Msch 135 making an appointment with a doctor. Online service for making an appointment with a doctor

Please note that an appointment with a CARDIOLOGIST will be made ONLY BY THE DIRECTION OF A THERAPIST.

Pre-registration (for next week) with doctors ADULT CLINICS:
1) through INTERNET: , , becomes available on Wednesdays from 8.00,
2) using INFORMATION KIOSK(in the lobby of the reception area of ​​the adult clinic near the board with the doctors’ work schedule) becomes available on Wednesdays from 8.00,
3) through REGISTRATION BY COUPONS issued by the Electronic Queue system is carried out on Wednesdays from 12.30,
4) by PHONES: 7-25-51 , 7-02-43 or multichannel +7 964 619-96-88 begins on Wednesdays from 12.30.
ISSUANCE OF COUPONS the Electronic Queue system is carried out on Wednesdays from 12.00. The “Electronic Queue” terminals are located in the lobby of the adult clinic’s reception area.

How to make an appointment on our website?

1) Select speciality doctor
2) Select doctor and appointment date.
3) Select appointment time.
4) Fill in the fields: policy number And text from picture.


To confirm your entry, you may need enough for a long time- up to 5 minutes. Recommended wait for confirmation message making an appointment with a doctor.

Patients who have made an appointment with a doctor using the Internet service are advised to call the reception desk to confirm their appointment. On the day of your doctor's visit, contact the reception desk to set aside your outpatient card.
The clinic's reception phone number for adults is 7-25-51 or 7-02-43.
The telephone number of the children's clinic reception is 7-12-53.
The antenatal clinic reception phone number is 7-28-06.

Dear Alexey Valerievich!
An urgent need to ask you a few questions arose in connection with alarming rumors spreading on the networks about the reorientation of the medical institution entrusted to you to serve only employees of the Smolensk NPP and its contractors. Can you resolutely and definitely refute this “popular rumor”? And if not, please explain where other residents of Desnogorsk who do not have access to the so-called “industrial” healthcare will receive medical care? Will they really have to go to private medical institutions, as well as to the Ekimovichi hospital and the Roslavl central district hospital?
The fact is that the issue of separate provision of medical services has arisen more than once during the history of the medical unit, which forces us to take the rumors that have arisen very seriously, especially since some steps in this direction are already visible.

A.V.: There is no basis for such rumors. The activities of the FMBA medical institution in Desnogorsk are determined by the presence of hazardous industries. The population, of course, does not receive any harm, but all the same, enterprise workers, their families, parents, and children live in the city. Therefore, the medical unit has both provided and will provide both the usual provision of medical services and industrial healthcare, which requires closer attention in the form of medical examinations.
— How do you assess the quality and accessibility of the care provided by the medical unit to the city population in conditions of an acute shortage of medical personnel?
A.V.: The personnel problem did not arise today or yesterday. If you remember, in mid-2016 the intensive care unit was closed, the operating unit was not working, that is, operations were not performed in the hospital. But after a staff of anesthesiologists and resuscitators was recruited by September and the agency allocated funds to update equipment in the intensive care unit and operating unit, the intensive care unit began to operate and we began to operate at full capacity.
If previously there was only one doctor on duty, now there are two of them. Therefore, they can close both the intensive care unit, where there are six beds, and the operating room, as well as the maternity ward, where their help is also needed.
Thus, in the hospital we are well staffed with doctors.
— What specialists does the medical unit most urgently need and what steps are you taking to attract medical personnel to Desnogorsk and are there any real results?
A.V.: The staffing problem is most acute in the clinic. What are we doing to solve it? Firstly, this is a targeted direction that has been practiced in the FMBA system for more than one year. Currently there are about 15 people studying at universities. These are mainly Smolensk University and Moscow universities. After completing their education, they are obliged to come to us. In addition, we have specialists undergoing clinical residency who should also return to us, including this year.
Personnel work is ongoing. Doctors are invited from all over the country. Over the past year, we have acquired a surgeon, two therapists, an anesthesiologist, and two obstetricians and gynecologists. All the same, the situation at the current stage in connection with the dismissal of the clinic surgeon is complicated.
The region is working on a program specifically to address such critical issues, which consists of sending second-year medical university residents to strengthen medical institutions. To take advantage of this opportunity, we and the city administration wrote a letter to the rector of Smolensk University asking for help. I visited him, and here is the result: two surgeons were sent to us for a month and are already seeing him at the clinic. We are also expecting the arrival of two therapists and two pediatricians.
— What measures are you taking to retain personnel? Do you pay allowances to young professionals?
A.V.: There are difficulties with service housing in the city now, but as for affordable housing, I will say the following. There is a program in the region according to which young specialists who arrive for work receive 200 thousand rubles. We, as an institution of federal subordination, are not included in this program, but we are taking steps to change the situation. We are writing letters to the governor, and have secured an appointment with Deputy Governor O.V. Loboda. Unfortunately, we were refused, but we do not stop working in this direction. In the meantime, we are doing what we can - compensating for part of the cost of rented housing.
— Why do you prefer to pay for rented housing for newly arrived workers, rather than encouraging them to solve the housing problem through mortgage lending with partial repayment of interest by the medical unit, as is done at SAES? After all, only one’s own home can reliably secure a specialist’s place in the team and in the city?
A.V.: Smolensk NPP is a commercial organization. She works to make a profit, but we exist to provide medical services, so we have no pure profit. Yes, we receive reimbursement for our expenses, but it is impossible to allocate anything from federal funding or revenues from the compulsory medical insurance fund. And the insignificant funds that we receive from paid services are barely enough to allocate five thousand rubles to each employee to pay for rented housing.
“It seems that our medical institution has embarked on the path to recovery. Is this true?
A.V.: I wouldn’t say that we are starting to get healthier. Yes, we saw some ways to achieve this. In the future, we must start staffing the clinic. This is the weakest link.
There are positive developments in connection with the implementation of the Lean Clinic program. There are fewer people at the register. But there are still queues on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
At the second stage of the implementation of this program, we plan to streamline the work of clinic doctors, specialized specialists and therapists. The point is to free them from work that could be done by less qualified specialists. For this purpose, we have created a department of medical prevention, which will be entrusted with the responsibility of working in the sanatorium-resort area so that a person sent for treatment does not sit in queues with emergency patients, and carries out all actions for obtaining a sanatorium-resort card directly in this department. Thus, we remove these people from the queue. We have entrusted all medical examination concerns to the same office, which will also relieve the burden on the clinic doctors.
“Judging by the fact that the facade of the adult clinic building is fenced with red and white warning tapes, we can conclude that it is in disrepair. What is being done to repair it?
A.V.: .: So far, despite all attempts, it has not been possible to obtain funding. But as part of the program for renovating children's clinics, we have done everything to not only renovate the building next year, but also equip it in accordance with the requirements of the time.
— Do you receive comments from Roszdravnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological authorities, and what has been done to eliminate them?
A.V.: Of course, this cannot be done without comments. We take them very seriously, since the result of failure to comply with any order is the suspension of the institution’s activities or revocation of its license. And the very fact that the medical unit continues to carry out its activities stably indicates that we are coping with our problems.
— What are you doing to reduce the growth of cancer?
A.V.: Well, firstly, we don’t notice any growth trends. The level of diseases fluctuates: one year is higher, an arc is lower. And secondly, our huge advantage over the entire region is that at the slightest suspicion, residents of Desnogorsk can get to the best clinics in Moscow within four days, where they undergo a full examination, as a result of which a diagnosis is made and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is prescribed.
A. Prokopov asked questions.

Reading time: 3 minutes.

There is a need to visit a doctor, but you are afraid not so much of the illness, but of the upcoming queues? Are you afraid that you won’t have time to get a ticket, and that’s why you rush to the hospital at the crack of dawn? If you are sick, are you afraid that you will aggravate your condition by waiting for an appointment in the corridor? Then quickly use the popular service of making an appointment with a doctor via the Internet. On the online space you will find information about the medical institution and doctors, view the doctors’ schedule, find out about the availability or absence of vouchers for appointments at the date and time you need, read reviews and much more.

Medical unit No. 135 Desnogorsk: making an appointment with doctors

We offer you step-by-step instructions on how to make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet, bypassing hours-long queues, 7 steps that will take you no more than 5 minutes:

  1. Follow the given link: You are taken to the service of the hospital of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Medical Unit No. 135 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Smolensk region, Desnogorsk, 6th microdistrict) in the section that provides this service. To further fill out the form, you will need your medical policy number.
  1. On the page that opens you will see a list of specializations from which you can choose the one you need. If you want to see several doctors, make a preliminary appointment separately for each doctor, repeating the algorithm from the very beginning.
  1. Please note that out of 22 destinations, not all are budget, and some have both paid and free variations. You will see a note next to the name of the medical industry about paid services. For example, in the list it looks like this: ophthalmologist and ophthalmologist (paid medical services), neurologist and neurologist (paid medical services), gynecologist (paid medical services), etc.
  1. By clicking on a specialization, a table will open with data on doctors who provide appointments in this area. Green color indicates availability of numbers.
  1. Select the name of the doctor and click on the date of the desired visit to the medical institution. The system will redirect you to the doctor's schedule for that day. Marked in red are time slots that are already occupied by other patients. Green indicates free time.
  1. Feel free to click on the time that suits you. Next, you will be asked to enter the number of your compulsory health insurance policy, as well as the numbers from the picture - this is a kind of verification and confirmation. The data must be real, not fictitious. Otherwise, you will not appear in the database and it will be impossible to make an entry.
  1. If everything was entered correctly, click the “Record” button. Please note that it may take time for your appointment to be confirmed. Be sure to wait for the notification. For peace of mind, after completing the registration, you can contact the hospital to clarify the data. Ask if they indicate that you are the one booked for a certain date and time.

You can make an appointment with doctors in the city of Desnogorsk, Smolensk region, the old-fashioned way, sometimes standing in line at the reception for more than one hour or hanging on the phone. But is it worth wasting precious time, nerves and health if you can take advantage of such benefits of civilization as electronic recording? As you can see, this is not difficult to do. Literally 5 minutes, and now you have already booked the day and time that is most convenient for you.

To make an appointment and get additional information, you can call:

  • Registration: adult clinic – 7-25-51 or 7-02-43 .
  • Registration: children's clinic - 7-12-53 .
  • Registration: antenatal clinic - 7-28-06 .

For more than 40 years, medical unit No. 135 of the city of Desnogorsk has been receiving patients within its walls and serving for the benefit of people. Over the course of many decades, our medical institution has gone through quite a long path of formation and development, changes and transformations. And this path had its joys and difficulties.

And the main difficulty is the staff shortage.

The noble and necessary profession of a doctor is in demand at all times. Each of us, even the healthiest person, needs medical help at least once in our lives.

And the population suffers primarily from the lack of qualified personnel.

Thanks to a competent personnel policy and the creation of motivating working conditions to attract young specialists, the medical and sanitary unit managed to attract young personnel to its walls. In 2019, we managed to attract 3 surgeons, 2 general practitioners, and emergency medical teams were staffed with paramedical personnel.

Today they, young, active, diligent specialists, share their impressions.

Yana Ryzhenkikh, surgeon of the surgical department of the hospital.

Completed clinical residency at SSMU in 2019:

I came to Desnogorsk from Smolensk. I have been working as a surgeon at hospital MSCh-135 for only a month. I got a job here immediately after finishing my residency in general surgery with a course in FDPO surgery. I'm happy with my choice, I like working in the department. There is an opportunity to gain new knowledge, experience and develop your professional skills. The department has a very warm, friendly atmosphere and a wonderful team. There are all the necessary conditions to improve your skills and knowledge.

Irina Pavlyuchenkova, dentist, clinic for adults

I am 28 years old, my work experience is 5 years. During this time, the team became a real family to me. We share sorrows, joys, successes and defeats. In difficult clinical situations, I do not consider it shameful to ask for advice and help from senior colleagues.

Over these 5 years, changes have also occurred in the organization of treatment and preventive activities of the clinic. New technologies are being introduced, ways of maintaining, recording and monitoring medical activities, young specialists are coming, and ways of stimulating their work in our city are being introduced. Improvement of the hospital grounds is underway. My hometown has also changed: new playgrounds, new monuments, new places to relax.

I want to say that the development of our city depends on the younger generation, which takes into account the experience of their predecessors, owns new technologies and knowledge, is motivated to succeed and looks up to the best! And success in our business depends not only on knowledge and skill, but on the kind heart of the doctor.

Daria Sas, obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic:

I think every child at least once in their life played in the hospital, gave injections to toys and tried on white clothes as if they were a robe. My little dream of becoming a doctor began just like that. At school I was very interested in natural sciences and always wanted to connect my life with medicine. Just recently I entered the university, received a student card, a record book, and 8 years later, I am a young specialist “Obstetrician-gynecologist”. I take responsibility for the life and health of the residents of our city. The decision to return to Desnogorsk after training was conscious. I like our city - it’s cozy and picturesque, there’s no fast traffic or crazy traffic jams. Desnogorsk is an ideal place for family life; it has everything you need for a comfortable stay, and every year the city is only changing. I work at MSCh-135, this is the only hospital in the city. There is a stereotype that hospitals in small towns are an order of magnitude worse than hospitals in big cities, I would argue with that. MSCh-135 boasts highly qualified specialists and friendly staff, as well as dynamic development - expansion of diagnostic and treatment capabilities. I don’t regret working here one bit, because the management makes sure that the staff and patients are always happy!

Dermatovenerologist Anastasia Dobrolyubova:

During my not so long medical career, I had to work in various cities (it was both a small regional town and our regional center). Therefore, when the chance came up to return to Desnogorsk in MSCh 135, I didn’t think for a long time. Firstly, I have something to compare with: MSCh 135 provides the most comfortable environment for a novice specialist. Yes, there is certainly a staff shortage, there is a lot of work, it is sometimes difficult to work, but there are always older and more experienced colleagues nearby who will come to the rescue, advise in difficult situations, and pass on their experience. The management of MSCh135 does everything possible to create comfortable conditions for its staff. For a young doctor who has just graduated from college, this is very important. Secondly, my hometown Desnogorsk has changed a lot over the past 10 years. It has become comfortable for life. I returned here with my family, and what a surprise we were when, without any problems, we received a wonderful kindergarten for our son, which has everything! My husband also got a decent position with prospects for career growth. In general, everything in the city is provided for a quiet, family life: there are new playgrounds, smooth walking paths everywhere, and there is a place for a morning jog! At our previous place of residence, we only dreamed of such conditions. My family is very happy with these changes!

Ekaterina Lebed, doctor - therapist at the clinic

I am a young specialist, but I have already worked in several cities in Russia. Six months ago I started working at Medical Unit No. 135. I have something to compare with, and I can say that here I see a really high level of medicine. The medical and sanitary unit team is an association of professionals who will always help not only patients, but also colleagues. In particular, thanks to them, I very quickly joined the work and now I am part of this wonderful team. I would also like to mention the cozy city of Desnogorsk. I am pleasantly surprised that such a small city has all the conditions for living and working. I really want to live here and be useful to people

Paramedic of the visiting team Angelina:

After practicing in college, I realized that I fell in love with the work of an ambulance, with this constant traveling nature of work, movement, new patients, various diagnoses, and the opportunity to develop.

Since we are not native residents of the city, the management of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Medical Care No. 135 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia compensates us for renting housing, which is very convenient. The ambulance team is very competent, friendly, they received us warmly, they constantly help, give advice, point out mistakes and help us adapt.

We really like working at Medical Unit No. 135 and, despite the fact that we are from other parts of the region, we plan to continue working for the benefit of Desnogorsk patients.

Opinion of the management of MSCh-135

Head of Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Medical Unit No. 135 FMBA of Russia A.V. Azarenkov:

Over the past year, the personnel problem in the medical unit has moved from a dead point. This was facilitated by the involvement of intern doctors from Smolensk State Medical University; an information campaign conducted by the management of the medical unit and aimed at popularizing the profession of a doctor, nurse and attracting personnel; assistance from the head of the Desnogorsk city administration in the allocation of office housing; attentive attitude towards young specialists from the entire team of the medical unit. Over the past few years, 10 doctors have been employed at Medical Unit No. 135; another 6 specialists are expected by the end of the year.

Deputy Head for Industrial Health L.V. Shtanij:

“I would like to note the high level of competence, desire to work, desire to acquire new skills and knowledge from young specialists, both doctors and nurses, paramedics. And most importantly, careful, attentive attitude towards patients. It’s easy and comfortable to work with such specialists and to jointly achieve your goals.”

We came to the Desnogorsk ambulance after a job fair, which took place in the spring of 2019, at which there were representatives of Medical Unit No. 135. We were interested in the conditions that were announced. After graduating from Roslavl Medical College and successfully passing accreditation, we came to Desnogorsk. The HR department of Medical Unit No. 135 confirmed the previously stated conditions for us, and we decided to stay and work here.