How to decorate a New Year's tablecloth with your own hands. Ideas for the New Year's table

Well, are you ready to celebrate the night before All Saints' Day and scare your guests with terrible dishes? Halloween is a great reason to organize a friendly party, gather a fun group for a themed dinner and have fun so that you can remember this evening for a long, long time.

Do you think it will all come down to regular gatherings with a glass of wine or a bottle of beer? It is in your hands to organize a holiday that will bring a lot of joy and pleasure, give smiles and laughter, and be remembered by its colors and sounds.

Uh! build a competition for the scariest lantern carved from a pumpkin, hold a competition for the best master of scaring passers-by on the street, find out who is able to beg the most candy from the residents of your house, play “Mafia” in a witch’s style, decorate your apartment with creatively scary candles and spiders. And yes, don’t forget to knock on the doors of all your neighbors: the question “Sweets or life?” will significantly diversify your table, add a sea of ​​funny stories to the collection of memories of Halloween this year and simply cheer up everyone who is lucky enough to be near you on this day. It depends only on you what you will fill this evening with: boring conversations about boring things or active games and entertainment, the main thing is to make the right decision.

If you suddenly manage to encourage your guests to come in fancy dress, the holiday will certainly turn out to be perfect. Witches, vampires, skeletons, spiders, all kinds of cats and hedgehog grandmothers are an amazing company to celebrate the night of the Evil Ones.

In addition to the “cultural program,” don’t forget to think about the menu: Halloween is a great reason to cook something unusual, memorable, disgustingly wonderful. The format of the holiday is a buffet: no complex side dishes, multi-component hot dishes or gourmet snacks. Halloween food should be convenient, delicious, simple and, of course, scary, very, very scary.

We offer you a sample menu for celebrating Halloween. The first part is appetizers, the second is desserts. For the Day of all witches and vampires, ghouls and ghosts - the most suitable option.

Halloween menu. What Halloween dishes will make a 100% splash?

Deviled eggs "Black Widow"

Do you like spiders? Is there any? Don't like it? You just don't know how to cook them!


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 20 g butter;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • 6 olives;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt to taste.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in a heated frying pan in butter until golden.

Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut in half. We take out the yolk, mash it with a fork along with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. Mix with onions. Filling the egg whites.

Cut each olive berry in half. We place one half on each egg - this is the “body” of the spider, cut the second half into strips, which we lay out around the “body”, simulating legs. Done, you can be scared!

Sausage in dough or "Invasion of the Mummies"

Save yourself, who can - you are attacked by terrible mummies! They climb into your hands en masse, threaten your waist and literally hypnotize, not allowing you to take your eyes off them!


  • 1 pack of puff pastry (450 g);
  • 10-15 sausages;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • carnation buds for decoration.

We take the puff pastry out of the freezer and wait for it to defrost. Unroll and roll out slightly. Lubricate with ketchup. Cut into long strips 1-1.5 cm wide.
Take the peeled sausage and begin to wrap it in dough in a spiral. At the top we leave a “slit” for the eyes.
Place the sausages on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and insert the eyes (clove buds) into the slits. Bake at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

"Normal" Halloween dish - Pumpkin sticks

I suggest diversifying the menu with something not very terrible, but thematic - what if your guests are extremely impressionable and don’t want to treat themselves to spiders and mummies? Spicy pumpkin “sticks” are healthy, tasty and original.


  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. pumpkin oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

We clean the pumpkin and cut it into cubes about 5 cm long with edges of 5-7 mm. Place in one layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in the oven for 20 minutes, preheated to 170 degrees.
After the specified time, remove the pumpkin from the baking sheet and place it in a bowl. Pour oil evenly, add salt, add pepper, squeeze out the garlic, don’t forget about the seeds, mix everything. Place again in an even layer on a baking sheet and return to the oven, increasing the temperature to 210 degrees. 15-20 minutes is enough - you can serve. Delicious both warm and cold.

Shortbread cookies “Vampire fingers”

It is very doubtful that such cookies cause appetite, but it is quite obvious that they provoke certain negative emotions. However, this is how it should be if you invited guests for Halloween!


  • 150 g butter;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 350 g flour;
  • almonds;
  • 50 g jam or red jam (if desired);
  • 1/3 tsp. salt.

Beat the softened butter with sugar, 1 egg and another white, add salt and flour, knead a soft, non-sticky dough. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, after which we take it out, divide it into small pieces of the same size, from which we form “sausages”. We give the “sausages” the shape of a finger, using the back of the knife to mark the phalanges. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Dip the peeled almond halves into the remaining yolk and place them at the end of the “finger”, imitating a nail.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
The cooled cookies can be lightly sprinkled with jam or preserves - streaks of blood on the vampire’s fingers look very, very picturesque. This is the recipe for Halloween.

Another Halloween dish - Chocolate mousse with worms

Who wouldn't want a portion of chocolate dessert? Add a couple of nasty worms to a bowl or glass - and your Halloween treat is ready!


  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 300 g chocolate;
  • 400 ml of heavy cream (fat content - at least 33%);
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • cocoa and gummy worms for serving.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, remove from heat and leave to cool.
At this time, beat the eggs with powdered sugar - the mass should turn white and increase in volume.
Whip the cream until it reaches a stable foam.
Combine the cream with the egg mixture, then add the chocolate in small portions and mix gently.
Pour the mousse into bowls and place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
When serving, sprinkle the surface of the mousse with cocoa powder (imitation earth), stick in a few worms.

If you are worried and do not eat raw chicken eggs, replace them with an equal amount of quail eggs by weight.

You're done, you can feast on those nasty worms! How do you like this dish for Halloween?

Scary Party Queen - Sweet Stuffed Pumpkin

What to do if guests flatly refuse to help themselves to fingers and eat worms? Just in case, stuff a few small portioned pumpkins. Tasty, healthy, fragrant and about Halloween.


  • 2 small pumpkins;
  • 1/2 cup rice;
  • 1/4 cup raisins;
  • 1/4 cup dried apricots;
  • 1/4 cup prunes;
  • 1/2 cup cream;
  • 2/3 tbsp. l. honey

Wash the pumpkins and cut off the cap.
Carefully remove the seeds and throw them away.
Boil the rice until half cooked.
Cut dried apricots and prunes into small pieces, mix with raisins, rice, honey. Add cream and mix again.
Cover with a “cap” and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until the pumpkin is ready (about 1 hour). Delicious warm. You can serve with any sweet cream-based sauce.

10 Halloween Instant Pot Meals You Can Make at the Last Minute:

Recipe 1. Place grapes of the same size on a wooden kebab stick to create some pretty disgusting Halloween-inspired caterpillars. Eyes - from improvised means (chocolate drops, raisins, peppercorns or clove buds). You can wince with disgust.

Halloween Recipe 2. Ready-made store-bought cupcakes can easily be turned into cupcakes by decorating them with the simplest white cream (cottage cheese whipped with cream and powdered sugar, for example). Using chocolate drops or melted chocolate we make eyes and a mouth - the scary ghosts are ready.

Recipe 3. Witch's broom on the holiday table? Easily! Salted straw is the basis. The bottom part is a slice of hard cheese, cut from the bottom to about the middle in the form of a fringe, wrapped around a straw. Rope - a sprig of chives or dill. Did you fly?

Recipe 4. Scary faces you can eat? Easily. You take pita bread, cut out a bunch of circles from it, and in half of them you cut terrible eye sockets and evil mouths. Place pieces of cheese on whole circles, cover with the cut-out parts, put them in the microwave for half a minute - you’re ready for excellent “sandwiches” - croutons, which are very pleasant to crunch. Terribly nice!

Halloween Recipe 5. The Vampire Cocktail is the ultimate Halloween treat. All you need to do is buy disposable syringes and fill them with something red - for example, Bloody Mary or even regular pomegranate juice. Bloody drink is what you need!

Recipe 6. The simplest Halloween decor is a spider web. It can be easily depicted using mayonnaise (on salads or sandwiches) or thick sour cream (on cakes or muffins). The aerobatics are “painting” with ketchup or glazed balsamic vinegar, melted chocolate or buttercream.

Recipe 7. Store-bought yeast dough is very easy to roll out into a ghost shape. Grease it with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheeses - the pizza is almost ready. All that remains after baking is to finish drawing the eyes - ketchup will help you.

Recipe 8. Peel a few pears, boil them in white wine, place them on plates, draw eyes and mouth with chocolate - delicious ghosts are ready. Fast and quite scary.

Halloween Recipe 9. Buy a lot of oranges, cut off the “caps”, take out the pulp (juice is an excellent solution), cut out the eyes and other details in the resulting “cups” to make a vile and disgusting face. Then prepare any salad, fill the orange “plates” with it and serve. Very much in the holiday spirit!

Recipe 10. Wrap store-bought juice bags (200 ml in volume) with toilet paper or masking tape, draw scary eyes and open mouths - the mummies are ready, you can celebrate.

10 Halloween ideas for decorating your table and room

1. Be sure to place a pumpkin with “hair” fruits in the center of the table: put an assortment of apples, pears, grapes, oranges, bananas on kebab sticks and stick them into the “head”. This treat will perfectly decorate the holiday, and, in addition, will serve as an unusual plate for serving fruit. Rest assured, this pumpkin will be shaved bald in the very first minutes.

2. Don’t forget to “decorate” napkins and towels for guests with bloody handprints – textile paints are quite suitable for these purposes. Of course, you will have to tinker a little, but the effect is worth it!

3. The web simply must entangle your entire apartment, otherwise Halloween will not happen. Don't forget about the toilet, glasses, doorways, chairs, plates.

4. Candles – by all means! Old, leaky, crooked, dark, broken - this is what you need to celebrate Halloween. However, the white one will look good - the main thing is, before decorating the apartment with it, take a red candle, light it, and lightly pour melted paraffin on the white one, simulating streaks of blood. Very relevant!

5. However, you don’t have to use candles - the simplest candlesticks from the most ordinary jars will look breathtaking if you quickly apply a drawing in the form of scary faces, skulls, spiders and other nasty things to each of them. By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive paints for glass: Halloween lasts one night, and gouache or ordinary acrylic will completely survive it.

6. Down with white starched tablecloths, the table needs to be covered with black cloth! Put long knee socks on the table legs, put them in old boots - here's another “guest” for you in the Halloween format.

7. What about bats? Cutting them out of black paper is as easy as shelling pears. All that remains is to hang it on the trees, hide it around the corner, and place it on the balcony. It has been tested - people are guaranteed to flinch when such an animal suddenly appears before their eyes.

8. A few meters of cheap white gauze thrown over the chandelier - and now you have a personal ghost at your party. Don't forget to draw the eyes - for greater persuasiveness.

9. If suddenly you are not lucky enough to buy a lot of red-sided pumpkins, inflate the balloons. Of course, orange. Arm yourself with a black isolette, depict weirdos and monsters on the balloons - voila, you can decorate your house.

10. Have you seen table tennis balls at your nearest sporting goods store? Have you seen sets of “eyes” for children’s creativity at your nearest stationery? Glue them together and you've got nasty eyeballs that can be put on plates, quietly stuffed into guests' pockets, and given as parting gifts.


Ideas and recipes for Halloween are borrowed from the vast expanses of the Internet.
Text © Magic Food.RU

We offer you 4 types of Halloween cookies that will decorate your holiday table and create a festive atmosphere with their appearance.
Cookies in the shape of a ghost, scarecrow, pumpkin and witch fingers.

Recipe No. 1. Gingerbread Ghost Cookies for Halloween

If you decide to celebrate Halloween at home, then try making Halloween gingerbread cookies for your party. You will need 15 bamboo sticks, thin ribbon, yellow food coloring and a black cooking marker, a small piece of cellophane or a piping bag with a tip. All other ingredients needed for cookies and frosting are usually found in any kitchen.
  • cream margarine 90 g;
  • sugar 110 g;
  • wheat flour 170 g;
  • ground cinnamon 3 g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • Ingredients for icing sugar:
  • egg 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar 280 g;
  • food coloring 1 g.

Quantity: 15 pieces
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

How to make a cute "Ghost" for Halloween

Preparing shortbread dough. Grind fine sugar with softened creamy margarine, then add one raw yolk. In a separate bowl, mix wheat flour with ground cinnamon, combine dry and wet ingredients. Wrap the dough in cling film, put it in a cool place, after 10-15 minutes you can continue working with it.

While the dough is resting, cut out a cookie template from thick paper.

Divide the dough into 15 equal pieces, roll out the pieces to a thickness of 7 millimeters. Using a sharp knife, cut out the ghosts using a paper template.

Insert bamboo sticks into the raw dough. Bake the cookies on a dry baking sheet for 12 minutes. Temperature 165 degrees.

Prepare the sugar glaze. Grind two raw whites in a deep bowl, gradually adding powdered sugar to them. Mix a small amount of white icing with yellow food coloring. You will need this glaze to paint the eyes.

Place the glaze in a plastic envelope or pastry bag. We completely paint over the ghost blanks with white glaze. The thickness of the layer is approximately 2-3 millimeters.

To give volume to the details of the ghost's clothing, we apply additional layers of white glaze, which are indicated on the template. We make each layer after 15-20 minutes, this time is needed for the previous layer to dry.

We draw the yellow eyes after the last layer of white icing has dried.

We wait 20 minutes, draw a mouth and eyes for all the ghosts with a black edible marker.
Slightly dry icing looks ready, but it's not! It is wet inside and you can very easily ruin all your work. Dry the cookies in a dry, ventilated place for 10-12 hours.

We tie bows to the finished cookies on a stick. Now you can invite your friends to a Halloween party.

Recipe No. 2. Halloween Scarecrow Cookies

Scarecrow cookies on a stick with sugar icing will decorate your Halloween table and scare away evil spirits from your home. The recipe is simple, but painstaking. You will need 20-30 minutes to bake the shortbread cookies, 10 minutes to mix the icing sugar, and about 1 hour to apply the design. After this, the Halloween cookies should be left in a dry place for the icing to dry completely for 10 hours.
To decorate the cookies you will need 12 wooden sticks.

Cooking time: 1 hour 50 minutes.
Quantity: 10-12 pieces.

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry:

  • butter (margarine) – 90 g;
  • flour – 165 g;
  • sugar – 130 g;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon, vanillin.
  • powdered sugar – 290 g;
  • protein – 40 g;
  • food paints.

A method for making original Scarecrow cookies for Halloween

Let's make the dough. Mix all the ingredients for the dough in a food processor. It is better to soften butter or margarine at room temperature first, as these cookies should not be too crumbly. From these ingredients you will get about 400 g of shortcrust pastry, this amount is enough to prepare 12-15 large cookies.

Cut out the scarecrow from thick paper (dimensions in centimeters).

Divide the dough into equal parts, roll it out (0.7-0.8 cm), cut out the scarecrow according to the sketch with a sharp knife.

Insert wooden skewers into the raw cookies. Bake for 11-13 minutes. Baking temperature 170 degrees.

Mix egg white, powdered sugar and food coloring into colored icing for painting. To paint the scarecrow you need green, orange and black paint.

On all blanks, we first mark the outline of the future drawing. Then use a brush to apply a thin layer of black glaze to the brim of the hat.

Mix thick light green icing, fill a pastry bag with it, and draw a dress for the scarecrow. You can draw a white pocket on the dress and color it with polka dots. If you don’t have a pastry bag with a nozzle, you can use a regular thick bag, the tip of which needs to be cut off. Each layer of glaze must dry naturally. A layer 3 millimeters thick dries in 15-20 minutes.

Using orange glaze we draw the pumpkin head and hands after the green paint has dried.

We wait another 15-20 minutes, draw a black hat.

Small and delicate details on cookies can be made by placing icing of any color in a pastry bag to which a cream tip with the thinnest hole (1-2 mm) is attached. Draw the eyes, mouth, thin threads on the dress and the scarecrow is ready.
Trick or Treat!

Recipe No. 3. "Pumpkin Jack" for Halloween

This Halloween cookie recipe is pretty simple. Having spent very little time, you will prepare original Halloween sweets from shortcrust pastry with sugar icing. To make Halloween Jack Pumpkin cookies you will need a small piece of thick cellophane or a pastry bag with a nozzle, food paints and a standard set of products for shortcrust pastry.

Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes
Quantity: 10 pieces.

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry:

  • cream margarine 120 g;
  • flour 175 g;
  • powdered sugar (or sugar) 130 g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon 6 g.

Sugar glaze:

  • powdered sugar 260 g;
  • raw egg white 45 g;
  • food coloring: orange, black, light green, red;
  • black culinary marker.

How to Make Sugar Cookies for All Hallows' Eve

We make the dough, taking all the ingredients for it at room temperature. Grind sugar and margarine, add raw yolk. Combine flour mixed with ground cinnamon with the ground mass and knead the dough.

From thick paper we cut out a pumpkin according to the sketch. Dimensions are indicated in centimeters.

Place the dough in a cold place for 15-20 minutes, and then divide it into equal parts (about 10 pieces). Roll out the pieces thinly (0.6-0.7 cm), cut out pumpkins.

Place a silicone baking mat on a baking sheet. Carefully arrange the cookies, leaving small gaps between them. Temperature 165 degrees. Bake for 12 minutes. We transfer the drawing from the sketch to the finished blanks with a simple pencil.

Mix white sugar icing. Gradually add powdered sugar to the egg white, strained through a fine sieve. When the mass thickens enough, you can mix it with food coloring.

Apply a thin layer of black glaze randomly to the pumpkin blanks in the mouth area with a regular brush. Then we roll up a cornet from thick cellophane and fill it with orange glaze. We draw a pumpkin as shown in the photo.

Leave the cookies for 20 minutes in a dry and warm place, and then draw white teeth and eyes.

To draw a wicker hat, you need to make a cornet with a thin hole or use a pastry bag with a thin cream tip. Using light green glaze, draw thin vertical lines, and after 20 minutes, draw short horizontal stripes.

After the green icing has dried, draw a red bow. Leave the Pumpkin Jack Halloween cookies in a dry place for 10 hours for final drying.

Recipe No. 4. Halloween Witch Fingers Cookies

The celebration of Halloween involves general fun, jokes, outfits and paraphernalia associated with the horrors of the other world. Culinary baking is no exception.

Wrinkled, with traces of dried blood and centuries-old dust, inspiring horror and awe, the witch’s fingers will attract on this day with their crumbly-delicate taste and repel with their terrifying, disgusting appearance. This treat is certainly not for the faint of heart. But those who try these cookies will become invulnerable against all evil spirits for a year.

So, to prepare 400 g of Witch's Fingers cookies you will need the following ingredients:

  • Softened butter – 100 g;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Flour – 250 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Chocolate – 20 g;
  • Peeled pumpkin seeds – 20 g;
  • Baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • Vanilla sugar - a bag.

Witch fingers will take about 40 minutes to prepare.

The sequence of actions in preparing this scary but delicious cookie:

Grind butter with sugar and vanilla. Continuing to beat, add the egg to the mixture.
Combine the sifted flour with baking powder and add in parts to the butter mixture. You may need 1 more handful of flour.
Divide the resulting lump of shortcrust pastry in half, put it in a bag and send it to cool.

After 10 minutes, take out half of the dough, and let the other half cool.
Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.
Separate a small lump from the dough and form it into a sausage of the desired length.

On one side, press the resulting sausage with your finger - this will be the place for the nail plate.

Make transverse cuts with a knife on the folds of the phalanges of the fingers.

Melt the chocolate a little in the microwave. Add 50 ml of hot water to it and stir well.

Lubricate the place for the nail plate with chocolate solution.

Insert a peeled pumpkin seed instead of a nail.

Lubricate the folds of the phalanges with the chocolate solution and apply a shadow on the sides of the fingers.

Place the witch's fingers on a baking sheet lined with a silicone mat.
Place the baking sheet in the oven.

In about 10 minutes the witch's fingers will be ready.

On the eve of All Saints' Day - Halloween - the whole world is immersed in an atmosphere of creepy fun and chilling holiday. Maybe a zombie will knock on the door or a vampire will come in for a glass of tea? We need to surprise everyone with terribly original dishes on this day!


What are these eyes? Fingers? Worms? Yes, but only edible and very tasty ones. From the most ordinary products you can prepare “scary” dishes for Halloween, the recipes of which are simple, and guests will definitely take a photo of them as a souvenir before eating, even if they do not have a page on a popular social network.

Boiled eggs, cut in half and garnished with olives, also make frighteningly delicious eyes, and spaghetti can be spun into mummies. It’s worth thinking not only about what to cook for Halloween, but also not to forget about the inedible surroundings of the snacks - napkins will make funny ghosts, and it will be funny to put artificial cockroaches or bats between the plates.


For the holiday, a lot of candies and other sweets in the shape of skulls, skeletons and pumpkins appear in stores. But cute little gummies don't compare to what you can make at home.

In addition to fruit dishes and cookies, on Halloween you can bake muffins or cupcakes according to your favorite recipe, and use a pastry sleeve or syringe to draw evil faces, pumpkins or spiders on them with cream.


Drinks of rich colors will look spectacular on the festive table, and not only the usual ones (red, yellow), but also green, blue and purple. You can use food coloring or natural pigments. However, presentation is also important:

  • make ice in unusual molds: shards, teeth, brains, bones;
  • decorate bottles or decanters with scary labels: “Fresh Blood” is suitable for tomato juice (age the paper in cold strong tea or coffee, add red “bloody” splashes), for soda - “Witch’s Potion” or “Burning Acid”;
  • The cups can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and pinned on the edge of the dish.

Any drink will become unusual if you create the appropriate surroundings. Even simple jelly will turn into a terribly tasty treat if you add gummy bones or worms to it. Once you imagine how your Halloween recipes will look in the photo, it becomes terribly fun!

Halloween is a terrifyingly fun holiday, so not only the holiday, but even the treats, decorated with a bit of imagination, will create the right atmosphere. Let the table bewitch with edible ghosts and spiders, and let the guests have fun throwing delicious worms to each other.

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How to bake Witch's Fingers cookies:

  1. Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg and flavorings (if you have almond essence, then you don’t need to add cinnamon and cardamom), mix everything. Add flour, baking powder and salt and stir until smooth.
  2. If you want to make your fingers green, add a little green food coloring and mix the dough thoroughly. If the color is too pale, add more dye.
  3. Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 165°C. Take a quarter of the dough from the refrigerator and begin to shape the fingers. Focus on your little fingers. Place the finger blank on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Place an almond on the tip and press down well (you can take peeled or unpeeled almonds, as well as nut halves). If the almonds are too large, then your finger can be made thicker. Form a knuckle by squeezing the dough from the sides below and above the knuckle. Using a knife, make folds of the finger. Repeat the procedure to form the remaining fingers. Place your fingers on the baking sheet at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.
  5. Bake cookies for 15-20 minutes or until lightly golden if your fingers are not green.
  6. Cool the cookies and start decorating. There are several options here. First, you can lightly dust your white fingers with cocoa using a brush. This will make your fingers look more contrasty and dirty. Secondly, if the almonds separate from the dough, you can pull them out and pour red jam into the hole so that when the almonds are returned, “blood” oozes from the nail bed. If you can't get the almonds out, just pour a little jam around the nail. Thirdly, dip the “cut off” part of your fingers into the jam, and also stain your knuckles with jam.
  7. You can serve the “Witch’s Fingers” cookies on their own, or you can suggest dipping them into a bowl of “bloody” jam. Bon appetit!

See what else “Witch’s fingers” might look like (the picture is clickable and will open in a new tab).

Sweet “Witches’ Brooms”

A witch can do without fingers, but not without a broom. Witches' brooms, in both sweet and savory forms, are a Halloween menu item. I suggest you make sweet and salty witches brooms.

Sweet “Witches’ Brooms”

The main ingredient of sweets are small candies - chocolate, fudge, toffee, jelly, etc. in the form of a truncated cone or hemisphere with a ribbed surface.


  • Salty straw
  • Candies with ribbed surface

How to make the sweet “Witch’s Broom”:

  1. Using a stick or toothpick, make a hole of a suitable diameter in the tops of the candies and insert a salty straw into it. If the candy filling is too liquid, then try not to turn the finished brooms over so as not to get dirty. Warn your guests about this.
  2. If you are making brooms as gifts or for distributing Halloween candy, then you don’t need to remove the wrapper from the candy first.

Dessert “Cemetery land”

A delicious and spooky dessert for Halloween. The recipe can be in several versions, choose the one that suits you best.


  • Chocolate pudding or chocolate jelly
  • Chocolate cookies (possibly with a milk layer)
  • Gummy worms

How to make the “Cemetery Ground” dessert:

Sweet cockroaches

On Halloween, all kinds of insects are held in high esteem. We have already used worms in the recipe. Now I propose to make a dish with our pets - cockroaches. You can make several types of sweet cockroaches for Halloween. Choose the option you like.

Sweet chocolate and stuffed cockroaches for Halloween

Ingredients for chocolate cockroaches:

  • Dates – 700 g
  • Chocolate – 2 bars

Ingredients for stuffed cockroaches:

  • Dates – 700 g
  • Soft cream cheese - 230 g
  • Walnuts, chopped - 1 cup (optional)
  • Cuttings from berries (cherries, cherries, etc.) - a few pieces (optional)

How to make chocolate cockroaches:

  1. Make “cockroach” preparations from dates. To do this, use a sharp knife to cut one side of the date lengthwise and carefully remove the pit through the cut. Cover the date and press it down a little to make it flat. Process all the dates in a similar manner.
  2. Melt the chocolate (dark or milk) in a water bath. Dip each date halfway into the liquid chocolate and place on a plate lined with parchment paper.
  3. Place the dish with sweets in the refrigerator until the chocolate has completely hardened.
  4. When serving, decorate the dish with chocolate cockroaches with plastic cockroach figures.

How to cook stuffed cockroaches:

  1. Remove the pits from the dates.
  2. Mix cream cheese with chopped walnuts. But you can use just cheese, without nuts.
  3. Using a pastry bag, fill the “cockroaches” with filling. Press the dates down to make them flatter.
  4. Place the stuffed prussians on a plate, cut side down. If possible, decorate several date cockroaches with antennae from berry cuttings, and also place plastic insect figurines on a plate.

If you wish, you can “marry” chocolate and stuffed cockroaches. Then you will succeed, as you understand, chocolate stuffed cockroaches .

Gift “Monster Hand”

If Halloween is just around the corner, and you have absolutely no time or desire to prepare treats, then I offer you a “quick fix” option - the “Monster’s Hand” gift. It's easy to do it yourself. In addition, you can choose your own filling for each person to whom you will give the “Hand”.

What is needed for a gift:

  • Polyethylene or surgical gloves
  • Braid, string or thread for ties
  • Sweet popcorn, candies, cookies, chocolates, chewing gum, etc.
  • Plastic insect figurines for decoration (optional)

How to make a “Monster Hand” gift:

  1. Fill the gloves with candy filling. To imitate nails, you can first put a red (or whatever you like) candy into each finger of the glove. To form fingers, you can use long candies or candies packaged in a tube.
  2. If desired, place plastic insects inside the gloves.
  3. Twist the bells of the gloves and tie them with braid, string or thread.
  4. You can also decorate the “Hands” with insects on top.

Friends, I wish you and your loved ones a happy Halloween and delicious treats! If you haven’t yet learned Halloween songs and come up with makeup, I suggest you.

Interesting? Tell your friends!

Very soon the scariest holiday of the year will come - Halloween. In recent years, it has been popular not to acknowledge it, not to celebrate it, and to otherwise pretend that it doesn’t exist, but regardless of what you personally think, it exists and most likely isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Alas, living in society, it is difficult not to accept its tendencies, so most likely one way or another you will still face the question Halloween menu- you may have to prepare something for a matinee in kindergarten, a charity fair at school, or even, at the child’s request, organize a small party for friends. In general, ideas what to cook for halloween, are needed, no matter what!

Everyone in our world is a little crazy.
L. Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

I won't make up now Halloween menu- I’ll just share with you those ideas that I found on the Internet a long time ago and kept for myself just in case. This year we will spend the Scariest Night visiting friends - most likely, we will cut out something unusual from pumpkins with the children, light many, many candles and bake some cookies. This will be enough to amuse the children, tell them about the traditions of other countries and cultures, show them an example of how this holiday generally takes place, and at the same time explain why it does not fit very well into our customs. In general, will we organize something or not, do you plan, what to cook for halloween or not, I’ll still sketch out a rough list of ideas. What if it comes in handy?

The main criterion when drawing up an approximate Halloween menu there was simplicity - I was looking for quick and affordable ideas, the implementation of which does not require spending two days of time, digging up a bunch of devices and rare products and learning special technologies. Considering that I perceive this holiday solely as a way to entertain children and teach them about the traditions of other countries, I do not intend to make complex cupcakes and stand over multi-tiered cakes for many hours in a row. One, two, and that's it, terrible Halloween menu ready!

1. Fruits Halloween is a rich theme. A little imagination can turn bananas into ghosts and tangerines into pumpkins. To realize these ideas, you don’t need almost anything except, strictly speaking, the fruits themselves. Oh, yes, a couple of spoons of lemon juice will also come in handy - so that bananas, apples and a number of other juicy delicacies remain fresh for a long time and do not darken, you should sprinkle them with lemon, otherwise your ghosts will quickly turn, if not into representatives of the population of the African continent, then definitely into mulattoes .

By the way, you can play with anything, for example, an apple: choose beautiful blood-red fruits, dip them in melted chocolate - ready, a scary treat in the spirit of Halloween in your pocket. Oh, better on a plate!

2. Stuffed eggs- an easy way to make something worse. Spiders made of black olives or eyes made of green olives and red ketchup pupils will scare anyone. These dishes are probably not suitable for a children's party, but they can be offered to adults.

By the way, the same black olive spiders can be used to decorate not only stuffed eggs, but also any salad or even pizza. It turns out that with a minimum of labor costs, a maximum of fear and taste comes out!

3. Witch's broom- one of the main attributes of the holiday! It’s as easy as shelling pears to make it from a piece of hard cheese, a straw and a sprig of green onions or any herbs. The simplest things, as a rule, cause the biggest stir - I’m sure these “brooms” will sell out right away!

However, you can make a broom in a sweet version - buy chocolate candies with a characteristic grooved edge (or make them at home, just pour the chocolate into special molds), slightly warm the straw, insert it into the center of the candy or glue it with a small amount of chocolate. Not as impressive, but still an option.

4. A great option for Halloween decor - food appliques. An ordinary cucumber circle easily turns into all kinds of faces and scary faces. Instead of a cucumber, you can take carrots, pumpkin, beets and a lot of other products.

Yes, you can also experiment with shapes - for example, cutting out a skull is also not that difficult, if you have the desire.