Online fortune telling with old witch tarot cards. Free fortune telling using old witch cards

Fortune telling from the book of witches is very popular. This is not surprising, since from ancient times witches were considered keepers of secret knowledge, skillful fortunetellers and arbiters of destinies. And what can we say about a witchcraft instrument that could be passed down from generation to generation?

In the article:

Fortune telling with a witch's book

According to legend, each witch has her own witchcraft book, in which all spells, rituals and sacraments are recorded. This trait of witches unites many peoples, which makes it possible to verify the veracity of these legends. Moreover, these stories have a logical scientific basis. Witch books contain not only spells and rituals, but also records about the benefits and properties of certain plants and various other substances. Also, a witch's book does not always look ancient and gloomy grimoire- modern witches may well limit themselves to just a simple thick notebook, to which new ones are subsequently filed.

In general, if you need fortune telling from a witches book, the best way is to contact an accomplished and well-established woman in this field directly. However, in this case you will have a very high risk of running into a charlatan, and seeing real witches can be really expensive, therefore, all questions should be thought through as carefully as possible, and their number should be very limited. At the same time, many witches do not hesitate to refer to their book even for all sorts of little things, which may seem unfair and offensive.

However, if you do not need a one-time urgent fortune telling, and you yourself are interested in developing your inner talents, then you can find out in the corresponding article on our website. Of course, this will require you to study for a long time, learn the mysteries of our world and dive into the very dark corners of your subconscious and reality, which not every person can do. But the benefit received will be incomparably higher than just the ability to look into a book and get answers to questions - real witches can do a lot and never need outside help.

Witch's fortune telling - how to make your own book?

If, of all aspects of witchcraft, you are only interested in fortune telling, you do not have to look for witches in your family to use their book. And you shouldn’t despair if none of your ancestors practiced magic. You can always make your own book just for fortune telling. Of course, she will be able to give answers to questions only to you, and only on the condition that you really approach this matter responsibly.

Before you start making a book, you should understand the basic rules for working with such magical tools. You should buy any materials involved in the process (paper, notebooks, writing instruments) only on the waxing moon, and in no case haggle or take change. Only you should work on the book yourself. It is advisable that no strangers - even your closest relatives - see or know about the existence of this book. And even more so, it is forbidden for other people to touch it - if this happens, consider that you have lost your witchcraft instrument. By the way, the same rule applies to other fortune-telling accessories - they do not tolerate the hands of others, and, and.

When making a book, try to put as much of your labor into it as possible - it would be best to sew it yourself, from high-quality paper, and make a beautiful cover. This will allow the instrument to absorb as much of your personal energy as possible, which will provide truly fine tuning to your destiny and life. A book made in five minutes from an ordinary notebook is suitable only for innocent children's pranks and comic fortune-telling, while it will not be possible to obtain an intelligent answer to truly serious and vital questions with its help. You should work on a book only on the days of the full moon; there should be no strangers in the room, including pets, with the exception of cats - small mustachioed and striped friends will not only not disturb you, but will also be able to give subconscious clues, invisibly guiding your hands.

As soon as the external appearance of the book is completely ready, you will need to leave it on the windowsill under the light of the moon, after which you can start filling it out, and by the next full moon you can start doing fortune telling. Many practicing magicians also recommend observing strict fasting, abstaining not just from food of animal origin, but also from any entertainment, however, this requirement is not mandatory.

How to tell fortunes using the witches' book?

Before you start guessing from the book of witches, you need to fill it with the necessary information that can answer any question. But first you should number all the pages of the resulting book. After the numbering is completed, start writing down keys - answers to questions - on each page. These can be either random quotes from your favorite books or the Internet, or quite meaningful expressions, or, on the contrary, vague aphorisms. Try to fill the book with as many different answers as possible, without consciously biasing it in any direction. One page in the middle of the book should definitely be left blank so that your tool can respond in special cases.

After all the questions have been written down, you need to wait for the next full moon to charge not only the book itself, but also your words with moonlight. On the same full moon, you can begin your fortune telling, provided that you and your book are under the falling lunar rays. You should formulate your question as clearly as possible and start leafing through the book with your eyes closed, or simply without looking at it. Do not try to remember which words are written in which part of your instrument - trying such a trick will not only not help you achieve what you want, but will simply be a waste of time and a meaningless insult to otherworldly forces. When working with magic, you cannot be cunning - the Universe will definitely recognize your lies.

Try to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and spend a few minutes leafing through the pages, trying to feel, without looking, whether you have found the answer or not. When you are sure that you have found exactly the answer that relates to your question, you can open your eyes and read what is written. This method of fortune telling is very simple and effective - if you did everything correctly, you can rest assured of the veracity of the prediction.

If, while scrolling, you come across a blank page, this could mean several situations. Firstly, the book simply might not have an answer to the question you asked. Secondly, it may symbolize that you did something wrong or did not focus well on fortune telling. Or, if you are confident in your experience and the presence of answer options to a question in the book, this may mean that the future for you on this issue is not determined, which means that everything will depend solely on your actions.

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling.

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Then click the "Continue Fortune telling" button!

The very existence of the book of witches was hidden for a long time and was a secret for several eras. And its main compiler, a witch, or sorceress, aroused fear among ordinary people. This is mainly the result of the persecution of sorcerers by the Holy Inquisition, during which sorceresses and healers were killed at the stake and persecuted everywhere. During this period, more than a third of the population of Rus' was destroyed. Ancient temples and images of mystical creatures and gods were destroyed, and books were burned.

In ancient times, people still believed in supernatural forces; they knew how to communicate with the forces of nature and the elements, and could see spirits and gods. Magic reigned everywhere, all human life was surrounded by it. People rarely got sick and knew how to communicate with brownies and forest fairies. And sorcerers and witches served as guides between the worlds and exponents of the will of the Higher Powers.

The word witch itself means “to know” or “to know.” Penetrating beyond the boundaries of the mysterious world, communicating with spirits and dead people, healing people, conspiracies and curses were the main occupations of sorceresses. In ancient times, people had wisdom that had not yet been lost, they knew the magical laws that influenced our existence, and they knew how to follow them in everyday life.

As a rule, all knowledge received from the Subtle World, or gleaned in the process of work, was recorded and stored in the “Book of Witches”, its other name is the “Book of Shadows”. By and large, this is a sorcerer’s workbook, in which magical knowledge is collected and the experience gained is outlined, conspiracies and active spells are stored.

For thousands of years, people with superpowers considered it their task to comprehend the laws that operate in the universe. We communicated with mentors from the spiritual plane, learned recipes for beauty and youth, and the rules of happy love. The ancient tomes traditionally used for fortune telling contain answers to a variety of phenomena in our lives.

In many countries, such memoirs of antiquity are still preserved or are compiled by modern sorceresses. Traditional knowledge and rituals are being revived. Books are passed down from generation to generation by sorcerers. New sorcerers are trained according to them, bringing their experience and supplementing magical knowledge.

When using online fortune telling from the book of witches, you need to know that the questions you ask must be truly significant and serious. Prediction will give you the opportunity to know the future and get advice that will be very useful for you.

Enter the question that concerns you in the special field provided for this and press Enter.

The answer you receive may not be what you expected. Remember, you do not see the whole picture of what is happening, but the ancient book probably knows it.

If your question seems empty to the witch and does not interest her, you may not receive an answer. In this case, try to formulate your thoughts more correctly. And perhaps the sorceress will answer you.

The secret knowledge hidden from us in Tarot cards traces its history back to Ancient Egypt, where the high priests were engaged in this. However, mention of fortune telling with Tarot cards is found both in the ancient world and in medieval Europe. Fortune telling with Tarot cards itself is widespread, despite persecution from the church. The Inquisition sent those who read Tarot cards to the stake, along with witches and sorceresses. But still, all the Tarot cards could not be destroyed, most likely because influential people of the Middle Ages often resorted to fortune telling with Tarot cards. Kings and dukes, despite the prohibitions of the church and the Vatican, always had in their court a person who knew how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards.

The online fortune-telling option offered to you will help determine the current state of affairs and relationships with people close to you.

To start reading the Five Tarot Cards, click on the image


Wedding Tarot

Especially for those who consider themselves a bride and are thinking about how your relationship with your partner will develop in the future, we offer one of the options for fortune telling using Tarot cards. Using this layout, you can avoid wrong steps in behavior, relieve possible tension in the family, and determine an approximate method of behavior. In addition, by anticipating possible conflicts, you can fully feel like a homemaker. What's next for your marriage? You can get answers to this and other questions about your future family life from Tarot cards in our online fortune telling.

To start Wedding Tarot reading, click on the image


Old Witch's Fortune Telling

Be sure to turn on the sound to receive the old witch's prediction! She truthfully tells fortunes on cards for various situations.

ATTENTION!!! If fortune telling doesn't work in your browser, get the old witch's answer using .

For your near future. Her short but succinct recommendations will most likely be useful to you.

The peculiarity of this fortune telling is that some questions may seem insignificant to the Witch, she will immediately inform you about this.

Enter your question in the field located at the bottom of the picture and press "Enter"

Book of Witches: fortune telling online for free

Have you been tormented by a serious problem for a long time and need to find ways to solve it? Free fortune telling from the Book of Witches will help you find a way out of even very difficult situations. Treat strict witches with due respect, any deadlock will soon be resolved.
Don’t be surprised if you don’t get an answer to some question - it means the problem is truly complicated and even mystical powers are unable to cope with it.
Even if you tell fortunes using the Book of Witches for free, do not expect that you will receive rosy answers in any case. Witches always tell the truth and give such accurate answers that they will amaze and remain in the memory for a long time.
Have you been tormented by a serious problem for a long time and need to find ways to solve it? Free fortune telling from the book of witches will help you find a way out of even very difficult situations. Treat strict witches with due respect, any deadlock will soon be resolved.