Can pregnant women eat meat? How to replace meat during pregnancy? Which meat is better

Meat must be consumed during pregnancy. But in order to preserve and obtain all the valuable components from its composition, you need to choose the right variety and cook it better by steaming. When fried and smoked, the beneficial properties are lost; moreover, such food is heavy and is not recommended for women during the gestational period.

Taste preferences

During pregnancy, a woman usually notices that she craves deli meats and dishes. This is fine. The body requires more acids and fats, so the desire to consume this product is quite natural.

But what about vegetarians? After all, women who adhere to this lifestyle do not eat meat during pregnancy. The expectant mother must understand that by excluding the product from her diet, she deprives not only herself of vital elements and substances, but also her child. A deficiency of vitamins and amino acids can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus and provoke one or another disease.

Sometimes a woman in labor cannot eat meat due to severe toxicosis. Nausea and disgust for such rich dishes appear. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the level of proteins and other substances with the help of alternative products:

  • chicken eggs and dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women (as prescribed by a doctor).

Most doctors have a negative attitude towards pregnancy without meat. Therefore, it is better to consult with a specialist and discuss your diet in order to exclude possible problems with your own health and that of your child.

Folk signs: who will be born a boy or a girl?

Since ancient times, signs have been preserved with the help of which they used to try to determine the sex of a child. There were no ultrasound machines or similar technology, so people paid attention to the woman’s preferences, the period of conception and the size of the abdomen.

It used to be assumed that if a pregnant woman wants meat, then a boy will be born. Naturally, such judgments are not relevant and are more like fortune telling. Modern medicine now rarely makes mistakes when determining gender. Already at the end of the first trimester, the beginning of the second, you can use an ultrasound to find out who will be: a boy or a girl.

Types of meat and cooking rules

Each type of meat has certain advantages. Doctors strongly recommend that pregnant women use some of them, while others, on the contrary, advise to exclude them.

  • Pork

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not eat pork because the product is difficult to digest. But it contains almost all useful elements and amino acids, so consumption in reasonable portions will only bring a positive effect.

For the diet, it is better to choose tenderloin and steam it, without a lot of spices. Combine with vegetables.

  • Beef

Beef contains a lot of protein and iron. These two components are necessary for a pregnant woman. Especially iron, because every second woman in labor experiences anemia. Vitamins E, B, iodine and magnesium form important compounds that contribute to the proper functioning of digestion.

But the amount of beef should be moderate; in excess, uric acids accumulate, which reduce immunity and contribute to the development of diseases (gout, osteochondrosis and others).

You can eat tenderloin, shoulder blade, liver. Steaming is recommended.

  • Chicken

Chicken meat is considered dietary and doctors often recommend it to women who have gained excess weight during pregnancy.

The protein in the composition is easily absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on the baby.

You can cook it on the grill or steam it.

  • Mutton

The composition of lamb is similar to pork and beef. The most useful pulp is from animals up to two years of age. The advantage is that this meat has less cholesterol than pork.

It must be consumed carefully, the product must be fresh and of high quality. Prohibited for women with digestive and gastrointestinal problems.

Pregnancy without meat

Due to toxicosis, one often turns away from meat during pregnancy and feels disgusted. In most cases, by the end of the first trimester these sensations disappear and appetite returns to normal. But at this time it is necessary to consume foods that can replace the effect of meat on the body. The most accessible ones are dairy, eggs and nuts. The latter are useful throughout the entire gestational period and have a beneficial effect on breastfeeding after the birth of the baby.

A complete refusal of meat during pregnancy can contribute to intrauterine developmental delays in the child and poor health of the woman. If you are a vegetarian, then you should correctly create a menu so that your diet contains sufficient amounts of protein, vitamins, and amino acids.

Many women in labor are interested in the question: why does meat make you sick during pregnancy? This is mainly due to toxicosis. If the disgust is chronic, then most likely there are some health problems and you should undergo certain examinations.

Some women should not eat meat during pregnancy. Why? This ban applies to patients with gastrointestinal problems and individual food intolerance. But more often this applies to pork, because it contains a lot of fat and cholesterol. The doctor considers each case individually.

Most of the population is accustomed to eating meat dishes regularly. Nowadays, of course, the number of vegetarians is growing, but hearty pork or tasty chicken remain favorites. A pregnant woman, if she has no contraindications, should definitely include meat in her diet. During the period of toxicosis, you can replace it with other products that are rich in proteins and vitamins.

Whatever your taste preferences are during the 9 months of expecting a baby, you cannot give up basic products that provide you and your baby with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

One of these fundamental products is meat; during pregnancy, it must be on the daily menu. All that remains is to figure out which type to give preference to and whether there are any contraindications.

Is meat really necessary?

You know that meat is the main source of proteins. But if you can get them from other products, for example, milk and cheese or legumes, then you should not forget about the wide list of amino acids and microelements that meat products abound.

Therefore, before you push meat aside during pregnancy, familiarize yourself with its beneficial composition:

  1. Squirrels. Meat contains up to 24% of the protein needed during pregnancy;
  2. Amino acids;
  3. B vitamins;
  • Thiamine, also known as the vitamin of optimism, is needed during the formation of the baby’s central nervous system (you can learn about how the baby develops as your tummy grows from the article Child Development in the Womb >>>), as well as in the prenatal period, but for the mother , to relieve pain;
  • Pyridoxine is useful for toxicosis (what toxicosis is and how you can fight it is described in the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>), and is also necessary for metabolic processes in the body at all levels, thanks to it, strong teeth are formed in the child;
  • Riboflavin is necessary for the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins;
  • Choline reduces the risk of developing mental and chronic diseases in a child in the future;
  • And the well-known folic acid is needed even at the stage of pregnancy planning, as well as during the formation of the fetus and throughout its intrauterine development;
  • Pantothenic acid synthesizes fatty acids;
  • And colabine is involved in blood formation and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Vitamin E. A good antioxidant, responsible for the production of antibodies, in addition to maintaining the necessary hormonal levels;
  2. Minerals. Calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, chlorine, phosphorus, copper, magnesium phosphate - all these useful components are found in high doses in meat products;
  3. Water. Depending on the variety and cooking technology, meat contains up to 70% water;
  4. Extractive substances. Thanks to these substances, meat dishes have a positive effect on the secretion of digestion; in addition, meat contains lactic acid and glucose.

Please note that the percentage of nutrients can vary significantly and depends on the type of meat, age of the animal, fat content and method of preparation.

Meat during pregnancy

If you don’t want meat during pregnancy, you shouldn’t immediately write this product off. You can experiment with product varieties or show your imagination in the recipe.

You can disguise meat in all kinds of soufflés and purees, as well as in various pancakes. You will be recommended lean varieties of meat, but do not forget that each type of meat has its own advantages and special components.


  • Pork, although the leader in calories in the list of meat products, surpasses all other competitors in the quantity and list of B vitamins;
  • Pork lard has a dangerous effect on weight gain, but in small quantities it is necessary for energy production;
  • Lean varieties of pork are suitable as a dish during pregnancy: breast, ham, back, lumbar and shoulder;
  • The meat of a young meat animal will be better digested;
  • Excessive consumption of pork is fraught with extra pounds, and weight gain in a child is possible. But if you choose low-fat varieties, there will be even less cholesterol than in beef, while the protein level will be higher. By the way, during breastfeeding, low-fat jellied pork feet promotes lactation (in the article at the link, read about how to increase lactation >>>).

Pork is a potential allergen. Not recommended for liver diseases. And when pickled or salted, it poses a threat of helminth infection.


  1. Iron, sodium and phosphorus, which are contained in 250 grams of red meat, are enough to meet the daily requirement for these components;
  2. Iron from meat or beef liver is absorbed much better than from pomegranate juice (article on the topic: Pomegranate during pregnancy >>>);

The harmful properties of this meat can only appear if this product is abused: beef contains purine bases, which can contribute to the accumulation of uric acid, which reduces immunity and increases vascular permeability.

Know! If you have an aversion to meat during pregnancy, especially the specific taste of beef, pay attention to the choice of meat. It is necessary to choose tender meat from a young calf; such a product is easy to prepare and will taste more tender and softer.


  • The obvious advantages of chicken are its dietary content, high content of quickly digestible protein and comparative cheapness;
  • Niacin contained in meat normalizes cholesterol, strengthens the heart muscle and improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Lecithin normalizes the breakdown of fats;
  • In the case of chicken, even the broth in which it was cooked is useful. The broth contains lysozyme, a known enemy of putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria.

But not all chicken is so healthy, for example, chicken legs, which are a favorite delicacy, are not suitable for you during pregnancy, since this is the fattest part of the chicken.

If you crave chicken during pregnancy, choose skinless breast or fillet. Please note that broiler chickens are controversial due to their rapid growth technology and special nutrition. Such meat most often causes allergic reactions.

Turkey meat

  1. Turkey meat, although not the leader in the amount of protein, is hypoallergenic, easily digestible, and rich in vitamins A and E;
  2. A serving of turkey covers 60% of the body's daily need for B vitamins;
  3. If you have problems with a lack of folic acid, then turkey meat fits perfectly into your diet;
  4. In addition, turkey meat contains tryptophan, which acts as an anti-stress;
  5. And in terms of the amount of phosphorus, turkey fillet can compete even with red fish.

It is difficult to find negative aspects regarding turkey meat; there can only be questions about the freshness of the meat and the age of the bird, which is reflected in the cooking time and toughness.

Rabbit meat

If you have a problem with extra pounds, and you need to increase the dose of protein, then rabbit meat is the ideal option for you;

  • 100 grams of rabbit meat contain no more than 180 kcal, while the protein that is present in the tender meat is quickly and easily digested;
  • In addition to magnesium, phosphorus and iron, rabbit meat is rich in fatty acids, B vitamins, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin;
  • Rabbit meat is easily digestible, does not put a strain on the liver or kidneys, and does not accumulate heavy metals, therefore it is recommended as a dietary product.

And again, a postscript - for pregnant women it is better to give preference to the carcasses of a young animal, since the process and time of its preparation is much faster, and, therefore, more useful substances will remain.


To describe the benefits of lamb, the comparative method is perfect.

  1. In terms of calories and fat content, lamb is three times lighter than pork, while the iron is the same three times more;
  2. In addition, lecithin, contained in large quantities in lamb meat, perfectly normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  3. In the prevention and fight against anemia, the meat of a young castrated lamb is superior to beef. In addition to iron, lamb is rich in phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

But cases where you feel sick from meat during pregnancy are not alone in the case of lamb. This meat is quite difficult for the kidneys and liver, and is also not recommended for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cooking rules

For the benefits of meat products to be undeniable, you need to start with the choice of product and pay attention to the cooking technology.

  • You need to buy only fresh, high-quality and certified meat from specialized sales points;
  • Choose the leanest and most dietary cuts of a young animal;
  • The skin must be removed before cooking. Rinse the meat with running water;
  • During pregnancy, it is better to boil meat, cook in a double boiler or bake in foil;
  • When frying, many nutrients lose their properties.

Important! Meat should not be consumed raw, salted or dried. There will also be no benefit from smoked meats or sausages.

How to replace meat for vegans and vegetarians?

If you consider yourself a vegetarian and deliberately refuse meat, you need to know how to replace meat during pregnancy in order to get a set of essential microelements and vitamins:

  1. Dairy and eggs are fine if you're selectively vegan;
  2. Legumes are rich in protein, but their vitamin composition is weaker;
  3. Nuts can compete with meat in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and vitamins, but the risk of developing allergies is much greater than with meat (read more in the article Nuts during pregnancy >>>);
  4. Phosphorus can be obtained from fish, but if you are a vegetarian, this product is also on the taboo list;
  5. To get the necessary vitamins and microelements, a vegan menu should contain a variety of vegetables and fruits, herbs, and cereals;
  6. If the risk of developing anemia is too great, it is best to turn to medications.

Carefully select your menu during this important period, because now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the development of the new life that is emerging and developing within you.

Most experts point to the need to include different types of meat in the nutrition system of pregnant women. Since today there is a tendency for people to completely or partially abandon animal foods, this review was created to look at interesting facts about the use of meat substitute products. Discussions on how to replace meat during pregnancy are aimed at informing adherents of vegetarianism and veganism about healthy products that supply the body with a complex of essential substances.

Pregnancy without meat

When carrying a child, it is considered normal to consume 2 grams of animal proteins per kilogram of body weight. This need can easily be met by a 100-gram portion of high-quality meat of medium or low fat content. Some women, according to religious traditions, for medical reasons or for ethical reasons, decide to exclude meat and all products containing it from their diet. They must realize that the single organism of mother and child with such nutrition is deprived of proteins and other elements that are extremely important from the point of view of maintaining the health of the woman and the full formation of the fetus.

There is no meat in the vegetarian diet, but it is permissible to drink milk and eat eggs, which fully supplies the body with valuable animal protein. Soybean stands out among the mass of plant products; it contains protein and a full range of amino acids necessary for humans. Other plant products contain incomplete proteins.

Adhering to a vegan diet, it will be more difficult for a woman to decide how to replace meat during pregnancy without negative consequences for the body. It is necessary to carefully plan your diet, trying to replace animal products with a variety of plant foods.

A vegan menu should include the following products:

  • soy contains phenylalanine;
  • mushrooms and peanuts contain arginine and valine;
  • nuts contain threonine;
  • brown rice provides the body with leucine;
  • rye, chickpeas, almonds, lentils, cashews - isoleucine;
  • legumes, beans - histine;
  • sesame, buckwheat, dates, banana fruit and oats - tryptophan;
  • wheat - lysine.

To get an idea of ​​high-protein plant foods, consider these data:

  • 60 grams of soy mince, 2 wheat or soy sausages, 100-200 grams of tofu - 20 grams of protein;
  • 75 grams dry brown rice, 20 grams peanut butter, 75 grams frozen peas, 20 grams peanuts, 20 grams pumpkin seeds, 25 grams sunflower seeds, 25 grams cashews - 5 grams protein;
  • 140 grams of canned or dried chickpeas, 200 grams of stewed or canned beans, 60 grams of dry oats, 6 falafels, 40 grams of red lentils, 40 grams of green lentils - 10 grams of protein;
  • 70 grams of dry millet, 50 grams of amaranth, 50 grams of quinoa, 60 grams of buckwheat - 7.5 grams of protein.

Even with a well-thought-out diet without animal food, a pregnant woman will have to take vitamin B12 supplements separately. This aspect should not be overlooked, since a lack of this important substance while avoiding meat causes anemia. Most common plant foods lack this vitamin.

Meat: a useful component of the diet of pregnant women, which vegetarians replace with plant foods and vitamins

Vegetarian menu for pregnant women

When planning a vegetarian diet, you will need to include the following items in your menu every day.

Vegetarian breakfast

Nutritional Information: 537 calories and 23.9 grams protein


  • orange - 1.3 g protein;
  • a serving of multigrain porridge - 7 g of protein;
  • 2 spoons of wheat germ - 3.4 g of protein;
  • wheat toast - 2.6 g protein;
  • a glass of soy milk - 6.9 g of protein;
  • a spoonful of sesame tahini paste - 2.7 g protein;
  • a spoonful of molasses and a low-calorie drink.

Vegetarian lunch and afternoon tea

Nutritional Information: 681 calories and 21 grams protein

Products for lunch:

  • apple - 0.3 g protein;
  • carrots - 0.7 g protein;
  • traditional veggie burger or sandwich with lettuce and tofu - 12.7 g protein.

Products for afternoon snack:

  • cupcake muffin or other type of baked goods - 7.3 g protein;
  • low calorie drink.

Vegetarian dinner

Nutritional Information: 649 calories and 28.7 grams protein


  • a glass of lentils - 17.9 g protein;
  • a spoonful of tahini - 2.7 g protein;
  • a quarter cup of onion - 0.8 g protein;
  • a glass of kale - 2.7 grams of protein;
  • a glass of brown rice - 4.9 g of protein;
  • green salad - 1 g protein.

Vegetarian dessert

Nutritional Information: 366 calories and 6.3 grams protein


  • mix of 3 figs and 3 large spoons of walnuts - 3.9 g of protein;
  • piece of carrot cake - 2.4 g protein.

By introducing all these products into the menu during pregnancy, a woman will receive 80.9 grams of protein and 2233 calories.

The described menu contains minimal amounts of protein, so you need to add other protein products to your diet to suit your taste. Considering that during pregnancy the body requires impressive amounts of nutrients, try to get closer to the norm by supplying your body with 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your own weight. Don't forget to take vitamins and consult nutritionists more often. Inspired by the indicative menu, you can accurately determine what to replace meat during pregnancy without creating a deficiency of proteins - the main building material of human tissue, which performs many important functions and replenishes energy reserves.

Pregnancy is a period when, due to global hormonal changes, a woman can hardly determine what she wants. This is especially true for food products, and there are plenty of fables about how, what and with what expectant mothers eat.

Each family has its own. However, despite the gastronomic oddities that begin to accompany you during this difficult period, the responsibility for the normal development of the child does not fall from your shoulders.

It is for this reason that you have to deny yourself not only what you have become accustomed to throughout your entire life, but also addictions that have appeared quite recently. The nutrition of the expectant mother must be balanced, experts say, and we believe them.

I can't eat meat during pregnancy, why?

Eating oatmeal alone from morning to night is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. The body must receive the entire range of nutrients necessary for the normal well-being of a woman and the development of the baby. You should create your new menu based not only on the recommendations of doctors, but also on your own taste preferences. We are all different people, and we all have a warm love for certain types of product.

They say that women love sweets, and this is some kind of stereotype. Most ladies, especially pregnant women, love to treat themselves to salty foods and tasty side dishes. What would be a delicious side dish without meat? Knowing that you need to be careful with many foods during pregnancy, a woman may have a completely logical question: is it possible to eat meat during pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

If you want meat during pregnancy

Meat and meat products contain the largest amount of animal proteins necessary for the human body, as well as amino acids, iron, phosphorus, vitamins a, b1, b6, b12. Expectant mothers need to understand that meat should be a component of meals, and not the main dish for three meals a day. One hundred grams of meat per day will be enough.

How to replace meat during pregnancy

A lot depends on the type of meat eaten. The best option is rabbit, lean poultry (but not boiler chicken), lean veal and sometimes pork (although it is better not to eat pork, since it is difficult to digest). Calf liver is good for expectant mothers. Meat should be eaten with vegetables, and not with potatoes and bread, as we are used to.

How you cook the meat is also important. It is not recommended to fry meat; stewing over low heat may be an acceptable option. The optimal heat treatment for meat during pregnancy is boiling or baking. If you are boiling meat, you can add prunes or dried pear to the water, this will add a piquant taste. You can cook the meat in the sleeve, and then it will be in its own juice. When baking meat in foil in the oven, you should not smear it with mayonnaise or sour cream, even if at first glance it seems lean to you. It would be best to rub it with salt and spices approved for use during pregnancy. You can add onions or carrots.

Once defrosted, do not refreeze the meat. Buy the product in trusted places, from people who have the appropriate permits to distribute the product and a quality certificate, or at least some documents that can confirm that the chicken or cow that will soon reach your table did not suffer from diseases dangerous to you diseases. Be sure to rinse the meat before cutting, but not in hot water. Take care of your diet and diet, pay attention to the quality of products, and let your pregnancy be easy!

Recently, my husband and I gave up meat; it was purely an experiment, “let’s try.” I wouldn’t say that anything has changed much, but there is a lightness and after a month, I don’t even want to eat a piece. And now I have a new life...

How to deal with pregnant women who can't eat meat

During pregnancy, you need to eat right, get all the necessary elements so that the baby develops and the mother feels good. However, what should vegetarian women do, as well as those expectant mothers who, with the onset of pregnancy, cannot eat a single piece of meat?

It should be noted that vegetarians are different. Some give up only meat, continuing to eat fish, eggs and dairy products. There are vegans - people who eat exclusively plant foods; raw foodists who eat raw vegetables; fruitarians, whose diet contains only fruits.

If your diet contains only animal meat and you consume fish, eggs, milk and cottage cheese, you have nothing to worry about. Include foods containing iron and protein in your diet - nuts, legumes, pomegranate juice, buckwheat. It will be much more stressful for the baby if the mother, who has been a vegetarian for ten years, starts eating meat. Do not listen to the recommendations of compassionate relatives who claim that the mother should eat constantly during pregnancy and gain a couple of tens of kilograms so that the child is born healthy.

Vegans, fruitarians and raw foodists are also able to bear and give birth to a healthy child. Eating vegetables, fruits and grains, it is difficult not to get the necessary dose of vitamins and minerals. If you belong to this category, your diet should be as varied as possible, and your meals should be frequent and regular. There should be porridge on the table, including with bran; potato; rice and, of course, a variety of vegetables and fruits. If you eat five different fruits throughout the day, you will get all the vitamins you need. It will be good if you start taking calcium tablets during pregnancy.

If you are a vegetarian or cannot eat meat during pregnancy, be sure to tell your doctor about this. A good doctor will not put pressure or threaten you, but will help you create a diet in such a way that you will carry and give birth to a strong and healthy baby. If you are unlucky with your doctor, feel free to change him.
What fish should pregnant women eat?

Pregnant women pay special attention to their diet. The usefulness of fish is often questioned. It has been proven that some types of fish can accumulate mercury. A pregnant woman should not deny herself fish, especially since most types and seafood are safe when properly cooked and help replenish the deficiency of nutrients.

Doctors advise not to change your diet with the onset of pregnancy; of course, this rule applies only to those women who eat properly and whose menu does not contain any frankly dangerous foods. If a woman loves fish or has replaced meat with it, she needs to revise the menu a little and choose the healthiest seafood. Women whose menus rarely include fish dishes should add fish soup, fish cutlets, baked and boiled fish to their diet. Scientists note that women who often consume fish and seafood during pregnancy give birth to healthier children. The mental abilities of such children are also much higher than those of their peers whose mothers abstained from fish.

Medium-sized salmon, sardines, small shrimp, squid, navaga, ice fish, eel, hake are recommended for a pregnant woman's menu. Inexpensive chum salmon and pollock contain large amounts of pyridoxine, which helps prevent seizures and nervous system disorders. Herring and sardines are a source of vitamin D. These types of fish are safe, and if a woman has never tried them, pregnancy is an excellent reason to diversify the menu. Fish should be boiled, stewed or baked; it is better to avoid deep frying - such a dish is too fatty, and the fish loses its beneficial properties. A pregnant woman is recommended to eat fish twice a week. This is a complete protein that is absorbed better than meat protein.

The stores have a fairly good selection of affordable fish, which are no less healthy than expensive ones. Many types of fish are cheaper than meat, and therefore even pregnant women with average income can organize a nutritious meal. If you don't like fish, you can buy