A game in which the driver must. Games in our yard

"Edible - inedible"

very simple rules, the leader has the ball, the rest sit in one line. The presenter throws the ball to someone and says any word, and if it is an edible object, then the ball must be caught, and if it is not edible, then it must be returned.

Dr. option - With the correct answer (if he caught the ball correctly or did not catch it correctly), the player made a lilliputian in front, if incorrect, he made a back lilliputian. And whoever reached the line first became naked.

"Traffic light"

A square measuring 3*3 m is drawn; players cannot go beyond its boundaries. The presenter stands in the center of the square, turns his back to the players and thinks of a color. Those who have this color in their clothes or accessories can easily pass to the other side of the square, and those who do not have to run past the leader. He tries to make such players look bad. If he failed to make anyone look bad, then he again wishes for a different color. The upset player takes the place of the leader.


The driver holds the ring (or other small object) between his palms, and all players put their hands up to him. The driver, placing his hands in the hands of the participants, must pass the ring to any of the players so that the others do not guess who exactly. After this, the phrase “Ring-ring, go out onto the porch!” is said. The one who got the ring must run out to the place of the driver, while the others must try to hold him back, if, of course, they realize in time who exactly is going to run. If the person who received the ring manages to run out, then he leads in the next round; if not, the driver remains the same.


The presenter is called "Gardener". All participants choose flowers on whose behalf they will speak. The presenter begins: “I was born a gardener, and I was seriously angry.” I'm tired of all the flowers, except... - and names any flower chosen by the players. He should respond: - Oh! - What's wrong with you? - In love (in love)... - With whom? - In... - and names the flower of another participant (or gardener). He also responds: - Oh! - What's wrong with you? And in a circle. The participant who does not respond is eliminated from the game. The participant who names the missing flower is also eliminated. If there are few players, then you can use forfeits; both the player who did not respond and the one who named the missing flower give the forfeit.


Players collect one of each item, which is put into a bag. After which one player is blindfolded; the presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. The tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance, etc.


The players stand in pairs in a column behind each other. Each player takes a partner’s hand and holds it at head level, forming a kind of “arch”. A free player - a “fish” - enters the first “arch” and begins to walk through, along the way he takes any player he likes by the hand and drags him to the end of the stream through the arch, where they stand as a new pair. As the stream passes, those standing in it form “stones and snags” with their free hands, patting and pinching the passing “fish” on all the protrusions and roundness. The freed player whose partner has “swimmed away” becomes a “fish”.


Players sit in one line. Everyone places their hands on their neighbors' laps. The result will be an overlap of hands. You need to clap your palms on your knees, so that your palms clap strictly in turn, as they lie. A person who makes a mistake removes the hand that made the mistake.


The leader, together with one of the players, stands in the middle, the player stands with his back to the leader and the rest of the players. Then the leader points to any player, saying “Kitty,” then to the next one, until the player who is scoring says “Meow.” The goal player makes a wish, which must be fulfilled by the player pointed to when the word “Meow” is said.


Each player must have a pair of shoes. The shoes are removed and thoroughly mixed. A guesser (who can be blindfolded) and a presenter are selected. The guesser turns his back to everyone else, and the presenter pulls out one shoe (or one shoe at a time) and asks:

Whose shoe is this?

The guesser must name the person who, in his opinion, belongs to the hidden shoe. And so on, one at a time, until all the shoes are taken apart. If a pair of identical shoes ends up with its real owner, he becomes a guesser.


The game perfectly trains memory and intelligence. The number of players must be at least three. A guesser (“mathematician”) is selected, who must step away for a while while the others guess a certain number. Then, the mathematician must guess this mystery number by asking each player in turn about a certain number, to which they must answer whether the mystery number is greater or less. For example, the hidden number is 5. The mathematician asks the first player:

Is this number 35?

The player must answer that it is less. The mathematician then asks the next player:

"Paints in a box!"

From those present, “devil” and “uterus” are selected. The queen assigns colors to each player secretly from the devil, and the colors should not be repeated. The devil comes and says: “I, the devil with my tail on my side, came to you for some paint.” Uterus: “For what?” Devil (any color): “Behind the green.” If there is no such paint, then the queen says: “Walk along the green path, you will find green boots, wear them and bring them back!” If there is paint, then the player who guessed this color tries to run away from the “devil”, and he catches up with him. At this time, the rest of the “paints” shout to their comrade: “Paint in the box!...”. If you catch up, the “devil” becomes a “queen”, and the caught player becomes a “devil”.


The presenter makes a wish for some object, city, etc. and begins to describe the mystery, giving hints. Players can ask leading questions. When one of the players guesses, the presenter throws the ball up as high as possible, shouting: “Halikholo”, and runs away. The player who guessed it catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Then he roughly calculates his steps to the leader who has run away, announces their number out loud and begins to walk, counting them. Having gone through the required steps, he must throw the ball into the “ring”, which the runaway makes from his hands in front of him. If he gets it, he becomes the leader; if not, then the leader makes a guess again.

Dr. option - the presenter thought of a word, when the players guessed it, he ran until they said “stop”, and then all the players had to determine the distance to him, for example, there are 5 giants or 5 midgets to you (different step sizes) or just that imagination is enough. Whoever reaches the leader first is the one who leads.

"Forged chains"

A large number of players is required. The players are divided equally into two teams, move away from each other and join hands. One of the teams shouts: “The chains are forged, unchain us!”, and the other team answers: “Which of us?” The first team names a player, he runs up and tries to break the chain of opposing players who are tightly holding hands. If he breaks, he takes any player from the broken pair into his team. If he doesn’t break it, he remains on the opposing team, becoming their member. The team with the most players wins.

"Geese, geese"

a team of “geese”, in front of them is a “wolf”. dialogue between the presenter and the “geese”:

Geese, geese! - ha-ha-ha! - Do you want to eat? - yes-yes-yes? - Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings!

and the “geese” must run past the wolf without him catching them. Whoever gets caught leaves the game. Gulya, isn't this the game you're talking about???

"I know 5 names"

playing ball when you say “I know 5 names of men, women, Russian cities, names of flowers,” etc. when naming all this, you need to hit the ball off the floor, whoever stumbles flies out.

"It is possible - it is not possible"

The players stand behind the line, the leader moves away from them at a predetermined distance and begins to give tasks. For example: “Vanya, you have 1 giant, 2 crocodiles, 1 camel and 7 midgets!” (there were many more “steps”, different ones are given to everyone). Vanya, before starting the task, must ask: “Is it possible?”, the leader answers: “It’s possible!” Then Vanya must clearly complete the entire task. Then the presenter gives a task to all players. Who forgets to ask "Can I?" and begins to do the task, the presenter stops him with the word “No!” and that player returns to the beginning. The first one to reach the leader's line wins. He becomes one. The game develops attentiveness, coordination of movements...


Everyone throws the ball against the wall before they disappear. First, just throw and catch 10 times. Then 9 times - with one clap, 8 times - with two clap. Then I don’t remember exactly how many throws the tasks were for. But the point is that the fewer times you have to throw the ball, the more difficult the task. For example, 5 times - throw, spin and catch, 3 times - throw and catch with one hand. All this can be invented. When a player disappears (does not catch the ball), the turn goes to the next one. When it’s his turn again, the player begins to complete tasks from the number at which he disappeared.

"Sea Figure"

The presenter says: “The sea is worried - one! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! The sea figure freezes in place!” At this time, the players move in different ways, and when the leader says “...freeze!”, everyone freezes in the position in which this word caught them. The presenter walks around everyone for a minute, making sure that no one moves. Whoever moves is out. The rest play again. The winner becomes the host.

Dr. option - “One, two, three, sea figure, freeze,” when you touch each person and he begins to move, and the presenter had to guess who he was representing. If you guess correctly, the presenter becomes a player.

"We're coming at you!"

There, the entire team ran over the enemy line, and the opponents caught whoever they could and took them to their team. Then they crossed to the other side and now they became “game”...

"The car was driving, driving - stop"

One participant stands with his back to the group of guys. They are far away. And then the presenter says: “The car was driving, driving...... (can say “driving” many times) stop,” turns sharply and whoever did not freeze returns to his place. The leader becomes the one who reaches the leader faster (sorry for the taftology).

"Musical traffic light"

The presenter reads the alphabet to himself, when he was told to stop, he says the letter on which he was stopped. Then the participants name or sing the song starting with this letter. Those who don’t know the songs run by, those who are hit are hurt!


A circle is drawn on the asphalt. The circle is divided into ~15 sectors. The leader stands in the center, closes his eyes, and says “hippos-hippos-hippos” - and everyone runs in a circle, then says “stop” - and everyone stops, and the leader calls the number (hippo No.). If someone is standing on this number, he begins to run away, the presenter must say “stop” and, without opening his eyes, name the distance - in frogs, giants, minipaths, herons, camels, etc. If the presenter missed the calculations, underjumped, or, conversely, , overdid it, he again becomes the center. If a player is touched, that player becomes the leader.

"Traffic light"

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. The players stand behind one line. The driver stands between the lines approximately in the middle, with his back to the players. The driver names a color. If the players have this color in their clothes, they freely pass over the other line. If there is no such color in clothes, then the driver can “slap” the running player, if he succeeds. The player becomes the leader.

The start and finish are determined. The distance between the lines can be about 10-15 meters. All players stand on the starting line, and the leader stands behind the finish line with his back to the players.

“If you drive more quietly, you will continue,” says the presenter. He can say this phrase slowly or quickly, even in a tongue twister. While he says the sentence, players try to run as far as possible towards the finish line. - Stop! – the leader commands and quickly turns around. Everyone must stop before he turns around. If the host notices that someone is moving, he removes that player.

The presenter turns his back again and says:

At this time, the players are running to the finish line. The winner is the one who can cross the finish line first.

06 06 2016

Games with rules are not limited to board games.
These are both team and yard games; children can happily come up with their own games with rules and play them.

And also - folk games that you can start playing from 2.5 years old!

For example, like this:

Shuttle (Jolly Weaver)

Two rows of players stand opposite each other and interlock at the elbows. Two shuttle players run between these rows towards each other. At the same time, the rows constantly converge and diverge, singing a rhyme and gradually accelerating. The shuttle that does not have time to run between the rows before they converge loses and ends up sandwiched between them. The winning shuttle then selects the next pair of shuttles to play. A poem like this:

The shuttle is running
The earth is shaking.
Sews - sews,
Dali sends.

or like this:

I'm a happy weaver
I can weave well
Pinch-ponch, pinch-pinch,
I'm good at weaving.

To the fair

Let's build a nice little house with you
Let's go to the fair and trade
I'll buy myself a chicken, honey.
And the chicken is tyu-ryu-ryu
...I’ll buy myself a duck, honey
I'll buy myself a turkey, honey.
I'll buy myself a goat, honey.
I'll buy myself a lamb, my dear.
I'll buy it. honey, give yourself a pig
I'll buy myself a chick, honey
I'll buy myself a dog, honey.
And the dog woof-woof
And the chick is moo moo
And the little pig oink-oink
And the lamb be-be
And the goat meh
And the turkey is Shalty-Balty
And the duck quack-quack
And the chicken is tyu-ryu-ryu

Blind Man's Bluff "Come on the cat on the threshold"

The players choose a participant portraying a cat (he plays the role of blind man's buff), blindfold him with a scarf, lead him to the door and sing:

Come, cat, to the threshold,
There's sour cream and cottage cheese!
Turn around five times.
Catch the mice, not us!

The cat turns around, grabs the door handle, and the children talk to him.

Children . Cat, cat, what are you standing on?
Cat. On the oak tree.
Children. What are you holding on to?
Cat. For the bitches.
Children. What the fuck?
Cat. Hive.
Children. What's in the hive?
Cat. Bees.
Children. What do the bees have?
Cat. Honey.
Children. Honey to whom?
Cat. Afanas.
Children. What do we need?
Cat. Kvass.

The children begin to bother the cat and chant:

Afanas, Afanas,
We have your cat
Fell into kvass!
Let him catch us
Without opening your eyes!


The driver in the center is squatting with a belt in his hands.

Tambourine, Tambourine, long nose,
How much do oats cost in the city?
Two kopecks and a nickel!
Tambourine rode with a cap,
Tambourine didn’t buy oats,
Just drowned the horse!
Tambourine taught me to run

Having finished the song, everyone shouts loudly:

Tambourine, Tambourine, run after us!
Grab it with your hands!

The tambourine must catch someone with a belt around it


This is a very fun round dance game in which one of the children (the leader) must come up with some original movement, and everyone else must repeat it. The game achieves not only consistency of movements, but also unity in creating an image and mood.

Malanya, an old woman, lived in a small hut
Seven sons, all without eyebrows,
With eyes like these,
With noses like these,
With ears like these,
With a head like this
With such a beard! Oh!
They didn’t eat anything, they looked at her,
They did it like this!


The driver-grandfather chooses a house for himself and sits quietly there. The rest are divided into 2 equal parties and disperse in 2 directions, on either side of Grandfather’s house. In front of each side, you need to put a stick or rope to indicate that this is home. The free space between them is a field.

When everything is arranged, Grandfather asks “Who is afraid of me?” - "Nobody!" - everyone answers and begins to run from one house to another across the field, teasing Grandfather: “Grandfather the horn burned a hole on the stove!” The driver must catch those running and take them to his house; he must not resist or run away from the house. But you can help out. Players who haven't been caught can run up to Grandfather's house and, touching the caught one, free him. then he can run again.

You can play a little differently: those caught help Grandfather catch everyone. They play until they catch everyone

Gingerbread board

All players sit next to each other on a bench or on chairs placed in a row. This will be a “gingerbread board”. There should be enough space around the bench or chairs (so that you can run around them). The driver walks along the “gingerbread board”, all players say or sing:

Gingerbread board, from a whole stump,
From the whole stump, throw the guy off.

In response to the words “Drop the guy,” the driver quickly slaps his hand on the knee of one of the players. The player must quickly run around the “gingerbread board” and sit down in his place. At this time, the presenter runs around the “gingerbread board” in a different direction. If the driver managed to take the player’s place, then the player who was slapped on the knee will now drive. If not, then the same driver will drive again.

Ball of thread

Holding hands, children form a “chain”, from one end of which they twist a “ball” in a spiral to the song, around the “chain” standing at the other end.
The same player, as soon as the ball begins to spin, tries to get out of the circle, making his way out under his hands and pulling everyone along with him.

I was already walking along the street,
Walked down the alley
I found a ball of thread,
The thread stretches
It will stretch
The ball is rolling
Will roll,
The ball is far, far, far away,
The thread is long, long, long,
I took the thread
The thin thread broke.

We'll show you what we did

All children stand in a circle, and the driver moves aside. The others gather together and quietly decide what they were doing, for example, they decided to go skiing. Afterwards they again stand in a circle and call for water. He comes up and asks:

- What did you see?

Children in a circle answer:

“We won’t tell you what we saw, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Afterwards, the children show the intended action. If the driver guesses correctly, he names the person who will drive next.

"with detailed rules for entertainment from the childhood of today's fathers and mothers. Lifehacker chose the most popular ones.

1. Sorcerers

Similar to tag or catch-up. The game is fun, active, and the rules are simple: a sorcerer runs around and casts a spell on everyone.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • Place: spacious.

The driver is selected by a counting rhyme. For example, like this:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Stay at your hem
Look out into the field!
The stars are burning
The cranes are screaming.
One, two, don't be a crow,
Run like fire!

The players stand in a circle and run away on command. The driver tries to catch up with them and not just salutes, but casts a spell. The greasy one stands up, spreading his arms, and waits for one of his comrades to break the spell - to touch him while running. After this, the disenchanted person can again run away from the driver.

The game ends when the sorcerer manages to cast a spell on all players.


Girls usually play. If you come across a boy, most likely he is not indifferent to one of the players or simply decided to chat.

  • Number of players: from 5 people.
  • Age: 5–12 years.
  • Place: bench, sofa, clearing.

The driver holds a ring or any small object in his palms: a pebble, a button. The rest of the players sit in a row and fold their hands into boats. The driver approaches everyone and seems to put a ring in the boat.

In fact, only one gets the ring. And the player who received it should not give himself away. The rest need to silently determine who is lucky

Then the driver says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The owner of the ring must jump up and run away. Other players need to delay him.

The one who can escape becomes the driver.

3. If you drive more quietly, you will go further

A very active game, great for large groups.

  • Number of players: from 5 people.
  • Age: 6–11 years old.
  • Place: spacious.

There is not a very long distance between the start and finish. All players stand at the start. The driver, turning his back to them, is at the finish line.

The participants are getting ready, the driver shouts: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further. Stop!" Everyone must stop at the word “stop.”

The one who manages to reach the finish line and touch the driver wins.


A game for a large company. Here it is important to be able to fantasize and freeze in a difficult pose. The weirder the pose, the merrier.

  • Number of players: from 4 people.
  • Age: from 7 years old.
  • Place: spacious.

The driver says:

The sea is worried - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
Marine figure, freeze in place!

While the driver is talking, everyone is running around and fooling around, and at the word “freeze” they freeze, depicting some figures, not necessarily marine ones.

The driver approaches each frozen person. He tries to make you laugh or in other ways make you move. Whoever moves will lose.

According to other rules, frozen players must come to life and depict a figure in motion when the driver touches them. And he needs to guess who is being shown to him.

5. Nonsense

Players will have to come up with funny fable stories. It is not necessary to have the talent of an inventor. It is enough to briefly answer ready-made questions. It will be funny in any case.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: from 7 years old.
  • Place: room, gazebo.

You will need paper and pencils. The driver thinks through questions, for example: who? with whom? Where? When? what did you do? who came? what did he say? how did it end?

The driver asks the first question and gives a piece of paper to the player. He silently writes the answer, then wraps up the edge with the text and passes the piece of paper to his neighbor. The driver asks the next question, the second player writes the answer and wraps it up. And so on.

When all the questions have been asked and the answers have been written, the driver reads out the resulting story. Usually funny nonsense comes out: “Duck. With the Prince. At school. In the evening. We took photographs. The policeman came. Said: “Whistle up everyone!” It all ended with bruises.”


This is a card game. Don't worry, don't be a gambler! Cards, in fact, develop memory, observation, and reaction speed. And you can play.

  • Number of players: any, as long as there are enough cards.
  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • Place: gazebo, bench.

All cards are dealt equally to the players and placed in piles face down. Players take turns taking one card from their piles and placing it on the table. Everyone should see the map.

If a king is rolled up, the players salute it. If it's a lady, everyone says: "Bonjour, madam!" The jack is greeted with the words “Sorry, monsieur!”, and the ace is slammed with palms.

What to do with the remaining cards is determined by the players themselves. At seven you can, for example, squat, at ten you can croak, and so on.

The player who makes a mistake or confuses movements and words takes the card for himself. The winner is the one who does not have a single card left. The one who collects the most cards loses.

7. Shtander

The most popular ball game among Soviet pioneers of the 50s.

  • Number of players: from 6 people.
  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • Place: spacious.

They choose a driver. He takes the ball and stands in the center. Everyone else lines up around. The driver throws the ball and says the name of one of the players.

Everyone runs away, and the one whose name was called must catch the ball and throw it at someone without leaving his place. Moreover, if the named catches the ball on the fly, he shouts “Stander!” or “Stop!” - and everyone freezes in place. Then it’s easier to hit someone with the ball.

If the ball is caught after it hits the ground, you have to aim at moving targets.

Players need to dodge the ball. Even when you stop, you can squat and bend over. The one who gets hit by the ball is out of the game. The named one becomes the driver.

If the player does not knock anyone out, the game starts over.


The game was very popular in Soviet times, and most likely appeared in the village.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: from 7 years old.
  • Place: spacious.

Everyone stands in a circle and throws the ball to each other. The ball is a hot potato that cannot be held in your hands for long; you must immediately throw it further.

The one who does not catch or drops the ball squats in the center of the circle. The rest continue to throw the ball, and the person sitting tries to catch it without standing up, but only by stretching out his arms. If he catches a flying ball, he can leave the circle and continue playing with everyone else together.

9. Giant Steps

Yard game with a ball. Lively, noisy, cheerful. Develops reaction speed, quick wits, and eye.

  • Number of players: from 4 people.
  • Age: 6–8 years.
  • Place: spacious.

All players stand nearby. The driver throws the ball high up and runs away as far as possible. The rest are trying to catch the ball.

The one who catches shouts: “Stop!” The driver stops. The player with the ball determines by eye the distance to the driver in steps. The steps may vary:

  • Gigantic - very wide steps.
  • Lilliputian - half-foot steps.
  • Ducklings - squat steps.
  • Umbrellas - jumps with a turn.
  • Bunny - jumping, legs together.

If the player guesses the distance and manages to reach the driver without lying on the ground, he wins and leads the next horse.


This is a girly game with jump rope. The boys usually stand nearby and watch, but sometimes they intervene to fool around or to please the girls.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: 5–8 years.
  • Place: spacious.

Players stand in a circle at a distance of an extended rope from the driver standing in the center. Low, almost on the ground, the driver rotates the rope, holding it by one end.

When the rope reaches the player, he jumps over it. And everyone repeats the little rhyme in chorus:

Sitting on the golden porch:
Tsar, prince,
King, prince,
Doll, ballet dancer,
I imagined, gossip,
Shoemaker, tailor.
Who will you be?

If someone fails to jump over the rope or steps on it, everyone in chorus calls him with the word on which the counting stopped.

Which ones did you love the most?

Children play in the country house. Moscow region, 1965 RIA Novosti

"Traffic light"

On the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 3-6 meters from each other - a road passes between them. The driver - the traffic light - stands in the middle of the road and cannot go beyond the lines. The rest are in front of the first line, and their task is to cross to the other side, that is, to find themselves behind the opposite line. The traffic light stands with its back to the players and makes a guess about the color: for example, it announces that it will only let red into the other side. Each player begins to look for some red thing on himself; its size and purpose are not important, and even a small spot on the pattern can be red. After some time (for example, after counting to ten), the driver turns around, and those who managed to find the right color present it to the traffic light and calmly cross the road. Everyone else is trying to run to the other side, but the traffic light catches them. The one he caught becomes the new traffic light. It makes sense to name unusual colors - lilac, turquoise, etc.: then there will be more of those who do not find such a color on themselves - and he will be able to catch a player to replace him.


A half-forgotten game from the repertoire of pioneer camps. Judging by the name (most likely, from Stander!- “Stop!”), it was borrowed from a German game collection. To play you will need a ball. A large circle is drawn on the ground - all participants must fit into it. Then one person tosses the ball, calling the name of any other player. Everyone runs away in different directions, and the named player leads. He catches or quickly picks up the ball from the ground, after which he shouts: “Stander!” - and everyone else must stop. The driver needs to hit someone with the ball: he chooses his target (usually the player who is closest to him), takes three steps in his direction and tries to hit. He can cheat and step in one direction and throw the ball in the other so that the unsuspecting player does not have time to dodge. If the driver is hit, then the “beaten one” receives a penalty point, if not, the penalty point is counted towards the thrower. In the next horse, the same driver throws the ball and calls the name of the player who will take his place. At the end of the game, the points are added up and the one with the least is declared the winner.


The players stand in a wide circle and throw the ball to each other. You can’t hold it in your hands: the ball is a hot potato! Those who were unable to hold the ball in their hands and let it fall to the ground also turn into “potatoes”: they go to the center of the circle and squat down there. The remaining players from time to time “spud” them, that is, they accurately throw the ball at those sitting (it is better to agree on the force of the blow before the game). The potato needs to catch the ball in the air - but you can’t stand up to your full height, you can only jump without bending your knees. If you manage to catch the ball, the potato stands in the circle again, and the player whose throw the ball was caught takes its place in the center.

Children play with a ball on the street. Moscow, 1959 RIA Novosti

"I know five names"

The first player hits the ball from the ground with his hand, while saying: “I know five names of girls: Katya, Tanya, Sveta, Olya, Yulia...” You must speak quickly and rhythmically, for each word you must hit the ball with your hand. If the player is not confused, he continues: “I know five names of boys: Vanya, Kolya, Petya, Sasha, Misha...” Then you can continue to name five of everything that comes to mind in the same way : names of cities, rivers, animals, trees, birds, car brands (some determine the sequence in advance, others create it on the fly). If a player loses the ball, makes a mistake, or takes too long to come up with an option, then the ball is passed to the second player, and he starts over: “I know five names of girls...” Repeating the same names and names is not interesting! When the ball, having made a circle, returns to the first player, he ----- starts from the topic on which he lost his way. You can play “I Know...” not only with a group, but also with two people or even alone.

"Twelve Sticks"

One of the varieties of hide and seek, but with an interesting complication. Before the start of the game, participants choose a driver and build a special structure: a board is laid on a stone, brick or other object of suitable size so that one end of it lies on the ground and the other is raised up. Twelve small sticks are placed on the lower end of the board (you can use pencils or brushwood), and then, using the board as a lever, one of the participants scatters them. While the driver collects sticks, the players hide. Then, as in standard hide and seek, he goes to look for those hiding and, if found, snitches, that is, he runs to the base  Or, as the driver’s place used to be called, “con” or “fat”. and shouts something like “Knock-knock for Petya!” The essence of the complication is that during the search you must not forget to guard the structure made of sticks: the discovered player can run to the board before the driver and destroy everything (at the same time he must shout: “I broke it!”). Any other player can do the same if he notices from cover that no one is guarding the base. If the sticks are scattered, then the driver must give up searching and reinstall the structure, and the one who scattered the sticks and the other players hide at this time. It is quite difficult to get rid of the role of the driver in such a game.


This game is very old, it has been known as "Bury Gold" since at least the beginning of the 19th century, but most likely existed much earlier. The game “Burying Gold” was part of the Yuletide entertainment for young people, especially girls: the song that accompanied the action was filled with marriage images (a tower, a viburnum-raspberry, a light brown braid, a ring falling to a young nobleman)  The lyrics of the song were, for example, like this: “I’m already gold / I’m burying, I’m burying, / Pure silver / I’m burying. / I’m with my father in the mansion, in the mansion, / I’m with my mother in the high, high. / The ring fell, fell / Into the viburnum-raspberries, / Black currants; / The ring ended up / Yes with the nobleman, / Yes with the young man / On the right hand, / On the right little finger. / Guess, guess, girl, / In which hand was the girl, / Walking across the field, / Braiding a braid with a brown hair, / Weaving in silk, / Weaving in gold, / The girl was guessing, but didn’t guess. / You are my friends, you are mine, you are mine, / You tell me, don’t hide, / Give me my gold: / My mother will beat me / Three mornings, four, / Three golden rods, / Four pearl ones. / The girls guessed, but didn’t guess; / Gentlemen of the nobility, guess for yourself” (A.V. Balov. “Russian round dance”. Choir and water games in the Yaroslavl province / Northern Bulletin. St. Petersburg, 1889. No. 6). and could be performed during fortune telling. By the end of the 20th century, the game lost its long song, connection with Christmastide and magical meaning, only the action and the name of the game item remained - the ring. Although a ring is not necessary: ​​“Ring” can be played with any small object - a coin, a button, a paper clip, etc. Participants sit in a row, fold their palms like shell flaps, and hold them in front of you. The driver, who has a “ring” in his hands folded in the same way, approaches everyone in turn and lowers his hands into the hands of the player. He puts a “ring” in the hands of one of the players, trying to do it unnoticed. The one who got the “ring” also tries not to give himself away. The others, in turn, watch carefully, noticing who is behaving unusually and suspiciously. After all the players have been bypassed, the driver steps aside and says: “Ring-ring, go out onto the porch!” The player with the “ring” quickly jumps up and runs towards him. Other players, especially if they realized in advance who has the “ring,” try to grab it and hold it in place. If the player with the “ring” manages to escape, then he leads the next horse; if not, the previous player remains leading.

On the playground. 1981 Vitaly Karpov / RIA Novosti


A type of blind man's buff that is suitable for limited courtyard spaces - a delineated area, an area in front of a house with a fence. Players choose a driver - a merman. He squats down, blindfolds his eyes and hides his face in his knees, the others put their hands on his head and walk around saying: “Water-Water, why are you sitting under water? Come out for a minute, just a second!” Having finished reading the poem, everyone scatters in different directions, and the driver stands up and shouts: “Stop!” Players freeze in the place where the team caught them and should not move from it. Trying to dodge the driver's hands, they can squat, lean in different directions, or stand on one leg. Having grabbed the player, the driver must recognize him by touch and call him by name. The caught player leads the next horse. The merman, with his eyes closed, looks for players, focusing on sounds, so the players try to stand as quietly as possible, without puffing or laughing (which is quite difficult!).


Dodgeball is one of the most popular school games and is even sometimes played in physical education classes. Two drivers stand on opposite ends of the court and throw the ball (it is better that the ball is not very heavy), trying to hit the players moving freely between them. If the driver manages to knock out the player, he is eliminated from the game. The last player remaining on the field must dodge the ball as many times as his age plus one. If successful, the whole team returns back to the site. If he is hit, the player changes with the driver who knocked him out. According to other rules, the knocked out player does not leave the field, but immediately changes with the one who made a successful throw. The game also has a number of interesting details and complications (figures or pictures). For example, a “candle”: if a player manages to volley the ball, he receives an extra life and has the right to remain on the field when knocked out; The “candle” can be transferred to another and thus returned to the team member’s field. Also, the drivers, when making a throw, can give the players a task: “bomb” - and everyone squats down and moves while sitting, “wall” - line up in a row, “stream” - stand one after another, legs apart, and the ball rolls between the players’ legs, etc.


The driver steps aside and turns away. Participants stand in a circle facing each other, hold hands and begin to get entangled: someone crawls under someone else’s hands, someone steps over their neighbor’s hands, someone turns around themselves - all this must be done without uncoupling . After the players decide that they are sufficiently confused - usually by this time they are already standing close to each other, intertwined with their arms and legs - they call the driver, who must untangle them. You need to unravel it in such a way that the knot turns back into a circle, while the hands of the players cannot be separated. The point of the game is more about interest than about the victory of the driver or the “confused”, so it is recommended to give the driver tips. In some variants, if the chain of players breaks during untangling, they run away and the driver catches them, as in a catch-up game.

Children on the school playground. England, XX century Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis/Getty Images

"Granny's pantaloons"

Participants sit in a row. The driver tells, composing as he goes, a story, for example this: “I got up early this morning, looked out the window, and in the sky...” - at a key moment he falls silent, giving the floor to one of the players in turn. Players must say the same thing every time - “grandmother’s pantaloons”:

- I washed my face, got dressed...
-... grandma's pantaloons.
- And went for a walk. I came to the forest, and there on a tree...
-... grandma's pantaloons.

— What do you have in your briefcase?
- Grandma's trousers.

At the same time, none of the players should laugh - this is quite difficult. The one who laughed changes the driver and leads the story further.

Cossack robbers

This game has been known at least since the mid-19th century. It had different names (“Cossacks and Bashkirs”, “Russians and Chechens”, etc.), but the essence of the game in both the 19th and 20th centuries came down to approximately the same thing: participants are divided into two teams , one of which is hiding, and the second is looking for and attacking those hiding. In the most famous version, Cossacks-robbers are similar to team hide-and-seek: the searching team (Cossacks) counts down the time, while the other (robbers) comes up with a secret password and runs away, leaving traces along the way - arrows drawn in chalk on the asphalt, pointing the direction of your movement. Those running away try to confuse their opponents: they draw arrows very pale, in inconspicuous places; At intersections they draw a cross with four arrows so that pursuers do not know which way to turn. The robbers hide for 10-15 minutes, during which time the Cossacks determine the dungeon - the place where they will torture the other team in order to find out the password (it is worth agreeing on the methods of torture in advance: the most humane thing is to tickle or force them to squat). If the Cossacks find out the password, they win. According to some rules, captured robbers can be released: members of one team attack the Cossack guard and hold him, the prisoners scatter (the guard can scream and call for help). This variant of the game is also known: the password word is guessed according to the number of robbers (for example, 7 players - 7 letters), each is given a letter once. The robber in the dungeon is obliged to tell the Cossacks his letter, and recovering the password becomes easier and more interesting.


You can jump with a rubber band, or you can play “Olympics” with it. Two people hold the rubber band from different sides and tangle it, crossing their arms, stepping on their feet and saying: “O-lim-pi-a-da, eat three I-da, fi-nish, start!” The result is a design reminiscent of a laser alarm. The remaining participants must take turns climbing through the largest holes without touching the elastic bands. The one who touches replaces any of the players holding and tangling the rubber bands.

A kindergarten group on a walk. Primorsky Krai, 1979 Boris Kavashkin / RIA Novosti


This game combined two ancient games: the song came from the game “Boyars” from rural and merchant youth parties, and the action came from the boyish “Forged Chains” (another name is “Shackles”). Both children and adults participate in the game with great pleasure, primarily because of the funny text (in traditional “Boyars” it is less funny  - Boyars! what did you come for? / Young people, why did you come?
- Princesses! Yes, we are looking for brides! / Young people, we are looking for brides!
- Boyars! show the groom, / Young people, show the groom.
- Princesses! That's all our groom! / Young people, this is our groom.
- Boyars! show the caftan, / Young people, bye-bye the caftan.
- Princesses! That's all our caftan! / Young people, this is our caftan.
- Boyars! show me the sash! / Young people, bye-live the sash!
- Princesses! It's all our sash! / Young people, everything is our sash.
- Boyars! show me your boots, / Young people, show me your boots.
- Princesses! everything is our boot, / Young people, everything is our boot.
- Boyars! cheer up! / Young, with the whole train! (E. A. Avdeeva. Notes and notes about Siberia: with the application of ancient Russian songs. M., 1837 ).
). The participants in the game are divided into two equal teams, which stand in two ranks opposite each other, the players join hands. The teams begin to sing a question-and-answer song (in chorus, one at a time) and alternately take a few steps towards their opponents, then the same number in the opposite direction. When answering the question, one team goes forward, and when answering, the second team does. The first team starts:

- Boyars, we have come to you! (They go forward.) Young people, we have come to you! (They go back.)
- Boyars, why did you come? (They go forward.) Young people, why did you come? (They go back.)
- Boyars, we need a bride! Young people, we need a bride!
- Boyars, which one do you need? Young people, which one do you need?
- Boyars, we need this one! (Point to one of the players of the other team, agree in advance which one; gender does not matter.) Young people, we need this one!
- Boyars, she is our fool! Young people, she is our fool!
- Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread! Young people, we’ll give you some gingerbread!
- Boyars, her teeth hurt! Young people, her teeth hurt!
- Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor! Young people, we’ll take you to the doctor!
- Boyars, she will kill the doctor! Young people, she will kill the doctor!
- Boyars, and we whip her! Young, and we whip her!
- Boyars, she is afraid of the whip! Young people, she's afraid of whips!
- Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever!

After these words, the selected player runs up and tries to break through the clasped hands of the opponents. If he succeeds, he can take one of the strangers into his team; if not, he himself joins another team (“gets married”). The team with only one player left lost.


The ancestor of this game is the ancient game “Fly” (other names are “Wad”, “Klek”), in which participants had to use bats to knock down a specially cut figure from a outlined area or a small wooden post. ku, wooden ball and similar items. In “Cans,” one or more empty cans stacked on top of each other or empty plastic bottles are used as a target. A driver stands near the structure; his duty is to bring and reinstall objects after each knocking down. Players take turns throwing at the jars with a medium-sized stick. After each throw, the player runs after the stick, and the driver must stop the running player. If he succeeds, the player and the driver change roles. A successfully knocked down design gives the player running after the stick an advantage: before throwing, the driver must collect and put in place the scattered cans or bottles. If the throw is unsuccessful, the player can postpone running for the stick until some other player makes a successful throw, in which case there will be two or more runners. In some variants, players receive bonus points for each successful throw and run for a stick - they move forward towards the structure along pre-drawn lines, each of which denotes a rank: soldier, lieutenant, general, etc. Knocking down a structure and running after a stick from more “status” lines is not only more honorable, but also easier.

Continuing the topic of physical development of children, I wanted to remember what games we ourselves played in childhood and how our physical development proceeded.


To play into hopscotch, we drew a special field with chalk on the asphalt. Personally, my sisters and I always played the simple version. Squares of approximately 40 cm by 40 cm are drawn in strict order: 1.2 vertically, then 3-4 horizontally above 2, then one square with the number 5, then 6-7 and so on until 9-10. And at the top there is a semicircle and the inscription “cauldron” or “fire”. Rules of the game of hopscotch simple:
take a pebble and throw it onto the first square. After this, the player jumps according to the classics: where there is one square, on one leg, where there are two, on two. At the semicircle with the inscription, the player turns around and jumps in the reverse order. It is necessary to pick up a pebble on the way back, and if it falls on one square, then the player must bend over to pick it up, standing on one leg. When everything is successfully completed, the player throws a pebble onto the second square (second “class”) and begins to jump through everything classics in the same order. And so on until 10. If the player does not hit the desired classic, the turn passes to the next player.

Condals are shackled

This is how I remember the game: shackles. We played it most often at summer school camps, but sometimes in the yard too. The point is that there are two teams, the members of each team join hands and address the other team with the following words (and they respond):

- Condals!

- Shackled!

- Unwind!

- My brother?

The one who was named must run away and try to break the shackles of the opposing team, and they, in turn, must not allow him to do this, and even “capture”. If a team manages to capture a player, he remains on that team and the game repeats. If the player was able to break the shackles, then he takes one of the players to the right or left of the break point. The goal of the game is to capture all members of the opposing team.

Bouncers (bouncers)

We loved playing this game with the whole yard. This is a very active and, I must say, quite traumatic game with the ball, when one driver is selected, and the rest stand a little away from him as a “wall”. The driver must hit one of the players with the ball and knock him out. The task of the rest is, accordingly, to dodge the ball flying into the crowd. The one who is eliminated leaves the field and the game continues with those remaining. The last remaining participant is considered the winner.

Cossack robbers

If you see white arrows drawn with chalk on the walls and asphalt, they are the Cossacks-robbers! Children still play this game, which makes me personally happy. Although, I’ll tell you a secret: I’ve never played this game in my life. That's why rules of the game of Cossacks-robbers I'll tell you in a retelling.

Cossacks-robbers are played by six or more people. The participants agree on the territory where the game will take place. Divided into two teams, they decide by lot who will play for Cossacks, and who is for robbers.

The robbers confer and come up with a password.

At a signal, the robbers run away to hide; the Cossacks must not peep. The path of movement is indicated using arrows on the asphalt and other surfaces (walls, fences) so that the Cossacks have clues where to look. Most often, the team runs together at first, then splits up to confuse the opponents. The faster the robbers run away and the more intricate the arrows they draw, the more chances they have to hide reliably.

At this time, the Cossacks are setting up a dungeon and figuring out how they will torture the prisoners. After an agreed period of time (usually 15-20 minutes), the Cossacks set off to look for the robbers. The found robber is caught and taken to prison. There they torture him (tickle him, slip him insects, burn him with nettles). The types of torture are specified in advance: they should not be cruel or offensive.

Some sources claim that a Cossack who has caught a robber remains in prison to guard him. Others talk about a guard (1-2 people) who constantly monitors the robbers in the dungeon, and the Cossacks can run to catch the rest.

Robbers could help each other out - for example, “attack” a dungeon, grab a guard, and while they were holding him, the prisoners could scatter. The Cossack, of course, immediately called for help (he was not always successful; prudent robbers tried to cover his mouth in time).

The goal of the Cossacks is to find out the secret password word. Then they change roles.

Tea-tea-help out

At the beginning, defining
They mark the boundary of the playing area, beyond which the driver cannot run. The driver catches up with the players and the one he caught up with must freeze in place and shout: “ Tea-tea-help!"until he is rescued. Any of the participants, except, of course, the driver, can help him out by simply touching him. At the same time, the driver’s task becomes very difficult, since he will be able to transfer his role to another only when he catches up with all the other players, and provided that no one helps them out. Otherwise the game may never end.

The sea is agitated once

One of our favorite games from childhood, although I wouldn’t call it very active. More like concentration and calm. Before the game starts, a driver is selected. The driver turns away from the other participants and says loudly:

“The sea is agitated once,
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
Sea figure, freeze!”

At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The driver turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. The first one to move takes the place of the leader, or is eliminated from the game (in this case, the winner is the player who lasted the longest). You can use another version of the game, when the presenter examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes best. In this case, the winner is the player who most clearly demonstrated his imagination.

Rubber bands

Rubber bands- truly a hit game of all the girls of the Soviet Union. And, alas, we didn’t play it anymore))) But why not revive the tradition? I bring rules of the game of rubber bands(by the way, we tried to play it in).

Two players become " in a rubber band". One player jumps (performs a series of exercises) - in turn at all levels. You can perform each exercise at all levels in turn, then move on to the next exercise and start jumping from level 1 - this way the game will be more varied. You can jump differently - all exercises are immediately performed first at levels 1, then at levels 2, 3 and so on.

If there are three people playing: as soon as the jumper makes a mistake (gets lost, clings to the rubber band, steps on the rubber band, etc.) - he becomes “in the rubber band”, and the next player begins to jump. They always continue to jump from the place where they got lost. If the game is played by four people: When a player goes down, a teammate can help him out. When he gets confused, the pairs change places (the team that got lost becomes “rubber banded”). Teams always continue to jump from the place where they last jumped.

Rubber band game levels:

- the first - when the elastic band is at the level of the ankles holding
- second - elastic band at knee level
- third - elastic band at hip level (“under the butt”)
- fourth - elastic band at waist level
- fifth - elastic band at chest level
- sixth - elastic band at neck level
- and even sevenths - the elastic band was held with hands at ear level.

List of exercises performed:

Despite the apparent simplicity of these movements, they are difficult to perform in the second, and even more so in the third position.

We jump: legs on both sides of one rubber band, jump, legs on both sides of the other, jump out on the other side of the rubber band

Runners (pedestrians, rails)
We jump, step at the same time - one leg on one “rubber band”, jump, change legs - like this 4 times (you can say “walk-she-go-dy”), jump out on the other side of the rubber band

We jump with both feet (together) - we jump, hook one elastic band, stepping on the other, then with one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out on the other side
The right leg is below the first elastic band, the left is on top. We jump onto the second elastic band so that we get a bow (right on top, left on bottom). With one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out from the other side
Candy (envelope)
We jump with both feet immediately behind the second elastic band, hooking the first one (we get a cross, inside of which we stand), jump and step on both elastic bands with both feet, jump out of the elastic band
We start like in an envelope - we jump inside with both legs, jump and land so that both legs are “outside” the elastic, cross in one direction and the other, jump out of the elastic
We grab one rubber band with one foot, carry it behind the second (it turns out to be an envelope, but with one foot), jump and turn 180 0 without letting go of the rubber band, then we jump - we free ourselves from the elastic band and land so that our legs are on both sides of the first rubber band