Exercises for cognitive development. Tasks for the development of cognitive activity for children with profound intellectual disabilities

cognitive interest attention logical thinking

In order for cognitive interest to be constantly reinforced and receive impulses for development, it is necessary to use means that evoke in the student a feeling, an awareness of his own growth. Make a plan for the answer, ask a question to a friend, analyze the answer and evaluate it, generalize what has been said, look for another way to solve the problem - these and many other techniques that encourage the student to comprehend his activity steadily lead to the formation of persistent cognitive interest.

Development of cognitive abilities

In the process of a student’s educational activity, a major role, as psychologists note, is played by the level of development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, observation, imagination, memory, thinking. The development and improvement of cognitive processes will be more effective with targeted work in this direction, which will entail an expansion of the cognitive capabilities of children. Attention is a form of organization of cognitive activity that largely depends on the degree of formation of such a cognitive process as attention.

The educational material can include content-logical tasks aimed at developing various characteristics of attention: its volume, stability, the ability to switch attention from one subject to another, distribute it to various subjects and types of activities.

  • 1. Finding moves in ordinary and number mazes
  • 2. Recounting objects depicted by repeatedly intersecting contours
  • 3. Finding numbers using Schulte tables
  • 4. Draw faster
  • 5. Find who's hiding
  • 6. Find similarities and differences
  • 7. Read the scattered words

Tasks aimed at developing perception and imagination. Perception is the main cognitive process of sensory reflection of reality, its objects and phenomena with their direct action on the senses. It is the basis of thinking and practical activity of both an adult and a child, the basis of a person’s orientation in the world around him, in society. Psychological research has shown that one of the effective methods of organizing perception and cultivating observation skills is comparison. At the same time, the perception becomes deeper. As a result of gaming and educational activities, perception itself turns into independent activity, into observation.

  • 1. Choose a patch for your boot
  • 2. Collect the broken jug, vase, cups, plates
  • 3. Exercise Geometric shapes
  • 4. Exercise Triangles
  • 5. 100-cell table with graphic images
  • 6. Table with geometric shapes of different shapes
  • 7. Table with geometric shapes of different sizes
  • 8. A table with geometric shapes not only of different shapes, but also in white and black colors
  • 9. 100-cell table filled with numbers

Tasks aimed at developing logical thinking

Human intelligence. First of all, it is determined not by the amount of knowledge he has accumulated, but by a high level of logical thinking. Therefore, already in elementary school, it is necessary to teach children to analyze, compare and generalize information obtained as a result of interaction with objects not only of reality, but also of the abstract world. Nothing like mathematics contributes to the development of thinking, especially logical thinking, since the subject of its study are abstract concepts and patterns, which in turn are dealt with by mathematical logic.

  • 1. Ingenuity tasks
  • 2. Joke tasks
  • 3. Number figures
  • 4. Problems with geometric content
  • 5. Logical exercises with words
  • 6. Math games and tricks
  • 7. Crosswords and puzzles
  • 8. Combinatorial problems

Tasks aimed at developing memory. Memory is one of the main properties of personality. The ancient Greeks considered the goddess of memory Mnemosyne to be the mother of the nine muses, the patroness of all known sciences and arts. A person deprived of memory essentially ceases to be a person. Many outstanding personalities had phenomenal memories. For example, academician A.F. Ioffe used the table of logarithms from memory. But you should also know that a good memory does not always guarantee its owner good intelligence. Psychologist T. Ribot described a weak-minded boy who could easily remember series of numbers. And yet, memory is one of the necessary conditions for the development of intellectual abilities. Younger schoolchildren have a more developed visual and figurative memory than semantic memory. They better remember specific objects, faces, facts, colors, events. But in primary school it is necessary to prepare children for secondary education, so it is necessary to develop logical memory. Students have to memorize definitions, proofs, explanations. By teaching children to memorize logically related meanings, we contribute to the development of their thinking.

  • 1. Remember two-digit numbers.
  • 2. Remember the math terms.
  • 3. Chain of words.
  • 4. Draw patterns from memory.
  • 5. Remember and reproduce the pictures
  • 6. Visual dictations
  • 7. Auditory dictations


This method of frontal work, involving the whole class in the activity, develops reaction speed, the ability to listen and hear a question, and think clearly and specifically. It is interesting that in this case even those children who are usually silent work, because they are intellectually passive or shy of public answers. Warm-up takes 5-7 minutes. What is the point of this type of work? It is carried out either at the stage of checking homework or primary assimilation, when the questions are very simple (reproductive) and require an unambiguous, quick answer, testing the children’s knowledge and attention, ability to listen and hear the question. If an oral warm-up is carried out at the beginning of the lesson before explaining a new topic, then it should include not only questions to check homework, but also updating of basic concepts covered earlier (a week, a month, a year ago), which need to be restored in the child’s memory. Children are asked to answer questions in unison as quickly as possible (there are usually 15-20 of them) and independently evaluate themselves: if they answer correctly, write a note in their notebook. At the end of the warm-up, the teacher explains how many answers you can give yourself a “+” for.

For preschoolers, the teacher needs to:
- With create conditions that would encourage children to engage in independent cognitive activity;
— when organizing interaction involve the child in the process cognitive search;
diversify techniques supply of educational information.

The most effective way to solve these problems is creative tasks and games. They are the ones who help preschoolers relax. In this case, children are not afraid to make mistakes, since there are no right or wrong answers, all answers and judgments are accepted on an equal basis, without being criticized. A child in such a situation freely fantasizes, and the process of learning gives him joy and pleasure.

Game "Why did this happen?"
1. The boy came in torn trousers. Why did this happen?
2. All the electric lamps in the house suddenly went out. Why did this happen?
3. The river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding meadows. Why did this happen?

Game “Resolving the Contradiction”:
The teacher finds examples of such situations both in everyday life and in literary works.
1. A new doll (ball, book, game, etc.) was brought into the group. What should I do? How to act so that everyone is happy?
2. The mouse ate a magic pill and became invisible. How to make a cat see a mouse?
3. “Pussy crying in the hallway
She has great grief
Evil people poor pussy
They don’t let you steal sausages.”
How can a pussy get sausages?

Creative questions and tasks:
— Guess the word that is encrypted with pictures. (By first sound, by last sound).
— Solve a crossword puzzle, a rebus.
- “Let’s play rhyme.”
- “Magic transformations” (heat - ...ar, dot - ...points). What has the heat become? What has the point become?
— How are grasshoppers and frogs similar? Frog and grass? Frog and parsley?
— What is the difference between birch and pine? The Wolf and the Sparrow?
- Identify the extra words: elephant, birch, bear, fox, tiger.
After such tasks, the teacher asks: why do you think so? Prove it! This encourages children to reason, justify their opinions, and form logical thinking.

Cognitive cycle tasks:
- Why does the stream run?
— What animals have stripes?
— Could an elephant live in the mountains? Why not?
-Where are the clouds going?
— Where does the snow melt faster: in the forest or in the clearing?

Speech development and literacy tasks:
- Replace the letter and you will get new words: Nina - Zina - Tina - Lina ..., bun - beam - squirrel ...
— What is the difference between a whale and a cat? ...
- Rearrange the letters in the word orange to get the name of the dog breed, etc.
- Find the hidden word in the words.
- Change the word according to stress (flour - flour).
- Choose a rhyme for the word and write a couplet with this word, etc.

Math assignments:
— Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds, answer quickly...
- Trace with one stroke, without repeating a single line. (Any geometric figure or many in one is offered).
— What numbers are hidden in the pictures?
- Continue the series by increasing speed or vice versa: pedestrian, train...

Drawing tasks:
- What could this become? (Any line, geometric figure, or just a spot is offered).
- “Magic glasses” - draw a picture in one shape, for example in the shape of a heart. Children draw “heart” houses, clouds, flowers, the sun, etc.
- “Who hid?” - the teacher draws parts of any animal or object, asks them to think (who (what) is this?) and complete the drawing.
- “Draw an image in the drawing.” (The image of any character is offered).
- “Express your mood, the mood of mom, dad in the drawing...”

Design tasks:
- What can be done from this and how? (We offer waste material: jars, boxes, plastic bottles, wire, etc. or natural material, including vegetables: potatoes, eggplant, peppers, etc.)

Questions about developing a healthy lifestyle:
- Why is it useful to comb your hair?
— If you don’t wash your hands, what kind of trouble awaits you?
— Why can’t you use someone else’s comb or toothbrush?

Surprise games in which you need not only to find the answer, but also to justify it:
— Which animals are characterized by these properties: curious, like...; wise as...; strong as...; cunning as...; faithful as...?
- Name the common characteristics of an apple and a pear, a birch and a spruce, a cat and a dog, a bird and a person.
— What is the difference between autumn and spring, a chair from a table, a fork from a spoon, a boletus from a russula?
- What do the words have in common: month and moon, bunch and brush, courage and courage?
— How are they similar: grass and a frog, a frog and a hare, a parachute and an umbrella, pepper and mustard, a vacuum cleaner and a mop?

All the listed games, questions and tasks help develop cognitive abilities and creativity preschool children.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

Scheme for the development of any type of activity:

first it is carried out in joint activities with adults,

then in joint activities with peers

and finally becomes the child’s independent activity.

L. S. Vygotsky

In philosophy, “cognition” is the process of a person acquiring new knowledge, the discovery of something previously unknown. The effectiveness of cognition is achieved primarily by the active role of a person in this process. The development of cognitive activity in preschool childhood ensures the formation of such skills as the ability to learn and receive education throughout life.

The relevance of the problem of improving the quality of preschool education at the present stage is confirmed by the state’s interest in the issues of education and development of preschool children. An example is the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, according to which the program must ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of activities and interprets cognitive development as an educational area, the essence of which is revealed as follows:

Development of curiosity and cognitive motivation;

Formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness;

Development of imagination and creative activity;

Formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and consequences, etc., about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

The cognitive development of a preschool child as an evolutionary process goes through several stages: curiosity, inquisitiveness, the stage of development of cognitive interest, the stage of development of cognitive activity, which move from lower to higher in the joint specially organized activity of a significant adult and a child.

Yes, at the stage curiosity The preschooler is content with only the initial orientation associated with the interestingness, brightness, and unusualness of the object itself. Curiosity represents a valuable state of personality, an active vision of the world, characterized by the desire of a preschool child to penetrate beyond the boundaries of what was initially seen and perceived; at this stage, strong emotions of surprise, joy of learning, delight, and satisfaction with the activity are manifested. A new quality of cognitive development of preschool children is cognitive interest, characterized by increased stability, clear selective focus on a cognizable object, valuable motivation in which cognitive motives occupy the main place; cognitive interest contributes to the preschooler’s penetration into essential relationships, connections, and patterns of mastering reality. We consider the high level of cognitive development of preschool children cognitive activity, the basis for the development of which is the holistic act of cognitive activity. The source of cognitive activity is cognitive need, and the process of satisfying this need is carried out as a search aimed at identifying, discovering the unknown and assimilating it.

The noted stages of cognitive development do not exist in isolation from each other; in practice, they represent extremely complex combinations and relationships and characterize the child’s cognitive development as an evolutionary process.

Final indicators of cognitive development of a preschooler:

This is a primary, generalized attitude towards the world:

cognitive attitude- the world is amazing, full of secrets and mysteries - I want to know and solve them;

careful attitude- the world is fragile and delicate, it requires a reasonable approach and even protection - I want to protect my world, it cannot be harmed;

creative attitude- the world is so beautiful, - I want to preserve and increase this beauty.


The method of cognitive development of preschool children includes the following components:

cognitive, aimed at the child receiving information about the world around him (through sensory cognition, solving cognitive problems, intellectual skills) and forming a holistic picture of the world;

active, reflecting the organization of different types of children's activities (role-playing games, project and research activities of preschool children, experimentation aimed at developing the child’s cognitive activity;

emotional-sensual, determining the child’s attitude to knowledge of the world around him.

When working with preschoolers they use cognitive tasks, which are understood as educational tasks that presuppose the presence of search knowledge, methods (skills) and stimulation of the active use of connections, relationships, and evidence in learning. A system of cognitive tasks accompanies the entire learning process, which consists of sequential activities that gradually become more complex in content and methods.

A current method of cognitive development of preschool children is experimentation,

which is considered as a practical activity of a search nature, aimed at understanding the properties, qualities of objects and materials, connections and dependencies of phenomena. In experimentation, the preschooler acts as a researcher who independently and actively explores the world around him, using various forms of influence on it. In the process of experimentation, the child masters the position of the subject of cognition and activity.

Effective methods of cognitive development of preschool children include project activities, ensuring the development of children’s cognitive interests, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, and the development of critical thinking.

The following types of projects are used in the practice of modern preschool organizations:

Research projects (they require a well-thought-out structure, are completely subordinated to the logic of the research, involve putting forward a hypothesis for solving the identified problem, developing ways to solve it, including experimental, experimental ones. Children experiment, conduct experiments, discuss the results obtained, draw conclusions, draw up the results of the research) ;

Creative projects(as a rule, these types of projects do not have a detailed structure of the joint activities of the participants; it is only outlined and further developed, subordinate to the genre of the final result, which can be formatted as a script for a video film, dramatization, holiday program, album. The presentation of the results can take the form holiday, video film, dramatization, sports game, entertainment);

Game (role-playing) projects(the structure of these projects is also just outlined and remains open until the work is completed). Children take on certain roles determined by the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional heroes, imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. For example, children

Information-practice-oriented projects(they are initially aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon; it is expected that project participants will become familiar with this information, analyze it and summarize the facts. Moreover, the result of the project is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves. Children collect information, discuss it and implement it, focusing for social interests; the results are presented in the form of stands, newspapers, stained glass windows).

Recently, it has been widely used in preschool education research activities, which in its most complete, expanded form suggests the following:

– the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be resolved;

– offers possible solutions;

– checks these possible solutions based on the data;

– draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the inspection;

– applies conclusions to new data;

– makes generalizations.

Thus, using experimentation, cognitive tasks and project activities when solving the problem of cognitive development of preschool children, the teacher ensures a staged transition, qualitative changes in the development of cognitive activity: from curiosity to cognitive activity.

An important point that influences the development of cognitive abilities is the presence of children’s interest in cognitive activity and cognitive motivation.

In order to ensure the development of the personality of pupils, it is necessary to create in each age group developing subject-spatial environment.

I would like to draw attention to Chapter 3, paragraph 3.3 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which lists the specific requirements for the developmental subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution.

One of the important conditions when creating a developing subject-spatial environment is the correspondence of the material to the age of preschoolers. Compliance with age is one of the significant and at the same time difficult conditions to fulfill. This is due to the fact that the materials, complexity and accessibility of their content must correspond to today’s patterns and characteristics of the development of children of a given specific age and take into account those features of development zones that are characteristic again of each individual child today.

Events planned outside of class, are an obligatory component of the child’s cognitive development system. It is at such events that teachers have the opportunity not only to consolidate, clarify, expand, and systematize children’s accumulated ideas; but also introduce new content.

Forms of activities held outside of class

Tradition "Our Glorious Deeds";

Educational evenings;

Stories from teachers “Did you know...”;

Selection of material about animals and plants;

Growing seedlings with children;

Group life calendar;


Thus, the more prepared a child comes to school - this does not mean the amount of accumulated knowledge, but the readiness for mental activity, the more successful the start of school childhood will be for him. Concluding the above, we can conclude that at the present stage of development of preschool education, much attention is paid to the problem of cognitive development of preschoolers, which in turn requires a special attitude on the part of the teacher to this problem.


Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in the educational field “Cognitive Development”

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in the educational field “Cognitive Development”

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! At the beginning of our meeting, to activate positive, productive and successful work, I would like to invite you to take part in the “Quick Setup”. Its content uses various methods and technologies. I would like to offer you today the “Method of Unfinished Sentences,” which allows you to identify the conscious and unconscious attitudes of the participants and shows their attitude to any problem. I suggest you complete the statements of famous people: psychologists, teachers and philosophers on the topic of our meeting.

So, the first statement of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “Game is the spark that lights the fire...” (inquisitiveness and curiosity). Indeed, without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged cognitive development of children in preschool age.

The second statement of Abraham Harold Maslow: “Development occurs when the next step forward objectively brings more joy, more inner satisfaction than ...” (previous acquisitions and victories that have become something ordinary and even boring). This statement suggests that every person, and especially a preschool child, has a constant internal need to learn new truths.

The third statement by Arthur Vladimirovich Petrovsky: “Cognitive activity is one of the important qualities that characterize...” (mental development of a preschooler). You are right, since cognitive activity, and in the opinion of Diana Borisovna Bogoyavlenskaya, is the desire for the most complete knowledge of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; complex personal education.

And the last statement of Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Belyaeva: “One of the main motivators of children’s cognitive activity is...” (teacher).

Indeed, a teacher is a professional who possesses the necessary personal qualities (the desire for self-development, creativity, tact and tolerance in relations with children and parents, an arsenal of the necessary pedagogical tools, can captivate, interest and contribute to the development of cognitive activity in preschool children, which in depends largely on the methods with which the teacher organizes the learning process of students (you can get acquainted with them in the information booklets offered to your attention).

There are known methods that stimulate the process of cognition:

The method of unexpected solutions (the teacher offers a new, non-stereotypical solution to a particular problem that contradicts the child’s existing experience);

The method of presenting tasks with an indefinite ending, which forces children to ask questions aimed at obtaining additional information;

A method that stimulates the manifestation of creative independence in composing similar tasks with new content, searching for analogues in everyday life;

The method of “intentional errors” (according to Sh. A. Amonashvili, when the teacher chooses the wrong path to achieve the goal, and the children discover this and begin to propose their own ways and means of solving the problem.

The teacher must master all the pedagogical tools in order to captivate, interest and develop cognitive activity in preschool children (this is also stated in the Professional Teacher Standard, which comes into force in January 2015).

The formation of cognitive activity in preschool children requires the teacher to demonstrate a creative approach to organizing the pedagogical process.

Signs of a teacher’s creative personality are:

1. The desire for self-development.

2. The ability to notice and formulate alternatives, question the obvious at first glance, and avoid superficial formulations.

3. The ability to delve into a problem and at the same time break away from reality and see the future.

4. The ability to abandon the orientation towards authorities.

5. The ability to present a familiar object from a completely new perspective, in a new context.

6. The ability to associate (quick and free switching of thoughts, the ability to evoke images in the mind and create new combinations from them).

7. Readiness of memory (mastery of a sufficiently large amount of systematized knowledge, orderliness and dynamism of knowledge) and the ability to generalize.

8. Creativity, that is, the ability to transform the activity being performed into a creative process.

In our hands, in the hands of teachers, is the possibility of creating in a preschool educational institution an atmosphere of goodwill and positivity, a developing subject-spatial environment that stimulates cognitive and creative activity in preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education. So, let's take a closer look...

Sensory development. FEMP. Development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children (this is “Culture of everyday life” in the junior and middle groups; “Nature and the child” in all age groups; “The world in which we live” in the senior and preparatory groups).

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the goal of the cognitive development of preschool children was the development of cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of children, which can be divided into sensory, intellectual-cognitive and intellectual-creative.

The content of cognitive research activities involves solving the following problems: developing children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc., about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

From age to age, the tasks of development of cognitive and research activities become more complicated. In early preschool age this is: Sensory development. FEMP. Development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children (this is “Culture of Life”; “Nature and the Child”).

At the stage of completion of preschool education:

The child must have developed the following skills and abilities, for example:

Establish simple connections between phenomena and between objects, predict changes in objects as a result of influence on them, predict the effect of one’s actions, find causes and consequences (“Development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activity”);

Identify several qualities of objects in the process of perception; compare objects by shape, size, structure, position in space, color; highlight characteristic details, beautiful combinations of colors and shades, various sounds; the ability to classify objects according to general qualities (“Sensory development”);

Count within the limits of mastered numbers and determine the ratio of the previous and subsequent ones in a number series; solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction; divide objects into equal and unequal parts, understand the relationship between the part and the whole; count with a change of base; identify the shapes of surrounding objects, determine their position in space and the position of your body in it (“FEMP”);

Knowledge of the symbols of their hometown and state, children’s awareness of belonging to their people (“The World We Live In”).

An elementary idea of ​​the relationships and interactions of living organisms with their environment (“Nature and the Child”)

When organizing the subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in different age groups of preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to remember that its content in the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of preschool children in various types of activities in the field of cognitive development should be determined by the content of the educational activity itself and the age category of the children.

It is recommended to reflect the requirements for their content and occupancy in accordance with the age group in the developed passports of the centers in the group, in which teachers conduct self-analysis of RPPS in groups in the educational field “Cognitive Development”. You can see examples of some of them later (demonstration of passports for the Design Corner and the Nature Corner).

So, for example, in a group in this direction of development of preschool children, the following Game Activity Centers may be represented:

Design Center.

Experimentation center and nature corner.

Center for Logic and Reflection.

Sensory play center

Center for Friendship of the Peoples of the World.

Thus, the decisive role in the construction of RPPS, which stimulates cognitive and creative activity in preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, in the organization of cognitive and research activities of children belongs to the teacher. The level of development of cognitive activity, cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of his pupils largely depends on him and the methods he uses in pedagogical practice to organize the process of cognition.

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Development of cognitive and research activities of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Slide. 2. The main principles of preschool education in accordance with the State Standard are the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities. In addition, the standard is aimed at developing the intellectual qualities of preschoolers. According to it, the program should ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of activities. This document interprets cognitive development as an educational area, the essence of which is revealed as follows: the development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and consequences, etc.)

Federal State Educational Standards of Education pays special attention to educational and research activities (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them). Typical activities for the implementation of this area of ​​work are:

– organization of solving cognitive problems;

– the use of experimentation in working with children;

– use of design.

Slide. 3. A current method of cognitive development of preschool children is experimentation, which is considered as a practical activity of a search nature, aimed at learning the properties, qualities of objects and materials, connections and dependencies of phenomena. In experimentation, the preschooler acts as a researcher who independently and actively explores the world around him, using various forms of influence on it. Cognitive tasks are used when working with preschoolers. A system of cognitive tasks accompanies the entire learning process, which consists of sequential activities that gradually become more complex in content and methods.

In my work on organizing experimental activities for preschoolers, I use a complex of various forms and methods. Their choice is determined by age capabilities, as well as the nature of educational tasks. Experiments are like magic tricks, and for children they are a miracle. Research provides the child with the opportunity to find answers to the questions “how?” " and "why? "

Slide. 4. One of the conditions for solving the problems of experimental activities is the organization of a developmental environment that ensures the development of active independent children's activities.

In our group we created a corner “Children's Science Laboratory”. The laboratory was created to develop children's interest in research activities, where the development of primary natural science concepts, observation, and curiosity occurs. The laboratory implements the following types of experiments:

1. Experimentation with objects and their properties;

2. Collecting (stones, herbarium.)

A place has been designated for the implementation of the stated experiments in the children's science laboratory.

For a permanent exhibition that houses various collections, exhibits, rare items (shells, stones, crystals, feathers, etc.);

For instruments and storage of materials (natural, "waste");

To conduct experiments;

For unstructured materials (sand, water, sawdust, shavings, foam, etc.).

As a result, the child develops such initial key competencies as socialization (through experiences and observations, children interact with each other); communication (speaking out the results of experience, observations); information awareness (children gain knowledge through experiments and observations); activity-based (there is a selection of materials for experiments and the sequence of their implementation).

Slide 5. In the summer, we conduct experimental activities on the street; the children, using pictures and drawings depicting materials for experiments, choose what kind of experiment they want to conduct.

Slide. 6. Experiment “The sun gives us warmth and light”, the purpose of the experiment was to give children the idea that the sun is a source of heat and light. During the experiment, the guys were convinced that not all objects heat up equally quickly, dark objects heat up more, the more heat rays a body absorbs, the higher its temperature becomes.

Slide. 7. Experiments “Sand Country” and “Water Mill”, the purpose of the first experiment was to highlight the properties of sand, flowability, looseness, wet can be sculpted. The purpose of the second experiment was to give an idea that water can set other objects in motion.

Slide. 8. Work on cognitive activities is carried out on the ecological trail “Wonderful Nearby”, there is a site for children’s experimentation on which we conducted the experiment “Where is the water? ", the task of the experiment was to reveal that sand and clay absorb water differently, to highlight their properties: flowability, looseness. The children concluded that all the water had gone into the sand (the particles do not stick to each other, but stand on the surface of the clay (in clay the particles are closer to each other and do not allow water to pass through).

Slide. 9. Experiment “The Air Around Us”, in this experiment my task was to show the children that air exists in the surrounding space, and to reveal its property of invisibility.

Slide. 10. As part of Science Day, the children and I had fun with elements of experimentation “Soap Bubbles Festival”, the purpose of which was:

1. Learn to make soap bubbles yourself.

2. Learn to blow bubbles in different ways.

3. Create a festive atmosphere, bring joy and good mood.

4. Arouse children’s desire to experiment, develop their imagination and imagination.

The children learned how to make soap bubbles themselves and learned new ways of blowing soap bubbles.

Slide. 11. As part of the open lesson “What the wind can do” on the world around me, I developed a didactic game “Magic Meadows”, according to the conditions of the game, the children found themselves in two magical meadows with windy and calm weather, the children were given cards depicting weather conditions, and The children independently chose which clearing these illustrations fit into.

Slide. 12. Effective methods of cognitive development of preschoolers include project activities that ensure the development of children’s cognitive interests, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space.

In addition to the existing experimental site “Veterok”, located on the territory of our institution, in order to ensure maximum realization of the educational potential of the kindergarten space, a project was implemented to create a mini-museum “Nature has no bad weather”, which was designed and replenished by parents : verbal and illustrative materials, providing children with even more in-depth knowledge of natural phenomena, “folk” weather forecasts, and “living barometers”. Presented are models of “Use of Wind Power by Man”, independent assistant devices: rain gauges, barometers, wind traps, etc.

Slide. 13. Concluding the above, we can conclude that at the present stage of development of preschool education, much attention is paid to the problem of cognitive development of preschoolers. Using experimentation and project activities when solving the problem of cognitive development of preschool children, we try to ensure a staged transition, qualitative changes in the development of cognitive activity of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

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Implementation of tasks in the educational field "Cognitive Development" in a preschool educational institution in Krasnoyarsk at a price of 5,000 rubles, order from the company SIBERIAN INSTITUTE OF MODERN PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY

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Description of the service Implementation of the tasks of the educational field "Cognitive development" in preschool educational institutions:

Remote training program:

Implementation of the tasks of the educational field “Cognitive Development” in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard


  • to form in students knowledge about modern approaches to solving problems in the educational field “Cognitive Development” in preschool educational institutions;

– to promote the development of experience in solving practical pedagogical problems from the educational field “Cognitive Development”;

– to generalize the knowledge of students of advanced training courses on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers in the course of solving problems in the educational field “Cognitive Development”;

– provide students of advanced training courses with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with examples of solving problems in the educational field “Cognitive Development” in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

At the end of the program, the student must:


– basic concepts of the course: educational field, educational field “Cognitive development”, cognitive activity of preschool children, cognitive competence of preschool children, cognitive orientation, cognition, cognitive processes;

– the position of a teacher in modern education and his professional and personal orientations;

– basic regulatory documents defining new priorities for the development of preschool education;

– objectives of the educational field “Cognitive Development”;

be able to:

– plan the results of children’s mastery of the “Cognitive Development” section of the main general education program of preschool education;

– develop children's cognitive activity;

– create conditions that encourage preschoolers to engage in independent cognitive activity;

– have a direct pedagogical impact on the cognitive activity of preschool children;

– organize cognitive and research activities of preschool children;


skills of using in practical activities a system for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the “Cognitive Development” section of the main general education program of preschool education;

– skills in organizing research and project activities in a preschool educational institution when solving problems in the educational field “Cognitive Development”;

– skills in using interactive forms of interaction between children of senior preschool age and parents through joint project activities when solving problems in the educational field “Cognitive Development”;

– ways of carrying out psychological and pedagogical work on the development by preschoolers of the educational field “Cognitive Development”.

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions. Development of cognitive activity

A small child is essentially a tireless explorer. He wants to know everything, everything is interesting to him and he definitely needs to stick his nose in everywhere. And the knowledge he will have depends on how many different and interesting things the baby has seen.

After all, you must admit that if a small child sees and does not know anything except the apartment, his thinking is very narrow.

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution involves the involvement of the child in independent activities, the development of his imagination and curiosity.

What does cognitive activity provide?

In children's institutions, everything is created so that the little explorer can satisfy his curiosity. In order to effectively develop the child’s cognitive sphere, the best option is to organize and carry out activities aimed at cognition.

Activity, whatever it may be, is an important component for the harmonious development of a child. After all, in the process the baby gets to know the space around him and gains experience interacting with various objects. The child acquires certain knowledge and masters specific skills.

As a result of this, mental and volitional processes are activated, mental abilities are developed and emotional personality traits are formed.

In preschool educational institutions, the entire program for the upbringing, development and training of children is based on the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, educators must strictly adhere to the developed criteria.

What is Federal State Educational Standard

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) imposes a certain set of tasks and requirements for the quality of education and upbringing of preschool children, namely:

  • to the scope of the educational program and its structure;
  • to the appropriate conditions where the main points of the program are implemented;
  • to the results obtained that teachers teaching preschoolers were able to achieve.

Pre-school education is the initial stage of universal secondary education. That is why so many requirements are imposed on it and uniform standards are introduced that all preschool educational institutions adhere to.

The Federal State Educational Standard is a support for developing plans and writing lesson notes aimed at the cognitive development of preschoolers.

The difference between the activities of children and schoolchildren is the lack of certification. Children are not examined or tested. But the standard allows us to assess the levels and abilities of each child and the effectiveness of the teacher.

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution pursues the following objectives:

  • Encouraging curiosity, developing and identifying the child’s interests.
  • Formation of actions aimed at understanding the surrounding world, development of conscious activity.
  • Development of creative abilities and imagination.
  • Formation of knowledge about oneself, other children and people, the environment and the properties of various objects.
  • Children become familiar with concepts such as color, shape, size, quantity. Children begin to understand time and space, cause and effect.
  • Children receive knowledge about their Fatherland, they are instilled with common cultural values. Ideas about national holidays, customs, and traditions are given.
  • Preschoolers get an idea of ​​the planet as a universal home for people, how diverse the inhabitants of the Earth are and what they have in common.
  • The children learn about the diversity of flora and fauna and work with local specimens.

Forms of work on the development of cognitive activity

The main condition for working with preschoolers is to focus on their capabilities and develop activities aimed at studying the world and the surrounding space.

The teacher should structure classes in such a way that the child is interested in research, is independent in his knowledge and shows initiative.

The main forms aimed at cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions include:

  • children’s personal involvement in research and various activities;
  • the use of various didactic tasks and games;
  • the use of teaching techniques that help in developing in children such traits as imagination, curiosity and speech development, replenishment of vocabulary, formation of thinking and memory.

The cognitive development of preschoolers is unthinkable without activity. To prevent kids from being passive, unique games are used to support their activity.

Cognition through play

Kids cannot imagine their lives without play. A normally developing child constantly manipulates objects. The work of educators in cognitive activities is based on this.

In the morning the children come to the group. The first step is charging. Exercises such as “collect mushrooms”, “smell the flowers”, “rays-rays” are used.

After breakfast, the kids work with the nature calendar and in the living corner. During environmental games, activity and curiosity develop.

During a walk, the teacher can use many outdoor games, and observe nature and its changes. Games based on natural objects help to better assimilate knowledge.

Reading fiction expands, systematizes knowledge, and enriches vocabulary.

In a kindergarten, be it a group or a section, everything is created so that the development of cognitive activity occurs naturally and effortlessly.

Doubt is the main argument

What kind of person do parents want their child to be? At different times this question had different answers. If in Soviet times, mothers and fathers sought to raise an obedient “performer” in all respects, capable of working hard in a factory in the future, now many want to raise a person with an active position, a creative personality.

In order for a child to be self-sufficient in the future and have his own opinion, he must learn to doubt. And doubts ultimately lead to their own conclusion.

The task of the educator is not to question the competence of the teacher and his teachings. The main thing is to teach the child to doubt knowledge itself and the methods of obtaining it.

After all, you can simply tell and teach something to a child, or you can show how it happens. The child will be able to ask about something and express his opinion. This way the knowledge gained will be much stronger.

After all, you can simply say that a tree does not sink, but a stone will immediately sink to the bottom - and the child, of course, will believe it. But if the child conducts an experiment, he will be able to personally verify this and, most likely, will try other materials for buoyancy and draw his own conclusions. This is how the first reasoning appears.

The development of cognitive activity is impossible without a doubt. In the modern way, the Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions have now stopped simply giving knowledge “on a silver platter.” After all, if you tell a child something, all he has to do is remember it.

But it is much more important to reason, reflect and come to your own conclusion. After all, doubt is the road to creativity, self-realization and, accordingly, independence and self-sufficiency.

How often today's parents heard in childhood that they were not yet old enough to argue. It's time to forget about this trend. Teach children to express their opinions, doubt and look for answers.

Cognitive development in preschool educational institutions by age

As a child ages, his capabilities and needs change. Accordingly, both objects and the entire environment in the group for children of different ages should be different, corresponding to research opportunities.

So, for 2-3 year olds, all subjects should be simple and understandable, without unnecessary details.

For children from 3 to 4 years old, toys and objects become more multifaceted, and imaginative toys that help develop imagination begin to occupy more space. You can often see a child playing with blocks and imagining them as cars, then building a garage out of them, which then becomes a road.

At an older age, objects and the environment become more complex. A special role is given to iconic objects. Figurative and symbolic material comes to the fore after 5 years.

What about the kids?

Features of cognitive development in two- to three-year-old children are associated with the present moment and the environment.

All objects surrounding children should be bright, simple and understandable. The presence of an emphasized feature is required, for example: shape, color, material, size.

Children are especially willing to play with toys that resemble adult objects. They learn to operate things by imitating mom or dad.

Middle group

Cognitive development in the middle group involves the continued expansion of ideas about the world and the development of vocabulary.

It is necessary to have story toys and household items. The group is equipped taking into account the allocation of the necessary zones: a music room, a natural corner, a book area, a place for games on the floor.

All necessary material is placed according to the mosaic principle. This means that objects used by children are located in several places distant from each other. This is necessary so that children do not interfere with each other.

Cognitive development in the middle group also involves independent research by children. For this purpose, several zones are equipped. For example, in winter, material about the cold season is laid out in places accessible to children.

This could be a book, cards, themed games.

The material changes throughout the year so that children get a new batch of ideas to think about each time. In the process of studying the material provided, kids explore the world around them.

Don't forget about the experiment

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution involves the use of experiments and experiments. They can be carried out at any regular moment: while washing, walking, playing, exercising.

When washing, it is easy to explain to children what rain and slush are. So they sprayed it on the sand and it turned out to be mud. The children concluded why it is so often dirty in the fall.

It's interesting to compare water. Here it is raining, and here the water is flowing from the tap. But you can’t drink water from a puddle, but you can drink water from a tap.

It can rain when there are a lot of clouds, but it can rain when the sun is shining.

Children are very impressionable and malleable. Give them food for thought. Topics on cognitive development are selected taking into account age and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

If kids study the properties of objects, then older preschool children are already able to understand the structure of the world.

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Introduction to the social world.

Introduction to the natural world.

It is clear that the specific content of these educational areas depends on the age and individual characteristics of children. The programs for each group indicate the types of activities in which this content can be implemented.

In Object activity, children learn such properties as color, shape, surface character, weight, location in space, temperature, etc. This activity helps children solve the problem through trial and error, i.e. with the help of visual and effective thinking. In Experimenting with sand, water, dough, etc. properties hidden at first glance are revealed: water flows, it is wet, objects sink or float in it….

From Communication with adults, children learn a huge amount of necessary information: the names of objects, actions, properties, the attitude of adults to everything around them. Joint games with peers under the guidance of adults allow children to apply the knowledge and skills acquired earlier. Self-care and actions with household objects-tools enrich children’s sensory experience, create conditions for the development of visual and effective thinking, develop small muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of the frontal lobes of children’s brains.

Poems, fairy tales, songs not only provide emotional pleasure, but also enrich children’s ideas about the world, taking it beyond the limits of the directly perceived.

Looking at pictures helps enrich sensory experience and develop visual-figurative thinking.

Motor activity, to a lesser extent, but also affects the cognitive development of children. Firstly, it relieves stress, and in addition, here children receive a lot of information about their own body, its capabilities, in outdoor games they learn to understand - bunnies jump, foxes run, a bear waddles from side to side, etc.

In preschool age, play comes first in importance among the types of activities in which cognitive development occurs.

The main types of games are role-playing, directing, theatrical, because in these games the child’s desire for independence and active participation in the life of adults is satisfied. A game for a preschooler performs the same function as a textbook for schoolchildren; it helps to understand what is happening around them. All games, including educational games with rules, satisfy the insatiable need for knowledge of the environment.

Communicative activities, compared to communication at an early age, become more meaningful. Children are able to express their opinions, ask “chains” of questions, discuss serious issues, and insist on something.

Cognitive and research activities, when properly organized, teach children to see a problem, look for ways to solve it, record the result, and analyze the data obtained.

Introducing children to reading fiction and folklore allows us not only to replenish children’s literary baggage, but also to raise a reader who is capable of feeling compassion and empathy for the characters of the book, and identifying himself with the characters of the book.

Self-service and basic household work become noticeably more complicated and allow children to identify more properties of objects and gain new knowledge.

Construction, visual activity, and musical activity, of course, mainly solve the problems of the artistic and aesthetic development of children, but at the same time they learn a lot about the means and materials with which they work, and get acquainted with works of art.

As part of Motor Activities, despite all the specificity of this educational area, we introduce children to various sports, famous athletes, the Olympic Games, and form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, we can conclude that each of the specifically children's activities allows for the implementation of the content of cognitive development, integrating it with other educational areas.

The third section of the Federal State Educational Standard defines the Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

I would like to draw attention to Chapter 3, paragraph 3.3 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which lists the specific requirements for the developmental subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution. Quote: A developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. The richness of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

One of the important conditions when creating a developing subject-spatial environment is the correspondence of the material to the age of preschoolers. Compliance with age is one of the significant and at the same time difficult conditions to fulfill.

This is due to the fact that the materials, complexity and accessibility of their content must correspond to today’s patterns and characteristics of the development of children of a given specific age and take into account those features of development zones that are characteristic again of each individual child today. At the same time, we must remember that the next age group is the guardian of the environment of the previous group for many reasons. It must preserve materials from the previous stage of development. In this regard, it can be recommended to focus on such indicators of the correspondence of the environment to the age of children.

Children of younger groups, whose development is at the point of transition from object-based to play activities, should receive opportunities from the environment to develop precisely these types of activities. In accordance with the patterns of development of thinking, memory, attention, speech, etc. here the environment of objective activity and the associated conditions of sensory education and development of children should be powerfully represented, and here the nascent play activity receives nourishment.

Thus, the developmental environment of the younger group should contain all types of activities, but their focus is associated with objective and play activities. Their content should fulfill all the developmental goals of children of this age. The general appearance of the group is playful, bright, objective.

In the middle group, the content of the developmental environment should prevail, which determines the transition stage from objective activity to more developed play activity. This level should grow; it can be ensured by a smooth transition from secure creative play to a game that forces the child to look for combinations of the play situation, setting, play content, rules and actions. Therefore, gaming equipment gradually gives way to the academic content of activities throughout the year.

Senior group. Here there is further development of leading activity, this is the period of peak development of creative plot-role-playing game, and here special requirements are placed on the game.

In the senior group, one of the main tasks of teachers is to organize a subject-development environment for cognitive development. Environmental materials are regularly replenished.

The preparatory group for school is similar in content to the senior group, but differs in content, which includes program objectives, individual characteristics and needs of children. Here we have the same approaches to creating an environment, perhaps a little more content. Speaking about designing a developmental environment for children in the preparatory group, I would like to prevent adults from wanting to turn this group into a school classroom with visual aids, geographical and historical maps, diagrams, etc.

Of course, if a child feels like a significant person, understands that he is respected, he is taken into account, he is confident in himself and makes his own efforts to acquire the necessary knowledge. In this case, the child is not afraid to make mistakes and asks questions in order to solve the problem correctly.

A child strives for independence, but he cannot understand the world without the help of an adult. It is important what position the teacher chose. What do you think this position should be? (Answers)

Yes, of course, the best position is that of a partner, but a knowledgeable, skillful and authoritative partner whom you want to imitate. In this case, it is possible to build educational activities based on interaction. (3.2.1.)

A famous French teacher said that children learn not so much from the teacher as from other children. And this is, in fact, true; it is easier to imitate peers, especially if friendly relations have been established with them.

Cognitive development presupposes some “discoveries” of the child, solving some problems that are significant for him independently. This becomes possible with the support of children's initiative and the ability to choose materials and types of activities.

You, of course, remember that the fundamental difference between Gosstandart and FGT is the fourth section, “Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program.”

Remember the term in which these requirements are formulated?

Yes, these are targets. It is now important for us to highlight those targets that allow us to assess the effectiveness of the cognitive development of young children and preschoolers.

So, for an early age it is important that the child is interested in surrounding objects, actively interacts with them and with toys, showing persistence in achieving results.

Preschoolers can achieve more.

Firstly, they master the basic cultural methods of activity, show initiative and independence in play, cognitive and research activities, and construction.

They have a more developed imagination, and this is one of the cognitive mental processes.

An important indicator of cognitive development is the manifestation of curiosity. This means that the child asks questions, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions.

Another indicator of successful cognitive development is the tendency to experiment.

Having knowledge about oneself, the natural and social world in which a preschooler grows up is also one of the target guidelines that characterizes the child’s quality of preschool childhood and his readiness for school.

By the end of his stay in kindergarten, we must help the child master basic concepts in the field of natural science, mathematics, and history. To teach, based on one’s own knowledge, to make independent decisions in different types of activities.

The formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschoolers is considered as an indicator of continuity with the school.

Concluding the discussion of the topic, I want to emphasize that the educational and developmental result of cognitive activity, in the most general form, is the intellectual and moral development of the individual, the child’s acquisition of experience in creative activity and a value-based attitude to the world, the formation of the need for knowledge and cognition.

Thus, provided that the pedagogical process is properly organized using methods, usually playful ones, that take into account the characteristics of children’s perception, as well as with a properly organized subject-development environment, children can already assimilate the proposed material at preschool age without stress overloads. And the more prepared a child comes to school - this does not mean the amount of accumulated knowledge, but specifically the readiness for mental activity, the more successful the beginning of his school childhood will be for him.

I wish you success in the cognitive development of your children!

The manual is a collection of tasks for working with children on the eve of entering school. The tasks presented in this collection are so exciting that the child will not have to be forced to study. Completing these tasks will not only help the future first-grader develop memory, attention, perception, thinking, form correct speech, and improve graphic skills, but will also provide the necessary basic level of knowledge, skills and abilities that will help him in the future study well and easily at school. The manual is intended for classes with children 5-6 years old and is addressed to teachers of preparatory groups of preschool institutions, teachers of secondary schools, parents, as well as everyone who is interested in successfully preparing a child for entry into 1st grade.

Three months before school. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (5-6 years). Kholodova O.A.

Description of the textbook

1. Your first name, patronymic and last name.
2. Your age (date and year of birth).
3. Your home address.
4. Country and city in which he lives.
5. Last name, first name, patronymic of parents, their profession.
6. Seasons (sequence, months, main signs of each season).
7. Part of the day (sequence, main features of each time of day).
8. Domestic animals, their cubs, habits.
9. Wild animals of our forests, hot countries, the North, their cubs, habits.
10. Wintering and migratory birds.
11. Transport land, underground, water, underwater, air.
12. Distinguish between clothes, shoes and hats.
13. Distinguish between vegetables, fruits and berries.
14. Freely navigate on a sheet of paper (right - left side, top - bottom).
15. Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval.
16. Freely count from 1 to 10 and back.
17. Perform counting operations within 10 (±, 1, 2).
18. Distinguish between vowels and consonants.
19. Divide words into syllables using claps, steps, and so on.
20. Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like “poppy”,
“house”, “oaks”, “sleigh”, “wasps”.
21. Know and be able to tell Russian folk tales.
22. Know poems for children by heart.
23. Be able to fully and consistently retell the story you listened to.
24. Be able to compose (invent) a story based on a picture, based on a series of pictures.
25. Use a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler, draw geometric shapes, animals, people, various objects based on geometric shapes, carefully paint over, shade with a pencil without going beyond the contours of objects.
26. Good use of scissors (cut strips, squares, circles, rectangles)
nicknames, triangles, cut out an object along the contour).
27. Be able to complete a task according to a model.
28. Be able to listen carefully, without distractions (20-30 minutes).
29. Remember and name 6-10 objects, pictures, words.
30. Maintain good posture while sitting.
From the author
Being ready for school today does not mean being able to read, write and count.
To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.
L. A. Vengsr. A. L. Vemger
Entering school is an important moment in a child's life. There is a new life ahead, new friends, new, sometimes very serious challenges. How can you help your child adapt to school faster and develop an interest in learning?
You want your child to study well, but at the same time be cheerful, cheerful and healthy. - help him. Good preschool preparation is the key to excellent school performance.
Helping you prepare for school is the main goal of this manual.
Using the systematic approach adopted in the manual, it is possible to quickly and effectively develop in a preschooler such qualities as memory, attention, logical thinking, imagination, creative and spatial thinking, resourcefulness and intelligence.
This manual offers various tasks that will teach children:
- listen, observe,
- remember and process received information;
- determine different and identical properties of objects;
- recognize objects by given characteristics; describe objects;
- compare objects with each other;
— determine the sequence of events;
- navigate in space;
- generalize;
- classify;
- work according to the model;
- act in accordance with the accepted intention;
- develop dexterity and mobility of the hand.
The manual contains 36 lessons that can be conducted either once a week from September to May (as a special course on the development of the cognitive abilities of a preschooler), or 3 times a week from January to April (as preparation for a psychological and pedagogical interview when enrolling in 1st grade ), or 3 times a week from June to September (in order to develop children's skills, develop new skills, and increase the level of readiness for school). Working with a child on benefits should be dynamic, but not tiring, lasting no more than 30 minutes.
In the manual, the tasks follow each other in a certain order.
ANSWER determines the child’s ability to quickly answer questions, assesses the level of general knowledge and outlook.
PERFORMANCE will help assess the level of development of attention, memory, understand how developed the child’s logic and abstract thinking are, and determine the level of the child’s vocabulary.
DRAWING is aimed at developing motor skills, as well as the ability to perceive material by ear, reflect what is heard graphically, and determines the child’s readiness to write from dictation.
Recommendations for working with these manuals are given on the back cover.
I wish you success in preparing your child for such an important, difficult, but wonderful and interesting period in life - to study at school!
Play, try, dare and believe in yourself and your child’s capabilities!
1. What do schoolchildren do on September 1?
2. Why do children need to go to school?
3. When is your birthday? What time of year is this?
4. How does an old person differ from a young person?
5. What kind of person is called a friend?
1. Color the fruits that grow on the trees. Emphasize the vegetables. Count and tell me how many items there are in total? What number is lemon? What object is drawn between the carrot and the pear? Name the fourth object from left to right.
2. Remember what should be where. Put things in their places by drawing arrows.
3. Find in each line a pattern that is not similar to the others. Cross it out.
4. Look carefully at the pictures. Find and mark 3 differences.
5. Connect the dots according to the pattern.
6. Complete the started pattern.
Name it in one word.
1. Mom, dad, brother, aunt, grandmother.
2. Circle, square, triangle, oval.
3. Skirt, trousers, shorts, shirt, dress.
4. Doll, matryoshka, soldiers, cubes.
5. Moscow, Sochi, St. Petersburg, Kyiv.
1. Color or circle the odd one out and explain your choice.
2. Watching only with your eyes, find out which butterfly flew out of the net?
)3. Draw for each item what is missing.

Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (5-6 years).

Games for the development of cognitive processes in children of senior preschool age.

Shchipitsina Marina Ivanovna, teacher-psychologist, MBDOU "Savinsky kindergarten", village of Savino, Perm region, Karagay district.
Description of material: I bring to your attention games for the development of cognitive processes in children of senior preschool age. As a rule, the successful education of children in primary school depends on the level of development of cognitive processes. The material will be useful to parents and teachers and will help prepare children for school.
The successful education of children in primary school depends on the level of development of cognitive processes (thinking, speech, attention, memory, etc.), creatively solving various problems.
Preschool age is a period when the baby's main activity is play. In a game, it is easier to assimilate knowledge, skills, abilities, with the help of a game situation it is easier to attract the child’s attention, he remembers the material better, so try to choose tasks that are entertaining in nature.
Remember that at this age the duration of the lesson should not exceed 25 - 30 minutes. Avoid overtiring your baby. I offer you several games that will help develop children’s cognitive processes:

Game "An Extra Word"
Goal: development of thinking
Instructions: I will name 4 words, three of which can be combined, but one word does not fit them, it is superfluous.
For example:
1. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.
2. Russia, Poland, Moscow, Japan.
3. Dove, crow, bird, magpie.
4. Monday, Friday, May, Wednesday.
5. Sveta, Katya, Maltsev, Oleg.

Exercise “Semantic series”
Goal: development of thinking
Instructions: I will tell you three words, and you guess what the fourth will be.
1. nest bird, dog -…
2. jacket-fabric, boots-…
3. horse-foal, cow-…
4. book cover, house -…
5. dog - puppy, person -...
6. porridge-spoon, meat-...
7. boat-water, train-…
8. hollow squirrel, human -...
9. flower-stem, tree-…
10. window-sill, wardrobe - ...
11. birch leaves, pine - ...
12. sun-light, night-...
13. fur coat-button, boot -…

Game “Continue the list of words”
Goal: development of cognitive processes (attention, thinking, speech).
Instructions: continue the list of words and name the group with one word.

Russia, Poland... - doctor, teacher...
- Sveta, Natasha... - Volga, Kama...
- boots, shoes... - birch, poplar...
- tit, dove... - hare, bear...
- tulip, carnation... - skates, skis...
- March, January... - nest, hole...
- blue, red... - raspberry, currant
- one, two... - Venus, Jupiter...
- rain, hail... - sneakers, shoes...
- sour cream, kefir... - cupcake, cake...
- minute, second... - brave, brave...
- shovel, rake... - chair, chair...
- cubes, pyramid... - tape recorder, iron...
- car, bus... - skirt, trousers...
- apple, pear... - cucumber, carrot...
- chicken, goose... - cow, sheep...

Game "Make the Moves"
The goal is to develop attention.
Instructions: Try to perform the movements correctly: if you hear the name of an animal, jump, if you hear the name of a bird, wave your hands, if you hear the name of a subject for school, sit at the table and put your hands on the table.

Words: ruler, cow, backpack, owl, book, bear, elk, notebook, crow, swallow, pen, fox, dove, wolf, globe, pencil, goat, duck, magpie, pencil case, pig, scissors.

Game "Compare objects"
The goal is to develop attention and thinking.
Instructions: Compare objects with each other. Tell me how they are similar and how they differ.

Boots and socks
- piano and violin
- teapot and plate
- apple and ball
- girl and doll
- clock and thermometer
- board and glass

"Solving Logical Problems"
Goal: development of logical thinking, ability to make inferences.
Instructions: Listen to the problems, think and solve them.
Nine bunnies eat one carrot each. How many carrots does it take to feed all the bunnies?
Two girls played with dolls for two hours. How many hours did each of these girls play?

Lena had four beds of carrots and cabbage in her garden. There were more beds with carrots than with cabbage. How many beds of carrots and how many of cabbage did Lena have in her garden?

The thermometer shows three degrees below zero. How many degrees do these two thermometers show?

Three girls have hair of different lengths. Marina's is longer than Alena's, Alena's is longer than Natasha's. Which girl has the longest hair and which one has the shortest? Show Marina, Alena and Natasha in the picture.

Three brothers - Kolya, Vanya and Tolya - study in different classes. Kolya is older than Vanya, and Vanya is older than Tolya. Which child is the youngest and which is the eldest? Show Kolya, Vanya and Tolya in the picture.

Materials taken from the book by I. Svetlova "Lessons for preschool children. Logic"