Breed of huge domestic cats. The largest domestic cats in the world

Are you choosing a kitten and are interested in the breed of large domestic cats? Or maybe you just want to know which domestic cat breeds are the largest? Then you'll get to where you need to be. The Murlo website has compiled a rating of the biggest cats in the world, which are several times larger in size and weight than the smallest dog breeds!

1. Savannah cat breed

The largest among domestic cats are Savannah cats of the F1 generation. This generation of the breed is obtained by crossing large wild African Serval cats with domestic cats or cats of the breed. Male representatives of the Savannah breed can reach a weight of 20 kilograms and grow up to 60 centimeters in height.

Despite its large size, this breed has a fairly calm character. Besides everything else, the breed is also one of the most expensive - depending on the class, a kitten costs from 2.5 to 22 thousand dollars.

2. Maine Coon cat breed

In second place in our ranking of the largest domestic cats is the breed. Unlike previous cats, Maine Coons have a natural origin in Northeast America. Purebred males of this breed reach 15 kilograms (without excess weight, of course), and can reach a height of 41 centimeters.

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Interesting fact: in 2010, a Maine Coon cat named Stewie was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest cat in the world. Its length, including its tail, reaches as much as 123 centimeters.

5. Breed of Siberian cats

After reading the name of this cat breed, it is not difficult to guess their origin. This is an indigenous breed that was domesticated by people and gained great popularity, especially in Russia. Cats of this breed are heavier and larger than cats, and they win fifth place among the largest cats in the world not thanks to their long, voluminous hair, but due to their maximum weight - up to 12 kilograms. Although the average weight of the breed is only about 9 kilograms.

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6. Norwegian Forest Cat

As in the previous case, there is no need to guess about the origin of this breed. Its appearance is very reminiscent of a Maine Coon cat, which is not surprising, because according to legend, the ancestors of the latter were brought to the American continent by sailors or Vikings. However, despite all the similarities, Norwegian forest cats are smaller in size. Males reach a weight of 10 kilograms, while cats are several kilos lighter. Well, 10 kilograms is enough to take sixth place on our list of big cats in the world.

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7. Turkish Van cat breed

The Turkish Van cat (or for short) is one of the most ancient breeds of domestic cats. These big cats have long hair and a muscular body. Males can reach 120 centimeters in length and 40 centimeters in height. The maximum weight of the breed is less than it might seem - 9.5-10 kilograms for males and up to 6-7 kg for cats. Thanks to this, the Turkish Van ranks 7th among the world's largest domestic cat breeds.

8. Pixie-Bob cat breed

The Pixie Bob cat breed was artificially bred in the USA. Its creators tried to create a cat that would closely resemble a red lynx (in English - bobcat). Of course, the pixie-bob is comparable in size to domestic cats, and not to its wild relatives. Nevertheless, this is a fairly large breed of cats: males reach 8 kilograms, females are 2-3 kilograms lighter. Eighth place goes to Pixie Bob.

9. Cat breed Kurilian Bobtail

The last two places in our ranking of the biggest cats in the world are occupied by breeds with very short tails. So, on the ninth step there are cats of the breed, whose weight can reach almost 7 kilograms. A detailed description of the Kuril Bobtail breed and the character of its representatives can be found at the link above.

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10. Cat breed American Bobtail

Well, this ends our list of the biggest cats in the world. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video where a Maine Coon cat fights with an ordinary mongrel domestic cat. This video serves as a great example of comparing the size of common domestic cats to the big cats themselves.

Cats are the favorite inhabitants of our apartments and houses, we love them, and they reciprocate our affection. Experts count about 700 (!) officially registered breeds, subbreeds and breed groups, but it is difficult to calculate how many there are in the world.

Among this diverse, shaggy and bald, unusual and familiar cat community, everyone can find a cat to their liking and character. Some people prefer cute, small cats that look like one-month-old kittens until old age, while others like to have big cats next to them that retain the features of a wild predator.

We’ll talk about large domestic and not-so-domestic cats.

There is no doubt that the largest of the representatives of domestic cats Félis silvéstris cátus (lat.) will be hybrids.

This is due to the peculiarities of embryo development, but this is not about that now. Now - about hybrids.

Hybrids are divided into:

  • Natural

These are born from wild cats who blessed a modest domestic cat with their love without the consent and control of its owners.

  • Targeted

In this case, on the contrary, a person “invites” a wild cat to take an active part in the birth of offspring from certain breeds of domestic cats - interspecific hybrids.

A person can “invite” a domestic cat for the same purpose - obtaining a new intraspecific hybrid of a domestic cat. All breeds of domestic cats are obtained by hybridization - Felis catus to Felis silvestris catus.

A hybrid between different species of wild cats can appear either through the deliberate work of a person or naturally, without outside intervention.

The largest hybrid breeds between wild and domestic cats

  • Bengal cat

Dad is a Far Eastern cat (Prionailurus bengalensis lat.), which is often called a leopard for its skin covered with dark rosette spots and strokes over a light field. The size of an adult cat ranges from 65-70 cm to 1 m, depending on the species and habitat.

  • Caraquet

Dad - Steppe lynx caracal (Caracal caracal lat.), which, as it turned out, in morphology is closer to the African serval than to the lynx. Length – from 90 to 115 cm, weight – 15-20 kg.

Dad is a Jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi lat.), from the Puma genus. Height at withers – 25-35 cm, weight – from 5 to 9 kg. The unusually long, elongated and flexible body of the jaguarundi stands firmly on short, strong legs. The head is round, the muzzle is short, the nose is wide, the ears are small and round, like those of a bear. All these signs of paternity are easily discernible in his hybrid children-kittens + funny back-curved ears.

  • Bristol

Dad - Margay or Long-tailed American cat (Leopardus wiedii or Felis wiedii lat.). The body length is 60-80 cm, and with the tail - all 120! The closest relative of the ocelot.

  • Punyabi

Dad – Indian steppe cat (Felis silvestris ornata lat.) Length – up to 70 cm, weight – up to 6 kg

  • Savannah

Dad is a real African Serval (Leptailurus serval lat.) Length – 100-140 cm, weight – 45-60 kg.

By the way, a real serval is perfectly tamed and, with proper upbringing of the cat and its owner, they get along quite well under the same roof.

  • Chausie or Chausie

Dad is a wild cat House or Marsh Lynx (Felis chaus lat.). Length – 60-90 cm, weight up to 14 kg.

  • Ussuriyskaya (Ussuri)

Dad - Amur leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus lat.) - one of the subspecies of the Bengal wild cat.

  • Kanaani or Canaani

Dad is a purebred wild Libyan dun cat (Felis silvestris libyca lat.) - this cat became one of the first representatives of the cat family who generously allowed a person to consider himself a pet. Another name for the Libyan cat is Nubian.

  • Safari

Dad is Geoffroy's South American leopard cat (Leopardus geoffroyi or Oncifelis geoffroyi lat.). Length – 60 cm, with a tail – 90. Especially beautiful are safari kittens born from fully melanized dads – completely black, like a raven’s wing.

  • Pixie bob

Dad is the North American Red Lynx (Lynx rufus lat.), which has the simple local name Forest bobcat. The forest bobcat is not the largest representative of the Lynx genus: weight - 8-11 kg, height - 35-40, length including a short tail - up to 1 m.

The first cat born from such a dad and most closely replicating his appearance was named Pixie - Elf. Forest, of course! When mating was repeated, stable characteristics of the breed were obtained, and the hybrids themselves were called Pixie-bob.

Of all the listed hybrids - a wild cat with a domestic cat - Savannah claims the palm in terms of size. Of course, with such and such a dad!

Female cats have no restrictions on the growth of embryos; each future kitten carries its father’s genes, which “tell” it how large it should grow, according to its father’s inclinations.

Indeed, the size of cats and male cats of this breed is very impressive: by the age of 3 they grow up to half a meter at the withers (males are known to be up to 65 cm!) and weigh from 12 to 15 kg! This is an impressive request, you will agree.

Savannah is the largest cat breed in the world, obtained by crossing a representative of wild fauna and a domestic cat.

Note that only cats of the first generation of hybrids – F1 – are so large in size.

The largest domestic cat breeds

Some breeds of pure domestic cats - intraspecific hybrids - are in no hurry to give up. The staunch contenders for the title of “The Largest Domestic Cat in the World” will be:

  • Maine Coon

A native breed from Maine (USA). Previously, a relationship with a raccoon was attributed, but now no one believes in this nonsense. The length of an adult male Maine Coon reaches a meter and weight up to 12 kg.

  • Ragdoll and Ragamuffin

These breeds are relatives. Both cats weigh up to 10 kg, length varies within a meter.

  • Turkish van

One of the most ancient aboriginal breeds. The weight of males is up to 9 kg, height at the withers is 40-45 cm.

  • Chartreuse

Another name is Carthusian cat. The weight of the cat is 6-6.5 kg.

  • Norwegian forest

Within the breed, “girls” are not much inferior to “boys”: females weigh up to 7 kg, males - up to 9.

  • British cat

These round-headed beauties with a dense build have a “heavy bone” and can weigh up to 10 kg. Males, of course.

  • American Bobtail

The American Bobster reminds us that we must be careful about the Indian legends that claim that this cat is the fruit of love between Indian cats and wild lynx.

The weight of adult cats is 7.5 kg.

  • Kurilian Bobtail

Young, but already well-known and accepted into the hearts of all cat lovers in the world, the Russian island breed, which is also credited with being related to the lynx. However, this is also a misconception, although the weight categories of cats are quite large - 6-8 kg.

  • Siberian cat

A very old breed, the roots of which are “lost in the centuries.” Presumably, a mixed breed from a wild steppe cat, but this has no evidence yet. The weight of the cat is from 7 to 9 kg.

All breeds have the right to be called “large” if the weight of their adult males exceeds 6 kg by at least 200 grams. – this is the position of the world Felinological community.

The largest breed of domestic intraspecific cats is the Maine Coon, whose weight exceeds twice this figure!

Of course, they don’t reach Savannah, but they have a great advantage over this cat: males of all interspecific hybrids are sterile until the 4th generation. This means that you cannot expect the birth of kittens from hybrids of interspecific cats F1, F2 and F3, but from intraspecific cats you are always welcome!

The largest wild hybrids

They are obtained by merging two different species of wild cats.

Let's name just a few:

Blinks – Red lynx + any other type of lynx;

Marlo – long-tailed margay + female ocelot;

Servical – Caracal + female Serval;

Liger – Lion + Tigress;

Leopon – Leopard + Lioness;

Tigron – Tiger + Lioness

All these big and beautiful cats were obtained under the vigilant guidance of man: their appearance is a deliberate hybridization.

The biggest cat in the world

The largest cat in the world lives in Miami in the interactive theme park Jungle Island.

More precisely - not a cat, but a whole cat weighing more than 400 kg and height (standing on its hind legs) - 3.7 meters! The length of the cat from the tip of its wet nose to the tip of its long tail is 3.5 m, and the height at the withers is 1.86 m. This giant eats up to 9 kg of meat per day, jumps from a standstill to a height of 5 m, and in length up to 10 m. And this is without running and doping!

He generally took the best from each of his parents in a ratio of 50% x 50%, and acquired the name of his species in the same way: lion “lion” + tiger “tiger” = liger “ligr” (English). The giant's name is Hercules.

However, scientists in Yakutia are conducting preparatory work on cloning the cave lion, which was once found on the territory of Russia, in the next decade. If the work is successful, then two ligre brides from Lipetsk and Novosibirsk will come in very handy. True, the percentage of offspring obtained from such a couple (according to scientists) will be only 1-2% per 1 thousand. mating, but it’s still there!

The largest wild cat in the world (without any hybrid things) lives along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories. This rarest species of tiger - the Amur or Usuri Far Eastern tiger (Panthera tigris altaica lat.) - is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The length of an adult male tiger can reach up to 4 (!) meters, the height of the “shoulder” is 115 cm, and the body weight is 300 kg or more!

It would be very sad to lose such a powerful and beautiful animal, but unfortunately, almost 10% of Amur tigers live in Manchuria, and in China hunting this rare, largest wild striped cat in the world is not prohibited.

Appearance and color, and from domestic cats - peacefulness and adaptation to home conditions.

Savannah is the largest breed of domestic cat in the world today. Males have a body weight of up to 15–20 kg, height - up to 60 cm. This breed has an elongated body with high limbs, an elongated neck, large ears, dark spots on the skin, high intelligence. The skin is painted in brown, chocolate, gray, and golden tones. Animals reach their largest size at 3 years.
Restless savannas require space for an active life; they like to walk outside. They have no fear of water; on the contrary, they love to play and splash their paws in the water. They find excellent contact with other pets and are loyal to their owner. They can accompany a person as.

Since the Savannah is a hybrid, the first generation is listed as F1, since it has about 50% of the Serval genotype. Their descendants are already listed as F2 and include about 30% of the bush cat genotype. These first two generations are the most valuable. In the seventh generation, some of the serval genes in this breed are already quite small. Males of the first 4 generations, as a rule, cannot have offspring, so females are valued.
When breeding this breed, Serval × Savannah and Savannah × Savannah matings are commonly used to preserve the characteristics of the breed.

Exotic lovers will appreciate this breed, which is so similar to wild African cats.

Before the advent of the Savannah breed, they were considered the largest cats in the world. The body weight of males varies within 6–15 kg, females weigh 4–6 kg. The height to the withers reaches 41 cm, and the total length with the tail is up to 120 cm. This breed was bred naturally and has already been known for more than 150 years.
originated from the American state of Maine. Due to the intense winter cold in this US state, these cats have thick, long hair and a luxurious bushy tail. They have a strong, well-built body with strong, wide paws that have tufts of fur growing between the pads. Cats have small, cute tufts on their ears that make them look like a lynx.
Due to their frequent striped coloring, they are also compared to, and the name “Maine Coon” can be translated as “Manx raccoon”. They can have different colors, excluding chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, fawn and their combinations. Maine Coons reach their maximum size at 3–5 years. Average - 12–16 years or more. In general, this is a healthy and strong cat breed, but they can occasionally develop diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy and hip dysplasia.
These are playful cats with well-developed hunting instincts. At the same time, they have a calm character and allow themselves to be walked on a leash. They do not immediately become attached to their owner; they get along well with other pets. They have the habit of standing on their hind legs, looking around, and paddling with their paws in the water before drinking.

This breed became famous not so long ago (in 1995), received recognition in 2003 and is a rather rare hybrid of wild and. Representatives of this breed are also among the largest domestic cats. The weight of a male is approximately 14.5 kg, and the height is 40 cm. Initially, representatives of this breed lived in Egypt, and local residents did not single them out until Europeans appreciated these cats. Having discovered that the ancestors of these cats were the wild jungle cat, they began breeding this breed.
In appearance, the cat is very similar to its wild ancestor: a small head with green or yellow eyes, high-set ears may have tufts, the outlines of the muzzle and powerful body have a predatory angularity. The short, dense coat comes in black, silver, ticked and ticked tabby colors. The combination of predatory grace and peacefulness has attracted lovers of exotic cat breeds. This active cat needs walks and lots of active movement. She loves to play with children and feels a sense of affection for her owner.
Most males of this breed, as usual among hybrids, are sterile. Representatives of this breed carry codes from F1 to F5. Breeders breed females with short-haired cats or with descendants of jungle cats. Some of the offspring are ordinary.

This one has been known for almost 100 years, and is the result of crossing domestic British cats with. Britons can reach weight 11–12 kg, although the usual average weight of this breed is 5–8 kg. Everyone pays attention to their soft, thick, plush-like fur. It can be of different colors, both solid and mixed, although it was initially believed that the British had a gray-blue color.

Eyes can also be of different colors, but most often orange. They have a strongly built, muscular build, a short neck with a noticeable fold around the round head, short thick paws, and small round, wide-set ears.
Intelligent British people are clean and very independent, they have their own opinions. They easily tolerate loneliness when the owner is at work, but when he is away for too long, they begin to worry. They are equally attached to all family members.
The British, who look like plush toys, do not like to be squeezed, but tolerate it. Too much attention can cause them to become aggressive. They play only when they want to, and at the same time manage not to break anything. Many note the intelligent look of these cats and a noticeable cat “smile”. They have excellent health, but they do not tolerate hypothermia well and can catch a cold.

The homeland is the Urals and Siberia. The breed was recognized in 1990, it was formed in the natural environment over several centuries, and has the blood of wild cats of the forest and steppe. In the harsh conditions of Siberia, these animals developed long, water-resistant fur with a thick undercoat and a fluffy tail, protecting the cat from frost. This wool has another undoubted advantage - it is almost hypoallergenic.
The color of these domestic predators can be completely different, the color of the eyes can also be different and is not related to the color of the coat. The Siberian cat has a medium build with powerful muscles, rounded flowing harmonious shapes. The ears are also rounded and slightly turned forward, with small tassels at the ends. Average weight of cats from 6 to 9 kg, but the mass of some giants of this breed can reach 12 kg, cats are smaller.
Reach their maximum at 5 years. There is a collar around the neck, and on the hind legs, which are more powerful than the front legs, there are fluffy pants. The pads on both pairs of paws are pubescent. The cute muzzle has the shape of a trapezoid, the eyes are slightly slanted. These animals are distinguished by excellent health, their life expectancy is 15–20 years. Excellent hunters, playful, intelligent, independent, attached to only one family member. They do not like it when other animals or strangers are present on their territory. Their fearlessness and self-esteem were noted.

Norwegian Forest Cat

This breed has been officially recognized since 1977 and is widespread in northern Europe, especially in Norway.
The Norwegian Forest Cat is not the largest cat in the world, but males of this breed can reach a weight of 10 kg, although their usual weight is 5–7 kg, and females are smaller. Presumably descended from those introduced several centuries ago. Outwardly, it is somewhat similar to the Siberian one.
The Norwegian Forest Cat has a strong build, long paws, fluffy fur, a fluffy long tail, and tassels on large ears. Their coat repels water and has a triple structure: coat, undercoat, long hairs along the spine and on the tail. There are fur folds around the neck.

The color of fur and eyes may vary. They are friendly and playful, very attached to people. Their patience can be tested for a long time; they play well with children and are friendly to strangers. These purrs love to be petted and scratched.

Did you know? It has been scientifically proven that cats have a beneficial effect on the health of their owners. People who keep these animals in their home live on average 4-5 years more. These furry creatures have the ability to reduce stress, normalize blood pressure, improve mood, and help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. These are great helpers for relieving depression. Purring, a cat emits ultrasound, which has a healing effect on the human body.

The Turkish Van is a rare domestic cat with semi-long hair, considered one of the oldest breeds of domesticated cats. This breed was bred on the basis of Van cats living in Turkey in the area of ​​​​Lake Van. Animals reach their maximum by 5 years. Males weigh within 6–9 kg, females - from 4–6 kg. Their height is 35–40 cm, length from nose to tail tip is 90–120 cm.
They have a muscular, slightly elongated body, a massive neck and chest. The paws are of medium length, the hind legs are larger than the front ones, the pads are covered with hair. Fluffy, ruff tail with transverse stripes. Wedge-shaped head, powerful chin, ears set high and straight, with inner feathering. Eyes can be the color of amber or copper, and can also be blue. Sometimes it happens that one eye is one color, and the other is another.
Silky coat of medium length and with a weak undercoat. Traditionally red and white (cream), but can be black and white (blue), tortoiseshell and white, or completely white. Moreover, the color must be at least 80% white.
Turkish Vans are very inquisitive and friendly, active and playful. They love water and water procedures and can even swim. They single out one family member as the owner and demonstrate their devotion in every way. They can be taught to walk on a leash and bring slippers. They get along great with other domestic cats and cats, but they always try to rule. Despite their willfulness, these are gentle and obedient cats. They love to play with children.

The name of the breed translates as “rag doll”. These cats received this nickname for their unique ability to completely relax their muscles. Males weigh 7–9 kg, and females - 5–6 kg.

Did you know? This breed was first discovered in the 60s in America by Anna Baker. Her Persian-Angora cat Josephine was bred with a Birman cat. Anna Baker noticed that the kittens, when they were born, had the ability to relax their bodies when they grew up. She began to work closely on developing a new breed and in 1965 was able to secure the so-called “rag” gene at the genetic level and register this breed in the prescribed manner.

Ragdoll cats have the following features: wide-set oval eyes only blue, wedge-shaped head, powerful neck, nose always slightly upturned, small triangular-shaped ears set wide apart. Medium paws with pubescent pads, fluffy long tail.
The wool is medium length, has a small undercoat, is quite soft and similar to rabbit fur. The hind legs of representatives of this breed are, as it were, dressed in pants, and there is a fur collar on the neck. The most popular color is color point: the color is light, and there is a darker color on the face, paws and tail. The most common colors are light coffee with milk, chocolate, as well as blue-gray or deep purple.

These are quite calm and indifferent creatures. They are very good-natured and friendly. They do not like to strain their muscles once again, and when a conflict situation arises, they try to hide in a quiet place.
Ragdolls show affection towards their owner. They love to be petted, cuddled and expressed their admiration. These cats are not hunters - they will not catch mice or chase pigeons in the yard. They feel great inside a house or apartment. Cats of this breed get along well with children, other cats and when living together.
Ragdolls do not tolerate loneliness well and become very bored if their owner is away for a long time. They may refuse food and water when upset. They simply need society.

Important! At the genetic level, Ragdoll cats are susceptible to a disease such as hip dysplasia. This disease can lead to paralysis of the hind limbs. The cat owner must clearly know the first signs of dysplasia:It’s hard for the cat to jump, when walking she starts to fall a little to one side, sometimes it’s even hard for her to put her paw.

These cats usually live 15–18 years.

Externally, the breed somewhat resembles a lynx. Translated from English, the name means “short-tailed elf.” They reach their maximum weight at 3 years. Males weigh from 6 to 9 kg, and females - on average 4–6 kg. The lifespan of a pixie bob is 12–15 years. This breed was created by crossing domestic cats with short-tailed wild cats in America by felinologist Carol Ann Brewer.

Important! Pixie-Bob cats are considered national treasures of the United States, and are officially exportedtheir is possible only with special permits from the club.

Representatives of this breed have a pear-shaped head, a fairly powerful chin, and pronounced sideburns. Wide ears of medium height are slightly inclined forward, have rounded ends, and usually have tassels at the ends. Eyes can be golden, brown or green. The brick-colored nose has a convex shape and also has a small hump on it.
The body is medium or large in size, has powerful muscles, a well-developed chest, protruding shoulder blades, and the skin on the stomach is noticeably sagging. The legs are elongated, muscular, the hind legs are not much larger than the front ones. Polydactyly of up to 7 toes is possible. A small tail is about 5 cm. They can have long or short hair, in the belly area it is longer than elsewhere.
The color comes in all shades of brown and gray, and the tips of the coat are often light rather than dark. The pads and tip of the tail of the paws are dark brown or black. Dark, usually black, arrows descend from the outer corner of the eyes to the cheeks. But the edging around the eyes is light in color. On the forehead there is a pattern in the form of the letter M. A spotted pattern throughout the body.
Pixie-Bob cats are incredibly loyal to their owner and can be jealous of everyone else. They can be taught some commands and can be walked on a leash and make great walking companions. Despite their somewhat predatory appearance, they are very affectionate and have a fairly balanced character. These cats express their emotions in sound form. Only they do not make the usual “meow”, but guttural sounds. Life expectancy is on average 13 years. This breed is characterized by fairly good health.

Outwardly, it is also similar to its wild relative - the lynx, especially due to its short upturned tail. His beautiful, expressive eyes attract special attention. This cat has many wonderful qualities: courage, observation, intelligence and a balanced character. This breed was not obtained artificially, but through the process of natural selection in the wild. Their natural habitat is the Kuril Islands.
Cats of this breed reach weight 6–7 kg and much larger than cats. A strong body has well-defined muscles. The back is slightly arched, the hind legs are longer than the front legs. The claws on the paws are straight, and do not retract, like most felines, and make a clicking sound when walking. The head is small, trapezoidal, with wide cheekbones and a strong jaw, the ears are rounded, slightly tilted forward and have a tuft at the ends.
The eyes are usually yellow-green, round and slightly slanted. The small tail, from 3 to 8 cm long (excluding fur), has kinks and bends, as well as several knots. It ends with a wool pompom. The number of vertebrae is from 2 to 10, they have different mobility.

The color of this breed is quite diverse. The coat can be long or medium, the undercoat is weakly defined. The longer-haired ones have longer hair in the collar area, on the tail and hind legs. All domestic cats are not just wonderful companions, they are full-fledged members of the family. When purchasing a small kitten for an apartment or house, it is important to take into account all the characteristics of its character, temperament and care.

Among the variety of cats, domestic breeds are classified as a special group. The peculiarity of these animals is that they get along with other pets and people, are not difficult to care for and feed, have an easy-going nature and are not dangerous for children. Compared to their wild counterparts, domestic cats are modest in size, but this group also has its own record holders. We will talk about big cats in our article.

Big cats: overview of large breeds

There are five breeds of domestic cats, the representatives of which are considered the largest.

Savannah (asherah)

Despite the fact that some consider them representatives of different breeds, the Asherah is different from the Savannah, much like a hippopotamus is from a hippopotamus. In fact, this is one animal with different names.

Savannah is the largest and most expensive domestic cat

The first kittens with breed characteristics of the modern savannah were born in 1986. They were the result of the work of American breeders who crossed the African Serval with a domestic cat. After 15 years, the breed was recognized as an independent unit. And after another 5 years, the Ashera “appeared”, which began to be positioned as the largest and most expensive domestic cat. It surprisingly resembled the savannah - not only externally, but also genetically. DNA analysis put a definitive end to this issue, and the names “asher” and “savannah” became synonyms for the same breed.

Savannah kitten

The truth was not revealed immediately, since the kittens received from a “wild” father and a “domestic” mother were crossed by breeders with representatives of the “father’s nationality” as they grew older. The more serval blood flowed in the veins of the offspring, the more the kittens looked like a wild animal. Such animals were sold for huge sums of money, passing off as representatives of a completely new breed. Today, the Asherah Savannah remains the rarest and most expensive domestic cat.

The weight of the animal is 8-13 kg, but felinologists claim that there are individuals weighing up to 20 kg. The height at the withers can reach 1 m. The cat is a short-haired breed of the “sporting” type. With proper care, it remains in good shape throughout its life without gaining excess fat. It is better to keep a savannah in a spacious house with a garden. It is recommended to take him outside the estate on a leash.

Accustomed to it since childhood, the cat behaves like a normal dog when walking.

Interesting fact! Savannah is hypoallergenic, so it is recommended for those who suffer from hypersensitivity to the hair and skin scales of pets.

You can read more about this breed, its characteristics, care and maintenance of the Savannah Asher on our website.

Video - Interesting facts about the Savannah breed

In English, the name of this species of domestic cat is translated as “Manx raccoon,” that is, a raccoon from the American state of Maine. Bright, luxurious giant cats make an unforgettable impression with their size, beauty of fur and wild look, which breeders dubbed the “wild look”.

The presence of such an animal can be seriously frightening if you do not know that representatives of the breed are distinguished by an unusually calm, even character and get along well with children and pets, even dogs. In part, they themselves are considered dogs, as these cats have high intelligence and are quite trainable. Maine Coons can be trained to fetch a paper ball and even slippers!

Furry giants are flexible and graceful. Adults appear huge due to their elongated body, long tail and thick fur. Their parameters inspire awe and respect, because:

  • adult males weigh up to 13-16 kg, and females - up to 8;
  • The “length” from the nose to the tip of the fluffy tail can reach 1 m, and the maximum officially registered length of a Maine Coon is 1 m 23 cm.

Interesting fact! Cats of this breed “rake” water before drinking. It is believed that they inherited this habit from their ancestors, who removed leaves and blades of grass from the surface of forest puddles.

Video - Maine Coon breed

The ancestor of all ragdolls is considered to be the Angora-looking cat Josephine, born in the 60s of the last century. She had a surprisingly flexible character. Her husband, cat B, also had a hand in the appearance of the breed. The offspring turned out to be unusually calm and beautiful. The name of the animals of this breed translates as “rag doll”. And, indeed, ragdolls are extremely phlegmatic and good-natured.

A warm and cozy cat can be stroked, hugged and kissed, nursed in your arms, sat down and put to bed, and he will not mind. At the World Championship of Sloth, the ragdoll would become the absolute leader, receiving the entire prize fund. This is a living toy for children who must be able to properly handle the animal without causing it pain or harm.

The coat of cats of medium length is reminiscent of the Siamese in color, but this is where the similarity with the eccentric breed ends. Ragdolls are surprisingly sweet and good-natured, which is why they are very popular.

Body length of adult animals, including tail:

  • up to 80 cm in cats weighing up to 7 kg;
  • up to 1 m in cats whose weight reaches 10 kg.

Interesting fact! A representative of this breed, Ragtime Bartholomew, became the largest cat in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records in 1986.

Video - Ragdoll

Individuals of this species are among the top five not only the largest, but also the most expensive cats in the world. They have an exotic appearance and an interesting origin. The ancestors of the Chausie are considered to be jungle cats and domestic cats. The combination of different colors and characters resulted in an amazing animal with a wild appearance and an easy-going disposition. The breed was officially registered in 2003, and cats of rare beauty have gained worldwide popularity. There are still few of them in Russia, but the prospects of the Chausie as an unusual pet are obvious.

Chausie is one of the most expensive cats in the world

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, the first include:

  • exotic appearance;
  • good health;
  • sociability;
  • lack of fear of water.

As for the disadvantages, these are, of course:

  • high cost of a pedigree animal;
  • difficulties in breeding (crossbreeding with cats);
  • possible manifestations of a wild temperament, which are expressed more in the desire to “travel” around the upper tier of the apartment;
  • the habit of eating a lot, or rather, constantly. The Chausie has an excellent appetite, but the tendency to gluttony leads to digestive disorders and excess weight.

The weight of a mature individual is from 10 to 15 kg, height at the withers is 40 cm. Males are larger than cats, but females are more active and mobile.

Interesting fact! Chausie cats have strong hunting instincts, so keeping them in the same house with domestic rodents and birds is dangerous for the lives of the latter.

Video - About chausie

Siberian cat

The origin of this breed is clear from the name; it is from Russian Siberia. Life in harsh conditions contributed to the fact that cats acquired a brutal appearance, a strong constitution and thick fur.

It is believed that the ancestors of modern “Siberians” came to the Russian expanses from Bukhara. It was from there that they were brought by merchants and travelers during the time of Ermak. The transformation of Bukhara mini-predators into Siberian ones took place over many years and, by the way, without human participation. The “visiting” cats naturally communicated with each other and with the local cats. As a result, a new breed of animals appeared: with a noble appearance, wild color and confident character.

The “Siberians” have a strong backbone, a strong and muscular body. Despite their considerable size, these cats are playful and agile, they love to jump and fool around, especially at an early age. Many of them are not afraid of water, so they don't mind swimming.

Cats are no less capable of becoming attached to humans than dogs. There are many stories about how mustachioed striped creatures saved people's lives by promptly reporting household gas leaks, fires and earthquakes. They happily live with humans, are unpretentious in food and care, adore their owners and are bitterly sad when alone.

Interesting fact! One of the most famous representatives of the breed is the cat Dorofey, owned by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The politician's furry pet took part in the meeting« no ties” with the family of former US President Barack Obama and delighted the American guests with indescribable delight.

Video - All about Siberian cats

Other big cat species

Concluding the list of the largest domestic cats, it is worth recognizing that it is not exhaustive. There are other varieties of furry pets that are distinguished by their beauty and impressive size. These include the following cat breeds:


British, whose homeland is England. This is a soft, plush bun cat that is incredibly cozy, but often has an independent personality. At the beginning of their acquaintance, she demonstrates royal restraint and composure, but soon becomes kind and affectionate. The more time she spends with her owner, the stronger her trust and affection. The weight of an adult British cat is from 4 to 8 kg.

You can read more about this breed, its characteristics, care and maintenance of British cats on our website.

Norwegian Forest Cat

From the name it is clear that its homeland is Norway. The breed is very popular in the countries of Northern Europe and has external similarities with Siberians, Turkish Vans and Maine Coons.

Norwegian forest cats are classified as long-haired breeds. They have a strong build and impressive size. These animals are distinguished by their kind character and good manners. “Norwegians” are not characterized by bad behavior. They are tolerant even of dogs and capricious children, and are reserved towards strangers. It is noteworthy that cats of the Norwegian breed become attached to a person, and not to a house, as is commonly thought. For all their friendliness, it is difficult to call these animals completely tame. “Norwegian women” do not like to be picked up, squeezed and sat on your lap, like a doll. But they love it when they scratch their back and behind their ears.

The weight of a Norwegian cat, like most breeds, changes noticeably as the animal ages. Representatives of this species grow slowly, reaching full maturity only by five years. At this age, the female weighs about 5.5 kg, and the male weighs from 6 to 9 kg.

Carthusian cat (chartreuse)

The Carthusian cat (chartreuse) is a French breed of unusually beautiful and equally jealous purrs with thick gray-blue fur and orange (bright yellow) eyes. There are different versions of the origin and history of the breed. According to one of them, Chartreux in the Middle Ages were considered the cats of commoners. However, peasants and artisans valued them not for their beautiful eyes and character, but for their fluffy skin and tender meat. Fortunately, the dark times have passed, and today Carthusian beauties are purchased as pets. These cats are capable of becoming attached to people, but cannot tolerate the presence of other animals in the house. They are calm and silent, have a thin voice, which they demonstrate extremely rarely. They can tolerate loneliness normally if there is an interesting toy in sight.

The weight of a cat is 6-7 kg, and lighter cats weigh from 4 to 5 kg. Carthusians increase in size and reach maturity by 5 years, but fluffy Chartreuse ladies do not grow after 3 years.

Chartreux are calm and silent, have a thin voice

Diseases that affect large domestic cats

The health of domestic cats, including large cats, depends on genetics, as well as how they are cared for and what they are fed. If the set of hereditary diseases depends on the breed, then the consequences of improper nutrition and maintenance are the same for all cats. They lead to pathologies such as:

Each variety of domestic cat has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Table. Breed diseases of big cats

Breed namePhotoPossible health problems
The breed does not have genetically determined pathologies, which is explained by the good health of its ancestor, the Serval. Possible inflammation of the urinary system
Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia), skin pathologies (abscesses, phlegmon, ostiofolliculitis, eczema), disorders of the urinary system (nephritis, nephrosis, pyelitis, urethritis, cystitis)
Hip dysplasia, feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Digestive disorders, obesity
Food allergies, inflammatory eye pathologies (conjunctivitis and others), obesity

How to care for a domestic cat?

In order for a pet to demonstrate the best breed qualities, become the pride of the family and the envy of others, it is necessary to properly care for it. The general principles of feeding and keeping domestic cats, regardless of their type, are the same. Slight differences may be due to breed characteristics, such as coat length and quality.

In order for a cat to live happily in a family, it is important to remember the following:

  • Choosing a kitten is a responsible undertaking. It is worth buying a pet only from trusted breeders who are ready to document the breed and health of the animal;
  • cats need vaccination, especially if they go outside. The types and schedule of vaccinations can be clarified at your local veterinary clinic;
  • There are no trifles in pet nutrition. All the owner’s mistakes are reflected in the condition and appearance of the cat. The ideal nutrition system is the use of premium dry food, which can be purchased taking into account the characteristics of the breed. Contrary to popular belief, these compounds are not dangerous from the point of view of the formation of urates (kidney stones). It is important to ensure that your cat always has enough fresh water. Adherents of natural nutrition should know that an unbalanced diet worsens the condition, well-being and appearance of the pet. Vitamin and mineral deficiency will have to be replenished with special supplements;
  • Caring for a cat involves maintaining its neat appearance and normal health. Among other things, this includes brushing, infrequent bathing, trimming nails, cleaning ears and monitoring the condition of eyes and teeth;
  • the animal must have its own place in the house (apartment), where you can quietly retire without fear of interference in your personal cat space;
  • a small predator requires understanding and respect. This is more true when there are children in the house. Adults should explain to the child that an animal is not a toy, but a family member.

The largest domestic cats are popular and cost a lot of money. Such specimens are a real decoration for the family and home. However, the yard musk also has a chance of becoming a treasure. With good care, a purebred cat can easily grow into an intelligent and gorgeous animal, which will be no worse than the top 5 people.

The good thing is that she home. But a person is characterized by an interest in everything himself, so it is quite natural that big cats attract attention and arouse curiosity. Plus, these animals are truly impressive.

There is still a myth on the Internet that the biggest(and at the same time the most expensive) domestic cat is Asherah. But since such a cat breed does not exist, and scammers passed off large Savannah cats as Ashers, we will not consider this mythological character.

Maine Coon

One of largest domestic cats Maine Coon is rightly considered. Some examples of cats of this breed reach a weight of 15 kilograms. The Maine Coon is very beautiful, noble-looking, with very thick hair and tufts on the ears, and looks a bit like a lynx. Detailed article about the breed with photos in the article


This cat is large, mostly tall. Representatives of the Savannah breed can weigh 15 kilograms. Savannah is the result of crossing a wild serval and a domestic cat, so she boldly lays claim to the title largest domestic cat. One of the representatives of this breed was included in the Guinness Book of Records as. Read more about the breed in the article ""


She is also a houseie and a shawie - this cat is also called a domestic reed cat, since it was obtained by crossing a wild reed cat and. These animals can reach a weight of 18 kilograms, and their appearance is very impressive and wild. These cats have a wild grace and make a lasting impression. Detailed article about the breed with photos and videos in the article


One more big domestic cat- pixie bob, or domestic lynx. He's Hemingway's cat. The origin is mysterious and overgrown with speculation and rumors. It is possible that these cats actually evolved naturally as a result of interbreeding. But breeders have had a hand in improving this breed - that’s a fact. Cats can weigh up to 10 kilograms. Given the short tail and tufted ears, these cats do look a bit like a lynx. In addition, one of the characteristics of this breed is polydactyl (multi-toed) snowshoe paws. Detailed article with photos and videos in the article

British Shorthair

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