Guancha (China): A Japanese professor is accused of conducting experiments on the genitals of Chinese resistance soldiers. Six health rules of Professor Katsuzo Nishi Health systems of Japanese Professor Katsuzo Nishi

For most Russian mothers, the Shichida method is something unknown, in contrast to the early development methods of Doman, Montessori, Nikitin and others, which are well-known among “advanced” parents. But this fact cannot detract from the merits of Shichida’s method, which has become widespread throughout the world. It is not without reason that in Japan (as well as in some other countries - Thailand, Singapore, the USA) about 460 educational children's centers have already been opened, which are in great demand. Information about the methodology is just beginning to appear in Russia, but “winning” the respect of parents and teachers is happening at a serious pace. And this despite the fact that there are no development schools according to Shichida in our country yet, just as there is no more or less serious literature and Russian-language websites devoted to this method of early development. Why is Shichida’s method so fascinating to young mothers?

Professor Makoto Shichida: “All children are born geniuses”

Makoto Shichida (Makoto Shichida, 1929-2009) – Japanese professor, holder of a doctorate in education, member of the International Academy of Education, advisor to the Japanese Association for Mathematics. For his significant contribution to the study of the brain and its capabilities, Makoto Shichida was awarded the highest Honorary Prize of the World Science Council in 1997, and the World Peace Prize in 1998.

Shichida devoted his life to research and practice in the field of learning and education, writing more than 100 books (some of which were translated into English) and creating his own unique methodology for early childhood development. Makoto Shichida's website:

According to Makoto Shichida, children are born geniuses and have unique abilities. The task of parents is to prevent the child from “losing” his natural talents. Like many early childhood experts, Shichida believes that all newborns have the same high potential. However, unlike, for example, Doman, Makoto Shichida argues that parents should not get carried away with the academic education of the baby. The main thing is to provide the child with such conditions so that his brain develops as much as possible.

Right hemisphere development according to the method of Makoto Shichida

Modern preschool education is aimed at developing the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic and analytical thinking. The right hemisphere, associated with the unconscious and intuitive, receives virtually no attention.

Shichida's main idea, which distinguishes his technique from others, is the need to develop the right hemisphere of the brain. A Japanese professor talks about the “high memory capacity” of the right hemisphere, which quickly processes and stores information that comes in the form of images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which is something like RAM (quickly “discarding” unnecessary things), the right hemisphere, by analogy, is a kind of unlimited hard drive, on which information is stored forever in the form of visual images. The left hemisphere develops through slow learning, with repeated repetitions. The right hemisphere, on the contrary, is associated with the subconscious and intuition, and information in it is absorbed very quickly.

For normal functioning of the brain, a person, of course, needs both hemispheres. They work synchronously: the right one stores a huge amount of information, and the left one retrieves, processes and uses it at the right moments.

Shichida argues that in children under 3 years of age, it is the right hemisphere that dominates (they do not have developed analytical thinking and logic), and it is up to parents to create an environment around the child that will stimulate right-hemisphere development - the basis of future abilities. Moreover, kids really love and want to learn.

From the age of 3, the left hemisphere begins to manifest itself - the child develops logic and linguistic skills. By the age of 6, the child’s brain is approximately 80% formed, and the left, logical hemisphere finally “subordinates” the right. Therefore, Shichida considers the ideal age for right-hemisphere development to be from six months to 6 years.

Makoto Shichida talks about the importance of developing the right hemisphere at an early age:

“When a baby is born, its right and left hemispheres are connected by several trillion temporary nerve connections. If in the first three years of a child’s life they are not used (not filled with information), then they simply disappear. This does not mean that after 3 and 33 years you don’t need to work with a person, but the effect decreases several times.”

In the book Children of Geniuses, Shichida calls the right hemisphere the “image of the brain,” explaining that it is the right hemisphere that is responsible for photographic memory and the ability to dream. People with a well-developed right hemisphere of the brain, which means they have a photographic memory, can easily recall any picture they have ever seen. They write competently, have a huge amount of knowledge, since they retain information from many books in their heads, have absolute pitch, and can see a problem from different sides. It is easy for such people to study; they do not have to cram at school and university. According to Makoto Shichida, “When the right and left hemispheres are well developed, the child will have a high level of potential, the child will be able to exceed all our expectations and show his greatest strengths. Such children quickly remember huge amounts of information and recall what they read or saw with accuracy, and all the information is understandable to them, and they are also able to improve their athletic abilities.”

It seems like a miracle, doesn't it? However, a wealth of research conducted by Shichida suggests that rapid, flashing displays of various images have real developmental benefits in preschool-aged children. In addition, according to research by scientists from Harvard University, outstanding people actually have equally developed cerebral hemispheres.

Makoto Shichida Early Development Methodology

In short, Makoto Shichida's system is based on the following basic principles:

  • children are geniuses from birth;
  • LOVE of parents for their child is the basis of learning;
  • during the development process, it is important to use all the baby’s senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch);
  • at an early age, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the development of the right hemisphere of the brain, which dominates in children under 3 years of age;
  • The success of classes depends on their systematicity and consistency.

Development according to Shichida is aimed at developing the capabilities of the right hemisphere: photographic memory, mathematical abilities, high speed of information processing, visualization, ability to learn foreign languages, musical abilities, intuition, extrasensory perception. Children who are developed using this method learn to use the right hemisphere consciously, and not on an unconscious level, as most adults do.

What are Shichida's development methods?

  1. Creating a warm, welcoming environment during classes . In Shichida schools, classes with children are conducted in small groups - no more than 6 people, with the obligatory presence of one of the parents of each child. A feeling of connection with mom or dad helps babies feel protected, makes them more confident, and stimulates brain activity. Makoto Shichida's technique emphasizes the importance of a harmonious and loving relationship with children in relation to their mental development. Classes should take place in an atmosphere of relaxation, not pressure, so the time for them should be selected so that the child is in a good mood.
  2. The duration of classes at Shichida's school is no more than 50 minutes. . But Makoto Shichida considers half an hour of practical training a day necessary for a child’s brain to reach its maximum potential.
  3. Mood for classes . As mentioned above, for the success of Shichida classes, it is important that the baby is in a good mood and not overexcited. Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to let your child listen to music with alpha waves, which activates the brain. What are alpha waves, or alpha signals? These are certain vibrations on which intuition, telepathy and clairvoyance are based. Alpha waves are emitted by the brain during moments of relaxation and meditation. Shichida believes that children, unlike adults, can read alpha signals, and this ability needs to be developed. As for specific examples, examples of music with alpha waves are the audio recordings of “Ocean Waves” by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, “Rest and Grounding” by Kelly Howell. Shichida schools also practice breathing exercises before performing main tasks.
  4. Dynamism and variety of forms of activities with a child . Shichida's methodology covers a wide range of tasks - humanitarian, musical, mathematical, for the study of foreign languages, physical. And, of course, all tasks should be interesting for the child. Ideally, each exercise using the Shichida method is performed in 1-2 minutes (maximum 5 minutes). If the process is delayed, the child needs help and continues to use simpler tasks.

Classes using the Shichida method include the following games and exercises:

  • games to develop imagination (imagine yourself as someone else, make up a story);
  • exercises to develop the ESP function (clairvoyance, telepathy, psychometry, foresight);
  • demonstration of flash cards for developing photo memory;
  • games with cards (develop memory and imagination);
  • games with tangrams, puzzles, construction sets (develop imagination and creativity);
  • mathematics (recognizing the number of dots on cards, familiarization with numbers);
  • music and exercise;
  • creative tasks (modeling, drawing);
  • reading books.
  1. Don't expect instant results from exercise . Parents should not require their child to reproduce the images shown. Information during training is stored on a subconscious level and will be retrieved when really needed.

Principles of education from Makoto Shichida

Makoto Shichida advises parents to believe in the child and his potential, not to demand the impossible from him, not to compare with other children, to praise as often as possible and point out shortcomings less often. Your child’s academic success should not be your main value. Remember that all children are perfect from birth, and try to show love to your baby in every possible way. By the way, when Professor Shichida once talked with a group of children, he heard from them that their parents did not love them enough. Therefore, do not be so sure that your child is receiving enough attention and love. Makoto Shichida's tips on how to show love to your child:

Tight 8 Second Hug

After your child has fulfilled your request or task, praise him: “Thank you very much, you helped me so much (made me so happy)! I love you very much!” and give me a big hug. In 8 seconds of hugs, your love will reach the child’s heart, says Makoto Shichida. This method helps to cope with whims and bad behavior. Praise makes a child more self-confident and motivates him to do good deeds.

Listen carefully to your child

Many mothers try to talk more with their child, but it is important not only to talk ourselves, but also to listen to the baby. One-sided conversations, especially in an edifying and moralizing manner, make the child withdraw and feel unloved. Listen and try to HEAR. When talking with children, the practice of the “echo method” works well, in which the adult plays a passive role, repeating, like an echo, the child’s words, analyzing them and asking questions. For example: “Mom, I don’t want to go to kindergarten.” - “You don’t want to go to kindergarten... What don’t you like there?” - “Sasha offends me.” - “Sasha offends you. Why does he do this?

Use the 5 Minute Setup Method

This method is used when there is a need to correct any behavioral disorders of the baby - thumb sucking, throwing toys, reluctance to go to kindergarten, tantrums, etc. 5 minutes after falling asleep, when the child’s consciousness is already asleep, the subconscious continues to be awake and respond to information coming from outside. At this time, you can effectively influence directly the baby’s subconscious, whispering to him about what his behavior will be like.

For example, a boy, 2 years old, sucks his thumb. Mom, 5 minutes after he falls asleep, begins to tell him the following: “Son, you are already so big, you are two whole years old. You are happy and calm, dad and I love you very much and always take care of you. You feel confident and loved. You don't have to suck your thumb. Now you will sleep soundly, sweetly. You feel very good. Tomorrow you will wake up in a joyful mood, and we will play together.”

Makoto Shichida says in his book that all mothers whose children had certain behavioral disorders noticed improvements after using this technique. One child went to kindergarten without crying three days later, another child stopped sucking his thumb in less than a week.

Shichida technique: pros and cons

Shichida's development methods, on the one hand, are confirmed by many years of research by the Japanese professor and have some points of contact with other methods. On the other hand, any promises to develop extrasensory abilities, intuition and other “ephemeral” matters are often perceived as deception. However, regardless of your position on the topic of clairvoyance, you should not deny Professor Shichida’s technique.

The clear advantages of the method are: emphasis on love and harmonious relationships between parents and child; the desire to fill the child’s life with varied and interesting tasks; the presence of a system that facilitates daily activities with the child; the lack of a goal among adults to teach the baby to read and count as soon as possible, i.e. develop his academic skills.

The disadvantages of the method include the author’s assumptions already mentioned above about the development of superpowers - not everyone likes them. However, it is precisely this part of Shichida’s technique that attracts some. And exercises like “Ball of Energy,” which seem overly magical to some, can be compared with any other children’s games where the child simply trains his imagination.

Some people in the method do not like the point about showing a huge number of cards, which must be constantly different. Indeed, if you follow Shichida's method thoroughly, printing out thousands of cards can be a problem. And showing images on a computer is not very beneficial for a baby’s vision.

In any case, mothers who use the Shichida technique in classes with children speak about it with delight. They talk about the brilliant successes of their children, who have a good memory, begin to speak early and easily master reading and counting. Whether this can be considered the merit of the technique or the mothers themselves is difficult to say. One thing is certain: communicating with your child, playing with him and doing activities will definitely not be in vain.

The classes themselves using the Shichida method will be discussed directly in the next article -.

Katsuzo Nishi (actually pronounced “Nishi”, since the Japanese language does not have the letter “sh”, but in Russia the pronunciation and spelling “Nishi” is accepted) was born in 1884. Having received his primary education, he intended to continue his studies, but doctors forbade him to attend school due to his poor health, and besides, the size of his chest was smaller than the established norm. In fact, he would not have been able to withstand the pressure of schoolwork. This was the first alarm bell that made young Katsuzo think about his health problems.

As a teenager, already a very weak and sickly boy, his problems were aggravated by constant colds and frequent diarrhea. Katsudzo was shown to a well-known luminary in the field of medicine, who sadly informed the young man’s parents that he would not live to see 20 years of age.

Despite his excessive illness, the future professor had such a bright head and inquisitive mind that everyone considered him a child prodigy. The only thing that prevented him from developing these abilities was his very poor health, and it was health that Katsuzo craved more than anything in the world. Trying to find a way to improve their son’s well-being, his parents sent him to a temple for three years, where he studied and practiced various meditations, and the young man also attended a fencing school in order to develop his muscles and bring them into proper tone.

After three years, the boy was shown to another doctor, who was not as pessimistic as the first. However, although Katsuzo was not sick for a couple of years, poor nutrition during these three years greatly worsened his overall health, and he lost quite a lot of weight.

During this period, Katsuzo Nishi's life had to enter a new phase - he had to choose a profession and go to study at a higher institution. Katsudzo chose the profession of civil engineer and expressed a desire to study at the General Technical School. In fact, it is difficult to say whether this was Nisha’s own desire, because his family believed that such a profession would help him become stronger. It is possible that the parents’ opinion played an important role in this choice.

However, a miracle did not happen, and at the General Technical School the guy continued to get sick endlessly, thereby hopelessly lagging behind his fellow students in the program. This greatly upset him, and Katsuzo realized that the only obstacle to his education was his health.

Then the young man decided that he had to help himself, since doctors could not do this, and he began to look for ways to become healthy. After reading a lot of literature on health, Nishi lingered on the works of Fletcher, who believed that those who want to have good health and get rid of diseases should chew their food very carefully in order to extract the maximum benefit from it for the body. This became a real discovery for Katsuzo - all the doctors with whom he was treated tried to cure the disease itself, without delving into its root cause. This was precisely what became a discovery for him - he needed to find the root cause of the disease in order to eradicate it.

In addition to chewing food thoroughly, Fletcher advised choosing healthy food for yourself based on whether it tastes good or not, but this theory did not help the young seeker of vitality. On the contrary, he began to notice that such a method led him to gluttony, as a result of which he experienced constant illness; he still chewed his food thoroughly, but he ate a lot. Having tried to limit himself in food, he began to lose weight and become weaker. At the same time, he strictly followed the instructions given by Fletcher - remove all hard parts of plants, peel vegetables and fruits, but it turned out that by doing so Nishi deprived himself of coarse fiber, which led to constipation and new torment in the form of severe headaches.

Best of the day

All this again pushed him to search for new ways to improve his health. Reading the works of other specialists, Katsuzo realized that food can be harmful and healing, and this led him to a new discovery for himself - to build his diet so that it cleanses and creates.

Later, he became acquainted with works on the treatment of hunger and came to the connection between the brain and the intestines - the cleaner the body, the clearer the head. It was this relationship between the intestines and the brain that later helped him finally solve his own health problems.

Nishi studied the work of scientists on blood circulation, and as a result, he came to the conclusion that the heart cannot be the only driving force capable of delivering fresh, clean blood to every cell of the body. Reflections on this topic led him to what later became one of the main components of his system - capillaries. Another important point in health, as Nishi found out, is the spine - the correct position of the vertebrae, without subluxations, will help the body become strong and healthy. While studying this issue, Nishi developed a set of exercises, including exercises for the capillaries, back and abdomen.

Studying the works of various scientists, Nishi came to the conclusion that the body has healing forces that can resist any disease that can affect the body, you just need to activate these forces, and he began to search for these forces.

Nishi combined the knowledge accumulated over the years into a System that is built on the connection between the brain and the intestines. To have a clear head, it is necessary for the brain to be fed with clean blood, and this can only be achieved by having a clean intestine, not clogged with toxins. All this, according to the System, can be achieved with proper nutrition and exercise. An intestine clogged with waste leads to various diseases and is the root cause of disease. That is why one of the most important elements of the Niche System is nutrition.

Katsuzo Nishi first presented his system to the public in 1927, when he was 44 years old. During this time, he himself became healthy and treated others. People reached out to him from all corners of the globe, and this prompted Nishi to leave his position as an engineer and begin healing people according to his system.

Now this System is available to everyone and many people use it successfully, including the author of this article. Nutrition advice is somewhat difficult to implement in Russian conditions, but you can always turn to the works of Maya Fedorovna Gogulan, who adapted the Nishi System for use in Russia.

Katsuzo Nishi died in 1959, at the age of 75, but not at all from old age. It is believed that the cause of his death was a large dose of radiation he received while studying radiation sickness, when this problem affected many thousands of Japanese. Then Nishi deliberately exposed himself to large doses of radiation to find out its effect on the body.

The Chinese publication Guancha looks into the shocking details of the experiments of a Japanese geneticist who conducted experiments on Chinese prisoners of war.

August 15 is a special day for the people of China, on this day 73 years ago Japan announced its unconditional surrender. However, this year on August 15, the Japanese media again published a statement that upset the Chinese people.

According to the Japanese Kyodo News Agency on the 14th, a professor in the Department of Natural Sciences at the former Hokkaido Imperial University (now Hokkaido University) used the testicles of Chinese people captured by Japanese invaders in northeast China to study chromosomes. According to experts, such actions may be considered a violation of the principles of humanism. The late Professor Xiao Xionghan was engaged in research in the field of genetics. It became known from Hokkaido sources that after retiring, he essentially became the country's first geneticist, heading the National Institute of Genetics, located in Shizuoka.

It is reported that researchers at Hokkaido University have already conducted experiments on humans, and at the Kyushu Imperial Medical Institute, surgical operations were performed on living American prisoners of war. Previously, these cases were not widely known.

Xiao Xionghan mentioned his research in a speech given in 1939 at the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (now the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare), as well as in a scientific paper published in 1930 by an American scientific journal. Relevant materials dating back to the 1930s are kept in the Hokkaido University Library. It is believed that organs for research were removed from people without their consent.

The transcript of the report says that in this way Xiao Xionghan tried to determine the number of male chromosomes. Taking material for research from a person who had already died was not effective; the organs of living young people were much better suited. As he himself said, “these bandits (resistance forces against the Japanese invaders) were destined to die anyway.”


Will Japan Apologize for Eugenics Experiments?

Asahi Shimbun 03/04/2018

Russian eunuchs: castration to salvation 20.02.2016

How genetics is changing the way we think about race

The New York Times 04/10/2018

For the material, which he managed to obtain with the help of the military, he went to Shenyang. As the professor noted, “then I got an excellent sample,” the professor kept silent about the extraction methods.

According to him, the choice of a participant in the anti-Japanese resistance as a test subject was not accidental.

A scientific work published in an American scientific journal states that during Xiao Xionghan’s stay in Shenyang, a thirty-year-old physically healthy “traitor” was executed, whose organs were taken to the city of Sapporo for research. Also, two more “similar traitors” aged 35-40 years became victims of the professor. In an interview, a representative of Hokkaido University declined to comment, saying that he “knows nothing about this research.”

Kanagawa University history of science professor Changshi Jingyi said that “most likely this act was caused by hostility towards the Chinese people and the desire to quickly obtain the result of the research. Based on the fact that the method of extracting the material was never made public, the professor himself understood that his actions were unacceptable.”

Last year, the Japanese television channel NHK aired a documentary about how Japanese soldiers of the 731st Army conducted experiments on people and conducted bacteriological warfare in China. In this film, Japanese educational institutions were held responsible for these crimes.

The Japanese army was then closely connected with universities; it paid them all research costs, and they, in turn, trained specialists for the army.

According to inaccurate data, in the 40s of the 20th century, Japanese higher education institutions provided the army with about 100 scientific workers annually. Such scientists, called “mechanics” in the 731st army, had the same status as military doctors, who were equal to generals and senior officers, and were the main force in the biological war against China.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively from foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Over 40 years of medical practice, the world famous surgeon and gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya developed his own system of nutrition and health maintenance. The last time Hiromi was sick was when he was 19 years old. He is now 80. This post contains excerpts from his book “Magic Enzymes” about the principles of ideal nutrition, the benefits of water and short rest for our digestion, as well as an example of one day in the life of Hiromi Shinya himself.

Material prepared by: Daria Bukhman

 Important "magic" enzymes

“Magic enzymes” are prototypes of five thousand varieties of enzymes or enzymes that ensure the vital processes of the human body. Enzymes or enzymes are protein molecules-catalysts that are formed in the cells of animals, plants and all living organisms in general. Without these catalyst molecules, life is impossible.”

“Dr. Edward Howell, the most authoritative American expert on enzymes, put forward an interesting hypothesis: the number of enzymes that a living organism can produce in its entire life is finite. He called this number of enzymes enzyme potential. From his point of view, when the enzyme potential is exhausted, the body dies."

“If you live in such a way that the reserves of “magic enzymes” are not depleted, you can completely forget about diseases!”

 How we accumulate and waste enzymes

“It is believed that there are more than five thousand types of enzymes in our body, but not all of them are produced by the body itself. Three thousand types of enzymes are produced by intestinal bacteria; We get the rest of the enzymes with food. Enzymes are produced only by living organisms. We are not able to synthesize them artificially, in some chemical laboratory. What is the difference between people with healthy digestive organs? They all eat enzyme-rich foods. This not only allows them to saturate their body with beneficial “external” enzymes, but also helps create a beneficial environment in the intestines necessary for the production of their own “internal” enzymes.”

“Those who have bad stomachs and intestines also have something in common, namely: their lifestyle does not replenish, but depletes, their reserves of enzymes. Smoking, regular drinking, overeating, nutritional supplements, stress, medications - all this burns priceless enzymes. There are other ways to waste enzymes - eating low-quality foods with all kinds of toxins, as well as foods exposed to ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic microwave waves. Both contribute to the formation of free radicals, to neutralize which the human body has to spend the same enzymes.”

 Foods that use up enzymes or replenish them

  • Eat foods rich in enzymes: the fresher the vegetables, fruits, fish, the more enzymes they contain.
  • Free radicals appear in the body as soon as we eat oxidized foods. Free radicals are the cause of many illnesses. They have a destructive effect on DNA and contribute to the formation of malignant tumors. The product that is most susceptible to oxidation is refined vegetable oil and margarine, which is why it is so important to use only cold-pressed oil and exclude French fries, store-bought cookies and cakes, and fast food from your diet.
  • Nutritionists say that animal proteins are unusually rich in very valuable elements, which are broken down under the influence of amino acids and somehow enter the blood and muscles. But by abusing even the best food, we essentially turn it into poison. And first of all, this applies to animal proteins. When we eat too much animal protein, our gastrointestinal tract is simply not able to absorb it completely, and then it decomposes in the intestines, releasing huge amounts of toxins.
  • When you do not overeat and chew your food thoroughly, your body absorbs what you eat well and there are no poorly digested food leftovers left to decompose and poison it with toxins. This allows you to save extra magic enzymes.

About the ideal diet

  • Ratio of vegetarian food and meat: 85-90% to 10-15%.
  • Cereals should make up approximately 50% of the diet, vegetables and fruits - 35-40%, meat - 10-15%.
  • Cereals should be eaten whole, unpeeled.
  • Fish, whose body temperature is lower than human body temperature, is preferable to meat.
  • Fresh, unprocessed foods (if possible, in their natural form) are beneficial.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of milk and dairy products as much as possible (people prone to allergies or lactose intolerant should completely avoid all dairy products).
  • Margarine and fried foods should be avoided.
  • You need to chew your food thoroughly and try to eat in small portions.

More water → less disease

  • Water is involved in all processes in the human body. We can say that its main function is the regulation of blood circulation and metabolism. It removes toxins and waste products, activates enzymes and intestinal microflora.
  • It is best to drink water in the morning, immediately after waking up, and also 1 hour before each meal - this is the best way to satisfy the body's need for fluid. In 30 minutes, water will move from the stomach to the intestines and, therefore, will not disrupt the digestion process.
  • Every day I follow one good habit: before each meal I drink 500 ml of water.
  • In winter, drink slightly warmed water, and in small sips, so as not to cool your body. Enzymes are most active at a temperature of 36-40 ° C, and every 0.5 degree increase in temperature means an increase in enzyme activity by 35%.
  • Good water is water with antioxidant properties. Of all the minerals contained in water, calcium and magnesium are the most important for the human body, and the ratio of the amounts of these two elements plays a decisive role. The ideal ratio of calcium and magnesium in water is 2:1. Mineral water, which in addition to calcium and magnesium contains iron, copper, fluorine and many other elements, is also good for health.

About the benefits of a short rest

“Even when you rest for just 15 minutes, the “magic enzymes” have time to switch to tired areas of your body and restore its internal balance. If you allow yourself a 5-10 minute rest when you feel drowsy or tired, you will recover faster than expected. But if you persist and resist fatigue, your work efficiency will noticeably decrease. Many employers have already realized this, and many companies have special break rooms.”

A Day in the Life of Dr. Hiromi Shinya


“I wake up at 6:00 in the morning and, without getting out of bed, lightly stretch my hands and feet. Then I get up, open the window, expose my face to the cool morning breeze and take a deep breath - the fresh wind fills my lungs, displacing the stale air. After that, I lie down on the bed again and do simple exercises: I raise my arms and legs one by one, then my arms and legs at the same time and stretch with pleasure, dispersing the blood and lymph.

Then I get out of bed and do a hundred karate kicks with my left leg and a hundred with my right, followed by five minutes of stretching.

After finishing my exercises, I go to the kitchen and slowly drink 500–750 ml of water (water temperature is about 20 °C).

20 minutes later (after the water leaves my stomach) I eat fresh, enzyme-rich fruit. After another 30–40 minutes I have breakfast. My breakfast usually consists of husked rice, cooked along with 5-7 other grains, and steamed vegetables, to which I add nori seaweed and a handful of wakame seaweed.”


“After 11.00 in the morning, I slowly drink 0.5 liters of water and after half an hour, if possible, eat fruit. Many people leave fruit for dessert, but I would advise eating it half an hour before meals. Fruits contain many enzymes that are easily absorbed, improve intestinal function and increase blood sugar levels, thereby preventing overeating.

Raw vegetables, for example, salads, also improve digestion (which is why salad is usually served at the beginning of the meal, and protein foods - meat, fish - as the main dish). But it's hard to eat a lot of raw foods in one sitting, so I don't shy away from cooked vegetables either. Hot water kills the enzymes, so I either steam or blanch the vegetables for two minutes.

I bring lunch to work from home. Sometimes I have breakfast in the city with friends, but more often I eat the same husked rice, cooked together with other cereals.

After lunch I try to fall asleep for 20-30 minutes. Sleep relieves accumulated fatigue, so when I wake up, I get to work with fresh energy.”


“At 16:30 I drink half a liter of water again and eat 30-40 minutes later.
Every day I eat a huge amount of fruit. In my opinion, you should eat as much fruit as you want.

I prepare dinner from fresh ingredients and eat it as soon as it is ready - and I chew everything very carefully. My dinner is not very different from breakfast.
We hardly talk at the table because our jaws are busy. In general, you should not talk with your mouth full. This is not only a requirement of etiquette, but also an elementary safety rule - otherwise food may go down the wrong throat, so to speak, or you may swallow a portion of air along with the food.

If you wish, you can wash down your food, but I try not to drink coffee or green tea. I prefer soba (buckwheat), herbal or oat tea. Oatmeal tea and soba are pre-roasted, so they should be stored in an airtight container to protect them from oxidation. Of course, it is best to drink this tea immediately after roasting, but with our eternal busyness this sounds somewhat fantastic. Therefore, keep a small amount of tea at home and try to empty the opened pack as quickly as possible.

My dinner ends around 18.00–18.30. On this day I don’t eat or drink anything else, except that if it’s summer and I’m thirsty, I quench my thirst with a cup of water an hour before going to bed.”

About Hiromi Shinya's attitude towards milk, meat and medicine - in.

The Nobel Committee announced the name of this year's first Nobel laureate: the world's main scientific prize in the field of physiology and medicine was awarded to a Japanese researcher, honorary professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yoshinori Osumi.

The award was given to cell biology specialist Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi for work on the study of the mechanisms of autophagy - the process of cellular “self-eating” in the human body. Failures associated with autophagy lead to various diseases, including cancer.

The 71-year-old Nobel laureate admits that he has dreamed of the prize since childhood. And yet he himself did not expect that his discovery would be so important for humanity. “When I started the research, there was no certainty that autophagy was related to the problem of human life. I would like to emphasize the importance that basic research can take a turn in this way.",” emphasized Professor Ohsumi.

The names of the remaining Nobel laureates of 2016 will be announced in the coming days: Nobel week in Sweden has just begun. On Tuesday, October 4, the names of the laureates in the field of physics will be announced. The award ceremony (which currently amounts to 8 million Swedish kronor or 950 thousand US dollars) will be held in Stockholm on December 10.

By leaps and bounds

The term “autophagy” (Greek autos - myself, phagos - I eat) is approximately 50 years old; scientists have been studying cellular mechanisms that allow the body to independently get rid of unnecessary (degraded or outdated) proteins since the 60s of the 20th century. Personally, Professor Osumi – since the 90s.

This is what we have found out so far. According to nature’s plan, the body can and should independently utilize excess (or even harmful) cells – destroy them, then “digest” them and turn them into fuel to feed normally functioning cells and renew them.

Such proteins can be destroyed and removed from the body in two ways. The first is when they are handled by the proteasome, a special “protein grinder” located in the cytoplasm. The second is the destruction of unnecessary proteins in lysosomes, special vesicles surrounded by a membrane. It is this second, lysosomal pathway that Professor Osumi studied.

Yeast became the experimental material for Yoshinori Osumi: unlike bacteria, their mechanisms of “self-eating” of cells differ little from those that operate in the human body. By conducting random chemical mutagenesis experiments on yeast, a Japanese researcher was able to find genes without which the normal process of autophagy becomes impossible. And once the “start button” has been found, the opportunity has arisen to restore the entire molecular mechanism of the process.

Disturbances in genes, similar to those discovered by Professor Ohsumi, can be associated with a variety of diseases: these are Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, type 2 diabetes and a number of severe hereditary diseases. The “second front”, on which the processes of “self-eating” of excess cells are involved - the development of the embryo, the fight against viral and bacterial infections. The discovery of the Japanese biologist will also be useful in the treatment of cancer.

Connected by one goal

The second main pathway of protein degradation in the cell was chosen as the object of study by scientists Abraham Gershko, Irwin Rose And Aaron Cichanover. The research trio also received the Nobel Prize back in 2004. True, in a different category, chemical.

This year Yoshinori Osumi's competitors were researchers from the USA James Ellison, Geoffrey Bluestone And Craig Thompson, who were able to explain how the CD28 and CTLA-4 proteins modulate the emergence of acquired lymphocyte immunity; mixed Japanese-American group – Gordon Freeman, Arlene Sharp And Tasuku Honjo, who described the mechanism of operation of immunoglobulin PD1, which programs cell death; as well as Americans Michael Hall, David Sabatini And Stuart Schreiber, who studied the intracellular protein mTOR (it regulates the synthesis of other proteins, including those associated with cell growth and reproduction).

The winner of the prize in physiology and medicine is chosen, according to Alfred Nobel's will, by representatives of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. The university, founded in 1810, is today one of the leading educational and scientific medical centers in the world.

The Prime Minister of Japan was one of the first to congratulate his compatriot Shinzo Abe, who called Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi right during the press conference held after the announcement of the laureate's name. “The results of Sensei’s research became a ray of light for people struggling with cancer and other serious diseases. This is a source of pride for me as a Japanese."“, Abe said, noting with pleasure that representatives of Japan received the Nobel Prize for the third year in a row: “This is amazing!”.