Tablets and lozenges for sore throat. What tablets for sore throat are there? List of effective remedies

Painful sensations in the throat are a symptom of many diseases of the ENT organs. The causes of these diseases are also different. Treatment must be started as early as possible to prevent complications from developing. Tablets for sore throat are an effective and efficient remedy for solving the problem.

A sore throat can occur for various reasons. Most often - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall. The disease is accompanied by a dry throat, pain when swallowing, and a slight increase in body temperature.

Sore throat, tonsillitis and laryngitis are also common causes of pain. Sore throat is characterized by acute inflammation of the tonsils caused by pathogens. The disease is severe, pain is felt during swallowing, and body temperature rises.

Laryngitis, or inflammation of the larynx, may initially occur without fever. If treatment is not started, inflammation can spread to the vocal cords. This will cause hoarseness and, over time, complete loss of voice.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract often cause pain. In addition, a similar symptom can be observed with influenza, whooping cough, measles, and scarlet fever. With these diseases, the patient may have dry throat, sore throat, and hoarseness.

Soreness can occur as a result of an allergic reaction, for example to food. In addition, unpleasant sensations can be caused by constant irritation of the respiratory tract when inhaling tobacco or car smoke, or exposure to chemicals on the mucous membrane. Inhaling air that is too dry causes a feeling of dryness and soreness in the throat.

Pain, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness are frequent companions of neoplasms and swelling of the larynx and tongue.

What remedies are there for a sore throat?

Any drug can be used as an independent remedy or in combination with other medications. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor. Uncontrolled use of medications can aggravate the course of the disease and cause complications.


These are drugs that have an antimicrobial effect. The principle of action is the negative effect of the active components on pathogens. The drugs are used topically for the treatment of purulent and inflammatory processes and for preventive purposes.

Help relieve pain and eliminate soreness. They have a disinfecting effect, since the composition is supplemented with disinfecting components. They are applied topically and are almost not absorbed into the bloodstream. Thanks to this, there are no severe side effects.

Medicines in this group have a symptomatic effect. In addition, after using them:

  1. Local immunity increases.
  2. The body is saturated with vitamins.
  3. Inflammation and pain are reduced.
  4. The process of restoration of damaged tissues is activated.

The maximum therapeutic effect occurs at the initial stage of the disease, when pathogenic bacteria have not yet penetrated into the deep layers of the tissue.

Products from this group are presented in different forms: tablets, sprays, lozenges, rinses.


Included in the complex therapy of colds. Help prevent or relieve inflammation caused by inflammation. They affect the activity of the hormone histamine, suppressing its secretion and blocking communication with H1 receptors, which makes the allergic reaction itself impossible.

The products are presented in IV generations, having different composition and duration of action. I and III generation drugs are considered the safest and most effective. They are well tolerated and can be taken for a long time.


They affect the root cause of the disease - bacteria: they stop their growth, prevent their reproduction and destroy them. These agents have high antimicrobial activity and are low toxic to the human body. Taking them allows you to prevent the development of complications and activate the recovery process. When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to take into account the type of pathogen, the individual characteristics of the body and the age of the patient.


This group of drugs is used to increase the body’s protective function. They are part of complex therapy and can be used to treat various diseases. After their use, the immune status increases, and the body is able to independently resist the disease.

Combination drugs

When treating throat diseases, combined action drugs are prescribed if the pathological process proceeds without complications. They consist of several active components, each of which is characterized by its own action. Most often, the drugs are based on antiseptics and anesthetics. Taking them allows you to:

  1. Quickly relieve pain.
  2. Stop the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Prevent the development of mucosal edema.
  4. Disinfect the mucous membrane of the throat and the surface of the tonsils.

Lozenges for adults

This is a dosage form that acts directly in the area of ​​inflammation. The active substance is slowly released in the oral cavity, which provides a longer effect on the affected area and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

The most numerous list of lozenges consists of combination products containing deodorizing components, antiseptics, anesthetics, extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils. Thanks to this combination, a complex effect on the source of inflammation is ensured, which allows you to quickly eliminate the cause of the disease, relieve pain and alleviate the patient’s condition.


This is a good remedy for severe pain. Allows you to quickly get rid of symptoms. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, so it can be used to treat many diseases accompanied by this symptom.

Lozenges have a pleasant taste and can be used in the treatment of children over 6 years of age. When used in recommended doses, they do not cause side effects. However, pregnant women should take the drug with caution. Its use is contraindicated for nursing mothers.


This effective medicine is used in the complex treatment of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by. It has an anesthetic, antiseptic, analgesic and antitussive effect. It acts gently, does not dry out the mucous membranes and does not cause numbness.

Well tolerated. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, accompanied by swelling, redness, skin rash, hives, and itching.

An effective remedy for sore throat. Thanks to benzoxonia chloride, it has antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral effects against influenza, parainfluenza and herpes simplex viruses. Lidocaine, which is part of the drug, acts as a local anesthetic that quickly relieves pain when swallowing. The medication acts gently and does not irritate the mucous membrane.

An effective remedy for combating pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. It affects the main cause of pain - inflammation. Allows you to reduce swelling of the throat, relieve irritation, and facilitate the swallowing process.

The active component quickly penetrates the site of inflammation, affecting even those areas that could not be reached when rinsing or using a spray. The therapeutic effect occurs already in the 2nd minute of administration and can last up to 4 hours.

This is a combined drug that has a disinfectant, antiseptic and analgesic effect. Sucking tablets begin to work from the first minute, creating a “freezing” effect in the oral cavity. Lidocaine, which is part of them, acts as a local decongestant and anesthetic. Antiseptic components actively fight infections that cause pain.

The convenient administration format ensures uniform distribution of the active components in the tissues of the pharynx, maintaining a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

Lozenges for resorption with bactericidal, antifungal and analgesic effects. The active substance actively fights bacteria that cause inflammation. The drug quickly reduces pain and activates the immune system.

You should take the medicine with caution if you have fever, headache and nausea. If no relief is observed within 5 days of starting therapy, discontinue use. Long-term use can negatively affect the state of the microflora of the oral cavity and pharynx, provoking the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

An effective anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and pain reliever. Quickly relieves pain and cough, relieves swelling, promotes the resorption of purulent plugs on the tonsils. The tablets should be taken for sore throat, which accompanies extensive and deep damage to the mucous membrane. Slow resorption ensures long-term effects of the drug, which can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. The drug is well tolerated and has almost no contraindications.

Rinse solutions

Rinsing is the mechanical removal of pathogens from the oral cavity using special solutions that differ in purpose and composition. It is used for severe pain, difficulty swallowing and other unpleasant symptoms accompanying the inflammatory process. The procedure helps to quickly alleviate the condition in adults and children by delivering the medicine directly to the source of infection.

Many rinsing solutions have a complex effect:

  1. Reduce pain and soreness.
  2. They have a moisturizing effect and soothe inflamed mucous membranes.
  3. Kills pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Activate the process of tissue restoration.

A herbal preparation based on eucalyptus and myrtle extracts. Helps enrich cells with oxygen and has an analgesic effect. Kills bacteria, prevents their reproduction, reduces inflammation, reduces the formation of mucus and pus, strengthens local immunity.


A complex agent that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and analgesic effects due to the presence of hexetidine in the antiseptic composition. The therapeutic effect of the product is enhanced by essential oils of medicinal plants: eucalyptus, peppermint, anise, cloves, orange, sassafras. They help reduce the intensity of pain and cough, and make breathing easier.

Has a powerful antiseptic effect. Once on the mucous membrane and in contact with the shell of the bacterium, it instantly dissolves it, and the pathogenic microorganism quickly dies. In addition, the medicine has an effect on local immunity, activates the process of producing antibodies that fight pathogenic bacteria in the deep layers of tissue, where the drug itself cannot reach. Strengthening local immunity allows you to minimize the risk of re-development of the disease.


It has a powerful bactericidal and fungicidal effect, destroying many types of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Effectively fights inflammation and reduces it from the first use. Used for damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx or tonsils.


The main advantage of drugs in the form of sprays and aerosols for the treatment of colds is the ability to deliver the drug to the site of the inflammatory process. Like other topical medications for sore throats, sprays have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Preparations based on sea water or solutions of medicinal herbs moisturize the mucous membrane, removing dryness and soreness.

Combined agents consisting of antiseptics and anesthetics can quickly eliminate pain.

An effective antiseptic. Actively fights infections that cause soreness in the throat, helps reduce its manifestation, and relieve swelling. The essential oils in the composition activate blood flow and enhance microcirculation at the site of application. This reduces inflammation, makes breathing easier, and softens the mucous membrane.

An aerosol used to relieve symptoms of inflammation, relieve irritation, reduce pain and eliminate difficulties when swallowing. The active substances in the product have an antiseptic, bactericidal and anesthetic effect. Lidocaine, acting on foci of inflammation, helps to quickly relieve pain, eliminate soreness and burning.

Additional components enhance the effect of the active ingredients, ensure uniform distribution of the product on the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane and have an additional analgesic effect.


A spray that has a strong antibacterial and antifungal effect. Helps quickly reduce sore throat. After contact with the mucous membrane, it has an enveloping effect, creating a protective film. This allows you to prolong the effect of the drug and reduce the number of doses. Can be used to treat children over 4 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, the product can be used only with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision.

The medicine should be used only in the indicated dosage. Exceeding the dose can negatively affect the condition of the mucous membranes, cause dryness, irritation, etc.

"Septolete plus"

Thanks to the local analgesic and antiseptic effect, this medication can reduce discomfort, facilitate breathing, and prevent the spread of infection by destroying bacteria that cause the disease.


A drug with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Destroys pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation, relieves pain and cough, and reduces swelling. The use of the medicine is most effective at the early stage of the disease.

Medicines for children

Not all medications are suitable for children. For the treatment of children in the first year of life, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial drugs are used in the form of rectal suppositories or soluble tablets, for example “Viferon”, “Anaferon”.

Therapy for older children can be supplemented with rinsing, irrigation, and lubricating the mucous membrane with medications. At high body temperatures, antipyretics are used in the form of syrups, often based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. When using medicinal sprays, the medicine should be sprayed onto the buccal mucosa. The active substance will reach the sore throat along with saliva.

Sucking tablets, lozenges and lozenges are rarely prescribed to young children, since not everyone can swallow them. In rare cases, to eliminate sore throat, it is recommended to use instant “Lizobakt”.

To relieve pain, inhalations and rinsing with antiseptic solutions are often used.

Treatment of the throat during pregnancy

Any medications can be used only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision. For sore throats, you can use aerosols, for example, Ingalipt, Hexoral.

The components in their composition have an antiseptic effect, relieving inflammation and eliminating pain, but do not affect the fetus.

It is allowed to use lozenges, especially herbal ones. They are almost not absorbed into the blood and have a local therapeutic effect.

At the first signs of illness, it is necessary to gargle frequently with a solution of soda or salt to stop the development of infection. Good results are obtained by rinsing with decoctions of medicinal plants, for example, chamomile, eucalyptus, and strawberry leaves. The procedure will not only stop inflammation, but also help reduce pain and irritation.

The Furacilin solution is safe for pregnant women. It has an antimicrobial effect, preventing bacteria and viruses from multiplying. Complex therapy can be supplemented with inhalations.

Drinking plenty of fluids will help speed up recovery: herbal teas with honey, fruit drinks, citrus juices, chamomile decoction.

A pregnant woman can also use medications, for example, “Lizobakt”, “Kameton”. Faringosept lozenges are safe for the fetus and have a local effect without being absorbed in the stomach.

The most effective drugs

There is no clear answer to the question of which medicine is best for a sore throat. The choice of remedy depends on the type of pathogen that provoked the pain syndrome, the general condition of the body and other factors.

When treating a sore throat, the maximum effect can be obtained from the use of agents that have antibacterial and antimycotic effects. Pain arising from non-infectious pharyngitis and laryngitis should be combated with irrigation. For solutions, it is better to choose products with an anesthetic effect.

An effective medicine for sore throat must have a combined effect and suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Each remedy has its own characteristics, its own list of contraindications and side effects. A drug containing a strong anesthetic can have a pain-relieving effect.

A doctor should prescribe medications, determine the dosage and duration of treatment.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can see many medicines at affordable prices. They differ in chemical composition, properties and characteristics, but all drugs for treating the throat work locally, with virtually no systemic effect on the body. And their effectiveness has been proven for more than one generation.

Types of tablets

The drugs differ in the nature of their action.


Antiseptic throat lozenges are recommended for disinfecting the oropharynx. Their prescription is justified not only for viral and bacterial infections, but also in the presence of other pathogens in the throat (for example, fungal flora).

Preparations with immunomodulatory properties - Imudon, Isla.


There are several types of throat lozenges.


They must be administered orally, kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Chewing the drug is not recommended. After resorption of the tablet, it is not advisable to drink or eat for an hour so that the remedy has time to fulfill its task.

Absorbable throat tablets - Falinimint, Strepsils, Septolete.

Used internally

Drugs for the treatment of the throat, which are intended for internal use, are NSAIDs for fever, pain and inflammation (Paracetamol, Nurofen), antibiotics (Sumamed, Azithromycin), antihistamines for inflammation and swelling (Zyrtec, Suprastin). The prescription of these drugs is carried out by a doctor in order to avoid the development of complications.

For rinsing

A medicine known to many, on the basis of which a solution for gargling is prepared, is tablets. Nitrofuran, which is the active component of this drug, works locally, providing antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.

On herbs

Among the natural preparations for the treatment of throat, Tonsilgon can be distinguished. This product is of completely natural origin and contains chamomile, horsetail, oak bark, marshmallow, yarrow, and dandelion.

Herbal preparations have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects and have a positive effect on the immune system.


Almost all dissolving tablets for the treatment of throat infections have an enveloping effect. When using them, already in the first minutes the cutting and tearing pain sensations are softened, and irritation in the throat goes away. The composition of the drugs varies significantly, since each has its own active components.

Most often, the basis of absorbable tablets is amylmetacresol, ambazone, lysozyme, and dichlorobenzyl alcohol. These substances eliminate pain and inflammation, kill pathogenic flora. Many tablets contain vitamin C, which stimulates immune function, as well as essential oils and anesthetics.

Good absorbable drugs, along with and, effectively help in the fight against unpleasant cold symptoms.

Review of the most popular

Let us give examples of the most popular drugs and give their brief descriptions.


Lozenges for throat diseases with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Active ingredients: biclotymol, enoxolone, lysozyme hydrochloride.


  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;

The drug is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age; during pregnancy and lactation it is prescribed under strict indications.

Hexaliz, like other throat tablets, is kept in the mouth until dissolved. Adults are recommended to take a tablet every 2 hours, but not more than 8 per day. Children over 6 years old: take a tablet every 4 hours.

Side effects include an allergic reaction, oral dysbiosis after prolonged use of the drug.


Local antibiotic widely used in otolaryngology. The active substance is gramicidin C.


  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 4 years of age.

Adults and teenagers should take 2 tablets, and children 4-12 years old should take 1 tablet 4 times a day.

Allergies are common side effects.


Antiseptic throat lozenges that have a bactericidal, fungistatic and weak analgesic effect.

The active ingredients are dequalinium chloride and dibucaine hydrochloride.


  • angina;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to its components.

Decathylene can be prescribed to pregnant women under medical supervision.

It is necessary to slowly dissolve one Decatylene tablet every 2 hours until the acute symptoms of the disease disappear, then the interval can be increased.

Side effects of the drug are unknown.


A local drug with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Active ingredients: levomenthol, mint oil, eucalyptus oil, thymol.


  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age; prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

According to the instructions, the drug should be taken 1 piece every 2 hours. The daily number of lozenges should not exceed 4 for children aged 4-12 years and 8 for adults.

Side effects include the development of diarrhea and allergies.


Bacteriostatic antimicrobial drug of the sulfonamide group for external, local and systemic use.

The active ingredient is sulfonamide.

Indications: tonsillitis and other throat infections.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • age up to 6 years.

Directions for use:

  • 1 tablet or 0.5 tsp. Dissolve the finished Streptocide powder in a glass of water and gargle.
  • Dissolve 1 tablet until dissolved in the mouth. You can use no more than 6 tablets per day.

The development of allergies and headaches were noted as side effects.


A bacteriostatic drug prescribed for throat diseases.

The active ingredient is ambazone.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated for the treatment of children under 3 years of age.

There is insufficient data on how ambazon affects pregnancy and the developing fetus, so expectant mothers should avoid using the drug.

Directions for use:

  • Children 3-7 years old - one tablet 3 times a day.
  • Children over 7 years old and adults - one tablet up to 5 times a day.

The use of the drug may cause allergies.


Local antiseptic and analgesic, often prescribed in ENT practice.

The active ingredient is hexethidine.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

You must take a tablet up to 8 times a day.

While taking Hexoral, a temporary disturbance of taste and the development of allergies are possible.


A local drug that has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, as well as a slight local anesthetic effect.

The active ingredient is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.

It is necessary to dissolve one tablet several times a day (no more than 10 tablets).

Allergy development is possible.


A combined drug prescribed for the local treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Active ingredients: dextromethorphan, phenylephrine hydrochloride, pheniramine maleate.

Indications: throat infections.

Contraindicated for children under 7 years of age. Prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

Children over 7 years of age and adults take a lozenge every 3 hours, but no more than 8 lozenges per day.

Side effects:

  • allergy;
  • headaches.


A herbal preparation that has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, a local anesthetic.

Active ingredients: licorice, ginger, turmeric, peppermint, emblica.


  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • gingivitis.

Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age. The use of the drug in pregnant and lactating mothers has not been studied.

An allergic reaction may develop.


An immunostimulating agent used in otolaryngology.

The active substance is bacterial lysates.

Indications: throat infections.


  • children under 3 years old;
  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Directions for use:

  • Children 3-14 years old - 6 tablets per day with an interval of 1-2 hours.
  • Children over 14 years of age and adults - 8 tablets per day.

Side effects: allergies, less often - increased body temperature.


A combined drug that has antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

The active components are dequalinium chloride and lysozyme hydrochloride.


  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components.

It can be used during pregnancy under medical supervision.

Side effects include allergies.


Local antiseptic for treating throat.

The active ingredients are pyridoxine hydrochloride and lysozyme hydrochloride.

Indications: throat infections.


  • child's age up to 3 years;
  • lactose intolerance.

It is possible to prescribe Lizobact for pregnant women.

Directions for use:

  • Children 3-12 years old: - one tablet 3 times a day.
  • Children over 12 years old and adults - 2 tablets three times a day.

Allergy development is possible.


A combined antiseptic that has analgesic, antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

Active substances - amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol.

Indications: Oropharyngeal infections.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age. Only a doctor can prescribe Strepsils to pregnant women.

The development of dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders) is possible.


Combined antiseptic tablets for sore throat.

The active substance is amylmetacresol.


  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis.

According to the instructions, you need to take a lollipop every 2-3 hours, but no more than 8 pieces per day.

The drug can trigger the development of allergies.


An antimicrobial drug with activity against pathogenic flora.

The active substance is nitrofuran.

Indications: oral infections.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to nitrofurans.

Furacilin is safe for expectant mothers and children, the main thing is not to swallow the medicinal solution while gargling.

To prepare a solution of Furacilin, take 1 tablet of the drug per 100 ml of hot water. You can gargle every 2 hours until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Side effects include allergies.

Doctor Mom

Combined herbal medicine with antiseptic and analgesic effects.

Active ingredients: licorice, ginger, emblica.

Indications: throat infections.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and pregnant women.

The instructions suggest taking a lozenge every 2 hours until symptoms subside.

While taking lozenges, a hypersensitivity reaction may develop.


A complex drug that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects.

The active ingredient is Irish moss.

Indications: infections of the ENT organs.

Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age and pregnant women.

Isla throat tablets for children 4-12 years old are prescribed 1 piece every 2 hours, but not more than 6 per day. Teenagers and adults can take no more than 12 tablets per day.

Allergy development is possible.


A product with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Active ingredients: levomenthol, eucalyptus oil.


  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis, etc.


  • children under 8 years old;
  • stenosing laryngitis;
  • diabetes mellitus

The drug is prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

In the absence of contraindications, you can take one tablet of the drug three times a day.

Allergies are a common side effect.

With propolis

Good anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving throat tablets of natural origin.

Active ingredients: propolis, vitamin C, burdock extract.

Indications: throat infections.

Preparations with propolis are contraindicated in case of intolerance to bee products.

Directions for use:

  • children under 10 years of age and pregnant women - 1 tablet;
  • adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Allergy development is possible.

With sage

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

The active ingredient is sage oil.

Indications: throat diseases.


  • children under 5 years old;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus

If there are no contraindications, take 1 tablet of the drug with sage every 2 hours, but no more than 6 tablets per day.

A hypersensitivity reaction may develop.

With eucalyptus

Antiseptic anti-inflammatory agent.

The active ingredient is sage leaf extract, levomenthol.

Indications: throat infections.


  • children under 8 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

According to the instructions, for throat diseases you need to take 3 tablets a day.

There is a risk of developing allergies.


A natural remedy for treating the throat based on eucalyptus.

The active substance is eucalyptus chlorophyll extract.

Indications: throat infections.

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to its components.

As with other drugs described above, allergies may develop when taking Chlorophyllipt.

Why can't you take a lot of throat lozenges?

Independent uncontrolled treatment, even despite the relative safety of the drug, increases the possibility of developing side effects.

How to choose the most suitable tablets?

In almost every pharmacy you can find dozens of different types of absorbable tablets for sale. They differ in composition, mechanism of action, contraindications, but most contain one antiseptic and anesthetic component.

When choosing tablets for the treatment of the throat, it is important to consider the indications for their use, age restrictions, and the presence of contraindications. The choice of drug should be made by a doctor, since its action must be supplemented with complex medications.

Timely consultation with a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease is the key to effective treatment and prevention of complications. Infection from any source can spread throughout the body, lingering on its organs and systems. That is why throat infections need to be treated, and lozenges will be one of the links in successful therapy.

Useful video about treating a sore throat

Lozenges for sore throat are used for sore throat and soreness caused by various reasons. Local treatment is indicated for tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis. These medications are recommended to eliminate bad breath. The attending physician should select lozenges for resorption. These medications differ significantly in their composition and list of contraindications. Herbal pills can be used in a large group of patients.

How do the pills work?

Lozenges for sore throat are quite effective in treating patients of different age groups. Thanks to these medications, you can quickly eliminate all the symptoms of throat diseases: tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. Lozenges help to quickly relieve swelling and inflammation, thereby reducing the severity of pain.

The lozenges contain effective antiseptics. Quite often phenol is added to medications of this group. This is a special substance that disinfects mucous membranes well. The active ingredients of lozenges can be gramicidin or chlorhexidine. In diseases of a bacterial nature, these antiseptics have a destructive effect on the membrane of bacterial cells.

The lozenges also contain a number of herbal components that have a healing effect and reduce the severity of pain. Often the composition contains menthol or eucalyptus oil. There may also be extracts of medicinal herbs in pills. A product that contains sage extract and lemon oil is considered quite effective.

Lozenges for sore throat have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. They have a distracting effect, reducing the severity of pain. Some of these tablets contain NPV and Lidocaine. Due to this unique composition, a sore throat quickly goes away.

Thanks to lozenges, irritation of the mucous membrane is reduced, which leads to the elimination of coughing. Medicines often contain substances that promote rapid restoration of the mucous membrane.

Throat lozenges must be prescribed by a doctor. If it is not possible to go to the hospital, a pharmacist can recommend a safe and effective pain reliever.


Lozenges with an anesthetic can be prescribed for diseases of the pharynx of an inflammatory or infectious nature. The main indications are the following diseases:

  • Sore throat of different shapes.
  • Laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  • Laryngotracheitis.

Such medications are prescribed for various diseases of the oral cavity, which include stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis and others. It is allowed to use tablets for pain caused by smoking, overstrain of the vocal cords and living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

In certain cases, lozenges can be used for prevention during an outbreak of respiratory diseases.

Types of lozenges

In pharmacies you can see quite a lot of lozenges. They differ in their therapeutic effect, price, contraindications and dosage regimen. In many cases, you don’t have to spend a lot of money buying an advertised medicine; an inexpensive, time-tested remedy will also help get rid of pain. It is worth considering that all cough drops can be divided into several groups:

  1. Lozenges with NPS – have a complex effect. Therapeutic lozenges not only eliminate pain, but also normalize temperature. With the help of such pills, you can stop the symptoms of the inflammatory process, but they will not help get rid of pathogenic microorganisms at all. Tantum Verde belongs to drugs in this group.
  2. Anesthetic drugs. Such tablets also help to quickly relieve pain, while they have no effect on bacteria and viruses. These medications are often prescribed for pathological conditions that are accompanied by severe damage to the mucosa. Medicines in this group include Hexoral.
  3. Antibiotic lozenges. These medications are most often prescribed for purulent tonsillitis and other diseases that are extremely severe. The active substances included in the pills have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria, destroying their structure. It should be borne in mind that for viral and fungal diseases such drugs are ineffective. Tablets in this group include Streptocid and Grammidin.
  4. Herbal pills. These medicines contain extracts from medicinal plants and essential oils. Active components help reduce irritation and soften the membranes. Medicines in this group include Pectusin tablets.

Medicines from all these groups are presented in pharmacies in a large list. If one drug is not available, you can easily select an analogue. At the first sign of a cold, it is recommended to start taking medications based on herbal ingredients.

Tablets with antibacterial components should be prescribed by a specialist. Drugs of this drug group have the most contraindications.

Review of inexpensive and effective tablets

To treat many throat diseases, the use of inexpensive and effective sore throat lozenges is recommended. The pills should be dissolved randomly in the mouth, without swallowing or chewing. Otherwise, there will be no effect from the prescribed treatment. After dissolving the lozenge, you should not eat or drink for half an hour.

Amilar IS

This medicine is indicated for the treatment of pathologies of the throat and oral cavity. The medicine will help in eliminating bad breath. Amilar IS helps well with sore throats of various types and with mixed infections of the throat and oral cavity. Most often, this drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy.

To prevent secondary infections, Amilar IS is recommended after complex tooth extraction and after tonsillectomy. The drug can be prescribed to children starting from 4 years of age. It contains no sugar, so it is suitable for treating people with diabetes.

Side effects during treatment with Amilar IS are rare. This is mainly irritation of the mucous membrane and allergies.


This drug has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antimicrobial effects. Neo-angina contains antiseptic substances that have a negative effect on many types of bacteria.

The medicine is prescribed as part of complex therapy for sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis. The medicine can be prescribed for the treatment of children from 6 years of age. Patients with diabetes should take into account that one lozenge contains sugar, which is 0.22 XE.

Side effects are extremely rare when treated with the indicated doses of the drug. Overdose may cause digestive disorders. The duration of treatment is from three to five days. But if there is no relief after three days, you should contact your doctor.


Faringosept is a relatively cheap tablet. The active ingredient of this drug is ambazone, which has a strong antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect. The drug is especially effective against streptococci and staphylococci. Faringosept can be prescribed for viral pathologies of the nasopharynx if there is a risk of secondary infection.

The maximum concentration of the active substance in saliva is observed on days 3-4 of treatment. These lozenges are suitable for children over 3 years old; they have a pleasant cocoa taste, so kids take the medicine without much persuasion.

The instructions for use indicate that the medicine should not be given to children under 3 years of age. However, in some cases, doctors prescribe Faringosept to young children, in an individually calculated dosage. In this case, the required part of the tablet is ground into powder and poured into the child’s mouth.

In case of an overdose of Faringosept, induce vomiting and give the victim adsorbents. There is no specific antidote to this medication.


This medicine contains propolis and ascorbic acid. Propolis has a pronounced antimicrobial and antifungal effect, ascorbic acid promotes rapid healing of damaged mucosa. Proalor increases local immunity.

These lozenges can be prescribed to children from 15 years of age. When prescribing the drug, it is worth considering whether the patient is allergic to bee products. A side effect may be allergic reactions, mainly skin rashes and itching.

Proalor should not be taken simultaneously with other antiseptics and hormonal contraceptives; the effect of the latter drugs is reduced.


The active substances of Sebidine are chlorhexidine and ascorbic acid. The first substance has a detrimental effect on many types of bacteria, and ascorbic acid promotes rapid healing of damaged mucosa.

The drug has a local antiseptic effect, the active components are practically not absorbed by the mucous membrane and do not have a systemic effect on the body. Sebidine can be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women, but before starting therapy you should consult your physician. This medicine can be prescribed to children starting from 12 years of age.

Sebidine is taken after meals; before dissolving the tablet, you should brush your teeth. After taking the pill, it is not recommended to eat or drink much for 2 hours.

In some cases, side effects are observed in the form of allergic reactions and the appearance of heavy plaque on the teeth. Fillings and dentures may become brownish in color.

If any unwanted reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.


If your throat hurts badly, Septolete can help. This is a complex drug whose active ingredients are benzalkonium chloride, levomenthol and peppermint oil.

Septolete has a pronounced antiseptic and weak anesthetic effect. It is prescribed as part of complex therapy for sore throat and other pathologies of the pharynx. The drug helps with respiratory diseases, preventing further spread of infection.

The medicine is prescribed for small children from 4 years of age and adults. Pregnant and lactating women should only take Septolete if the expected benefit from treatment outweighs the potential harm.


These lozenges contain lysozyme and vitamin B. These components are considered related to the human body, so there are practically no contraindications to the use of the drug. Lysobact can be prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The active components help strengthen local immunity, which itself begins to fight pathogens. Lysobact is indicated for chronic forms of pharyngeal diseases. It should be taken in courses, with a short break between them.

Lizobact can be prescribed to children from 3 years of age. The medicine is generally well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. Does not affect reaction speed and memory.


This medicine contains the antibacterial agent gramicidin, which is active against many pathogens that cause pathologies of the ENT organs. The main indications for use are sore throat, pharyngitis and laryngitis. The drug may be prescribed for oral ailments.

Grammidin can be prescribed to children, but the dosage in this case is calculated individually. If the attending physician has not prescribed otherwise, then children take 1 tablet 3 times a day, adults are prescribed 2 pills, up to 4 times a day.

You should not take the drug if you are allergic to any of the components of the drug, as well as during pregnancy and the lactation period. Side effects are rare.

Grammidin is a local antibiotic; you can start taking it only as prescribed by your doctor.

Features of treatment for children

Children's throat tablets include medications such as Sebidin, Lizobact, Septefril and Faringosept. Strepsils can be prescribed in pediatric form. It is not recommended to give children various lollipops and lozenges that are biconvex; with such preparations a child can easily choke.

Throat lozenges with herbal ingredients are used with caution to treat children who are prone to allergies. Such children should not be given lozenges that contain a lot of flavorings and dyes.

You can supplement the list of medications for children with Decathylene. This medicine can be prescribed to children starting from 4 years old. It has antibacterial and strong antifungal effects. Decathylene is prescribed for sore throat caused by both bacteria and fungi.

Isla-mint lozenges can also be prescribed to children from 4 years of age. The active substance of this medicine is Irish moss extract. The only contraindication is intolerance to individual components.

If, while taking any drug, the child’s condition begins to deteriorate sharply, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The list of lozenges for sore throat is quite extensive. In the pharmacy you can see drugs with different prices and different effects. Despite the fact that such medications are sold without a doctor's prescription, self-medication is not recommended.

A sore throat is almost always a symptom of one disease or another. Most often it occurs with colds, infectious, and viral diseases, but at the same time, such pain syndrome may indicate the presence of a more serious illness. Before you begin treating a sore throat, it is important to find out exactly what is causing it. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and select the optimal medicine for a sore throat.

Of course, different sore throat medications have different effectiveness. We have selected the best remedies for sore throat and bring them to your attention. However, the specific choice of drug should be made by a physician - you should not self-medicate, as this can be very dangerous.


Grammidin is a lozenge with a pleasant taste that quickly relieves a sore throat and has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effect. The medicine can be used for children over the age of six, and also with caution for pregnant women. Use during lactation is contraindicated. If the recommended dosage is followed, Grammidin does not produce side effects - it is an effective and at the same time effective remedy for sore throat, which can be used in the treatment of most diseases that cause such a symptom.

Cost - about 120 rubles.


Bioparox is a topical aerosol that contains an antibiotic. It has not only an analgesic, but also an anti-inflammatory effect, helping not only to relieve a sore throat, but also to cure it. Bioparox is not prescribed to children under 2.5 years of age, as well as to nursing mothers. During pregnancy, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

The cost of Bioparox is about 400 rubles.

Septolete Neo

Septolete is a drug with a pronounced antiseptic effect. It is used for symptomatic treatment of sore throat. Thanks to its antimicrobial effect, it allows you to quickly cope with infection at the local level.

Septolete can be used not only to treat a sore throat, but also for inflammation of the oral mucosa. The drug can be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. The only contraindication is children under 4 years of age.

The cost of Septolete Neo is about 120 rubles.


Strepsils are lozenges that provide an analgesic and antiseptic effect. They help cope with sore throat and also soften it, eliminating cold symptoms. Strepsils contains natural supplements that provide assistance in the treatment of colds. Strepsils can be used to treat sore throat in adults and children over 12 years of age. During lactation and pregnancy, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

The cost of Strepsils is about 140 rubles.


Hexoral is a spray that has powerful antibacterial and antifungal effects. It is used to treat not only sore throats, but also inflammation due to dental and ENT diseases. Hexoral spray is prescribed for both children aged 4 years and older and adults. During pregnancy and lactation, use with caution is possible.

Hexoral is a fairly strong drug, and if the dosage is not correct, it can dry out the mucous membranes, cause additional irritation and severe sore throat. For this reason, it is better to use it with caution, never exceeding the recommended dosage.

The cost of Hexoral is about 250 rubles.


Lyzobact is a lozenge that is prescribed to both adults and children over the age of 3 years. The main active ingredient is the natural substance lysozyme, which provides antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. Additionally, Lysobact provides regulation of local immunity and enhances the effect of antibiotics. The drug can be taken during breastfeeding and pregnancy. The only contraindication is children under 3 years of age.

Cost - about 130 rubles.

Lugol's solution

Lugol's solution is a very effective and well-known topical remedy for sore throat. The solution is applied to the inflamed mucosa using a cotton swab. It contains iodine, which provides an antibacterial effect. It is important to note that in case of acute pain in the throat, it can intensify due to drying of the mucous membrane. It is also necessary to take into account that Lugol's solution has a number of contraindications, mainly related to compatibility with other drugs. Finally, during pregnancy and lactation, the use of Lugol's solution to treat a sore throat is contraindicated.

Cost - about 15 rubles.

Tantum Verde

Tantum Verde is a dosed spray with antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The medicine can be used without any restrictions - both for adults and for children. Tantum Verde can also be used to treat sore throat during pregnancy and lactation.

Tantum Verde simultaneously relieves pain and soothes the throat, helping to treat the infection at the local level. You can treat a sore throat with a spray several times a day. The drug does not cause side effects.

The cost of Tantum Verde is about 300 rubles.


Faringosept lozenges act as an antibiotic and at the same time provide an analgesic effect. This is a fairly powerful drug that should not be used to treat a sore throat in children under 6 years of age, pregnant or lactating women. In order to get the most pronounced therapeutic effect, it is better to take faringosept immediately after a meal so that you can abstain from drinking and eating for 3 hours after resorption of the tablets.

The cost of Faringosept is about 80 rubles.

Aqualor throat

Aerosol Aqualor throat contains sea water and extracts of chamomile and aloe vera. The drug gives an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, softens and anesthetizes. The aerosol helps to sanitize a sore throat, fighting infection at the local level. It can be used for both adults and children. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is permitted only after consultation with a doctor.

A sore throat that gets worse when swallowing, as well as a sore, “scratching” sensation and dry throat are complaints that patients very often present at an appointment with a local therapist or otolaryngologist. Similar clinical manifestations are characteristic of a number of diseases. Before starting treatment for a sore throat, it is necessary to establish its cause, and this requires a thorough examination by a specialist.

In most cases, pain is accompanied by other symptoms, including respiratory manifestations (runny nose, cough), as well as an increase in general body temperature and enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Faringomed tablets

Faringomed tablets are a homeopathic remedy. Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces swelling, redness, sore throat and sore throat, facilitates nasal breathing, reduces the likelihood of...

Anzibel tablets

Anzibel tablets are a combination drug for topical use in ENT practice and dentistry. Anzibel has antimicrobial and local anesthetic activity, and also has...

Farisil tablets

Farisil tablets are a combined antiseptic drug for topical use for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and...

Farington tablets

Farington tablets are a disinfectant with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Chlorhexidine, which is part of the drug, acts bactericidal against gram...

Isla-Mint tablets

Isla-Mint tablets are local herbal remedies based on Icelandic moss extract, which have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and emollient effects. Anti-inflammatory, antibiotic effects are associated with...

Tablets for sore throat

Sore throat occurs due to various diseases, and medical statistics list the most common as influenza, ARVI, and sore throat. Painful sensations in this case can vary from a slight tickle to severe pain, during which it becomes difficult to speak, swallow, and eat.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of drugs to combat this disease, and one of the most popular are tablets for sore throat.

Their advantages:

  • Extensive spectrum of action
  • Affordable price
  • Large selection in pharmacy chains
  • Ease of reception
  • Reception frequency
  • You can ask for their help in any situation (on the street, in transport, during trips to nature)

Throat lozenges

To treat a sore throat, there are many medications, both internally and locally. The latter include all kinds of rinsing solutions, sprays, and aerosols. But one of the most popular remedies are lozenges for the throat.

Their advantages include ease of administration, since the tablets can be simply put in the mouth without the need to drink water. Therefore, they can be used in any environment: at work, on the street, during outdoor trips, in transport.

The inclusion of various aromatic additives in their composition gives a pleasant, refreshing taste. Slowly released active substances act on a sore throat for a long time, thereby eliminating sore throat, coughing, and providing a softening and moisturizing effect.

Gargling tablets

For any inflammatory processes of infectious origin, regular washing or rinsing with antiseptic solutions is useful. “Furacilin” is the most popular remedy due to the fact that it has the most pronounced antibacterial effect and has no side effects after its use. The Furacilin solution can be safely used both in the treatment of throat diseases in adults and children, starting from infancy.

This substance has a negative effect on gram positive and gram negative forms of bacterial flora. Main indications for use:

  • sore and sore throat;
  • purulent sore throats;
  • catarrhal phenomena against the background of ARVI;
  • tonsillitis and melting of tonsil tissue.

This article talks about how to dilute the Furacilin tablet for rinsing pride at home: what concentration of the solution should be, what temperature is best to take the liquid. These and many other secrets are presented in simple and accessible language.

Furacilin throat tablets

The question of how effective Furacilin is for throat diseases has recently become increasingly controversial. In Russia, this remedy is traditionally used for self-treatment of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Patients suffering from chronic forms of these diseases give good reviews of Furacilin. They note the noticeable antibacterial activity of the product, which helps them with exacerbations.

On the other hand, recently a polar point of view has become popular, challenging the effectiveness and necessity of using Furacilin for gargling at home. Proponents of this point of view are based on 3 theses:

  • Gargling as a procedure (regardless of the drug used) does not have a significant effect on the microflora of the throat;
  • the antiseptic effect of gargling is realized mainly in the oral cavity;
  • Today there are alternative aseptic means.

In all likelihood, both points of view are correct. When rinsing, the minimum volume of Furacilin still penetrates into the throat. In addition, the bacterial environment from the mouth is completely removed, which indirectly affects the reduction in the concentration of bacteria in the pharynx. The antiseptic effect of Furacilin on the throat mucosa is beyond doubt.

On the other hand, people treating themselves should be warned against unjustified use of Furacilin. It is necessary to treat diseases in effective ways, which in the case of sore throat include:

  • Sprays that deliver antibiotics directly to the throat mucosa;
  • lubricating the throat with various drugs (antifungals, silver nitrate, etc.);
  • taking antibiotics orally.

One way or another, only rinsing with Furacilin is not enough for treatment. This procedure is always auxiliary against the background of antiviral or antibiotic therapy.

The antiseptic effect of Furacilin lasts for 6 hours. Its concentration, gradually diluted by saliva, decreases. For a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to follow 2 rules:

  • Gargle every 3-4 hours – up to 5 times a day in total;
  • Do not consume food or drinks for 2 hours after the procedure.

Inexpensive throat lozenges

Modern pharmacology presents a large number of drugs for the treatment of sore throat. Here is a list of the most popular and trustworthy medications that successfully relieve swelling, redness and sore throat:

Septolete - Acts instantly, is a powerful antiseptic for the oral cavity and larynx. The composition contains extracts of medicinal plants that inhibit the division of pathogenic bacteria. Patients with allergies to mint, levomenthol or eucalyptus oil should avoid this drug.

Strepsils - sold in the form of lozenges, this medicine for sore throat eliminates the pain in the throat that occurs with pharyngitis. Sucking medications are most often purchased to treat children of a certain age. The tablets have a pleasant taste and quickly treat diseases.

Faringosept - these sucking lozenges are a potent medicine. Therefore, they are not suitable for use in infants or children under 6 years of age. The composition includes pain-relieving components, as well as antibiotics that are quite powerful in their effect. Unsystematic use can cause mutation of the bacterial infection, so the course cannot be adjusted independently.

Septefril - these tablets are the cheapest for treating pain in the larynx, but their effect lasts only as long as the medicine is on the mucous membrane. In order for the effect to last longer than a quarter of an hour, it is better to combine them with various sprays or long-acting lozenges.

A number of drugs have drug interactions, so comprehensive treatment requires consultation with an otolaryngologist.

Throat tablets for children

The autumn-winter period traditionally affects the health of not only adults, but also children. Worsening weather, an increase in the number of colds, returning to groups (kindergartens and schools, sports clubs), increased physical, mental and emotional stress negatively affect fragile organisms. At the same time, children cannot always explain that they have a sore throat, and signs of the disease manifest themselves in poor appetite, tearfulness, lethargy and sleep disturbances.

Tablets that can relieve discomfort:

  • Streptocide – from 1 year;
  • Faringosept, Imudon - from 3 years;
  • Decathylene, Septolete, Hexoral, Isla - from 4 years;
  • Strepsils, tablets with sage – from 5 years;
  • Hexalize, Fervex, furatsilin solution for rinsing - from 6 years;
  • Vakosept, Pectusin - from 7 years;
  • Tablets with eucalyptus – from 8 years;
  • Tablets with propolis – from 10 years;
  • Trisils – from 12 years old

Throat tablets reviews

I haven’t cheated on falimint for more than 12 years

Good day!

In 2003, when I was once again visited by a sore throat, the doctor prescribed me this remedy, of course there were also antibiotics, gargles and warm drinks, and the sore throat was advanced, so I did not understand the effect of falimint as such. Because the antibiotic quickly got me back on my feet.

But when I started having a sore throat again, I immediately took a Falimint tablet, then another one at night, and the next morning I woke up without any sore throat. Those. This remedy should be taken as an ambulance, immediately, at the first sign that something is wrong in the throat. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, I constantly carry it with me just in case.

The packaging is convenient, the tablets have a pleasant, refreshing taste; they need to be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved. During the process of resorption, there is a tingling sensation in the throat, exactly where the pain was felt. If the disease is advanced, falimint cannot help. Verified. You need to use stronger means.

Conclusion: can be used for incipient sore throat and sore throat, at unadvanced stages.

If I’m late in taking falimint, I use the more thermonuclear drug Orasept.