The procedures are dangerous for the health of mesothreads. What to expect from a facelift with mesothreads? Photos before and after correction, duration of effect, possible complications

Causes very short recovery times. But this does not mean that no recommendations need to be followed during rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation period after installation of mesothreads

The essence of thread lifting is simple: mesothreads are inserted into the thickness of the skin using a needle so that the latter create a kind of frame on which sagging tissue that has lost its elasticity can rest. Then the needles are removed, the mesothreads remain under the skin for several months and then dissolve.

However, while the mesothreads are in the thickness of the dermis, collagen fibers are actively formed around them, so that after the disappearance, the frame as such remains, but not from threads, but from its own tissue.

Punctures from needles heal almost instantly. But the very presence of a foreign object, even a completely neutral one, irritates the tissue. In addition, mesothreads are located very shallowly under the skin. This irritation and shallow depth of thread lifting require compliance with certain rules.

Complications of thread technologies in cosmetology, their prevention and treatment - this is the topic of the video below:

Time frame

Mesothreads are a foreign object, and until the body gets used to them, certain unpleasant symptoms will be observed. The rehabilitation period is, in fact, the time required for the tissues to get used to the frame and stop being irritated.

  • Hematomas– formed at the puncture site. Although needles of the smallest diameter are used for the procedure, unfortunately, the skin still reacts negatively. However, hematomas are very small and disappear on their own within a week. If you are prone to the formation of hematomas or skin hypersensitivity, it is necessary to use special ointments that accelerate the resorption of bruises - for example. Otherwise, recovery will take much more than 2 weeks.
  • puncture sites are also a natural reaction to the irritant. Symptoms go away on their own within a week. To alleviate the condition, you can use ointments with a cooling effect.
  • Lumpiness of the skin– mesothreads do not always immediately fall into place. Under the skin they straighten to a certain extent and stretch. If this process is unsuccessful or not completed, bumps and even folds may appear. Within a week, the material will take the required position. If this does not happen and the lumpiness remains, you should consult a doctor. The poor placement of the mesothread must be removed.
  • Cones– more pronounced thickening of the skin, caused by the same problem: incomplete deployment of the thread. If the lump does not disappear within 2 weeks, you should consult a doctor.
  • – in most cases are a normal response. A puncture and thread under the skin are perceived as some kind of damage, and swelling of the surrounding tissue occurs due to the body’s desire to cope with the alleged inflammation as quickly as possible. Swelling disappears even before hematomas. However, there are a number of conditions and ailments that cause swelling that is long-lasting and too noticeable.

Fried fatty and spicy foods, an abundance of sweets in the diet, salty foods - all this contributes to water retention in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to exclude such products from the diet a week before thread lifting and not to consume them for another week after the operation. The use of diuretics is allowed if the swelling covers a large area.

  • Infections– during the installation of mesothreads, if antiseptic rules were not followed or if hygiene rules were not followed. This is rare, but if inflammation appears, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. It is difficult to say how inflammation will affect the condition of the face. As a rule, it is necessary to remove the mesothreads, at least in the inflamed area.

What does rehabilitation consist of and how does it work?

On average, rehabilitation takes 7–13 days. Threadlifting cannot be called a lunch break procedure, but after the operation the patient goes home completely calmly. No hospital stay is required.

Recovery consists of simply waiting for the moment when the bruises, lumpiness, and numbness disappear. In addition, rehabilitation includes a number of recommendations that allow you to cope with the problem as quickly as possible:

  • on the first day you cannot use decorative cosmetics;
  • at least a few hours after surgery;
  • During the first 12–20 hours, not only should you not massage your face, but it is also undesirable to touch it, especially the puncture sites. Warming or cooling in order to speed up recovery is strictly prohibited on the first day;
  • in the first 3 days you cannot visit baths, saunas, solariums, or take hot water or;
  • It is necessary to sleep on your back in the first week, or on your side, but so that your face does not rest on the pillow.

Compliance with these rules helps to get rid of the consequences of the procedure - bruises, swelling - as quickly as possible. However, in order for the results of the intervention to last as long as possible, other recommendations must be followed.

Facial care

There should be facial care, but taking into account its special condition.

  • After a day, you can wash your face with antibacterial soap. After another 2, purified water, lotions and tonics with oxygen are used.
  • Be sure to use a protective cream with a high degree of protection against ultraviolet rays.
  • Decorative cosmetics with UV protection are also preferable.
  • Can be used during the first month. They tone the skin, but do not have a physical effect - pressure, irritation.

What not to do after mesothreads

After being inserted under the skin, the thread straightens and takes a certain position. However, it is fixed only at two points, while the rest of the part is not fixed at all. It is very important to prevent the threads from moving, otherwise the result of the operation will be unpredictable.

Rehabilitation after thread lifting also includes rules that must be followed for much longer - until a sufficiently dense shell of collagen fibers is formed around the mesothreads, which holds the thread in place and subsequently completely replaces it.

  • Maintaining the position of the mesothreads is, of course, not easy, since there are a lot of facial muscles on the face. You should avoid anything, even positive ones, for a week, since crying, laughing, frowning and even long active conversations can dislodge the threads.
  • For the same reasons, you need to avoid physical activity for a week. Excessive tension in the facial muscles, which happens involuntarily, can also lead to displacement.
  • It is important to eat spicy and salty foods and strong coffee in the first 3 days, so as not to provoke swelling. It is recommended to avoid these products for the entire month, as swelling can also change the position of the threads.
  • For a month you should refrain from any physiological care procedures - massage, mechanical, etc. Any kind of pressure on the face, especially with displacement, as happens during, is strictly prohibited.
  • Sunbathing is prohibited until 30 days after thread lifting; even being in direct sunlight during this time is not recommended. The fact is that thermal procedures increase the rate of resorption of threads. And if the latter disappear before the formation of a framework of connective tissue, the result of thread lifting will immediately disappear.

Post-treatment procedures

Threadlifting is a rejuvenating operation that affects only the skin. This means that any procedures affecting the skin will affect the result.

  • Massage, as already mentioned, is prohibited due to the danger of thread displacement; for the same reasons, any hardware procedures such as myostimulation are excluded.
  • It is forbidden to resort to care procedures that use hyaluronic acid. This substance is very active and significantly accelerates the process of resorption of mesothreads.
  • Instead of scrubbing, you can use acid peeling - after a week, of course.
  • Only oxygen masks are allowed, and then only with caution. The remaining options can be used after a month, when the threads are securely fastened.

When can you play sports?

With noticeable physical activity, the facial muscles involuntarily tense. Accordingly, there is a danger of displacement and even damage. To avoid this, intense sports should be postponed for at least 2 weeks.

If the lift was carried out on the body, and not on the buttocks, then it is impossible to put stress on these areas of the body for a month. The remaining muscle groups can be trained, but taking into account the rather complex condition of the operated areas.

Alcohol consumption

As after any other injection procedure, alcohol is prohibited for at least a week before and after the operation.

  • Firstly, it reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, and some discomfort in this case serves as a kind of limiter and does not allow you to laugh or frown too actively.
  • Secondly, alcohol provokes a sharp expansion and then spasm of blood vessels. This has an extremely bad effect on the mechanism of collagen fiber formation.
  • Thirdly, alcohol, in principle, contributes to non-compliance with recommendations, as it removes psychological restrictions.

Rehabilitation after thread lifting does not take much time. The immediate consequences of the procedure - hematomas, swelling - can be eliminated within 7-10 days. Complete recovery requires about a month.

This video is dedicated to rehabilitation after Aptos threads:

Thread lifting, which is becoming more and more popular every year, is primarily chosen due to its short rehabilitation period and minimal side effects. However, as with any, even minimally invasive technique, complications still occur. Which? How to deal with them? Let's find out with Igor Gulyaev, plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, trainer in APTOS methods.

Today, a huge number of varieties of threads help us restore beauty and youth: permanent and absorbable, smooth or with a specific fastening system, for tightening soft tissues and reinforcing the skin. All of them, without exception, belong to minimally invasive techniques. And in order to harm a patient with their help, according to Igor Gulyaev, one must “try hard.” However, unpleasant situations still happen. Moreover, in most cases they are the same for different types of threads. First of all, such situations are usually divided into complications And temporary phenomena.

Temporary phenomena

Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. So-called temporary phenomena accompany most aesthetic interventions - hardware techniques and contouring, and mesotherapy. In most cases, they do not require the participation of a doctor and go away on their own over time. These include:

Ecchymoses (bruises) and small hematomas

Since the doctor works blindly when inserting threads, he can damage small vessels. The likelihood of developing hematomas increases in diseases accompanied by hypocoagulation (reduced blood clotting), or when the procedure is performed during or on the eve of menstruation.

What to do: Just be patient. In ten days there will be no trace of bruises. For those who are especially impatient, special gels and ointments and hardware rehabilitation procedures will help speed up the healing process.

5 days after the procedure and 10 days after the procedure


They are the body's natural reaction to any injury. Moreover, with thread lifting, the face may swell differently in different parts of it. Patients with full, heavy faces are more prone to edema.

What to do: Depending on the type of threads and the “extensiveness” of the procedure, swelling will practically disappear after ten to fourteen days. In some cases, medications and hardware techniques can help speed up the healing process.

Skin irregularities

Minor unevenness of the skin is a consequence of tissue movement along traction (tension) vectors, pronounced hypercorrection, and uneven distribution of tissue on the threads. They can also occur in places where the needle is inserted and punctured.

What to do: In most cases, the bumps disappear within seven to ten days. If this does not happen, it is best to contact your doctor.

Before the procedure, a few days after the procedure, a year and a half after the procedure

Disorders of facial expressions

Minor temporary disturbances in facial expressions after the procedure are most often associated with the effect of the anesthetic. They usually go away within a few hours. In rare cases, persistent impairment of facial expressions is possible due to compression (squeezing) of the motor branches of the nerves due to tissue swelling. Direct nerve damage is extremely rare when the procedure is performed correctly.

What to do: Wait until the anesthetic wears off or the swelling intensity decreases. If the disturbance in facial expression is persistent (more than 3-4 days), you should consult a doctor.

Overcorrection effect

The effect of the procedure is too pronounced - prominent cheekbones - “apples”, “surprised” raised eyebrows, etc. - catches your eye.

What to do: To achieve the best effect, it is best not to take any action for the next few days after the procedure. In fact, doctors even strive for the “overcorrection effect.” Since the swelling after the procedure persists for up to two weeks, and during all this time the force of gravity acts on the tissues that have become “heavier” due to swelling, the tissues consciously rise slightly above the desired position. After two to three weeks they naturally fall into place.

Before the procedure, immediately after the procedure, 10 days after the procedure


Unlike temporary phenomena, complications do not go away on their own. In most cases, they require medical intervention and often lead to the removal of the threads. All of them are divided into complications of a general nature (characteristic of all minimally invasive techniques) and specific to thread lifting.

According to statistics, most of these complications are associated with violations of the thread implantation technique: non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the choice of installation trajectories that do not correspond to the vectors of movement of the facial muscles, the choice of material or configuration of threads that are not suitable for tightening soft tissues in a given area.

The division of threads into surgical (non-absorbable) and cosmetic (absorbable) is quite arbitrary and has virtually no effect on the nature of complications.

Allergic reactions

They cannot be excluded when carrying out any aesthetic procedure. During thread lifting, an allergic reaction can be caused by an anesthetic or a skin treatment product. It is extremely rare that the body reacts to the material itself - after all, only time-tested suture materials are used to make threads.

What to do: If an allergic reaction is caused by an anesthetic or a treatment agent and is expressed in redness and itching of the skin, antihistamines help to cope with the situation. However, there are also emergency conditions - for example, anaphylactic shock. It requires, firstly, the immediate use of drugs, which must be in every treatment room (most often, prednisolone, adrenaline, suprastin, aminophylline). Secondly, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance team.

If an allergic reaction occurs on the threads (most often, if they are made from counterfeit low-quality material, and it is this material that is to blame for the allergic reaction), they must be removed. This allergic reaction usually occurs delayed.

Infectious-inflammatory reaction

This is perhaps the most common complication and is primarily due to the fact that thread lifts are taken rather lightly. They forget that the thread is an implant, and the doctor should approach the procedure as a minor operation (carefully prepare the room, instruments, consumables). Most complications can be avoided by following preventive measures: it is important not to be lazy in collecting anamnesis, properly preparing the patient for the procedure, washing hands correctly, performing the procedure only in a specially equipped room, etc.

What to do: In most cases, antibiotics help to cope with the infection in the initial stages. In severe situations - with extensive abscesses - the thread must be removed.

Unlike aesthetic surgeries, minimally invasive procedures do not require a single prior dose of antibacterial agents as prophylaxis.

Inflammation that occurs a few days after insertion of the thread

Violation of facial expressions

This complication is due to the fact that some manufacturers in their recommendations, and following them doctors, do not take into account such an important thing as facial biomechanics. There are certain vectors of movement of facial muscles. If you do not take them into account when placing the threads, facial expressions and features will be distorted.

Impaired facial expressions may be caused by damage or compression of motor nerves. However, such cases are extremely rare! Most thread lift techniques involve implanting threads into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which, if the recommended trajectories are followed, virtually eliminates nerve damage.

What to do: If there is a clear violation of facial expressions, the threads must be removed.

Persistent contour violation

It is very important not to confuse this complication with the overcorrection effect, which we already discussed above. Most lifting threads today have a fixation system (notches, cones, knots, etc.). If you apply significant force when fixing the fabric to the thread, you can get a pronounced “overtightening” effect (persistent deformation of the contour).

What to do: Sometimes a simple facial massage helps return the tissues to the desired position. It gives a good effect with the linear technique of installing threads. When installing threads in the form of a loop, massage, unfortunately, is ineffective. Therefore, with this technique, overcorrection should be minimal. In severe cases, the threads have to be removed.

Thread migration

This complication is typical for smooth threads without a fixation system. By the way, these include the smooth ones that are popular today. “When a smooth monofilament thread is inserted into the subcutaneous fat, it is able to pass through it like a needle through oil and, ultimately, move away from the starting point of installation,” explains Igor Gulyaev. “For example, patients came to us in whom, ten years after installation, the gold threads in the chin area became “in a ball” and had to be pulled out.”

What to do: This situation, of course, requires the removal of threads. The tip of the thread can rest against the skin and contour. And sometimes the thread can even perforate (pierce) the skin. According to our expert, the thread must have a fixation system - no matter what it will be (notches, cones or something else).

Smooth monofilament from a well-known manufacturer

Thread contouring

The appearance (outlining) of threads under the skin is most often the result of improper installation technique. For example, they were introduced too superficially or unevenly. Each type of thread has its own layer, which must be strictly observed. Most often this is subcutaneous fatty tissue, sometimes it is the dermis; some techniques involve the installation of threads even in SMAS.

What to do: The thread has to be removed. In some cases, a separate fragment is deleted, in others, the entire thread is deleted.

Skin retraction at the injection and puncture sites

“Dimples” where the needle enters and exits were once quite common. Today, the development of paired needles that form a single point helps to avoid their appearance at the injection point. With their help, you can immediately get to the desired depth. Retraction at the puncture site usually occurs if the notch is too close to the surface and partially “picks up” the dermis. To even out the skin, just lightly massage the puncture point.

What to do: If the retraction at the injection point is persistent and does not disappear within 3-4 weeks, you can slightly separate (peel off) the skin at the site of retraction under local anesthesia. In most cases this is enough.

Removing threads

There are many scary stories and myths associated with the removal of threads (primarily notches and cones): the threads grow in, when they are removed, the tissues are torn, and pits and scars remain on the face. “In fact,” says Igor Gulyaev, “if necessary, the threads are removed very easily. This is done with a regular tiny hook or an injection needle with a curved tip, using only local anesthesia.

The thread is most easily removed when inflammation develops, says our expert. – Firstly, in this case it is clearly visible on an ultrasound. Secondly, the inflamed tissues are much more loose, and the thread can be easily pulled out. But with other types of complications, no tissue rupture occurs. The thread is cut in several places and is always pulled out along the notches, without damaging the tissue at all. If the thread is linear, no more than three punctures are required to remove it, if it is in the form of a loop, a few more.

It is only the removal of threads in the long term that causes some difficulty for doctors, since the thread may already be covered with a dense capsule and is fixed in the tissues much more reliably. But fortunately, this happens extremely rarely.

Thread lifts are good primarily because they are reversible, emphasizes Igor Gulyaev. – And this applies not only to the development of complications. Like any technique, thread lifting is subject to a certain fashion. Not so long ago, women liked high Asian cheekbones, which were created using a loop thread. Today this trend has practically disappeared. And in general, ideas about beauty are very subjective, and they may not always coincide between the doctor and the patient.

Even if the procedure is performed correctly and someone simply does not like the result, doctors have about two months to remove the threads and return the patient to his original appearance without any negative consequences.

Carrying out correction of the skin of the body and face for a number of cosmetic defects, which usually arise due to age-related changes and adverse external influences, provides the most effective positive results in the form of eliminating wrinkles, sagging skin, etc.

Today, cosmetology medical centers offer their clients various methods and means to ensure the speedy completion of the rehabilitation process after such procedures, but most of them are surgical interventions that are quite difficult for the body and require long-term recovery. - a revolutionary method that guarantees minimal damage to the epidermis and faster elimination of damage.

Consequences of installing such threads

By installing mesothreads, you can get a quick solution to many breakdowns that arise as a result of the age factor: eliminate both reduced skin elasticity and stabilize the oval of the skin. This method of exposure is not a surgical intervention, so the recovery process after it is not long and is quite easy.

Also, the positive results of this method of skin correction include:

  • elimination of double chin;
  • alignment of body and face contours;
  • elimination of manifestations of ptosis (sagging) of the skin, which is noted with a decrease in its tone and elasticity.

The impact during the procedure under consideration can be exerted both on the skin and adjacent areas (chin, temple, ears), and on the body: the inner part of the shoulders and hips, and thighs, buttocks and legs.

And although following all the doctor’s recommendations and advice is mandatory to prevent the occurrence of complications after this type of correction, however, in comparison with other options for eliminating the manifestations of age-related changes, mesothreads should be considered the least traumatic and safe in terms of the likelihood of side effects on health. After this procedure, the doctor gives the patient specific recommendations on how to prevent negative manifestations, and since each person’s body is individual and a variety of complications can arise, it is necessary to take into account all the possible consequences of this manipulation.

The consequences of installing mesothreads are discussed in this video:

Complications after mesothreads

Referring to a cosmetic operation and not being a surgical intervention, the installation of mesothreads does not require strict restrictions and drastic lifestyle changes. However, without following the doctor’s recommendations for rehabilitation, there is a high risk of developing negative skin manifestations, which reduce the effectiveness of the procedure and can cause a number of complications that slow down and complicate the recovery process.

Complications after installing mesothreads, regardless of the area of ​​treatment, are few, but knowing them will prevent the possibility of slowing down the restoration of damaged tissue: after all, the skin during the installation of mesothreads experienced stress due to the plastic surgeon making several punctures, which were necessary for installing the threads and their further distribution and fastening . Fixing the frame of the face, the threads are a foreign body for the human body, so it takes some time for it to get used to the threads and not reject them.

Possible complications when carrying out this type of correction of the skin of the face and body include:

  • bruises and hematomas - they usually remain in the area where the skin was punctured, and since extremely small diameter needles are used during the operation, bruises and hematomas remain extremely small. An experienced surgeon knows in which place it is preferable to make a puncture, therefore the cosmetic procedure in question should be performed only in a trusted medical center that specializes in performing this manipulation.

If bruises and hematomas remain for a long time (with increased sensitivity of the skin, insufficient experience of the surgeon and the tendency of the skin to bruise), absorbable ointments and gels should be used, which will speed up the elimination of such manifestations.

  • Increased sensitivity and pain are most often observed at the sites of skin punctures. They quickly go away on their own; with complete healing of the damaged areas of the epidermis, no unpleasant sensations arise within a week from the moment the mesothreads are installed. To reduce pain, the use of cooling ointments and gels may be recommended, which will eliminate even the manifestations of pain and sensitivity of the skin;
  • the appearance of excessive bumpiness of the skin, which is associated with the uneven distribution of threads inside the tissues and under the skin. If during the rehabilitation period prescribed by the doctor this manifestation does not disappear on its own, it is necessary to contact him again and eliminate this unsatisfactory result of the operation;
  • bumps, as well as skin lumpiness, also require correction if they are not completely absorbed on their own during the rehabilitation period. Absorbable preparations can also be used, which are applied externally to the area with bumps on the skin. However, in the absence of a pronounced positive result, a consultation will be required with the doctor who installed the mesothreads and carried out the corresponding manipulations;
  • - this complication can occur if the doctor’s recommendations regarding the preparatory period before surgery are not followed. Swelling most often occurs when eating salty, fried and spicy foods, since the high content of cooked food in the food consumed leads to fluid retention in the tissues, which causes swelling. Therefore, to prevent such complications, you should completely eliminate such products a week before the expected start of the operation. To reduce the manifestations of edema after the installation of mesothreads, it is recommended to take diuretics, however, their choice should be coordinated with the doctor and taking into account the general health of the patient;
  • Inflammatory processes may occur as a result of surgery. The risk of inflammation is greatest if there is insufficient disinfection of the treated skin and medical instruments used during this manipulation. Prevention of inflammatory processes should be considered sufficient use of the necessary disinfectants and contacting only medical centers and clinics that specialize in installing mesothreads. This type of correction cannot be performed at home or by a non-professional plastic surgeon.

Before and after thread lifting (photo)

The listed complications are quite easy to prevent, but if they occur, their treatment will require the use of certain medications (absorbable, cooling, disinfectant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory), all actions should be performed on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision.

A good recommendation for the speedy restoration of the body and damaged skin should be considered taking vitamin preparations and immunostimulating agents during the rehabilitation process, which will increase the degree of resistance of the body to pathological influences and speed up recovery. Any deviations from the normal state of health require mandatory consultation with a doctor and compliance with all his recommendations.

Complications during thread lifting - the topic of the video below:

The harm of such material

This form of correction of the skin and contours of the face and body, such as the installation of mesothreads, is one of the least traumatic methods of influence; when used in compliance with the doctor’s recommendations, the complications listed above are less likely to occur. However, one should also take into account those cases when the installation of such threads may be contraindicated and cause harm to the body.

In case of inflammatory phenomena in the skin, the stage of exacerbation of chronically ongoing diseases, the manipulation in question is contraindicated. Curing existing diseases, undergoing a full examination of the body before surgery and strictly following all the advice and recommendations of the doctor both in the preparatory and recovery periods will reduce the risk of complications.

The installation of mesothreads can cause harm in the form of their rejection by the body, with a high degree of skin sensitivity, when pronounced irregularities and bumps appear on it, formed by growing fibrous tissue. Such defects can be eliminated, but it is difficult: the practical literacy of the surgeon and his ability to eliminate such consequences of the operation are required. This type of correction is not perfect, but the technology for its use is constantly being improved, which makes it possible to prevent a pronounced negative impact of mesothreads on the patient’s body.

The video below will tell you about the pros and cons of the procedure:

Threadlifting is a good method for correcting aesthetic defects caused by gravitational ptosis and age-related changes. After the introduction of polydioxanone threads, a lifting effect is observed, which is explained by the mechanical “tightening” of soft tissues. The revitalizing effect also deserves attention. Polydioxanone stimulates the function of fibroblasts, accelerates the synthesis of collagen-elastin framework fibers and hyaluronic acid, which forms the basis of the intercellular matrix.

The face after mesothreads looks younger; the effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure. Threadlifting allows you to smooth out folds in the frontal area, raise the eyebrows and lateral corners of the eyes, and correct sagging soft tissues of the cheekbones. Drooping of the corners of the mouth, restoration of clear contours of the oval of the face, reduction of the severity of nasolabial folds, correction of defects in the area of ​​the cervical-mental angle - all these are direct indications for the use of mesothreads.

Another area of ​​application of the method is skin revitalization due to the stimulating effect of polydioxanone on the synthetic function of fibroblasts, and there are many questions here. Experts are skeptical about the use of mesothreads only for revitalization. Considering the trauma to tissues when introducing threads, it is more advisable to use more gentle technologies for deep rejuvenation and renewal of the skin (without lifting). For example, biorevitalization, mesotherapy or Fraxel laser rejuvenation.

Complications after mesothreads

The skeptical attitude of specialists is explained by the fact that complications after mesothreads are not so rare. In most cases, they are caused by a violation of the technique of introducing threads. Women turn to cosmetologists without proper qualifications and, as a result, end up with a lot of aesthetic and medical problems. Some complications do not require special treatment, while others not only negatively affect facial aesthetics, but also pose a real threat to health.

If the technique of the procedure is violated, visualization of threads, the appearance of folds in the form of an “accordion” and local compactions may occur. Their cause is most often incomplete straightening of the threads or their too superficial location, as well as the development of fibrous compactions due to methodological errors during the procedure. Unfortunately, not all defects are easy to fix.

An example of a persistent defect is bumps after mesothreads. “Lumps,” or lumps, are the result of the formation of fibrous tissue around the threads. Since the threads are made of polydioxanone, which is destroyed by enzyme systems within a few months, the bumps after mesothreads should also resolve. However, fibrous tissue is highly durable, and, unfortunately, there are no guarantees of a successful outcome.

Cosmetic procedures after mesothreads help solve emerging aesthetic problems. For these purposes, microcurrent therapy, massage, electroporation and other hardware methods are used. As a rule, a course of procedures is required, but practice shows that any defect can be corrected. You just need to find a dermatocosmetologist who has extensive clinical experience.

Bruises after mesothreads, swelling, pain and discomfort should not be considered as complications. These are inevitable consequences of tissue injury when installing threads. They go away after a few days and do not require special treatment.

When talking about complications after mesothreads, it is worth mentioning the risk of infection, but this complication is not associated with the threads themselves at all. The cause of purulent inflammatory processes is non-compliance with the basic rules of asepsis and antisepsis when performing the procedure. The cosmetologist should be blamed for this, who neglects simple rules and jeopardizes the beauty and health of the patient.

Skin care after mesothreads should be very careful due to the risk of infectious complications. It will take several days for the skin to fully recover from the procedure. In order to protect yourself from inflammation, you should treat your face with antiseptic agents several times a day and not use decorative cosmetics until the integrity of the skin is completely restored. It is not advisable to visit a swimming pool, fitness center or sauna, where the risk of contracting an infection is always high.


The technique is imperfect, but it has many supporters among famous cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. The procedure requires jewelry technique, but in the hands of a professional, when used correctly, it gives a high aesthetic result and does not cause complications. The use of mesothreads as an alternative to surgical lifting is completely justified, but for the purpose of skin revitalization, it is preferable to opt for more gentle and safe procedures.

Mesothreads for face lifting – what is it? This is the name for special fibers that are implanted into the skin to tighten it and restore a fresh, youthful appearance.

Is it really possible to use them to restore your former clear contours and make deep nasolabial folds less noticeable? What is the essence of the procedure for implanting mesothreads?

Mesothreads for face lift: the whole truth

The use of mesothreads for tightening is rightfully considered one of the innovative and most effective methods in cosmetology. A significant advantage of the operation is the speed of its implementation - no more than 60 minutes per session.

Such rejuvenation is unlikely to suit older women. The fact is that at the age of 45-55 there is quite noticeable sagging of the tissues, which will not go away when threads are introduced.

Using this procedure you can do. In addition, if the patient wishes, a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist can perform lifting of the entire facial area.

The average period for the method to become effective is approximately 8–9 months.

However, if you regularly and properly care for your skin, the lifting results will last for a whole year. The first results after the session will be visible within a few weeks.

This method of lifting does not require additional removal of mesothreads - over time, they dissolve on their own without causing any harm to the body.

Reinforcement with mesothreads is not able to eliminate the appearance of pigmentation, strong and deep wrinkles, or completely restore the facial frame after significant changes.

If you want to get rid of more serious signs of aging, it is better to consult with an experienced cosmetologist and together choose a rejuvenation technique that suits you.

Another name for the reinforcement procedure is trade lifting. The principle of operation of mesothreads: special materials (which are also used for postoperative sutures) are introduced deep into the layers of the epidermis, after which they are stretched and firmly fixed.

Over time, they become covered with a layer of collagen and elastin, which evens out the skin texture, making it firmer and smoother. Below you will find before and after photos, as well as reviews confirming the effectiveness of the method.

After insertion, the threads are fixed to the skin using a polystyrene foam ball. It will take only 15–20 minutes to tighten a certain area.

How is a facelift performed using mesothreads?

The material for such lifting is special materials equipped with small spikes - mesothreads. A facelift can be performed by either an experienced plastic surgeon or a cosmetologist.

Microscopic incisions are made on the patient's skin in areas that need tightening. Mesothreads are implanted into the holes, which are securely attached to the membranes of epidermal cells using small “hooks”.

There is no need to worry about the possible pain of the procedure - the lift is performed using very thin needles, slightly thicker than regular hair. In addition, local anesthesia is used.

Korean mesothreads called “” have become especially popular. Reviews from cosmetologists, plastic surgeons and their grateful clients confirm the high safety, ease of use and effectiveness of this material.

Procedure steps:

  1. Personal consultation with a doctor (selection of suitable material and implantation technology, determination of the number of implanted threads and risk factors during the procedure, instructions on the rules of skin care during the rehabilitation period).
  2. Marking areas that need correction.
  3. Treating the skin with a special anesthetic cream or gel.
  4. Piercing the skin with surgical needles with mesothreads, tightening.
  5. Skin disinfection, use of soothing and healing agents.

Since a facelift with mesothreads is quick and relatively painless, there is no reason to use it for the patient.

Within a few hours the patient will be able to go home independently. That is why lifting with the help of mesothreads is considered to be the so-called “weekend” procedure.

To enhance the result, the doctor can additionally use a special VD meso-cocktail. It will enhance the effect of the procedure and slow down the process of resorption of mesothreads in the epidermis.

Below is a video of the procedure:

Pros and cons of thread lifting

The following advantages of the procedure are highlighted:

  • non-surgical technique;
  • guaranteed and quick results after the session;
  • effective restoration of lost facial contours;
  • lack of a long rehabilitation period;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • The procedure is quick and almost painless.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • short-term effect of the procedure – up to 1 year;
  • not intended for older patients;
  • correction of only minor age-related changes.