A story about the monument to Permyak salty ears. Perm salty ears - what does it mean? The most interesting and amazing monuments of the city of Perm

Sculpture "Permyak - salty ears" (Komsomolsky Prospekt, near the Central Department Store). This sculpture was created according to a legend about the inhabitants of the Perm region. When salt mining began in Solikamsk, workers had to carry heavy bags of salt on their backs. The salt spilled onto their ears, causing them to become red and large. Therefore, Permians began to be called - Permyak - salty ears.

Information about modern sculptures of the city.

Very soon everyone will be able to feel like a “salty-eared” Permian. To do this, you will need to appear in the park near the Prikamie Hotel, in the place where (presumably in August, and not on City Day, as previously assumed), the sculptural composition “Photographer” by Rustam Ismagilov will be installed. It represents the scenery of an old photographic studio, where, in order to become the hero of a drawn scene, you need to put your face in an empty hole. The same will be the peculiar ritual of “initiation into Permians”. To do this, according to Ismagilov Jr.’s project, anyone must stick their head into the frame (at the same time, huge marble ears will immediately “grow” in them) and take a photo. The second part of this composition is the figure of a photographer with a camera on a tripod, which serves as a hint and guide to action. And all this is in a very “human” size - no higher than one and a half meters. This is not a monument, but an urban sculpture. Benches in the form of stone bags (with hypothetical salt, of course) will complement the genre scene.

There has never been anything like this in Perm before. The move is as simple as possible, but at the same time very modern. It is playful and interactive, suggesting a fundamentally different existence in urban space. This is a kind of attraction, a performance. The authors would like this sculpture to become truly popular. The choice was also successful in that the “photo studio” will be located right next to the hotel, so that everyone coming to Perm can painlessly “grow ears” and take away photos as souvenirs. Rustam Ismagilov's project won the competition, which was announced by the Perm branch of BIN Bank about a month ago. The composition “Photographer” shared first place with a very strong rival - “Elastic Structure Carrying Salty Ears” by Alexey Zalazaev. According to the chairman of the jury, Yuri Lapshin, if he had his way, he would have erected both sculptures at once. But Zalazaev’s project, as usual, turned out to be too expensive and went beyond the estimate, which amounted to 2 million rubles. Alexey Zalazaev, taking as a basis the traditions of the Perm animal style and transforming them beyond recognition, created in his signature style something that simultaneously resembles Gogol’s nose and the designs of Salvador Dali (only, of course, instead of a nose, Zalazaev has an ear). The composition consists of 99 ears, and their totality forms the hundredth. This allegorical sculpture, according to Zalazaev’s plan, is a metaphor for the century. The jury members liked the project so much that it was proposed to implement it in one of the sister cities of Perm. The idea is excellent, although in the minds of a Westerner it is unlikely to be associated with Perm history. The author of the “hundred-haired” sculpture himself did not appear at the award ceremony. They say he is very busy: he is personally involved in all the preparatory work for the installation of the monument to Doctor Grail, which is about to be transported from the courtyard of the art gallery, where it stood all winter, to Lenin Street. The second place in the competition remained empty, and the third went to Natalya Katsparzhak, who has long been involved in the development of Perm souvenir products. Her “Permyak - salty ears” is made in a cheerful colorful “matryoshka” style. By the way, it’s not a bad idea: to sell her clay, eared pickle-eaters right there, near the hotel; trade in this place will be very brisk. Seven more projects participating in the competition remained “outside the brackets”. They are made in a purely traditional manner. Among them there is, for example, a project with a man in a suit from the heyday of salt making in the Kama region, sprinkling salt on a loaf of bread; a man with protruding ears and a huge bag over his shoulders, or the head of an epic hero rooted in the ground. The jury awarded all these works with diplomas.

Information about culture in the city of Perm.

Perm is one of the cultural and scientific centers of the country. University (founded in 1916, the first higher education institution in the Urals), technical university, institutes: medical, agricultural, pharmaceutical, pedagogical, arts and culture. Research institutes of the Perm Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other research and design institutions. Perm has long been famous for its musical and theatrical traditions. The first musical performance took place here in 1806, a stone opera house was built in 1878, and a theater management was organized in 1895, replacing a private enterprise. Nowadays there are theaters in the city: opera and ballet named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky (founded in 1870), dramatic (1927), puppets (1940), young spectators (1945). The Perm ballet school is world famous (the Choreographic School was founded in 1945). Philharmonic. Circus. Art gallery (it began in 1907, when the artist V.V. Vereshchagin donated several of his paintings to the Perm Scientific and Industrial Museum, which made up its first fund; opened in 1922; the exhibition includes a rich collection of Perm religious wooden sculpture of the 17th - early 20th centuries) . Museum of Local Lore. The historical part of the city is located on the elevated left bank of the Kama, below the mouth of the Chusovaya, at the confluence of the Yegoshikha River. The regular layout of the city was laid out in the 1720s. Tatishchev (production complex of the plant, rectangular blocks along the upper terrace of the shore). The oldest part of Perm was formed in the 1750-70s. with two centers - a trade center (on the site of the Perm I station, founded in 1878) with a road departing from it to Okhansk and an administrative center, which occupied a plateau above the piers in the north-west, with the city Peter and Paul Cathedral (1757-64; 5-domed, with 4 -faceted dome and pediments), former Offices (late 18th century), guardhouse and residential governor's building. According to the general plan of 1782, the geometric layout was extended to the riverside neighborhoods. In 1796-1804 (under the governorship of the St. Petersburg engineer K.F. Moderakh), intensive construction began down the Kama, to the west: the stone Gostiny Dvor, the city government, the treasury chamber (reconstructed, now the City Executive Committee). Main Public School (men's gymnasium, rebuilt in 1847-51, now one of the buildings of the Medical Institute); boulevards and squares are being laid out, and the embankment is being strengthened. Among the religious buildings of the old city of Perm is the Cathedral of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery on Mount Sludka (1798-1832; bell tower - 1818-32, according to the designs of the architect L. Ruska, P. T. Vasilyeva, I. I. Sviyazeva), church-rotunda at the “new” cemetery (1832-37, architect Sviyazev), mosque (1902-03, architect A. I. Ozhegov), Kazan Church in pseudo-Russian style, with majolica panels on the facades (1905-07, architect Yu. Skavronsky), 5-domed, 2-tier Church of the Ascension in neo-Russian style (Feodosievskaya; 1903-10, architect Ozhegov). Among the monuments of civil architecture of the era of classicism in Perm are the Bishop's House in the complex of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (1793-98, reconstructed in 1853, 1901), the City Duma (late 18th century, built on in the 19th century, originally a one-story house of Zhmaev) ; buildings of the architect Sviyazev: the Yakovlev-Meshkov house (1820s, restored in 1885-86), a school for children of clerical workers (1825-29), a seminary (1829-31), a wooden Krylov mansion (now a medical dispensary), a wooden rotunda in the former Country Garden (1824), Noble Assembly (1830), etc. Among the numerous buildings of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. in the spirit of eclecticism and Art Nouveau style: the former houses of Lyubimova and Meshkov, the old building of the Opera House, the house of the Music School, the old building of the Perm II station, the Cyril and Methodius School (1911, architect Kendrzhinsky, now the House of Young Technicians) in the neo-Russian style, etc. late 1920s-early 1950s. fragmentary construction was carried out on vacant plots in the old part of the city and standard block-by-quarter development in new areas (including in Zakamye). According to the master plan 1949-52 - comprehensive industrial construction in all areas, incl. in the historical part of the city (House of Soviets, Drama Theatre, Social and Political Center, Philharmonic Concert Hall, Builders' House of Culture, Polytechnic Institute, Vostochnaya Hotel, Crystal Cinema, etc.), and the development of new residential areas (Gorki , Balatovo, Yanvarsky microdistrict, Gaiva village).

Photo: Sculpture “Permyak - salty ears”

Photo and description

Perm can safely be called a city of original sculptures. What influenced the construction of many of the city’s sculptures - the imagination of the masters or the open Perm soul, not without a sense of humor, may not matter, but the fact of the creation of a number of unusual sculptures in the early two thousandths greatly influenced the tourist routes of the eastern part of Russia.

Everyone who has ever visited Perm has a photo of one of the original Russian monuments. “Permyak - Salty Ears” is the most popular and recognizable sculpture of the city, which in some way has become a symbol of the Perm region. The history of the appearance of the monument is connected with the distant past of the entire region, rich in salt reserves. Supplying the largest fairs in Russia with salt since the 1430s, Perm loaders carried 60-80-kilogram bags on their shoulders, the upper part of which hung over their heads, showering the workers’ ears with salty dust. Since those times, the saying “Permyak has salty ears” has spread around the world, immortalized in bronze in our time.

The sculptural composition, consisting of an oval frame with ears and a photographer with an old camera, was created by two masters: R. Ismagilov and A. Matveev. At the opening of the monument in 2006, the mayor of the city was the first to “try on” the funny ears of a Permian, giving rise to photo sessions for residents and guests of Perm. The sculpture, about two meters high, is made in such a way that anyone can try on the “salt ears” of a Permian, adding another funny historical landmark of the city of Perm to the family album.

0 We live in a huge country, different parts of which have their own jokes, expressions and sayings that are not understandable in other areas of our Motherland. However, it often happens that when arriving in a particular city and not knowing its history, tourists find themselves in rather delicate situations. For example, when they are unable to answer a joke, or do not understand the meaning of what was said. Today we will look at one of those funny expressions that sometimes drives some of our fellow citizens into a stupor, this Permyak salty ears, which means you can find out a little below. Visit our website more often and you will be able to enrich your vocabulary with both quite cute expressions and words that should not be used in polite society. Therefore, do not forget to add this resource site to your bookmarks, because we regularly have new information.
However, before continuing, I would like to point you to a few more useful articles on the topic of phraseological units. For example, what does Because gladiolus mean? how to understand Don't dig a hole for someone else; translation Memento mori; which means the forest is being cut down, chips are flying, etc.
So let's continue Permyak salty ears, why do they say that?? This expression has several origins, but we will look at the most popular ones.

Permyak salty ears origin

First version. In the 16th century, salt was a very expensive and valuable commodity; it was mined in the upper reaches of the Usolka River and transported on huge barges. The town of Usolye-on-Kamsky was built there, which was later renamed Sol Kamskaya, and then Solikamsk. This settlement turned into the largest salt mining center in Russia.
To extract salt, they first dug a well and then pumped out the brine, which was then evaporated. This loose product was usually packaged in simple bags that had holes and torn edges. Unfortunately, at that time the process of delivering bags on board the ship was not mechanized, and the loaders had to carry salt on their long-suffering shoulders all day long. And since the salt miners put the bag on their shoulders and, bent over, dragged it along the gangway, particles of this mineral, crumbling, fell on their backs, shoulders, and even on their ears. After a working day, when people came home, they changed their clothes, and this solved the problem of discomfort on the body, but sometimes the movers could forget to wash their ears, after which they began to turn red and hurt.

Second version. During the development of Siberia and the Urals, about three hundred years ago, many peasants went to these inhospitable places to find a new home. Some went to Perm, others even to the ocean, and there were a huge number of such travelers. It took several years to get to these places, moving mainly along rivers and lakes. All along their journey they met with local people who were very negative towards these " aliens". And how to appease the local gloomy guys? At all times, banknotes have been used for this. True, at that time the peasants had almost no hard cash, but they found a way out of the situation. After all, in that era, salt was equivalent to silver or even gold. Therefore Enterprising citizens carried with them small, pre-packaged bags of salt. Since ordinary people did not have pockets, as a class, one clever man came up with the idea of ​​hanging these bags behind his ears, using a special loop for this. Having seen such an innovation, the rest of the settlers began to actively use it. this method. Local “natives” nicknamed these travelers, future Permians, “for this.” salty ears".

In April 2006, the most amazing and strange monument in Russia was built in Perm, next to the Ural Hotel. It looks like a pillar with an oval with ears on it. This entire composition is designed so that everyone can stick their head into this oval and feel like a Permian with salty ears.

After reading this informative article, you learned Permyak salty ears, why do they call people that, and now you won’t get caught

In 2006 the most popular proverb of the residents of the Kama region: “Permyak has salty ears” received monumental confirmation. A monument with an appropriate name was unveiled here in honor of the workers of the salt industry, which had been developing in the Verkhnekamye region since ancient times. Back in 1430, the Kalinikov merchants founded the first salt pans in the area of ​​modern Solikamsk. These were in the villages of Dedyukhino, Pyskore, Lenve and Veretye. The Permian salt mined from them was very popular throughout Russia. So the appearance of the “Salty Ears” monument in Perm is historically justified.

Another thing is that he is very unusual. And even one of the most original. It consists of two components: a photographer and a frame with large ears in which anyone can take a photo. And there are a lot of them, it’s not for nothing that at the opening of the monument the head of the city wished that every family had such a photo. Like, salty ears are a symbol of the region. And he was the first to take a photo in the frame. The author of the composition “Salty Ears” is sculptor Rustam Ismailov, while developing the idea, did not follow the usual path, depicting a Permian with a bag of salt on his back, from which the product fell, fell on the porter’s ears and irritated them, making them large and red. He came up with an unusual, funny version of the monument - and won.

The Salted Ears monument is located near the Ural Hotel. The height of the sculpture is about two meters, the width is about one and a half. The ironic and at the same time patriotic monument in granite and bronze was even entered into the “Seven Wonders of the World” competition. True, he didn’t win there, but he became the strangest monument among ten similar ones. Like Enema in Zheleznovodsk, Keyboard in Yekaterinburg, Major Kovalev’s Nose in St. Petersburg, Dogs in Love in Krasnodar. Apparently, the sculptor’s sense of humor is a new quality of modern masters. Since people like it so much.

However, entertaining sculpture existed before. For example, in the nineteenth century, funny compositions and joker fountains were built in noble estates. But now there is a real peak of small genres in sculpture. Suffice it to recall the Merry Goat in Nizhny Novgorod, Pelmen in Izhevsk, Vodka in Samara, Potatoes in Veliky Novgorod. They say that it is precisely such sculptures, including Perm “Salt Ears” arouse warm feelings in people, and what else do sculptors need? It’s clear that guests love to take pictures in a frame with ears - who wouldn’t be interested in bringing home such a funny photo from a trip? But why are Perm residents so excited about the idea of ​​having such a photo in every home? The fact is that salty ears are like a visual registration of the inhabitants of the region. And they, for the most part, are very patriotic and care about the past.

They say that this The sculptural composition “Permyak – salty ears” also has a therapeutic value. Especially after the latest tragic events in the region (Boeing crash, fire in the Lame Horse). People try to heal themselves with positive emotions, and many seem to succeed. Moreover, it is believed that this sculpture serves to unite the residents. Although, of course, few of them would want to have such ears in reality. Oddly enough, the monument contributes to the development of self-esteem among Perm residents. By the way, in one of their bus depots, all drivers get behind the wheel in office suits and ties. They are extremely polite and attentive to passengers. And this is also an image.

It’s hard to find a person these days who has never heard the expression “Permyak salty ears” in his life. At the same time, a relatively small number of people know what it means, why it appeared and why Permians have salty ears. And even more so, not everyone knows that in our country there is a real monument “Permyak Salty Ears”.

This is a very unusual sculpture, which very quickly became an integral part of the city’s culture. And the expression did not appear by chance, so learning its history will be useful for every person interested in the history of these regions.

Where did this expression come from?

So, what is the history of the Permyak Salty Ears monument?

The fact is that in the 17th century, salt was an extremely expensive commodity - many poor families could not afford such expenses (perhaps it was then that a superstition appeared: spilling salt would lead to a quarrel). There were no deposits in the European part of Russia, so deposits in the Urals (in the area of ​​modern Solikamsk) became a real salvation. The Stroganov merchants, having received the opportunity to develop these deposits, significantly increased their already considerable capital.

But ordinary people who worked in mining had a very difficult time, if only because they had to carry huge bags - 2 pounds (32 kilograms) for women and 4 pounds (64 kilograms) for men. Since there weren’t even primitive carts, not to mention more advanced devices, they carried the load on their shoulders, putting rags under the bags. But there was nothing to protect my ears. As a result, the hard burlap rubbed against them, often damaging the skin. Salt getting into fresh wounds not only caused considerable pain, but also led to inflammation. As a result, the ears turned red and increased in size, so the salt workers could be seen from afar. They were recognized not only in all Perm lands, but also far beyond their borders. So we can say with confidence that the monument “Permyak Salty Ears” was erected specifically for these workers.

Monument in Perm

The expression became so popular that the city leadership decided to immortalize it in metal. This is how the monument “Permyak Salty Ears” appeared in Perm.

The composition consists of two elements. The first is the main one, although it is small in size. It's a frame on a pedestal that's just the right size for a person to stick their face into. Protruding, huge ears stick out along the edges of the frame. The height of the monument is about one and a half meters - both a child and an adult can stick their face in there to feel like a real Permian with salted ears.

The second part of the exhibition is located about 7 meters away and symbolizes a man leaning towards an old camera, such as was used at the beginning of the twentieth century. It’s as if he’s ready to take a photo of whoever takes the place next to the frame with the ears.

Of course, the monument is very unusual - several years ago it even received the title of the strangest monument in Russia from the Russkiy Mir magazine. But it is completely unique and allows people to get to know their history better.

How to find it

Probably, any native resident of Perm can easily tell you where the monument “Permyak Salty Ears” is located - the sculpture was loved by many and became iconic. It appears on many souvenirs of the city.

It is located near the Prikamie Hotel on Komsomolsky Prospekt. A more precise address is Komsomolsky Prospekt, building 27. Standing here, it will be difficult not to notice the rather large exhibition.


This is where we can end the article. You found out the meaning of a well-known expression, learned that there is a monument “Permyak salty ears” and determined its location. So, if you are in Perm, don’t forget to visit here and take a photo as a souvenir.