Perinatal center "Republican Clinical Hospital" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan. Perinatal center (Kazan) On what day are newborns discharged home?

The Perinatal Center (Kazan) meets the latest requirements of modern medicine. It is located next to the obstetrics building of the Republican Clinical Hospital. The building consists of six floors. Every year, the new center will receive up to 10,000 patients living in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Previously, the region did not have such a large medical institution with a full range of care for premature babies. Such babies were transferred for further care to the Children's Clinical Hospital or the First Children's Hospital.

The new center allows us to solve an existing problem. The entire period of nursing for young patients will take place in one institution.

What services are provided

The Perinatal Center (Kazan, Orenburgsky tract, 138) offers assistance at three levels: during pregnancy, during childbirth and in the postpartum period.

It is planned to provide many different medical services:

  • research of newborns based on genetic analysis;
  • maintaining the health of women with immunocompromised pregnancies;
  • preventive measures in the presence of Rh conflict in the mother;
  • conducting ultrasound screening in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • development of comprehensive schemes for maintaining a woman’s health during problematic pregnancy;
  • development of approaches to the treatment of patients with thrombophlebitis;
  • the use of synthetic-based tapes for isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • treatment of sexually transmitted infections in the female body;
  • treatment of intrauterine infections in pregnant women;
  • Carrying out cardiotocography of the fetus in the womb;
  • implementation of continuous monitoring during childbirth;
  • carrying out all types of laboratory tests of the mother’s blood, as well as the fetus, using cordocentesis;
  • nutritional support for sick women after surgery;
  • use and caesarean section;
  • the use of two-level epidural anesthesia during cesarean section for women who have pulmonary hypertension;
  • plasmapheresis as an addition to the treatment of gestosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation;
  • combined use of perinatal ultrafiltration for acute renal failure;
  • childbirth programming;
  • monitoring the birth of women with cardiovascular problems;
  • prenatal progesterone therapy;
  • the use of bipolar electrosurgical technology for caesarean section;
  • fetal drug therapy through cordocentesis;
  • small-scale surgical interventions on the intrauterine fetus;
  • blood transfusion to the fetus and newborn baby;
  • elimination of respiratory distress syndrome through surfactants;
  • treatment of severe conditions in infants using immunoglobulins.

What is in the arsenal

The Perinatal Center of the RCH (Kazan) has modern incubators. Such an incubator provides a comfortable stay for a prematurely born baby, imitating the mother's womb. The incubator provides an opportunity for the full development of a weak child’s body.

For babies with very low weight (up to 1 kg), such a device is extremely necessary. The child is placed in it immediately after birth. Creating a natural environment allows you to eliminate all existing complications that arise during the baby’s life. While in it, the newborn does not receive stress from light, noise and cold. The incubator maintains the desired level of temperature and humidity. Information about the baby’s well-being is recorded by the device’s computer. All data about the state of the child’s body is displayed on the monitor.

Rooms for obstetrics

A total of ten rooms were built, designed for women in labor. Fathers are also allowed to attend. Also, five operating rooms are used for the birth of babies. They perform surgical operations on women who are indicated for surgical delivery.

The Perinatal Center (Kazan) has the status of a child-friendly hospital, where children born at term without any pathologies will be with their mothers immediately after birth. This allows the baby to feel maternal attention and love from the very first minutes of his life. A climate of psychological unity between medical staff and family is created. It should be noted that childbirth in the new center is free of charge.

The Perinatal Center (Kazan), which has the most positive reviews, provides patients and medical staff with comfortable conditions. Architects and designers worked for a long time on the design of offices and chambers.

The main task of the center

The main task facing the center is the development of fetal medicine. This industry involves performing operations on the fetus directly in the womb, which will significantly improve the baby’s health, and in some cases, save his life. All specialists working in this field have undergone serious training in Spain.

The creation of such an institution will reduce the level of morbidity and mortality among newborns, as well as ensure the health of expectant mothers.

What departments does the new perinatal center consist of?

The new perinatal center (Kazan) includes several departments.

Among them it should be noted:

  • the department where admission and diagnostics are carried out;
  • department with rooms for obstetrics (100 beds);
  • intensive care unit for newborn babies (16 beds);
  • department for women experiencing pathological pregnancy (24 beds);
  • department for pathological abnormalities in children (6 beds);
  • three operating rooms.

How much is the newest center valued at?

The cost of such an institution as the RBC perinatal center (Kazan) is about 1.12 billion rubles. More than half of the amount (about 600 million rubles) was allocated from the federal budget. The second source of funding was the republican budget. According to the head physician of the center, I.R. Galimova, 100 million rubles were added by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov.

Grand opening

The opening of a new perinatal center in Kazan took place in a solemn ceremony on September 14, 2016. The event was attended by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets, Prime Minister of Tatarstan, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Leila Fazleeva, Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan Adel Vafin, Mayor of Kazan and other officials.

Evaluation of the institution at the government level

Deputy Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets and President Rustam Minnikhanov inspected all the premises of the perinatal center: a block for carrying out operations, an obstetric physiological department, individual delivery rooms, an intensive care unit for newborns, and wards for sharing mothers and children.

It was noted that the construction of a new institution was the solution to a very large task, and the idea was a complete success. The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia also stated that the center meets modern medical requirements. It is equipped with high-tech equipment and has become a serious contribution to the development of healthcare not only in the Republic of Tatarstan, but also in the Russian Federation as a whole.

According to Golodets, in terms of reducing child mortality, Tatarstan has taken the first line in global indicators. The Deputy Prime Minister expresses hope that the institution will be able to give children and their mothers happiness and health, and will also help many families in Tatarstan solve problems.

How does the President of the Republic of Tatarstan evaluate the perinatal center (Kazan) of the RCH? The opening of such an institution, in his opinion, provides opportunities at a completely new level. The center is able to qualitatively change the lives of many people.

The head of Tatarstan also noted that the idea of ​​​​building a new medical center in Tatarstan arose a long time ago. The republic is prosperous, so facilities of this scale are rarely planned in this region. Nevertheless, thanks to Olga Golodets, Tatarstan was included in the list, and in a fairly short period of time, architects and builders realized a very successful plan.

According to the president, today cities such as Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny are leaders in terms of birth rates. Every year 57 thousand babies are born in Tatarstan. Therefore, the region needs facilities of this kind. Institutions of this level create completely new working conditions for medical specialists and provide ample opportunities. The newest centers are designed to improve the quality of life of Tatarstan citizens. Rustam Minnikhanov expressed special gratitude to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

At the end of the opening, the President of Tatarstan and the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia presented the keys to new ambulances to all medical institutions of the republic.

Assessment of medical personnel and technical readiness

Olga Golodets highly appreciated the level of technical preparedness of the center. The Deputy Deputy Prime Minister raised the issue that the latest domestic technologies were used in the institution. As noted by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan Adel Vafin, more than half of the medical equipment was produced in Russia.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan also noted that the institution is equipped with innovative medical equipment, and the doctors of the perinatal center (Kazan) are specialists of the highest category. They have extensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Most of them completed internships abroad.

Regional telemedicine center

After a tour of the medical facility, Olga Golodets was introduced to the new telemedicine center. The video conferencing system consists of two components. It allows you to keep in touch with regional hospitals and provide medical consultations at a distance. The system also includes a unified information database, which contains all the data about the patient, the results of his examinations and subsequent treatment tactics.

Worthy replacement

According to the Minister of Health of Tatarstan Adel Vafin, the new perinatal center (Kazan) at the Republican Clinical Hospital will be able to replace the maternity wards at No. 4 and No. 7. Maternity wards, operating separately, will be closed. The reason for their abolition is that such institutions do not have intensive care units, as well as intensive care units, which are required in emergency cases. Such maternity hospitals do not have the appropriate technological equipment for caring for premature babies. They have neither incubators, nor artificial respiration devices, nor the ability to provide infants with the necessary nutrition. According to the minister, institutions of this type should become the past of medicine in Tatarstan.

On January 25 we visited Republican Clinical Hospital. During the excursion, mothers had a lot of questions, and our team decided to understand in more detail how the RCH Perinatal Center differs from other maternity hospitals in Kazan.

We met with Svetlana Vladimirovna Gubaidullina, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, head of the obstetric-physiological department of the Perinatal Center of the Russian Clinical Hospital.

Svetlana Vladimirovna, tell us how long ago the Perinatal Center was opened? What births do you specialize in?

The history of the formation and creation of the Republican Clinical Hospital goes back more than 180 years. The Department of Medical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine) of Kazan University was opened on May 2 (May 15), 1814, 10 years after the formation of the University. This date can be considered the beginning of higher medical education in Kazan.

The perinatal center of the Republican Clinical Hospital consists of 2 buildings. The first building was opened in 2000. The new building was completed in September 2016, its construction was completed in 9 months.

We deliver both naturally and by caesarean section, it all depends on the woman. She needs a caesarean section - we'll do it.

How can you give birth in your maternity hospital? Do you only have classic horizontal births or are vertical ones also accepted? Is it possible for you to give birth in water?

Let's figure it out. Why do you call horizontal childbirth classic? For example, in England, childbirth on the side will be classic, and in Arab countries, vertical childbirth will be classic. Giving birth horizontally is an exclusively Russian tradition. When our women go into labor, they are ready to give birth lying down. But if she wants to lie sideways, please, we will not contradict this. True, this will be very inconvenient for us, because we are also used to providing horizontal birth. But in principle we don't mind.

Childbirth in water is impossible for us for one simple reason - because the bathtub cannot be sterilized. It also needs to be filled with sterile water, somehow a sterile midwife needs to be placed in the bathtub, probably wearing sterile rubber boots... This is unrealistic! Therefore, only in the 1st period can we allow a woman to be in the water if she does not have any complications - premature release of water, bleeding - because water can get into the birth canal. That is, if everything is fine with the woman in labor, in the 1st period she can be in the bath, but a medical worker must be nearby, because anything can happen, for example, she can relax and slide into the water. All “I want” that contradict the law and the sanitary regime are unacceptable. Under no circumstances should you violate the sanitary regime in the maternity hospital.

Let's remember the story. When did a woman give birth in water in ancient times? Never! When did her husband attend the birth? Never! Now this is a fashion trend. Men were always kicked out of the house, and they even pretended that they did not know that his wife was giving birth at the moment. If you have read “War and Peace” - there is a very beautiful episode there, read it, remember the story.

- Is partner birth possible in your maternity hospital? And are they paid? Are doulas allowed at birth?

Partner births are possible with us, yes. It's free. If a woman wants to give birth with her husband, he is examined during pregnancy; there is no need to undergo anything extra.

It is still necessary to warn in advance that you will be at the birth with your husband, so that there are no hiccups upon admission to the maternity hospital.

If another relative is going with you to the birth, he must donate blood for RV/HIV, hepatitis B and C, bring a dermatologist’s report on the absence of infectious diseases and fluorography. Naturally - a disposable robe, shoe covers, cap, mask, slippers - just like any visitor.

A doula is legally a person who does not have a medical education, so according to the law, we do not allow her to attend childbirth. Only husband or other relative.

- Is caesarean section often performed in the maternity hospital?

We do CS when needed. If a woman does not want to give birth on her own, we try to convince her that she can give birth herself. By law, a woman can refuse medical manipulation, and childbirth is not a medical manipulation. There are cases, of course, when a woman does not want to give birth naturally. Then she writes a statement: I ask you to allow me to give birth surgically, I insist for such and such a reason... We collect a bunch of signatures, a consultation, and only in this case do we allow her to have a CS. Every year there are about 5 people who ask for a CS without evidence. It also happens, on the contrary, that a woman is indicated for a CS for medical reasons, but she refuses, then we take her refusal, and she tries to give birth herself, placing all responsibility for this on herself.

Our percentage of CS is slightly lower than that of natural births, but this is because the entire Republic comes here; in the regions they practically do not operate, only urgently. All women in the city of Kazan with complex pathologies come to us in the same way. Almost all twins and triplets are born with us. In other maternity hospitals, twins are also given birth, but there are not so many of them.

- And if the mother wants epidural anesthesia, is it possible at will?

A CS is always performed under epidural anasia, it’s all free. In a CS, general anesthesia is used only in extreme situations. Natural childbirth in approximately 25% of cases takes place under epidural anesthesia, because everything is tolerable, no anesthesia is required in normal childbirth.

- How do you feel about vaccination?

Vaccination is absolutely necessary. In the maternity hospital, we vaccinate against tuberculosis and hepatitis B. It is imperative to vaccinate against tuberculosis, because it is a deadly infection for a newborn. If a person with an open form of tuberculosis passes by a child, even if he does not know about it yet, your child may become infected and die. And vaccination in the maternity hospital protects the baby from this.

Hepatitis B is also needed. For example, here Muslims circumcise a child, or maybe your baby will need surgery or a blood transfusion. God forbid, blood poisoning with hepatitis B occurs. This vaccination will protect you from the consequences.

We do not have and never have had any post-vaccination complications, and if someone tells you about this, they are deceiving you.

- Are formulas used in the maternity hospital for supplementary feeding of children?

All our babies are breastfed. Very little mixture is prepared, and it is given out only for medical reasons. If necessary, the mother will be told how to feed correctly and will be helped to attach to the breast. Our mothers have not had any congestion in the breasts, pumping, or lumps in the mammary glands for a long time. In the near future we want to receive the title of a child-friendly clinic.

- How is the postpartum period going in your maternity hospital? And are there prenatal wards?

After birth, we place the baby on the mother’s stomach and cut the umbilical cord when it stops pulsating. The umbilical cord usually pulsates for 3-5 minutes, after which we cross it. If suddenly the umbilical cord pulsates for a long time, we do not allow it to happen, we stop it, since this is no longer normal.

Mom and baby are in the delivery room together. We put the baby to the breast, and the mother feeds him. We even have special slings that we invented; we tie the baby to the mother so that if she suddenly dozes off, she won’t drop the baby. In a sling, the baby does not cool down and feeding is convenient; this is our special development.

If the mother wants, we tie the baby, if she doesn’t want, we put her in the crib. Then the mother and baby are transferred to the ward together, that is, they are not separated unless the mother or baby requires medical assistance.

Application after a CS takes place directly on the operating table. If the mother is in intensive care, we try not to bring the baby there. The mother stays in the intensive care unit for no more than 6 hours, then if she has the strength and capabilities, she takes the child for herself.

We do not have prenatal wards. We have private maternity rooms. Maternity wards are an anachronism. We have not worked with prenatal care for 17 years; each woman has her own “apartment.” Therefore, we have not had cross-infections or nosocomial infections for many, many years. It is impossible to violate the sanitary regime in the maternity hospital.

Our delivery rooms are equipped with everything necessary: ​​maternity beds, simple beds, baby and mother monitoring monitors, intravenous fluid infusion systems, special shadowless lamps. If something happens, the operation can be carried out even in the delivery room, it is like a sterile operating room, all consumable instruments, sterile materials, all drugs are in each delivery room. Each delivery room is equipped with everything necessary, including intensive care for mothers and newborns, everything is at our fingertips. There is only one ultrasound machine per maternity unit.

- Is it possible for you to give birth under the compulsory medical insurance policy? And do you have commercial maternity wards?

Childbirth under compulsory medical insurance is possible for all residents of Russia; it makes no difference which city you come to us from. Childbirth is possible for everyone.

We don’t have commercial rodboxes, everything is free.

We have superior rooms. Basically, all the wards are single, there are a few for 2-3 beds, often mothers without children, who, for example, have children in intensive care, lie in them, so that the mothers can communicate

- Is it possible for relatives to visit?

Visiting relatives is possible with permission from the administration. Children are not allowed. There are one-time and multiple-use passes. If the mother requires care, a relative can be nearby all the time, even at night. The pass is issued at the request of the woman in labor, but taking into account her needs. And strictly one at a time.

- On what day are newborns discharged home?

Discharge also happens on the 3rd day, but more often we discharge on the 5th, because on the 4th day a number of screenings of the newborn are carried out: for thyroid function, deafness, etc. which are held free of charge to absolutely everyone.

- What do you recommend taking with you to the maternity hospital?

To the maternity hospital, take with you what you would take on a short business trip, plus a thicker sanitary pad and a mug with a plate, if you suddenly want to eat outside the regime. Our food is served in special disposable boxes, like on an airplane, so if you want to have a snack or drink tea outside of your daily routine, you will need a mug and a plate for this. Dinner, as always, is early, at 16:00.

- Do you have courses for future parents?

There are courses for future parents, they are conducted by the heads of departments. Home for courses Anna Yuryevna Polushkina.

- How much do contract births cost at your Perinatal Center?

We do not charge money for childbirth. They are paid by compulsory medical insurance. It's too expensive for you to pay for them. The cost of even a normal birth is more than 300 thousand rubles

We guide pregnant women and the cost of the contract for care depends on the stage of pregnancy it was concluded for us. All doctors have the same cost for pregnancy care. According to the contract, there may also be an additional midwife to attend the birth. We allow the doctor who took care of the woman’s pregnancy to be outside of his shift to attend childbirth or to operate.

Take with you to the maternity hospital upon admission for childbirth:

Exchange card (maternal passport), original and photocopy of passport - 2 copies. (1 page, registration), original and photocopy of the insurance policy and SNILS - 2 copies, birth certificate,

Toiletries, spoon, plate, mug,

Bathrobe, nightgown, slippers,

Thermometer (preferably electronic)

Disposable panties, pads, diapers

Diapers - 1 pack, wet wipes - 1 pack.

Place things in bags.

Before entering the maternity hospital:

Toilet external genitalia

Toilet of axillary clouds

Leave watches, earrings, rings, money at home

Perinatal Center staff this is 8 doctors and 12 midwives in 2 connected buildings.

The maternity hospital accommodates 7,600 births per year, that is, approximately 20 births per day.

Pregnancy management package Basic from 8 weeks - 50,000, Basic from 32 weeks - 35,000, Extended package from 32 weeks - 42,000 rubles.

The Perinatal Center of the Republican Clinical Hospital is located on the outskirts of the city. The main specialization of this well-known maternity hospital is complex, multiple births, as well as pregnancies with various pathologies. Here is one of the strongest intensive care units for newborns in the republic, as well as the most necessary modern medical equipment, which in case of unforeseen circumstances will help save the life of both the baby and the mother.


The maternity hospital has several departments - obstetric physiology, observation, newborns, resuscitation and intensive care of newborns, maternity unit, intensive care unit for women in labor. The center consults women at different stages of pregnancy, conducts diagnostic genetic studies, prevents conflict in subsequent pregnancies, treats women with infertility or miscarriage, and isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The Center's specialists treat infections in pregnant women. During childbirth, the condition of the fetus is continuously monitored. If necessary, the fetus undergoes blood transfusions and surgical operations in utero. Childbirth takes place in individual maternity rooms. The presence of the husband at the birth is permitted if there are no contraindications. They provide a service for collecting blood from the umbilical cord in order to subsequently isolate stem cells from it. It has its own laboratory, open 24 hours a day, an ultrasound room, electrocardiography and encephalography machines, and a physiotherapy room. Obstetric services are provided to women with severe forms of extragenital pathology. The department has an intensive care unit for adults and an intensive care unit for newborns.


In the pathology department, the wards are designed for 4 people, each room has a shower and toilet. Obstetric physiological department - labor and operating units, individual delivery rooms, operating rooms, postpartum wards for 2 people (toilet, shower - in the room). The obstetric observation department has two delivery rooms and its own operating room. The rooms are designed for 1-2 patients. Postpartum wards are designed for a woman and child to stay together. The baby can be placed in the children's department - at the request of the mother or for medical reasons for this. However, as it turned out, it is not so easy to get there - before signing the mother’s passport, they are often asked to bring two donors.

"The main goal of perinatal technologies is
healthy baby!"

Perinatal center BUZ UR “1 RKB MH UR” is the only specialized obstetrics institution in the Udmurt Republic, which provides outpatient, consultative, therapeutic and diagnostic care to women on a wide range of problems related to preparing for motherhood, protecting women’s reproductive health, reducing the risk of complications in mother and child.

More and more women with one or another chronic pathology want to find the happiness of motherhood. The perinatal center of the BUZ UR "1 RKB MH UR" provides comprehensive observation and delivery for any pathology of the mother and child, an individual approach to each woman, the possibility of consultations with narrow specialists of the center, candidates of medical sciences and professors of the Izhevsk Medical Academy.

Childbirth takes place in individual maternity rooms, equipped with modern equipment for a safe and gentle birth: monitors for monitoring the condition of the mother and fetus, ultrasound machines, infusion pumps, a medical gas supply system, and a climate control system that allows maintaining optimal air temperature and humidity. The tactics of management, treatment and delivery of obstetric pathology have been developed. For medical reasons, any method of pain relief can be performed. The use of modern pain relief techniques contributes to the positive physical and psychological mood of the mother. All the staff knows the method by which you were prepared for childbirth, and therefore at any moment they will help you, remind you how to breathe and behave during childbirth.

The Perinatal Center has its own characteristics that distinguish it from a traditional maternity hospital: the complexity and specialized department of pathology of newborns and nursing of premature infants, which provides treatment and care even for babies born much prematurely and with low and extremely low body weight.

The experience of our doctors helps us solve the most complex problems of young patients.

All doctors and nurses have extensive experience; among our employees are doctors of the first and highest categories, candidates of medical sciences. High medical technologies, a wide range of services, and the professionalism of doctors, midwives, and nurses who are ready to help and support you at any moment, surround you with care and attention, facilitate the provision of highly qualified assistance to women in labor and postpartum, and the birth of a healthy child.

To give birth to my third child, I definitely wanted to go to the Perinatal Center of the Republican Clinical Hospital in Kazan. The main reason is, of course, good doctors; most of all I was interested in neonatologists and pediatricians, and modern equipment. An indicative case for me was when a friend of mine was diagnosed with serious defects in her child. She was scheduled for a caesarean section in the first maternity hospital in the city of Kazan, but the child was taken to the Republican Clinical Hospital for surgery immediately after birth. I was very worried throughout my pregnancy, and therefore I wanted experienced doctors and, of course, good equipment next to me and my child.

However, in order to get into this particular maternity hospital, you need indications - the presence of pregnancy complications. You cannot get there by yourself. But they have a paid birth service! Those who had already given birth there recommended a doctor to me. I turned to him, showed my documents on pregnancy management, and the doctor came to the conclusion that I needed a caesarean section. For what reason, read this review.

On the day scheduled for the operation, at 8 am, I arrived at the maternity hospital with the necessary things and documents, a list of which is on the RCH website. The staff was very friendly, the girls nurses quickly checked me in, quickly took tests, sorry for the details, quickly gave me an enema. All this in a friendly atmosphere, everything around was very clean, everything was new, it was very pleasant to be there.

The operation went well, my girl was taken away, and I was taken to the intensive care unit. It is located on the first floor. A large, bright room for 6 people, in which a nurse is constantly seated. The room has automatic beds, clean white sheets, a lot of equipment, but fortunately no one who was there needed it. Very good care, because we all didn’t get up for the whole day. The nurses and medical staff are very polite and help with everything you need. The only thing that caused great inconvenience was that you can’t use cell phones in the intensive care unit.

Of course, I would also like to have the child nearby, I’m all exhausted. I didn’t see my daughter for almost a day and a half, but the pediatrician almost immediately after the operation came up to me, explained everything, brought all the necessary documents for signature, and asked about vaccinations.

The next day after the operation, I was transferred to the general ward. She is already on the third floor, I couldn’t get there on my own, no one forced me, and they took me in a wheelchair. Of course, I felt stupid, but I wouldn’t have gotten there on foot. The rooms are not very large, four-bed, but also clean and cozy. Near each room there was a washbasin, toilet and shower. The food was very tasty; I have never eaten so tasty in a hospital.

You have to pick up the kids yourself, according to a schedule, not very strict. Each baby is in his own crib-trolley with a plastic incubator. I still had very little milk, so I had to supplement with formula. They were in the same place as the kids, in bottles.

The next day I was transferred to the mother and child ward, it was double. Of course, such a room for two people is not enough; other such wards had one each, but for me it was not critical. There was a sink in the room, and a toilet and shower for several single rooms. The shower room could use some renovations. But I was with my daughter. After a caesarean section it is very difficult to take care of the baby yourself, and there was really no milk, I spent one night there. I was discharged very quickly, I had surgery on Monday, and on Thursday I was already home.

I don’t regret at all that I went there to give birth, and I don’t regret the money spent. The only thing that is of course a pity is that they don’t allow visitors. And I want to be with my child, because everywhere they write how important it is to immediately put the child to the breast, and so on, alas, this is not provided. Maybe there is such an opportunity there, I didn’t find out, after all, this maternity hospital specializes mainly in pathologies. On the other hand, at this time children are under the supervision of specialists. Why is this important to me? A friend of mine has an example where they didn’t look after a child.

They have a photo and video service upon discharge, for a fee of course. What I didn’t really like was that they started filming themselves, and then offered to buy, I had to buy, even though we had a camera with us.

Conclusion: the impressions from the maternity hospital were only positive, I recommend it to everyone. Those who think that there are many caesarean sections performed there should take into account that this maternity hospital is primarily for those women who have problems, and it is not surprising that there are more caesarean sections there. Thank you very much to all the doctors at this hospital!