Lilac color of British cats. Lilac British cat British cat lilac color

The lilac color of the coat of British cats is quite common and is not losing popularity. This is a beautiful, pleasant and soft color, which immediately indicates that this is a truly purebred pet.

Features of color

A quality representative of the British family has a dense, plush and matte-shiny coat. The color of lilac is monophonic, smoky and even, with minimal lightening of the undercoat. Lilac color can be of three types:

  • dark shade, similar to beige-coffee color;
  • medium lilac– light, but with a purple tint;
  • light lilac– the lightest color with a pink tint.

The eye color of a lilac cat can be amber, copper or orange. This combination of coat and eye color looks very beautiful. The amazing purple shade of wool among the British appeared thanks to breeders. This breed does not have the gene responsible for the lilac color - the shade appeared only thanks to the long efforts of scientists and breeders.

The lilac color is obtained by lightening the chocolate color of the coat. Therefore, pets of lilac shades are among the most expensive, and you can only buy real British lilacs from trusted breeders.


Lilac kittens may be born with uneven fur color, spots or stripes. This in no way means that the kittens are defective - with age, the pigment becomes uniform, spots and stripes disappear. After about 6 months, the kitten becomes the same color as an adult or lilac cat.

If the animal has a color defect, then it is not used for further breeding, but is sold to the family only as a pet without the right to breed.


The British Lilac cat is an affectionate and friendly creature, but with a proud and independent disposition. These animals are playful and do not like to be alone. But if they don’t like something, they will tell you about it defiantly. Lilac cats treat children well, but warily.

If a child shows aggression towards such a cat, she will respond in kind. With the right attitude, the British will become a true friend to the child and will not offend him.

Many British people are quite stubborn and touchy. Cats can be vindictive, but they always move away quickly. You should pet and play with the British only when they are in the mood, otherwise you risk violating personal boundaries, according to the pet. In all other respects, these are surprisingly calm and aristocratic animals. They are clean and tidy, very smart and calm.

Proper care of an adult pet or kitten will preserve and prolong the health of the animal. British cats need regular coat care: combing, bathing, grooming. The fur of cats of this breed is thick and short, and the animals themselves are very clean and groom themselves thoroughly. But they need to be combed to get rid of lost hair and to add shine and shine to the coat. The cat licks the fallen hair and swallows it.

Hairs collect in the stomach in clumps and cause discomfort, this can lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, pets should be combed regularly and given special medications to prevent the accumulation of hair in the body.

It is also necessary to clean the ears and nose and trim the nails once every few weeks. You can help wash your cat's eyes daily. The teeth of the British also need to be monitored and periodically given special dry food for tartar. In addition, purebred individuals are susceptible to many genetic diseases.

The British may have problems with the eyes and internal organs. Therefore, a timely visit to the veterinarian and vaccination are extremely important.


Purchasing a kitten usually begins with a reservation. Then, only from 2 months of age the animal can be given to new owners. Why do you have to wait so long? Kittens, like children, are connected with their mother for the first time after birth, and not only with food. Mom teaches them the first steps and many other things that are invisible to us humans. After 2-3 months, the kitten is ready to leave its mother and move to a new family to live independently. In addition, during these 3 months, breeders teach kittens the litter tray, diet and scratching post.

After the kitten has moved to a new home, it needs to continue to be raised. You need to feed your pet in one specific place and at the same time. After moving, the toilet must first be installed in a place visible to the kitten so that he understands that his litter box is with him. The tray should be gradually moved towards the toilet, and after some time the kitten will only go to its tray in the place where it is convenient for you.

You should not feed animals from the table, otherwise they will get used to climbing on it and waiting for “snacks”. If you want to treat your kitten to something (something allowed), then put it in his bowl.


If you buy a kitten with an impressive pedigree, then it will have a long, “tricky” name written in its passport. You can choose a short nickname based on this name or come up with a new one. To do this, observe the new family member for 1-2 months, study his character and habits, and it will become clear what name to choose.

Lilac British dogs with their beautiful coat color are suitable for interesting, aristocratic and easy nicknames. For example, boys can be called Zephyr, Lucas, Light, Iago, Chelsea. For girls, nicknames such as Olivia (Olive), Perry, Leda, Athena, Fury, Vega, Medea are suitable.

Usually people give nicknames to their pets based on the character of the cat. If an animal is mischievous, hooligan and mischievous, then a pompous aristocratic name will not suit him. And, on the contrary, quiet, mannered and proud pets cannot be called by a colloquial nickname like Bandit or Masha. The name for a Briton should be chosen meaningfully, because this is now your full-fledged family member, and not a toy. Here is another list of interesting and unusual nicknames for purple British people:

  • Gin;
  • Rocky;
  • Rody;
  • Akela;
  • Truffle;
  • Titanium;
  • Haze;
  • Kasya;
  • Toffee;
  • Chapa;
  • Tyapa;
  • Ariel.

Whatever name you choose for your pet, the main thing is to take care of it properly, because this is your new full member of the family.

Watch the following video about the pros and cons of the British lilac cat.

The British is a fairly well-known breed that is loved by almost the whole world. The breed has earned such attention thanks to its soft wool, which can be of different colors:

  1. Chocolate.
  2. Blue.
  3. Color.
  4. Cream.

But most people want a British Lilac cat because they are considered the most beautiful. In this article we will look in detail at the characteristics of this breed, and you will also find out what kind of character such cats have.

British wool

Breeding the lilac color required a lot of time and effort from specialists, but it was not wasted. The most beautiful are the British ones with bluish-gray fur and a pink tint.

This result was achieved by crossing individuals with chocolate and blue coat colors. For some people, the color of their pet's coat resembles lavender; sometimes it is also called Isabella.

Very soft, smooth and shiny coat of the same shade throughout the body is a sign of an ideal representative of the breed. Please note that there should be no pattern, stripes or dots on the fur coat. If you look deep into the undercoat, you can see a lighter color there.

The color in question was named “Isabella” in honor of Queen Isabella of France, because she is credited with being responsible for the appearance of this shade. An approximate story follows...

Once Isabella's husband went hiking, and she said that she would not take off his shirt until he returned back. Over time, the shirt acquired a light gray color, which was called Isabella.

Today, a large number of people have a positive attitude towards British cats, not only because of their short or long-haired beautiful coat. In fact, these are one of the most friendly, affectionate and active pets. When you get yourself such a cat, you will notice how quickly he becomes attached to the owner and will subsequently be devoted to you.

The main disadvantage of the breed is its attitude to nutrition. The British are very picky eaters. Otherwise, these are probably the best cats of all breeds.

Features of the British

Lilac representatives of the breed have the following body features:

  1. Round and wide head.
  2. Powerful neck.
  3. Big round eyes.
  4. Wide nose (small).
  5. Rounded ears.
  6. Dense paws (short).
  7. Short tail.

Important! The British Lilac cat is not a separate breed, but simply a British cat with the corresponding color. Therefore, when contacting breeders or a nursery, you should not ask for a specific breed. The variety was obtained by crossing the Scottish Fold and the British Shorthair. All differences are only in color, but not in breed. Lilac color can be of three types - isabella, pure lilac, lavender.

Deviations from the standard

You can doubt the purebredness of the proposed kitten if the following signs are present:

  1. Spots on the body that do not go away with age.
  2. The eye color is different from orange, golden or honey.

To summarize the article, we note that now you know what features the British lilac cat has. We have provided a brief description of the breed and color variety. British cats have gained immense popularity in the world, and if you want to have such a pet, you will not be disappointed. This is a very sweet and kind friend for the family.

In this article I will talk about the colors of British cats. I will describe the most popular coat colors, including the lilac British coat, and indicate their designations. I will give a brief description of each. I’ll tell you how kittens are selected based on color designation.

Popular colors of British cats

Color occupies a special place in the standard of British cats. At the exhibition, experts evaluate the fold-eared cat on a par with its exterior.

Colors are divided into several groups, and each of them includes several color variations:

  1. Plain. The fur is uniformly colored, there should be no foreign color or shade on it, and the presence of spots or stripes is unacceptable. This group includes 7 colors (white, black, blue, chocolate, cream, red, purple).
  2. Tortoiseshell. Found only in British females. This type has several harmoniously mixed shades (usually a mixture of black and red, blue and cream, etc.).
  3. Silver. The undercoat and lower part of the hairs have a light silver tint, the tips of the hairs are colored in different colors (depending on the name). This group is divided into chinchilla, shaded and smoky colors.
  4. Tabby. Included here are the following pattern names: marbled, tiger or mackerel (often called "whiskas") and spotted. The main color can be any of the solid colors. The design itself is black or dark brown.
  5. Color point. This means the presence of dark markings on the face, ears, tail and limbs. The body is covered with light hair (white, cream, lilac). The name is given according to the color of the spots: black - seal point, blue - blue point, purple - lilac point, cream - cream point, red - red point. If there is a pattern on the marks, this color is called links point.
  6. Bicolor. The main coat color is white, with tabby, tortoiseshell or solid spots on the body. This group is divided into categories: van (a couple of spots on the head and a colored tail), bicolor (half of the entire body area is colored) and harlequin (only a fifth of the body is colored).

Each color has its own marking of letters or numbers. When selecting pairs, experts rely on these designations in order to get kittens of the desired colors.

This color is most often found among the British. It belongs to the monochromatic group. The fur is evenly colored, the undercoat may be slightly lighter than the main color.

Silver tint to the coat is not allowed. The eyes of such cats are usually amber.

Chocolate and cinnamon

These kittens are monochromatic. Chocolate Britons have a rich coat color, the color of milk or dark chocolate.

Spots or inclusions of other shades are not allowed.

The nose is the same color as the coat, or maybe a little darker.

Cinnamon is similar in color to chocolate, but the hairs are a lighter shade. These cats have a pink nose.


White Britons can have blue or orange eyes, and there are also odd-eyed animals.

Kittens may have small markings (blue or black), but these disappear in adults.


The black British is not that common. A special feature is the fact that kittens up to six months are colored dark brown, so it cannot be said that such babies will be completely black as adults.

Animals with this color are not as “plush” as British cats of other colors.

Marble and whiskey

These colors are classics of the entire tabby group.

Marbled British women have wide stripes on their bodies in the form of a butterfly (on the shoulder blades) and curls (on the sides).

There are several ring-necklaces on the neck of the marble.

Whiskas or brindle cats have transverse stripes on their bodies. The spotted tabby has bright spots on its body, usually black.

Both colors are based on solid colors (usually silver, blue or red).

This group includes the following colors: smoky, chinchilla, shaded. Animals with a smoky color have a silver undercoat, and the tips of the hairs can have the following colors: chocolate, blue, cream, red, lilac, black.

The fur of animals of shaded and chinchilla species is light (silver), with a light coating at the tips (from 1/6 to 1/8). In the first case, darkening is present on the tail, head, sides, back and ears. Chinchilla cats can have emerald (bright green) eyes. Shaded Brits have orange irises.

The golden species is extremely rare and golden kittens are very expensive. The lower part of the body is covered with apricot-colored hair, the remaining hairs at the tips have a darker coating.

The nasal planum has a brick tint, the iris of the eyes is green.

What are the coat colors of a British dog?

Each color of a British cat has its own designation, which includes letters and numbers. Each code must be preceded by the prefix “BRI”. Eye color is marked with numbers (blue or sky blue - 61, amber (orange) - 62, different - 63).

Here is a detailed plate with all color codes:

Color group Color name in English Transcript in Russian Designation
Plain (solid) Blue Gray or blue a
Black Black n
White White w
Lilac Lilac c
Chocolate Chocolate b
Cream Cream e
Red Red d
Tortoiseshells Lilac-cream-cake Lilac with cream j
Blue-cream-cake Blue with cream g
Black cake Black f
Chocolate-cream-cake Chocolate with cream h
Smoky Cream-smoke Cream smoke es
Black smoke Black smoke ns
Red-smoke Red smoke ds
Blue-smoke Blue smoke (gray smoke) as
Lilac-smoke purple smoke cs
Chocolate-smoke Chocolate smoke bs
Chinchilla Shel Chinchilla 12
Shaded Shaded Shaded 11
Tabby Tabby Striping 21
Marble Marble 22
Mackerel Mackerel or tiger 23
Spotted Spotted 24
Color point Himalayan Himalayan (Siamese) 33
Seal-point Black marks n33
Lilac-point Purple markings c33
Blue-point Blue or gray markings a33
Cream-point Cream markings e33
Van The coloring on the tail and a couple of spots on the head are “Van” 01
Harlequin The fifth part of the body is painted - “Harlequin” 02
Bi-color Half of the body is painted - “Bicolor” 03

The colors are deciphered as follows. The first three capital letters (for example "BRI" or "SIB") indicate the name of the breed. Next, a small letter is written, which is assigned to a specific shade. The second lowercase letter s in the name indicates that it belongs to the Silver group. The letter y stands for golden color.

The following are auxiliary figures. They indicate the presence of white coloring (bicolor), stripes (tabby) or marks (color point). The code may also include the numbers 61, 62 or 63, which indicate the color of the iris.

For example, a British solid blue or gray would have a BRI code of a. Cats with more complex colors, such as lilac-point tabby, have a BRI code of 21 33. An animal with a chocolate marbled color will receive a BRI code of b 22.

The coat colors of British cats are very important for breeders.

Breeders carefully select pairs in order to obtain kittens with desirable and rare colors.

Most often, the British have solid colors (blue, lilac, etc.), but recently breeders have been trying to get animals of unique and rare colors, for example golden or chocolate.

British cats are charming pets with a proud and independent character. They have won the hearts of animal lovers with their beautiful appearance and soft fur. In addition, this breed has a wide variety of colors. In total there are more than two hundred of them. The lilac Briton was one of the last to appear and immediately became in great demand.

Breed characteristics

Lilac color (lilac) is one of the most interesting among all the colors of this breed. It was bred relatively recently as a result of long work by British breeders. Shades can be of different intensities, but only specialists will be able to distinguish them:

  • Light purple (reminiscent of pink).
  • Medium saturation.
  • Dark purple.

The Briton of this color was obtained by crossing cats and cats of chocolate (strong gene) and blue color. Scientists worked for about 10 years and were able to achieve outstanding results.

Appearance Features

Lilac is a cool gray color with a light pink undertone. According to standards, the color must be uniform and evenly dyed along the entire length of the hair. Small spots may be observed in kittens, but they should disappear by 6 months. The undercoat is usually very soft and may be of a lighter shade.

These animals are quite large, with a proportional and powerful build. A little squat. The chest is developed and distinguished by massive muscles. Males can weigh about 6 kg, and females 4 kg.

The head of this breed is quite large, with smooth outlines. The nose is wide, and the cheeks are plump. There is a small fold on the neck. The paws are strong and round, but rather short. The ears are relatively medium in size, with rounded tips. There is a large distance between the ears. At birth, kittens have a gray iris that changes over time.

Eyes can be:

  • copper;
  • amber;
  • orange.

According to the standards, the tail should be fleshy with a rounded tip. If it is thin or narrowed, then this is a defect of a particular individual.

Character and behavior

The character of lilac Britons is not much different from other representatives of this breed. Such animals have true English aristocracy, independence and friendliness. They do not require affection, but at the same time they will not tolerate rudeness or neglect. This breed has a well-developed sense of self-esteem. They do not like to be picked up, but even in this case they will not show aggression towards a person.

These animals are very loyal to their owners. They differ from other cats in that they treat all family members equally and do not choose one owner. They will be bored when apart, but in general they tolerate loneliness well. You can safely leave them alone; such pets will not cause chaos in the house.

This is a very sociable, friendly and playful breed. They like to have active fun until they are about a year old. You can easily have such a cat in a house where there are small children. The Briton will become an affectionate and loyal friend for them. They can be scratched behind the ear and carried in your arms; they will only release their claws when offended. They are distrustful and a little wary only of strangers.

Despite the fact that they love to play, they cannot be called hyperactive. They need personal space - a small secluded place that they choose for themselves. These animals really like to climb onto the upper tiers of furniture and watch what is happening from there.

The British show their love by lying down next to their owner or vigorously rubbing themselves against his legs. These animals get along equally well with other cats or dogs.

This breed is distinguished by high intelligence and intelligence. They will not need long to instill norms of behavior. Even small kittens very quickly learn to go to the litter box and scratching post. They clearly understand where their toys are and what things they shouldn’t play with. With age, the British can even understand the mood of the owner and the tone of his voice.

After eating, they need some time to rest. After sleeping, these cats are ready to play again. With age, they become calmer and begin to prefer sleep or contemplation to fun.

Representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, so owners need to try to motivate them more often. There are many toys now sold in stores that may interest these cats.

The owners speak very warmly about this breed and especially note the following:

  • Cleanliness. Such pets spend a lot of time caring for their fur coat.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Tolerant, friendly and calm character.
  • Easy care.
  • Unobtrusiveness.

Proper care and feeding

The main problem of these animals is the tendency to overeat, especially if the owner gives a lot of food. Therefore, a properly chosen diet is the basis for the health of purple Britons. They can be fed prepared food or natural food. But this must be a separate meal, specially prepared for them. Under no circumstances should they eat from the table.

You should give no more than 70 grams of dry food at a time. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that fat, protein and carbohydrates are in the correct ratio. Premium varieties are best suited, the producers of which take into account all the needs of animals, and you can also choose ready-made food that is appropriate for age or health status.

Only lean meats should be given as food: rabbit, beef, chicken. The use of spices is highly discouraged. The meat should be lightly scalded with boiling water. With such a diet, it is necessary to add vitamin complexes to the diet.

You can diversify the food with other products. For example, porridge with boiled vegetables. But these aristocrats often refuse such food. Instead of milk, it is recommended to give fermented milk products. Sometimes it is worth having fish days, but not too often, otherwise urolithiasis may develop.

In order not to harm this breed, you should not feed your pet from the common table, and you should completely exclude sweets, pork and butter from the diet. Clean water must always be available, especially if the diet consists of dry food. The health of your pet depends on proper feeding. The diet affects the teeth, coat, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Due to the fact that the British often lick their coat, their intestines can become clogged with hairballs, so it is recommended to thoroughly comb your pet once a week, and during shedding, this should be done every other day. You can also purchase special food that helps cleanse the body.

The average life expectancy with proper care is 10-15 years. Since this is a bred breed, they have a fairly strong immune system, and they rarely suffer from cancer.

Wool quality is an indicator of health. Its poor condition may indicate stress, poor nutrition or gastrointestinal problems. In this case, you should take your pet to the veterinarian.

The specific shape of the eyes requires special care. They must be wiped regularly to remove any secretions. If they have increased, then this is a reason to take the Briton to the doctor. It is also necessary to monitor the appearance of tartar.

To increase the life expectancy of your pets, you should:

  • get vaccinated regularly;
  • provide them with an active lifestyle;
  • monitor feeding.

Lilac Britons are a very unpretentious breed. They need very little to be healthy and happy. With their appearance they can delight at first sight, and their gentle and dependent nature makes them ideal pets.

Fans of British cats know that this breed comes in a wide variety of colors. Today we will talk about lilac cats. Kittens of this breed are in demand among buyers, because a kitten with a spectacular pinkish-smoky coat cannot leave anyone indifferent. What are the features of purple pets? Find out from our article, and also enjoy photographs of these cute animals.


Features of the color of the breed

British Shorthair cats have an ancient pedigree descending from English cats. Animal lovers often associate them with English aristocracy and severity. Therefore, lilac and pinkish colors for this breed look very exotic. This feature of the coat, like the chocolate color, is usually attributed to oriental breeds: Siamese and oriental cats. So where did the purple brothers come from among the British?

These amazing Britons appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders. Contrary to popular belief, there is no separate gene responsible for purple coloration. This feature is the result of bleaching chocolate-colored cats and cats, just as blue is obtained by bleaching black, and cream is obtained by bleaching red. The history of the origin of lilac color in British cats is very short and is associated with the development of the color point breed. Interestingly, the new breed has become even more popular than the Color Point.

It is worth noting that breeders have made a lot of effort to ensure that British parents have a lilac-colored kitten. By the way, another name for this color is lilac. In person, it resembles blooming lavender, but even in the photo, kittens and cats in the shade of “lilac” look mesmerizing.

How do you get such beauties?

Breeders of mustachioed beauties have been working on obtaining the “lilac” shade for a long time. To get a baby with the desired shade of fur, genes of a certain type must be present in the genotype of the parents. In our case, these are the chocolate shade gene and the lightening gene. Initially, purple babies were obtained by crossing two individuals with such genes, that is, the parents were of different colors. Now that the work of breeders has been crowned with success, breeding Lilac pets has become much easier.

The shade of the coat depends on what type of coloring substance - melanin - is present in a particular individual. There are two types of melanin: one is called eumelanin and is responsible for the black pigment, pheomelanin is aimed at the formation of red-yellow pigments. Eumelanin is involved in producing purple shades. With a certain synthesis of melanin, an oxidized form of black is formed - brown. If a diluting genome is present in the animal’s body, then the color becomes less saturated.

According to the standard, a lavender cat can have three shades: light, medium and dark lilac. In the first case, cats have light purple fur with a pink pigment. Medium purple animals are distinguished by a subtle purple tint. Cats have an intense dark lavender coat color that resembles the color of coffee with milk. In photographs, these subtleties are almost invisible, so experts should evaluate pets directly in person, and not in photos.

Even the pads on the paws of such cats have a slight pinkish or lilac tint. Breed standards also take into account eye color. Lavender-colored animals should have copper or bright amber eyes.

Lilac Britons have a friendly and gentle character. They are as playful as kittens, even as adults. This cat is very attached to its owners. Therefore, those who have small children at home can safely get such pets: the British cat will become an affectionate friend for them.

Lilac cats have a good appetite, and sometimes they are very picky about food. But in general, there are no special nuances in care. Of course, if you are going to participate in cat shows, you will need to pay a lot of attention to the condition of the coat, since this criterion is very important when assessing the breed.

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Color of kittens

Lilac colored kittens are born with a pigment characteristic of this species. However, the uniformity of color inherent in adult cats is not characteristic of small kittens. So if you come across a kitten with a purple or pink tint, but with spots on its body, do not rush to be annoyed by the deception on the part of the seller. The photo shows a small, barely born kitten.

White or darker spots that are noticeable on kittens are called residual patterns. While the kitten is small, these inclusions are more noticeable, but over time they disappear. In six months, a Lilac British kitten will look the same as an adult cat.

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Video “Funny British cat babies”

The video shows newborn kittens of lilac and chocolate color.