Do I need to remove uterine fibroids within 8 weeks? Size of uterine fibroids in weeks

how to treat fibroids and got the best answer

Answer from Larisa[guru]
at the gynecologist

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Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to treat fibroids

I had a hemomyoma on my leg - it went away on its own, but in general they offered to remove it with a special device

Reply from Irina Vedeneeva(Burlutskaya)[guru]
Treatment method using medicinal herbs and medicinal leeches. Myomas up to 7-8 weeks in size are almost one hundred percent treatable. Myomas that are large in size (up to 12 weeks) can be corrected - in the form of reducing their size and stopping further tumor growth. Fibroids that have reached 12 weeks or more in size must be operated on. Fast-growing tumors are also an indication for surgical treatment - this is clarified during dynamic observation; fibroids with submucosal localization of nodes. Surgical treatment is indicated for patients with severe anemia due to heavy menstruation and dysfunction of the bladder and intestines caused by fibroids. An important component of therapy is diet - a strictly balanced diet and eating regimen. It is necessary to include sunflower, corn, soybean, olive oils containing unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins that ensure the breakdown of cholesterol. Patients with uterine fibroids are recommended to periodically take freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Nonspecific antitumor plants are used. The term nonspecific refers to antitumor plants that are aimed at destroying the tumor, regardless of its location. In other words, these plants are prescribed for any tumors, including uterine fibroids. This category includes plants such as Dzungarian and Baikal fighters, speckled hemlock, marsh cinquefoil, white mistletoe, and red fly agaric. In most cases, alcohol (vodka) extracts from the listed plants are used. Dosage dropwise depending on the type of herb. As you can see, almost all of these plants (with the exception of cinquefoil) are poisonous. The use of such herbs should be extremely careful. Another type of antitumor herbs that are used in the treatment of fibroids are called queen cells. Among such plants, it is necessary to mention the common horehound, ortilia lopsided, European grasshopper and some others. These herbs are non-toxic and specifically act on uterine tumors. Antitumor plants used for uterine fibroids include regulators of connective tissue trophism: knotweed, horsetail, lungwort. The use of immunomodulators and adaptogens is becoming increasingly relevant. These are: Eleutherococcus senticosus, Rhodiola rosea and tetrapartite, Leuzea safroliformes, Aralia Manchurian, tea plant. In treatment, attention is paid to the regulation of the menstrual cycle (if any). If menstruation is delayed, give tincture of aristolochia, a decoction of tansy flowers, and for painful periods - manicure, chamomile, and common hops. During early menstruation – common lumbago (sleep-grass). For menstruation accompanied by edema, fragrant woodruff helps, for an atonic uterus - field clove, oregano. For heavy menstruation, plants that have long been firmly established in gynecological and obstetric practice are used: stinging nettle, shepherd's purse, yarrow, Amur barberry. Complex herbal medicine of the uterus includes local treatment aimed at enhancing the effect of herbs prescribed internally. There are different methods: douching, tampons, poultices and others. Depending on what effect is to be achieved, plants are selected. For an antitumor effect, douche with a decoction of the root of horse sorrel or tenacious bedstraw, to reduce pain, use chamomile. Poultices are used externally, applying them to the lower abdomen. The basis of the poultice is any substance that retains heat for a long time and does not interfere with the absorption of the medicinal substance. It is common among people to use baked onions, undercooked pearl barley porridge, hominy (corn porridge), decoctions of mucus-containing plants - flax seeds, marshmallow root, wild mallow, mallow, warm infusion of Icelandic Cetraria thallus and others as a base.

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that appears in the reproductive organ. The age group susceptible to the disease is women 20-70 years old. This disease occurs due to hormonal imbalance. At the initial stage, the disease has no symptoms; only when pain and bleeding occur does a woman decide to undergo examination. The size of uterine fibroids in weeks is diagnosed using ultrasound. Treatment depends on its size.

The size of a benign tumor is determined by weeks and centimeters. This completely coincides with the obstetric period (fetal growth during pregnancy). Therefore, the size of fibroids is usually calculated by week.

  • A small tumor (about 2 cm) lasts no more than 4-6 weeks. There are reasons for surgery only if the fibroid stalk is twisted. May be removed due to excessive bleeding, leading to anemia. Also if a woman has been diagnosed with infertility;
  • Average (from 4 to 6 cm) period is 10-11 weeks. If the nodes are not actively growing and there are no pronounced symptoms, then the operation may not be performed. Formations that are located on the outside of the uterus can disrupt the functioning of the organs located closest to it. With average fibroids, infertility or miscarriage may occur;
  • Myoma exceeding 6 cm in diameter is considered large; its duration is equal to 12-16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. Such fibroids can only be removed surgically and with drug treatment to eliminate tumors.

Size of uterine fibroids in weeks and centimeters

At an early stage, fibroids last 4 weeks. It has no symptoms and does not bother the woman. The main thing is to identify this disease before 7 weeks. It will bring much fewer problems than in later stages of detection.

When it increases to 5 cm and a period of about 10 weeks of obstetric pregnancy, the first symptoms begin to appear.

  • Menstruation with pain that does not respond to painkillers.
  • Upon reaching 12 weeks, the cervix enlarges, causing bloating.
  • If the diagnosis is pedunculated fibroid, then there will be a sharp pain in the abdomen.
  • With large fibroids, its enlargement leads to compression of neighboring organs, which interferes with normal urination and defecation. Pain begins in the lower back and near the rectum.

Fibroids, the size of which is more than 12 weeks, entail the formation of adhesions in the tissues of the body and nearby organs.

When a patient complains, an ultrasound examination is performed and appropriate tests are taken. Ultrasound is the most accurate detection of this disease, as well as the timing of its onset. Thanks to the examination, it is possible to accurately determine whether a tumor is benign or not. The possibility of a benign tumor becoming malignant depends on the timing of its detection. Every woman needs to make it a rule that she undergoes ultrasound regularly.

After examination and further diagnosis, the doctor makes a decision on the operability of the tumor. For this, the following indicators are available:

  • Uterine fibroids measure 6 cm and last for more than 12 weeks. This tumor size is life-threatening for the patient. Myoma nodes that are more than 12 weeks old must be urgently removed.
  • Consistently intense pain. This feature is typical for medium and large fibroids. The myomatous node leads to compression of nearby organs and also puts pressure on the rectum. Defecation is impaired, which can lead to intestinal inflammation and intoxication of the body.
  • Bleeding began. Basically, it is caused by fibroids for a period of 15 weeks or more.
  • Pregnancy planning. If a woman cannot become pregnant or bear a child, medium-sized fibroids are often the cause. Hormonal levels change during pregnancy, which leads to tumor growth and poses a threat to the baby.

If uterine fibroids are more than 12 weeks old and are located on the back wall of the uterus, this can cause premature birth. Oxygen starvation of the fetus may occur.

  • There is a risk of benign fibroids developing into malignant ones. This opportunity arises with the rapid growth of fibroids.

Small or medium fibroids can be treated without surgery, provided there are no complications. If the tumor is benign and even a few millimeters in size, you still should not relax and start treating it, because it may be located in a harmful area.

Tumor growth

To treat fibroids, it is important how quickly they grow. If within a year the uterus has enlarged to 5 weeks or more, then this tumor is progressing. Its growth is affected by hormonal imbalance in the body. There are also the following reasons for the rapid development of this disease:

  • a woman has not given birth until she is 30 years old
  • gynecological pathologies
  • sufficient number of abortions
  • taking hormonal drugs
  • long-term influence of ultraviolet radiation on the body.

Sometimes uterine fibroids grow to enormous sizes, the weight can be about 5 kg and 40 cm in diameter. This resembles late pregnancy.

The effect of fibroid size on pregnancy

With small or medium-sized fibroids, pregnancy can proceed normally. If the tumor is large, then pregnancy, as well as bearing a child, is not possible. Conception does not even occur due to the fact that the nodes block the fallopian tubes.

If a woman finds out during pregnancy that she has a large fibroid, complications may arise during childbirth. This may include bleeding, infections of internal organs, as well as unforeseen situations.

The most serious are fibroids located in the vagina. It causes infertility, as well as spontaneous miscarriages. If pregnancy occurs due to a benign tumor, then the patient is constantly under the supervision of doctors to prevent miscarriage. If the growth of the fibroid node increases rapidly, then the pregnancy must be terminated.

In some pregnant women, myomatous nodes stop growing altogether, in 10% it decreases, and only in 20% can it begin to grow at a progressive rate.

Removal of fibroids

An ultrasound examination revealed that the nodes were enlarged; the doctor ordered a full examination of the patient to begin with. Then the operation is performed. There are the following types of surgical intervention: laparoscopy, laparotomy, strip surgery, hysteroscopy, hysterectomy.

Removal of fibroids 8 weeks. If the tumor begins to grow and has grown from a small to a medium stage and corresponds to a period of 8-9 weeks, it is recommended to undergo surgery. The type of operation used here is laparoscopy. This is the removal of fibroids through incisions made in the abdomen. After such an operation, there are no scars. The postoperative period lasts about two weeks.

For hard-to-reach and large nodes, hysteroscopy is done - making incisions through the vagina.

Removal of fibroids 10 weeks. You cannot delay removal. The operation is performed through an incision in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. This rather serious operation to remove a benign tumor is called laparotomy. After it, a long rehabilitation is required.

Removal of fibroids 12 weeks. When a tumor of this size is diagnosed, surgery is performed immediately. As a last resort, hysterectomy is used - complete removal of the uterus. This operation is performed if no treatment is no longer effective. The rehabilitation period is about 2 months.

In case of a complex case, as well as widespread foci of the disease, a strip operation is performed.

Complete removal of the uterus for fibroids

The entire reproductive organ can be removed: if the size of the tumor has reached unacceptable levels, also if removal of the nodes is not possible. The main indicators for this are:

  • late detected formation of nodes,
  • uterine prolapse,
  • prolonged blood loss,
  • suspicion of a malignant tumor,
  • increasing anemia.

Rehabilitation after removal

To quickly return to your normal lifestyle, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eliminate stress on the stomach, but try to move more;
  • avoid constipation;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • Eliminate stress, which often leads to hormonal changes.

To plan a pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

Take medications to restore the functioning of the uterus. Also, if you have any unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor.

Every woman should regularly visit her gynecologist and monitor her reproductive system.

Cervical fibroids are a benign tumor that prevents the onset and gestation of pregnancy, causing an imbalance in a woman’s body and accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. This disease affects women of childbearing age after 30 years. The main danger of cervical fibroids is that at first the disease does not manifest itself and does not bother the woman. But in an advanced state, it threatens to remove the tumor along with the uterus. In this article we will look at the main symptoms of cervical fibroids and treatment methods.

Causes of fibroids

The main cause of cervical fibroids is a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body.

The appearance of fibroids can be provoked by previous abortions, hereditary predisposition, prolonged stress, physical activity, as well as inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs.

Both women who have given birth and women who have not given birth are equally susceptible to the disease. The tumor can appear both outside and inside the muscular layer of the uterus. Unpleasant sensations and ailments in a woman usually appear as the fibroids increase in size.


In many cases, cervical fibroids in the initial stages may be asymptomatic and not bother the woman.

The most common symptoms observed in women with this disease:

  • Aching pain in the pelvic region, lower back and lower abdomen.
  • Bloody discharge, bleeding not associated with menstruation.
  • Unpleasant pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Enlarged abdomen with enlarged fibroids.
  • Painful urination.
  • Infertility. Very often, an enlarged tumor compresses the cervix, preventing the natural penetration of sperm from the vagina. Sometimes conception occurs, but the pregnancy is jeopardized.


A doctor can diagnose fibroids already during the initial examination using palpation and examination using a vaginal speculum. It will not be difficult for a specialist to identify the disease, since with fibroids the uterus increases in size as during pregnancy.

To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe timely effective treatment, the gynecologist prescribes special tests and studies - laboratory tests of blood and urine, smear, MRI of the pelvis, histological studies.

Diagnostics using ultrasound determines the exact location of the fibroid and its size. Ultrasound can be performed transvaginally or through the abdominal wall. The transvaginal method is the most accurate and allows you to obtain detailed information about the condition of the woman’s internal genital organs.

Using a cytological examination of smears from the surface of the cervix, the presence of cancer cells is detected to determine the type of tumor.

Timely detection of the disease in the initial stages in almost all cases guarantees a cure and avoids the need to remove the uterus.


To treat cervical fibroids, conservative therapy and surgical removal are used. The choice of treatment method depends on the size of the fibroid and the effect it has on the woman’s body. In some cases, fibroids do not require emergency treatment. For a long time, if the fibroid does not increase or interfere, the doctor simply observes the woman.

Conservative treatment

When treated with conservative methods, a woman is prescribed medications to stabilize hormonal levels and a complex of vitamin therapy. With the help of drug treatment, in most cases it is possible to stop the growth of the tumor and avoid surgery.

Surgical intervention

If the fibroid grows rapidly and cannot be cured with hormonal drugs, the doctor prescribes a radical method of treating cervical fibroids - a surgical operation through which the tumor node is removed. In some cases, when the fibroid reaches a large size and affects the normal functioning of internal organs, it is removed along with the uterus. If you refuse surgery when your fibroid is growing strongly, a woman is at risk of a benign tumor turning into a malignant one.

Cervical fibroids are removed with special instruments and different methods, depending on the doctor’s indications and the size of the tumor:

  • Myomectomy performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the tumor is removed along with a small part of the uterus. The woman remains capable of bearing a pregnancy under medical supervision. The operation is performed vaginally, hysteroscopically, by laparoscopy or laparotomy. The downside of this procedure is the high risk of new tumors.
  • Hystrectomy It is performed under general anesthesia in women with special indications or at the age of menopause. During surgery, the tumor is removed along with the uterus using laparoscopy, laparotomy or vaginally. The downside of the operation is the likelihood of hormonal disruptions after removal of the uterus.
  • Uterine artery embolization preserves the uterus by cutting off the blood supply to the fibroid, due to which the size of the tumor gradually decreases. Embolization is the safest and most effective treatment for cervical fibroids.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor determines the size of the fibroid, its growth rate and the overall effect on the woman’s body. The age of the woman is also important; those who have not given birth or are planning a pregnancy are prescribed medicinal treatment with hormonal drugs. Women during menopause are more often prescribed surgery to avoid the risk of new tumor formations.

Most women are very frightened by the diagnosis of cervical fibroids. Women believe that after removal of fibroids they will quickly grow old and will no longer be able to enjoy sex life or experience sexual desire. This is wrong. Removal of the uterus will not bring any particular discomfort. After the operation, the woman will remain absolutely healthy, except that she will not be able to get pregnant and give birth to a child. Surgery to remove fibroids along with the uterus reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.

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Uterine fibroids at 7 weeks refer to neoplasms of the female reproductive system, namely the uterus, and are classified as a benign tumor of medium size (the size of the uterus with fibroids at 7 weeks corresponds to 2-3 centimeters). Depending on the histological structure of these tumors, they can be myomas, fibroids or fibromyomas. In fibroids, muscle fibers predominate, while in fibroids, connective tissue fibers predominate. And fibroids contain both muscle and connective tissue fibers.

The pathogenesis of these neoplasms has not been fully studied; there are several theories of the occurrence of myomatous formations, and each individually has the right to exist.

The picture of this pathological condition may be erased, have minor clinical manifestations, or be completely asymptomatic. Such neoplasms located subserousally may not give any clinical symptoms, since their size is not large enough to put strong pressure on adjacent organs. Intramurally located myomatous nodes can cause algodismenorrhea - painful menstruation. The only localization of benign neoplasms of the uterus, which at such sizes can give obvious symptoms, is submucosal myomatous nodes. They can cause pain of varying intensity: from a slight feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen to quite noticeable pulling, stabbing pain. Also, these neoplasms can cause heavy menstruation, the amount of blood released can reach the borderline level of bleeding. Another quite pronounced symptom of these fibroids is the presence of infertility in a married couple when it is impossible to get pregnant within one year without using contraception. These seemingly insignificant nodes, located submucosally, that is, growing into the uterine cavity, deform it, interfere with the normal process of implantation of the blastocyst, thereby causing symptoms of lack of pregnancy. Nodes located in the cervix or isthmus of the uterus block the cervical canal and prevent sperm from penetrating into the uterus and then fertilizing the egg.

Therefore, timely seeking medical help can solve a woman’s problems with minimal losses.

If pregnancy does occur, then such neoplasms can cause spontaneous miscarriages, threats of termination of pregnancy, threats of premature birth, and fetoplacental dysfunction. The danger of myomatous formations during pregnancy also remains very real. In this interesting position, the nodes, located subserosally on a thin stalk, have a tendency to torsion and their further necrosis, the nutrition of these tumors may also be disrupted, dynamic monitoring of uterine fibroids during pregnancy should be carried out using an ultrasound machine with a Doppler sensor to measure blood flow in the data education.

Diagnosis of tumors of this size is not difficult. However, such nodes are more likely an accidental finding rather than a targeted search for a pathological process. During a gynecological examination, if the node is located subserosally and grows into the abdominal cavity in the area of ​​the uterine fundus, then the obstetrician-gynecologist during a bimanual examination can palpate the node on the surface of the uterus. An ultrasound examination will diagnose uterine fibroids without any difficulties; hysteroscopic diagnosis can also be used, which can lead to a treatment procedure.

Uterine fibroids 7-8 weeks: treatment

Treatment of uterine fibroids. In the treatment of such myomatous formations, the leading tactic is conservative therapy, which includes the use of combined oral contraceptives, which include both estrogen and progestogen drugs. The mechanism of their action is to balance hormonal levels and reduce the influence of estrogens on this tumor. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are widely used. If progesterone-dependent myomatous nodes are detected, this treatment may be ineffective. Antiprogesterone drugs such as Esmia are used, the mechanism of action of which is based on inhibiting the effect of progesterone on this tumor.

Nodules of this size respond well to conservative therapy.

Uterine fibroids 8 weeks: treatment

Uterine fibroids of 8-9 weeks require competent hormonal therapy, which should act in accordance with the pathogenetic mechanisms of its formation. If these conditions are met, then such neoplasms can be treated conservatively.

Uterine fibroids 9 weeks do I need surgery?

The approximate size of 9 weeks is 4 cm uterine fibroids, what to do with it? Such neoplasms also have a chance of being cured using conservative methods of therapy.

Uterine fibroids 7 cm, what to do?

Uterine fibroids with dimensions in weeks and centimeters equal to 7 are already large fibroids and require mandatory surgical treatment, while in the case of a diagnosis of uterine fibroids of 5 cm (treatment or surgery), non-surgical treatment is preferable.

As you can see, a slight delay in the diagnosis and treatment of such pathological conditions of the uterus can radically change treatment tactics. Just a few centimeters separate the fibroid, which can still be treated conservatively, from the tumor that needs to be operated on.

If any alarming symptoms appear, immediately contact your doctor to receive competent advice and timely treatment.

Many women, having once come for a preventive examination to a gynecologist, unexpectedly find out that they have. The reaction is usually the same: “How? Where? Nothing hurt me!.. And what should I do now?” For some women, misconceptions about this disease plunge them into difficult experiences, worry and anxiety. Sleep and appetite disappear, and the treacherous imagination draws terrible pictures. Let's try to figure out what it is myoma(from Greek mys, myos - muscle) uterus.Myomas (or fibroids) of the uterus - These are benign tumors from elements of muscle and connective tissue. The tumor first appears between the muscle fibers, then, depending on the direction of growth, the nodes develop in the thickness of the uterine wall, grow towards the abdominal cavity or towards the mucous membrane of the uterus. A capsule of muscle and connective tissue of the uterine wall is formed around the myomatous node.

Uterine fibroids occur, usually during puberty. Fertility is reduced. Patients either suffer from infertility or have had previous pregnancies that ended in miscarriages. Clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids depend on its anatomical state. Tumors growing towards the abdominal cavity, usually small in size, often do not cause any distress in women and do not affect menstrual function. A large number of patients, even with a significant tumor size, do not have any symptoms of the disease, but sometimes they appear quite early. There are several options for its location. Myoma may be located inside the uterus or on the outside under the membrane that separates the uterus from the rest of the abdominal organs. It also occurs in the thickness of the muscular wall of the uterus. It happens that myoma grows on a thin base connecting it to the wall. Doctors determine the size of the tumor in the same way as during pregnancy the size of the uterus: 5-6 weeks, 7-8 weeks, etc.

Previously it was believed that it occurs in 30% of women over 35 years of age. Currently, experts are inclined to believe that this disease is found in more than 80% of women, but in many it is asymptomatic.


There are many possible causes of this tumor. It is difficult to say which of them is the most likely. Factors that provoke the occurrence and development of uterine fibroids include: Hormonal disorders. More precisely, the level of female sex hormones (estrogens) in the body of a young woman is too high. Yes! Exactly young! That is why this disease appears only during childbearing age. And during menopause, fibroids can disappear without a trace due to a sharp decrease in the level of estrogen hormones.

Overweight. Thin women are much less susceptible to the disease than women weighing more than 70 kg. This is explained by the fact that subcutaneous fatty tissue has the ability to convert androgens (a group of male hormones) into estrogens, which significantly increases their amount in the body.

Damage to the uterus. Traumatic childbirth, curettage, uterine surgery, abortion and long-term inflammatory processes of the reproductive system - all this already causes enormous damage to a woman’s health, and in the future can also provoke the appearance of fibroids.

Heredity. Many experts believe that a predisposition to uterine fibroids can be inherited. If a mother has uterine fibroids, then there is a high probability of detecting this disease in her daughter. Therefore, for those who know about their bad heredity, experts recommend visiting a gynecologist at least 2 times a year.

Sexual dissatisfaction. During arousal, a large amount of blood flows to the pelvic organs. If you have difficulty having an orgasm, the blood outflow does not occur immediately. The blood stagnates, causing prolonged vascular tension. Consequently, if a woman does not experience orgasm over and over again, year after year, this can provoke a hormonal imbalance in the body and uterine fibroids.

Number of menstruation. Some experts attribute the increase in the number of diseases to the fact that women are having fewer children. Nature intends for us to give birth and breastfeed more often than happens in modern life. Accordingly, menstruation would occur less often, and the load on the uterus would be less. Today, women, as a rule, calm down with one or two babies and stop breastfeeding after six months. And every period is stress for the uterus. The body cannot cope, and a tumor appears.


Myoma- This is a benign tumor that degenerates into malignant extremely rarely. According to statistics, this happens in only 1% of all sick women.

Myoma located near the fallopian tubes or on the inner wall of the uterus, greatly reduces the chance of getting pregnant. It prevents the embryo from settling in the uterine cavity. If pregnancy does occur, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases, since the tumor takes up a lot of space and interferes with the normal development of the fetus. In this case, the woman is under the close attention of gynecologists throughout her pregnancy.

When a woman leaves the tumor uncontrolled and it begins to grow, there is a high probability of losing the uterus. The uterus is necessary not only for bearing offspring. It is connected to the entire reproductive system of a woman. Removal of the uterus can result in such serious consequences as breast cancer and serious problems with the thyroid gland.


It's no secret that any disease that is detected in time is much easier to treat than if it is neglected. However, at an early stage of development, fibroids practically do not show themselves at all, or the symptoms are smoothed out. But there are still some warning signs in which you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

You can suspect the presence of uterine fibroids based on the following symptoms:

Painful menstruation with heavy discharge. This suggests that as the tumor develops, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract less and less. You should also be wary if your periods begin to last longer than usual. Due to prolonged and heavy bleeding, the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells may decrease (anemia). As a result, headache, pallor, weakness, dizziness.

Aching pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. Myoma does not cause any discomfort at an early stage, but when it reaches a large size, the pain is sudden and sharp. Pain may occur during sexual intercourse. The pain syndrome is caused by the tension of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, stretching of its walls, as well as the pressure of the growing tumor on surrounding organs.

Bloody discharge between periods and cycle failure. Under the influence of estrogens, hyperplasia (enlargement of the layer) of the endometrium occurs, which causes spotting or even bleeding. Irregular bleeding is often caused by concomitant ovarian dysfunction. Chronic anemia associated with constant blood loss causes disruption of the cardiovascular system, dizziness, shortness of breath, general weakness, palpitations, fatigue, and decreased performance. The skin becomes pale yellow, visible mucous membranes become pale, the face becomes puffy, swelling is detected in the lower extremities, the pulse quickens, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, the number of red blood cells decreases, and their immature forms appear.

Increase in abdominal circumference without weight gain. When the stomach begins to grow sharply, and the rest of the body remains in the same pore, this means that the tumor is progressing, and quite quickly. Fortunately, this doesn't happen very often. However, this is a very alarming symptom! You should consult a doctor immediately! And it would be considered an even greater success if it really is a fibroid, because rapid growth always raises suspicion of cancer.

Malfunction of other organs. You may experience: pain in the heart area, hot flashes, headaches, constipation or increased urination. Increasing in size, fibroids begin to put pressure on neighboring organs, complicating their full functioning. Compression of neighboring organs depends on the location and direction of growth of the nodes. Nodes emanating from the anterior wall of the uterus put pressure on the bladder and cause various urinary disorders. Sometimes tumors compress the ureters with subsequent development of kidney complications. Pressure on the rectum disrupts the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fibroids, as a rule, grows slowly. A rapid increase in tumor in some cases may be a sign of a malignant process (uterine sarcoma). Therefore, it is important to consult a gynecologist at the first signs of the disease to rule out cancer.

During the growth of a tumor, complications may arise: torsion of the tumor stalk, necrosis and infection of nodes, malignant degeneration, acute bleeding, in which the general condition of patients worsens, and clinical symptoms corresponding to the complication appear, which often requires emergency care in a hospital.

The doctor performs a two-hand examination of the uterus, an X-ray examination of the uterus with appendages, a histological examination of scrapings of the uterine mucosa, and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. In unclear cases, to establish an accurate diagnosis, computed tomography examination, instrumental and endoscopic examination of the uterus are prescribed.


First of all, to avoid any unpleasant surprises, you need at least . If there is a suspicion of uterine fibroids, the first step is an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound is necessary to find out what size the tumor is, where it is located, and whether there is only one there (there are several at once). The method of treatment will depend on the results of the ultrasound.

If the fibroid size is less than 12 weeks of pregnancy and does not progress in growth, then conservative, i.e., non-surgical, treatment is most often prescribed. Its main goal is to curb tumor growth through diet therapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, taking vitamins and hormonal medications. Some experts even recommend that if fibroids grow slightly (no more than 1 cm in 3 months), wait until menopause.

Women with so-called asymptomatic fibroids uteruses and small fibroids (less than 12 weeks of pregnancy) require dispensary observation by a gynecologist (examination once every 3 months).

A woman's daily diet should consist of protein foods with a limited amount of fats and carbohydrates. Daily consumption of freshly squeezed juices of carrots, beets, apples, plums, and apricots is encouraged. It is necessary to include foods rich in iodine in the diet: seaweed, shrimp, iodized salt, etc. Foods rich in B vitamins, such as sunflower or soybean oil, will also be useful.

Complex vitamin therapy is required (certain vitamins should be taken at different phases of the cycle).

In herbal medicine, the doctor can prescribe various preparations that have an immunomodulatory effect and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system.

At home with uterine fibroids Various phytotherapeutic agents can be used. For example, fresh shepherd's purse juice, which is drunk 1 tbsp., has a very good effect. l. 3 times a day.

Use a decoction of wild strawberries, collected during flowering with roots, flowers and leaves, as follows: 5 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 liter of water, boil for 5-6 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, take 1 glass 3 times a day.

Physiotherapeutic procedures often include radon and iodine-bromine baths, vaginal irrigation, and electrophoresis.

To all of the above, treatment with hormonal drugs can also be added. But their purpose is individual in each case.

Currently, there are 2 methods of treating patients with uterine fibroids: conservative and surgical , and each of them has its own indications and contraindications. Patients with small (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy) dense fibroids located in the thickness of the uterine wall, accompanied by minor bleeding of the cyclic type, as well as those women who have small, so-called asymptomatic tumors, are subject to conservative treatment. In some cases, conservative drug therapy is carried out when patients refuse surgery.

If the size of the fibroids is more than 12 weeks of pregnancy, while its active growth is observed or myoma combined with other diseases of the uterus or appendages, most often surgical treatment is required. A woman can also be operated on if the tumor seriously impairs the functions of neighboring organs or if anemia progresses due to bleeding.

The extent of surgical intervention varies. Indicators such as the patient’s age and general physical health, the condition of the cervix, ovaries and endometrium (uterine mucosa), and the desire to have a child are taken into account. For a nulliparous woman, surgical intervention will be as minimal as possible. In this case, they try to do curettage using the traditional method (as with an abortion or some types of diagnostics). If a woman is no longer going to give birth, and the fibroids progress very quickly (by 4 or more weeks a year), then the uterus is definitely removed.

Purpose of surgical treatment - radical removal of a tumor or affected organ - the uterus (in whole or in part).

Operations regarding uterine fibroids carried out on an emergency and planned basis. Emergency operations are required for bleeding associated with a danger to the patient’s life, re-recruitment of the pedicle of the myomatous node, necrosis or suppuration of the myomatous node, or a nascent submucosal node. In other situations, operations are planned.

Surgical treatment is prescribed in the following situations:

  1. With heavy, prolonged menstruation or irregular bleeding leading to the development of anemia.
  2. With large tumor sizes (over 14 weeks of pregnancy) even in the absence of complaints.
  3. With intensive growth of the tumor to the size of pregnancy 12-13 weeks.
  4. In case of necrosis of the myomatous node due to malnutrition of the tumor.
  5. With submucosal uterine fibroids. Such fibroids cause heavy bleeding, leading to sudden blood loss.
  6. When uterine fibroids are combined with other pathological changes in the genital organs: progressive endometriosis, ovarian tumor, uterine prolapse.
  7. For infertility.

However, there are some contraindications:

  1. General serious condition and sudden blood loss.
  2. Recurrence of fibroids.
  3. Woman's age. If it does not allow one to count on the preservation of reproductive function, then conservative surgery is not indicated.
  4. Concomitant inflammatory process in the pelvis.
  5. Malignant tumor.

At the age of over 45 years, surgical removal of the uterus is indicated - the so-called supravaginal amputation, or extirpation of the uterus with appendages(for pathological changes in the cervix). In women under 45 years of age, appendages are not removed if there are no pathological changes in them. In addition, a histological examination of the removed formations for the presence of malignant tumors must be carried out.

Forecast after removal uterine fibroids favorable. After conservative surgical treatment, patients need clinical observation for timely detection of tumor recurrences. In addition, cancer may develop in the remaining part of the organ. After removal of the entire uterus, the function of the preserved ovaries often declines. Therefore, it is very important to see a gynecologist regularly after surgery.

Embolization of the uterine arteries. This method of treating uterine fibroids began to be used only in the 90s of the last century. Its essence is to block blood flow through the uterine arteries to the fibroids. Through a catheter, microscopic particles of an embolization drug are injected into the uterine arteries, which clog the vessels that supply the fibroid with blood. Many experts believe that this is the safest and most effective organ-preserving treatment method. However, today this is a rather expensive procedure.

So, uterine fibroids are not a death sentence. It is treatable if diagnosed in the early stages of development. Although, of course, it is much better to prevent its appearance. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, prevention of abortion, diseases of the genitourinary system and long-term breastfeeding will help. Visiting a gynecologist at least twice a year is not a formality, but a necessity associated with the timely identification of risk factors for many diseases.