Order 181 Federal Law dated 24.11. Basic laws on disability in the Russian Federation

A disabled person is a citizen who, for certain reasons, is completely or partially disabled. There are often cases when people with disabilities are not hired or are discriminated against. To protect such citizens, the state adopted Federal Law 181 “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities.” After reading the current article, you will learn the provisions of the presented legal act.

The rights of people with disabilities are also outlined in the law on social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities. You can find out its main provisions

Federal Law 181 “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” was adopted in 1995. Since its adoption, numerous changes have been made, and some articles have been deleted.

The fundamental provisions of Federal Law-181 are currently:

  • A legal concept is provided for the word “disabled”;
  • The degrees of disability are indicated and listed - groups I, II and III. Children are not assigned a group;
  • The concept of social protection of disabled people is defined. The regulatory institution is obliged to improve the act, and the executive institution is obliged to implement its decisions;
  • A definition of medical and social testing is introduced, which determines the degree of disability. It also establishes the fact that the citizen needs social assistance;
  • Federal Law 181 states that discrimination on the basis of disability is unacceptable;
  • The law establishes the need to register a government register of persons with disabilities;
  • Measures to support people with disabilities are indicated. These include: cash payments; provision of necessary goods and certain services (medicines, food, recreation in a sanatorium). They also have the opportunity to receive free housing;
  • The labor rights of disabled people are defined. A citizen of this social group must work no more than 35 hours a week. At the same time, he is paid full salary;
  • Federal Law-181 introduces definitions of habilitation and rehabilitation of a citizen of a given social group;
  • Other regulations.

Note! In the Russian Federation there is an important law with the same number dedicated to the issue of labor protection. More about the Federal Law on the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation

Rights of people with disabilities

People with disabilities are the most vulnerable group of the population. For this reason, the state provides protection to the represented category.

As an example, let’s present a list of the rights of disabled people of group 3 according to the law:

  • Receive a disability pension. Today, its size is within 7 thousand rubles, while the minimum amount is from 3,625 thousand rubles, and it is calculated taking into account the length of service;
  • Additional payment to pension taking into account family composition - 1919 rubles;
  • Reduced payment for housing and communal services - up to 50 percent;
  • Queuing for improvement of housing conditions;
  • Purchase of land for construction on preferential terms with a 50% discount;
  • Travel with a 50% discount on 1 trip on railway transport;
  • According to Federal Law-181, it is possible to purchase drugs and medicines at a discount;
  • Purchasing vouchers to sanatoriums with a 50% discount.

Thus, group 3 disability provides discounts on a number of housing and communal services, treatment, medicines, and travel.


To control and regulate the rights of citizens with disabilities, the Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” was created.

Legal acts of the Russian Federation regularly undergo changes; to obtain up-to-date information, you can use Federal Law-181 as amended.

Recent changes to the Federal Law “On Disabled Persons”

The latest edition of Federal Law 181 “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” did not make significant changes. According to the amendments, citizens with disabilities have the opportunity to have priority repairs of the technical equipment they need (prostheses, wheelchairs).

Article 11

In Art. 11 of Federal Law 181 provides information about an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a citizen with disabilities. Information is provided on rehabilitation procedures for citizens with disabilities. About their types, volumes and timing.

The current article of the law has not undergone any changes.

Article 15

In Art. 15 Federal Law-181 indicates the need to ensure unimpeded access for a person with a degree of disability to social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities. This article has not changed in the latest version of the law.

Article 17

In Art. 17 FZ-181 describes the process of providing a disabled person with housing. The legal provision states that such citizens and families with children with disabilities who need improved housing conditions have the right to register. As a result, they will be provided with the necessary living quarters, which comply with Russian legislation.

In the latest version of Law 17, Article 17 was not changed.

Article 23

In Art. 23 of Federal Law 181 describes the required working conditions for persons with a certain degree of disability. It states that any organization that employs a person with disabilities must create the necessary conditions for him. It is also noted that the working hours for disabled people of the first and second groups should not exceed 35 hours per week. In this case, the salary remains in full.

Article 23 of Federal Law-181 has not changed in the latest edition of the law.

Article 28

Article 28 of the Federal Law describes the process of social services for people with disabilities. It states that citizens with disabilities who need care and assistance are provided with medical and household assistance at home or in special organizations.

When last edited, the current article of the law was not changed.

Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ
"On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation"

In the current latest edition dated December 2, 2019 N 408-FZ
Revision No. 55
Effective date of the edition: 01/01/2020
37 pages A4

This Federal Law“On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” defines the state policy in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. The social protection measures for disabled people provided for by this Federal Law are expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation, with the exception of measures of social support and social services related to the powers of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Disabled person is a person who has a permanent impairment of health disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and causing the need for social protection. Limitation of life activity is a complete or partial loss of a person’s ability or ability to perform self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study and engage in work.

Depending on the degree of disorder body functions and limitations of life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “disabled child.”

Recognition of a person as disabled is carried out Federal institution of medical and social examination. The procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

  • Chapter I. General provisions
    • Article 1. The concept of “disabled person”, grounds for determining the disability group
    • Article 2. The concept of social protection of disabled people
    • Article 3. Legislation of the Russian Federation on social protection of disabled people
    • Article 3.1. Non-discrimination on the basis of disability
    • Article 4. Competence of federal government bodies in the field of social protection of disabled people
    • Article 5. Participation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in ensuring social protection and social support for people with disabilities
    • Article 5.1. Federal Register of Disabled Persons
    • Article 6. Liability for causing harm to health leading to disability
  • Chapter II. Medical and social examination
    • Article 7. The concept of medical and social examination
    • Article 8. Federal institutions of medical and social examination
    • Article 8.1. Independent assessment of the quality of conditions for the provision of services by federal institutions of medical and social expertise
  • Chapter III. Rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people
    • Article 9. The concept of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people
    • Article 10. Federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person
    • Article 11. Individual program for rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled person
    • Article 11.1. Technical means for rehabilitation of disabled people
    • Article 12. Lost force
  • Chapter IV. Providing life support for people with disabilities
    • Article 13. Medical assistance to disabled people
    • Article 14. Ensuring unhindered access to information for people with disabilities
    • Article 14.1. Participation of visually impaired people in operations using facsimile reproduction of a handwritten signature
    • Article 15. Ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities
    • Article 15.1. State control (supervision) over ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities of social, engineering and transport infrastructure and services provided
    • Article 16. Responsibility for evading the requirements for creating conditions for unhindered access of people with disabilities to social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities
    • Article 17. Providing housing for disabled people
    • Article 18. Lost force
    • Article 19. Education of disabled people
    • Article 20. Ensuring employment of disabled people
    • Article 21. Establishing a quota for hiring disabled people
    • Article 22. Special workplaces for employing disabled people
    • Article 23. Working conditions for disabled people
    • Article 24. Rights, obligations and responsibilities of employers in ensuring the employment of disabled people
    • Article 25, Article 26. Lost force
    • Article 27. Material support for disabled people
    • Article 28. Social services for disabled people
    • Article 28.1. Monthly cash payment for disabled people
    • Article 28.2. Providing social support measures for people with disabilities to pay for housing and utilities, as well as to provide housing for people with disabilities and families with disabled children
    • Article 29, Article 30. Lost force
    • Article 31. The procedure for maintaining social protection measures established for people with disabilities
    • Article 32. Responsibility for violation of the rights of persons with disabilities. Dispute resolution
  • Chapter V. Public associations of disabled people
    • Article 33. The right of disabled people to create public associations
    • Article 34. Repealed
  • Chapter VI. Final provisions
    • Article 35. Entry into force of this Federal Law
    • Article 36. Effect of laws and other normative legal acts

Social protection of disabled people– a system of state-guaranteed economic, legal and social support measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) limitations in their life activities and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in the life of society as other citizens. Social support for people with disabilities is a system of measures that provides social guarantees for people with disabilities, established by laws and other regulations, with the exception of pensions.

For causing harm to the health of citizens resulting in disability, persons guilty of this bear material, civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Medical and social examination (MSE)– determination in the prescribed manner of the needs of the examined person for social protection measures, including rehabilitation, based on an assessment of the limitations in life activity caused by a persistent disorder of body functions. MSE is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the state of the body based on the analysis of clinical, functional, social, everyday, professional and labor, psychological data of the person being examined using classifications and criteria developed and approved in the manner determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Rehabilitation of disabled people– a system and process of full or partial restoration of the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social and professional activities. Rehabilitation of disabled people is aimed at eliminating or, as fully as possible, compensating for life limitations caused by health problems with persistent impairment of body functions, for the purpose of social adaptation of disabled people, their achievement of financial independence and their integration into society.

Main directions of rehabilitation disabled people include:

  • restorative medical measures, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, spa treatment;
  • vocational guidance, training and education, assistance in employment, industrial adaptation;
  • social-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and sociocultural rehabilitation, social and everyday adaptation;
  • physical education and health activities, sports.

The state guarantees disabled people carrying out rehabilitation measures, receiving technical means and services provided for by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person at the expense of the federal budget. The federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to disabled people is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person is mandatory for execution by the relevant government bodies, local government bodies, as well as organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person contains both rehabilitation measures provided to a disabled person with an exemption from fees in accordance with the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, and rehabilitation measures, the payment for which is paid for by the disabled person himself or other persons or organizations independently on organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

To technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people These include devices containing technical solutions, including special ones, used to compensate for or eliminate persistent limitations in the life of a disabled person.

The decision to provide disabled people with technical equipment rehabilitation means are taken when medical indications and contraindications are established. Medical indications and contraindications are established based on an assessment of persistent disorders of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries and defects. Based on medical indications and contraindications, the need is established to provide the disabled person with technical means of rehabilitation that provide compensation or elimination of persistent limitations in the disabled person’s life. Financing of expenditure obligations to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation, including the manufacture and repair of prosthetic and orthopedic products, is carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Annual monetary compensation for disabled people expenses for the maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs are set at 17,420 rubles .

Providing qualified medical care for disabled people is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation. The state guarantees a disabled person the right to receive the necessary information. Russian sign language is recognized as a language of communication in the presence of hearing and (or) speech impairments, including in the areas of oral use of the state language of the Russian Federation. A system of subtitling or sign language translation of television programs, films and videos is being introduced.

When a credit institution carries out operations when receiving, issuing, exchanging, exchanging cash or when a legal entity that is not a credit institution or an individual entrepreneur carries out operations for receiving and issuing cash, a visually impaired person has the right to use a facsimile reproduction of his handwritten signature when participating in the implementation of these operations, affixed using a mechanical copying device.

Planning and development of cities and other settlements, the formation of residential and recreational areas, the development of design solutions for new construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures and their complexes, as well as the development and production of public transport vehicles, communications and information means without adapting these objects for access to them by disabled people and their use disabled people not allowed .

At every parking lot (stop) of vehicles, including near trade enterprises, the service sector, medical, sports and cultural and entertainment institutions, at least 10 percent of the spaces (but not less than one space) are allocated for parking special vehicles for people with disabilities, which should not be occupied by other vehicles. Disabled people use parking spaces for special vehicles for free .

For disabled people and families with disabled children, compensation for expenses for living quarters and utilities is provided in the amount of 50 percent. The state supports the acquisition of education by people with disabilities and guarantees the creation of the necessary conditions for people with disabilities to receive it. Disabled people are provided with job guarantees. Disabled people employed in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, are provided with the necessary working conditions in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person.

Monthly cash payment for disabled people is established and paid by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The amount of the monthly cash payment is subject to indexation once a year from April 1 of the current year based on the forecast level of inflation established by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and for the planning period. Monthly cash payments to disabled people are set in the amount of:

  • 1) disabled people of group I - 2,162 rubles;
  • 2) disabled people of group II, disabled children - 1,544 rubles;
  • 3) disabled people of group III - 1,236 rubles.

Citizens and officials responsible in violation of the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Disabled people and families with disabled children in need of improved housing conditions are registered and provided with living quarters in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Providing, at the expense of federal budget funds, housing for disabled people and families with disabled children in need of improved housing conditions, registered before January 1, 2005, is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 28.2 of this Federal Law.

Disabled people and families with disabled children in need of improved housing conditions, registered after January 1, 2005, are provided with living quarters in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation.

Determining the procedure for providing residential premises (under a social tenancy agreement or ownership) to citizens in need of improved housing conditions who registered before January 1, 2005, is established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Residential premises are provided to disabled people and families with disabled children, taking into account their state of health and other circumstances worthy of attention.

Disabled people may be provided with residential premises under a social tenancy agreement with a total area exceeding the “norm for provision per person (but not more than twice), provided that they suffer from severe forms of chronic diseases provided for in the “list established by the authorized Government of the Russian Federation federal executive body.

Payment for residential premises (payment for social rent, as well as for the maintenance and repair of residential premises) provided to a disabled person under a social rental agreement in excess of the “norm for the provision of residential premises area” is determined based on the occupied total area of ​​residential premises in a single amount, taking into account the benefits provided .

Residential premises occupied by disabled people are equipped with special means and devices in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program of the disabled person.

Disabled people living in stationary social service institutions and wishing to obtain residential premises under a social tenancy agreement are subject to registration to improve their living conditions, regardless of the size of the occupied area and are provided with residential premises on an equal basis with other disabled people.

Disabled children living in stationary social service institutions, who are orphans or left without parental care, upon reaching the age of 18 years, are subject to being provided with residential premises out of turn, if the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person provides for the opportunity to provide self-care and lead an independent lifestyle.

Residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock, occupied by a disabled person under a social tenancy agreement, when the disabled person is placed in a stationary social service institution, are retained by him for six months.

Specially equipped residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock, occupied by disabled people under a social tenancy agreement, upon their vacancy, are occupied primarily by other disabled people in need of improved housing conditions.

Disabled people and families with disabled children are provided with a discount of at least 50 percent on the cost of living quarters of state or municipal housing stock and payment of utilities (regardless of the ownership of the housing stock), and in residential buildings that do not have central heating - on the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public.

Disabled people and families that include disabled people are given the right to priority receipt of land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening.

Government Decree No. 901 approved the rules for providing people with disabilities and families with disabled children with housing. In particular, paragraph 2 of the above-mentioned resolution contains a list of grounds for recognizing these categories of citizens as those who are in need of improved housing conditions. As part of the provision of residential premises to disabled people, an analysis and assessment of their health status is carried out, as well as a number of other circumstances that deserve attention.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817 contains a list of diseases, in the presence of which disabled people have the right to receive additional living space under a social rental agreement with a total area, that is, an area exceeding the norm provided for. In particular, such diseases are:

Active forms of tuberculosis;

HIV infection in children;


Mental illnesses, the treatment of which requires clinical observation;

And others.

The amount of payment for social rent, maintenance and repair of residential premises provided to a disabled person under a social tenancy agreement in excess of the norm is determined according to the rule provided for in Part 7 of Art. 17 Federal Law No. 181, that is, depending on the occupied area of ​​the residential premises, taking into account the benefits provided, and is charged in a single amount.

It is envisaged to develop an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, on the basis of which the living space occupied by disabled people should subsequently be equipped, that is, special means and devices provided for by the individual rehabilitation program should be installed in it. When specially equipped residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock are vacated, other disabled people in need of improved housing conditions have the priority right to receive such premises.

If the provided individual rehabilitation program presupposes the possibility for a disabled child to perform self-care and lead an independent lifestyle, upon reaching the age of 18 he should be provided with residential premises out of turn in the following cases:

If he lived in a stationary social service institution before reaching the age of 18;

If he is an orphan;

If he is deprived of parental care.

A discount of 50% is provided for payment for residential premises belonging to the state or municipal housing fund, as well as for payment of utilities, regardless of belonging to one of the funds, disabled people and families that include disabled children are entitled. If a residential building occupied by the above category of citizens does not have central heating, a 50 percent discount applies to the cost of fuel purchased to heat the premises, within the limits established by the relevant regulations for sale to the public.

According to , land plots that are the property of the state or municipal authorities are provided to citizens free of charge in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. One of such cases is provided for in Part 13 of Art. 17 Federal Law No. 181. Thus, disabled people and families that include disabled people receive the right to priority receipt of land plots for subsequent dacha, subsidiary farming, gardening, as well as individual construction.

Disabled people employed in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, are provided with the necessary working conditions in accordance with the individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for the disabled person.

It is not allowed to establish in collective or individual labor contracts working conditions for disabled people (wages, working hours and rest periods, duration of annual and additional paid leave, etc.) that worsen the situation of disabled people in comparison with other employees.

For disabled people of groups I and II, a reduced working time of no more than 35 hours per week is established while maintaining full pay.

Involvement of disabled people in overtime work, work on weekends and at night is allowed only with their consent and provided that such work is not prohibited for them due to health reasons.

Disabled persons are granted annual leave of at least 30 calendar days.

Judicial practice under Article 23 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ

    Decision No. 12-112/2019 of July 25, 2019 in case No. 12-112/2019

    Volkhov City Court (Leningrad Region) - Administrative offenses

    With IPR, including in terms of ensuring individual production standards. Instruction of the Chief State Labor Inspector D.F. Kozina about violation of LOGBU "Volkhov PNI" Art. 23 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons of the Russian Federation” is not specified for workers living in the Volkhov PNI. Taking into account the availability of information about proper notification to Petrova N.P. and Federal...

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    Leninsky District Court of Yaroslavl (Yaroslavl Region) - Administrative offenses

    The second disability group was received indefinitely by the employer on December 5, 2017. However, in violation of paragraph 4 of part 1 of article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part 3 of article 23 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” with December 05, 2017 Efremov D.A. was not installed...

    Decision of July 15, 2019 in case No. A32-15470/2019

    Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory (AC of the Krasnodar Territory)

    Municipal entity of the city of Krasnodar on declaring the refusal of March 21, 2019 No. 29/2861-1 to issue a building permit on a land plot with cadastral number 23: 43:0413003:171 - illegal, the obligation to issue a permit for the construction of a workshop building on a land plot with cadastral number number 23: 43:0413003:171. The applicant's representative insisted at the court hearing...

    Decision No. 2-2449/2019 2-2449/2019~M-1828/2019 M-1828/2019 dated June 25, 2019 in case No. 2-2449/2019

    Stary Oskol City Court (Belgorod Region) - Civil and administrative

    Paid leave of more than 28 calendar days (extended main leave) is provided to employees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws. According to Part 5 of Art. 23 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation,” disabled people are granted annual leave of at least 30 calendar days. The employee confirms his disability...

    Decision No. 2-994/2019 2-994/2019~M-501/2019 M-501/2019 dated June 21, 2019 in case No. 2-994/2019

    Factory District Court of Oryol (Oryol Region) - Civil and administrative

    In accordance with the individual rehabilitation program; carry out other events. For workers who are disabled people of group I or II, Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 23 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” provides for a reduced working time - no more than 35 hours per week With...

    Decision No. 2-4736/2019 2-4736/2019~M-3492/2019 M-3492/2019 dated June 19, 2019 in case No. 2-4736/2019

    Blagoveshchensk City Court (Amur Region) - Civil and administrative

    Sheets and, accordingly, could find out how wages are calculated. In addition, the plaintiff’s incapacity for work, which occurred during the period from April 10, 2018 to 23. 04.2018 and from 07.17.2018 to 08.28.2018 for a total of 53 days also cannot serve as a valid reason for missing the deadline, ...

    Decision No. 2-1064/2019 2-1064/2019~M-831/2019 M-831/2019 dated June 4, 2019 in case No. 2-1064/2019

    Sovetsky District Court of Oryol (Oryol Region) - Civil and administrative

    If they have been discriminated against in the world of work, they have the right to apply to the court for restoration of violated rights, compensation for material damage and compensation for moral damage. Article 23 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” provides that disabled people employed in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms...

  • ...for business trips, certified copies of orders dated January 10, 2017 “On compensation payments for employees’ expenses while on business trips”, dated August 11, 16, 18, 23, 2017 “On the appointment of a person responsible for the performance of work”, providing for the obligation of Telegina L.G. carry out inspections of objects. Testimony of witness FULL NAME5 about the transfer to L.G. Telegin ...

Attention! Be careful, there are documents in this section that have lost their legal force.

Ensuring accessibility of air transportation services for passengers with disabilities. Methodological recommendations. The methodological recommendations were developed on the basis of current regulatory legal documents of the Russian Federation that establish requirements for ensuring the accessibility of services in the field of air transportation for passengers with disabilities and contain practical approaches to the formation of a “barrier-free environment” in air transport for passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities life activity. These recommendations have been prepared on the basis of the best industry domestic and foreign practices. The methodological recommendations are intended for managers and specialists of air transport organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Transport of Russia. Read

The procedure for issuing the identification badge “Disabled”. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 4, 2018 N 443n approved the procedure for issuing the “Disabled Person” identification badge for individual use. The order was registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice on August 24, 2018 and will come into force on September 4, 2018. Read

Recommendations for ensuring the voting rights of citizens of the Russian Federation who are disabled during elections in the Russian Federation. Issues of ensuring the voting rights of persons with disabilities during elections in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), and the Federal Laws "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation" , “On the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and other legislative acts. Read

The procedure for ensuring accessibility conditions for passengers with disabilities in passenger cars, stations, long-distance trains and the services provided at stations and on long-distance trains. The procedure for ensuring accessibility of passenger cars, stations, long-distance trains and the services provided there for passengers with disabilities has been adjusted. The list of responsibilities of carriers and infrastructure owners has been expanded. They provide assistance when passing control on trains and at stations. It is clarified that assistive devices, including wheelchairs, are provided if necessary. We are talking about accompanying passengers with disabilities who have persistent impairments in the functions of independent movement. Read

Federal Register of Disabled Persons. The concept of creating, maintaining and using a federal register of information about people with disabilities has been approved. It will contain information about disabled people, including disabled children, including information about the disability group, life limitations, impaired body functions and the degree of loss of professional ability. The ongoing rehabilitation or habilitation measures and social protection measures will be indicated. Disabled people (their legal representatives) will have access to information concerning them in the register through their personal account on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions). Read

Balykin D.G. Bulanov A. Rights of persons with disabilities in places of deprivation of liberty. Reference and information publication. NROOI "Invatur", Nizhny Novgorod. 2014. The book is addressed to persons with disabilities in places of forced detention, their relatives, employees of the penitentiary system, and members of public monitoring commissions. The directory contains laws and regulations on the issues of establishing disability, social protection, internal regulations of correctional institutions, as well as a list of rehabilitation centers for persons released from prison. Answers to a number of the most frequently asked questions are provided. Read

GOST R 52877-2007. Medical rehabilitation services for disabled people. Basic provisions. The standard applies to medical rehabilitation services for disabled people (including disabled children) provided by enterprises, institutions and organizations, and establishes the main types and content of these services. Read

GOST R 53873-2010. Rehabilitation of disabled people. Vocational rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. The standard applies to services for professional rehabilitation of disabled people provided by rehabilitation enterprises, organizations and institutions of various organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, and establishes the main types and content of these services. Read

GOST R 54738-2011. Rehabilitation of disabled people. Services for social rehabilitation of disabled people. The standard applies to services for social rehabilitation of disabled people, including disabled people due to combat and military trauma, provided by rehabilitation enterprises, organizations and institutions of various organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, and establishes the main types, volume and content of rehabilitation services of this type. Read

Russian Government Decree N772 of August 10, 2016 approved changes to the rules for recognizing a person as disabled, proposed by the Russian Ministry of Labor. The changes provide for simplifying the procedure for a disabled person to make changes to an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program. Read

"Laws" To help an amputee. The book is addressed to those who have undergone limb amputation. We want to tell him: don’t despair, read and believe: you have a chance for a full life. The material from the publication “Laws” is presented in the form of questions and answers. Important legal topics are revealed here, ranging from state policy in relation to disabled people and ending with the terms of use of technical means of rehabilitation. Read

GOST standards. Aids for people with physical disabilities and disabilities. Aids for persons with physical disabilities and disabilities in general. Other aids for persons with physical disabilities and injuries. Aids and devices for movement. Urine collection and ostomy devices. The norms, requirements and characteristics adopted and in force in relation to the production of goods, as well as the provision of work and services, are regulated by the approved GOST (state standard). Read

GOST standards. Rehabilitation of disabled people. The norms, requirements and characteristics adopted and in force in relation to the production of goods, as well as the provision of work and services, are regulated by the approved GOST (state standard). Read

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/09/2016 N 649 “On measures to adapt residential premises and common property in an apartment building, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities” (together with the “Rules for ensuring conditions of accessibility for disabled people of residential premises and common property in an apartment building”). Read

The new procedure for servicing disabled people at airports and airplanes will take effect in the Russian Federation from July 1, 2016. Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Mintrans of Russia) dated February 15, 2016 N 24, Moscow On approval of the Procedure for providing disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities with services at airports and on aircraft. Read

Rights of people with disabilities to accessible environments and universal design in questions and answers. This brochure aims to provide people with disabilities with information about the basic scope of their accessibility rights in a clear, question-and-answer format. In this brochure we have tried to cover a wide range of accessibility issues that are most often encountered in the consultations we provide for people with disabilities. Read

GOST R 52872-2012. Internet resources. Accessibility requirements for the visually impaired. The standard applies to Russian-language electronic resources of the global computer network Internet (hereinafter referred to as Internet resources) and establishes general accessibility requirements for visually impaired people using a computer as a technical means of rehabilitation. Read

Child without handwriting. Documentary history with legal commentary. Natalya was advised to write a book by one of the attending doctors, to whom she and her daughter came for an appointment. The author sees this publication as a practical guide with his own examples and philosophical lyrical digressions on the topics of life, death, domestic and foreign medicine, the struggle for the existence of one’s own child and the preservation of the family. We are sure that the book will be interesting and useful for parents like the Alistarovs who are faced with a similar problem. After all, as experience shows, no one is immune from the birth of a disabled child. Read

Rights of people with disabilities in questions and answers. Together with lawyers from 10 regions, a brochure on the rights of people with disabilities was prepared from the “Questions and Answers” ​​series. This publication contains information about the rights of citizens with disabilities in a visual form of questions and answers. We and our partners have selected the most frequently asked questions on the most common topics: healthcare, realization of the rights to education, the right to work, the legal capacity of persons with disabilities, etc. Read

Shashkova O. Disability. Procedure for recognition, benefits, compensation. This publication will help you understand what benefits, compensation, benefits people with disabilities are entitled to, what are the grounds and procedure for providing such social protection measures. The book contains references to the most important legal provisions of the legislation on persons with disabilities and provides examples from judicial practice. The publication will be a good assistant in solving any problems related to the social protection of people with disabilities. It is intended for a wide range of readers, including all those who intend to apply the acquired knowledge to protect their rights. Read

What do you need to know about pensions and social benefits for disabled people? On January 1, 2015, Russia introduced a new procedure for the formation and calculation of pensions in the compulsory pension insurance system. The concept of “labor pension” is being removed from legislation. It will be transformed into an insurance pension, the assignment of which will be carried out according to the new pension formula. Accordingly, the insurance part of the labor disability pension becomes a disability insurance pension. Read

Set of Rules SP 59.13330.2012, which came into force on January 1, 2013. Code of Rules SP 59.13330.2012 is intended for the development of design solutions for public, residential and industrial buildings, which should provide for disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility (low-mobility groups - MGN) equal living conditions with other categories of the population, based on the principles " universal project" (design). The requirements of this document must be taken into account when designing new, reconstructed, subject to major repairs and adaptable buildings and structures. They apply to the functional and planning elements of buildings and structures, their sections or individual premises accessible to MGN: entrance nodes, communications, evacuation routes, premises (zones) of residence, services and places of employment, as well as their information and engineering arrangement. Read

The European Commission has published guidance explaining the rights of air passengers with disabilities or limited mobility. The document was published on the eve of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which will be held in London this summer, in order to make life as easy as possible for athletes, participants and spectators of the Olympics, for whom air travel involves difficulties not only of a physical nature. Read

Minaeva L.N. Pensions: New rules for registration and calculation. This book is dedicated to pension provision in the Russian Federation. After reading it, you will understand how insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are paid, reporting is compiled and presented, personalized accounting is maintained, labor and non-labor pensions are drawn up and calculated, assigned and indexed, pension rights of citizens are assessed and revalued, you will understand the concept of pension reform, the activities of non-state pension funds, rules for managing pension savings of citizens. Old-age pensioners will find answers to their questions in the publication, on disability, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, citizens entitled to a pension for long service and a social pension who served in the military and worked in civil aviation. The author has taken into account all the latest changes in the legislative and regulatory framework. Read

Rights of people with disabilities in questions and answers. Legal aid for disabled people and parents of disabled children. Defending their rights and legitimate interests in various spheres of life is one of the problematic issues for people with disabilities. Today we have to admit that the level of legal protection for the majority of disabled people is quite low. Read

Elections - what a disabled person should know. Recommendations for ensuring the rights of voters of the Russian Federation who are disabled during elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation and elections of the President of the Russian Federation. Read

On observance of the rights of citizens with mental disabilities in the Russian Federation. The report aims to assist government agencies in improving legislation and the practice of its application in relation to people with mental disabilities, since existing programs and measures to support people with disabilities often do not include this group, which leads to increased stigmatization of people with mental disabilities. The main recommendations formulated based on the results of an assessment of the situation of people with mental disabilities are found in the final part of the report. Read

Regulatory and legal framework for the adaptation of urban infrastructure facilities for people with disabilities. Read

Roshchupkina L.A. Benefits for disabled people. Answers to all questions. Disabled people - people with limited physical capabilities - are always more vulnerable socially. The book you are holding in your hands will help you understand most of the issues related to the social protection of this category of the population. Our state provides many benefits to people with disabilities, but getting them is not always easy. Often a person simply does not know what benefits exist for disabled people in principle and which of them he is entitled to and what needs to be done to take advantage of this benefit. The right to additional living space, guarantees regarding education and work, free medicines and sanatorium treatment, tax breaks - this is not a complete list of what the state owes you if it recognizes you as disabled. Are you sure that you are getting everything you are “supposed to”? Read

The procedure for paying compensation when disabled people purchase technical means of rehabilitation has been clarified. It has been established that in cases where a technical means of rehabilitation or service provided for by an individual rehabilitation program cannot be provided to a disabled person, or if a disabled person has purchased a technical means of rehabilitation or paid for the service at his own expense, he is paid compensation in the amount of their cost, but not more than the cost of a technical means of rehabilitation or services provided in the manner established by the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation". Read

Draft State Program Accessible environment for 2011-2015 Objectives of the Program - Development and implementation of regulatory documents created taking into account the principles of creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility. Read

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2008 N 774 Moscow. Read

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2010 N 913n On the cost of one day of stay in sanatorium and resort institutions for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services in 2011. Read

Disabled people with diseases or injuries of the spinal cord will travel to the place of treatment by air. Read

Expertise in determining the repair of technical means of rehabilitation. The procedure for the implementation by the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation of medical and technical expertise to determine the need for repair or early replacement of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses, prosthetic and orthopedic products. Read

Legal Information Bulletin Rights of persons with disabilities and their protection. The newsletter was prepared by lawyers of the project “Legal Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Action.” the work showed that in order to achieve success in changing the situation with respect for the rights of people with disabilities at the institutional level, effective interaction between activists and lawyers is necessary. It is also important to educate the legal community in the field of the rights of persons with disabilities, so that lawyers can subsequently provide qualified assistance to this category of citizens. Read

Booklet about the problems of disabled people BBC MPM You have become disabled. The first thing a person who has had trouble encounters is the doctor’s conclusion: “You are disabled.” But what happened happened. And if you can’t change the fact itself, maybe try changing your view of it? At the very least, you need to know what rights you have. This is necessary because an ideal world does not exist and a disabled person sometimes has to fight for his right to help and prove to others that he is a full-fledged member of society like everyone else. Read

Scientific and practical manual for disabled people. Administrative and judicial procedure for protecting the rights of citizens. Nikiforov M.V. Shmelev K.V. The publication was prepared within the framework of the project Formation of legal consciousness among visually impaired people as a factor in the successful socialization of the individual with the support of the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation). Russia. Read

Disabled people: defending rights and interests. Here is a manual, Disabled People: Upholding Rights and Interests, compiled by a regional public organization of disabled people. Perspective based on the results of the project Young Disabled People for Equal Rights and Opportunities. Read

VSN 62-91 State Committee for Architecture. Designing a living environment taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility. With the entry into force of VSN 62-91* of the State Committee for Architecture, “Designing the living environment taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and low-mobility groups of the population,” the “Standard instructions for ensuring the movement of people with disabilities using wheelchairs in public building projects, planning and development of populated areas” loses its force. Read

RDS 35-201-99. This document determines the procedure for implementing accessibility requirements for people with disabilities and other groups of the population with disabilities (which may include elderly people, with temporary or long-term impairments of health and movement functions, pregnant women and people with prams, etc.) to objects social infrastructure (residential, public and industrial buildings and structures, including public passenger transport facilities, recreational facilities, cultural, entertainment and other institutions) in the development, coordination and approval of project documentation for their construction and reconstruction, and also regulates the basis of interaction between participants in the investment process in areas of design, construction and reconstruction of social infrastructure facilities. Read

SP 35-103-2001 Read

SP 35-104-2001. Read

World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities. The purpose of the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities is to promote effective measures for the prevention of disability, rehabilitation and the achievement of the goals of equality and full participation of persons with disabilities in social life and development. This means creating the same living conditions as for the entire population and an equal share in the improvements in living conditions resulting from social and economic development. These concepts should be applied in the same way and given equal priority in all countries, regardless of their level of development. Read

Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1975 United Nations on December 9, 1975 The General Assembly, conscious of the obligations assumed by Member States under the Charter of the United Nations, to act both jointly and individually in cooperation with the Organization to promote higher standards of living, full employment and the conditions for progress and development in the economic and social fields, reaffirming its belief in human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the principles of peace, the dignity and worth of the human person and social justice, as proclaimed in the Charter, recalling the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Read

Convention No. 37 Concerning Compulsory Disability Insurance for Workers in Industrial and Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Home Workers and Domestic Servants. Convention of the International Labor Organization of June 29, 1933, Geneva. Read

Convention No. 38 concerning Compulsory Disability Insurance for Workers in Agriculture. Convention of the International Labor Organization of June 29, 1933, Geneva. Read

Convention No. 48 establishing a system of international cooperation for the preservation of rights arising from disability, old-age and family survivors insurance. Convention of the International Labor Organization of June 22, 1935, Geneva. Read

Convention No. 128 concerning Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits. Convention of the International Labor Organization of June 29, 1967, Geneva. Read

Convention No. 159 concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Convention of the International Labor Organization of June 20, 1983, Geneva. Read

On additional measures of social support for persons caring for disabled citizens. President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2008 N 774. Read

On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455. Read

On the list of priority professions of workers and employees, the mastery of which gives disabled people the opportunity to be competitive in regional labor markets. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of September 8, 1993 N 150. Read

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2004 N 256 as amended. dated 12/24/2007. Read

About the procedure for dispensing medicines. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 N 785 as amended. dated 06.08.2007 N 521. Read

On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions. Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education dated 09/04/1997 N 48. Read

On the cost of one day of stay in sanatorium-resort institutions for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, in 2007. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 N 794 (lost force from January 1, 2008). Read

On the cost of one day of stay in sanatorium-resort institutions for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, in 2008. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 6, 2007 N 683. Read

On eliminating violations of the right of unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social infrastructure facilities. Read

On approval of the list of medical products and specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children, dispensed according to prescriptions from a doctor (paramedic) when providing additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2007 N1 as amended. dated 04.03.2008 N 104n. Read

On approval of the list of sanatorium and resort institutions to which vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment are provided to citizens entitled to receive state social assistance. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2007 N 64. Read

On approval of the list of technical means of rehabilitation that are not subject to surrender after the expiration of the terms of use. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2006 N 283. Read

On approval of the terms of use of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products before their replacement. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2007 N 321. Read

On providing disabled people with wheelchairs, small wheelchairs and chairs with sanitary equipment in 2005. Letter dated July 4, 2005 N 02-18/14-5953. Read

On determining the amount of compensation for independently purchased technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products. Letter dated May 4, 2006 N 02-18/10-4282. Read

On payment to transport organizations of expenses for providing citizens entitled to receive state social assistance with free travel on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back. Letter dated September 6, 2005 N 02-18/07-8750. Read

Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the procedure for providing disabled people and veterans with technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products at the expense of the federal budget in 2006. Letter dated April 7, 2006 N 02-18/10-3327. Read

On the procedure for interaction between regional branches of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and federal state institutions of medical and social expertise in providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of veterans with prostheses (except dentures) and prosthetic and orthopedic products. Letter dated February 17, 2005 N 02-18/14-1370. Read

On providing, at the expense of the federal budget, disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dental ones), prosthetic and orthopedic products. Letter dated February 17, 2006 N 02-18/10-1540. Read

On providing persons injured as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases with technical means of rehabilitation using competitive procedures. Letter dated November 23, 2005 N 02-18/11-11885. Read

Recommendation No. 43 on general principles of disability, old-age and survivors insurance. Recommendation of the International Labor Organization of 29 June 1933, Geneva. Read

Recommendation No. 88 on vocational training for adults, including persons with disabilities. Recommendation of the International Labor Organization of 30 June 1950, Geneva. Read

Recommendation No. 99 on retraining of disabled people. Recommendation of the International Labor Organization of 22 June 1955, Geneva. Read

Recommendation No. 131 on disability, old-age and survivors' benefits. Recommendation of the International Labor Organization of June 29, 1967, Geneva. Read

Recommendation No. 168 on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. Recommendation of the International Labor Organization of 20 June 1983, Geneva. Read

Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its forty-eighth session on 20 December 1993 (resolution 48/96). Read

Technical means of rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Classification. GOST R 51079-2006 (ISO 9999:2002) National standard of the Russian Federation. Date of introduction 2007-01-01. Read

Wheelchairs. Terms and definitions. Official publication. GOST R 50653-94 (ISO 6440-85) State standard of the Russian Federation. The standard establishes terms and definitions in the field of wheelchairs. The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation and literature (on this scientific and technical field) that are within the scope of standardization work and using the results of this work. Read

Wheelchairs. Part 26. Vocabulary. Official publication. GOST R ISO 7176-26-2011 National standard of the Russian Federation. The standard contains a vocabulary consisting of terms and definitions applicable to manual and power wheelchairs (including scooters) and associated seating systems. The standard contains, but is not limited to, recommended terms used in two or more of the ISO 7176, ISO 10542 and ISO 16840 series of standards, but does not contain terms that have adequate meanings in general English. Read

Social services for the population. Main types of social services. National standard of the Russian Federation. The standard applies to social services provided to the population by state, municipal and other forms of ownership by social service institutions (hereinafter referred to as institutions), as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity, and establishes the main types of social services provided to citizens, those in difficult life situations, and the requirements for the procedure and conditions for the provision of these services. Read

Recommendation of the International Labor Organization of June 20, 1983 N 168 On professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people. Read

Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and full participation of people with disabilities in society: improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in Europe 2006-20015. Read

International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006. Read

Declaration (Sunberg Declaration). Adopted by the World Conference on Action and Strategies for Education, the Prevention of Disability and the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Society, November 7, 1981, Torremolinos, Spain. Read

Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 1386 (XIV) of November 20, 1959. Read

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation On scientific and information support for the problems of disability and people with disabilities. Read

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction, Architectural and Housing Policy On measures to create an accessible living environment for people with disabilities. Read

Methodological recommendations for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation within the framework of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to the disabled (intended for specialists from federal institutions of medical and social expertise). Read

Adaptation of planning solutions- a new direction in the design of residential buildings of mass construction. Read

On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium-resort treatment. Read

On the procedure for organizing and operating federal state institutions of medical and social examination. Read

(approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2007 N 376-r). Read

Order of the Ministry of Health On approval of the Procedure for making monthly cash payments. Read

Rights of persons with disabilities in the field of labor and social security. Read

Draft UN International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integrated International Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. Eighth session. New York, August 14–25, 2006. Read

Appeals to people with disabilities Let's protect our rights! Appeal from the movement of disabled people "Our Right". Read

The concept of improving the medical, social and psychological rehabilitation of disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2003 N 567). Read

Terms of use of technical means of Rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products before their replacement. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2006 N 282. Read

List of technical rehabilitation equipment that is not subject to surrender after the expiration of the terms of use. Order of April 12, 2006 no. 283. Read

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Order No. 638 (October 17, 2005). Terms of use of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products before their replacement. Read

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2005 N 654. On the cost of one day of stay in sanatorium and resort institutions for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, in 2006. Read

Legal rights of disabled children. Read

Legal rights of young disabled people. Read

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2005 N 601 On approval of the List of Medicines. Read

Government Order No. 2347-r dated December 30, 2005 in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607) The attached federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to disabled people has been approved. Read

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2005 N 800 approved the list of sanatorium and resort institutions to which vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment are provided to citizens entitled to receive state social assistance. Read

Program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation for 2005. Read

Approximate list of questions received regarding the implementation of Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ About state social assistance(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004 “On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognition of Invalidity of Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On General Principles” organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation"). Read

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated March 31, 2005 N 245 Moscow On amendments to the List of Medicines. Read

The procedure for providing a set of social services to certain categories of citizens. Approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 328. Read

Form of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued by federal institutions of medical and social examination, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2004 N 287. Read

Rules for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation in 2005, certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products at the expense of the federal budget, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2004 N 771. Read

List of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 N 817. Read

List of sanatorium and resort institutions that provide vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment to citizens entitled to receive state social assistance. Approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2004 N319. Read

List of the most frequently asked questions regarding spa treatment concerning the implementation of Federal Law N122 of August 22, 2004 Read

Regulations on the procedure for providing disabled people with places for the installation of metal garages on the territory of Kazan. Approved by the resolution of the Head of Administration of Kazan dated December 7, 2004. N1956. Read

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2004 N 1344-r, Moscow. List of vital and essential medicines. Read

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2004 N 534 On approval of the Rules for the payment in 2004 of compensation for insurance premiums to disabled people who received vehicles through social security authorities under the contract of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.

In pursuance of Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607), approve the attached federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person. Read

Law on monetization of benefits. Changes to a number of laws related to the adoption of laws on the distribution of powers between the federal and regional levels of government and the replacement of benefits with cash payments. Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws "On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization" legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation". Read

Social (specialized) residential building for single elderly citizens and disabled people in Kazan. Read

Recommendations on funeral procedures and maintenance of cemeteries in the Russian Federation. MDK 11-01.2002 (recommended by the protocol of the NTS of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 25, 2001 N 01-NS-22/1). Read

United Nations Project Recommendations for a Barrier-Free Environment"Accessibility for the Disabled" Interesting with a large number of clear and useful drawings (in English). Read

Licensing of activities related to trade in medical equipment. In accordance with the law on licensing certain types of activities 128-FZ of August 8, 2001, trade in medical equipment is not among the licensed activities. Read

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 612 of August 16, 2002 On approval of the regulations on licensing the production of medical equipment. This Regulation determines the procedure for licensing the production of medical equipment carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Read

VAT on medical goods. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2000 N 998. On approval of the list of technical means used exclusively for the prevention of disability or rehabilitation of disabled people, the sale of which is not subject to value added tax. Read

Guiding document of the RDS system 35-201-99. The procedure for implementing accessibility requirements for social infrastructure facilities for people with disabilities. Read

Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2001 N 73 “On the adoption and implementation of building codes and regulations Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility. Read

Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2002 N 89 “On the Code of Rules Reconstruction of urban development, taking into account accessibility for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility. Read

Set of rules SP 31-102-99 Requirements for accessibility of public buildings and structures for people with disabilities and other visitors with limited mobility. The requirements of this Code of Rules are aimed at creating a complete architectural environment that ensures the necessary level of accessibility for all categories of the population and their unhindered use of the services provided. The requirements apply to all elements of public buildings and structures or parts thereof, as well as to areas of institutions accessible to visitors. Architectural solutions for public buildings and structures are recommended to be oriented simultaneously towards compensation for health disorders in the areas of the musculoskeletal system, hearing, vision, cardiovascular system, and psyche. Read

Construction norms and rules SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility. The regulatory document was developed within the framework of the federal target program "Social support for people with disabilities for 2000-2005" and is intended for the design, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures accessible to all groups of the population with limited mobility. Read

Code of Practice SP 35-101-2001 Design of buildings and structures taking into account accessibility for people with limited mobility. General provisions. The requirements of the Code of Rules apply to elements of the architectural environment and systems that are accessible to people with limited mobility: elements of the site, parts of buildings, groups of premises, premises, functional areas (including traffic routes), arrangement of places for basic life processes, maintenance, and labor applications and rest. These objects also include structural elements and small shapes. The requirements of this document do not apply to parts of buildings, structures and areas where access for disabled people is not provided. For buildings of specialized institutions, the Code of Rules is used as a reference document when designing similar elements, planning units of the building and territory. Read

Set of rules SP 35-102-2001 Living environment with planning elements accessible to people with disabilities. The recommendations and instructions of this Code of Rules are aimed at meeting the needs of people with disabilities when designing non-specialized residential buildings, including single-apartment buildings (including cottages and manor houses) and semi-detached ones, dormitories, as well as meeting the needs of people with limited mobility in the residential group of premises of public buildings (dormitory buildings, residential some hotels, apartments built into public buildings, for example, schools, etc.). The provisions of the joint venture do not apply to the design of specialized residential buildings and complexes (special social residential buildings, boarding houses for the disabled and elderly, boarding houses for the deaf and dumb, specialized hostels for the disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, specialized orphanages for disabled children, rehabilitation centers, etc. , similar in function, type of service and contingents of institutions, enterprises and their buildings) as well as for the design of medical institutions, including sanatoriums. Read

Set of rules SP 35-103-2001 Public buildings and structures accessible to visitors with limited mobility. The requirements of the document apply to all elements of public buildings and structures or parts thereof, as well as areas of institutions accessible to visitors. Read

Set of rules SP 35-104-2001 Buildings and premises with places of work for disabled people. This Code of Rules applies to the design of enterprises in various industries, including: mechanical engineering, instrument making, electronics, radio engineering, electrical engineering; light, food, local industries, consumer services enterprises, repair enterprises and others where there are professions and specialties that are medically indicated for people with disabilities; as well as for the design of administrative and management buildings, buildings of design and research institutes and other public buildings where separate workplaces can be organized for people with disabilities. Read

Set of rules SP 35-105-2002 Reconstruction of urban development taking into account accessibility for people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility. The set of rules should be used when solving a complex of social, economic, environmental, architectural and artistic problems, while consistently adapting the living environment to the needs of people with disabilities. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility" (MDS 35-1.2000). Issue 1. "General provisions"(Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, 1996). With illustrations. The recommendations are intended for the design of the environment, buildings and structures that take into account the specific characteristics of people belonging to the low-mobility group of the population: the disabled and the elderly. The provisions of this document are advisory in nature, but become mandatory when requirements for ensuring accessibility of buildings, premises and structures for people with disabilities are included in the architectural planning assignment and design assignment. The recommendations are applicable to mass construction projects and, first of all, to residential, civil and industrial facilities close to housing, and can also be used as a basis for drawing up assignments for the design of large unique objects. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-2.2000). Issue 2. "Urban planning requirements"(Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, 1996). With illustrations. The urban planning aspect of the problem of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility is one of the most important among all problems solved by means of construction, architecture and design. The recommendations set out in this issue should help solve the following problems: the first is to ensure unhindered movement around the city or other settlement for disabled people of all categories and other low-mobility groups, both on foot, including with the help of a cane, crutches, wheelchairs, and using vehicles (personal, specialized or urban public); the second is the provision of information: visual, tactile (tactile) and sound - with a focus on various groups of people with limited mobility; the third is a comprehensive solution to the public service system: calculation and placement of facilities, both specialized, i.e., intended only for the disabled or elderly, and general type (new and modernized), intended for joint use by healthy people and disabled people in all spheres of life. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-3.2000). Issue 3. "Residential buildings and complexes"(Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, 1994). To create the opportunity for disabled people and the elderly to use a more complete range of services from public and medical institutions, as well as to ensure the possibility of obtaining labor qualifications or retraining (after receiving a disability), special residential complexes have been developed for low-mobility groups of the population, which include residential buildings with specially equipped apartments , as well as a boarding house for those in need of constant care, a service center, a rehabilitation center, including public and medical institutions and operating on an open system. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups (MDS 35-4.2000). Issue 7. Part 1 “Design of new and adaptation of existing buildings for the education, training and rehabilitation of disabled children” (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1998). The main goal of the recommendations is to develop a set of proposals for the design of buildings where disabled children are provided with a full-fledged living environment, allowing, on the basis of educational, educational and rehabilitation programs, to maximize the individual abilities of each child, receive a good education, and adapt to subsequent professional and social activities. . The recommendations contain: general principles for the formation of a system of institutions; principles of building design; requirements for land plots, space-planning solutions, individual premises and building elements. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-5.2000). Issue 10. "Public buildings and structures. Treatment and preventive institutions: clinics, outpatient clinics, pharmacies"(Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1998). These recommendations are aimed at eliminating “construction barriers” that impede services for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility, as well as at achieving a qualitatively new level of service for these population groups. Both existing and planned medical institutions - clinics and pharmacies - do not always take into account the needs of people with disabilities, which has a detrimental effect on the level of service for people with limited mobility. The recommendations address issues of improving services for people with disabilities, the elderly, and parents with children in clinics and pharmacies. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-6.2000). Issue 12. "Public buildings and structures. Sports facilities"(Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1998). These Guidelines apply to the design of sports facilities taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. The recommendations are a development and addition to the provisions of VSN 62-91* (ed. 1994). The provisions of this document are advisory in nature, but become mandatory when the requirements for physical culture and recreational facilities for the disabled are included in the architectural planning assignment and design assignment. The recommendations are also applicable when designing sports facilities for mass construction and can be used as a basis for drawing up assignments for the design of large unique facilities. The Recommendations set out the requirements for the architectural, planning and sports-technical parts of the project of open planar structures, halls and swimming pools. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-7.2000). Issue 13. "Public buildings and structures. Sports and recreational facilities"(Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, 1997). The recommendations are intended for the design of sports, recreational and children's sports and play facilities that take into account the specific characteristics of people with disabilities. The provisions of this document are advisory in nature, but become mandatory when the requirements for physical culture and recreational facilities for the disabled are included in the architectural and planning task and in the design task. The recommendations are also applicable when designing sports and recreational facilities for mass construction and can be used as a basis for drawing up assignments for the design of large unique and recreational facilities. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-8.2000). Issue 14. "Public buildings and structures. Cinemas, clubs, libraries, museums". These Recommendations are used when designing cultural and entertainment buildings taking into account the needs of people with disabilities: cinemas and concert halls, clubs, libraries, museums. The recommendations are a development and addition to the provisions of VSN 62-91*. The provisions of this document are advisory in nature, but become mandatory to ensure the possibility of using cultural and entertainment buildings for people with disabilities when these provisions are included in the architectural and planning design assignment. The recommendations are applicable to cultural and entertainment objects of mass construction, and can also be used as a basis for drawing up assignments for the design of unique objects. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-9.2000). Issue 19. "Public buildings and structures. Buildings and structures for transport purposes"(Gosstroy of Russia, Ministry of Social Protection of Russia, 2001). The Recommendations address issues of improving services for people with disabilities, the elderly and passengers with children in station complexes for various purposes, at interchange hubs, and in the metro. These Recommendations apply to the design of transport buildings taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and are a supplement to the provisions of VSN 62-91 *. The provisions of this document are advisory in nature, but become mandatory when they are included in the architectural and planning task and design task for the possibility of using transport structures for disabled people. Read

Recommendations for the design of the environment, buildings and structures taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility (MDS 35-10.2000). Issue 20. "Industrial enterprises, buildings and structures for the work of disabled people of various categories"(Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, 1994). The dynamics of disability among workers at work tends to increase. In this regard, workers who have become disabled due to occupational diseases and work-related injuries must be provided with conditions to continue working. The recommendations will, to a certain extent, correct the current situation in the design of industrial enterprises and provide conditions for the employment of people with disabilities. Scope of the Recommendations: enterprises of various industries, including: mechanical engineering, instrument making, electronics, radio engineering, electrical industry; light, food, local industries, public service enterprises, repair enterprises and others, where there are professions and specialties that are medically indicated for people with disabilities, as well as administrative buildings, buildings of design bureaus, buildings of auxiliary workshops and services, where there can be services for them workplaces have been organized at enterprises in those industries where the employment of disabled people is contraindicated in the main production departments. Read

Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 1994 N 18-27/1-4403-15 On additional measures to ensure the livelihoods of the elderly and disabled in the design, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures. Read

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 1994 N 549 On the Procedure for providing compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens. Read

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2000 N 36 About the federal target program Social support for disabled people for 2000-2005.