Can menstruation occur during early pregnancy - causes and differences from bleeding. First month of pregnancy Can you get your period in the first month?

Many women consider menstruation in the first month of pregnancy to be an absolutely normal, physiological phenomenon, without thinking at all about the reasons for this discrepancy and the possible consequences...

First, let’s remember why menstruation comes to us in the first place. In short, it’s “hormonal”. If conception does not occur, then at the end of the menstrual cycle a drop in hormone levels occurs, for this reason the endometrium of the uterus peels off and bleeding begins. It can be assumed that when menstruation occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, approximately the same thing happens. But such “falls” are one of the most common causes of miscarriages. So, even an ordinary “daub” cannot be ignored, and even more so if the bleeding is profuse. Remember that the sooner you see a doctor and start treatment, the greater the chance of saving the child. But it is worth noting that this is not always possible, unfortunately. Sometimes a miscarriage begins suddenly, and the detachment of the ovum is too large.

Spotty, scanty discharge often occurs during a frozen pregnancy - when the embryo stops developing and dies. But a miscarriage may not occur immediately. In Russia and the CIS countries, if the uterus is not developing, they cleanse the uterus, while in Europe and the USA a wait-and-see approach is used (wait until the body itself gets rid of the “dead” contents). It goes without saying that everything happens under the regular supervision of a doctor and ultrasound.

Another serious complication, in which the same symptoms occur, is when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. A woman believes that her first period began during pregnancy, but in fact, such a pathological process is occurring in her body. Perhaps one of its most terrible complications is rupture of the fallopian tube. Therefore, early diagnosis is very important. Surgery is required in most cases, but not always. For short periods of time, drug treatment is possible. In addition, sometimes ectopic ones also become non-developing. And then surgery is not required, only observation.

How to diagnose these pathologies in yourself? Using a blood test for hCG. It will be significantly below normal. And if you look at the dynamics, it will decrease somewhat, but it is unlikely to actively grow. On an ultrasound, the fetal egg is not visible in the uterus (if it is ectopic), or it is too small in size, and there is no heartbeat in the fetus, although it should already be at this stage (in the case of a frozen one). But even without these examinations, the gynecologist may suspect something is wrong. During a gynecological examination, the doctor palpates the uterus, assesses its size and tendency to increase. If the uterus does not grow, or is too small for the given stage of pregnancy, a more in-depth examination is prescribed.

Many people are interested in whether menstruation can occur in the first month of pregnancy due to cervical erosion. Of course, there may be scanty discharge, but this is not menstruation at all. It is also necessary to take into account that erosion can be successfully treated even in expectant mothers. And sometimes no treatment is required, and thanks to some hormonal changes, ectopia goes away on its own. To choose the right treatment tactics, you need to take a smear for oncocytology and do a colposcopy. But if the erosion actually bleeds, then in any case, anti-inflammatory, tissue-healing vaginal suppositories and, possibly, other gynecological procedures will be prescribed.

Very often, expectant mothers ask doctors whether menstruation can occur in the first month of pregnancy, to which they answer that it is not and that if this happens, it is necessary to go to the gynecological department for treatment. By the way, about the examination. In some cases, light discharge may be triggered by a gynecological examination, but this is not dangerous. Remember that no examination can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, discharge can appear due to douching (although douching, in principle, is not recommended for expectant mothers) and after rather rough sexual intercourse, since the walls of the vagina during pregnancy become most susceptible to various mechanical influences.

Well, in the end I would like to dispel some myths. Many ladies have heard (of course, not first-hand) that some women (and even doctors!) may not notice pregnancy, since menstruation occurs at their usual time of 3 and 5 months! Such stories, of course, could have happened in the last century in some godforsaken village, where there was adequate medical care. But now, when there are all the possibilities for diagnosing an interesting situation, even independently (tests), this simply cannot happen. Pregnancy can be determined even before the delay, 10-12 days after conception, if you donate blood to test for chronic gonadotropin levels. A little later - if you do an ultrasound of the uterus.

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Even the most experienced women who monitor their health can skip pregnancy and come to an appointment with a specialist already from a baby. This is due to menstruation in early pregnancy. They are discharge that looks very similar to the usual critical days, but their reasons are completely different.

Early registration of a pregnant woman is very important. Knowing about her situation, the woman does not take medication, tries to eat well and properly and protects himself more. If there are serious developmental defects, then at the very first screening ultrasound diagnosis many defects can be seen and a decision can be made to continue or terminate the pregnancy.

When do you get your period during pregnancy?

This is very often observed in girls with light and irregular menstruation. Pregnancy is not always a planned event, and not everyone runs to the pharmacy for a test if the delay is a day or two.

The causes of such discharge during pregnancy are:

The cervix is ​​very vulnerable during pregnancy. This is especially true in cases with ectopia and erosion. Even taking smears or having sexual intercourse can cause small amounts of blood to be discharged during pregnancy.

How long can periods last during pregnancy?

Delayed menstruation is the most common sign of pregnancy. But there are exceptions to the rule when menstruation does not stop. Most gynecologists do not consider menstruation in the first month after conception a sign of danger or a pathology. The reasons lie specifically in the fertilization of the egg and the subsequent implantation of the woman’s fertilized egg.

It also happens that in the early stages they do not stop going throughout the entire first trimester. Here you cannot do without an examination by a specialist. First, it is necessary to eliminate the threat of miscarriage and establish the reason why the woman’s body does not respond to conception.

Experts identify several reasons for this phenomenon:

Many women are interested in how many months menstruation can last during pregnancy and until what period is this considered normal. Doctors say that this phenomenon can last no more than 4 months. But even if when carrying a baby There are no pathologies, then monthly bleeding should still alert the doctor and the expectant mother.

How can you tell the difference between spotting and menstruation?

If there are any doubts about the beginning and normal course of pregnancy, it is worth knowing how menstruation when carrying babies, distinguish them from ordinary ones.

Determination of hormones in blood and urine

It is very important to conduct a urine pregnancy test by purchasing one from a pharmacy. This method is the safest and most accessible. It can be done at home without any problems. But if the result is negative, this does not mean that you are not pregnant. It is not always informative in the early stages. For a more accurate result, it is worth taking a blood test to measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. You can find out the correct result already on the 10th day after conception. If it is positive, then conception has occurred, but if it is negative, then no.

If a girl watches, then she will also be able to determine whether it is menstruation or discharge during pregnancy. Direct evidence that fertilization has occurred is a temperature in the rectum above 37 degrees.

How you feel

For many women, pregnancy is accompanied by symptoms such as:

These symptoms will persist even with abnormal discharge during pregnancy.

By the nature of the discharge

In most situations, discharge that can be confused with menstruation during pregnancy is unusual. It is for this reason that they arouse suspicion and doubt in a woman. But based on reviews, one can judge that if monthly discharge was normally meager, then women don’t notice the difference. You need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. If spotting appears after a delay.
  2. If they are clotted and unusually abundant.
  3. If they started earlier than expected.
  4. Lasts only 1 or 2 days.
  5. Minor.

Algorithm of actions when in doubt

If a woman does not rule out that she may be pregnant, but she has discharge, then she immediately needs to visit a specialist. Under no circumstances should you take any medications or use traditional methods in order to intensify your periods and cause termination of pregnancy, as a continuation of the miscarriage that has begun.

It is better not to try to stop the bleeding with medications and herbs. This will not stop the discharge, but it may have a negative effect on the health of the fetus and the expectant mother. The most correct algorithm for female actions is:

To the question that interests all women about whether there can be menstruation during the period of bearing a baby, experts give a unequivocal answer that these two concepts are absolutely opposite to each other. Even minor bleeding during pregnancy is a pathology that requires medical supervision and, possibly, emergency treatment.

It is for this reason that if you have any doubts about your condition, you should immediately visit a specialist. And this needs to be done as quickly as possible. After all, if a woman delays visiting the clinic, this can lead to disastrous events.

The first month of pregnancy often remains for the expectant mother a “month of ignorance” about her new status as a “pregnant woman.” So far, there have not been any sharp cardinal changes in either the pregnant woman’s well-being or her appearance, especially since pregnancy initially begins with the fertilization of the egg, its further “journey” to the uterus and its secure attachment there.

The introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus occurs 6-14 days after its historical meeting with the sperm. From now on, the formation and development of the unborn child will last for 9 months: first, the egg will turn into an embryo, then into a fetus, and by the end of pregnancy, mom and dad will probably know whether to choose a male or female name for the long-awaited baby.

Signs of pregnancy in the first month

Of course, the most obvious sign that pregnancy has occurred is the absence of menstruation on time. If your period is 3-4 days late, it’s time to buy a pregnancy test. But the test, of course, is not always guaranteed to determine pregnancy, but a blood test for hCG can cope with this with constant success: with the onset of pregnancy, the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin begin to steadily increase.

Other signs of pregnancy in the first month, which may signal a successful conception and “settlement” of the egg in the uterus:

  • elevated: basal temperature increases to 37-37.5 degrees even with the onset of ovulation under the influence of the hormone progesterone. This same hormone remains a full-fledged “master” in a woman’s body even after conception, being responsible for maintaining pregnancy. This is associated with increased basal temperature at the beginning of pregnancy and until the end of the first trimester;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity of the breasts, darkening of the areola: the changes that the breasts undergo already at the beginning of pregnancy are also associated with an increase in the concentration of progesterone. Already from the first month, thus, the body prepares for the upcoming lactation after the birth of the baby;
  • exacerbation of olfactory sensations and taste preferences: suddenly, unexpectedly, a woman begins to react sharply and with disgust to certain odors, which can even cause nausea. In addition, unexpected food cravings may appear, and for some reason a woman begins to crave those foods that she didn’t particularly “like” before;
  • fatigue and constant drowsiness: changes have already begun in the body, now it will have to be completely rebuilt in order to provide the most comfortable conditions for the life and development of the fetus. This restructuring may well be accompanied by increased fatigue and a haunting desire to sleep; such symptoms often make themselves felt throughout the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • mood swings: just a minute ago the woman was laughing boisterously, and now she’s suddenly crying, upset? The reason for this is all the same hormones.

Sensations and pains

In the early stages, a woman does not yet fully experience all the possible “delights of pregnancy” that she has yet to encounter at different stages of bearing a child. However, even now some hitherto unknown sensations may appear, such as the desire to sleep longer and more often, a feeling of haunting fatigue and rapid fatigue. The fact is that now all the body’s forces are aimed at maintaining the pregnancy, and with such changes it is trying to “tell” the expectant mother that from now on it is necessary to save strength and live in a “gentle” mode.

Although toxicosis usually manifests itself somewhat later, in some cases its symptoms are possible already in the first month of pregnancy. Nowadays, no universal remedy has been invented for vomiting, which is how toxicosis manifests itself: some women are helped by lollipops, others by lemon. The set of “general” recommendations for avoiding and reducing toxicosis is simple: irritating odors that provoke nausea should be eliminated; maintain an optimal diet and in the morning, immediately after waking up, before getting out of bed, drink warm tea and eat an apple or cookies.

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a feeling of some discomfort associated with swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, headaches and dizziness may occur - all these are the results of hormonal changes.

Many accomplished mothers note the presence of nagging pain in the abdomen in the first month of pregnancy, similar to those that occur during the premenstrual period. If the abdominal pain is not severe, does not accompany the woman constantly and does not “degenerate” into cramping, it does not pose a threat. But at the same time, abdominal pain can be a symptom of increased uterine tone and a high risk of pregnancy failure, and also indicate the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, if pain in the abdomen in the first month of pregnancy is constant, accompanied by spotting brown discharge or bleeding, you should consult a doctor, who will make an accurate diagnosis.

Even in the early stages, even though the belly has not even begun to grow, pain in the lower back and in the sacral area is possible, as a result of the softening of the ligaments and spinal discs that support the uterus under the influence of progesterone and the tension of the round muscles of the uterus due to its gradual enlargement.

It is very possible that in the first trimester of pregnancy a woman will notice an increased need to empty the bladder: sometimes the expectant mother has to get up several times a night to go to the toilet “in a small way.” Experts explain the increased frequency of urination by the gradual enlargement of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder, and the increased production of fluid by the pregnant woman’s body.

Discharge in the first month of pregnancy

In the first month of pregnancy, discharge in abundance and any qualitative changes do not bother the woman. Although, of course, the possibility of some increase in discharge cannot be ruled out, which may occur due to hormonal changes in the body.

Even at the very beginning of the first month of pregnancy, towards the end of the first or beginning of the second week, a woman may also notice spotting, which is the so-called implantation bleeding. This phenomenon occurs at the moment of implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus, and we are not even talking about bleeding as such, but about the separation of a certain amount of pinkish discharge.

But the appearance of discharge in the first month of pregnancy in the form of real bleeding - even profuse, even “smearing” - already indicates pathology. Thus, vaginal bleeding may indicate a miscarriage that has already taken place (looks like an ordinary period, perhaps delayed and somewhat more painful) or a high risk of miscarriage (in the presence of spotting brown or bloody discharge).

In addition, careful attention to yourself requires discharge in the first month of pregnancy, which is accompanied by itching and/or burning, has an unpleasant odor, has a green, yellow or gray color, and “unhealthy” foaminess or curdledness. Such symptoms are characteristic of an infection, for which you will have to undergo the indicated tests to determine and select treatment tactics.

Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy

Normally, menstruation stops with the onset of pregnancy. However, you can often find references to the fact that menstruation was still occurring in the first month of pregnancy, and doctors also in many cases classify such cases as normal. The situation in which menstruation is still present in the first month of pregnancy may be explained by the fact that the fertilized egg did not have time to “get” to the uterus. So, if fertilization occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and the egg is still on its way to the uterus (the “journey” takes from a week to two), no hormonal changes occur in the body. This means that menstruation comes on time, but should not be repeated in the second month.

If your period “comes” in the following months (the literature describes situations where women menstruate before 3-4 months of pregnancy), most likely, we are talking about a hormonal imbalance. Menstruation can be combined with pregnancy, for example, in case of insufficient progesterone production or in case of hyperandrogenism.


A cold in the early stages of pregnancy is not only undesirable, but even dangerous for the further development of pregnancy, for the formation and development of the embryo. Thus, a cold in the first month of pregnancy, in the first weeks, with a high degree of risk ends in embryo rejection: even before the onset of menstruation, without even thinking about pregnancy, a woman resorts to various types of medications to treat a cold. Uncontrolled and thoughtless use of them ultimately has a detrimental effect on pregnancy: a woman may well mistake a miscarriage for another menstruation.

A cold is no less dangerous in the first month of pregnancy and when menstruation is already significantly delayed and the woman justifiably suspects (or even already knows) about her impending motherhood. The fact is that the active division of embryonic cells, its formation and development begins from the first month, and encountering some infections can cause a “failure” in the normal process of formation of the unborn child, triggering the development of certain pathologies. For the same reason, taking most medications during pregnancy is prohibited, which makes treating colds much more difficult. But it is necessary to treat it, otherwise the risk of fetal abnormalities is high.

As a rule, more and more medicinal herbs are used in the treatment of colds in the early stages of pregnancy, the use of which still requires consultation with a doctor - some herbs also pose a threat.

And it’s better, of course, to avoid colds now, knowing that immunity is reduced during pregnancy, and take care. As a preventive measure, you should spend less time in places with large crowds of people, follow a sleep and rest schedule, get enough sleep, avoid contact with people who already have a cold, and eat well.


It’s even worse if a cold in the early stages of pregnancy is accompanied by fever: temperature in the first month of pregnancy is dangerous because of its ability to provoke pregnancy fading. In addition, the temperature now can lead to pregnancy rejection, and if the pregnancy is maintained, to pathologies in the development of the child. What complicates the situation is that antipyretics in the early stages of pregnancy, like the vast majority of medications, are prohibited. So what to do?

First of all, do not panic and be sure to seek specialized help. The main way to reduce high fever at this stage should be to drink plenty of fluids - herbal teas, linden blossom or raspberry decoction, weak black tea with lemon and honey. A decoction of 2 teaspoons of raspberry leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of oregano, 4 tbsp. spoons of coltsfoot, 3 tbsp. spoons of plantain. But, by the way, you should also be “careful” with herbs; some of them, which help at other times, are undesirable during pregnancy.

It should be taken into account that a significant increase in temperature is also accompanied by some other infectious diseases with an inflammatory process occurring in the body. If an increase in temperature in the first month is recorded in the absence of other signs of a cold, you should consult a doctor and take tests to diagnose the disease and choose adequate treatment.

Nutrition in the first month of pregnancy

It is necessary to adjust the diet with the onset of pregnancy, and the sooner this is done, the better it will be for the mother and baby. The main nutritional requirements in the first month are balance and consumption of sufficient quantities of nutrients and nutrients. In general, the daily caloric intake for a woman at this stage is about 2500 kilocalories.

To prevent and eliminate toxicosis that is already present, you should definitely include protein foods in your diet and reduce the amount of animal fats. In addition, now you should give up hard-to-digest foods, fast food products, and semi-finished products. Alcoholic drinks are definitely prohibited; women should be careful with coffee and tea.

It is advisable to eat often and in small portions, preventing hunger from becoming rampant; it is important to avoid overeating. Nutrition in the first month of pregnancy must include the consumption of vegetables and fruits - they will become the main source of vitamins and microelements. But, at the same time, even in large quantities, vegetables consumed cannot fill the increased need for folic acid, which a woman will be prescribed to consume additionally along with vitamin E.

It is also important that calcium-containing foods are present in the diet: cottage cheese, eggs, milk and fermented milk products. A supply of calcium in the body is necessary: ​​in the near future, the baby will “scoop” it from the mother’s body to form bone tissue.

In general, the requirements for nutrition are now common: it must be healthy, nutritious and exclude foods “harmful” to the child in any of their variations.


Is sex acceptable in the first month of pregnancy? The question is ambiguous, and the opinions of experts on this matter differ: some are categorically against physical intimacy in the early stages, arguing that any careless movement can be harmful, some believe that sex has a place to happen if spouses approach lovemaking responsibly and caution. A clear contraindication to sex is the threat of miscarriage - if the uterus is toned, physical contact can cause a miscarriage.

In general, due to the dramatic changes that are now taking place in a woman’s body, the expectant mother herself is not particularly inclined towards intimacy: headaches, breast soreness, constant fatigue and a feeling of weakness do not in any way contribute to sexual activity. And a man will have to come to terms with this and find a new approach to a woman: an approach of tenderness, affection and love.

It should be mentioned that in connection with conception and a successfully developing pregnancy, the exact opposite situation may arise: a woman’s libido and the need for sexual pleasures, on the contrary, increase. And this is also normal: you never know how the “pranks” of hormones will turn out.

In any case, in the absence of contraindications, sex in the first month of pregnancy is possible, but only without sudden movements and with caution. In addition, it is better to use a condom during physical intimacy: the vaginal mucosa is now also undergoing changes, becoming loose and easily injured. And, since in the absence of menstruation the self-cleaning function of the vagina decreases, even microdamages can cause the development of colpitis.

Is pregnancy and menstruation possible in the first month of pregnancy? Is there any danger in this? When a woman has a delay in her menstrual cycle, this indicates a possible conception.

Doctors are not surprised or alarmed if a woman gets her period early in pregnancy. It is believed that such a phenomenon can occur if conception occurs at the end of the cycle, that is, the embryo has not yet established itself in the uterus (it needs some time for this) and the female body has not yet responded to the presence of new life. In this case, menstruation is possible in the first month of pregnancy, which is considered normal. If menstruation stops in the next cycle, then everything is fine. But if the woman experiences full periods again in the next month, she should consult a doctor.

In addition, the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine wall within 1-2 weeks. From this moment, pregnancy begins, and there may be menstruation that accompanies the fixation of the embryo. As a rule, such bleeding is not very heavy, but if a woman had scanty periods before conception, she may well confuse this process with them.

After fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg begins its journey to the place of attachment - to the uterus. Getting into the reproductive organ, it connects with the uterine layer, which can be injured. It is also necessary to take into account that, for reasons that are not yet clear, the site of attachment may change, which again leads to injury and bleeding.


Etiology of the phenomenon

We can talk about the normal appearance of menstruation during pregnancy only in the first month. Further, this condition may already be pathological, and if any bleeding occurs, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

As mentioned above, in the first month the embryo attaches to the uterine walls, this may be accompanied by damage to small vessels located in the endometrium. Naturally, blood will come out, which can be confused with menstruation, especially if conception occurred in the middle of the cycle. The embryo is attached after a couple of weeks, which coincides with the end of the cycle and the arrival of menstruation. This phenomenon is completely safe for both the mother and the unborn child.

However, there is also another reason. Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy may indicate hormonal imbalances. They can be a consequence of inflammatory processes in the female sphere, infections, stress, etc. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the nature of menstrual bleeding and, if they change, contact a specialist. In such a situation, in the first month of pregnancy, a reaction similar to menstruation is also not dangerous, the main thing is that it does not happen again. But it is still worth informing the doctor about what happened; you may have to slightly adjust the hormonal levels so that the growth and development of the embryo occurs correctly.

A woman who gets her period during the first month of pregnancy should not confuse it with bleeding. The latter are a dangerous symptom for both mother and baby. The causes of bleeding can be different; they can only be determined through diagnostics. The main difference between bleeding and menstruation is severe pain. In the first case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there may be a risk of miscarriage.

Other reasons

The appearance of menstruation in the first month of pregnancy may be associated with douching or sexual intercourse. If the cause is hormonal disorders, then they may have been provoked by medications, stress, inflammation, poor environment and many other factors.

It is quite rare, but there is also a situation where two eggs mature in one cycle, and the process occurs in both ovaries. One of them is fertilized, and life is born in it, and the second is excreted by the body, which is menstruation.

If before pregnancy a woman had cervical erosion, then in the first weeks she may experience discharge, but it cannot be called a full period; it is rather a scanty spotting. It is quite possible to treat erosion while in an interesting position. In addition, there are cases when self-healing occurs. This phenomenon is most likely due to an increase in hormone concentrations during pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is also accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and minor bleeding. This is the name given to the sudden cessation of embryonic development and growth. A woman experiences discomfort, which in its intensity resembles pain during menstruation, and the most important sign of a frozen pregnancy is considered to be a sudden cessation of the sensation of swelling in the breasts.

If toxicosis was noted, then you also stop it, the basal temperature drops, that is, the whole body says that there is no pregnancy. Often the woman herself feels the moment when the embryo has stopped developing. Such a pregnancy cannot be maintained. The causes of the pathology can be viral diseases or stressful situations. The final diagnosis should be made by a doctor, but you should not delay the visit and wait for the fetus to begin to develop. The embryo may begin to decompose in utero, and this can lead to sepsis.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is another pathology that is accompanied by bleeding. Modern medicine has not yet found a way to preserve such a pregnancy; it must be terminated. In this case, the embryo is not attached to the uterine wall, but in any other place in the abdominal cavity. Most often this happens in the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are not intended for the development of life in them, and there is no room for the growth of the fetus in them, therefore, as the embryo develops and increases in size, the organ may burst, which will lead to its removal (in the most favorable outcome).

The pain that occurs during an ectopic pregnancy is nothing more than an attempt by the tube to push out the fertilized egg. They are very sharp and can radiate to the anus, leg, hypochondrium and collarbone. The woman also feels dizzy, nauseous and weak. If you do not consult a doctor in time, intra-abdominal bleeding may begin, the woman’s condition will worsen, and the pain will intensify.

Bloody vaginal discharge is a rejection of the uterine lining, which was created for implantation. When a pipe ruptures, a woman begins to experience very severe pain, her pulse quickens, her blood pressure drops, and she may experience cold sweat and loss of consciousness. These symptoms indicate that a large amount of blood has leaked into the abdominal cavity. Based on the above, an ectopic pregnancy must be diagnosed and terminated very urgently.

Diagnosis of pathological processes

You can identify pathology during pregnancy by looking at a blood test for hCG. Its level tends to decrease rather than increase. In the case of some anomalous processes, the result will be several times lower than the norm. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, then you need to do an ultrasound - there will be no fertilized egg in the uterus.


If a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed, the size of the fertilized egg will be significantly smaller than expected at this stage. There will also be no heartbeat. A complete and in-depth examination is indicated when the size of the uterus is too small and does not correspond to the norm at a certain stage of pregnancy, and its enlargement is not expected.

The expectant mother should monitor her health very carefully and, at the slightest deviation, consult her doctor. After all, now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for another life.

In any “community” of pregnant women, the flow of stories about insidious periods during pregnancy does not dry out. Some women find out about pregnancy 2-3 months after its onset, and not at all because of their “denseness,” but because all this time they continue to menstruate - a situation that seems to exclude pregnancy and even suspicion of it. I myself know a certain lady, a neighbor down the street, who gave birth to six children (now adults), of which only two she really wanted and knew that she was pregnant. The rest were born unexpectedly, despite the fact that the lady was visiting a gynecologist. But every time she was discovered to be pregnant at a period when even ardent atheists consider abortion to be murder, and she was menstruating all this time. Yes, this woman was very plump, with a large belly, it was difficult to feel anything there, there were probably serious hormonal imbalances, and our district gynecologist was not highly professional and sat in an empty office all year round. And yet - why? How does this happen?

Menstruation during pregnancy in the first month

Having periods during the first month of pregnancy is generally normal. In the middle of the cycle, fertilization occurred, but the fertilized egg might not have reached the right place (this takes 7-15 days) and the hormonal levels did not have time to change - the body reacted as usual - regular periods began and ended. This shouldn't happen next month. It happens that the estrogen level is lower than necessary. Pregnancy hormones are already working, pregnancy is developing, and estrogen suddenly “fell” - well, you never know why! - and this is always bloody discharge, and it occurs exactly when it should have started if there were no pregnancy. Since stable hormonal levels are quite rare in our time, some women menstruate for 3-4 months without the threat of miscarriage. There are also cases in the literature of the simultaneous maturation of two eggs (from different ovaries, usually this happens in turn), when one of them is fertilized and the second is rejected, causing menstruation, but this situation is quite rare and complex.

Bloody discharge or still periods during pregnancy?

What is important to know? Firstly, any bleeding when pregnancy has been established is not the norm! This is an indicator of a greater or lesser imbalance of sex hormones, and therefore a reason to consult a doctor. Secondly, under the guise of the arrival of menstruation, a completely different, more formidable pathology can be disguised - an incipient miscarriage. Therefore, you still can’t bypass the doctor. The difference between the first situation and the second is that menstruation during pregnancy is always insignificant, sometimes appears only when the woman moves, disappears at night and is never accompanied by pain. Even small. Prolonged, nagging pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, bright, sudden bleeding, even on the usual days of menstruation, can be a reason not only to go to the clinic - sometimes even to call the ambulance!

Is continuation of menstruation during pregnancy dangerous for the unborn child?

You need to be seriously examined, check the level of all necessary hormones and what else the doctor will prescribe. If, due to ongoing menstruation, you find out about pregnancy later than the first month, do as you planned. If the child is desired, continue to be pregnant and do not be afraid that due to bleeding he will be born weak, sick, with defects, etc. Fortunately, hormones do not affect the formation of the fetus, its organs and systems. The dirty environment, the medications you take, and many other things affect it - but not the balance of hormones - let's at least rejoice at this!