av des Castelans, 98000, Monaco

377 9777 8555 +377 9777 8550 [email protected]

  • Vice-President Aminov V.M.
  • Member of the Executive Committee Aminov V.M.
  • Chairman of the Business Committee Aminov V.M.
  • Member of the Athletes Committee Moiseev A.
  • Member of the Executive Committee Svatkovsky D.V.
  • Member of the coaches committee Khaplanov A.O.
  • Member of the Culture Commission Ardabyeva T.A.
  • Member of the technical committee Menshikov D.A.
  • President Svatkovsky D.V.
  • General Secretary Ardabyeva T.A.

Competition program.

Modern pentathlon competitions usually take place in the following sequence:

– shooting;
– fencing;
– swimming;
– show jumping;
– running,

and are based on a points system. For each discipline, a certain standard is established, upon fulfillment of which the athlete is awarded 1000 (in show jumping - 1200) points. If he manages to exceed this standard, the pentathlete receives a certain number of additional points; if the standard is not met, the corresponding points are deducted from the participant. Points scored in different types of programs are summed up.


Shooting from an air pistol (4.5 mm) from a standing position from a distance of 10 m at a stationary target in the form of concentric circles. Target diameter – 155 mm. Athletes must fire 20 shots. The pause between shots should not exceed 40 seconds. Hitting the target earns the shooter from 1 (outer circle) to 10 (bullseye) points. Having knocked out 172 points out of 200 possible, the athlete receives 1000 credit points. For each point above (below) these 172, the athlete is added (subtracted) another 22 points to his qualifying result.


The only type of pentathlon in which opponents compete against each other head-to-head is in a round-robin format. Each fight lasts no more than 1 minute - until the first injection (the affected surface is the whole body, the injection is registered using an electric recorder). If none of the opponents managed to inject an injection during the fight, both are considered defeated. Scoring points are awarded depending on the number of victories won by the athlete. For 70% of wins from the total number of matches he holds, the pentathlete receives 1000 “standard” points. Each victory over this “limit” brings him additional points, and with each “excessive” defeat, he, accordingly, loses the same number of points. The cost of these wins/losses depends on the number of fights, usually it is +/- 28 points.


Freestyle swimming at a distance of 200 m. A result of 2:30 minutes for men - and, accordingly, 2:40 for women - brings the participant 1000 credit points. Every 0.3 seconds above (below) this result improves (worsens) its indicator by 4 points.

Show jumping

Horse riding with overcoming obstacles at a distance of 350–450 m. The height of the obstacles is up to 120 cm, the width is up to 150. Among these obstacles there must be one double and one triple system. A control time is set for completing the route (for example, for a distance of 400 m it is 2:18 minutes). The result of the participants’ performance is determined by subtracting penalty points from the initial 1200 points: for overdue time (4 points for each “extra” second) and technical errors (30 points for knocking down an obstacle, 40 points for each disobedience of a horse on the route, 40 points for for the fall of a rider or horse). If an athlete exceeds the time limit more than 2 times, he receives 0 points for his performance. According to the rules, the rider’s “acquaintance” with the horse on which he will ride (according to the draw) occurs 20 minutes before going to the start. During the warm-up, the pentathlete can take on “his” horse five trial obstacles.

Running (cross). Cross-country cross-country (or running on a road/stadium track) over a distance of 3 km. At World Championships, Olympic Games and World Cup competitions, competitors start in turns with an interval determined by the difference in their results after performances in the four previous types of program. The leader of the competition in the overall standings starts first, then the athlete in second place, etc. Thus, the absolute winner of the competition is determined immediately - based on the results of the race, without additional recalculation of points. (In qualifying competitions, a common start of the race participants is possible, in this case, in order to receive 1000 qualifying points, it is necessary to run the distance in 10:00 minutes (women - 11:20), every half second above/below the standard improves/worsens the athlete’s final performance by 2 points. In addition, at competitions, rearrangements in the above order of disciplines are allowed, but in any case, running must be the last test.)

Changes in the rules.

Over time, certain changes occurred both in the rules for individual disciplines and in the competition formula as a whole.

Previously, the entire competitive cycle in pentathlon took five days (one day was allocated for each discipline). In 1984, for the first time, shooting and running were combined on one day, and, starting with the 1996 Olympic Games, competitions in all disciplines are held on one day.

At first, when determining the winner, the places occupied by the participants in individual types of the program were summed up. Since 1954, the results of pentathletes’ performances in each discipline are assessed in scoring points, which are then summed up.

Until 1994, pentathletes shot from a small-caliber pistol (or from a revolver with a caliber of at least 5.6 mm) with an open sight from a distance of 25 m - at a silhouette target that appeared every 7 seconds (for 3 seconds). Horsemanship competitions were once 5km cross-country races against the clock. The fencing fight lasted 3 minutes, then it was reduced to 2 minutes, and even later to one. Until 1992, the distance in swimming competitions for men was 300 m, and in running - 4 km (for women - 2) - and until 1992 it was exclusively cross-country. Accordingly, the standards established for this or that type of program were also different.

From the history of modern pentathlon.

The founder of the modern Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin, proposed combining such different disciplines as shooting, fencing, swimming, show jumping and running into one sport, who wrote that such a test, like no other, “will be a worthy test of a person’s moral qualities and physical capabilities and skills, and thus give us the ideal, well-rounded athlete.”

The idea of ​​sports pentathlon itself is not new. The program of the Olympic and other athletic games of ancient Greece also included the pentathlon (literally - “five competitions”), which included running, wrestling, long jump, as well as javelin and discus throwing. At that time, the presence of appropriate skills was considered mandatory for a skilled warrior, and victory at the Olympics in this type of program was considered the most honorable.

Coubertin was guided by a similar idea when he developed the modern pentathlon program. It combined the most important skills for a cavalry warrior: horseback riding, possession of bladed weapons and firearms, overcoming water obstacles by swimming and moving across rough terrain on foot. The corresponding sports disciplines were then included in the physical training program in military universities in different countries (and in some places they were also a mandatory part of final exams).

However, Coubertin's idea did not immediately find understanding. The debut of modern pentathlon took place only at the fifth Olympic Games (1912).

The first pentathlete champion in history was the Swede Gustaf Liliehök, who managed to beat 32 opponents. It is noteworthy that until 1948, only officers could take part in the modern pentathlon competition, which was then called the “Officer Olympic Pentathlon” (for example, the United States was represented at the 1912 Olympic Games by George S. Patton, the future famous military leader of World War II) , and the competitions themselves, as can be seen from the name itself, took place only within the framework of the Olympics.

In 1948, the International Union of Modern Pentathlon (UIPM) was created. One of its founders and first president was Gustaf Dierssen (Sweden), a former Olympic champion (1920).

And already in 1949, under the auspices of the new Union, the first world championship in modern pentathlon was held in Stockholm, the winner of which was the Swede Tage Burefelt. His success was quite natural, because in the period from 1912 to 1956 inclusive, pentathletes from Sweden constantly won at the Olympics (the only exception was the 1936 Olympic Games, when the victory went to a representative of Germany). In total, Swedish athletes won the individual Olympic pentathlon competitions 9 times. At the same time, Lars Hall won the Olympic Games twice (in 1952 and 1956), and he also became the first “civilian” world champion in history in 1950, repeating his success a year later.

The 1950s saw significant changes in the pentathlon. Athletes from Hungary and the USSR took leading positions. They more often than others (4 times each) won victories in the Olympic team tournaments that were part of the Olympic Games program from 1952 to 1992 (the overall team result was based on the individual performance of the participants). Representatives of Hungary won individual Olympic titles the same number of times. Of particular note is András Balczo, Olympic champion (1972) and 5-time world champion in the individual competition. Representatives of the USSR (Russia) won first place at the Olympics three times: Anatoly Starostin (1980), Dmitry Svatkovsky (2000) and Andrey Moiseev (2004). Our athletes also have personal victories at the World Cup. At the same time, Igor Novikov and Pavel Lednev won the world title four times. (Lednev also has a unique Olympic achievement: having won his second gold as a member of the USSR national team in 1980 at the age of 37, he became the oldest Olympic pentathlete in history.) In team competitions, the Hungarian pentathletes won the most victories at the World Championships – 17. Our athletes are slightly inferior to them – 14.

In the 1970s, Polish pentathletes made significant progress, a little later athletes from Great Britain, Czechoslovakia, Italy and France joined them, and Swedish masters again made a name for themselves. Among the strongest pentathlon masters of the 1970–2000s are Janusz Pyczak-Peczak and Arkadiusz Skrzypiazek (both Poland), Daniele Masala (Italy), Sebastien Delaine (France), Andrejus Zadneprovskis (Lithuania), etc.

The Women's World Championship has been held since 1981. The first champion was Anne Ahlgren (Sweden). Denmark's Eva Fjellerup won the most individual titles (4). One of the current leaders of women's pentathlon, Suzanne Voros (Hungary), won the World Championships three times. Soviet athlete Irina Kiseleva was the strongest twice (1986, 1987). In the team competition, Polish athletes have no equal yet: 9 victories. Representatives of Great Britain took first place six times, and our compatriots four times.

Women's pentathlon has been included in the Olympic program since 2000. Stephanie Cook (Great Britain) was the strongest in Sydney, and Suzanne Worosh was the strongest at the Athens Olympics.

The calendar of modern pentathlon competitions is constantly expanding. World Cup competitions have been held since 1990. 32 athletes who achieved the best results in qualifying take part in them (as in the final stage of the World Championship and Olympic Games). Since 1998, UIPM has also organized the World Tour. Athletes divided into pairs compete in all five disciplines against time - without a break between them (each such combat takes, on average, 20 minutes). The winner advances to the next stage, etc. Biathlon is a kind of “truncated” version of the pentathlon, including running (1400 m), swimming (100 m) and running again (but this time at 100 m). Another innovation in the competition program is the pentathlete relay race. Teams of 3 athletes compete in shooting (3 × 10 shots), swimming (3 × 100 m), fencing (each participant fencing with one athlete from the opposing team), running (3 × 1500 m) and show jumping (9 obstacles).

Despite long traditions, almost a century of experience and the status of the only sport “invented” specifically for the Olympic Games, from time to time there are calls to exclude modern pentathlon from the Olympic program - allegedly due to the fact that it is truly popular only in a number of countries Europe (where continental championships are regularly held). At the same time, the UIPM includes representatives of almost 100 states (including the Russian Federation of Modern Pentathlon).

Maria Ishchenko

RIO DE JANEIRO, August 21 - R-Sport, Anatoly Samokhvalov. Russian Alexander Lesun became the winner in Rio de Janeiro in modern pentathlon, moving away from his competitors in the first event of the program and never giving them a chance for the highest award.

Based on the results of four events, the Russian scored 1479 points, setting a new Olympic record. Silver went to the Ukrainian Pavel Timoschenko (1472). Mexican Marcelo Hernandez (1468) took bronze. In the women's competition, Australian Chloe Esposito won gold (1372), also setting a new Olympic record. Silver went to France's Elodie Cluvel (1356), bronze to Poland's Octavia Nowacka (1349). Russians Donata Rimshaite (1308) and Gulnaz Gubaidullina (1305) took 12th and 15th places, respectively.

It's like I'm going to tear everyone apart here

Lesun fenced superbly on the day of the rating competitions (28 wins out of 35 fights), which also became a record for the Games. He defeated both Egyptians - Omar El Geziri and his brother Amro, who were traditionally considered the favorites. “I understood that there was a reserve, I could throw a stick somewhere, I was, in general, calm,” Lesun explained later. In swimming, he took a modest 22nd place, and did not perform ideally on the pommel horse (3 failures).

“When the “horse” started, they first replaced my horse, since the previous participant had problems on it, the horse was checked, so its heart was not recovering, and it had a fever. The veterinarian changed it to a horse that also “gets up.” And the headquarters made the decision to drive it - the main thing is that it jumps over the tree-sticks - it doesn’t matter,” recalled Lesun, who still started first in the combine. He was followed, 9 seconds later, by Briton Joseph Cheung, and 19 seconds later by Amro El Geziri.

But the greatest threat came from the Ukrainian Pavel Timoschenko. “The lead was too big at the beginning, Sasha showed himself steadfastly, he didn’t give anyone the opportunity to approach him, he ran ahead all the time,” Timoschenko himself noted. “I went to the combine with general nervousness,” said Lesun, who “after the second round realized” that he could control himself. “The only thing is that at the last shooting I already saw the gold medal. And I made two misses in a row. So, I tell myself, get it together, there’s no medal yet.”

In general, in his opinion, “everything was much calmer” than four years ago in London, where the athlete became fourth. “I came out and felt like I was going to tear everyone apart here. I felt like the master here. I just understood that I needed to do my job,” the Olympic champion shared his confidence.

Gubaidullina laughs, Rimshaite looks ahead

In the women's competition, the Russians were met with cautious optimism from the performance of Gulnaz Gubaidullina and deep disappointment from Donata Rimshaite. Immediately after the finish, Rimshaite, for whom this was the second Olympics after Beijing 2008, mentioned, paradoxically as it may sound, her lack of Olympic experience. Missing the 2012 Games in London, associated with the nuances of changing Lithuanian citizenship to Russian, played a cruel joke on the athlete.

“I missed the Olympics in London and, apparently, I had forgotten the Olympic atmosphere. And the shaking was simply unreal,” said Rimshaite, who failed her main event - fencing. In the preliminary round, she won 17 fights with 18 defeats, took 15th place, and the subsequent swim was never the Russian’s trump card.

"I didn't fence enough. You know, it's not a shame to lose when you do everything you can. That means there are stronger people, that means it should be that way. But that's not my case. But when you don't show your best and lose... It happened to me. I I was terribly worried,” said the disgruntled pentathlete. The President of the Federation of Modern Pentathlon of Russia (FSPR) Vyacheslav Aminov was categorical: “I don’t understand what happened, it seems to me that this is the worst performance in the history of Donata Rimshaite’s career,” he noted.

At the same time, Rimshaite is not thinking about pauses in his career, but is cautious with conclusions. “My career began in Beijing, London failed, and now what to do? I’m not thinking about Tokyo yet, a lot can happen in four years,” she said.

Gubaidullina arrived in Rio with a recent silver medal at the European Championship. In July, in Torun, Poland, she managed to perform not very developed fencing at a decent level, but in Brazil she took last place in this event. But she recovered in swimming, setting an Olympic record.

“It’s so funny to remember my record in swimming! The fact is that during fencing I strained my neck and could not turn my head to the left,” Gubaidullina told reporters. “I had such wild pain that for the last 50 meters I could not breathe on my right side, and all my opponents were just to the left. I was breathing to the right and didn’t see anyone, I felt so scared, it seemed like everyone was overtaking me, and with each stroke I pressed harder and harder on the water,” Gubaidullina recalled.

“In principle, Gubaidullina performed well, swam superbly, performed well on the pommel horse. It was almost enough to get into the top ten, but the girl has prospects,” Aminov concluded. And Lesun... “Alexander is the best athlete in the world, he has proven this throughout his entire career,” summed up the head of the national federation.

Modern pentathlon is a unique competition in which the champion is the athlete who performs best in five different sports: fencing, swimming, horse riding (jumping), running and shooting. The last two disciplines are combined into one combined event (combine).

Latest news

Pentathlon 09/16/2019


On September 19, 2019 at 15:00 at the TASS International Multimedia Press Center (Moscow, Tverskoy Boulevard, building 2, 2nd floor) a press conference will be held dedicated to the International Modern Pentathlon Competition “Kremlin Cup”, which will be held on September 22, 2019 year.

Pentathlon 09/15/2019

Ilya Shugarov won the tournament in Poland

Russian Ilya Shugarov (pictured) became the best at the Polish Open. Next to him on the podium were Pole Sebastian Stasiak and Czech Ondrej Polivka, who will compete at the Moscow Kremlin Cup on September 22.

Pentathlon 09/12/2019

The Kremlin Cup will be held on September 22

On September 22, 2019, the next Kremlin Cup in modern pentathlon will be held in Moscow. This is an elite tournament where only the best athletes in the world are allowed by personal invitation. As part of these competitions, medals will be played in the mixed relay among teams consisting of men and women.



Photo and video

Pentathlon 09.20.2019

Press conference before the Kremlin Cup. TASS, September 19, 2019

The event was attended by FSPR President Vyacheslav Aminov, DSZM General Director Alexander Smirnov, head coach of the Russian national team Andrey Moiseev, as well as pentathletes Gulnaz Gubaidullina, Adelina Ibatullina and Alexander Lifanov.

About sports

Modern pentathlon is a unique competition in which the champion is the athlete who performs best in five different sports: fencing, swimming, show jumping, running and shooting. The last two types are combined into one discipline, the combine, where the athlete also shoots at four firing lines during a cross-country race at a distance of 3200 meters. Performance in each event is assessed with a certain amount of points. The winner is determined by the highest amount of points scored during all competitions. One point is one second behind or advantage in the final event of the program, running and shooting (combine).

In the individual-team championship at most tournaments (World and European Championships, World Cup stages), competitions are held in two stages - preliminary tournaments (semi-finals) and the final. In the semi-finals, athletes compete in the quadathlon (without show jumping). There are 36 athletes competing in the finals.

In addition, the program of the World Modern Pentathlon Championships includes three relay races (men's, women's, mixed). In relay races, each country can be represented by one team consisting of two people.

All types of programs are held on the same day. Between the semi-finals and finals, athletes are usually given one day of rest. The order of events during the final competitions is usually as follows: swimming, fencing, show jumping, combine.


In swimming, athletes compete at a distance of 200 meters freestyle (in relay races - 2 x 100 meters). For a result of 2:30.00, the athlete (or team) receives 250 points, every 0.5 seconds, better or worse than this result, his points are increased or decreased by 1 point. For example, a result of 2:20.00 (or even 2:20.49) will bring the athlete (team) 270 points, a result of 2:20.50 (up to and including 2:20.99) - 269 points, and a result of 2:33.00 - 244 points.

The swims are formed in accordance with the results of the athletes in this particular discipline, swimming. All the strongest swimmers among the tournament participants will start in the last heat.


Pentathletes compete in epee fencing. Fencing competitions are held in a round robin system - each fencer meets each other. The fight is carried out until one injection. To score 250 points, an athlete must win 70% of his fights. In a 36-athlete competition, each athlete competes in 35 bouts, and in order to receive 250 points, he must win 25 of them. Each victory above or below this result is worth 6 points. That is, an athlete who wins 30 victories will score 280 points, and someone who wins only 15 fights will receive 190 points.

Show jumping (horse riding)

In horse riding or show jumping competitions in the individual-team championship, pentathletes go through a specially established route 350 - 450 meters long, on which there are 12 obstacles with a height of 110 to 120 centimeters, including one combination of two obstacles (double system) and one combination of three obstacles (triple system). A route completed accurately within the standard time (usually from 1 minute to 1 minute 17 seconds) earns the athlete 300 points. Penalty points for overdue time and for mistakes while passing the route are deducted from this amount.

In relay races, the length of the route for each participant is 260–300 meters and includes 8 obstacles without combinations.

The list of horses must be given to the athletes at least 1 hour before the start of the draw. Based on the results of fencing and swimming, the athlete or team in first place draws lots first. Based on this draw, the remaining horses (pre-numbered) are automatically distributed among the remaining athletes (teams). For example, if the leader chose horse No. 6 by lot, then the second selected athlete (team) receives horse No. 7 and so on.

In order to get to know the horse, the athlete is allowed to sit in the saddle 20 minutes before the start of the performance and perform 5 warm-up jumps. This takes place on a special warm-up field.

If a horse makes two refusals at three obstacles in the first round, athletes who must ride this horse in the following rounds have the right to ride a reserve horse. An athlete who decides to ride a reserve horse must immediately inform the referee and then draw lots to choose one of the reserve horses. Otherwise, the athlete must compete on the horse originally determined.


The combine is a cross-country race over a distance of 3200 meters with shooting at four firing lines. In relay races, the combine consists of two stages of 1600 meters. Completing the distance in 13 minutes 20 seconds is worth 500 points. Each second better or worse than this time increases or decreases this result by 1 point.

20 meters after the start, the athlete enters the shooting range, where he shoots from a laser pistol at five targets located at a distance of 10 meters, which he must hit in a maximum of 50 seconds. The best pentathlete shooters spend 10-15 seconds on all targets. If, even after 50 seconds, the athlete was unable to hit all the targets, he still continues to run. The athlete returns to the firing line after completing the next 800 meters of the distance.

The leader of the competition, after three types of programs, goes to the combine distance first, the closest pursuer goes second, and after the time that he must play back. For example, if the athlete in second place is 5 points behind the leader, then he will start 5 seconds after him, the one who loses 60 points will go to the combine distance a minute after the leader.

Thus, spectators can watch the progress of the fight live. Whoever runs first is the leader of the competition. Accordingly, the winner of the tournament is the athlete who crossed the finish line first.

What is pentathlon and what types of sports are its components? Pentathlon is a type of all-around competition of our time, consisting of distance swimming, shooting, running, horse racing and sword fighting.

The name “pentathlon” (or “pentathlon”) appeared in the late 40s. Then an international modern pentathlon association was created in the capital of England. In 1988, it received a new name - the International Federation.

In addition to 100 associations, the Russian Federation is its component. The world pentathlon championships date back to 1949, and it was added to the list of the Olympic Games in 1912.


The history of pentathlon has ancient Greek roots. The Greek Olympic Games included wrestling, jumping,

running, discus and javelin throwing.

The modern pentathlon program began to be developed on the basis of the ancient one in the 19th century. It was created to train the military. Initially, officers trained this way.

Therefore, the program was called “officers’ pentathlon.” Only in 1947 was it called “pentathlon”. The list of disciplines was constantly developing and changing. In 1947, the first pentathlon was held in the USSR, and since 1953 it has been held every year.

Modern pentathlon

Competitions take place throughout the day in random order, ending with horse racing or running. The standard points are 1000, and in horse racing - 1100.

But the best results are not recorded, because the results are influenced by many factors: the athletic skills of the horse, the qualifications of the fencers, etc.

According to international rules, athletes receive bonuses for each sport. Before any competition, all competitors have 1000 points, from which penalties will then be deducted.

In horse riding, 1100 points are given for the test. In a race, the one with the most points starts first.

In addition to the pentathlon, there are also non-standard varieties of all-around. This:

  • decathlon;
  • octathlon;
  • quadathlon;
  • triathlon.

Description of sports


Participants swim freestyle. The distance is 200 m. Participants are allocated for the swim depending on their rating.

Accruals are given by the time within which the distance was covered. Penalties are imposed for errors.

For example, if a swimmer does not touch the wall, he loses 40 points.


The participant is given an air pistol loaded with 20 bullets. In this sport, you must shoot while standing, holding the pistol with your dominant hand.

Weapon weight is about 1500 g. The shot is fired at a target consisting of 10 rings, marked from 1 to 10 at a distance of 10 meters from it.

The time limit is 40 seconds, during which competitors must fire 20 shots.

Important: if the shooter hits the stripe that separates the two rings, he will receive the maximum score. The result is counted according to shooting points.


One athlete fights with swords with each of the participants. The competition is won by the one who injects the opponent. If one of them did not manage to inject, he is considered defeated.

As mentioned above, the battle lasts for a minute. The one who defeats more than half of the opponents gets the maximum number of points.

The fine system is serious. So, for a dangerous action, a participant will either be disqualified or 10 points will be deducted. 10 points are deducted for turning your back.

Horse riding

Athletes are divided into 2 groups. The horses are determined by lot. 20 minutes are allotted for preparation.

During this time, each of the competitors warms up, gets to know the horse, walks along the established track, etc.

The race distance is a distance of 350-450 m. There are 12 obstacles of different sizes on it. Before the race, each pentathlete has 1100 points. They are written off for deviations from the rules. For example, for a second that does not fall within the time limit, a sanction of 3 points is imposed, for a missed height - 30, and for falling from a horse, 60 points are deducted.


All participants in a sports competition complete a cross-country run equal to 4 laps. Each circle is 750 m. That is, in total it is necessary to overcome a 3000 meter strip.

The competition starts with the athlete who has the most points in the total of previous sports. The difference between the athletes' results is converted into seconds.

After the first participant, the one who took second place starts the race, after him the one who is in third place, and so on.