Thomas Paine and his influence on the American Revolution. "The Godfather of the USA" Thomas Paine

Accumulated negative emotions, tensions in the body and thoughts should be gotten rid of so that they do not become the cause of the development of psychosomatic disorders. The mind and body are interconnected, as scientists already agree with. That is why it is recommended to conduct autogenic training on various exercises for the purpose of relaxation and relaxation, which will be discussed in the online magazine site.

Why should a person relax? This is how nature programmed him. Every day a person goes to bed so that the physical body can rest, and thoughts and emotions can be put in order, loosen their grip and become less pronounced. During the day, a person also needs rest, which depends on the number of stressful stimuli that have piled up.

Almost every day a person gets irritated. This irritation can be significant or it can be mild. In any case, relaxation of the physical body is required, which will entail relaxation of thoughts and letting go of emotions that sometimes remain in a person’s head for days and months.

The life of any person is full of stress. Either you need to solve work-related issues, then you are constantly worried about the lack of money, then your health is deteriorating, or your relationship with your loved one is not going well. A person does not need to look for problems, since they usually create, develop and affect him emotionally.

Naturally, anyone who has been through various stressful situations can say that they are emotionally exhausted. Over time, you feel yourself getting tired, no matter how interesting it is for you to solve your problems. And often this is due to the fact that a person is simply very tense when problems arise and are solved.

The most effective way to avoid exhaustion in any stressful situation is to learn to physically relax? When a person is worried, angry, or unacceptable about something, he physically tenses his muscles. He does not notice this because he is busy thinking about the problem itself and experiencing his emotions. And at this time, his muscles are tense, because on a physical level they are trying to defend themselves and cope with a negative situation.

It is natural that after some time you feel tired not only emotionally, but also physically. This all suggests that you tried to cope with the problem not only on an intellectual level, but also on a physical one.

The fact that you are physically struggling with an unpleasant situation makes you tired. Sometimes even because you were tense at the muscle level, you became emotional and unbalanced. Therefore, in order to calmly solve your problems, quickly and easily, you must be calm, balanced and understand what to do and what not to do. People sometimes make even more mistakes when trying to solve their problems because they succumb to emotional and physical stress. The body wants to feel calm and healthy, but a person strains it and does not relax it. This leads to the fact that a person cannot concentrate on solving the issue that has arisen, which is why he begins to think very superficially and illogically.

To solve your problem, and at the same time do it for your own benefit, you must physically relax. Train yourself not only to calm down emotionally, but also to physically relax all your muscles that are tense because of the situation. It is physical relaxation, or even the process of taking time to calm down, that allows you to become more balanced on an emotional level. This, accordingly, leads to the fact that you begin to think more soberly, judiciously and logically. This means that you are already solving the problem, and not making it even worse. So whenever there is a problem in your life that you need to solve and not make worse, take time to keep your body relaxed as this affects your emotional state, which in turn affects the decisions you make.

What is autogenic training?

German psychiatrist I. Schultz developed autogenic training, which is based on self-hypnosis. Its meaning is to achieve two natural states inside the body:

  1. A feeling of warmth, which is associated with the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries at the moment of relaxation.
  2. A feeling of heaviness that occurs when the muscles of the body relax.

It is these two sensations that accompany a person when he falls asleep. These are the sensations that occur when a person is put into hypnosis. Through these sensations, one can achieve a state of meditation, which many people want to learn when they reach the limit of their emotional experiences and are exhausted.

Initially, autogenic training was intended to treat people with neurotic disorders. However, this technique is ideal for healthy people who daily accumulate negative emotions and experiences. After all, neurotic disorders are the result of accumulated negative experiences that a person often carries within himself and is unable to get rid of.

Many psychologists note that a modern healthy person is more sick. Only if he does not harm others can he be considered healthy. Thus, we can say that society for the most part consists of sick people, they are simply not so dangerous to others as to be placed in psychiatric hospitals.

The reason for the pain of many can be called negative experiences and emotions that they experience and do not get rid of. The sensations accumulate and accumulate, leading to a natural state, or irritability. Even the slightest reason can throw a person off balance. This can no longer be called a normal state, since a healthy individual can survive and calmly tolerate many irritating factors, reacting to them calmly.

To get rid of accumulated emotions, you should understand in more detail the techniques of autogenic training.

Relaxation in autogenic training

Autogenic training includes muscle relaxation and subconscious suggestion. The first part of the exercise is to relax the muscles of the body. Then the individual proceeds to instill in his subconscious certain thoughts of a positive nature, which should transform, calm, and strengthen him.

A distinctive feature of autogenic training from hypnotherapy is the role of the individual over whom the “” happens. In hypnotherapy the individual takes a passive part, while in autogenic training he actively hypnotizes himself in the direction he needs.

There is the highest level of autogenic training, when a person is able to instill in himself any attitudes. However, only trained people reach this level. For an ordinary person, the first exercises of the initial stage are enough, when he helps to relax his body, emotions, and thoughts. At this stage, you should pay attention to breathing: it should be calm and deep. At the same time, a person must observe how the air passes through his organs and disperses throughout all the cells of the body.

During the process of relaxing breathing, you need to recite the program to yourself: “My tensions are disappearing. The muscles relax." Emotional stress leads to muscle tension, which provokes the development of psychosomatic disorders. It is necessary to observe how the whole body relaxes.

When a person achieves complete relaxation, he can enter a special state characterized by three phases:

  1. The first is complete peace and relaxation.
  2. The second is a state of weightlessness.
  3. The third is the disappearance of the body, the person does not seem to feel it.

While in such a borderline state, it is important to maintain control so as not to fall asleep. It is in this state that you can practice self-hypnosis. It is better to prepare verbal instructions in advance that you will pronounce to yourself. They can be used to improve the functioning of internal organs. Some people use autogenic training to change their own beliefs and attitudes. The most important thing here is not to harm yourself.

You can simply put yourself in a borderline state to observe your body or the course of your thoughts. There is no need to manage the process, just be an observer. This “game” will allow you to relax not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. The nervous system will become significantly stronger if a person does the work correctly, even just by observing what is happening in his thoughts and emotions.

Relaxation and autogenic training

There are many techniques and techniques that allow a person to cope with emotional pressures and stressful conditions. Here it is important to tune in to the process and do everything alone. Relaxation through autogenic training helps to get rid of physical stress, cope with insomnia, eliminate stagnation in thoughts and emotions, and remove some diseases that are easily treated.

The main focus of autogenic training is psychomuscular relaxation. In this way, a person can influence the state of his body or psyche. If you constantly train, you can begin to live a harmonious and calm life, without worrying or encountering many diseases.

Studies have been conducted that have shown that people who resort to autogenic training extend their life by several years.

Let's look at two psychomuscular workouts:

  1. Shortly before bedtime, spend time in the fresh air, take a shower, then slow down subsequent actions (speak more quietly, dim the lights in the room, slowly undress and go to bed). Close your eyes, relax. Without opening your eyes, look up, saying “I”, and down, saying “I calm down.” Do this several times. And then you can imagine a picture of something calming, talking to yourself about how you relax and unwind.
  2. Take a lying position, close your eyes and watch your breathing. You can imagine a picture of something calming. We begin to recite verbal guidelines for calming and relaxing individual parts of the body until the whole body is relaxed.

Autogenic training exercises

Autogenic training exercises can be used anywhere and anytime. Any person can do this. If it is not possible to lie down, then you can do the exercises while sitting. The main thing is faith in the success and effectiveness of the process.

If you practice the exercises daily, you can achieve a good level of relaxation when you no longer need to create special conditions. It will be enough to say a few phrases to yourself and you will immediately feel relaxed.

Bottom line

Autogenic training allows a person to get rid of physiological problems and emotional stress. However, if you train and reach a higher level of development, you can reach the stage when a person will be able to influence and program himself.

Probably everyone has heard about the enormous benefits autogenic training(auto-training), be it psychological or physiological. Range of use autogenic training exercises very wide.

Autogenic training - exercises are used to restore ability to work after fatigue, to regulate the emotional state and exercise willpower, to combat insomnia, relieve stress and depression.

The method of autogenic training is successfully used by athletes and people of other professions where constant neuropsychic stress is required.
And as we know from life practice, such tension is present almost every day in every person.
Greetings, dear readers of articles on psychology and psychoanalysis, I wish you mental health.
Category: Autotraining exercises

Autogenic training: exercise 1

The most effective method of acquiring the skill of relaxation is undoubtedly autogenic training. The main provisions of this technique can be outlined as follows: the ability to deeply and quickly cause complete relaxation of the muscles of the body, inducing a feeling of warmth in the extremities through a voluntary influence on the tone of peripheral vessels; voluntary regulation of cardiac rhythm; influence on the depth and rhythm of breathing; the ability to cause a feeling of warmth in the abdomen, coolness in the forehead.
(stress relief: psychotraining)
Teaching people the ability to regulate their mental state using autogenic training exercises is an important task for a psychologist.

Autogenic training exercises are based on self-hypnosis. As practice shows, especially vivid ideas can be evoked in a state of relaxation. In this regard, the most favorable time for self-hypnosis, natural autohypnosis, is the moment after a night's sleep and before falling asleep.

If you think about it a little, the expression “got off on the wrong foot” becomes clear. First, try to imagine something very good when you wake up - you will see that your mood will be at a higher level all day than usual.

Except for morning and evening hours, autogenic training can be done up to two to three times a day, depending on the rhythm and routine of your life.
Remember: to achieve maximum effect, you need to exercise daily, regardless of how you feel.

You should, naturally, learn auto-training exercises and mental relaxation in a relaxed position. It is most convenient to practice lying on your back, with your arms slightly bent at the elbows, palms down along the body, and your feet apart by 20-30 centimeters.

The second position for autogenic training is sitting in a soft chair with a headrest and armrests, on which the practitioner places his relaxed hands. However, such conditions are not always at your disposal, and the so-called “coachman’s pose” can be considered the most accessible for practicing in any situation.

To take it, you need to sit straight in a chair, straighten your back, and then relax all your skeletal muscles. The head is lowered on the chest, the eyes are closed, the legs are slightly apart and bent at an obtuse angle, the hands are on the knees without touching each other, the elbows are slightly rounded - in a word, the characteristic pose of a cab driver dozing while waiting for the rider.

Mastery autogenic training exercises may prevent descent into a passive, uncontrollable state of drowsiness and sleep. To ward off excessive drowsiness, you should take 3-4 deep breaths and exhale and close your eyes tightly 3-4 times without raising your eyelids. At the same time, you need to convince yourself that drowsiness is passing, a feeling of peace and relaxation sets in, and continue training.

While studying autogenic training, you do not bring anything extraneous into yourself, but simply develop all the best and necessary things that are in you.

Autogenic training exercises can be used not only as an independent psychotherapeutic technique, but also combined with other methods, with sanatorium or drug treatment. You can practice both individually and in a group.

So, if you decide to start classes, remember that the guarantee of your success is confidence in your abilities and the final result, which allows you to overcome doubts and hesitations, internal readiness and a sincere desire to carry out all the instructions completely and as best as possible.

Let me remind you that two weeks are allotted to master each exercise; you need to train at least three times a day for 5-10 minutes. If at first you don’t succeed, you should practice for up to 15 minutes or more.

The self-hypnosis formulas used must be combined with specific emotional images that evoke in you the sensations necessary for this exercise. Formulas must be pronounced mentally, “to yourself,” while correlating them with your breathing.

As a rule, formulas pronounced while exhaling provide a greater relaxing effect. If the formula is too long and you do not have time to “speak” it during one exhalation, then you can stretch it into two.


Now you can directly begin autogenic training. First of all, take a comfortable position and try to detach yourself from extraneous thoughts and sensations that are not related to the training. To do this, you can use the following formulas for the first exercise:

I prepared to rest;

I calm down;

I take a break from everything;

Extraneous sounds do not bother me;

All worries, worries, anxieties go away;

Thoughts flow smoothly, slowly;

I'm resting;

I'm completely calm.

As you remember, deeper rest is facilitated by the relaxation of all the muscles of the limbs and body, which is subjectively assessed by us as a feeling of heaviness. You've probably experienced this feeling of heaviness in your muscles when you rest after doing some physical work or a long walk. But then this feeling was involuntary, now you need to return to it consciously with the help autogenic training.

First of all, you must learn to relax your right hand (for left-handed people, your left hand, since this hand is the most controlled when doing autogenic training). To do this you can use the formula:

My right hand is heavy.

This formula for autogenic training exercises needs to be visualized clearly. Now the muscles of the hand relax - the fingers, the hand, the whole hand has become heavy, like lead. She is relaxed and lies powerless, like a whip.

I have no strength, I don’t want to move it.

Repeat the proposed formula slowly 6-8 times, trying to remember more clearly the sensations you evoke. It is desirable that the resulting feeling of relaxation is not unpleasant. If this happens, try replacing the word “heaviness” with the word “relaxation” in the autogenic training formula.

After you learn to relax your right arm reflexively - on the first try, try to relax the other muscles. As a rule, this goes much easier:

A pleasant feeling of heaviness appears in the right hand;

My hands are getting heavy;

My hands are getting heavier and heavier;

My hands felt pleasantly heavy;

Hands are relaxed and heavy;

I am completely calm;

Rest gives rest to the body;

Legs feel heavy;

The right leg feels heavy;

The left leg feels heavy;

Legs become heavy;

My legs felt pleasantly heavy;

Arms and legs are relaxed and heavy;

The body becomes heavier;

All muscles are relaxed and resting;

The whole body felt pleasantly heavy;

After classes, the feeling of heaviness will pass;

I'm completely calm.

After doing autogenic training exercises

In cases where you need to immediately begin vigorous activity, you need to use a special technique for exiting autogenic immersion.

For this, formulas inverse to the immersion formulas are used. For example:

My hands are light and energetic;

I feel a pleasant tension in my hands;

I breathe deeply, rhythmically;

I feel lightness, cheerfulness, comfort;

I bend and straighten my arms at the elbows.

After this, you open your eyes, get up and do some vigorous exercise.

Naturally, if autogenic training precedes sleep, then this should not be done.

After each lesson, try to analyze the sensation achieved and write it down in a diary, which every student should have. In addition, the diary records the formulas you use, among which you select the most effective and influential for you, as well as an assessment of the lesson. For example, for relaxation:

"1"- inability to relax;

"2"- slight relaxation;

"3"- average relaxation;

"4"- strong relaxation;

"5"- complete relaxation.

Remember that if an unusual unpleasant sensation arises during autogenic training, the session should be interrupted and consult a psychologist.

The next post will continue the topic of autogenic training -