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A gloomy November in Moscow became bright and sunny for one day thanks to the film premiere of “The Jungle”. The understandable excitement around the film was caused by two iconic people who played the main roles in the film - Sergei Svetlakov and Vera Brezhneva.

According to the script in family relationships This couple (Sergei and Vera play husband and wife) faces a crisis, and both are trying to find a way out of it by going on an exotic trip. On desert island, lost in the ocean, the heroes continue to sort things out, gradually moving on to real combat. Vera's character, a master of sports in archery, in a fit of anger mercilessly throws homemade arrows at her husband. To top off the misfortunes, it turns out that the island is inhabited by a tribe of militant natives and only love helps the heroes save themselves and save their relationships.

The painting “Jungle” partly became prophetic for Sergei and Vera. In the real fate of each, there was also a family crisis. But this did not in any way affect the festive mood of the artists on the day of the premiere. According to tradition, all participants in the film took the stage. Brezhneva shone in a white tight-fitting dress, emphasizing her perfect figure, and Svetlakov sparkled with jokes. In his welcoming speech, the film’s producer Sergei Selyanov noted that viewers will see Vera’s even more “convex” forms and Sergei’s more voluminous mind.

Even when the lights went out in the hall and there was silence, the comedian continued the show. “Vera, are you here?” - Svetlakov shouted loudly. “I’m somewhere nearby,” Brezhneva responded.

There were many celebrity guests among the spectators. From Vera’s side, a Ukrainian support group arrived - her two sisters and music producer Konstantin Meladze, under whose leadership the singer had previously performed in the VIA Gra group. His merry friends came to cheer for Svetlakov - Ivan Urgant, Mikhail Galustyan, Garik Martirosyan. After the film, Galustyan shared his impressions: “This is a very bright film about faith in love,” and immediately addressed Brezhneva a message on Twitter: “Vera, you coped with the role very well. This is success." All the comedian's colleagues came with their wives. Wife of Alexander Tsekalo and sister Vera Victoria Galushko especially stood out from the rest with her fashionable outfit. Vika finally turned into a secular metropolitan young lady. She was wearing a beautiful pale blue bell coat and snow-white pointed shoes. It was impossible not to notice that famous husbands After the end of the film, they hurried to the exit and literally led their other halves away by the hand. By the way, in the film “The Jungle” the fuss between the spouses flares up due to the man being too busy at work. When asked how Garik Martirosyan’s wife Zhanna tolerates her workaholic husband, the head of the family himself answered: “We don’t have such problems. Zhannochka is a very smart woman, and I try not to deprive her of attention. So, in our family, we don’t get to the point of throwing arrows and fighting, as the heroine of the film does.”

As other guests of the premiere, Ekaterina Vulichenko, Natalya Lesnikovskaya and Ekaterina Klimova, admitted, the issue of priorities - family or work, touched upon in the film - is relevant for them. Vulichenko madly misses his daughter, who permanently lives with her mother in Cyprus. “The girl is better there, but I have to work,” admitted Katya. Ekaterina Klimova also does not hide the fact that in her family with actor Igor Petrenko there were disagreements on this basis. Igor worked a lot and was not home for months, and Katya suffered. Fortunately, now she has found the strength and wisdom not to bring matters to quarrels. Natalya Lesnikovskaya is also passionate about her work - over the past six months she has starred in four films. The actress shared that she has a very independent and smart son. Two-year-old Yegor already speaks in long phrases, and even in poetry. Recently, a boy, meeting his dad in the evening, said: “Dad is coming home from work with bags full of care.”

The film "Jungle" will be interesting and useful for watching with the whole family. It has a lot of positivity, beautiful characters, heavenly landscapes (the film was filmed in Thailand) and healthy humor. You can watch the film with your children, as there are no obscene jokes or scenes that would make parents feel embarrassed in front of their children. The television screening of the film will take place on the STS channel. As Sergei Svetlakov said before watching the premiere: “Feel our love!”