Who was the sparrow's story about? Direct educational activities

Sparrow. Read the fairy tale of Maxim Gorky

Sparrows are exactly the same as people: adult sparrows and female sparrows are boring little birds and talk about everything as it is written in books, but young people live by their own minds.

Once upon a time there lived a yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, moths and other soft materials. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest: he wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for him?

- What, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.
He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped:
- Too black, too much!
Dad flew in, brought bugs to Pudik and boasted:
- Am I still alive? Mother Sparrow approved of him:
- Chiv, chiv!
And Pudik swallowed the bugs and thought: “What are they bragging about - they gave a worm with legs - a miracle!”
And he kept leaning out of the nest, looking at everything.
“Child, child,” the mother worried, “look, you’ll go crazy!”
- With what, with what? - Pudik asked.
“Nothing, but you’ll fall to the ground, cat—chick!” and gobble it up! - the father explained, flying off to hunt.
So everything went on, but the wings were in no hurry to grow.
One day the wind blew and Pudik asked:
- What, what?
- The wind will blow on you - chirp! and throws it to the ground - to the cat! - explained the mother.
Pudik didn’t like this, so he said:
- Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...
His mother tried to explain to him that this was not so, but he did not believe it - he liked to explain everything in his own way.
A man walks past the bathhouse, waving his arms.
“The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”
- This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.
- Why?
- They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, huh?
- For what?
- If they had wings, they would catch us, like dad and I catch midges...
- Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.
Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.
He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poems of his own composition at the top of his lungs:

Eh, wingless man,
You have two legs
Even though you are very great,
The midges are eating you!
And I'm very small
But I eat midges myself.

He sang and sang and fell out of the nest, and the sparrow followed him, and the cat - red, green eyes - was right there.
Pudik got scared, spread his wings, swayed on his gray legs and chirped:
- I have the honor, I have the honor...
And the sparrow pushes him aside, her feathers stood on end - scary, brave, her beak opened - aiming at the cat's eye.
- Get away, get away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly...
Fear lifted the sparrow from the ground, he jumped, flapped his wings - once, once and - on the window!
Then his mother flew up - without a tail, but in great joy, sat down next to him, pecked him on the back of the head and said:
- What, what?
- Well then! - said Pudik. - You can’t learn everything at once!
And the cat sits on the ground, cleaning sparrow feathers from her paw, looks at them - red, green eyes - and meows regretfully:
- Myaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalittle sparrow, it’s like we-yyshka... mea-alas...
And everything ended well, if you forget that mom was left without a tail...

Sparrows are exactly the same as people: adult sparrows and female sparrows are boring little birds and talk about everything as it is written in books, but young people live by their own minds.

Once upon a time there lived a yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, moths and other soft materials. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest: he wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for him?

What, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.

He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped:

Too black, too much!

Dad flew in, brought bugs to Pudik and boasted:

Am I chiv? Mother Sparrow approved of him:

Chiv, chiv!

And Pudik swallowed the bugs and thought: “What are they bragging about - they gave a worm with legs - a miracle!”

And he kept leaning out of the nest, looking at everything.

Child, child,” the mother worried, “look, you’ll get crazy!”

What, what? - Pudik asked.

Yes, not with anything, but you will fall to the ground, cat - chick! and gobble it up! - explained the father, flying off to hunt.

So everything went on, but the wings were in no hurry to grow.

One day the wind blew - Pudik asked:

What, what?

The wind will blow on you - chirp! and throws it to the ground - to the cat! - explained the mother.

Pudik didn’t like this, so he said:

Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...

His mother tried to explain to him that this was not so, but he did not believe it - he liked to explain everything in his own way.

A man walks past the bathhouse, waving his arms.

“The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”

This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.

They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, wow?

If they had wings, they would catch us like dad and I catch midges...

Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.

Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.

He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poems of his own composition at the top of his lungs:

Eh, wingless man,
You have two legs
Even though you are very great,
The midges are eating you!
And I'm very small
But I eat midges myself.
He sang and sang and fell out of the nest, and the sparrow followed him, and the cat - red, green eyes - was right there.

Pudik got scared, spread his wings, swayed on his gray legs and chirped:

I have the honor, I have the honor...

And the sparrow pushes him aside, her feathers stood on end - scary, brave, her beak opened - aiming at the cat's eye.

Away, away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly...

Fear lifted the sparrow from the ground, he jumped, flapped his wings - once, once and - on the window!
Then his mother flew up - without a tail, but in great joy, sat down next to him, pecked him on the back of the head and said:

What, what?

Well then! - said Pudik. - You can’t learn everything at once!

And the cat sits on the ground, cleaning sparrow feathers from her paw, looks at them - red, green eyes - and meows regretfully:

Myaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalittle sparrow, it’s like we’re a little sparrow... mea-alas...

And everything ended well, if you forget that mom was left without a tail...

Sparrows are exactly the same as people: adult sparrows and little birdies are boring and talk about everything as it is written in books, but young people live by their own minds.

Once upon a time there lived a yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, moths and other soft materials. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest: he wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for him?

- What, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.

He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped:

Too black, too much!

Dad flew in, brought bugs to Pudik and boasted:

Am I chiv? Mother Sparrow approved of him:

Chiv, chiv!

And Pudik swallowed the bugs and thought: “What are they bragging about - a worm with legs gave a miracle!”

And he kept leaning out of the nest, looking at everything.

Child, child,” the mother worried, “look, you’ll get crazy!”

What, what? - Pudik asked.

Yes, not with anything, but you will fall to the ground, cat - chick! and gobble it up! - explained the father, flying off to hunt.

So everything went on, but the wings were in no hurry to grow.

One day the wind blew - Pudik asked:

What, what?

The wind will blow on you - chirp! and throws it to the ground - to the cat! - explained the mother.

Pudik didn’t like this, so he said:

Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...

His mother tried to explain to him that this was not so, but he did not believe it - he liked to explain everything in his own way.

A man walks past the bathhouse, waving his arms.

“The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”

This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.

They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, wow?

If they had wings, they would catch us like dad and I catch midges...

Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.

Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.

He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poems of his own composition at the top of his lungs:

Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs

Even though you are very great,

The midges are eating you!

And I'm very small

But I eat midges myself.

He sang and sang and fell out of the nest, and the sparrow followed him, and the cat - red, green eyes - was right there.

Pudik got scared, spread his wings, swayed on his gray legs and chirped:

I have the honor, I have the honor...

And the sparrow pushes him aside, her feathers stood on end, scary, brave, her beak opened - aiming at the cat’s eye.

Away, away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly...

Fear lifted the sparrow from the ground, he jumped, flapped his wings - once, once and - on the window!

Then his mother flew up - without a tail, but in great joy, sat down next to him, pecked him on the back of the head and said:

What, what?

Well then! - said Pudik. - You can’t learn everything at once!

And the cat sits on the ground, cleaning the sparrow’s feathers from her paw, her red-haired, green eyes look at them and meow regretfully:

Myaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalittle sparrow, it’s like we’re a little sparrow... mea-alas...

And everything ended well, if you forget that mom was left without a tail...

Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov)


Sparrows are exactly the same as people: adult sparrows and little birdies are boring and talk about everything as it is written in books, but young people live by their own minds.

Once upon a time there lived a yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, moths and other soft materials. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest: he wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for him?

What, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.

He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped:

Too black, too much!

Dad flew in, brought bugs to Pudik and boasted:

Am I chiv? Mother Sparrow approved of him:

Chiv, chiv!

And Pudik swallowed the bugs and thought: “What are they bragging about - a worm with legs gave a miracle!”

And he kept leaning out of the nest, looking at everything.

Child, child,” the mother worried, “look, you’ll get crazy!”

What, what? - Pudik asked.

Yes, not with anything, but you will fall to the ground, cat - chick! and gobble it up! - explained the father, flying off to hunt.

So everything went on, but the wings were in no hurry to grow.

One day the wind blew - Pudik asked:

What, what?

The wind will blow on you - chirp! and throws it to the ground - to the cat! - explained the mother.

Pudik didn’t like this, so he said:

Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...

His mother tried to explain to him that this was not so, but he did not believe it - he liked to explain everything in his own way.

A man walks past the bathhouse, waving his arms.

“The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”

This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.

They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, wow?

If they had wings, they would catch us like dad and I catch midges...

Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.

Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.

He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poems of his own composition at the top of his lungs:

Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs

Even though you are very great,

The midges are eating you!

And I'm very small

But I eat midges myself.

He sang and sang and fell out of the nest, and the sparrow followed him, and the cat - red, green eyes - was right there.

Pudik got scared, spread his wings, swayed on his gray legs and chirped:

I have the honor, I have the honor...

And the sparrow pushes him aside, her feathers stood on end, scary, brave, her beak opened - aiming at the cat’s eye.

Away, away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly...

Fear lifted the sparrow from the ground, he jumped, flapped his wings - once, once and - on the window!

Then his mother flew up - without a tail, but in great joy, sat down next to him, pecked him on the back of the head and said:

What, what?

Well then! - said Pudik. - You can’t learn everything at once!

And the cat sits on the ground, cleaning the sparrow’s feathers from her paw, her red-haired, green eyes look at them and meow regretfully:

Meow, such a little sparrow, like us... meow, alas...

And everything ended well, if you forget that mom was left without a tail...

M. Gorky

Sparrows are exactly the same as people: adult sparrows and female sparrows are boring little birds and talk about everything as it is written in books, but young people live by their own minds.

Once upon a time there lived a yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, moths and other soft materials. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest: he wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for him?

- What, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.

He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped:

- Too black, too much!

Dad flew in, brought bugs to Pudik and boasted:

- Am I still alive? Mother Sparrow approved of him:

- Chiv, chiv!

And Pudik swallowed the bugs and thought: “What are they bragging about - they gave a worm with legs - a miracle!”

And he kept leaning out of the nest, looking at everything.

“Child, child,” the mother worried, “look, you’ll go crazy!”

- With what, with what? - Pudik asked.

“Nothing, but you’ll fall to the ground, cat—chick!” and gobble it up! - the father explained, flying off to hunt.

So everything went on, but the wings were in no hurry to grow.

One day the wind blew and Pudik asked:

- What, what?

- The wind will blow on you - chirp! and throws it to the ground - to the cat! - explained the mother.

Pudik didn’t like this, so he said:

- Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...

His mother tried to explain to him that this was not so, but he did not believe it - he liked to explain everything in his own way.

A man walks past the bathhouse, waving his arms.

“The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”

- This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.

- Why?

- They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, huh?

- If they had wings, they would catch us, like dad and I catch midges...

- Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.

Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.

He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poems of his own composition at the top of his lungs:

He sang and sang and fell out of the nest, and the sparrow followed him, and the cat - red, green eyes - was right there.

Pudik got scared, spread his wings, swayed on his gray legs and chirped:

- I have the honor, I have the honor...

And the sparrow pushes him aside, her feathers stood on end - scary, brave, her beak opened - aiming at the cat's eye.

- Get away, get away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly...

Fear lifted the sparrow from the ground, he jumped, flapped his wings - once, once and - on the window!

Then his mother flew up - without a tail, but in great joy, sat down next to him, pecked him on the back of the head and said:

- What, what?

- Well then! - said Pudik. - You can’t learn everything at once!

And the cat sits on the ground, cleaning sparrow feathers from her paw, looks at them - red, green eyes - and meows regretfully:

- Myaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalittle sparrow, it’s like we-yyshka... mea-alas...

And everything ended well, if you forget that mom was left without a tail...