How to understand how old a cat is by looking at a cat. How to determine the age of a kitten: Useful tips for owners

When choosing a method of treating a disease in a kitten or an adult cat, when looking for the dosage of medications, vitamins and supplements, it is necessary to determine the age of the animal. If there is no opportunity to contact the specialists of a veterinary office, you will have to make do on your own.

Determining age is not as difficult as it seems. You should proceed step by step, analyzing and comparing data on some physiological indicators of the animal. Determining the age of a kitten is much easier than finding out how old an adult is.

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    By what indicators can you determine the age of a kitten?

    Starting from the age of six months, the cat’s body lives an adult life, the age of which is much more difficult to determine.

    Up to six months, age is determined by a non-professional quite accurately - with an error of several weeks to a month.

    You can judge the age of a kitten or adult cat by the following indicators:

    • some elements of appearance;
    • examining the kitten's teeth;
    • by the eyes;
    • based on the ratio of the cat's weight and size.

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    Small kittens can be easily identified by age and many parameters, primarily by the condition of the umbilical cord. If there are traces of it, we can conclude that the kitten is no more than a week old.

    Little kittens have specific physique. Before reaching the age of one month, the body is disproportionate: with a fairly large head, miniature ears, short and weak legs. When the kitten reaches one month of age, the body and legs stretch out. The ears are just as small, the head fits into the general proportions.

    By one and a half months, the color of the eyes begins to match the overall color of the coat.

    In the two-month period, the body becomes elongated; in the three-month period, the ears increase in size.


    Whiskers serve an important function in a cat's life, helping to navigate in space.

    Starting from the age of nine, the mustache turns grey, and whiskers begin to be visible among the dark ones.

    Dental changes

    Just as a human child's new teeth grow gradually, a kitten's teeth do not appear at the same time.

    Kittens are born without teeth, and from the second week their first milk teeth begin to erupt. At 2–4 weeks, the incisors emerge, at 3–4 weeks, the canines appear, and at 6–8 weeks, the premolars appear. Kittens do not yet have molars, that is, molars. In total, animals have 26 milk teeth, which differ in structure and color from permanent ones.

    Starting from 3.5 months, the replacement of baby teeth with permanent teeth occurs. The process starts with the first and second incisors. From the fourth month - premolars; from the fifth - molars. From 5.5 months, the canines on the upper and lower jaws are replaced. From the fifth month, the replacement of rudimentary fangs on both jaws begins. The process lasts up to 7 months. Like human teeth changing, the process is individual and can last up to 9 months. In males it begins earlier than in females.

    So, an adult has 30 permanent teeth:

    • 12 incisors are divided into sixes of the upper and lower jaws;
    • 4 fangs - two on each jaw;
    • 10 premolars;
    • 4 molars.

    Knowing and clearly distinguishing the sequence of appearance and names of teeth will help you recognize the age of a kitten by the appearance or eruption of teeth. An illustration will help you avoid getting confused about the names and locations of teeth.

    When determining the age of a kitten, you should pay attention to his behavior. If your pet has ruined the upholstery of the furniture by chewing it, hunts for laces and chews them at night, this may be a sign of teething. When teething, there is a need to chew toys, bedding, and other objects that interest the animal.

    It is indeed possible to determine the age of a baby by the appearance of teeth, but if the animal is an adult, this approach may fail. For a mature individual, the condition of the teeth will indicate age only approximately. An old cat may have both diseased and dilapidated teeth.

    Changes in the dental formula after the change of primary teeth can be taken into account in a complex analysis with other indicators in determining the age of the cat.

    By the age of one and a half years, the main lobes of the first incisors of the lower jaw are fully formed. According to average indications, there are data characterizing tooth abrasion, however, due to the specific characteristics and subjective indicators of the life of an adult cat, they may not coincide with the real situation. If the lobes of the first and second incisors on the lower jaw are erased, then the cat is already at least 2–2 years and 5 months old. The lobes of the first incisors on the upper and lower jaws are worn away by the age of 3 years and 5 months. If a cat has worn out the lobes of the first and second incisors of both jaws, then he is at least 4 years and 5 months old. If the lobes are present only on the canines of the upper jaw, then the age of the animal is close to 5 years and 5 months. If the surface of the incisors is oval, the cat is about 10 years old. Loss of the first and second incisors on the upper and lower jaws is typical for 12 years. Loss of all incisors is typical for people aged at least 16 years.

    Eye color

    Eye color changes throughout a cat's life. If we do not take this factor into account for individuals of certain breeds, in which the eye color given from birth no longer changes throughout their lives, this will help to approximately determine the age of the animal.

    The eye completely opens in kittens at approximately 10–14 days of age. The eyes should be the same size and fully open. If one eye is noticeably different from the other, then with some confidence we can say that the kitten is no more than 1.5 weeks old.

    Eye color also indicates the cat's maturity. Kittens of all breeds have blue irises only after opening. Subsequently, the color changes to another, called “true cat” - it is green or yellow, sometimes amber. The process of color change begins at the age of three months. The final coloration is acquired by the animal at six months.

    The change in the iris of the eyes is not so noticeable: only the shade of baby blue changes. In such cases, determining the age of an animal by eye color is difficult.

    There are a number of cat breeds that have blue eyes for the rest of their lives. These are Polynesian, Siamese, Neva, Sphynx, Balinese, Ojos Azules, white Angora, Neva masquerade cats. For individuals of the listed breeds, it is impossible to determine age by eye color.

    Animal size and weight

    If the animal does not have serious diseases, it is permissible to use size and weight measurements to determine age.

    Recommendations regarding the relationship between the age and size of a cat should be taken taking into account the fact that a particular individual could be born slightly larger or smaller than the average. If this fact occurs, then a deviation of 2–3 centimeters from the average readings is acceptable:

    • If the length of the kitten, excluding the tail, is no more than 12 cm, then we can say that it has just been born.
    • The length of the body without a tail is 15 cm, so the kitten is about 4 weeks old.
    • About 20 cm body length is an indicator of 3 months.
    • From the age of two months, boys may be larger in build than girls. With the size of a teenage cat being 23–24 cm, we can assume that the age is about 4 months. A five-month-old girl will measure about 25 cm.
    • At the age of six months, the main growth of the animal stops; the length of the body, excluding the tail, is about 26–27 cm. Boys are longer by 2 to 6 cm.

    In the system for calculating the weight of a cat, the weight of a newborn is taken as the starting indicator - this is 90–100 g. The deviation for subjective factors is assumed to be 20–30 g. The cat gains weight before reaching the age of two.

    At the end of the first week, the approximate weight of the kitten is about 113–115 g. By the end of the second week, it increases to 200 g, by the end of the third - to 280 g. In subsequent weight changes, it increases noticeably faster. By the end of the fourth week, his weight is 370 g, at the end of the fifth - 450 g.

    The indications given in the recommendations are conditional and approximate. A healthy kitten, with proper nutrition and care, increases by approximately 100 g every week. Having reached six months, the cat develops more slowly. Noticeable changes in weight will appear once a month. Even with abundant feeding, the animal gains little weight over the course of a week. The parameters of weight, height, eye color and other characteristics are set very conditionally, so to obtain more accurate information it is necessary to compare data from different age determination methods.

    Determining the weight of an active, curious pet is quite possible at home. A kitten's maximum activity occurs at six months. This period lasts up to one and a half years. As time passes, the animal becomes calmer.

Unfortunately, not in all cases, owners can know the exact age of their pet; there are exceptions when you remember the exact date of birth and can easily calculate the age of your cat.

In the case when the cat got lost and you picked it up on the street or bought it when it was old enough, then the exact age is unlikely to be known. This is why there are several special characteristics by which you can find out how old your cat is.

Determination of age in relation to puberty
One of the simplest and most proven methods, which is suitable exclusively for determination only in kittens. So, according to biological indicators, puberty in cats occurs at the age of 7-9 months.

Thus, you just need to wait a while, and then you will find out the approximate number of years of the pet. Sometimes, however, this moment comes a little earlier and under favorable conditions for development, cat puberty can occur at five months, so you should not count on the fact that you will know the exact age - only an approximate result.

Determining age by teeth
The second method is more complicated, and it is unlikely to be possible to determine the cat’s age the first time. You ask why? The problem is that some adults are unlikely to allow you to look at their cute teeth for a long time. Therefore, immediately try to remember all the conditions and only then conduct the “experiment”.
Here is an exact scheme by which you can determine the age of a cat by its teeth with an error of 1-2 months maximum:

  • The appearance of baby teeth occurs at the age of 1 month.
  • Change of milk teeth - 5-6 months.
The following is a definition regarding the teeth of the lower jaw:
  • Central incisors at the age of 1.5 years
  • Middle incisors wear off at 2.5 years
Upper jaw teeth:
  • Erasure of central incisors at 3.5 years
  • Erasure of middle incisors at 4.5 years
Next, the definition proceeds alternately regarding the lower and upper jaw:
  • Erasure of fangs occurs at the age of 5 years
  • At the age of 6, the outer incisors of the upper jaw are worn away
  • Changes in the rubbing surfaces (oval-transverse) of the middle and central incisors of the lower jaw at the age of 7-8 years
  • Similar changes from the previous paragraph, but with respect to the central incisors of the upper jaw, tells us about the age of 9 years
  • Loss of central incisors occurs at 10-12 years of age
  • But the loss of all incisors indicates the age of 12-15 years
Each of these calculations was obtained from ongoing research and has an average value. Since the lifestyle of each animal is noticeably different, for example, if it is sufficiently saturated and contains the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, then wear and loss of teeth can occur at a later age, and vice versa, if the cat’s diet is not balanced, then tooth loss can occur much earlier.

Correlation between human and cat years
Many owners are interested in how old their pet is at the moment by human standards. This is not at all difficult to determine. And thanks to relevant studies in this area, it was revealed:

  • A one-year-old cat's age is equal to fifteen human years.
  • Two years for a cat is equivalent to 24 years for a human.
  • From 3 to 12 years, one cat year is equal to four human years
  • After 12 years, a cat year is equal to three human years
Thus, now you can find out what age your cat is by human standards. It is worth noting that the average life expectancy of cats is up to 15-16 years, and with proper nutrition, absence of diseases and favorable living conditions, this measure can be increased by 1.5, or maybe 2 times. How to find out how old a cat is

Do not forget that dry food is harmful for cats; soft pates, on the contrary, are very useful. Try to include fresh vegetables, clean water, and even fresh green grass like sedge that grows in your yard, which contains carotene and helps cleanse the cat's body.

This way, your friend and family member will feel great for a long time and make you happy.

The age of an animal is determined by the following basic characteristics:

  • Sizes, body features.
  • Ear shape, eye color.
  • Teeth.
  • Behavioral features.
  • Body weight.

Method 1

It is difficult to estimate the age of a kitten based on its size. Much depends on the breed. Thus, Maine Coons are naturally larger than Siamese or Thai cats. It would be more correct to pay attention to the proportions of the body. Until 3 weeks of age, babies have a relatively large, forehead-shaped head and a small body. If the animal is less than 2 weeks old, it can be placed freely in the human palm.

Starting from 1 month, the baby becomes more proportional, turning into a smaller copy of an adult cat. The legs lengthen and become stronger. From 3 to 5 months, the kitten’s muscles rapidly develop. The size of a six-month-old pet is ¾ of the size of an adult cat. By the age of 9 months, the kitten has fully grown, becoming an adult.

The larger the breed, the longer the animal grows, and cats reach puberty earlier than males.

Method 2

We estimate the age of the kitten by the shape of its ears and eye color. Babies are born blind. The eyes open at 10-14 days. At the same time, the iris is a dull blue hue. Some breeds (colorpoint cats, Siamese, Thai) have blue or deep blue eyes. If the kitten is sighted, but the iris is a dull blue or gray-blue, then it is less than 2 months old.

For adult animals, age assessment from the eyes is not very informative. It is generally accepted that young animals have brighter irises, but with age they dim. However, the cause of dimming of the iris can also be diseases: cataracts or cataracts. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

The shape of the ears of kittens of different ages is different. Newborn animals have tiny ears, pressed against the skull.

For the first 5-8 days, kittens cannot hear due to closed ear canals. The ear straightens completely in 2-3 weeks. As for the fold-eared breeds, such as the Scottish Fold or the Ukrainian Levkoy, they initially have a normal ear, like other breeds. “Lop-earedness” appears as the animal grows older. The period of formation of ears in cats is 3-4 months.

Method 3

Body weight. The first weeks of a baby's life are a period of intense growth or weight gain. A lot depends on nutrition. If you took a baby from the street, then it is unlikely that he will be as plump and fat as domestic kittens. Therefore, veterinarians recommend feeding your pet for 2-3 days before weighing, not forgetting the dangers of overfeeding. If a small kitten eats properly, then, depending on the breed, it gains 10-30 g per day.

The weight of a kitten depends on the following factors:

  • Cat nutrition during pregnancy.
  • Number of kittens in the litter.
  • Features of the breed and heredity.
  • Gender of the animal. Males gain weight faster.

Kittens up to 1 week old weigh 80-125 g. A two-week-old baby weighs 120-170 g. By 3 weeks the pet’s weight is about 250-260 g.

The average further gain is as follows:

  • 4 weeks - 350-550 g.
  • 5-7 weeks - 480-760 g.
  • From 8 weeks - 800-1300 g.
  • 12 weeks - 1200-1500 g.
  • 3 months - 1700-2300 g. From this age until the end of puberty (9 months), the kitten gains on average about 500 g per month.

Weigh the kitten at the same time before feeding.

Method 4

These are teeth. They provide the most reliable information about the age category of the pet. Kittens are born toothless. Milk teeth appear in 2-3 week old animals. The incisors appear first. The animal acquires milk fangs by 3-8 weeks. Lateral milk teeth erupt at 5-6 weeks. There are 26 baby teeth in total. From the age of 4 months they are replaced by permanent teeth. A six-month-old kitten already has molars, and complete replacement occurs by 7 months. The number of molars in cats is 30.

As you grow older, tooth wear occurs, and it begins at one year of age.

Let's consider the signs indicating the age of the pet:

  • 2 years - slight yellowing of tooth enamel. There are no other signs of damage to the teeth.
  • 3-5 years - abrasion of the upper incisors in the center. There are signs of wear on the fangs.
  • 5-10 years - severe wear of the incisors on the upper and lower jaws, sometimes - their loss. Cracks and tartar appear on the teeth.
  • 10-12 years old. Tooth enamel is yellow. The central incisors have completely fallen out.
  • After passing the 15-year mark, the incisors are completely absent, the lateral teeth are severely worn out. Animals older than 15 years often lack incisors.

It should be borne in mind that the condition of the teeth depends on the conditions in which the cat is kept, its state of health and the balance of its diet. If the diet is correct and balanced in organic and mineral substances, tooth loss and wear occur more slowly.

Method 5

It concerns the behavioral characteristics of the kitten. The method is not very informative, since each cat has its own character, so you can make mistakes.

There are young phlegmatic cats, and some “elders” frolic, to the envy of the kittens

  • Until 3 weeks of age, the kitten does not react to external stimuli (or, alternatively, it reacts weakly), does not stand on its paws, but crawls.
  • From 3 weeks, the cat stands on its paws, becomes curious, and explores the world around it with interest.
  • A month old pet walks confidently and becomes playful. There is more and more interest in the events taking place.
  • At 5 months, the first signs of puberty appear. A teenage cat asks to go outside, meowing loudly. Sometimes during puberty the animal shows aggression, so you should be constantly on alert.

If you are unsure about your pet's age, consult your veterinarian. This is especially useful if you have a kitten for the first time and have no experience with a pet.

Method 6

The age of a pet is assessed by the condition of the coat and the general appearance of the animal. The fur of kittens and young animals is delicate and soft to the touch. With age, the coat becomes coarser.

In animals starting from 5-6 years of age, the fur becomes dull and the color does not appear so clearly. Older, dark-colored animals sometimes turn grey. In aging black cats, the glossy, “raven” color changes to a dirty brown.

As for the general appearance of the animal, the very small kitten looks somewhat disproportionate. Teenagers are awkward, thin, with long legs. An adult cat is distinguished by developed muscles.

The physique corresponds to breed standards. Young cats run quickly and gracefully cope with obstacles.

After 7-8 years of age, animals' spine sag and their shoulder blades protrude. This occurs due to a decrease in muscle volume. Aging cats tend to lose weight quickly.

Correctly assessing your pet's age is important. She will help you feed a small kitten and establish proper nutrition and care for an adult animal.

Don’t know how to determine the age of a kitten and think that only experienced specialists can do this? It's not difficult at all!

It is enough to find out some information, have some time, and even the owners of the very first animal in their lives will be able to do this without difficulty.

Fluffy and smooth-haired, big-eyed and not so big-eyed, large and miniature - kittens are different.

But they are all charming, no matter what breed they belong to, no matter what appearance and character they have.

However, it also happens that these sweetest creatures end up on the street.

Kind people pick up babies, after which one of the first questions is: “What age is my new pet?”

Of course, you can find out from familiar specialists or consult a veterinarian.

But the easiest way is to try to determine the age of the kitten at home.

You can easily determine the age category of any kitten at home.

Signs by which you can determine the age of a kitten

So, you've made time, your pet is next to you.

By what signs can you determine the number of months of a pet?

As a rule, there are five of them in total:

  • Size and build
  • Eye color and ears
  • Behavior

Size and build

Undoubtedly, different cat breeds are different because they have their own characteristics.

Nine months is the stage when the development and growth of a given animal ends and the pet becomes an adult.

Important! The larger the breed, the longer the kitten grows. The growth period also depends on the gender of the baby: for a cat it takes several weeks longer.

Much depends on the breed characteristics of the animal

Eye color and ears

All kittens are born blind.

The normal time to start opening them is 2 weeks from birth, although some babies manage this from 10 days.

Many cat owners don't know that all kittens are born with cloudy blue eyes.

Between the second and third months of life, the iris of the eye changes color, but in some breeds it remains blue or acquires a darker, blue tint.

Thus, if the animal’s eyes are open, have a gray-blue or just a dull blue color, then the baby’s age is less than 2 months.

As for the ears, they can also serve as an important factor in determining the age of the kitten.

As a rule, all newborn cats have ears pressed to their heads.

This is explained by the fact that at birth and until 5-8 days the ear canals are closed.

Kittens' auditory locators expand more slowly than their eyes open, so only in the second or third week will the ears fully expand.

And not in vain, because many pets also change their milk teeth for molars, like people, at a certain period of life.

It is by this important factor that you can easily determine the age category of your four-legged friend.

A newborn kitten has no teeth. The baby gets its first milk teeth at two to three weeks.

The front incisors appear first.

At three to eight weeks, the animal's primary canines erupt (they are located on the sides of the incisors).

The sides of the jaws filled with teeth and the appearance of small molars indicate an age of five to six weeks.

In total, kittens have 26 milk teeth, including 4 canines, 12 incisors and 10 small molars.

Important! If you can't see the teeth of a small kitten, try gently touching the gums.

Molars are darker in color than baby teeth

Starting from the age of four months, baby teeth fall out.

The incisors are the first to be replaced by molars.

Up to six months, the pet acquires molars, and after that - molars (distant molars) and premolars (they are located between the molars and canines).

As soon as you notice that all of your pet’s teeth have been replaced by molars, this can mean one thing: the pet’s age exceeds 7 months.

A cat has 30 molars: 4 molars, 10 premolars, 4 canines and 12 incisors.

The baby's behavior is an important factor in determining the age category


Finally, you can try to determine the age of the kitten by its behavior.

However, it is very important to know that each cat has its own individual character.

That is why a factor such as behavior can bring an erroneous result.

Nevertheless, let’s consider the main points inherent in certain age periods of a kitten.

If the baby does not react or reacts weakly to external stimuli, does not rise to its feet and crawls, feel free to note to yourself that the little pet is not even three weeks old.

Upon reaching this age, the pet begins to stand firmly on its paws, learns to land on them, and observes its surroundings with interest.

At one month, the baby walks confidently, he has a desire and desire to explore the world, the animal shows interest in games.

Five weeks of age brings with it the ability to run.

Confidence in actions appears, coordination improves, and activity increases.

The seventh and eighth weeks of life are manifested in courage and great interest in what is happening.

The baby runs, plays a lot, jumps, and often tries to actively communicate with the residents: people, other animals.

Puberty in cats brings with it big behavioral changes.

At the age of five months, your pet's behavior may change somewhat.

The kitten may meow loudly and try to crawl outside.

This is the first sign of puberty.

In the period from five to six to seven months, changes occur in the appearance, behavior and body of the pet.

Right now the animal can bite, so you should treat it with caution.

By seven months of its life, the pet reaches sexual maturity.

Even if you were able to determine your pet’s age on your own, you should consult a doctor.

Who can confirm our assumptions?

If you are not an expert, or at least have not had cats in your home before, it is very important to verify your assumptions about the age of your pet.

There are two ways out:

  • Contact the breeder

The former owner or breeder has been watching your new friend since his birth.

Therefore, the first owner will probably advise you accurately at the age of the kitten.

However, what to do if your pet is found on the street?

  • Let's go to the veterinarian

Of course, it is an experienced specialist, and especially a specialist in small animals, who can easily but accurately tell you the age period of a young four-legged pet.

In addition, even if you have dealt with cats before, the help of a veterinarian can never be superfluous.

Sexual characteristics appear in cats from birth.

At what age can you determine the sex of a kitten?

In fact, the question of the age period at which the sex of a kitten can be determined is quite common.

So when is it possible to determine whether you have a cat or a female cat?

The answer is simple: kittens develop sexual characteristics from birth, which means that from two weeks of life (it is not recommended to pick up babies less than half a month old) it is possible to determine the gender of a pet.

Remember that a pet of any age will be happiest with proper care.

The baby will certainly give all his love in exchange for your care.

How to determine the age of a kitten: Useful tips for owners

Don’t know how to determine the age of a kitten and think that only experienced specialists can do this? It's not difficult at all! It is enough to find out some information, have some time, and even the owners of the very first animal in their lives will be able to do this without difficulty.

If a long-awaited kitten adopted from a breeder appears in the house, the question of its age does not even arise, because the day of its birth is precisely indicated in the passport. It is somewhat more difficult with kittens purchased at the poultry market, because an error of a couple of weeks is possible. What to do if your heart trembles at the sight of a street stray and you are ready to shelter such a cat? How to determine the age of a cat if it comes to you no longer as a cute kitten? This is not an idle interest, but a matter of the health of the cat and all households. Certain diseases or behavioral changes in cats occur at specific ages, so it is important to prepare for them. A phenologist can easily determine the age of an animal, but it is not always possible to contact him, so we will try to learn how to do this at least approximately.

Solving an equation with unknowns

Graceful representatives of felines have a rare property that many people would envy: years hardly reflect on them, and with a superficial examination it is almost impossible to find out their age (unless, of course, it is a charming kitten). From a year to almost 10 years, the animal’s life continues to flourish, and maturity begins almost imperceptibly. This brilliant form often confuses potential owners. They look for information in bewilderment, trying to understand what signs can be used to determine the age of a cat. Of course, if the date of birth is known at least approximately, this problem can be easily solved by simple mathematical calculation. But what if this is unknown? What if the time period from birth to the appearance of a cat in the house is also unknown? This already looks like higher mathematics, forcing you to solve an equation with many unknowns.

To get an answer, you will have to carefully and slowly examine your new pet. The condition of the teeth, eyes, fur, habits and habits - all this changes gradually. And the process of change is described in some detail. So, by analyzing the data from external examination and observations of behavior, you can quite accurately determine the age of the purr.

Behavior Observation

This is a very indirect sign, so it is problematic to find out the real age only by observing the life and habits of the animal. In addition, the cat’s temperament, breed, condition and environment have a certain influence. So is it possible to determine the age of a cat by its behavior? For sure - no, rather, this is a clarifying factor.

A young animal is much more active than an older one. The highest activity is in kittens, who are ready to play, jump, and tumble all day long. As they get closer to a year, they become calmer, although some breeds are famous for their playfulness at a very mature age. A cat older than a year will prefer to lie down imposingly on a sofa or windowsill, condescendingly watching what is happening.

An older animal sleeps much more and prefers not to move in vain. But a sick animal will behave in approximately the same way, preferring peace. Therefore, behavioral factors alone will not give an accurate answer to the question of how to determine the age of a cat.



This is possible if you take into your home a fairly young animal, barely out of kitten age. For such a case, you need to know how to determine the age of a cat up to a year. Males are known to begin showing interest in cats at around 7 months of age. They “mark” their territory more actively and can begin to quite loudly declare their desire for love.

Kitties “mature” around 8-9 months. But some females can begin hunting as early as six months. As you can see, this method of determining age is also not very accurate. The error can reach almost 3 months.

Teeth, eyes, paws

A more accurate method of determining the age of a cat is to examine its teeth. The cat is unlikely to be delighted with such a procedure, so before the examination it is better to play it safe and wrap it in a cocoon of blanket. Once the sharp clawed paws have been neutralized, gently grasp the cat's head with one hand and use the fingers of the other to gently push back the edge of the lip while inspecting the teeth.

At about 4 weeks of age, kittens begin to develop their first teeth. These are incisors. These will be followed by canines and premolars (should appear at about one and a half months). By 4 months, the molars will also come out. Almost immediately after this, the replacement of infant milk teeth with permanent ones will begin.

Unlike people, cats go through this period quickly. Already at 7 months, baleen-tailed animals proudly demonstrate a full set of sharp and strong teeth - there should be 30 of them. Four canines, the same number of molars, 10 premolars and as many as 12 incisors. They are very white, very sharp and very strong. And they have absolutely no signs of abrasion.

Experts will tell you exactly how to determine the age of a cat by looking at its teeth after a year, when the inevitable process of their destruction begins. The teeth begin to turn yellow, the enamel wears off, and they gradually fall out. This happens approximately in this sequence:

  • cat 2 years old: yellowing is barely pronounced, the central incisors on the lower jaw are worn away;
  • from 3 to 5 years: yellowness is more noticeable, the incisors of the upper jaw wear out, the first signs of abrasion appear on the fangs;
  • from 5 to 10 years: the teeth turn significantly yellow, the outer incisors at the top and bottom wear off (sometimes they even fall out);
  • after 10 years: the teeth are very yellow, many may be missing. And if fangs are lost, the cat is clearly older than 15 years.

Attention! When assessing the condition of the teeth, one should take into account the bite and the condition of the oral cavity itself.

If the diet was poor, dental care was not taken, and the bite was initially incorrect, the teeth will turn yellow and wear out much earlier. If you understand how to determine the age of a cat by its teeth, photos of normal and “non-standard” situations in the cat’s mouth will be a good hint. After all, in different breeds the structure of the muzzle is radically different, as is the bite, and not every cat can boast that its nutrition was balanced, its teeth were brushed and regularly examined at the veterinary clinic.

Many cat lovers will tell you how to determine the age of a cat by its eyes. It's not even about the sparkle of curiosity and mischief that is inherent in young cats. With age, the clear lens of a cat's eye becomes cloudy and dull. The iris loses its brightness and spots appear on it. But it is almost impossible to link these changes to a specific age.

We evaluate shapes and wool

There is another way to determine the age of a cat by external signs - assessing the condition of the coat and musculoskeletal skeleton. This is a very approximate method; it only allows you to determine whether the animal in front of you is young or already elderly.

Young pussies flaunt thick and shiny fur. Its villi are brightly colored; if there is a pattern, it is expressed quite clearly. Cats are lucky here too; they do not go bald with age, like humans. But the years make the coat thinner and duller. Gray hair becomes noticeable on dark skins.

An assessment of your overall physique will provide approximately the same amount of information. Teenagers are usually somewhat awkward, lanky and thin. Strong and flexible muscle relief is characteristic of active young animals. More mature individuals lose clear muscle definition, become rounder, heavier, and become “loose.” The muscles dry out, and old cats look thin and flabby, their shoulder blades protrude, and their backs sag.

Sometimes other methods are used. Have you heard how to determine the age of a cat by its paw pads? If in kittens they are very tender, silky, “untrodden”, then in older animals the skin of the pads gradually thickens, becomes a little coarser, and becomes a little rough. By the age of ten, the paw pads may even crack, especially if the cat has not had proper and nutritious nutrition. If compared with a person

Many owners like to “convert” the age of their pets to human age. It is believed that ideally you should simply multiply the cat's age by seven, but this will give an accurate result if the cat is under 5 years old. Phenologists have compiled a special table that clearly shows how to determine the “human” age of a cat.

The count starts from six-month-old kittens, which are compared with three-year-old children. At 2 years old, the cat is fully formed - this is approximately 14 years in humans. Four years is equal to 28 years - this is the peak of a cat's capabilities. Then the time period shortens somewhat, a cat year is already equated to four human years: 5 years of an animal - 32 in humans, 7 years - 40, 9 - 48, 12 - 60. After 12 years in cats, “a year goes by in three.”

Attention! Cats live much shorter than humans, but if you compare their age with humans, they will be long-lived.

On average, a healthy cat lives about 15 years, that is, almost 70 by human standards. But very often animals are able to reach the age of 20 and even 30 years. Did you recalculate according to the table? That's 130 years according to our clock! People of this age can be counted on one hand.

Everyone has a good idea of ​​what people look like at that age. Therefore, there is nothing strange when our pets’ hearing suddenly decreases, their vision deteriorates, their general well-being suffers and many diseases develop. The animal sleeps more and eats poorly. But some “oldies” remain sociable and playful to the end.

This is possible if the content is worthy and the owner is attentive. Such an owner will probably figure out exactly how to determine the age of a cat and what specific amendments should be made to its diet and daily routine. And then the pet’s health will remain excellent for a long time, he will be cheerful, active and will be happy to communicate with you.