Mutants. Walkthrough of STALKER: Call of Pripyat - Zaton, Jupiter, Pripyat and additional tasks Mutants stalker call of Pripyat


These creatures, apparently, were once human, although it is difficult to imagine what conditions could bring a person to such a state.

Snorks are crazy creatures leading a completely animal lifestyle, essentially differing little from the predatory monsters of the Zone. They move on all fours, jumping above the ground and constantly sniffing it to catch the scent of the prey. They hunt carefully and prudently, lying in wait for stalkers like predatory animals. Lightning-fast reflexes and hypertrophied muscles allow snorks to make long, precise jumps and tear their prey to shreds in a few seconds.

Some individuals retain details of army uniforms or individual pieces of equipment, which suggests they may have been missing military stalkers.


In fact, these animals are not related to the well-known jerboas, although they are very similar to them.

It is not yet possible to indicate the species from which the jerboas of the Zone originated; one can only say that their ancestors were pack animals, most likely rodents. Reaching up to 40 centimeters at the withers, they are much more mobile, aggressive and voracious than the desert animal.

They live mainly in dungeons and destroyed buildings, feeding on everything they can find - from plants to unwary stalkers. Sometimes even large animals and mutants become victims of jerboas: attacking in a large flock, they can easily tear apart any creature that does not have time to escape.


A semi-legendary monster - seasoned stalkers describe it as a tall, stooped humanoid with many tentacles in place of its mouth. According to them, this creature feeds with the help of tentacles: digging them into the neck of a living victim, it paralyzes its prey and sucks its blood; After such a procedure, all that remains of a person is a dried, mummy-like shell. The most amazing thing about the bloodsucker is his ability to become invisible.

Apparently, these creatures are responsible for the death of a large number of stalkers. Few of the eyewitnesses survived - and, judging by the stories of these lucky ones, bloodsuckers prefer damp places like swamps and dungeons to live.

Despite the name, pseudodogs did not originate from dogs, but from wolves. The wild animals that lived in the forests of the Zone at the time of the disaster became the ancestors of one of the most dangerous species of mutants.

Pseudo-dogs are as different from mutated dogs as wild wolves are different from mongrels. These creatures are territorial and will violently attack anyone who invades their domain.

Lightning-fast reactions, incredible mobility and sharp teeth make the pseudo-dog a very serious opponent, against whom even a large mutant or a well-armed stalker is hard to resist.


A large animal, reaching one and a half meters at the withers. With its vitality and aggressiveness, this animal is superior to its relatives outside the Zone and is not inferior to most mutants.

Mutagenic processes caused by the effects of radiation and anomalies significantly affected the appearance of these mammals: in some places the latter became bald, and in others, on the contrary, they were overgrown with very long, coarse hair. The hooves of the animals changed their shape and became sharper, acquiring some resemblance to claws; the pupils became discolored, pigmentation spots and deep wrinkles appeared on the bald head.

The boars of the Zone tolerate radiation well, which allows them to stay in heavily contaminated areas for a long time. Typically, these animals attack from a running start, trying to rip open the victim's stomach with their fangs or knock it down.


Domestic pigs that found themselves in the Zone, like many other living organisms, underwent severe mutation. Since the genes that control metabolic processes were affected, the animal's phenotype changed dramatically.

The mutated pig, which stalkers call “flesh”, is one of the most obvious examples of the Zone’s abuse of nature. These creatures developed a scaly-bone protective cover, the body's ability to regenerate significantly increased, and the nervous system became more complex.

Like an ordinary pig, the “flesh” is omnivorous, therefore, being hungry, it may well attack the stalker.


Truly supernatural invisible creatures found only in the depths of the Zone; They usually live inside dilapidated buildings. Nothing is known for certain about its origin; There is a legend that these are the spirits of stalkers caught in a powerful surge.

The mechanism of manifestation of these invisible people really corresponds to the legends about poltergeists (hence the name) and is diverse: from periodic howling and laughter to dangerous fireballs appearing out of nowhere.

Unfortunately, all information about this phenomenon is drawn from vague and rather contradictory stories, the veracity of which is questionable.


Controls zombies from a distance, forcing them to attack stalkers. He tries to move in such a way as to constantly keep the enemy in sight, so he climbs onto hills, roofs and trees.

Checkpoint under control

...The controller who had sneaked in sat down in the checkpoint he had taken control of. At first glance, the checkpoint looks as if everything is happening normally, zombified soldiers communicate via walkie-talkie, communicate with each other, move around the base, but if you look closely, you can notice the stiffness and abnormality of movements, facial expressions and phrases that they pronounce (they endlessly repeat one thing and the same, etc.). If you get closer, you can see the eaten corpse of a soldier lying in the corner of the courtyard...


The pseudo-giant is a healthy, but very stupid comrade. He is unusually aggressive and strong, but his stupidity and clumsiness can play into his hands when fighting him. The advantages of this monster also include its very durable skin, which makes shooting it extremely problematic. In the absence of a player with good weapons, the best tactic against the pseudo-giant is the battle cry “Palundraaaaa!” and passing the standard for a hundred meters to the nearest room with a narrow entrance.

...The stalker carefully backed away. The light of the flashlight snatched the huge and ugly face of the Pseudo-giant from the darkness of the night. Sometimes a sharp grunting, flavored with a wild roar, came from his mouth. The flashlight went out, Stalker stopped for a second and shook it. The light that came back on illuminated the monster prepared to attack. The stalker pulled out a pistol and fired three bullets at the mutant. But despite this, the monster still dealt a fatal blow...
Detailed Description:

Domestic pigs that found themselves in the Zone, like many other living organisms, underwent severe mutation. Since the genes that control metabolic processes were affected, the animal's phenotype changed dramatically. The mutated pig, which stalkers call “flesh”, is one of the most obvious examples of the Zone’s abuse of nature. These creatures developed a scaly-bone protective cover, the body's ability to regenerate significantly increased, and the nervous system became more complex. Like an ordinary pig, the “flesh” is omnivorous, therefore, being hungry, it may well attack the stalker.


Pigs also underwent mutations, as did all other organisms in the Zone.
The new environmental situation is characterized by increased activity of new environmental factors, including numerous mutagenic factors.
Acting in a complex manner, physical, chemical, biological, and anomalous mutagenic factors lead to new types of mutations that affect all levels of organization of the hereditary material of organisms - DNA. Activity in different parts of the zone
Some factors vary, as a result we can observe a wide variety
manifestations of the mutation process. One of the most striking examples is the “flesh”-mutated domestic pig (Sus Domestica, hereinafter simply SD). We can be sure
say that the genetic information of a given organism has been significantly altered
influence of mutagens. Genes that control basic life processes and
metabolic pathways, from which the phenotype of the animal has changed greatly. Existence itself
this mutant is a great miracle, since most mutations are fatal.
Here we can observe a whole ensemble of mutations that are not only not harmful,
but on the contrary, they seem to be positive or neutral. But, despite significant phenotypic
changes can still be judged about the affinity between the mutant and the progenitor.


Compacted and characterized by the presence of several additional layers
modified epidermis. In transverse microsections, an additional layer of cells is clearly visible. A strongly thickened stratum lucidum and keratinizing layer indicates an increased reproductive potential of epithelial cells. Also in the micrographs, undifferentiated epithelial cells are clearly visible. This may explain the regenerative capabilities of the skin of these mutants. I would especially like to note that the structure of keratin - the main building protein - has noticeably changed - its mechanical parameters have increased. In the surface layers, inclusions of bone tissue are clearly visible - peculiar plates. Their function is rather protective.
The tissues on the limbs have also changed: gradually the relatively soft tissue of the hooves is replaced by bone tissue. The cloven hooves are now represented by a single long bony growth, which the mutant can use to attack.


New environmental conditions significantly affected the development of bone tissue in diabetic patients.
Due to changes in the nature of movement and the method of obtaining food, one can observe a correspondence of structure and functions both in the skeleton and in the entire body. The bones became thick and heavy, the bone marrow content increased due to the constant regeneration of cells damaged by radiation - active red bone marrow is the most powerful source of blood stem cells. The structure of the skeleton also began to correspond to the new conditions of movement and hunting. However, the body weight is large enough for fast and long movement, so the “flesh” is forced to rest often. Muscle tissue, as one of the most resistant to the mutagenic effects of radiation, has changed little. Perhaps the only thing that can be noted is the increased number of calcium channels on the membranes of myocytes, apparently this associated with a more active lifestyle that requires frequent and high powerful loads on the muscles. It is known that Ca2+ ions are responsible for muscle contractions.
The animal's skull has changed in the most interesting way. Immediately catches your eye
sharply changed ratio of the brain and facial parts. The brain section increased in size relative to the facial part, which is typical for more highly developed life forms.
Also, the shape, number and arrangement of teeth now resembles more the representatives of the order of primates than artiodactyls. The evolutionary significance of these changes still remains a mystery, since the structure of the oral apparatus and the nature of nutrition do not correspond to the clearly predatory lifestyle of the “flesh”.


No visible changes were found in the anatomy of the digestive system. Although no
the stomach has become more plastic since irregular feeding and rare cases of pickings have adapted the stomach of the “flesh” to irregular and often strong stretching - as a relatively weak creature in the zone, when eating prey, the “flesh” tries to get enough faster before the smell
more terrible predators have arrived (I have no idea what else is there besides bloodsuckers: o))
Like DM, the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of the “flesh” has retained all the main sections:
preoral cavity, sweat cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
large intestine, ass!: o) Mouthparts typical for a ruminant - absent
“carnivorous” teeth, fangs are underdeveloped (or rather, developed like those of ruminants).
Regarding physiology, it should be noted that with changes in the nature of nutrition,
And some features in digestion. In connection with the transition to food of animal origin, P.'s enzyme systems have become more universal. Internal environment of the gastrointestinal tract
became aggressive, the level of acidity in the stomach increased. A powerful detoxification apparatus has also developed in the liver - as an adaptation mechanism to the frequent consumption of carrion as food. P's hidden genetic resources allow her to produce new enzymes for the breakdown of tsadaverine and putrescine - cadaveric poisons (protein decomposition products).

Nervous system

Anatomically, the nervous system has changed slightly, but its physiology has acquired a somewhat different appearance from the previous one. In anatomical terms, one can note a slight increase in the subcortical nuclei of the gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres. Now the relative volume of the brain has become larger, and the anatomical structure has become more perfect, that is, it has become phylogenetically closer to relatively more evolutionarily advanced species. But the main changes can be noted at the cellular level: the shape of the neurons has changed little, but the number of nerve processes of the dendrites has increased (and most importantly (!) there are two axons - there is always one axon!!! I don’t know if this should be written - pure fiction!: o) ) It is logical to assume that such changes contribute to an increase in the “conductivity” of the nervous system. On the encephalograms of experimental specimens of “flesh”, signs of increased activity are visible in the frontal lobes of the brain, in the centers responsible for thinking and communication (Speech centers are located in the frontal lobe of the brain, and since thinking also occurs verbally, the frontal lobe is also responsible for it).
It can be assumed that the “intellectual” level of animals has also changed, as far as one can even talk about intelligence in domestic pigs: o) Several new reflexes have arisen, which affected the behavior of these animals. The rate of development of conditioned reflexes has also increased, which means a high “adaptability” of the nervous system to new environmental conditions, and the ability to learn. Behavioral reactions have become much more diverse, which has changed the ethological structure of the “flesh” population in the zone.
There is also increased brain activity in the centers of vision and hearing. Like all wild animals, their “flesh” is also actively working.
It’s interesting that ……………(I’ll clarify later) - the structure responsible for synchronizing the movements of the eyeballs is absent in the “flesh”. The “flesh” can now rotate its eyes independently, like a chameleon. Or rather, with one eye. The second eye gradually decreases in size, and at first glance is reduced, but in fact this phenomenon is called “morpho-functional regression” - the body achieves biological progress by simplifying (reduction or complete atrophy for example) the structure. A typical example is the liver fluke (flatworm ), almost the weight of the body is occupied by the genitals, and it does not need the digestive system, it is reduced. Biological progress is ensured by the rapid pace of reproduction. So let’s return to the “flesh”. One of her eyes is underdeveloped. In fact, he is in the process of transformation. The structure is being simplified; gradually, along the edges of the retina, structural and functional units of the facet eye, such as we can observe in insects, appear. The significance of this “acquisition” is great:
Such (faceted) eyes capture polarized light. This means that an animal does not necessarily need to see the sun in order to orient itself in space. This navigation mechanism can still be
observe in bees - they can always find their way home even in cloudy or foggy conditions. Since one of the habitats of “flesh” is fog, this new type of eye allows it to use its advantage for orientation. The other eye is no less interesting because it now rotates independently, which allows you to survey the surroundings and at the same time move in a given direction.


Circumstances of the case. From the protocol for examining the corpse, drawn up on April 23, 1996. senior research worker... last name is illegible, the following is known: “R***V.V. 08/14/1960 the corpse of the creature was in the zone for quite a long time before it was discovered... The corpse lies on its left side, the right forelimb is extended in front, the left is on the ground, the right hind is bent at the knee joint. No visible signs of violent death were found on the corpse.” From the anatomical map issued by the research institute (no. not specified) in the name of V.V. Rodin, it is known... ...other information was not received at the time of the examination of the corpse.
External examination.... (there are no other clothes on the corpse: o) The corpse (individual) is male, correct
(as for a pig) build, moderate nutrition, body length 187 cm. The skin outside the cadaveric spots is grayish-brown in color and cold to the touch. Cadaveric spots on the face, neck, abdomen, inner thighs, on the legs are island-shaped blue-violet in color, on the back the cadaveric spots are more diffuse. Dirty green spots are visible in the iliac region. When pressed with a finger, the cadaveric spots do not turn pale. Muscle rigor is almost completely absent in all muscle groups. The head is ..... shaped, the hair is dark brown, the length of the stubble at the withers is up to 10 cm. The eyeballs are elastic, slight exophthalmos is observed, the pupils are 0.5 cm. The cartilage and bones of the snout are intact to the touch. The openings of the nose and ears are free and clean. Mouth closed. The mucous membrane of the vestibule of the mouth is bluish in color and shiny. The tongue protrudes beyond the line of the teeth. The visible teeth of the upper jaw are natural and intact. On the lower jaw, the first two teeth on the left are missing, the sockets are closed. A yellow-brown, mucous-colored liquid is released from the mouth. There is no damage to the skin of the neck. The chest is cylindrical, the abdomen is above the level of the costal arches. The external genitalia are formed correctly, according to the male type, there is no discharge from the urethra, brown parchment spots on the front surface of the scrotum. The anus is soiled with feces. The bones of the limbs are intact to the touch. Damage: above the manubrium of the sternum there is an oval abrasion measuring 0.3x0.4 cm, the crust over it is dry, protruding above the skin level. No other damage was found.

They say they are just an invention of the sick imagination of scientists and no one has yet been able to prove their existence in real life. But now, thanks to the group of stalker St. John's wort, irrefutable evidence has appeared - a photograph of the monster Burer. Luck and a happy accident allowed St. John's wort to stay alive and save photographs of the monster. So be vigilant and hold on tight to your machine guns, and before you go into the Zone, study information about the new monster in a special section of our website.

The result of genetic experiments conducted by intelligence services on criminals under a program for the development of telekinetic abilities in humans. A creature of a humanoid type, with exaggerated facial features, dressed in the remains of a worn-out uniform. He is afraid of bright light, so he lives only in dark and gloomy dungeons and caves. Feeds on corpses.

When attacking, it uses gravity: in close combat it throws the enemy back, and from a distance it is capable of levitating heavy objects. Exhausts the victim, can snatch weapons from their hands using a directed gravitational impulse.

The main thing in a fight against Burer is to be careful and not allow yourself to be exhausted. Move constantly, and without getting too close, shoot in the head.

Alarming news reached us from the base of the Freedom group; the inexplicable activity of pseudo-dogs forced all residents of the base, even the sick and wounded, to take up arms. We ask everyone who is close to the base to come to the aid of Svoboda residents if possible.

We remind you that the weakness of the pseudo-dog is that it usually attacks in a straight line, ignoring bullets flying in the face. A couple of long bursts will calm the mutant down.
The mutant wolf is very aggressive and dangerous, even alone. Sometimes pseudo-dogs hunt together with packs of blind dogs - they never attack each other. These creatures are territorial and will violently attack anyone who invades their domain.

Pseudodogs are extremely resilient and can pursue prey for a long time. They have excellent hearing and sense of smell. Northern pseudo-dogs have psionic abilities and can, upon approaching, damage the hero’s mind.

Lightning-fast reactions, incredible mobility and sharp teeth make the pseudo-dog a very serious opponent, against whom even a large mutant or a well-armed stalker is hard to resist.

These creatures, apparently, were once human, although it is difficult to imagine what conditions could bring a person to such a state.

Snorks- these are crazy creatures leading a completely animal lifestyle, essentially differing little from the predatory monsters of the Zone. They move on all fours, jumping above the ground and constantly sniffing it to catch the scent of the prey. They hunt carefully and prudently, lying in wait for stalkers like predatory animals. Lightning-fast reflexes and hypertrophied muscles allow snorkels to make long, precise jumps and tear their prey to shreds in a few seconds.

Some individuals retain details of army uniforms or individual pieces of equipment, which suggests they may have been missing military stalkers.

Genetic experiments by intelligence agencies on criminals have led to the emergence of a new species of mutants. The Controller is one of the most dangerous monsters in the Zone, as he has high telepathic abilities.

Attacks stalkers, scientists, military men - killing and eating body parts or leaving them zombified. Damage to the victim's brain is almost always irreversible. Animals (rats, small boars, flesh) are lured and killed for food.

Controls zombies from a distance, forcing them to attack stalkers. He tries to move in such a way as to constantly keep the enemy in sight, so he climbs onto hills, roofs and trees.

Dressed in the remnants of a black laboratory suit.

A half-human face with bulging black eyes, a hypertrophied forehead, pulsating ulcers-blisters in the temple area. Very careful. Can talk a little.

The best defense against the controller is the use of cover and grenades.

Author of the build: 3vtiger, 3fallout3 (working with smart points)
Model authors: Gresnik13rs, 3fallout3, 3vtiger, ed_rez, Samber13, One_ShoT, Domestos (texture of flesh) and others.

This pack contains some old developments on mutants, mainly for those who are far from independently adapting each model into the game. This pack will solve this problem for them.


  • Models were revised in MilkShape and smoothing was carried out if necessary.
  • Complete reconfiguration in SDK.
  • On top of the PYS mutants were added: Tark (own config), two mutants on the Deathclaw skeleton (Snakehead and Vaselisk), the Librarian and five models of civilian zombies.
  • The textures were also reviewed, without exception, sorted into folders, some were corrected, and unnecessary alpha channels were also removed.
  • Bumps have been added to all textures except eyes, mouth and others.
  • The configs have been revised and a variety of visuals have been added for PYS mutants, where their default config allowed it.
  • The configs of the added mutants have been corrected so that they can be defeated with the starting weapon. However, they still remain very dangerous enemies, especially up close.
  • The cat and kink configs are also included, but their models are missing. Made for those who want to add them themselves. I draw your attention to the fact that the configs will need to be edited, namely the lethality and damage to them.
  • Edit the relationships of mutants to each other yourself; of course, new mutants have been added to the “game_relations.ltx” file.
  • Old squads were corrected and new squads were created.
  • New mutants have also been added to spawn in three open locations. Smarts have been corrected in such a way that the spawn logic has not changed. New mutants will spawn randomly along with all existing PYS mutants, so there is a chance that you will not immediately see the added mutants.
  • “Lord of the Zone” contains all the new mutants and squads created - you can look at them in the game at any time.
  • Added sounds for the Librarian, Deathclaw, Yao-Gai, Thark and Zombie. Checked for settings in sound files (comments).
  • Work on the pack has been completed and no additions will be made to it. All manipulations to replace mutant models or add them are at your discretion.

Additional screenshots - .

Slideshow of screenshots:


  • Since some models have more polygons than standard 2K models and textures, freezes are observed in certain places, especially when any scripted events occur and a large number of mobs are concentrated in the visibility radius. At this moment, FPS may drop on weak machines.
  • For the test, the plot was completed until Cardan lost consciousness due to the Gaussian - no crashes were detected. When transitioning from locations, everything is also smooth. During the course of the story, the necessary edits to configs and spawn control were carried out.


Compatibility with other mods has not been tested. Theoretically: weapon modifications, mods that do not affect spawn, and mutant configs can be combined without adaptation.


In STALKER: Call of Pripyat, the main character differs from the protagonists of previous parts, as he is an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine. In order to find the crash sites of five Ukrainian army helicopters, Degtyarev works undercover, acting as an ordinary stalker with equipment familiar to the Zone.

Z aton: story missions

From the very beginning, open the map to assess your location. On your PDA, you will find that a map called Zaton has been dropped in the northeast.

Having opened the list of tasks, you can see five priority goals: search for Skat helicopters from numbers 1 to 5. Specifically in Zaton there are three broken helicopters, and each of them is marked on the map with a circle.

If you follow a straight path, bypassing the swamps, you will soon reach a detachment of stalkers. These guys won't attack you first, so don't be afraid of them. After a conversation with the leader, you will eventually become aware of the location of Skadovsk, a local bar set up in a broken barge.

Once in the Skadovsk bar, you can receive instructions from a wide variety of personalities. The orders of both bandits and stalkers will lead you to multiple swag and artifacts, and will confront you with various mutants and anomalies.

Initially, in order to bolster your financial situation, it makes sense to take on quests like Disappearance of Stalkers, Inaccessible Cache and Hit.

To find out about the latest rumors, buy food or sell unnecessary items, contact the bartender, nicknamed Beard. It is better to dump more valuable equipment with Sych, who is located on the top floor of the barge.

Huckster Sych sells guns, armor, gas masks and other useful items. If you have some cash, buy the Bear Detector from him, as it will make it easier for you to find artifacts. Finally, broken equipment can be restored by the mechanic Cardan, who sits not far from Sych.

On the way to the first helicopter, fight off the mutants or go around them so as not to waste ammunition. Soon you will reach the crash site of Skat-5, above and to the left of which there are several buildings, which are united by the common name Sawmill.

There are many opponents there - all kinds of zombies and ordinary bandits - on which you can practice shooting. In Call of Pripyat, the undead, by the way, are sometimes armed with cannons, from which they shoot quite well.

After some time, the Release will begin, about which you will be immediately warned by radio. Whatever business is holding you back now, run for cover as quickly as possible. If you were near Skat-5, then the marker on the map will stop at the nearest pipe near the swamp, where you will have to sit down.


In a place called Swamp, you will find swamps of acid, behind which lies the first of the helicopters you need. Without special equipment, don’t even think about getting into the quagmire - it’s better to just go around it.

After inspecting the fallen car, Degtyarev will find out that all the electronics in it are out of order. From here a new goal will appear - to find out the cause of the electronics failure, but you will begin this task later (located in another location). Now it makes sense to get to Skat-2.

Advice. Look in the area behind the tail of the helicopter to find a couple of supply crates. Here, nearby in the swamps, there is an artifact that moves above the water in the form of a clot of energy. Use a detector whose signal will help you determine the exact location of this jewel and catch it.


You will find the next helicopter at the bottom and left of the Zaton location, in a place called the Iron Forest. Having reached the fence, you will see a power line, as well as a directly fallen car and a poltergeist - an electric flying ghost.

The difficulty in fighting the latter lies in its agility, so you need to find the poltergeist sphere as quickly as possible and fire a burst of weapons at it.

Near the turntable you will find electrical anomalies that you should avoid. There will also definitely be an artifact among them. After finishing the battle, get to the helicopter and examine it. Degtyarev will discover the card, after which you will receive a new task - to sell the card.

You will find the buyer in Skadovsk - he will be a man named Pilot, located in the main hall. As a reward for the card, he will give you a discount on escorting to the Jupiter location (one thousand instead of three).

Stalkers will tell you that this particular pinwheel has fallen onto a plateau that cannot be reached blindly. There is a secret path that only one person can lead you along - Noah.

Stalker Noah is located in his own Stroy barge, which is just below the bar. When you knock on his hut, he will shoot back, so after knocking you should quickly step aside. Further, Noah will not shoot and will agree to a conversation.

After agreeing on an escort, go to the plateau, and then, together with your guide, to the Burnt Farm anomaly. Noah will run along a special path between the anomalies and jump into the portal - repeat his actions exactly, without leaving the distance.

If you forget the path, use the bolts that you need to throw in front of you to find anomalies.

You'll eventually end up on the Southern Plateau and can explore the machine. There will be no corpses inside, so you will have to inspect the likely evacuation points.

Point "B2"

First, get to Skadovsk to find out more information about the military from Boroda. It turns out that there were no warriors here, so this point disappears.

This concludes the story quests in the Zaton location. The next stop is Jupiter, where the Pilot can accompany you.

Z aton: secondary tasks

Disappearance of stalkers

In the Skadovsk bar, talk to Capercaillie to receive this task. The man will ask you to find a missing comrade who was trying to stir up a nest of bloodsuckers. According to Capercaillie, it is these creatures that are to blame for the recent disappearances.

Get to the Sosnodub anomaly, where you will find the corpse of a bloodsucker. After this, the Capercaillie will contact you and ask you to follow him to the north. Near the town of Krug, go into the house in which the mutant flashed.

Inside, you have to go down to the basement, where the previously seen monster awaits you - immediately throw a grenade into the next room so as not to suffer from it.

The first will be followed by the second, and now you will have to fight with it on equal terms. The battle with the bloodsucker will cause you a lot of trouble, since this creature often goes invisible.

Then follow the Capercaillie and use the elevator shaft. You will find yourself in a dungeon full of stalker bodies (examine them). In the next room, tread carefully, as there are sleeping mutants here.

Use stealth movement, otherwise you will wake them up, and then trouble will follow. In another room, go higher, then jump into the hole and overcome the tunnel. The capercaillie failed to find his comrade, and at this stage the task is interrupted.

Disappearance of stalkers (continued)

A day later after the first part of the quest, Capercaillie will contact you, who, despite the failure of your mission, will decide to try his luck again.

At the place in Skadovsk you will not find Capercaillie - Beard will tell you that he has gone to the port. In the south, near the cranes, you will come across a small building, inside which will be the body of both the Capercaillie and his comrade Danila.

Here you will also find a killer - doctor Tremor, who suffers from a kind of vampirism. He will repent of what he has done and kill himself. All you have to do is return to Beard and receive your reward.

Talk to the stalker nicknamed Koryaga, who lives in the Skadovsk bar. He will ask you to find the box he left in Zaporozhets after the earthquake.

Get to the point on the map and kill the snorks. Go around the gas station and go down to the bottom of the crevice where the car is located. Inside the latter you will find the required container, but you won’t be able to get back out the usual way.

Go through the cave, where you will have to fight new snorks and avoid the anomaly. The exact path is this: go left from the car, then left again, then to the white cobblestone, near which there is a building with a window into which you need to climb.

After that, go straight again, up to the cave, again left, right and out. Return to your employer and receive your reward.


A man named Nimble will give you a task. It is located on the third floor of the bar. The merchant will offer you an assignment only after you have purchased the weapon.

According to your assignment, you need to make a certain Snag shut up. Together with the new gun, show up in front of Koryaga, who will immediately say that this weapon is his.

Now return to Shustrom and tell him about the deception, to which he will begin to deny and once again send you to Koryaga, but with more serious intentions. Koryaga himself will hide and go to Yanov station, which is located in the next location.


At Yanov Station, place any item in your own storage box. Wait for a while, and then return to the box - it turns out that all the things are missing.

In search of the missing equipment, talk to the inhabitants of the station. The medic will answer that he saw Snag near your box, which has now gone to the Zulu tower. Get to the last one and question him. Zulu will tell you about the bandits who recently tried to rob him, but he drove them away with shotgun blasts.

Now visit Polustanok, which is in the north. Here you will find some bandit and a defeated Snag. Talk to the first one to maintain neutrality, or kill him. The snag won't just tell you where your swag is hidden.

As a result, you have three options:

1) Find things manually. They are located in the same building, in the hatch where the equipment of Koryagi himself lies.

2) Cure Koryaga, for which he will voluntarily give you all the stolen goods.

3) Kill Koryaga and find out about the coordinates of the cache from his PDA.


Find the mercenary nicknamed Tesak in the town of Tsekh substation. To complete the quest, you will have to distribute food to mercenaries in other workshops. Provisions must be obtained manually.

After exploring the crash site of Skat-2, Degtyarev will find maps. The protagonist will want to sell them, so you have to talk with stalkers and find a buyer. As a result, you will be able to sell the cards to the Pilot.

After completing the first part of the quest The Disappearance of Stalkers, visit Beard and tell him about the nest of bloodsuckers you found. As a result, the bartender will offer to destroy the entire lair using poisonous gas.

The location of the gas is not available to you, so you will have to buy the information from Sych for two thousand. Then you can pick up the cylinders that are located on the Preobrazhensky Bridge.

There you will find a transport with cargo, but the boxes will be closed. Here is an order about the location of the keys - in the trunk of the first vehicle at the beginning of the bridge and in the car at the bottom under the bridge.

Once you have obtained the substance, visit the bloodsuckers' nest again. On the way to the lair, get to the panel on the outside of the building and use the cylinders on it. After this, you have to defeat two mutants. Eventually the nest will be destroyed.


The quest is given out by the Gopnik Sultan, who lives in the bar. He and his comrades decided to go all out and rob other stalkers, in which he will need your help.

During the task you will have three decisions:

1) Get to your destination and take sides at the last moment, attacking either bandits or stalkers. Remember that your choice will affect your relationships with factions.

2) Help the Sultan and kill the stalkers.

3) Tell the intentions of the bandits to Capercaillie or Beard. As a result, there will be no battle at all.

Mercenary camp

Sych is interested in the plans for organizing mercenaries, and therefore he will pay for any information that you can provide him.

In the southwest of the location you will find a garbage recycling station where the gopota has settled. There are about ten people inside, so the battle is going to be hot.

If you can't defeat them in open combat, you can come from behind using stealth. A sniper will also help in this matter, if you have enough money for it.

After defeating the enemies, collect the PDA from the corpses. Directly in the building you will find a computer that contains the main information. All this must be delivered to Sych.

Strange phenomenon

Beard will tell you about a strange anomaly that stalkers began to notice. It is necessary to visit the Dredger and explore the ship.

On the spot you will find a ship full of anomalies, so you will have to go selectively. Get to the helm and take the artifact. When you get out, a bandit will talk to you, who also needs this jewel (for his sick friend, as he says).

As a result, you can hand over the artifact to a gopnik and be left with nothing, since he will not give you any reward. If you follow him, you will not find any friend.

If you decide to keep the value for yourself, then in this case you will have to fight both the talkative bandit and his minions who will crawl out from behind the bushes.


Bartender Beard will ask you to visit Shevchenko's barge and lend a helping hand to the locals. At the point you will find slackers who are going to ruin the deal between the dealer and the gopniks. The whole point of the task is to kill bandits.


At the bar, Cardan will ask you to find three packs of tools, each of which will allow him to better handle your weapon while upgrading or repairing it.

You will find rough tools at the Sawmill, which is located in the upper left corner of the location. Find the house and go up to the attic.

Thin instruments lie in a place in the Substation Workshop, namely, near the box where the mercenaries are talking. The calibration tools are already in another location - Pripyat. There you must find a store and look into the basement.

Three comrades

When you complete all the Sultan's quests, Cardan will give you a unique task - to apologize for him to the Barge and the Joker.

Cardan's friends became his ex in every sense, since both comrades died. You will find the corpse of the first one near the town of Burnt Village, below and to the left.

There, find a hole in the ground and look into the cave, which branches into two paths - at the end of one of them lies the Barge.

The body of the second one is rotting in the town of Sosnodub, a little lower from the zone itself, near the stones.

Tempting Business

In the bar, Sych, when you complete all the Sultan’s orders, will invite you to take a share in one ambitious enterprise. Your contribution is three Veles detectors, which need to be found and brought to researcher Novikov.

The first detector of this brand will be given to you for completing the task “Lair of Bloodsuckers”. The second and third are sold by Sych, but they can also be simply found on the corpses of especially tough enemies.

Having received the gift, the scientist will improve all the devices, after which they will be called “Svarog”. You must wait 24 hours, during which the couriers will deliver the goods to Sych.

Next, you must talk with Owl, who does not have the means to pay, since Beard refuses to pay his share, despite the agreement. Now talk to the bartender himself, who will send you to hell, but will give you one detector.

In the end, Owl will want to get even with Beard, for which he will need the help of the Sultan. You can either provide help or ask to give your share and leave. In the first case, you will receive a new task: Dark Deeds.

Dark Deeds

After completing the task Tempting Business and taking the side of Owl, talk with the Sultan. The bandit will decide to teach the bartender a lesson, but to do this you will have to find a couple of skeletons in his closet.

First, you will receive the Compass quest, during which you need to find the artifact of the same name. The whole point of the commission is to visit Noah.

The Sultan will invite you to gain the trust of the bartender, since he only gives out detectors to trusted people. You will have to complete the quest Search for an Artifact.

During this mission, many of Beard's workers will go after the treasure, so you will have to visit each of them and take their detectors (by murder, ransom or contract).

As a result, you will take the Beard into your own hands and start receiving interest. Ten thousand will be given to you immediately, and then you will receive eight hundred per day.

A certain guy nicknamed Soroka abandoned Gonta’s squad, bringing her into the clutches of the chimera. The guys almost died, and now they demand retribution.

The quest is issued in the Zaton location, but develops in the next one. You will find Soroka directly in the bar of the Jupiter location, but under a new name - Flint. To bring him to light, you will have to find evidence.

Visit the town of Quarry, where the wounded Sliver is located. The guy will talk about betrayal and give up the ghost. As a result, you must return to Flint and tell everyone that he betrayed Gonta's squad and left Sliver to die. Information can be transferred to the two main factions (Duty and Freedom), as well as Gonta.

Gonta will invite you to go to the chimera and kill the creature. Sleep in the basement of the bar after talking with the customer. At three o'clock in the morning you need to talk with Gonta and get to the town of Izumrudnoye.

You will find the Chimera in an open area, so your group will have an advantage. The battle, despite the fact that the monster is wounded, will be difficult, so be prepared.

Yu Peter: story missions

The main base of stalkers in the Jupiter location is located at the Yanov station. Here you will find a huckster with the characteristic nickname Cass, as well as representatives of the two main factions - Freedom and Debt. Finally, on the lowest floor you will find a document on mutants and your own cache for things.

Point "B205"

The continuation of the main story mission, which begins in the Zaton location, is being developed. You will find the second point below and to the left of the station in a place called the Volkhov air defense system.

On the air defense system you will have to fight with the dead armed with firearms. After the battle, examine the house where you can find information from Sokolov. From his documents it will be clear that he visited this place and then headed to the explorers' base.

Advice. There is a secret in the SAM dungeon. In the hangar, turn into the right tunnel and get to a dead-end door, into the panel of which you must enter a code. You will find the necessary numbers in the military documents.

Step forward until you hit the rocks, then turn right into the shaft. After going around the obstacle of stones, kill the burer (a shotgun or just a knife will help you). Then all you have to do is climb to the top floor, where the swag is located.

Go to the explorers' base. Inside you will find Sokolov, who will easily tell you about himself, but will not give you any useful clues.

The helicopter crash point is located in the south of the location, in a place called Helipads. As you approach, get ready to stumble upon a minefield, which an irreplaceable bolt will help you overcome. By the way, the piece of iron does not activate mines, but bounces off them if you hit them.

Explore the turntable and take the box with information about the crew. It's time to leave, but at this moment a horde of boars will attack you. Some of the wave will kill itself on the minefield, but you will have to deal with the rest personally.

Visit a mechanic named Azoth at the main base of the location and give him the black box to decipher. You'll have to wait three hours and also pay three thousand. From the data received, you will learn that the military decided to land at point “B28”, which is located far in Pripyat.

Talk to Pilot about visiting Pripyat. The guide will refuse to lead you in his usual way, but will still tell you about a secret path that is located under the Plant. Go to the indicated location and collect the necessary information about the location of the hidden path.

In the corner of Jupiter on the lower right you will find the required area, which can only be accessed through the main gate. Inside you will be attacked by a small pack of dogs, so there is nothing to fear. After the battle, visit the central building, on the second floor of which there is information.

Advice. The fourth floor of the above house contains a secret. In one of the rooms you will find information for the secondary quest “Latest Developments”. The “Otboynik” cannon is also located here. When you pick up the documents, you will be attacked by mercenaries.

After receiving the main documents, visit the neighboring building without going outside (inside you will find a tunnel connecting two houses on the second floor). In the new room, pick up a leaf.

The other required document is located in the same area - visit the delivery department and pick up a sheet of information.

Advice. On the territory of the plant there are tanks, under which you can find Strelok’s cache (one of the additional quests).

Now look into the mechanical department. There you will have to use the stairs and go down to another level, since only from the dungeon can you get to the hall. Next, climb up and visit the control unit with the necessary information.

Then leave the room along the second floor to get into the hangar with the crashed Skat-4 helicopter. Inspect the car. Behind the iron barrier you will find a control room, from where flashing red lights are visible. Here is another document.

Finally, leave the building and look outside for a small section above and to the right of the Factory. There you will find the last clue that will allow you to get an overall picture of the path. It turned out that the Pilot did not lie about the secret path, but in order to go along it, you will first have to open the hatches using a generator.


Hand over all the information found at the plant to mechanic Azot. He will go with you, since you will not be able to deal with the electrical wiring on your own. To protect Azoth, you will need a larger group, as well as special equipment.

First of all, buy yourself SEVA equipment, which costs twenty-five thousand. Next, go in search of a team, with which Zulu will help you (you will find him not far from Yanov).

During the negotiations, the good-natured stalker will give you a drink, after which you will pass out. The next morning Zulu will give his consent, and now you will have to send new people for the expedition to his room.

You can only take three unique warriors with you, since ordinary artifact seekers will not be suitable here. By the way, you can limit yourself to one fighter, but then you will not receive achievements and HP bonuses during the task.

The first candidate is the warrior Sokolov, to whom you have already rendered or can only render a service. In exchange for your help, he will agree to join your ranks, but you will have to buy the suit yourself.

Talk to Ozersky, who, if you complete a number of tasks for him, will give the necessary equipment for Sokolov.

The second candidate is Vano, whom you will meet at the station. Complete two of this stalker's quests to accept him into your team. Having dealt with the bandits who threatened him, you will also have to buy him a suit for five thousand.

Vagabond is another suitable person who has worshiped the Monolith in the past. You will find his group below from the town of the Volkhvov air defense system. In order for him to follow you, you must find a shelter for his “awakened” team.

Talk to the leaders of Freedom or Duty on Yanov and gain their trust so that they can give you the go-ahead to allow former Monoliths through.

"Pripyat-1": Overpass

Now that the group is assembled, go to Zulu. Together you will go to the tunnel. Remember that if you do not lose any team members during the mission, this will affect the ending.

At the beginning of the tunnel, examine the machines with cartridges, and then kill the mutants. Near the locked gate, activate the panel and go inside, where you will have to fight again.

Continue to study the environment using the detector, and then go into another corridor. After examining part of the location, go to a new room. Here, kill the snorks and go to the largest part of the dungeon.

You will not be able to use the door here, since there is no energy - you need to restore its supply. Get to the top platform and use the lever.

In the control room, press the button, and then hide behind the wall, as more Monoliths will start shooting at you. When the job is done, go through the unlocked door. All you have to do is deal with a small group of mutants, after which you can leave the dungeon.

Yu Peter: secondary tasks

On Azoth's quest, find spare parts for him. You must visit the factory on the right and above the location, which will be closed.

You will have to use the water tower ladder to get to the roof and get behind the walls. You will find all the necessary materials on each of the four floors.


Nitrogen requires tools in three copies that are already familiar to you. Find them to complete this task.

You will find crude tools in the middle of Jupiter, specifically: on the railway in a train car where an electrical anomaly flies.

Thin instruments are located near the town of the Jupiter Plant, in the house on the left in the attic. Calibration tools, as in the case of a similar task in Zaton, you will find upon arrival in Pripyat, in a place called Old KBO.


Stalker Mityai ended up in the hands of the Gopniks, and now they are threatening to kill him. To help out a friend, you need to either assemble a raid or pay a ransom.

The first option is proposed by Bear, who believes that it is easier to kill the thieves. Keep in mind that there are a lot of bandits at the base.

The second option, according to Torba, is an exchange.

You must give the bandits the “Goldfish” artifact in exchange for Mitya. If you choose this option, you won't get away with just one gift. If you don’t have the artifact, you can pay fifteen thousand straight into the hands of the lads.

When Mitya is released, you will first have to take him outside from the enemy’s lair. You only paid their leader, so along the way you will be searched by his henchmen.

One of the bandits will ask for a certain percentage of your amount, accordingly, the more money you have in your hands, the more you will have to give.

By responding rudely to the extortionist, you will provoke him to increase the percentage. The second time he will not tolerate such treatment, after which you will have to fight with the entire camp.


Vano will ask you to deal with the thieves with whom he cannot pay for the purchased equipment. He will only give you five thousand, refusing to pay interest.

When meeting with the leader of the bandits, nicknamed Jack, you will have to betray both the above amount and two thousand on top.

In addition, you can intimidate the gopniks, but for this you will need good quality equipment: the price of the armor should not be lower than twenty-five thousand, the gun should be completely repaired and upgraded a couple of times. Only in this case will the gopniks retreat. The last option is to deal with them the old-fashioned way.

Uncle Yar needs help in the fight against mercenaries. Kill them all. In Yarom you will visit the town of Kopachi, full of undead.

The zombies will not touch you if you secretly get to the house, as your partner will advise you to do. After this, mercenaries will suddenly descend on the point and they will have to be dealt with. In this case, you will need a sniper rifle.


A mutant doc nicknamed St. John's Wort will ask you to eliminate the threat in the form of bloodsuckers that were seen in the Plavni zone.

Visit the point and get ready to fight three mutants. Their movement here is easy to control by following their tracks in the water, but to do this you will have to fight only in it.

Hunt No. 2

After St. John's Wort's first task, he will give you a new one - to destroy the unknown mutants that the stalkers encountered higher up from the Plant.

Get to the end of the railway, to the left of which there is a house. Pass a couple of rooms until you find yourself in a large room - a couple of burers will be waiting for you here.

These monsters have a large amount of health and prefer to operate from afar. Try to close the distance and attack them with a shotgun or a knife. They also like to snatch guns out of your hands.

Night Hunt

After the second task, St. John's Wort will give you a quest to eliminate the Chimera. To fight this enemy you will need excellent equipment, powerful weapons and a bit of luck.

The Chimera is one of the strongest mutants, so prepare yourself. You will have to fight the monster at night, since she leaves the lair only at this time of day.

Warehouse "Debt"

You can take this task from both the leader of Duty and Freedom. To gain access you will have to complete previous faction quests.

Together with the debtors, get to the cache of the Svobodovites and kill them. To fight on the side of Freedom in this battle, when you find a PDA you need to give it to Loki.

At the researchers' base, talk to Garik, a stalker who wants to finish working with the scientists. To retire, he needs to find two artifacts.

Find the “Kolobok”, which is located in the town of Sosnodub, near the tree. Another treasure can be found in most of the caustic anomalies.

Variable psi radiation

If you managed to find a helmet with resistance to psychic radiation, then you can receive a unique quest from researcher Herman. It is necessary to provide assistance to the Topol group.

Get to your destination, where Topol and his squad are already waiting for you. Explore the tunnel, taking the artifact, and then get ready to fight with the controller. You must identify and kill this mutant as quickly as possible, otherwise he will take over the rest of the fighters, after which they will simply kill each other.

Researcher German, when you help him and Topol, will ask you to pick up the scanners from Novikov, and then take them to the appropriate points.

Having collected the necessary devices, visit all anomalies and install the devices. From now on, you can always contact Novikov with questions about the appearance of new artifacts at these points.

And again, Herman will need your help. You and other stalkers will have to carry out calculations in the anomalies. Visit two stalkers in different places as desired.

In Plavni you will have to fight against waves of mutants, so it makes sense to grab more ammo. In the Ashes, the undead await you. Here and there you need to fight off hordes of enemies for a certain time until your comrades complete the measurements.

Abnormal Activity

If you complete all of Herman's instructions, he will give you this task. During the quest you need to scan the mysterious area for anomalies.

Visit the town of Gradirnya, be sure to take the Svarog detector with you (otherwise you will not find anything).

Soon you will see an anomaly in the form of a bubble, from which the bodies of debtors will begin to fall. To find out what's going on, pick up the PDA from the body and activate the recording.

The data can be transferred both to the debtors themselves and to the Svoboda people or to Sych. Your choice will affect the opening of the cache quest and relations with factions in general.

Latest Developments

German wants to get more information about the town of the Jupiter Plant. You need to go there and get documents.

At the point, look into the topmost building. On the top floor you will find the required information - pick it up to start the battle with the mercenaries.

After the quest to explore the Factory, Herman will again need your support. Find new guards for his base to complete the task.

You can find protection in the form of two groups - Debt or ordinary stalkers. In the first case, visit the group leader at the station, in the second, visit Spartak, who controls a detachment of free fighters in the Zaton location.


A researcher based on scientists with the surname Ozersky will decide to find the mythical Oasis. There is probably an inexhaustible source of clean water in this place, so you should try your luck.

During the task you will not be led by the hand, so you will have to look for the mysterious place on your own. Follow the train down the location until you reach a dead end. Next, go left to a small house, from where you can get into the dungeon with jerboas. Use the ventilation to get to the hall.

Once in a new place with columns, you will discover a strange anomaly. As soon as you step forward a little here, you will immediately be brought back.

Look again at the columns that stand in four rows. Therein lies the trick - you need to go between specific columns, since this is a kind of labyrinth.

When you make the right choice, there will be a bunch of light above the opening - it is this that will direct you to the right columns. First you need to pass the first row, then the third, and then the fourth. The right path in the second will have to be found at random.

After this, you will find yourself in another room, which is shown on the global map as a giant tank to the right of the complex. This is an oasis. All you have to do is pick up the artifact and report to the scientists.

Ozersky wants to test some idea in practice. Go to the point and install the device.

Ozersky needs to inspect the place with anomalies for changed flora. Visit the area below and to the right of the explorers' base.

Go around all the caustic traps and get to the hillock. In the center you will find the necessary anomaly.

Survivor "Monolith"

The tramp, who is located in the lower and left corner of the location, will give you a task. It is necessary to attach the “recovered” Monolith fighters.

Monolith fanatics are no longer influenced by this structure, so they have now regained their sanity. You need to find accommodation for these people who cannot find shelter.

You will find a detachment of former fanatics in the southwest. The Vagabond seeks to place his comrades on the stations, but to do this he needs the approval of one of the factions.

Visit Yanov and talk to the leaders of Duty or Freedom. Only the leader with whose faction you have high relations will accept your proposal.

Find a working drone and deliver it to a mechanic on Yanov or a scientist at their base. When transferring the module to Azot, all the caches will eventually be looted by Gopnik Senka, but you will find his corpse with all the loot at the last cache. After decryption, you will find out the location of all three caches from the Strelka squad.

The first cache is located in the town of Cement Plant. There, go above the zone, to the swamps, and look into the tunnel. The second cache is located below the station inside the excavator. To climb into the cabin of the car, use the tree standing on the rock.

The third cache is located at the Factory. On the territory of the zone, find a building with tanks under which there is a pipe - that’s where your goal lies.

P ripyat: story missions

The military will meet you outside, but you will easily get rid of suspicions, since, if you remember, you yourself are an employee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Follow the group to their headquarters, which will become your temporary shelter in the Pripyat location.

Kowalski will tell you that the turntables were shot down by fanatics using a mysterious cannon - this is what you have to find first.

Unknown weapon

At the hospital, meet a group of warriors and follow them. Shoot the fanatics from the building and go outside to examine the corpses - then another group will attack you. Hide in the building and kill all opponents.

Now you need to get your hands on a laser cannon, which is wielded by a fanatic. He sits on the roof and has a clear view of the low ground, so you will have to hide among the corners and walls.

There is an option to simply run to the building from which the Monolith is shooting at you, and then take him down from below. After death, the fanatic will fall down, and you can get the cannon. Gauss gun.

Return with your find to the military commander. Kowalski will state that the weapon is damaged, but it can be restored. We'll have to find a technician, but first, deal with the SOS signal.

Get to the marked point where the bodies of the military lie. Here the commander will contact you and inform you about the upcoming Monolith ambush.

On the way to the store, you will come across support in the form of two fighters - together with them you will have to clear the building. There you will find an antenna that controls fanatics - destroy it.

Advice. Visit the shop's basement as this is where the calibration tools are located.

Unknown Weapon: The Solution

Talk to Garik at the base so that he can take you to Zaton. In the first location, visit the bar technician nicknamed Cardan, with whom you are already familiar. Seeing the Gauss Cannon will cause him to lose consciousness.

After half a day, the mechanic will wake up and explain to you that it was he who participated in the creation of this weapon at one time. Now, however, he requires additional information about the development process, which you will find in the town of Iron Forest, in the testing workshop.

Visit the indicated location and enter the building using Cardan's pass. Inside you will find yourself in a spacious room where a pseudo-giant will attack you.

You'll have to drop a lot of ammunition on this heavyweight, but you can immediately run to the stairs and climb up, since he won't get there.

In the room you will find a large variation of the gauss cannon, as well as the information the mechanic needs. Before you leave, read about the secret X-8 laboratory and grab your pass. All you have to do is return the weapon to Cardan so that he can restore it.

The missing sentry

The commander will need your help in finding the sentry. At the marked point you will find a crazy soldier who will start firing in all directions and then die.

Soon you will meet a controller - kill him. During combat, use cover and look out periodically to reduce the chance of hypnosis.

The desired location will be found in the Yubileiny KBO zone. At the point you will have to restore power to the elevator in order to go down to the underground floor. You will have to conquer each floor up to the sixth, since that is where the generator is located. After that, use the elevator.

Inside you will come across a spacious room, but confusing with small rooms. You need to explore the entire maze and collect six packs of documents. If you find only one, it will affect the ending.

  1. The first information lies in the training room on the left side, where the electrical anomaly lives. Go around it and grab the documents in the room below.
  2. The second information is in the dining room: go up the stairs to the turn and turn right, then go into the side toilet. Here, deal with the burer so as not to interfere, and then return to the dining room and take the docks.
  3. The third information is in the room in front of the dining room. Use the hole in the floor and follow the tunnel to the boilers.
  4. You will find the fourth information in the laboratory. From the center, go into a half-flooded room with a strange apparatus in the middle. Find a table with a computer.
  5. The fifth information is located further than the laboratory. Get to the room with the second elevator shaft (on the bottom floor) and climb inside to then go upstairs and get to the upper floors. Next you have to defeat three burers at once.
  6. You will find the sixth information in the next room - use the bridge and make your way upstairs.

Advice. From the center, visit the laboratory and use the stairs down, which will lead you into a room with a fire escape into a room with a machine gun.

After starting this task, you will no longer be able to go to old locations, as the guide will disappear. All secondary quests must be completed now.

Talk to the military commander, who will tell you that he cannot contact other groups. The cause of the interference must be determined.

At the point you will find two bodies, as well as information about the location of the hostile tower. Next, get to the orphanage and use the bomb you found earlier to break through the door.

In the building, when dealing with mutants, go to the top floor and go to the next department, from where you go down to the first floor again. This is where the Monolith antenna is located, which needs to be destroyed.


The evacuation has been suspended as the military asks you to establish the exact reason for the destruction of the previous helicopters. You need to trace a signal that was detected near the base.

You will not find anything at the intended point, but then you will receive new coordinates. As a result, it will become clear that someone is making his way to the military underground.

Run back to base and wait.

Finally, it will become clear that no attack was planned - the familiar Strelok, who is the protagonist of the previous parts, was moving in the tunnels.

The shooter will tell you that the reasons for the cars falling lie in the anomalies where they ended up during the flight. They used outdated maps, since the traps had moved during that time.

At this stage, you can give Strelok all his documents if you previously found them through an additional quest. This decision will affect the finale.

After the release, Kowalski will finally give the go-ahead for helicopters to land. This is your last mission. You need to get to the northern zone in the location near the cinema. During the journey, cover the Shooter, as he needs to save his life.

When the turntables are in place, you will have a battle with the Monoliths. You need to fight off all the waves of enemies (a gauss cannon or a sniper will come in handy), after which you can finally get into the helicopter.

At this stage, the passage of the main storyline of STALKER: Call of Pripyat ends. If you wish, you can stay to complete the secondary quests.

P ripyat: secondary tasks

One shot

A warrior named Garik will be asked to finish off the head of the mercenaries during the meeting, since only he knows about the location of the laboratory.

In a conversation with the commander, you can decide the fate of the group - whether to kill the entire squad or just their leader. Go to the point and take a position. Here you will be given a sniper rifle, so the task will not be difficult.

If Zulu survived after your expedition, then you can meet him in Pripyat. At some time he will contact you, trapped.

Go to the SOS signal and kill all the snorks. Act quickly, as the mutants can kill the Zulu.

Video: walkthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat

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