The best smart alarm clock with sleep phases bracelet. Sleep Cycle Smart Alarm Clock Makes Waking Up Easy

Sleep trackers, sleep tracker - a device (or a special application for Android) that determines the phases of slow (or deep) and fast (or paradoxical) sleep, measures the heartbeat and motor activity of a sleeping person, and, based on these data, gives a command to wake up - at the moment when a person is most rested.

These devices can rightfully be called “sleep guardians” and, by and large, the guardians of our mental health. For what is a sleep-deprived person, and even more so when this condition has become chronic? A twitchy, irritable individual with a dull look, who is disliked by those around him and the whole wide world to boot. And the pace of modern life is often such that maintaining oneself in the hierarchical “cage”, the ability to keep the pace is often accompanied by a lack of time for proper rest, an important component of which is sound, healthy sleep.

The benefits of a device for measuring sleep phases

To better understand the benefits of the gadget, you need to understand the physiological mechanism of the processes occurring in our brain during sleep. And in general, in a state when processes occur in the body that contribute to the restoration of strength.

Sleep should be considered as an alternation of phases of rapid and slow sleep. Physical rest depends on the duration of slow, deep sleep; only during this phase of sleep do the volumes of lactic acid accumulated during the day burn in the muscles. But a person feels physical fatigue precisely when this acid has accumulated in the muscles.

In the fast phase, the psychological oppression from the events preceding the time when the person went to rest is removed. It is this phase that is characterized by dreams, in which the psychological stress accumulated the day before spills out.

How does a sleep tracker work?

Alternating the phases of fast and slow sleep allows you to relieve both physical and psychological fatigue. Trackers, these smart bracelets for sleep, worn on the wrist with its active points, allow you to use a heart rate monitor to track changes in the rhythm of the heartbeat and electrical conductivity of the skin, capture microdoses of sweating, and the accelerometer will record in memory all unnecessary, fussy movements characteristic of REM sleep phases . A special voice recording program will record all the sounds made in a dream and analyze their frequency, volume, and quality.

The natural awakening of a person is always associated with REM sleep: it is this state that allows you to “emerge” from dreams without damage to the psyche. If a person is forcibly awakened when he is in the phase of slow, deep sleep, the entire night's rest goes down the drain.

One of the tasks of sleep trackers is precisely to turn on an alarm clock during the shallow, REM sleep phase. The device can be programmed to wake up in this phase “plus or minus” a few minutes to get exactly into the REM sleep phase so that awakening is easy and pleasant, and the person gets out of bed as rested as possible.

So - a smart alarm clock

To keep yourself in the best shape, to fully restore your strength as a result of sleep, the most popular option would be a “smart alarm clock”.

This option can either be present among the gadget’s programs (and be reflected on its screen) or exist as a mobile application with a smartphone synchronized with the device.

Let’s first consider the contactless “Big Three” most preferred devices for 2018.

Runtastic Sleep Better

An application installed on a smartphone. In addition to the “smart alarm clock” function, which will wake you up gently, like your mother in childhood, and not like a sergeant in a training unit screaming “Wake up!”, the application will track the consequences of coffee or alcohol taken the day before, give recommendations on how not to do this and help create a table sleep by the hour in accordance with the lunar calendar. A pleasant bonus for those who are upset that the memory of a dream they just had melts like snow in the sun is the “Dream Diary” program.

The device is able to track the most useful information regarding the duration of deep sleep, with measurements at this time of breathing rate and possible motor activity - which is evidence of sleep problems. Indeed, in this phase, sleep should be the most restful during the entire period of this passive rest.

Sleep As Android

Have you often felt the temptation to “shut up” the alarm melody in order to sleep “just a little more”? Do you think this number will work with Sleep As Android? Nope! To turn off the bell, you will have to either solve a simple mathematical problem, or take a close-up photo of a special QR code, which (what a shame!) you, when you were alert and sane, attached it away from the bed. Or the application will require you to control a dozen sheep running across the screen. Only after this the bell will mercifully fall silent.

Among the sleep sensors: a sensitive accelerometer will record all rotations, tossing and turning into the pillow during sleep, and an equally sensitive voice recorder will record both the slightest sigh and a powerful single snore. Not to mention the routine of constant snoring - in order to then shame the person making these non-musical sounds after waking up.

Sleep Cycle

It remains among the most popular, especially among lovers and connoisseurs of saving money in everything: after all, the cost of a downloaded application is only $1. The application can differentiate night sounds well, distinguishing not only the rumbling of a garbage truck outside the window in the early morning from the demanding purring of a cat, but will also track the reaction of sleepy hearing to these two different stimuli. A dream diary (except without their interpretation, but this option can be downloaded separately), the influence of what was eaten and drunk the day before, involuntary reactions to external stimuli during sleep - that is, everything is the same as in the twin models. Except that it doesn’t take into account the phases of the moon, like theirs.

But it will help to create a table of sleep by hour and its value in each specific period of time.

However, the “Big Three” have a significant drawback: if your wife/girlfriend/lover is next to you, the devices will begin to take into account their readings too! Or, at the very least, an extraneous biofield will cause confusion in the measurements taken during sleep. What a woman! A cat crawling under your side will also contribute to the tracker’s readings. So these gadgets are for “lone wolves”. Well, or for those who locked the cat in the bathroom and left their wife to sleep on the bedside rug (by the way, show me this daredevil?)

Only smart watches or fitness bracelets that are worn on the wrist and take into account only the purely physiological data of the wearer are free from these defects.

Do you know what a polysomnograph is? This is such a rather complex medical device for tracking the phases of fast and slow sleep, recording all its parameters in the form of motor activity, sounds made, breathing, heart rate, sweating and even intestinal activity during sleep. Now imagine that you put the same device, only ten times smaller, on your wrist? Then buy: a smartwatch is at your service

Fitbit Ionic

By detailing and monitoring sleep, dividing it not into two, but into three phases - deep, light and REM sleep, which gives us dreams, this smart watch will track

  • noise level,
  • illumination
  • heart rhythms and breathing that have already become traditional.

The alarm clock here is also “smart” - without which this smart watch could not claim to be a full-fledged sleep fitness bracelet.

The undoubted advantages of the device include the ability to work without recharging for four days and communication with one of the most advanced user bases. It's all about comparison, and the Fitbit Ionic gives you that ability by asking you to compare your sleep quality with the sleep quality of other people in your age group and gender.

Fitbit will help you optimize your sleep time by gently reminding you that it's time to stop staring at the TV and go to bed. It will also calculate the optimal time for going to bed in accordance with your work schedule and future tasks. To do this, monitoring your nightly sleep will help.


Vibrating at the right moment is a useful option for those who suffer from sleep apnea. And such people will reach up to 8% of the planet’s population. Apnone is a cessation of breathing in a sleepy state. With age, it can become not only critical (especially if a person lives alone and there is no one to wake him up after he stops breathing in and out in the silence of the night), but also deadly!

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

Last in the review, but first in sales. And not only because this fitness bracelet is obscenely cheap, but also because its menu contains all the full-fledged functions inherent in expensive gadgets:

  1. sleep phase recognition
  2. accelerometer
  3. heart rate monitor
  4. pedometer – with the ability to convert steps to kilometers
  5. calculates calories spent on physical activity

If we also take into account that the weight of the model (only 7 g) and its complete imperceptibility on the hand with its soft, adjustable silicone strap, we have an almost perfect machine, synchronized via Bluetooth with applications on a smartphone.

Unlike previous and very cheap Xiaomi models, this one has already acquired a simple but quite informative shockproof display.

Currently available, it is also a great alarm clock: it tracks your sleep cycles and gently wakes you up at the most optimal time.

But the useful functions of the application do not end there. It integrates with Pebble, Android Wear and other wearable watches, as well as popular health and S Health apps. It monitors whether you snore at night (there is even an anti-snoring function), records sound if you talk in your sleep, and helps cope with jet lag when changing time zones.

2. Sleep Cycle

The app works quite simply: it tracks your sleep cycles and wakes you up during the lightest stage. Or within a 30-minute window before your desired wake-up time. If during this period you have not fallen into a light sleep cycle, it will still wake you up, and you will not be late.

3. Good Morning

Good Morning is essentially the same thing as Sleep Cycle, only it's free. Before going to bed, you need to put your smartphone nearby. The device will track your sleep phases and wake you up at the optimal time. And every morning it will send statistics about the quality of your sleep and recommendations for improving it.

The Good Morning app not only monitors your sleep, but also helps you achieve a specific goal: develop an optimal schedule and not sleep less than your body needs.

4. Sleep Better

In addition to sleep tracking, Sleep Better has other interesting features. For example, you can introduce additional variables (caffeine or alcohol consumption) and see how these things affect the quality of your sleep. The paid version has additional features: a smart alarm clock, sleep history and detailed analytics of sleep changes on different days.

5. Sleep Time

As you already understood, all sleep trackers work on the same principle: you sleep, they track, you learn about how you sleep. Therefore, when choosing, you should rather consider which application is most convenient for you to use.

Sleep Time has the simplest, neatest interface, nothing superfluous. Therefore, it is very comfortable to use. It probably has no other differences from the trackers presented above.

6. Twilight

The Twilight app should be installed on every Android user. In the app, you just need to enter your location, and Twilight will make your screen “warmer” throughout the day. The bottom line is that this way, closer to the night, it eliminates the blue glow of the screen, which negatively affects circadian rhythms.

There is also a similar program for the computer - . Screens with a warm glow seem quite strange in the first days, but you quickly get used to them and soon stop noticing them.

7. Pzizz

The trick of the Pzizz app is that to fall asleep, you just need to press a button. The developers may have exaggerated a bit, but the concept of the app really works. Pzizz helps people who have restless sleep at night or feel unwell when they take a nap for a couple of hours.

You just need to set a time limit for how long you want to sleep, ranging from 10 minutes to 12 hours. All this time, Pzizz will play music and sounds that will help you sleep better. It is recommended to listen to them on headphones, but a smartphone speaker will also work.

We bring to your attention a review of fitness bracelets and smart watches with a smart alarm clock and heart rate monitor that help us improve the quality of our sleep. But before the list of devices, we will find out what a smart alarm clock is, what its functions are, and we will also understand the phases of sleep: how they affect awakening and our general state throughout the day.

The very concept of “alarm clock” is well known to all of us: in order to wake up, we need to be woken up. But the problem with traditional alarm clocks is that their sudden signal “tears” us out of sleep, regardless of what stage of sleep we are in.

When awakening occurs during the “wrong” part of the sleep cycle, such as in the middle of a deep dive, our natural rhythm is disrupted, leaving us feeling tired, unsteady and unsatisfied.

Advances in new technology have led to better ways to wake up that should leave you feeling less groggy in the morning and more energized throughout the day. In the wearables market, there are gadgets such as fitness trackers, smart bracelets or smart watches with a pre-installed smart alarm. Many of them have a sleep quality tracking feature.

A smart alarm clock with sleep phases is designed to make it easier to wake up, and can do so at the most opportune moment.

How a sleep tracker helps improve your sleep quality

Many wearable devices have a built-in heart rate monitor, or heart rate monitor. With its help, the smart alarm clock monitors the heart rhythm and can determine in which phase of sleep the user of the bracelet or watch is.

Also, any of the devices contains a body motion sensor to determine its mobility or rest, thereby analyzing the person’s state: wakefulness or sleep. In addition, the devices can offer a tri-band sensor that measures Sp02, allowing you to monitor oxygen in the blood, and ultimately monitor abnormalities such as apnea.

Each time, as soon as the sleep bracelet determines the right time to wake up, the smart alarm clock may wake you up in the morning even a little earlier than you planned, but this will be the very moment when your body is ready for this.

In addition, by monitoring sleep tracking applications installed on your smartphone, you can analyze its quality and, possibly, draw certain conclusions. For example, go to bed earlier or pay attention to what reason may be causing constant awakenings at night (drinking coffee before rest, physical activity, etc.).

Another advantage of smart alarm clocks is their gradually increasing signal or its absence at all, which is compensated by the vibration of the wearable device itself. In this case, the alarm bracelet with vibration will not disturb the sleeping person nearby.

So, a fitness tracker with heart rate monitor and smart alarm on your wrist can help improve your sleep quality.

How a fitness bracelet determines sleep stages

Before we understand how the smart alarm function works, let’s figure out what phases a person goes through when he sleeps.

The first state in the cycle is slow-wave sleep, followed by light and deep sleep. The second is the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase.

If in a state of light sleep (falling asleep) it is relatively easy to wake up, then during deep sleep it is difficult to wake a person: it is at this time that those dreams come that the sleeper in most cases does not remember. NREM sleep covers 75-80% of the entire cycle, while fast sleep occurs sporadically throughout the night, accounting for 20-25% of the total night's rest time. It is in the REM phase that a person easily wakes up and clearly remembers his vivid dreams.

Thus, REM occurs after light and deep sleep after 70-90 minutes and lasts 5-10 minutes, but with each cycle the REM sleep phase increases and in the morning can reach up to 20-60 minutes, while simultaneously becoming more and more superficial. This period is considered similar to wakefulness.

That is why in the morning it is in this state that it is easiest to wake a person up.

It is worth noting that fitness bracelets or smart watches with a heart rate monitor can more accurately recognize your condition, since even in the REM sleep phase the sleeper remains completely still.

When you set a scheduled wake-up time (for example, 7:30 - 8:00), the smart alarm will go off when the user's wrist device detects increased physical activity (change in body position) or increased heart rate. But if this does not happen within the designated period, the alarm will go off according to the last time interval indicator: in the case of the example, 8:00.

Sleep tracking apps

The quality of sleep is monitored not only by trackers, but also by programs that collect statistics for the entire night and, using data from the accelerometer (motion sensor in a wearable gadget), have the ability to provide the user not only with information, but even perform analysis and model plans for improving rest.

Using the application installed on your smartphone, you can set the wake-up time and alarm type in your smart alarm clock. Some programs have a function to record night sounds, such as snoring, talking or rustling, to understand whether a person is sleeping or not.

The software allows users to view trend graphs that include total sleep time, sleep length and disruptions, and wake-up times.

You can install programs on both iPhone and Android smartphones. iOS and Android sleep tracking apps and smart alarms are available for free on the App Store and Google Play. But perhaps some of them will require payment for the full or premium version, which has important additional functions.

Here is a list of some of the best apps:

  • Sleep Time (for iOS and Android)
  • Sleep as Android (Android only)
  • Sleep Bot (Android only)
  • Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (iOS only)
  • MotionX-24/7 (iOS only)
  • Sleepmaster (Windows Phone)

Review of the best fitness bracelets for sleep tracking in 2019

Today, in specialized stores there is a huge number of smart bracelets and watches, with which you can track not only your active lifestyle and your sports achievements, but also your sleep, since almost every sports tracker contains a motion sensor, or accelerometer, to detect movement . The principle is simple: mobility is wakefulness, its absence is sleep. And most wearable devices are based on this principle.

Of course, the built-in heart rate monitor is the key to a more accurate determination of the user’s state based on recognition of changes in heart rate and a deep understanding of the different phases of sleep.

We will look at the top 5 models of fitness bracelets and watches that offer high-quality sleep monitoring, whether using the additional Smart Alarm Clock application or their built-in technologies.

Various Jawbone fitness trackers that support vibration-based alarms include the Up, UP24, UP3.

While FitBit uses silent signals (vibration) as its "silent alarm" feature, Jawbone calls the feature a "smart alarm" but the principle is the same. The clock will only wake you up, but not your neighbor in the bed or room.

The Jawbone tracker can wake you up at the most optimal time based on your sleep stages as it comes with a built-in smart alarm clock.

It's worth noting that these trackers will soon disappear from store shelves, as well as customer support and future updates, as the company has announced liquidation.

The fitness bracelets of this company are famous all over the world not only for their good work in monitoring the active activity of the user, but also for the quality of his sleep. Particularly worth paying attention to are the Fitbit Charge HR and , which continuously monitor heart rate variability along with heart rate.

The devices use heart rate and movement data collected the previous night to estimate your sleep cycles based on this morning's metrics. Thus, the tracker compares and analyzes past and present results for complete information about the quality of your sleep.

And although Fitbit does not claim to recognize sleep stages, the gadgets quite accurately detect how light or deep a user is sleeping.

Misfit Shine 2 is a waterproof fitness tracker that, like most sports bracelets, is aimed at an active lifestyle. However, the gadget offers pretty good sleep tracking capabilities.

One of the reasons for its popularity is its low price compared to, for example, Fitbit products. Along with this fact, Shine 2 distinguishes between light and deep sleep, provides the total number of hours of sleep, and also allows you to set a smart alarm to help you get a good rest.

Xiaomi fitness bands are popular among users due to their low price compared to other similar devices in the market. Although, of course, you can find other budget options from China, for example, which comes with a heart rate monitor.

Both the original Pebble and Pebble Time (and their variants) have a built-in vibration alarm. Vibration is the only non-visual way Pebble can interact. When you set an alarm, the watch will shake violently on your wrist at the appointed hour to wake you up.

Even though Pebble doesn't have a personal smart alarm clock, the watch works great as a sleep optimization tool thanks to the integration of popular apps like Sleep as Android.

By default, Pebble doesn't have sleep quality tracking options, so you can use third-party companion apps that will provide detailed graphs and the data you need.

How to choose a fitness bracelet for using a smart alarm clock

The main criteria when choosing a sleep tracker are the following:

Design. Make sure that the device fits comfortably on your wrist: not too tight, but not too loose. The gadget should not be heavy and bulky as this may affect the quality of your sleep. Having a display isn't the most important factor in the design of a sleep tracker, since in most cases you'll be using an app on your smartphone to view graphs and other information collected by the band throughout the night.

Functional. Sleep tracking is a feature that is inherent in almost every fitness bracelet or sports smartwatch. So pay attention to what features the wearable device provides and whether they are necessary if you, say, only need to count steps and calories during the day and track sleep at night. The more functions, the more expensive and, most likely, the more massive the device.

Compatibility. Not all watches and bracelets may be compatible with your smartphone. It's worth paying attention to whether the device will work in tandem with your phone's platform (unless, of course, it provides a smart alarm function regardless of the mobile device). Recently, developers and manufacturers have been trying to provide support for both iOS and Android platforms.

Protection. Moisture, sweat and dust are a serious threat to a device that is constantly in use: on the skin, under clothing or in bed. Therefore, it must have protection against water and dust.

To understand the special notation, see the table of values.

Battery. It's always better to invest in a product that has a battery life of more than two days, especially if you forget to charge your gadgets.

Price. Expensive doesn't mean what you need. The high price of a device may indicate not only its reliability, but also its various additional capabilities. These may, for example, include:

  • automatic tracking of a whole range of sporting activities
  • multisport option
  • Can be used while swimming
  • Increased durability and protection against damage to the case or display
  • Availability of GPS/GLONASS, Wi-Fi
  • long battery life
  • support for third-party sensors for sports
  • color display
  • heart rate monitor
  • additional accessories
  • various sensors (compass, barometer, altimeter, thermometer, etc.)
  • other

You may not need most of the above options, so choose a device based on your needs and preferences.

The benefits of night rest are determined not only by its duration, but also by its quality and structure. The task of accurately calculating the stages and phases of sleep occupies many leading manufacturers of mobile applications, smart watches and fitness bracelets. A smart alarm clock with sleep phases makes it easier to wake up, more energized in the morning, and more productive at work.

Purpose of the device

The smart alarm clock performs the following functions:

  • determines the optimal moment of awakening based on the course of the sleep cycle and the time set by the user;
  • records the duration of each sleep phase;
  • stores information about a person’s behavior during a night’s rest (sounds are recorded and a mobility graph is drawn up, which allows one to suspect dyssomnia).

The most advanced sleep trackers are capable of making recommendations to improve your rest conditions based on the results of an analysis of your schedules and the set wake-up time. They can remind the user of the need to ventilate the room and go to bed no later than a certain time.

As a rule, tracking sleep by phase is not the only purpose of the device. Slip trackers are often combined with pedometers, calorie burn counters, heart rate monitors, and pressure sensors.

How the device calculates sleep stages

Both the bracelet and the smartphone application determine sleep stages based on data on the user’s physical activity. The device is located on the hand (less often on the body) or near the sleeping person, records changes in one’s own position using an accelerometer and gyroscope, and determines it as human movement. The heart rate monitor and the algorithm that analyzes the noise recording significantly improves the accuracy of phase calculations.

In the slow-wave sleep phase, especially in its deep and delta stages, a person remains practically motionless, makes fewer sounds and has a slower pulse. With an increase in the intensity and number of movements, an increase in heart rate and noise activity, the device detects the beginning of the fast phase, which is more favorable for awakening.

If the moment of transition falls within the interval set by the user, the gadget begins to vibrate or play a melody.

Review of popular models

Devices with a smart alarm clock are most often produced in the form of bracelets or wristwatches. This allows you to accurately track the user's activity and heart rate. The most popular sleep trackers are produced by Xiaomi, Fitbit, Jawbone, Huawei, Sony, Samsung.

Xiaomi Mi Band

The largest number of users prefer Mi Band slip trackers from the Chinese brand Xiaomi. Mi Band 2 and Mi Band 1S are compatible with iOS and Android systems and combine a pedometer, heart rate monitor, an algorithm for monitoring sleep phases and a calorie burn counter. A bracelet with a built-in tracker quite accurately distinguishes between slow and deep sleep, determining the optimal time to wake up.

Among other advantages, Mi Band has a long battery life. When the battery is fully charged, the bracelet remains functional for 20 days. Some users may actually forget about wearing it, since the dust and moisture protection allows you to keep it on your hand during work, household chores and hygiene procedures.

The multifunctional electronic device has an affordable price (on average about 25-30 dollars).

Jawbone U.P.

Fitness bracelets from Jawbone are significantly more expensive than the Mi Band (they start at $60), but have more advanced design, functionality and protection from environmental conditions. Using trackers from this manufacturer, you can track the quality and duration of sleep, record energy consumption for various types of activity, heart rate and daily diet. In addition, the device allows you to keep abreast of events on social networks.

The bracelet is made in a laconic, impressive style, has a variable strap length and a durable clasp that holds the device on the wrist. The level of water resistance of Jawbone fitness trackers is the same as that of the device described above, but the battery life is shorter - only 6-7 days.

The significant advantage of the brand - the presence of a convenient and multifunctional application for iOS and Android - is compensated by an equally serious disadvantage: the closure of the company excludes further updates and corrections of the software.

Fitbit Flex

The Fitbit Flex bracelet, unlike previous products, consists of a detachable sensor and band. This makes it easy to replace a worn, damaged or simply boring strap with a new one.

Without synchronization with a more advanced device (smartphone or computer), the bracelet can only signal with diode lights about the level of human activity.

Fitbit Flex can track sleep stages and records this data, allowing the user to compare it with information from previous nights. A significant drawback of the device is the lack of a function for determining the optimal phase for awakening. The bracelet is only a passive electronic observer and can wake you up at a strictly designated time. Its operating time without recharging is 5-7 days.

Like Jawbone bracelets, Fitbit Flex collects a lot of analytical data about the activity, hydration and nutrition of its owner. At the same time, the Fitbit accelerometer determines the level of physical activity much more accurately.

Despite the need to enter some data manually (information about loads in certain sports, the amount of coffee drunk), the ability to analyze them within one source is quite convenient. The downside for the user is that the analysis will have to be carried out independently: these bracelets do not have recommendations based on the data results, as in Jawbone Up.

Alternative devices from the same brand include the Fitbit Charge HR, Fitbit Surge, Fitbit Alta HR and Fitbit Blaze. The cost of Fitbit fitness bracelets starts from $80-90.


Almost all modern fitness trackers are equipped with a sleep tracking algorithm.

The accuracy of the determination depends not only on the software, but also on the number of sensors providing the analyzed data.

The most popular devices include the following:

  • Misfit Shine 2;
  • Sony Smart Band 2;
  • Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro;
  • Huawei Band 2 Pro;
  • Samsung Smart Charm;
  • Amazfit Cor;
  • Garmin Vivosport;
  • IFeelGood ProSport.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should pay attention not only to the characteristics of the device indicated in the brief description of it, but also to reviews in which the device is tested to see if it meets the manufacturer’s promises.

Can I use the phone

In order to observe the quality and structure of your vacation, it is not necessary to immediately purchase a completely new device. You can also record the necessary data using your smartphone by installing a sleep tracking application.

The list of the most convenient and popular applications for Android and iOS includes the following programs:

  • Sleep Better;
  • Sleep as Android;
  • Good Morning;
  • Sleep Cycle;
  • Sleep Time;
  • Sleep Bot;
  • Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock;
  • MotionX-24/7.

Owners of Windows smartphones can use the Sleepmaster application.

Sleep tracking using a phone is much less accurate than using wristbands or body clips. Smartphones are more energy-intensive, so if the owner is forgetful, some of the sleep may not be recorded. In addition, replacing a tracker bracelet with a phone is rational only in the absence of a partner and pets who sleep nearby.

But Apple Watch owners don’t have to put up with inaccuracy or buy a new device: smart watches fit just as well on their wrists as fitness bracelets. Officially, the Apple Watch is not a sleep tracker, so to use it as such, you will need to install an additional application. According to user reviews, the Auto Sleep and Sleep Tracker programs are the most convenient.

Those who like to sleep in the morning and for whom the need to get up early becomes a real tragedy will come in handy with an excellent device that appeared on the market not so long ago. This is a smart alarm clock that makes waking up in the morning easy and comfortable. It is this interesting invention of mankind that will be discussed in the article.

When is the best time to wake up?

Rest time does not pass monotonously. In a dream, one phase replaces another. The best option, according to scientists, is to wake up during the mild phase. If the alarm clock wakes you up during a period when sleep is deep, you may feel exhausted and as if there was no night's rest at all.

But there is also an option that, having slept just a little, a person is charged with a lot of energy and has a great time throughout his entire next day. This, as a rule, happens precisely because he woke up quickly. It’s good if a person can do it himself. Well, if this doesn’t work out, then an excellent modern device comes to the rescue.

Smart alarm clock for iPhone

An alarm clock can be made, for example, as a separate device connected to a gadget on Android or iPhone. But it can also be built into a mobile device or special so-called fitness bracelets.

If we are talking about a smartphone, then you usually need to download special applications for it in order to activate a smart alarm clock. Android, for example, has an excellent option called Smart Alarm Clock.

Smart Sleep Time app

You can set Sleep Time on your iPhone. The application functions as follows: the alarm clock is set and placed next to the pillow. The screen should be facing down. The phone will read a person’s movements and thus determine the onset of the sleep phase. When the required time for awakening approaches, it becomes active. Thus, the owners say, a smart alarm clock with sleep phases guarantees a pleasant morning with a feeling of good spirits and good mood.

Smart app Pillow

Another great app is Pillow. Sleep tracking occurs using special sensors: a microphone and an accelerometer. In this way, movements during sleep and breathing are monitored. There are paid and free versions of the application. But the main function works in both of them. When the alarm goes off, the volume starts from zero and gradually reaches 70%. If you touch the screen with your hand at this time, the volume will decrease and after a few seconds the sound will disappear. But the mechanism will work again in ten minutes in the same mode.

Smart Alarm Clock app

For Android, as mentioned, you can download Smart Alarm Clock. The application works in much the same way as the options described above. The following functions are available for it:

  • you can independently choose in which phase of sleep you want to wake up;
  • all sounds are recorded;
  • statistics and their phases are kept;
  • special music is offered for falling asleep, as well as for waking up;
  • weather forecast available.

Smart app WakeUp OrDie! Alarm Clock

This application is also designed for Android. He is considered one of the most unsuccessful. Usually, a smart alarm clock with sleep phases, trying to wake up its owner, falls silent and lets you sleep a little more, and then announces itself again. But that definitely doesn't describe WakeUp OrDie! Alarm Clock. The device will ring until some green monster in it disappears. And to do this, you need to shake your smartphone thoroughly.

There are virtually no settings in this application, the owners note. All you can do is set the required time, turn on the vibrating function, and also select a gradually increasing melody.

Smart application "Buddhist"

This is an interesting application. When activated, it seems that it is not an electronic device that wakes you up in the morning, but a real person, only a stranger. To get this unusual opportunity, you first register in a special service, and then set the required time. Now you can go to bed.

When that “X” moment comes, another registered user of the same service will wake up “Sonya”. In almost all cases, calls for one and the other party are free. The only exceptions are calls for those who are roaming.

Stationary alarm clocks

The most common of these types are alarm clocks from Axbo. The gadget has the shape of a box with a processor built inside. It comes with a special wristband that allows you to read your heart rate during sleep. Thus, the smart alarm clock seems to sense the sleep phase. The device operates from the network, and understanding its essence is not particularly difficult.

But those who still doubt the need to purchase this watch should first try downloading a free or paid application to their smartphone. Then a more accurate opinion about him may be formed. Users respond well to the device; it’s easy to figure out on your own.

Well, those who decide to purchase this smart alarm clock should prepare +/- twelve thousand rubles. This is the amount it will cost to purchase the device.

Fitness bracelet with smart alarm clock or watch?

Not so long ago, these small and convenient gadgets quickly burst into our lives. However, there is still no clear opinion on how necessary they are. The device helps you actually keep your physical health under control. It can count the steps taken per day, the meals eaten and the calories burned during exercise when playing sports.

By putting such a bracelet on your hand and going to the gym, you don’t have to worry about missing an important call that you find out about too late, or receiving an unnoticed SMS message. The gadget has many built-in sensors that allow you to perform a variety of functions.

So, your heartbeat will now be under control, thanks to which you can decide when the training should be intensified and when it is better to stop and complete it. But the main thing that interests us is a smart alarm clock. The bracelet uses it to track sleep phases in the same way as in other gadgets. It is placed on the arm and goes to bed. The ergonomic design makes the device almost invisible, which is very important when sleeping. You will hardly feel it on your hand. But for particularly susceptible natures, this need can be bypassed. After all, a gadget tablet can be easily attached to your night pajamas. And he will continue to just as easily read the necessary information in order to wake up his owner at the most appropriate time.

The price range for devices varies greatly depending on the functionality that is built into them. However, by now almost all, even the simplest devices, have a smart alarm clock sensor. Devices can be purchased at different prices, ranging from a thousand rubles to sixteen thousand and above.

A significant advantage is that the bracelet is waterproof, which makes it possible to wear it in the pool or while taking a shower.

A more serious device of this type is a watch with a smart alarm clock. They have impressive functionality and a spectacular, beautiful design. However, at the same time, the watch is more bulky. Therefore, sleeping with them may seem problematic and uncomfortable for some people. And the cost of these devices is much higher than bracelets. Thus, the price range ranges from two and a half thousand to sixty-five thousand rubles and above.


It only remains to add that thanks to this device you can normalize your sleep. Of course, you can achieve this without using even the best smart alarm clock, but on your own. But the device can help in mastering this technique. And if you go to bed on time, you can guarantee yourself a sound, healthy sleep and a soft awakening. After this, you will feel great all day, and you will be able to do much more.