Miramistin with gynecological attachment. Miramistin for women: what diseases will this remedy help with? How to treat thrush at home

The special attachment is convenient for use in gynecology for the prevention and treatment of infections, inflammatory gynecological diseases, postpartum injuries, etc. The drug has pronounced hyperosmolar activity, as a result of which it reduces inflammation, absorbs exudate, and promotes healing. Does not damage granulations, does not inhibit epithelization.

Miramistin 50 ml with urological applicator complete with spray nozzle (travel/tourist)

The compact bottle with sprayer is convenient to take with you on the go. Suitable for irrigation of mucous membranes and skin. In addition to the nebulizer, the kit also includes a urological nozzle. Miramistin® has a pronounced antiseptic effect and meets high requirements for effectiveness and safety.

The sprayer is convenient for irrigating the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat, as well as irrigating wounds and skin. Miramistin is used to treat wounds and infectious and inflammatory diseases (as local therapy). Used in surgery, combustiology, dentistry, otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, urology, dermatovenerology, etc. Flat and round bottles are available for sale.

The special attachment is convenient for use in urology, for prophylaxis, as well as in other cases when it is necessary to use a small amount of the drug. Miramistin® has pronounced pharmacological activity against most pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, genital herpes, HIV, genital candidiasis, etc.

An economical bottle, suitable for manipulations that require a large amount of the drug, as well as for use in hospitals and dressings. Miramistin® has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, including hospital strains resistant to antibiotics. Increases the sensitivity of bacteria, fungi and protozoa to the action of antibiotics. Stimulates local protective reactions at the site of inflammation. The drug is not absorbed and does not have a local irritant or allergenic effect.

Like every medicine, Miramistin always includes instructions for use in the kit. However, in the life of every person there are times when he may need Miramistin, when the instructions are not at hand, so you should remember that when used externally, the possibility of an overdose is practically eliminated. In emergency cases, the surface of the wound is irrigated with a spray or filled with a 0.01% solution. During casual sexual intercourse, you need to pour a small amount of liquid into the urethra and vagina, and treat the inner thighs. According to statistics, in 99% of cases, infection can be avoided.

  1. Correct Application

Many people are interested in what Miramistin is and what it is used for. The medication belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antiseptics and disinfectants. Effective against most types of gram-positive and negative bacteria, viruses and many types of fungi.

The composition includes one active substance - miramistin, supplemented with auxiliary components depending on the dosage form.

Getting on the skin and mucous membrane, it destroys the following types of microorganisms:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • Trichomonas;
  • Treponema;
  • candida;
  • aspergillus;
  • trichophytons;
  • Malassezia;
  • microsporia and others.

Inhibition is achieved due to the effect on the lipid membrane membrane of the pathogen. The component reduces its strength, allows substances with high molecular activity to penetrate inside and change its enzymatic activity and other vital indicators.

At the same time, the substance ignores the cells of the human body due to its selective effect on shorter lipid groups of atoms.

This medicine is in many ways superior to other antiseptic drugs. In addition, due to partial destruction of the membrane, pathogens become more susceptible to antibiotics to which resistance was previously observed.

There is no identical drug. The most similar in action is the popular and budget analogue of Miramistin - Chlorhexidine. However, it has many side effects and the composition is different.

Liquid form is used for:

  1. Treatment and prevention of infection of postoperative wounds.
  2. Disinfection and hand treatment.
  3. Preventing infection after accidental sexual intercourse.
  4. Treatment of burns, purulent wounds and other damage to the skin.
  5. Complex therapy of candidiasis, quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms.
  6. Irrigation of sutures, vaginal injuries during independent and surgical delivery.
  7. Elimination of inflammatory processes of the female genital organs.
  8. Rinse for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, rhinitis, otitis.
  9. Injections into the oral cavity in dentistry or disinfection of removable dentures.

The ointment is used to prevent suppuration of wounds of various origins, as well as:

  • as a preventive measure for bedsores;
  • from burns;
  • before plastic surgery;
  • in order to eliminate fungal diseases of the feet, scalp, ears and other things;
  • for dermatitis.

Miramistin spray has an identical composition and effect to the liquid form, but differs in a special nozzle - a sprayer, with which it is convenient to process:

  • throat and oral cavity;
  • vagina;
  • urethra;
  • burns.

And this is not a complete list of possible applications. Patients practicing self-medication should not forget that antiseptics are not used for eye diseases.

The drug in the form of an ointment is not usually prescribed to children, although strict restrictions apply only to babies under one year old.

Liquid form can be used:

  • starting from 3 years;
  • during pregnancy;
  • nursing mothers.

Studies have not revealed mutagenic or toxic effects on the body, so use is completely safe.

Side effects are uncommon. If therapy is accompanied by a slight burning sensation, it is continued.

The appearance of rashes and swelling on the skin indicates the development of an allergic reaction, in which case Miramistin is discontinued and analogues are selected.

There is no information about overdose during external treatment. In case of accidental ingestion, rinse the stomach and inform the doctor. He will examine the patient and prescribe the necessary medications to eliminate the symptoms that have appeared (dyspepsia, dysbacteriosis, etc.).

Correct Application

Having studied the pharmacology of the drug, many are interested in how to use the spray and ointment.

The liquid form can be prescribed as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent in surgery.

It is used to process:

  1. Hands before surgery.
  2. Fistulas.
  3. Purulent wounds.
  4. Various infected channels.
  5. Abdominal cavity with peritonitis.
  6. Postoperative scars.
  7. Burns of any degree.
  8. Skin before plastic surgery.

The dosage may vary depending on the type of lesion. It is very important that the antiseptic allows you to cope with dangerous hospital strains that have managed to acquire resistance to most antimicrobial agents.

The substance effectively copes with:

  1. Fungus of the head, feet and other parts of the body. It is used in combination with antifungal drugs, the effect of which it enhances. It is convenient to carry out treatment using a spray bottle. They irrigate the affected surfaces 2 to 4 times a day.
  2. Treatment of ear diseases. It is carried out by introducing cotton swabs soaked in a 0.01% solution. They must be changed regularly every 3 to 4 hours.
  3. Purulent lesions of the maxillary sinuses. Washing is carried out in the manipulation room of the clinic. In this case, you should not self-medicate.
  4. Dental pathologies. They wash infected wounds, cavities of cysts, fistulas, and also rinse the oral cavity and disinfect removable dentures.
  5. Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. It is more convenient to carry out the treatment with a spray bottle, but sometimes rinsing is recommended. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, on average it is 3–10 days.

And this is not a complete list of diseases that the drug will help eliminate, however, such use must be agreed with the attending physician.

The medication is most widely used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and sexually transmitted infections.

Many people who have appreciated the benefits of the medicine are interested in how to use it as a preventive measure for STDs. Men need to inject (using a special nozzle included in the kit) 2-3 ml of solution into the urethra. For women, 1 – 2 ml and 5 – 10 in the vagina. This should be done no later than 2 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

In gynecological practice, a 0.01% solution or Miramistin spray is used.

Instructions for use include the following types of processing:

  1. As a prevention of infection during childbirth. The vagina is treated once a day for 5 days. During childbirth, the surface of the vagina and thighs is irrigated after examination by an obstetrician. After childbirth, a tampon soaked in the medicine is inserted once a day and left for 2 hours.
  2. As an antiseptic for treating sutures and other injuries received during the birth of a child. Disinfection is carried out several times a day.
  3. In the treatment of thrush. To do this, irrigate the surface of the vagina and perineum 1 – 2 times a day. Many women noted that it relieves unpleasant symptoms much faster than popular suppositories for candidiasis.

Miramistin is quite effective for cystitis. It is inserted into the urethra several times a day. The duration of treatment is selected individually depending on many factors. The complex must contain antibiotics, since the antiseptic perfectly reduces the resistance of bacteria to the latter.

For the treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis, 2–3 ml of a 0.001% solution is injected into the urethra. Often the course of treatment is 1.5 - 2 weeks.

And this is not a complete list of pathological conditions for which it is advisable to use an antiseptic.

The composition of the spray is quite safe, so it is used for children.

Widely used for therapy:

  1. Diseases of the nose.
  2. Throat.
  3. Ears.
  4. Oral cavity.

In addition, they treat any damage to the skin, such as:

  • scratches;
  • burns;
  • abrasions;
  • cracks;
  • acne;
  • fungal outbreaks.

According to the official instructions, the drug is used for children:

  1. As a prevention of colds. To do this, irrigate the nasal and oral mucosa before visiting public places (kindergarten, school, hospital). This procedure is recommended for children who are often sick.
  2. For sinusitis. Here it is more convenient to use a solution with which both nostrils are washed alternately, while the little patient’s head should be tilted in the opposite direction. The procedure is extremely unpleasant and can cause itching and burning, but it is extremely effective.
  3. For rhinitis of an infectious nature (ineffective for allergic rhinitis). The dosage should be checked with your pediatrician.
  4. To eliminate pathogens of sore throat, infectious pharyngitis and other diseases of the pharynx. The solution is applied using a sprayer 3 – 4 times a day.

To disinfect the skin of children, use a 0.01% solution with a regular nozzle or spray. The affected areas are treated several times a day, usually 3-4 times. To prevent suppuration, 1-2 times are enough.

Parents should not make their own decisions about the advisability of treatment, because such therapy is not always necessary.

The medicine is produced by several manufacturers (Russian and Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies) in bottles of 50, 100, 150, 200, 500 ml. The kit may include a urological or gynecological nozzle or nebulizer; this information must be clarified at the pharmacy.

The ointment can be purchased in 15, 30 or 1000 g.

The cost of both manufacturers is practically the same.

The ointment is sold freely. Its price starts from 80–90 rubles. A 0.01% solution costs 230–250 rubles, and for 500 ml you will have to pay about 700–750 rubles.

Shelf life 3 years from the date of issue. You can store it at temperatures from 0 to 40 degrees, which allows you to take the bottle with you even in summer.

There have been cases of accidental ingestion of the liquid form by young children. The composition may be poorly tolerated when used internally, so the packaging should be stored in inaccessible places.

The first clinical trials of the drug took place in 1991 and since then began to be actively used as a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Somewhat later this area was significantly expanded.

During this time, the medicine has earned a lot of positive reviews from grateful patients. According to them, the product really effectively copes with the task and causes virtually no side effects.

Miramistin has an unpleasant feature for cystitis when inserted into the vagina or urethra, which disappears on its own after a few minutes.

There is very little information about patients who have experienced allergic reactions.

Antiseptic has become a favorite remedy for many patients:

  1. For some, the scope of application is limited to disinfection of the skin, while others prefer to use it to prevent sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women loved it because there was no risk to the baby. For them, it has become a real assistant at a time when a lot of health problems arise, and most remedies are prohibited.

However, all persons who regularly use the medicine should remember that frequent use leads to addiction and a decrease in effectiveness. This is often noticed by women who treat thrush in this way.

To summarize the above, it can be noted that the wide spectrum of action makes the drug an indispensable tool in every first aid kit. However, do not forget that this is primarily a medication and should be used on the recommendation of a specialist. It is effective in eliminating pathogens living in isolated areas. If microorganisms are detected in the blood and other biological fluids, the antiseptic will be ineffective; in addition, it will complicate diagnosis due to the elimination of the characteristic symptoms of the disease.

Miramistin 0.01 is an antiseptic. Its area of ​​action is quite wide, since most varieties of harmful microorganisms are not resistant to this product. The solution is intended for topical use. Often used to treat external surfaces. This substance contains 1 active component. The drug has a simple composition. The designation encodes the concentration of the active substance (0.01%).

Release form and composition

The main component that has an antiseptic effect is benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate (0.1 g). In addition, the composition contains purified water. The volume of the bottles differs: 50, 150 ml, 0.5 l, 100 and 200 ml versions are less common. To obtain a solution of the desired consistency, the active substance is mixed with water in the required proportions. For ease of processing, various attachments are provided: applicators and a sprayer.

Pharmacological action

The product is characterized by bactericidal properties. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to suppress the activity of most pathogenic particles: gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic, anaerobic bacteria. The advantage of Miramistin is the ability to destroy microorganisms that are resistant to potent antibiotics.

There is a higher level of effectiveness in the fight against gram-positive bacteria. Among them: Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus spp. etc. With the help of Miramistin, you can eliminate the symptoms of diseases caused by sexually transmitted infections. The solution is highly effective in the fight against protozoa (treponema, chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas).

One advantage of the product is its antifungal effect. Under the influence of Miramistin, the activity of yeast-like, pathogenic fungi, and dermatophytes decreases. The solution has an effect on fungal microflora that is resistant to other antimicrobial drugs.

In addition, the antiviral effect of Miramistin is noted. This remedy is active in the fight against herpes, immunodeficiency virus and other varieties that are characterized by a complex particle structure. When using the solution, local immunity is stimulated, which is due to the activation of phagocytes. Thanks to this product, the process of tissue regeneration is restored, which helps accelerate the healing of affected areas.

Miramistin is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, since another of its properties is the ability to exhibit hyperosmolar activity. As a result, the intensity of exudate production decreases. If treatment is carried out with an antiseptic of this type, the epithelization process is not disrupted, and there is no negative effect on healthy skin cells and mucous membranes. Another advantage of Miramistin is the lack of irritation.

The main component in the solution is not absorbed into the tissues and does not enter the blood. The product is used only locally, which means it does not participate in metabolization processes and does not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Indications and contraindications

Miramistin is active in various pathological conditions:

  • therapy along with other drugs in the treatment of wound injuries accompanied by purulent processes, and the prevention of complications due to deformation of the outer integument;
  • inflammation in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, purulent discharge in case of complications of the condition;
  • treatment of severe burns accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, preparation for a surgical operation to restore the burned area of ​​the body;
  • therapy of fungal infections, in particular, candidiasis of the vulvar mucosa, treatment of the outer integument when infected with a fungus: pyoderma, dermatomycosis, foot diseases;
  • restoration of women after childbirth (therapy of postpartum infections and regeneration of deformed outer integuments in case of perineal ruptures), treatment of wound injuries of the vagina after rough sexual intercourse, inflammatory processes of an infectious nature, for example, vulvovaginitis, endometritis, etc.;
  • therapy of urogenital infections caused by harmful microorganisms: urethroprostatitis, urethritis, etc. - in this case, the nature of the disease is not important, treatment with Miramistin is acceptable for specific and nonspecific pathological conditions;
  • diseases caused by sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, genital candidiasis, herpes, etc.;
  • eliminating symptoms of oral infection, for example, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease;
  • therapy for acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis, chronic otitis media, purulent sinusitis, etc.;
  • treatment of pathological conditions accompanied by a local violation of the integrity of the outer integument, for example, if bedsores appear, or candidiasis with skin lesions has developed;
  • the solution is used in ophthalmology to treat conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc., but you can wash your eyes only after consulting a specialist.

There are no restrictions on the use of Miramistin. Only hypersensitivity to the main component is noted. In this case, local reactions may occur. If the symptoms do not disappear, you need to replace the product with an analogue.

How to prepare the drug for use

The solution is not diluted. The medicinal substance is already ready for use. The bottle is closed with a cap - to start using the drug, you need to remove it.

With spray nozzle

Instead of a cap, a nozzle is installed on the open bottle. You need to bring the sprayer into working position with a few clicks.

With gynecological attachment

Remove the removable element from the packaging. After the cap is removed from the bottle, attach the nozzle. The drug is used without removing the applicator.

Directions for use and dosage regimen

The treatment regimen with Miramistin differs depending on the type of pathological condition. When prescribing, take into account the location of the affected area and the degree of skin damage.

Gynecology and obstetrics

When treating inflammatory diseases that develop in the tissue structure of the genital organs, a tampon soaked in a solution is inserted into the vagina. Course duration is 2 weeks. Miramistin can be used instead of a drug during the electrophoresis procedure.

Before performing a cesarean section, the vagina, uterine cavity and incision surfaces are irrigated. At the end of the operation, the treatment is continued: a tampon soaked in the medicine is inserted into the vagina. The procedure lasts 2 hours. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Miramistin is used to prevent infection in preparation for childbirth: the vagina is irrigated with a solution for 1 week. During labor, after each examination and after childbirth, a tampon with Miramistin is installed for 2 hours. The duration of treatment in this case is 5 days.


Miramistin is used to prevent infection. In this case, the solution is injected into the urethra using an applicator. It is necessary to hold the substance inside for 2-3 minutes. Recommended dose for men: 2-3 ml. Women should inject 1-2 ml into the urethral canal and 5-10 ml into the vagina. After the procedure, urination should be performed no earlier than 2 hours later. To reduce the likelihood of infection, the skin in the perianal area, inner thighs and pubic area is treated with Miramistin.


In this case, rinsing the mouth is performed. The treatment regimen for various diseases is general: 10-15 ml of solution is used, the frequency of procedures is 3-4 times a day.


If sinusitis develops, accompanied by a purulent process, it is recommended to inject the solution into the maxillary sinus for rinsing.

For diseases of the respiratory tract, gargle (apply 10-15 ml once) or irrigate the throat with a solution using a sprayer (make 3-4 injections 3 or 4 times a day).


The product must be injected into the urethra 1-2 times a day. Recommended single dose: 2-3 ml. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Side effects

Another advantage of this remedy is the minimal number of negative reactions, which also develop infrequently. Sometimes a mild burning sensation occurs in the area of ​​application. However, such a reaction may be a consequence of the treatment of purulent wounds and wound injuries of various etiologies. The burning goes away quickly. In most cases, the discomfort disappears after 15-20 seconds. There is no need to discontinue the drug.

Despite the fact that Miramistin is characterized by the absence of allergenic properties, some patients experience a negative reaction to the drug.

Drug interactions

If complex treatment with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents is carried out, the effect of the drug in question is enhanced. At the same time, antifungal and antibacterial properties are activated.

Features of the use of Miramistin 0.01

The nebulizer is used for diseases of the respiratory tract and external integument.

A urological applicator is used to treat the internal genital organs.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is allowed to be used. However, you should consult your doctor before inserting it into the vagina.

In childhood

Miramistin is approved for use from 3 years of age.

Terms of sale and storage

The solution represents a group of over-the-counter medications.

It is permissible to use the drug for 3 years from the date of release, then it loses its properties. Suitable storage conditions for antiseptic: +15...+25°C, in a dark place.

How much does Miramistin 0.01 cost?

Average price in Russia: 300-720 rubles, which depends on the volume of the bottle.

In the lives of many women, there are situations in which it is impossible to treat diseases with certain means. This is usually associated with pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as a number of contraindications. The problem can be solved if you choose an alternative drug - Miramistin. In the article we will give instructions for use in gynecology and related areas, tell you about the features of the product, and provide information about its cost and terms of sale.

Dosage form and composition of the product

Miramistin in gynecology is used in the form of clear solutions. When shaking the bottle, foam always forms. Depending on the final purposes of use, the solution can be bottled in bottles with a cap, with a capacity of 50 to 100 ml, or with a dispenser spray (for more convenient application). There is also an option with a gynecological nozzle designed for uniform irrigation of the vaginal mucosa.

The solution consists of miramistin and water, no other substances are present. The pharmaceutical industry also produces 0.5% ointment in tubes or jars, but this dosage form is used in gynecology much less frequently.

Operating principle

Miramistin belongs to modern antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action. At the same time, the degree of negative impact of the solution on the body is much lower than that of synthetic antibiotics, and the effectiveness is higher, especially in cases of high resistance of pathogenic microflora.

Miramistin is effective against the following pathogens of inflammatory and purulent processes:

  • staphylococci, some streptococci (including Streptococcus pneumoniae);
  • chlamydia;
  • triponeme;
  • trichomonas;
  • gonococci;
  • yeast-like fungi, including the genus Candida albicans,
  • groups of fungi resistant to chemotherapeutic agents.

Miramistin also has high activity against various types of viruses, including sexually transmitted herpes and HIV.

Indications for use in women

Miramistin has a wide range of indications; it is used in obstetrics, urology, gynecology, venereology and a number of other areas. This drug has a low degree of penetration into the systemic bloodstream, so it can be used during pregnancy.

Solutions are prescribed to women in the following cases:

  • purulent processes as a result of trauma during childbirth;
  • wounds of the perineum and vagina;
  • infectious diseases, including vaginitis;
  • with candidal vaginitis (thrush);
  • dermatomycosis and pyoderma;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Miramistin can also be used to prevent the pathologies and diseases mentioned above. To prevent such processes, you need to irrigate the vagina with 10 ml of miramistin solution no later than 2 hours later and inject 1-2 ml of the solution into the urethra. As for the last manipulation, it should be carried out by a doctor. Unprofessional irrigation will increase the risk of penetration of pathogenic microflora into mucous membranes and other tissues.

Use during pregnancy and childbirth

Miramistin is especially widely used as an antibacterial agent to prevent postpartum infections. To do this, it is better for a woman to buy a bottle with a gynecological nozzle and irrigate the vaginal mucosa with the solution 5 days before the expected date of birth. Irrigation is used during childbirth, and after the birth of a child, tampons soaked in Miramistin solution are used. The duration of the course is five days with an interval between procedures of no more than two hours. Each irrigation requires up to 50 ml of solution; this must be taken into account when purchasing the product at the pharmacy.

Procedure for using the bottle with nozzle:

  • remove the cap;
  • carefully remove the nozzle from the packaging;
  • without removing the applicator, attach it to the bottle.

If delivery is carried out by cesarean section, prevention of infection of the woman’s reproductive system is required, for which Miramistin solution is also used. It is used to treat the vaginal mucosa before surgery, during which the solution is injected into the cavity and the surgical incision. During rehabilitation after a caesarean section, tampons are moistened in Miramistin and inserted into the vagina for a week.

Seam processing

To treat sutures after a caesarean section, you can use 0.5% ointment in tubes or jars. However, it is better if the doctor irrigates the damaged surface with a solution (creams in the form of applications do not allow the tissues to breathe, which will complicate the regeneration process). For treatment with Miramistin, use the following instructions:

  1. Prepare tools and solutions.
  2. Remove old bandages.
  3. The seams are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Treat the skin and suture with miramistin solution.
  5. Apply a fresh bandage or apply a tampon and secure it with a bandage of sufficient width.

The frequency and duration of treatments is determined by the attending physician and depends on the woman’s condition and the speed of wound healing.

Other methods of application in gynecology

According to the instructions, Miramistin can be used to treat the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix in case of damage during childbirth or an unqualified gynecological examination. The method of application and duration are determined individually and depend on the severity of the injury and associated complications.

  1. For minor injuries, irrigate the mucous membrane for a week.
  2. In difficult cases, the course of treatment is increased to a month, and irrigation can be replaced with tamponade.
  3. For purulent and exudative processes in the vagina or cervix, tampons with Miramistin are installed 6 times a day, and the duration of treatment is determined by the gynecologist.

Other methods of using miramistin can be found in the table.




Spraying into the urethraUrethritis2-3 ml 1-2 times a day, no more than 10 days
Inserting tamponsEndometritis, metritis, cervical erosionThe duration of therapy is a week, the frequency of tampons is determined by the doctor individually for each woman.
Introduction via catheterUrethritis and cystitisIt is carried out by a doctor; independent treatment in this way is unacceptable.
DouchingThrush, vaginitis, and inflammatory processes in the vagina of other etiologiesCan be used for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, according to the annotation attached to the solution.
Applications with creamTears and damage to the skin and mucous membranesIt is rarely used in gynecology.
ElectrophoresisSalpingitis, adnexitisCan be used for pathologies in the pelvic cavity. For a high therapeutic effect, at least ten sessions of electrophoresis will be required.

Among the possible side effects, doctors and patients note local allergic reactions, manifested by burning. The unpleasant symptom goes away almost immediately. If this does not happen, you need to cancel the procedure and consult a doctor for further recommendations.

Features of application

The drug can be used to treat vaginitis and other diseases in girls aged three years and older. The method of administration and dosage should be determined by a pediatrician in each case of pathology.

Other features:

  • pregnancy is not a contraindication;
  • There are no data on complications during breastfeeding;
  • there is no information about overdose;
  • when taking antibiotics simultaneously, Miramistin enhances the effect of the latter;
  • Miramistin has no analogues.

Chlorhexidine has a similar effect, but this drug contains completely different components.

When treating gynecological diseases in children, you need to be careful and avoid getting the solution into the eyes. It is also important to remember that the lower age limit is 3 years. At an earlier age, the risk from diseases should be higher than the possible consequences of treatment with Miramistin, and the therapy itself should be carried out under the strict supervision of a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist.

Benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate (miramistin).

Release form

Solution for topical use 0.01% is colorless, transparent, foaming when shaken.

50 ml polyethylene bottles with a urological applicator complete with a gynecological attachment

Pharmacological action

Antiseptic for external and local use.

Indications for use

For use in surgery and traumatology:

  • prevention of suppuration and treatment of purulent wounds;
  • treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system.

For use in obstetrics and gynecology:

  • prevention and treatment of suppuration of postpartum injuries, wounds of the perineum and vagina, postpartum infections;
  • prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases (vulvovaginitis, endometritis).

For use in combustiology:

  • treatment of superficial and deep burns of II and III A degrees;
  • preparation of burn wounds for dermatoplasty.

For use in dermatology, venereology:

  • treatment and prevention of pyoderma and dermatomycosis, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, mycoses of the feet;
  • individual prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, genital candidiasis).

For use in urology:

  • complex treatment of acute and chronic urethritis and urethroprostatitis of specific (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) and nonspecific nature.

For use in dentistry:

  • treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis;
  • hygienic treatment of removable dentures.

For use in otorhinolaryngology:

  • complex treatment of acute and chronic otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis;
  • complex treatment of acute pharyngitis and/or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in children aged 3 to 14 years.

Directions for use and doses


  • When used in surgery, traumatology, combustiology for preventive and therapeutic purposes, the surface of wounds and burns is irrigated, wounds and fistula tracts are loosely tamponed, and gauze swabs soaked in the drug are fixed. The treatment procedure is repeated 2-3 times/day for 3-5 days. A highly effective method of active drainage of wounds and cavities with a daily consumption of up to 1 liter of the drug.
  • When used in obstetrics, gynecology for the purpose of preventing postpartum infection, it is used in the form of vaginal irrigations before childbirth (5-7 days), during childbirth after each vaginal examination and in the postpartum period, 50 ml of the drug in the form of a tampon with an exposure of 2 hours, for 5 days. When women give birth by cesarean section, the vagina is treated immediately before the operation, the uterine cavity and the incision on it are treated during the operation, and in the postoperative period, tampons moistened with the drug are inserted into the vagina with an exposure of 2 hours for 7 days. Treatment of inflammatory diseases is carried out over a course of 2 weeks by intravaginal administration of tampons with the drug, as well as by the method of medicinal electrophoresis.
  • For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, the drug is effective if it is used no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse. Using a urological applicator, insert the contents of the bottle into the urethra for 2-3 minutes: for men (2-3 ml), for women (1-2 ml) and into the vagina (5-10 ml). Treat the skin of the inner thighs, pubis, and genitals. After the procedure, it is recommended not to urinate for 2 hours.
  • In the complex treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis, 2-3 ml of the drug is injected into the urethra 1-2 times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days.
  • For purulent sinusitis, during puncture the maxillary sinus is washed with a sufficient amount of the drug. Tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis are treated by gargling and/or irrigation using a spray nozzle by pressing 3-4 times 3-4 times a day. The amount of drug per 1 rinse is 10-15 ml.
  • For stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with 10-15 ml of the drug 3-4 times a day.
  • In case of acute pharyngitis and/or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, the pharynx is irrigated using a spray nozzle. Children aged 3-6 years: by pressing the head of the spray nozzle once (3-5 ml per irrigation), 3-4 times/day; for children aged 7-14 years, double pressing (5-7 ml per irrigation), 3-4 times/day; for children over 14 years old, press 3-4 times (10-15 ml per irrigation), 3-4 times a day. The duration of therapy ranges from 4 to 10 days, depending on the timing of remission.

Rules for using the drug. The drug is ready for use. Instructions for using packaging with spray nozzle.

  1. Remove the cap from the bottle.
  2. Remove the supplied spray nozzle from its protective packaging.
  3. Attach the spray nozzle to the bottle.
  4. Activate the spray nozzle by pressing again.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Special instructions

When used simultaneously with antibiotics, an increase in their antibacterial and antifungal properties was noted.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.


The drug is approved for use as an over-the-counter product.