Comb against tangles in dogs. Mats and hair pellets in dogs

Lumps, “hangers” or whole “cakes” of fur gathered into a “felt felt” on a dog’s body are usually called tangles. The reason for the appearance of tangles is 90% lack of care and 10% disruption of metabolic processes.

During walks, especially in autumn or in wooded areas, tenacious grass seeds, small thorns or twigs get into the animal’s fur, which become entangled in the fur within a few hours.

For fluffy dogs, for example, Caucasian Shepherds, mats on the neck and riding breeches are a common occurrence during each shedding. Owners of long-haired breeds will confirm that when changing coats, brushing once a day is not enough.

Swimming in ponds, getting wet in the rain, playing with relatives, working to herd livestock or guard the territory - almost any active action leads to tangling of the fur.

Daily combing of your pet's coat will prevent the formation of tangles, but in practice, this is almost impossible. Dogs with liver, hormonal, metabolic or gastrointestinal problems are more prone to matted hair.

If you notice that your pet's fur is shiny, this is a clear symptom of some kind of disorder. The shine disappears, which means elasticity is lost, resulting in rapid contamination of the wool and tangles.

Important! Wool loses its shine and elasticity with frequent washing or the use of low-quality shampoos and conditioners.

Types of welt cutters. How to choose the right model?

Most new dog breeders are slightly perplexed when they realize that choosing the right tangle cutter is a whole science. The tool should be convenient for you, not cause discomfort to your pet and not put a strain on the family budget, so which one should you choose? Start by “screening out” tangle cutters by type:

  • Vertical - a comb-comb with sharpened blades instead of teeth. The back side of the teeth is rounded and safe; in some models, the tips of the blades are curved with a hook.
  • Horizontal or stripping - the brush is similar to a slicker brush, however, instead of many small teeth, sharp, curved blades are attached to the base.
  • Drop-shaped or specific - most often, consists of one or two short, rounded blades. Designed for cutting tangles in the ears, paws and other dangerous areas.

Pay attention! In some models, the blades have a wavy shape, which increases the efficiency of cutting through tangles.

The mat cutter for dogs with long hair and thick undercoat consists of 12 blades, however, there are models with fewer teeth, popular types in the photo below.

Depending on the type of wool, you will need a tool with a tooth length of 4 to 10 centimeters. If you have several animals, the best option is a mat cutter with 5-6 centimeter teeth, suitable for almost any dog ​​and can be used for cats.


You need to remove mats from your dog immediately after they appear, but it is best to carry out regular prevention - wash and comb your pet as often as required.

For example, collie and chow-chow dogs can be brushed at least every day, especially if they actively spend time outside, running on wet grass, playing in the sand, and so on.

When combing, you will be able to remove tangles from your dog when they are just beginning to form, which means you will not cause pain to your pet. Pay special attention to the belly area, armpits and ears - this is where hair falls off most often.

Choose a good slicker that will not give your dog any discomfort.

Mats that form on a pet are a real scourge for owners of dogs of long and wire-haired breeds.

The luxurious flowing mane, which is the pride of a show animal, requires daily combing and qualified care.

This is the only way to avoid areas that have become matted into difficult-to-disassemble clumps.

The main reasons for the appearance of tangles

What are the most common causes of hair curling?

1. Knocking down wet, clean wool. This happens if a bathed dog with long thick hair, do not blow-dry after washing, leaving hair to dry naturally. In addition to tangles, this method of drying also risks overheating the cover.

2. The formation of so-called “water mats” that appear due to the fault of inexperienced owners who wash and scrub the dog too hard. To avoid this trouble, The detergent should be applied gently as the fur grows, gently working it in with the pads of your fingers., and not tangling your hair, trying to better wash your four-legged friend.

3. Dog clothes can also lead to the formation of broken lumps. Most often this happens in places where the body and the seams of the product come into contact. To avoid this, Try to buy onesies with slip fabric lining.

4. Burrs and thorns, which are found in abundance in walking areas, also lead to entanglement. It is quite difficult to deal with them - when you try to pull them out, the prickly ball breaks up into small segments, which are difficult to pull out of the fur. Some owners recommend examining the dog several times during a walk in order to pull out burrs immediately, or, when going to a forest or field, putting a duster on the pet.

5. Most owners, not having any special experience or knowledge in caring for the fur of their four-legged friend, believe that lightly smoothing the hair with a massage brush is quite enough for the good condition of the coat. Short tooth comb, without penetrating all the way to the body, it leaves under the top, well-groomed layer, dense, knitted felt, which, in particularly advanced cases, even experienced groomers do not dare to touch. The only way out in this case is to cut the animal bald.

6. Very often leads to the formation of tangles excessive attention to the dog from loving owners. Constant stroking, including against the pet's fur, attempts to ruffle it, or careless games can lead to tangled and then matted areas appearing on the fur.

7. The condition of the coat depends not only on cosmetic care. Health of internal organs and general tone of the dog, as in a mirror, are reflected in her appearance. If, in addition to the increased formation of tangles, your pet’s hair has a dull, lifeless appearance, and the skin is covered with dandruff and crusts, it may be worth checking his well-being. After all fleas, worms, liver and kidney diseases can also lead to deterioration in coat quality.

8. Another common case in which the structure of the coat deteriorates is dog pregnancy and birth. While the bitch is waiting for puppies, especially in the last stages, the owners, protecting her peace, stop performing daily cosmetic procedures. Childbirth and the stress associated with it, lactation, small puppies that knock off fur while sucking - all this leads to the formation of multiple tangles, which are extremely difficult to sort out.

Experienced dog breeders recommend, if the quality of the coat allows, to cut the dog’s hair as short as possible before giving birth, or, as a last resort, to remove the hair on the dog’s belly and around the mammary glands to zero. If, due to the structure of the coat, this is not possible, the dog’s hair is tied up in curlers, taken apart 2-3 times a week, or pinned with rubber bands all over the body, fastening them together.

How to get rid of tangles with minimal losses

If trouble occurs and tangles still appear, the main thing is get rid of them with minimal losses. It's no secret that show wool requires extremely careful treatment, and simply cutting off a piece would be a big loss for the animal's hairstyle.

Experienced owners of dogs of long-haired breeds know many little tricks that will help you emerge victorious in the fight against insidious tangles. Here are the most effective of them:

1. Soft fur under the armpits and behind the ears, which is prone to tangles, will tangle much less if, immediately after combing, generously sprinkle it with regular zinc-based baby powder and comb it again with a slicker brush.

2. In order to remove the mat without damaging the wool, it is recommended to moisten it with plain water with a small addition of baby skin oil, and leave it like that for a while. After such a mask, tangled hair can be easily sorted out by hand, without requiring extreme combing.

3. When using industrial anti-matt products, carefully read the instructions- some of them, designed for certain breeds of dogs, intensively wash out the undercoat, which can negatively affect the appearance of breeds with a rich coat (Pekingese, Shih Tzu).

4. Another disadvantage of professional products is their high cost. If the dog has a show ahead, it makes sense to spend money on an expensive bottle, but For home use, it is better to use more budget-friendly folk recipes.

5. Many groomers to make it easier to comb the coat, use high-quality human hair cosmetics. Before applying it to your dog, apply to a small area of ​​skin on the belly or behind the front legs. If after a day there are no signs of allergies, feel free to use the liquid to get rid of the problem.

6. A lot depends on when, before or after washing, you comb out the mat. Most groomers are of the opinion that It's better to sort out dirty hair. Anti-tangle products often have a greasy base, and once you detangle your hair, you can easily wash it afterwards. In addition, pulling through washed hair has a negative impact on the condition of the cuticle, which leads to split ends and breakage of the hair.

However, those who prefer to disassemble the dog after washing also give their arguments. According to them, a dirty undercoat is much more difficult to comb than a clean one, and besides, a universal hair dryer compressor, with which you can quickly and easily dry a dog, will help you break up an unruly tangle with a stream of air, which you previously combed with a special comb. To understand which method is right for you, you need to try to put both options into practice, and then choose the most acceptable one.

7. If the tangle is so advanced that you can’t do without scissors, don’t rush to radically cut it off right away. Try making a few cuts along the tangle, and then try again to remove it with your hands or a comb. This way you will save some amount of hair, ridding the animal of an ugly bald spot on its body. Or use a tangle cutter, it will separate the tangle into pieces and allow you to save more wool.

Having dealt with all the tangles, carefully comb your pet completely again and try to take care of his fur in the future so that tangles do not form. Indeed, in addition to aesthetic rejection, they also cause considerable suffering to the dog. Sometimes animals with soft fur become so matted that the only way to avoid suffering is a “zero” haircut with a clipper, which takes soft wool, incl. in cats, rabbits, guinea pigs.

Natasha Sherwood

The question of how to remove dog mats is usually asked by owners of long-haired animals. Our smaller brothers are sometimes unable to cope with their hair on their own - they need human help.

How to properly remove mats from a dog

Mats are lumps of matted and matted fur that cause discomfort to the animal by tightening the skin and preventing its normal ventilation. In advanced cases, mats can cover the dog’s entire belly and paws—then the animal has to be shaved bald, which is extremely undesirable.


Apply anti-matt spray(sold at any pet store) to problem areas and begin to untangle the tangle using wide-tooth combs, moving from bottom to top (first the ends of the hair, then higher and higher - this is the only way you won’t hurt the dog). Hold the fur at the roots to avoid pulling on it. You can first stretch the mat slightly to the sides with your hands, and then take the comb to finally remove the dog’s mats. After this, wash the animal and comb thoroughly.


If untangling doesn't help, you need a tangle shave carefully with a clipper. You can do this yourself with a little experience. This method of removing mats from a dog is, of course, radical, but it is better than leaving the animal to scramble under a thick “fur coat” of matted fur.


You need to trim the tangles only as a last resort- if the matted fur causes pain to the dog, and you have no way to use an electric razor. The fact is that when cutting matted hair, you risk hitting the dog with scissors. After this, he is unlikely to allow you to calmly approach you, even for combing, and you both will have to get used to all cosmetic procedures again.


You need to remove mats from your dog immediately after they appear, but it is best to carry out regular preventative measures - wash and comb your pet as often as required. For example, collie and chow-chow dogs can be brushed at least every day, especially if they actively spend time outside, running on wet grass, playing in the sand, and so on. you will be able to remove tangles from your dog when they are just beginning to form, which means you will not cause pain to your pet. Pay special attention to the abdomen, armpits and ears- This is where wool falls off most often. Choose a good slicker that will not give your dog any discomfort.

Anti-matt shampoo for dogs is an excellent preventive measure, but it rarely helps if dense clumps have already formed on the fur.

After washing, the dog's coat should be dried with a hairdryer, while combing it in the direction of hair growth. Let your dog run only after it is completely dry, as wet fur can become tangled very easily.

Brushing is a very important process in caring for any furry pet. A properly carried out procedure helps not only to keep the coat healthy, but also to show off a fluffy coat.

What distinguishes the Spitz from other breeds is its thick undercoat. It supports the guard hairs and gives the Pomeranian the appearance of a fluffy pom-pom. Spitz coat care has some peculiarities.

To prevent the dog's hair from splitting, it should be slightly moistened with a special product or water before combing. It is better to start combing from the stomach, gradually moving forward. The tail should be scratched from the base.

What do you need?

The most suitable comb for a Spitz would be a soft comb that gently processes the coat, does not pull out hairs and at the same time gives pleasure to the animal by massaging the skin. Hard brushes can both damage the dog’s coat and cause discomfort to the dog and cause scratches and microtraumas.

The teeth of the comb should not be too frequent, so as not to pull out excess hair in addition to untangling the hairs. An important point is the preservation of the undercoat, which ensures the maintenance of guard hairs and gives the coat fullness.

It is necessary to comb against the growth of hairs, but in all directions and reaching the skin with teeth. This is an excellent way of massage that provides nutrition and hair growth. It is best to comb your pet by sitting him on your lap or on a special table, after placing a rubber mat so that his paws do not slip.

Important: areas with soft skin (behind the ears, under the chin and in the groin) deserve special attention - because tangles most often form here.

The final stage of combing is using a comb. It serves to collect the remaining fluff, stretch out the fur (this is especially important before cutting) and give the pet fluffiness.

At the end of the procedure, you can run the brush from the tail to the head - this will make the Spitz’s hair rise beautifully. And fluff it up a little with your hands - this way it won’t roll up longer.


Spitz hair rarely gets into tangles, only in the most delicate places with the softest skin - around the ears, armpits, between the fingers, in the groin area. If this happens, you need to carefully remove the tangles with your fingers and then comb them out with a comb.

Attention: severely matted areas that could not be sorted out by hand and combed out with a comb can be cut off with tongs - but only in an adult dog.

How often is it necessary?

Spitz dogs have a coat structure that does not require daily brushing. They very rarely develop tangles. Therefore, two to three times a week will be enough for your pet.

If you comb your Spitz more often, there is a risk of removing the entire undercoat and the dog will no longer be so fluffy, and the guard hair will remain without support and fall.

The dog must also be brushed before and after bathing. When wet, the fur that has bunched up in shreds will become harder and then difficult to comb out. Brushing before bathing will prevent excessive tangling and tangles.

Is it possible during shedding?

Spitz shed twice a year - in spring and autumn. Sometimes they change their coat a little throughout the year. During periods of shedding, any Spitz should be thoroughly combed. Lost undercoat can become entangled in the coat, which can lead to the formation of tangles. Therefore, during shedding, you can brush your pet daily with a soft massage brush.

Reference: If your pet sheds a lot, then it is acceptable to use larger brushes.


Furminators are very useful in caring for a Spitz's coat. They can remove excess undercoat without damaging the guard hairs. The use of the device is supported by the uniform distribution of the lubricant over the dog’s skin and fur, safety for the skin, the ability to use hair of any length and the prevention of the formation of tangles.

Furminators vary in size, blade width and tooth length. For a Spitz, a small furminator with a working surface width of up to 3-5 cm is best suited. The tool is easy to use and works efficiently.

Reference: Dog owners note that after using the Furminator, shedding decreases in their pets.


Since the puppy's coat has a different structure, caring for it is much easier. The undercoat of a young Spitz is completely covered with guard hair, so the hair does not tangle.

From an early age, the puppy must be taught to regularly care for its coat. The puppy's coat needs to be brushed daily. In this case, it is better to use a soft massage brush.

The best choice for a puppy is a thin-toothed metal or massage comb. You need to comb it against the grain, and on the paws - along the grain. This combing will make the fur coat look fluffier. Also, this is an excellent massage for the skin of a small Spitz.

You need to accustom your baby to combing as soon as he appears in the house. To begin with, to ensure peace of mind for the baby, you can sit him on your lap during the procedure. Later, when the dog matures and can stand quietly, grooming can be done on a special table.

How to train?

Often, the breeder begins to accustom the dog to grooming procedures. Therefore, when moving to a new home, the puppy is already accustomed to combing, washing and trimming its nails.

If you need to accustom your Spitz to combing, you should start at 3-4 weeks of age. Place the puppy on your lap. Gently brush your pet for a few minutes, praise him, give him a treat, and release him. By repeating this process several times a day for a week, you will teach your dog to enjoy brushing.

What to do if he resists and doesn’t give?

Many Spitz owners encounter a problem when the dog does not allow itself to be brushed. The main thing here is not to give in and not let the puppy go out of pity or fear. In this case, it is better to grab the pet tightly, calm it down and continue the procedure.

It is important to make combing enjoyable for your pet. To do this, you need good combs that do not pull the hair or scratch the skin. When combing, hold your Spitz's long hair at the root and never pull it. Moisturize the hair with sprays - this way it will be less tangled, and the procedure will be faster and more comfortable.

If the dog does not allow you to itch, first comb it in parts: first the back, after a while - the sides, etc. The dog should be praised and encouraged for good behavior. You can give her a treat.

Features for Pomeranian, German or others

There are no clear lines in caring for different types of Spitz (even between classic and Pom-Spitz!). Therefore, the rules and recommendations for combing any type will be the same.

Reference: In addition to regular brushing, the Pomeranian also needs periodic haircuts.