The boundaries of the M-echo and the contour of the ovary are unclear. The left ovary is located along the rib of the uterus

If the ovary is soldered to the uterus, then this indicates the presence of an adhesive process, as a result of which the appendage fuses with the genital organ. At the same time, scars form and blood supply processes are disrupted, which prevents conception.

The main cause of displacement of the appendage is in the pelvis. The occurrence of an adhesive process in which the right ovary (or left) is affected is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Gynecological operations (abortion, cesarean section), when the integrity of the appendage is disrupted, which provokes deviations in the processes of blood clotting and cell restoration. Instead of regeneration, connective tissue is formed, gluing organs together.
  2. Concomitant pathologies of the reproductive sphere (endometritis, etc.). Due to the affected cells, the stroma of the appendages suffers, and the processes of local blood supply are disrupted. Abnormal cells begin to divide, pathological tissues grow, which leads to the appearance of scars.
  3. The ovary is pulled towards the uterus under the influence of the following factors:
  • violation of the rules for inserting an intrauterine device;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • , in which the tissue of the uterine membrane extends beyond its limits;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • use of antibacterial agents;
  • ruptures during labor;
  • hypothermia;
  • performing hysteroscopy.

Symptoms that the ovary is attached to the uterus

If the left ovary (or right) is located close to the uterus, then at the initial stage of the pathology there may be no symptoms. Sometimes the clinical picture unfolds several years after the start of the process. The following symptoms occur:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, migrating to the lumbar region;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort during sports, intimacy;
  • painful periods;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the intestines;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bloody or yellow-green discharge.

A woman has a slight pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left. Changes in unilateral localization and increased severity of the symptom often indicate a complication - a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes. In this case, menstruation is often delayed by 2-3 months.

In some patients, during adhesions, the ovary descends to the fundus of the uterus. Sometimes an episiotomy causes a change in the position of the reproductive organ itself.

Diagnosis of pathology

To discover that the ovary is located behind the uterus, a gynecological examination alone is not enough. Carrying out is required. If this method does not reveal the adhesive process, then laparoscopy is performed. Additionally, MRI is used, which makes it possible to detect small changes in the reproductive system.

Ovarian displacement is also diagnosed by other methods, for example, hysterosalpingography - an x-ray examination in which a contrast agent is injected into the cavity of the reproductive organ and fallopian tubes. The procedure is performed from days 5 to 11 of the cycle. Additionally, the patient is recommended to take a vaginal smear for microflora.

Treatment of pathology

If the ovary is located behind the uterus, at the initial stage of the pathology it is possible to use medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • suppositories (for example, Longidase);
  • drugs that eliminate inflammation;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins and microelements.

It is useful to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis with the introduction of magnesium, calcium and zinc through the skin). Thanks to this treatment, the adhesions become thinner and stretched. The patient may be prescribed sanatorium treatment (including mineral waters).

Then, when the ovary is close to the uterus, physical activity is recommended. In advanced cases, it is carried out, the purpose of which is to separate and eliminate tissues connected to each other. After the operation, a special film is applied to the appendages. In addition, a barrier fluid is used to prevent the formation of new adhesions.

During the rehabilitation period, antibiotics and medications are used, the action of which is aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots. The effectiveness of the surgical intervention is then assessed. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. Laparoscopy does not provide a 100% guarantee that the adhesive process will not return again and the ovary will not move again.

Other treatments:

  • laser therapy based on the impact of special rays;
  • electrosurgery aimed at eliminating damaged tissues with high-frequency current;
  • aquadissection, in which adhesions are dissected using a water stream.

If the ovary has gone behind the uterus, then gymnastics aimed at eliminating the adhesive process is advisable. Since the pathology is quite serious, it is better to use the methods of official medicine, and use exercises in combination with them.

Chances of pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, the bending of the ovary behind the uterus (left or right) is often a manifestation of the adhesive process. Difficulties in getting pregnant are caused by a violation of the anatomically correct location of the reproductive organs.

A woman who finds out that her ovary has gone behind the uterus, of course, doubts the possibility of conception. To normalize the condition of the reproductive organs, the help of a qualified gynecologist is required.

To get pregnant, you need to undergo treatment. If it is not effective, then IVF is performed. Since adhesions increase the risk of attachment of the fertilized egg outside the reproductive organ, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate it.

Possible complications

First of all, the gynecologist must assess how mobile the ovaries are and identify the true cause of the displacement. Once a definitive diagnosis is made, treatment is required. Otherwise, the following complications may occur:

  • transition of the adhesive process to neighboring organs, which is fraught with their displacement;
  • disruption of the relationship between the uterus and appendages;
  • deterioration of fallopian tube patency;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • problems with ovulation;
  • bend of the uterus;
  • infertility.

In addition, if the ovary is close to the uterus, this can lead to its prolapse. With timely initiation of therapy, serious consequences can usually be avoided, so every woman is recommended to undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist and not delay a visit to the doctor if there are suspicious symptoms.

Often, after an ultrasound examination of the pelvis, the gynecologist reveals that a woman’s ovary is located behind the uterus. This phenomenon frightens patients; many questions arise about the danger of such an arrangement of organs. But is this something worth worrying about? If the ovary is behind the uterus, what does this mean?

Ovaries in women

Normally, each ovary is located on the side of the uterus. When viewed from the abdomen, these organs are located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, directly under the inguinal folds. They are attached to the surface of the small pelvis by a ligament of nerves and blood vessels. This area is called the ovarian fossa.

From there the fallopian tubes go to the uterus. The reproductive organs in question have their own peculiarity of location, namely that they are located asymmetrically in relation to each other - one is located slightly higher than the other. Also, the size of the organs is slightly different. Usually the right ovary is larger and heavier than the one on the left. In shape and color they are absolutely identical.

Normally, the reproductive organ has the following dimensions: length - 20-50 mm, width, thickness - 15-30 mm. If there are minor discrepancies, within a few millimeters, then most likely this indicates the individual characteristics of the woman. If the size is much higher than normal, then there is a reason to visit a doctor.

Disorders of the ovaries

It happens that the ovary is located behind the uterus, located close to it and forming an inflection. At the same time, patients often feel pain if any diseases develop in the reproductive organs. Doctors do not consider this disorder pathological. Usually the bend is observed during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that when the uterus increases, the distance between it and the appendages decreases. In this case, the left ovary is located closer to the uterine cavity, because it is located below the right organ from the very beginning.

The location of the left ovary may indicate the presence of adhesions in the pelvis. Because of them, cords of connective tissue tighten the organs, so they extend behind the uterus and are located close to each other. As a result of this change, women are often diagnosed with multifollicular syndrome during ultrasound examination. This phenomenon means that over 8 follicles mature in one cycle.

The ovaries can be harmed by their incorrect location, and these organs may be injured. Therefore, this pathology requires urgent treatment. Women are usually prescribed surgery.

The appendages can change their location due to prolapse of the uterus. It may be located too low after a difficult, prolonged labor. During this process, muscle tissue becomes overstrained, losing its ability to support organs. It’s not just after this that muscles can become weak. It’s rare, but it happens that they suddenly stop coping with their functions.

Signs indicating a violation of the location of organs

Often the reasons for the incorrect location of the appendages lie in the development of inflammation. It does not matter whether the pathological process was located directly in the uterine appendages or other pelvic organs. This condition causes swelling, enlargement, and bending of the ovary behind the uterus. This is determined by palpation or ultrasound. The woman also experiences pain above the pubis, radiating to the lumbar, gluteal, and groin areas of the body. Pain syndrome when bending appears only on one side and bothers patients intermittently. If you find at least one sign of pathology, you should immediately see a doctor.

The bend is similar in its clinical picture to peritonitis and appendicitis. Therefore, doctors, especially those who have recently been practicing, often confuse these pathologies. But there is a main distinguishing feature of pain in the ovaries. It lies in the fact that a woman constantly tries to find a position that allows her to quickly eliminate the unpleasant sensation. If such symptoms are observed, then you should urgently visit a doctor. Under no circumstances should the bending of organs be ignored. It can cause some diseases of the reproductive system that should be eliminated immediately.

It is useful for every woman to know what size the ovaries should be and how they are normally located. After all, some pathologies of these organs are accompanied by an increase in their parameters. As a result of proliferation, the ovaries can change their location, forming a bend.

If a girl knows what signs appear in such cases, she will be able to quickly determine their source and promptly inform the doctor. This will reduce the risk of developing serious complications, which can be difficult to cure.

The structure of the uterus. Where is a woman's uterus located?

Almost every person knows where a woman’s uterus is located. But this knowledge is especially important for the fair sex, since women’s health depends on the correct location and condition of this organ. Therefore, it is useful for girls from adolescence to be interested in its structure and location. After all, it is quite possible that such information will help avoid serious problems in the future.

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Where is a woman's uterus located?

The pelvic cavity is the place where the location of the uterus in women is considered normal. In front of the organ is the bladder, and behind it is the rectum. The uterus is very light and weighs no more than 50 g, although after a woman becomes a mother, it increases in size, which is also not a pathology. In this case, the weight of the organ can reach 100 g.

Not only the location of the uterus is important, but also its size. In young girls, it reaches 7 cm in length and 4 cm in width. After childbirth, the organ contracts, but does not reach its original values, becoming larger and wider by an average of 2 cm.

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Structure of the uterus: main points

Having figured out where the uterus is located, it is necessary to inquire about the structure of a woman’s uterus. This organ is extremely elastic and can stretch and return to normal, which usually happens after a woman becomes a mother. Its elastic and durable walls consist mainly of muscle fibers. The muscles are located both lengthwise and crosswise. They are represented by three layers:

  • endometrium;
  • myometrium;
  • perimetry.

In addition, it is customary to separate three parts of this reproductive organ: the neck, body and fundus. This is the structure of the uterus in a woman who does not have developmental pathologies.

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The structure of the cervix and its location

Once knowledge has been gained regarding the location of the uterus in women, the structure of the cervix can be studied in more detail. It resembles a cylinder in appearance, the length is on average 3 cm, the width is 0.5 cm less. The older a woman gets, the more pregnancies she has had, the more this part of the reproductive organ increases in size.

Every gynecologist can visually judge where the cervix is ​​in a healthy woman, since during a standard examination, using mirrors, he can see it. It is located no further than 12 cm deep into the vagina, which with its posterior surface is in contact with the cervix. Her body is located directly behind the bladder.

The ovaries are not always located strictly symmetrically relative to each other. One of the organs is located higher and the other slightly lower. The same can be said about their size; as a rule, the right one is slightly heavier than the left ovary. However, normally, the color and shape of the organs should not differ.

The location of the uterus changes by week of pregnancy as the fetus grows. Up to 12 weeks it is located directly in the abdominal cavity, after this period it begins to rise higher. Therefore, closer to 16 weeks, it is located in the navel area, located between it and the pubis. And by the 20th week its bottom reaches the level of the navel. As the child grows, the uterus also grows, moving higher and higher towards the chest. At the end of pregnancy, it is so high that it often makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, while at the same time pinching the bladder and intestines.

The location of the cervix during pregnancy, like the uterus itself, also does not remain unchanged. Closer to childbirth, it decreases significantly, and its length is only 15 mm maximum.

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Anomalies of the structure of the uterus

The structure of the female uterus is not always anatomically correct; sometimes certain irregularities occur. The body of the organ may descend, partially fall out with certain physical efforts; in more advanced cases, the cervix can be visible from the genital slit, and sometimes it falls out completely. If the position of the cervix is ​​disturbed, this requires immediate contact with a doctor for a therapeutic course or surgical intervention.

Many women begin to panic when they learn during a gynecological examination that they have a posterior uterus or, in other words, a tilted uterus. There is no need to worry about this; this option for the location of the organ does not in any way affect the woman’s general well-being and does not require medication or any other type of influence.

Representatives of the fairer sex need to know where the uterus is and where the cervix is ​​located. This knowledge will be useful to both a young girl and a mature woman to avoid health problems.

Location of the uterus in women: location options, normal and abnormal

The uterus is a female organ that is located in the pelvic cavity and serves for the development and birth of a child. It is worth remembering that on different days of the cycle the organ may change location and appearance. Also, changes of this kind are mandatory during pregnancy: the woman’s body is rebuilt, changes occur in it. Thus, the location of the uterus is not a constant value and depends on many factors.

How is the organ normally located?

The normal position of a woman's uterus is in the pelvis, behind the bladder. On the sides of the organ are the tubes and ovaries. During normal development, the organ is located approximately in the middle of the pelvis. As mentioned above, on different days of the cycle or pregnancy it can change its shape, consistency, hardness and, accordingly, location.

Most often, the location of the body of the uterus with appendages is determined depending on the location of other organs that are nearby. It is normal for the organ to bend slightly toward the bladder. If the posterior or anterior walls of the uterus are fused with other pelvic organs, this arrangement is a pathology.

Most often it is congenital, but can also be caused by some external factors (for example, inflammatory processes or the consequences of surgery). Diagnosis of the correct location of the uterus is carried out only with an empty bladder and rectum.

Note! The uterus, together with its appendages, is not a static organ, which is why it can change its position due to the pressure exerted by other organs.

For example, when the bladder is full, it tilts towards the rectum. Frequent urinary retention can lead to problems with the position of the uterus. Minor deviations will not affect the duration of the cycle, fertilization and bearing a child; more significant pathologies and adhesions can lead to more serious diseases and difficulties with conception.

In addition, the uterus may tilt to the right or left side, forward or towards the back wall of the cavity for other reasons. This may occur due to changes in the body - inflammatory processes, the presence of neoplasms, etc., which can either significantly affect the location of the organ or, on the contrary, not lead to tangible undesirable consequences.

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Pay attention! An abnormal position of the uterus can also cause infertility or failure to conceive. However, this position of the organ does not always refer to pathology, but may be a variant of the norm.

If there is such a feature, a woman should know which days of the cycle are most favorable for conception and how to behave correctly during sexual intercourse in order to get pregnant. For example, if the uterus is displaced forward, it is best to lie on your back during intercourse and raise your pelvis with a pillow.

After the sperm enters the body, you need to turn over on your stomach and lie down for a few minutes. This technique is necessary to ensure that the sperm enters the forward-leaning body of the uterus. During pregnancy, the inclination of the organ is leveled, and it becomes in the correct position.

Before the next cycle begins (the first day of menstruation), the uterus begins to rise slightly. During this period, she begins to prepare for a new attempt at fertilization. The organ changes in relation to density, ovulation occurs, the uterus descends slightly, prepares for fertilization and gradually opens. Normally, the organ is contracted; if after menstruation it remains enlarged and drooped, this may indicate the occurrence of some pathology.

Note! If the uterus is abnormally positioned, women may experience nagging pain during menstruation.

If such pain persists three days after the end of menstruation, you should immediately consult a specialist.

  • forward;
  • back;
  • to the side.

As for the vertical displacement of this organ, it can be located low (prolapse, downward displacement), be slightly elevated or have drooping walls.

Note! The difference between pathological and normal curvature of the uterus is the angle that appears between the body and the cervix: normally it is obtuse, but if there are deviations in the development of organs, this angle will be acute.

Often, if there is a bend of the uterus, patients encounter such unpleasant sensations as:

  1. Pain during sex.
  2. Painful periods.
  3. Cycle instability (the days of the cycle either increase or decrease).

It is worth noting that a bent uterus occurs in every 5 women. With this diagnosis, in most cases, women can become pregnant, carry and give birth to a child, but they may experience some difficulties in conceiving.

As for treatment, it is carried out using massage and physiotherapeutic procedures. Surgical intervention is resorted to only in cases where the bend interferes with fertilization or causes severe pain. As a rule, after childbirth the uterus returns to its normal position.

A bend may occur if the following factors are present:

  • frequent constipation;
  • inflammatory processes in the rectum or uterus
  • ovarian cyst or fibroid;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • abortions.

The bend may also be due to a structural feature or congenital pathology.

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Dropping or prolapse

This pathology is observed in 50% of women over 50 years of age. There are several stages of development of this disease. Depending on the stage of uterine prolapse or prolapse, doctors resort to various methods of treating this pathology. At earlier stages, conservative treatment methods are used - medications and physical therapy. Doctors resort to surgical treatment methods only in extreme cases, in the absence of contraindications.

Note! For minor uterine prolapse, conservative treatment is used. In this case, the walls of the body do not extend beyond the vagina.

If a woman has contraindications to surgery, doctors recommend using special vaginal rings that help secure the uterus inside the body.

Causes of uterine prolapse:

It is worth remembering that the location of the uterus may also depend on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. There are many congenital pathologies of the uterus in which its location will change.

In order to determine the presence of pathology associated with the placement of the uterus, you need to monitor your body and consult a doctor in a timely manner. In order to avoid acquired pathologies that affect the location of the organ, it is necessary to eat properly, avoid stress, perform basic physical exercises and monitor the general condition of the whole body.

Female uterus: what is it, what does it look like and where is it located?

Not every woman understands exactly where the organs of her reproductive system are located. Therefore, when pain occurs, representatives of the fair sex often cannot understand what is bothering them. Many of them do not know where the uterus is. But this is one of the most important organs of a woman, performing many functions. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Structure and physiological changes of the uterus

The pelvic cavity is where the uterus is located. It is located in the lower part of the abdominal region. What does the uterus look like? Normally, it looks like an inverted pear. This is a cavity organ, the wall of which consists mainly of muscle tissue up to 3 cm thick. In front of it is the bladder. The posterior part is in contact with the anterior surface of the rectum.

The pelvic and uterine axis are in the same plane, which is considered normal. In addition, it may be slightly inconsistent. This is also not a pathology and does not require action.

The location of the uterus is influenced by the ligaments located on the sides and performing the function of holding it in the required position. Pathology is considered to be a strong deviation of the organ from the pelvic axis. It can descend, fall out, be located behind the rectum, or bend.

The weight of the uterus in a nulliparous woman does not exceed 50 grams. After the birth of a child, it increases one and a half to two times, reaching 100 g. In addition, the size of the organ matters. Its length in women who do not have children is approximately 7 cm and its width is 4 cm. During pregnancy, the uterus stretches. After childbirth, it shrinks, but it no longer decreases to its previous size. The longitudinal and transverse dimensions increase by 2-3 cm.

The uterus consists of the fundus, body and cervix. The fundus is the area located above the conventional line passing through the fallopian tubes. The body of the organ in a triangular section starts from the fundus and continues to the uterine constriction.

The cervix is ​​a continuation of the previous part and makes up the entire rest of the uterus. It opens into the vagina and consists of three parts - anterior, posterior and a section located above the vagina. The latter, in women who do not have children, resembles a cut cone, and in those who have given birth, it is cylindrical in shape.

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The inside of the neck is covered by a layer of epithelium. The part that is visible in the vaginal cavity is covered by stratified squamous epithelium, which is not prone to keratinization. The remaining segment is lined with glandular epithelial cells.

The place of transition from one type to another is of important clinical significance. Dysplasia often occurs in this area, which, if left untreated, can turn into a cancerous tumor.

The frontal section of the organ is similar to a triangle. Its acute angle is directed downwards. A fallopian tube opens into the uterus on each side. The base of the triangle passes into the cervical canal, preventing the release of mucus produced by the glandular epithelium. This secretion has antiseptic properties and kills bacteria heading into the abdominal cavity. The cervical canal has two openings. One protrudes into the uterus, the second into the vaginal cavity.

The cervical canal is round or resembles a transverse slit. The place where the body meets the neck is called the isthmus. Here, a woman's uterus is often ruptured during the birthing process.

The uterine wall has three layers: the outer layer is the serous membrane, the middle layer is the muscle fibers that form the basis of the organ, and the inner layer is the mucous membrane. In addition, the parametrium is distinguished - this is fatty tissue that is located in front and on the side of the uterus, in the space between the sheets of the largest ligament. It contains vessels that provide nutrition to the organ.

Contractility is influenced by sex hormones. It is the muscle layer that ensures the birth of a child. The internal pharynx and isthmus also play a certain role in this process.

The mucous layer (endometrium) is covered with epithelial cells. It is smooth and divided into two sublayers. The surface sublayer has a variable thickness. Before menstruation, it is rejected, which is accompanied by bleeding.

The surface layer is also important for gestation. The fertilized egg is attached to it. The basal sublayer is like the base of the mucous layer. Its function is to ensure the restoration of the surface epithelium. It contains tubular glands that reach the muscle fibers.

The serosa is the outer covering layer of a woman's uterus. It lines the muscles of the bottom and body outside. On the sides it passes to other organs.

It forms a vesicouterine cavity near the bladder. The connection with it is carried out through fiber. At the back, the peritoneum passes onto the vagina and rectum, forming the rectouterine cavity. It is closed by serous folds, which consist of connective tissue cells. They also contain some smooth muscle fibers.

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Functions of the uterus and deviations in its structure

The main function of a woman's uterus is the ability to bear a fetus. It is provided by the muscles of the middle layer. It contains smooth muscle fibers that intertwine with each other. This structure allows the muscles to stretch during pregnancy as the fetus grows. In this case, there is no violation of tone.

The female uterus and the ligaments surrounding it are supplied by the uterine and ovarian arteries. The outflow is carried out by the venous uterine plexus, which is located in the broad ligament. From it, blood flows into the ovarian, uterine and internal sacral veins.

During gestation, these vessels can expand significantly, allowing the absorption of placental blood. Lymph flows into the external iliac and inguinal nodes. Innervation is carried out by many nerves.

In addition to ensuring implantation and fetal development, a healthy uterus performs the following functions:

  • protects other organs of the pelvic cavity from infection through the vagina;
  • provides menstrual function;
  • participates in sexual intercourse, creating conditions for fertilization of the egg;
  • strengthens the pelvic floor.

Along with the normal (pear-shaped) uterus, there are also abnormal types. These include:

A unicornuate uterus occurs in every tenth woman with a developmental anomaly. It is formed as a result of slowing down the growth of the Müllerian ducts on one side. Half of patients with this diagnosis cannot have children. They also experience pain during intimacy.

A bicornuate uterus develops due to incomplete fusion of the Müllerian ducts. Often it is bilobed. In rare cases, two cervixes are observed. The vagina sometimes has a septum. In appearance, such a uterus resembles a heart.

The saddle shape is quite common. In this case, a saddle-shaped depression is formed in the bottom. This abnormal structure often does not cause any symptoms. May appear during pregnancy. Sometimes patients with a saddle uterus bear a child without problems. But there are also miscarriages or premature births.

A double uterus usually does not cause much trouble. The presence of two vaginas can be observed at the same time. Fetal development is possible in both uteruses.

A uterus whose length does not exceed 8 cm is considered small. At the same time, the proportions of the body and cervix, as well as all functions of the uterus, are preserved.

The infantile uterus is 3-5 cm long. The relationship between the body and the cervix is ​​incorrect, the latter is elongated. The rudimentary uterus is the remains of an organ that in most cases does not perform its function.

The uterus is one of the main organs of the female body. In its cavity, fertilization and development of the unborn child occurs. Thanks to this, she actually ensures continuation of the family.

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2018 Blog about women's health.

Probably all women have a fear of being unprotected and exposed to ovarian diseases. After all, it is in these organs that the process of formation of the most important cells for conception - eggs - occurs. Especially in winter, many people complain of a predisposition to problems in the sexual sphere. According to doctors, even mild hypothermia can cause infertility. How to recognize and identify the disease quickly and, most importantly, independently? The most important thing is to know where the ovaries are and the location of pain in the event of a particular pathology.

General information about the ovaries and their location

Why is it so important for a young and inexperienced woman to know where the ovaries are located? The point is that if the first symptoms arise, she will be able to quickly determine their source. This will reduce the likelihood of complications, and there will be an awareness of what you have to fight with. This especially applies to young girls who do not have enough information on this topic.

It is important to convey to the younger generation how useful and effective it is to know the normal sizes of the ovaries, because in many diseases their cells and tissues tend to hypertrophy. In other words, growth occurs, affecting where one or both affected organs will be located.

The location of the ovaries changes during the disease, causing certain symptoms. Normally, these organs are characterized by a length of 20 to 40 mm, and a width ranging from 15 to 25 mm. As for thickness, it is considered normal at values ​​from 15 to 25 mm. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will order the patient to undergo a diagnostic examination in order to clearly determine the location and shape of the appendages.

For example, signs of displacement include:

  • nagging, occasionally sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • spasms in the side, unrelated to diseases and changes in the condition of the intestines;
  • characterized by a gradual increase in discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the abdomen;
  • swelling of the ovaries (it can be determined by ultrasound).

Being a paired female organ, the ovary, located in the pelvic cavity, is located on both sides of the body of the uterus. In the area of ​​the ovarian fossa, it is attached with the help of a neurovascular ligament to the inner surface of the pelvis. The fallopian tubes, which extend from the ovaries, connect the appendages to the uterus, uniting them into one. If you seriously ask yourself where the ovaries are in women, you will have to study information from books on anatomy.

What is the peculiarity of the location of the appendages?

It is important to emphasize that the location of the ovaries has its own nuances. To accurately determine them, you will need the help of reliable sources. According to information presented in the anatomical literature, these paired organs are located deep in the pelvis.

Normally, the ovary differs from the left one in size, and in addition they are located at slightly different levels. This is explained by the fact that, under the weight of its own weight, one ovary is slightly lowered down. The uterus has a broad ligament with it, which holds it in the required position and prevents it from descending. The ovaries, in turn, articulate with it through the mesentery, and in the pelvic cavity the genitals are tightly held precisely thanks to the ligaments.

During pregnancy, the appendages can change their normal anatomical position. This is very important, because during such a difficult period, the uterus gradually begins to take up more and more space. In this case, the distance between the uterus and the appendages is reduced, and one of the ovaries is closer to it. Nature has foreseen everything, and if from an anatomical point of view the internal genital organs do not have deviations, a change in the localization of the ovaries does not pose any danger.

Not only the period of gestation, but also various pathological conditions can lead to changes in the position and shape of these glands. The main thing is to identify them in time, and having identified the symptoms and causes of the disease, begin adequate treatment as soon as possible. If you visualize the appendages, that is, imagine them along the anterior abdominal wall, they will be located in the lower abdomen, just above the inguinal folds. The pain often begins to bother the right or left side above the pubis.

Pathological changes in the location of the ovaries

The left ovary will tell you that they have begun to develop in the pelvis.
It is fixed firmly, so ligament rupture cannot occur. However, at this time, connective tissue cords tighten the organs, bringing them as close as possible. This process is dangerous because if the ovary is located behind or above the uterus, it can be injured. Thus, if it is discovered that the ovary is located at or above the rib of the uterus, urgent treatment, usually surgical, is indicated. There are often cases when, based on the results of an ultrasound examination, a syndrome is determined - the maturation of 8 or more follicles in just 1 cycle.

This or that pathology rarely changes the correct position of the ovaries in the body in a short period of time. This is only possible with a congenital or acquired anomaly. Under the influence of inflammation, suppuration or other pathological processes, internal organs gradually change their configuration and are displaced.

For example, after a difficult and long labor, some women experience uterine prolapse. This happens due to overstrain of the muscles in the small pelvis, then changes occur, and the ligaments lose their ability to hold organs. It also happens otherwise - weak and inelastic muscle fibers suddenly cease to cope with the function assigned to them. It all depends on the functional ability of muscle tissue.

If the level at which one of the ovaries is located is too high, this can lead to difficulties in planning and conceiving a child. To know, where are both ovaries located? It’s not difficult, the main thing is to have the intention to immediately consult a gynecologist for advice at the first manifestations of pathology. All this is necessary for only one thing - not to worry about your health and to be confident in your capabilities. It will never hurt to study the structure of your body, and in particular the ovaries.

So last year I was in a hurry, there were four protocols in a year, there was still no result, only side effects were superfluous.

podruzka//, Thank you! I will now look for a complex on iHerb without B12. I was methylg before this.

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Ovaries in women - location

This paired female organ, part of the reproductive system, performs reproductive and secretory functions. The location of the ovaries in women is the same - on the sides of the uterus. The outer side of the glands is attached by a neurovascular ligament to the surface of the pelvis, in the area of ​​the ovarian fossa. The fallopian tubes depart from the ovaries, which actually connect the uterus and glands. In gynecology, the collection of ovaries and fallopian tubes is usually called appendages.

Features of the topology of the female reproductive glands

Having figured out where the ovaries are located in women, it should be noted that normally they are not located at the same level, and one of them is larger than the other (usually the right one).

If we talk exactly where the ovaries are located, then in the anatomical literature you can find the following formulation: deep in the pelvic cavity, behind and on both sides of the uterus. In this case, the glands, with the help of their mesentery, are articulated with the broad uterine ligament, which is equipped with a large number of vascular and nerve endings. It is thanks to the ligaments that the ovary itself has some mobility, which allows its location to be changed, for example, during pregnancy. Only this arrangement of the left and right ovaries is considered normal.

However, not only gestation can lead to changes in the localization of glands.

What changes in the location of the ovaries exist and what do they mean?

If you project the ovaries onto the anterior abdominal wall, then this will be the lower abdomen, directly above the inguinal folds. It is in this area that women note the appearance of pain in the presence of glandular diseases.

This phenomenon, when the ovaries are located close to the uterus, cannot be called a disorder. Most often, this is noted due to the presence of pregnancy, when, as a result of an increase in the volume of the uterus, the distance between these two organs is reduced. In this case, the left ovary is predominantly located close to the uterus, due to the fact that it is initially lower than the right one.

When the left ovary is located directly at the rib of the uterus, doctors try to exclude such a disorder as pelvic adhesions. It is their presence that can lead to changes in the localization of glands. In such cases, connective tissue cords seem to pull the ovary towards the uterus, and sometimes it is located high or behind it. Ultrasound may indicate the presence of a multifollicular ovary - maturation of more than 8 follicles in one cycle.

What symptoms may indicate a malposition of the ovaries?

The most common cause of this disorder is an inflammatory process, which can be localized both in the reproductive system and in the pelvis, in particular.

This process is accompanied by swelling and enlargement of the gland, which is easy to determine using ultrasound, and in some cases even by palpation. In this case, the woman faces symptoms such as:

  • pain in the suprapubic region, radiating to the lower back, buttocks, and groin;
  • most often the pain appears only on one side;
  • pain is characterized by its inconstancy.

It is the latter fact that determines the woman’s late visit to the doctor, who often thinks that this is a temporary phenomenon that will pass on its own.

It is also worth noting that often, especially inexperienced doctors, mistake such symptoms for an acute abdomen - peritonitis, which is characteristic of appendicitis. However, the main distinguishing feature is the fact that the patient herself, with pain in the ovaries, is not in a state of agitation, which is usually accompanied by constant changes in body position and search for a comfortable position.

Thus, it is worth saying that the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen should always be a reason to consult a doctor, whose task is to establish the cause and prescribe treatment.

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Changes in the location of female reproductive organs

Often, after an ultrasound examination of the pelvis, the gynecologist reveals that a woman’s ovary is located behind the uterus. This phenomenon frightens patients; many questions arise about the danger of such an arrangement of organs. But is this something worth worrying about? If the ovary is behind the uterus, what does this mean?

Ovaries in women

Normally, each ovary is located on the side of the uterus. When viewed from the abdomen, these organs are located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, directly under the inguinal folds. They are attached to the surface of the small pelvis by a ligament of nerves and blood vessels. This area is called the ovarian fossa.

From there the fallopian tubes go to the uterus. The reproductive organs in question have their own peculiarity of location, namely that they are located asymmetrically in relation to each other - one is located slightly higher than the other. Also, the size of the organs is slightly different. Usually the right ovary is larger and heavier than the one on the left. In shape and color they are absolutely identical.

Normally, the reproductive organ has the following dimensions: length, width, thickness, mm. If there are minor discrepancies, within a few millimeters, then most likely this indicates the individual characteristics of the woman. If the size is much higher than normal, then there is a reason to visit a doctor.

Disorders of the ovaries

It happens that the ovary is located behind the uterus, located close to it and forming an inflection. At the same time, patients often feel pain if any diseases develop in the reproductive organs. Doctors do not consider this disorder pathological.

Usually the bend is observed during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that when the uterus increases, the distance between it and the appendages decreases. In this case, the left ovary is located closer to the uterine cavity, because it is located below the right organ from the very beginning.

The location of the left ovary may indicate the presence of adhesions in the pelvis. Because of them, cords of connective tissue tighten the organs, so they extend behind the uterus and are located close to each other. As a result of this change, women are often diagnosed with multifollicular syndrome during ultrasound examination. This phenomenon means that over 8 follicles mature in one cycle.

The ovaries can be harmed by their incorrect location, and these organs may be injured. Therefore, this pathology requires urgent treatment. Women are usually prescribed surgery.

The appendages can change their location due to prolapse of the uterus. It may be located too low after a difficult, prolonged labor. During this process, muscle tissue becomes overstrained, losing its ability to support organs. It’s not just after this that muscles can become weak. It’s rare, but it happens that they suddenly stop coping with their functions.

Signs indicating a violation of the location of organs

Often the reasons for the incorrect location of the appendages lie in the development of inflammation. It does not matter whether the pathological process was located directly in the uterine appendages or other pelvic organs. This condition causes swelling, enlargement, and bending of the ovary behind the uterus. This is determined by palpation or ultrasound.

The woman also experiences pain above the pubis, radiating to the lumbar, gluteal, and groin areas of the body. Pain syndrome when bending appears only on one side and bothers patients intermittently. If you find at least one sign of pathology, you should immediately see a doctor.

The bend is similar in its clinical picture to peritonitis and appendicitis. Therefore, doctors, especially those who have recently been practicing, often confuse these pathologies. But there is a main distinguishing feature of pain in the ovaries. It lies in the fact that a woman constantly tries to find a position that allows her to quickly eliminate the unpleasant sensation.

If such symptoms are observed, then you should urgently visit a doctor. Under no circumstances should the bending of organs be ignored. It can cause some diseases of the reproductive system that should be eliminated immediately.

It is useful for every woman to know what size the ovaries should be and how they are normally located. After all, some pathologies of these organs are accompanied by an increase in their parameters. As a result of proliferation, the ovaries can change their location, forming a bend.

If a girl knows what signs appear in such cases, she will be able to quickly determine their source and promptly inform the doctor. This will reduce the risk of developing serious complications, which can be difficult to cure.

The ovary is located behind the uterus!

Girls, tell me, maybe someone has had this happen! In February I had a lapara, the ovaries were placed in the right place, they are ovulating, but when I got pregnant for the first time (I had a stiosis), my left ovary was hurting throughout the entire pregnancy, it was just shooting and aching... Now I’m pregnant again, but he still doesn’t stop whining, it’s an infection... On The ultrasound said it had moved behind the uterus, but that’s okay! There is no inflammation, no cysts or anything else! It's the right size! Maybe there are some adhesions there? But in this cycle it was this particular ovary that ovulated and it turned out B... I ask the doctors a question, I complain about it, but they say this happens because of its displacement, no big deal... Even during an ultrasound, they constantly look for it for a long time, and when they find it, the device presses on the ovary and becomes very painful! I wouldn’t say that it torments me a lot in everyday life, but it’s kind of scary... Especially when I go to the toilet (I apologize) or push, I feel it right away... In general, I don’t know who to ask anymore (((

there is nothing criminal in this, get used to it, after a CS, my left ovary “floats” back and forth - sometimes it’s in a normal position, sometimes it’s behind the uterus, there’s a small commissure on the left side. It’s okay, I have a little time left to walk, well, sometimes things bother me - but I’m used to it.

Most likely your peculiarity is this: someone’s uterus is not simple, someone’s uterus is bent, your ovary is displaced.

This happened after the operation, and after the cleaning it also worsened..

behind the uterus is it like this: above the bottom of the uterus, on the side wall of the pelvis? Otherwise, I also have periodic pain, especially during sexual intercourse, maybe that’s why?

When I did an ultrasound before pregnancy, they told me it couldn’t be visualized, then there was no such thing, here it was behind the uterus. It was also painful, especially before and during menstruation, and then it took it and fell into place itself... because at 5 weeks of pregnancy it was on this ovary that it appeared yellow body and as the uzist said, there is nothing to complain about. So what else will fall into place... the doctor told me that he could hide from an infection like that)))

Anyut, my left ovary is also located behind the uterus. My doctor told me not to do anything, and didn’t mention any contraindications to B

Well, yes. because it rubs

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adhesion of the ovary to the uterus

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Over 50 years of working as a surgeon, many stories and situations remain in my memory. I hope the reader will give them ethical assessments and determine for himself “what is good and what is bad.”

An associate should be understood as a symbiosis of protozoal-microbial-viral infectious agents, including opportunistic and non-pathogenic microflora, competitively interacting with each other, causing an individual immune response in tissues.

Questions and answers on: adhesion of the ovary to the uterus

I am 31 years old. Childbirth - 1 (5 years ago), abortions - 0. Menstruation is regular (cycle 28 days). The only complaints are low blood pressure (100/60) and constipation.

Help decipher the ultrasound results:

Day of examination - 14th day of MC

The body of the uterus in the pelvis occupies a midline position. The angle of the uterine body with the cervix is ​​pronounced. In relation to the anterior abdominal wall, the uterus is slightly tilted posteriorly. The body of the uterus is slightly enlarged in size 59*48*54mm. The contours are clear, slightly wavy. The structure of the myometrium is heterogeneous. Myometrium of heterogeneous echo density.

Fibromatous nodes are present and located in the posterior wall on the right: intramural-subserous with a diameter of 16*14 mm, a capsule of medium echo density, the internal structure is homogeneous, isoechoic, with typical peripheral vascularization in CDK and without ultrasound signs of malnutrition and growth.

The uterine cavity is not dilated, has a regular triangular shape, and is not deformed M-echo 8.7 mm. The endometrium is three-layered, of medium echogenicity with clear, even contours, consistent with periovulation.

The cervix is ​​not enlarged 32*22*34mm with clear, even contours. Internal echostructure with single small retention cystic inclusions up to 5 mm. The cervical canal is not dilated and does not contain pathological visible inclusions.

Right ovary: located behind the uterus. Dimensions 30*15*26 mm, normal sizes. Volume 6.3 cu. see. Echodensity is reduced, the structure is cystic. Antral follicles with a diameter of 8-9 mm are located within the ovary. Ovarian capsule - periovarial fibrosis.

Left ovary: located slightly behind the uterus. Dimensions 45*32*39 mm slightly larger than normal sizes. Echo density is reduced. The structure is cystic. The ovary contains antral follicles with a diameter of 3-5 mm in an amount of 5 at the lower pole of the cyst. The ovary in the upper pole contains a single-chamber liquid formation of irregular dumbbell shape with clear uneven contours, a thick capsule, without septal septa, the contents are suspended and opalescent. Dimensions are small 26*16 mm. From the posterior wall there is distal echo enhancement. With CDK it is avascular.

The fallopian tubes are not dilated.

There are no volumetric formations in the pelvis.

Free fluid in the retrouterine space is located up to 12 cubic cm. Adhesions/accessible to ultrasound examination/are determined between the ovaries and the uterus. The bladder is of regular shape, the contents are transparent, the walls are thin.

Conclusion: Nodular leiomyoma of the uterine body of small size. Small cyst of the left ovary. According to ultrasound signs it is endometrioid. Ultrasound signs of a chronic inflammatory process in the MT. Retroflexio of the uterus.

Again I turn to you for help.

Brief background: frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks, discovered at 12 weeks. Vacuum. 3 weeks after the vacuum, an ultrasound showed signs of internal endometriosis and adhesions between the right ovary and the uterus.

UTERUS. Dimensions: posterior - 6.1cm, anterior - posterior -4.2cm, transverse - 5cm. Structure with endometrial heterotopias. Endometrium 0.4 cm, heterogeneous.

OVARIES. Levi's ovary. Dimensions: depth -4.5cm, width - 3.2cm.H

Structure with anechogenic inclusions up to 2.38 cm.

The right ovary reaches the uterus along the posterior wall of the uterus. Structure of the visible part with anechogenic inclusions.

Behind the uterus there is a natural habitat.

Treatment was prescribed - jazz or tazalok for 3 months according to the regimen, gynolen and wobenzym (3-5 tablets 3 times a day) also for 3 months.

I’m unlikely to take Wobenzym, it’s expensive, and the relationship to the diagnosis is indirect. But regarding the remaining appointments, please express your opinion.

And as far as I understand, adhesions and endometriosis are practically not amenable to drug treatment. Is this really true?

What are the chances of getting pregnant and giving birth with such diagnoses?

Thank you very much for helping.

Menstruation is regular, but painful.

Tell me, is there a chance that endometriosis has been cured? (or did I never have one?)

Could a doctor have diagnosed endometriosis initially without an ultrasound?

How abnormal is my endometrial thickness?

To what extent do ovarian adhesions make it difficult to get pregnant?

I am sincerely grateful to you for your answers.

right ovary: dimensions 30*22mm, location near the cervix, normal echogenicity; normal structure

Left ovary: size 28*17mm, location high; echogenicity is normal; normal structure

Focal formations are not identified.

The dominant follicle is 12 mm in the right ovary.

Fallopian tubes: on the right is a tube with a diameter of 5 mm. Two adhesions are located between the right ovary and the uterus

free fluid in the pelvis is not detected.

and the question is, is it worth trying to get pregnant on the right ovary or not risk it due to adhesions and wait until the follicle matures in the left ovary? and what does increased pipe diameter mean?

Why is the ovary soldered or located behind the uterus?

If the ovary is soldered to the uterus, then this indicates the presence of an adhesive process, as a result of which the appendage fuses with the genital organ. At the same time, scars form and blood supply processes are disrupted, which prevents conception.

Causes of pathology

The main cause of displacement of the appendage is adhesions in the pelvis. The occurrence of an adhesive process in which the right ovary (or left) is affected is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Gynecological operations (abortion, cesarean section), when the integrity of the appendage is disrupted, which provokes deviations in the processes of blood clotting and cell restoration. Instead of regeneration, connective tissue is formed, gluing organs together.
  2. Concomitant pathologies of the reproductive sphere (cyst, endometritis, etc.). Due to the affected cells, the stroma of the appendages suffers, and the processes of local blood supply are disrupted. Abnormal cells begin to divide, pathological tissues grow, which leads to the appearance of scars.
  3. The ovary is pulled towards the uterus under the influence of the following factors:
  • violation of the rules for inserting an intrauterine device;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • endometriosis, in which the tissue of the uterine lining extends beyond its limits;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • use of antibacterial agents;
  • ruptures during labor;
  • hypothermia;
  • performing hysteroscopy.

Symptoms that the ovary is attached to the uterus

If the left ovary (or right) is located close to the uterus, then at the initial stage of the pathology there may be no symptoms. Sometimes the clinical picture unfolds several years after the start of the process. The following symptoms occur:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, migrating to the lumbar region;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort during sports, intimacy;
  • painful periods;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the intestines;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bloody or yellow-green discharge.

A woman has a slight pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left. Changes in unilateral localization and increased severity of the symptom often indicate a complication - a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes. In this case, menstruation is often delayed by 2-3 months.

Diagnosis of pathology

To discover that the ovary is located behind the uterus, a gynecological examination alone is not enough. An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is required. If this method does not reveal the adhesive process, then laparoscopy is performed. Additionally, MRI is used, which makes it possible to detect small changes in the reproductive system.

Ovarian displacement is also diagnosed by other methods, for example, hysterosalpingography - an x-ray examination in which a contrast agent is injected into the cavity of the reproductive organ and fallopian tubes. The procedure is performed from days 5 to 11 of the cycle. Additionally, the patient is recommended to take a vaginal smear for microflora.

Treatment of pathology

If the ovary is located behind the uterus, at the initial stage of the pathology it is possible to use medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • suppositories (for example, Longidase);
  • drugs that eliminate inflammation;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins and microelements.

It is useful to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis with the introduction of magnesium, calcium and zinc through the skin). Thanks to this treatment, the adhesions become thinner and stretched. The patient may be prescribed sanatorium treatment (including mineral waters).

Then, when the ovary is close to the uterus, physical activity is recommended. In advanced cases, laparoscopy is performed, the purpose of which is to separate and eliminate tissues connected to each other. After the operation, a special film is applied to the appendages. In addition, a barrier fluid is used to prevent the formation of new adhesions.

During the rehabilitation period, antibiotics and medications are used, the action of which is aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots. The effectiveness of the surgical intervention is then assessed. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. Laparoscopy does not provide a 100% guarantee that the adhesive process will not return again and the ovary will not move again.

Other treatments:

  • laser therapy based on the impact of special rays;
  • electrosurgery aimed at eliminating damaged tissues with high-frequency current;
  • aquadissection, in which adhesions are dissected using a water stream.

Chances of pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, the bending of the ovary behind the uterus (left or right) is often a manifestation of the adhesive process. Difficulties in getting pregnant are caused by a violation of the anatomically correct location of the reproductive organs.

A woman who finds out that her ovary has gone behind the uterus, of course, doubts the possibility of conception. To normalize the condition of the reproductive organs, the help of a qualified gynecologist is required.

To get pregnant, you need to undergo treatment. If it is not effective, then IVF is performed. Since adhesions increase the risk of attachment of the fertilized egg outside the reproductive organ, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate it.

Possible complications

First of all, the gynecologist must assess how mobile the ovaries are and identify the true cause of the displacement. Once a definitive diagnosis is made, treatment is required. Otherwise, the following complications may occur:

  • transition of the adhesive process to neighboring organs, which is fraught with their displacement;
  • disruption of the relationship between the uterus and appendages;
  • deterioration of fallopian tube patency;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • problems with ovulation;
  • bend of the uterus;
  • infertility.

In addition, if the ovary is close to the uterus, this can lead to its prolapse. With timely initiation of therapy, serious consequences can usually be avoided, so every woman is recommended to undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist and not delay a visit to the doctor if there are suspicious symptoms.

Possible ovarian diseases, their symptoms and treatment

Causes, symptoms and treatment of resistant ovarian syndrome

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The ovary is located behind the uterus

NOT a very happy report from Reindeer. Planning.

Hi all! I went to the doctor today. In general, I have 6 eggs maturing in one ovary, and 15 in the second. Moreover, this ovary is located behind the uterus, which is why I feel so uncomfortable. The doctor reduced the dose of puregon by 3 times, she says there is a high risk of developing hyperstimulation: (((now inject not 150 units, but 50 units. Be sure to see her on Monday, keep an eye on her. And now a nurse called an hour ago and asked to come tomorrow to give estradiol , I’ll go in the morning, it’s good that they gave me the car.

So what now? Planning a pregnancy

Yesterday an ultrasound determined that my uterus is displaced to the left, the left ovary is behind the uterus and the right one is slightly displaced! So what should I do now? Does anyone know how serious this is, is it possible to conceive with this arrangement? What should I tell my husband now? Thank you.

Problems with conceiving a child.

If you and your partner have had unprotected sex for a year and still have not been able to conceive, then you have problems with infertility. There could be several reasons for this problem. In men, one of the main causes of infertility is low sperm count. In women, the cause of infertility may be uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, and blockage of the fallopian tubes. Also, when a woman is over 30 years old, her reproductive system begins to show signs.

Ovarian tumors in girls.

The problem of treating tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovaries remains relevant throughout the world. Among diseases of the reproductive system in girls, tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovaries occur from 1.7% to 4.6%, according to various sources. The appearance and growth of an ovarian tumor in girls most often does not cause any complaints. The tumor can reach a significant size and be accidentally discovered during a routine examination of the girl. Pain usually occurs when there is a violation.

Intimate hygiene of girls during puberty

Puberty is the most important and exciting period in a girl's life. It can be compared to the transformation of a doll into a butterfly; the transformation of a little girl into a beautiful girl requires strength from the girl’s body, and patience and attention from the mothers of future beauties. Correct and consistent puberty begins with adrenarche - the appearance of the first rod hairs (puberty) on the skin of the labia majora, pubis and armpits. This most often coincides with the progressive.

Question about the cyst!. Planning a pregnancy

Good evening! I already wrote once that I am planning a second one! I had an ultrasound today and they found a cyst on the right ovary.:(This has never happened before. The doctor told me to wait until I get pregnant and drink Diana-35 for three months. I asked her what could cause a cyst? She said it could be a problem with hormones. So Maybe it’s better to get tested for hormones first. She says, no, drink for 3 months, we’ll see what you can say about such prescriptions? And in general, who has encountered such a problem, how?

I was also told that it was hormones... That's probably true. In any case, all the signs are there. However, this did not prevent me from becoming pregnant twice and giving birth normally. So I don't think you need to worry. You need to drink what the doctor said.

Features of the hormonal status of girls with uterine uteri.

The most common disease of the reproductive system of girls is uterine bleeding during puberty (PUB), which accounts for about 50% of all visits to the gynecologist by teenage girls. Uterine bleeding during puberty occurs with a frequency of 10% to 37.5%. Uterine bleeding during puberty is a multifactorial disease caused by a complex of causes, including bacterial or viral infection, hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, etc.

I don’t like my ultrasound :(. Pregnancy planning

Hello! Won't you look? An ultrasound was done on day 11 of the cycle. I am printing from the protocol: the uterus is in antiflex (if disassembled correctly) Contours are smooth, the structure is homogeneous Dimensions 4.8 x 3.0 x 3.8 cm The uterine cavity is not dilated, not deformed Endometrium 0.7 cm - phase I Ovaries: Left - dimensions: 3.5 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm there is a cyst with heterogeneous contents 2.3 cm Right - located at the rib of the uterus, structure - normal, dimensions 2.2 x 1.2 x 1.4 cm Conclusion : Left ovarian cyst (corpus luteum cyst.

A control ultrasound is needed after the trace. mens, only then will it become clear about the corpus luteum cyst, and not after 6 months. after 6 months, the corpus luteum cyst has the right to reappear. Before doing anything, you need to try for a year

Women's health insurance

The international insurance company Metlife offers Russian women to take advantage of the “Harmony” insurance program. The program is intended for women aged 18 to 65 years and provides a payment of 1 million rubles in the event of the development of oncological (breast, cervical and ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular diseases. Depending on age, the list of insurance coverage changes: 18–34 years old: insurance covers “female” types of cancer (breast, uterine, cervical, etc.).

Is it possible to detect oncology at the preclinical stage?

How to prevent the development of oncology at the preclinical stage, and therefore before the appearance of complaints and manifestations, or make sure that you are out of danger? Specially developed programs of the Treatment Center will help you with this. The programs are aimed at diagnosing and monitoring therapy for prostate, testicular, ovarian, cervical and endometrial cancer, pancreatic, gallbladder, bile duct, stomach, liver, intestinal and lung cancer. “ONCORISK - Laboratory assessment of cancer risk.

Operative gynecology and general surgery.

Operative gynecology offers surgical treatment of gynecological diseases, both traditional approaches (vaginal or laparotomy), and laparoscopic operations (hysterectomy, extirpation of the cervical stump, ovarian resection, treatment of uterine fibroids - myomectomy, corrective operations for a bicornuate and unicornuate uterus with the presence of a rudimentary horn , colpopoiesis from the pelvic peritoneum, surgical correction of stress urinary incontinence, prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs.

I don’t understand anything :(. Planning pregnancy

The situation is this: the third cycle of clost stimulation. At 13 d.c. DF was 17 mm. The doctor said that O. is about to happen, the picture is very good for B. Like, let’s try our best. I injected myself with rotten and we tried our best for 13 d.c. and 15 d.c. Today is 17 d.c. - We will also work in the evening. Both sides hurt, it even hurt in my leg, tests for O. streaked for 2 days. It seems like everything should go according to plan. But. BT never rose above 36.6. What does this mean, there was no O.? Respectively.

MariaMM's question is endometriosis. Planning a pregnancy

Dear Maria Mikhailovna! Please consult. Thank you very much in advance. Because I’m all exhausted and I’m worried. On September 14, 2005, an emergency laparoscopy was performed: according to ultrasound, the body of the uterus was 49*31*44 mm, M-echo 7 mm, the right ovary was unchanged, located behind the uterus. The left ovary is in the form of a single-chamber formation with a thick suspension, up to 69*66mm. Diagnosis: endometrioid cyst of the left ovary with perforation, endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum, adhesions in the pelvis. During surgery: laparoscopy.

I was puzzled by the ultrasound results. Planning a pregnancy

I go for folliculometry for the second cycle. In the previous cycle, the left ovary was working, ovulation was fine, the follicle burst on the day, VT, fluid was all as it should be. But in the same cycle they found an endometrial polyp 11x7mm. They advised us to track how he behaves in the second. My right ovary was also poorly visualized (located between the intestinal loops), and was smaller in size than the left (19x9x12 right, 28x20x23 left), but with follicles up to 5 mm. Today's ultrasound slightly puzzled me, 8d.ts.

Pain in the lower abdomen. Community About everything in the world on

I assume that the ovary hurts, every time either in the middle of the cycle, or does not even stop hurting until the onset of menstruation. The pain is mostly nagging, not sharp. All tests are normal, I am visiting a doctor. What could it be?

adhesions. Planning a pregnancy

Girls, tell me whether it is worth sounding the alarm if an ultrasound has detected an adhesion: the right ovary is soldered to the uterus. The commissure is small. A couple of years ago I suffered from inflammation and was cured. The concern is that adhesions may well end up in the fallopian tubes. The gynecologist said that during inflammation, the fallopian tubes are most easily affected. We want a 2nd child, but a little later. Is it necessary to check the patency of the fallopian tubes now? Or live quietly until the moment of “immediate planning”? Could it get worse for this?

get pregnant (“crossover”). Planning a pregnancy

Is it possible to get pregnant this way (“crossover”)? . 2009 Laparoscopy. Adhesiolysis. CSS. Resection of the left ovary (there was a cyst of the left ovary, an anechoic formation with a size of 94 * 57 * 92 mm) When discharged, everything was normal. After undergoing treatment, passing all the tests with my husband, no serious abnormalities were revealed. But the following happens: 2012 Operation - Laporotomy, Tubectomy on the right, Wedge resection of the right ovary. (Diagnosis: tubal pregnancy on the right, Internal bleeding at 8 weeks of gestation.

Is there life after ovarian resection? Planning.

Cysts on both ovaries will need to be removed. who had it? Will I become neuter? And it spreads a lot after hormonal tests? They said that after the operation they would give me six months.

Now on HRT. I’m so worried about what happened that I lost 4 kg in six months.

But, I repeat, I am old.

After removal of the uterus. Women's health

Dear women, share your impressions of those who have undergone surgery to remove the uterus (I am facing this due to a huge fibroid). What are the impressions and consequences? Aren't you getting fat? I heard that after this you can become hooked on hormones for the rest of your life.

Anyone who has to get fat gets fat anyway, but this has nothing to do with having the uterus removed.

They get hooked on hormones - with ovarian pathology, with serious ones.

Here, my friend, for example, has exactly this pathology. And she tried it on hormones (expensive, but she didn’t gain much weight, by the way), and now I recommended homeopathy to her, and she is satisfied and happy.

If there are problems, then you need to think, why bother yourself in the meantime?

Question from Maria MM. Planning a pregnancy

We have been struggling to conceive for the past 0.7 years. We have done all the research at the Sechenov Center for Obstetrics and Genecology. Everything is basically normal, but there is no child. Maria, help us: Tell me, can I be stimulated when the reading is estradiol 174? And one more thing: I did an ultrasound at 5,15,24 days/c and during this cycle an old corpus luteum was observed in the right ovary, but I can assure you that my stomach does not hurt, except during ovulation. At the moment I am taking 2 t of Clostilbegit. from 5-9 d/c. Duphaston 2t sd/cycle.

0.7 years is how much in decimal system 🙂 how many months?

and in any case, this is still not sufficient to diagnose infertility and prescribe clostilbegite.

Everything is fine - specifically, what did you do, what research and what were the results?

echstradiol indicator - on what day of stimulation or non-stimulation, in short, when was it taken? You should take estraliol before stimulation, then after, catch the ovulatory peak, inject an ovulatory dose of hCG, then a maintenance dose. if we stimulate it. and monitor the growth of the follicle - you didn’t write anything about the ultrasound data about the follicle.

In general, write in detail.

My miracle is pregnancy. Diary. 3.

I saw my first G (gynecologist) at 21 DC (3 DPO (day after ovulation)) and was shocked by her words. The gynecologist looked at the ultrasound and said that I might be pregnant! She showed me a spot in the uterus, which she said looked like a developing new life. Miracles. She told me to take a pregnancy test tomorrow morning. I did, it was crystal clear. I still don’t understand what and how G saw in the uterus then... But she really was right! I wanted to believe her, but after the test there was hope.

Is it acceptable to use contraception?

An intrauterine contraceptive device is a small device that is inserted into a woman's uterus as a contraceptive. We are especially interested in the question of whether the mechanism of action of the IUD is abortifacient. A growing body of evidence shows. that yes. To make it easier to understand this issue, let’s consider how a normal pregnancy begins to develop. A mature egg leaves a woman's ovary and enters the fallopian tube. Sperm that enter the fallopian tubes through the uterus.

My miracle is pregnancy. Diary. 4.

27 DC (9 DPO). This is what I wrote on that day: The right ovary (right ovary) still hurts, there was an O in it, and according to the ultrasound there is a corpus luteum of 12 mm (at 25 DC). Stitching influxes, like waves, with a frequency of 5 minutes, and such stabbing pain lasts for about seconds, then subsides, and again after 5 minutes. And this has been going on for about 10 days. The nipples also hurt very much if you touch them (this has been going on since ovulation). This has never happened before, NEVER. I go to G, who was recommended by my sister. Result: Everything is fine. Uterus.

Removal of fibroids, please advise. Women's health

girls, who had it removed, tell me, did they do it vaginally for anyone and what motivated this particular method? I have fibroids of 8 cm, the doctor said that it was too large for laparoscopy. how was it for anyone? and what kind of anesthesia?

Ovarian cysts. Gynecology

For example, the egg “freezes” in the stage of incomplete maturation. And a follicle that has stopped at a certain stage of development, due to the increased production of female hormones by its cells, turns into a follicular cyst, which can sometimes reach 6 cm in diameter. The egg does not leave the ovary, the endometrium - the mucous membrane lining the uterus from the inside - does not mature and menstruation is delayed. Or another option: the corpus luteum, instead of “quiet, calm withering,” begins to develop rapidly, actively produces progesterone and, due to its abundance, is transformed into a luteal cyst. Cysts, the formation of which occurs during the functioning of the ovary (which is why doctors call them functional), do not require surgical treatment. Pos.

Endometrioid cyst and infertility. Planning a pregnancy

Hello girls! I want to tell you about my problem and ask for advice. Really need support! 3 years ago I had an abortion at 3 weeks of pregnancy, using a vacuum. There were no visible complications after the abortion. Then she protected herself with Pharmatex. Menstruation from age 13. First contact at age 21. I was examined by a gynecologist 2 times a year. Examination, analysis of flora and infections. I didn't do an ultrasound. We have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months now. An examination by a doctor showed: 1. The breasts are normal, there are no abnormalities. 2.

The nature of the cyst is often determined by prescribing hormones - if after a month on a control ultrasound it has decreased, then everything is fine, it is simply cured with hormones. Doctors recommend worrying about infertility after a year of living without protection :)))

And what does one ovary have to do with it? A cyst doesn’t mean you don’t have it.

But endometriosis significantly reduces the likelihood of conception - this is a fact, but I don’t want to scare you - after all, most likely you don’t have it, because Its main symptom is considered to be heavy, painful periods, not cysts.

But I myself started to worry after six months.

Girls, dispel my panic! I JUST HAD AN ULTRASOUND.

I accidentally found a medical center and ultrasound not far from me. I called, it was free and I went straight away. informed me that I was planning it, and that after taking OK I had my first cycle and was delayed for the 5th day. At the very beginning, she said that she had a feeling that I was pregnant. I replied that the tests are not striped. Then she said that this condition (liquid or something, I still don’t understand) is associated with the imminent arrival of Mens. She asked if they had told me before that the uterus was enlarged, and I answered that it didn’t seem to be the case, at least.

Infertility. Diagnosis and treatment. Infertility

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility. In vitro fertilization and insemination

During this procedure, small pieces of the lining of the uterus are removed for examination. Laparoscopy is currently widely used to examine the condition of the uterus, tubes and ovaries. Laparoscopy is an operation during which an optical device is inserted into a woman's abdominal cavity through small incisions on the anterior abdominal wall. During laparoscopy, you can not only see the woman’s internal genital organs and adhesions, but also perform surgical intervention (separation of adhesions, coagulation - cauterization - focus.

Spam, flood, provocations, messages of an intrusive nature

After 5 violations you will be switched to reading mode!

Inflammation of the appendages. How will the pregnancy go? Complications.

They promote the movement of the egg through the tube; in addition, many microorganisms, such as chlamydia and mycoplasma, can penetrate these cells and disrupt their functioning with their vital activity. Therefore, the affected cells of the fallopian tubes cannot “deliver” the egg from the ovary to the uterus. As a result of such changes, infertility occurs and an ectopic pregnancy may occur. Manifestations of diseases Whether a woman had inflammation of the appendages before pregnancy can be judged by the results of tests performed before pregnancy, as well as by the presence of the following complaints: moderate, periodic, dull, nagging, aching pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by cooling, as well as menstrual irregularities cycle, which is

Endometriosis. Complications of pregnancy

The adhesive process can prevent the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity, and also lead to difficulty in moving the egg from the abdominal cavity through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. Endocrine disorders that could lead to the development of endometriosis can also cause infertility. Of the organs not related to the reproductive system, endometriosis most often affects the intestines and urinary tract - organs located adjacent to the uterus. In this case, there is bleeding from the rectum, which intensifies during menstruation, false urges to empty the bowel, and frequent scanty urination. In extremely rare cases, damage to the lungs occurs (pain behind the sternum, coughing up blood, worsening during menstruation), eyes (cases of literally “bloody traces” are described).

The diagnosis is made based on the results of the following studies: Examination and palpation of the genital organs (detection of a tumor formation). Ultrasound of the genital organs (can detect endometriosis of the uterus, ovaries and retrouterine space). Laparoscopy if necessary to definitively confirm the diagnosis, to identify small lesions (they are not visible on ultrasound) and to clarify the cause of persistent pain and/or infertility. According to individual indications - hysteroscopy, x-ray examination of the uterus, diagnostic curettage, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.

Ovarian dysfunction. Gynecology

Causes and symptoms of ovarian dysfunction. Treatment and prevention of the disease.

Ectopic pregnancy. What's next? It's all about planning.

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, treatment and preparation for the next pregnancy after an ectopic one

Then the test showed that I was pregnant,

the next day my period came,

They donated blood for hCG and it showed that she was pregnant.

During the week I donated blood, the hCG readings increased

at the beginning 90 then 193, and now 400 ultrasound shows that

There is nothing in the uterus or in the tube, what should I do?

First ultrasound. Ultrasound during pregnancy

What is checked at the first ultrasound during pregnancy?

I am 8 weeks pregnant. At this stage, ultrasound revealed the presence of one fertilized egg and two equal corpora lutea in it (at different “ends” of the egg), but the heart rate was only one beat. Tell me, is there any statistical data on what is the probability of two embryos developing if neither I nor my husband had twins in our family?

The cycle is irregular, on average 31 days, range from 28 to 45. The first day of the last menstruation is 04/23/2008, the previous one is 03/25/2008.

Unprotected sex took place from 4.05 to 9.05. There was no sex either before or after this period.

05/28/2008, obstetric period 5 weeks 1 day - bhCG 14224. Ultrasound result - internal dimensions of the fetal egg 11x5x8, the embryo is not visualized, the yolk sac is not visualized, the myometrial tone is increased.

06/04/2008 obstetric period 6 weeks 1 day. The embryo and yolk sac are visible on ultrasound. CTE 11 mm, diameter of the ovum 30*27 (I forgot the third size, because the results were not given to me). According to ultrasound, the due date is 7 weeks (which, according to my calculations, cannot be).

And most importantly, the heartbeat cannot be heard or viewed.

My question is: how far along am I actually pregnant? Can the embryo be larger than normal at my term? How likely is an error in the diagnosis of doctors!

Help please, I'm all exhausted already!

Stage I: adhesions are located around the fallopian tube and ovary.

If adhesions are located in the pelvic cavity or in the abdominal cavity, they can prevent conception, so it is very important to detect and eliminate them in time. What are adhesions? The organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, rectum) are externally covered with a thin shiny membrane - the peritoneum. The smoothness of the peritoneum, combined with a small amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity, ensures good displacement of the loops.

Time to be careful (critical periods of pregnancy)

D. The preparedness of the uterine mucosa for implantation and its readiness to accept the fertilized egg are also of great importance. After abortion, curettage, long-term wearing of an intrauterine device, infections, inflammatory processes, the receptor (perceiving) apparatus of the endometrium may be disrupted, that is, hormone-sensitive cells located in the uterine mucosa do not respond correctly to hormones, which is why the uterine mucosa is not sufficiently prepared for upcoming pregnancy. If the fertilized egg is not active enough and does not promptly release the required amount of enzymes that destroy the uterine mucosa, then it can penetrate the uterine wall in the lower segment or in the cervix, resulting in cervical pregnancy or abnormal placentation (the placenta blocks the exit.

K. at this time, the laying of all organs and tissues of the fetus occurs. Already on the 7th day after fertilization of the egg, the mother’s body receives a signal of pregnancy thanks to the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is secreted by the fertilized egg. HCG, in turn, supports the development of the corpus luteum in the ovary. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogens in quantities sufficient to maintain pregnancy. At the initial stage of pregnancy, before the formation of the placenta, the corpus luteum takes on the function of hormonal support of pregnancy, and if for one reason or another the corpus luteum does not work fully, then there may be a threat of miscarriage, miscarriage or a non-developing pregnancy. The entire period of organogenesis and placentation, etc.

For no apparent reason. Infertility of unknown origin. Infertility

What is infertility and what tests are performed? Causes of infertility

Successful IVF program for endometriosis

Among women who turn to IVF to overcome infertility, one in five show signs of endometriosis.

Pregnancy and adhesions.. Pregnancy planning

I am planning a second child. Today I went to the gynecologist, and they discovered adhesions in me. I've never encountered this and don't know what it is. Well, I just read a lot of theories on the Internet and it became scary. It turns out it's a serious thing! In which it is difficult to get pregnant and give birth, practically infertility!? Although the gynecologist said that if it doesn’t bother you (nothing hurts), then there’s no need to treat it. Everything is fine. Girls, if anyone has encountered this, please write what it is and how it happens in practice. And what.

After this, the masseuse said that she no longer felt any adhesions. And she advised me to take another picture of the pipes, just in case.

They say that there is Longidaza in suppositories, which is prescribed just for adhesions in the pelvis. It is important how old the adhesions are, because Only relatively fresh ones dissolve. The old ones are surgically excised if, God forbid, they operate on the stomach. It’s also worth noting that after the first CS I had adhesions, but I carried the youngest without any problems (TTT)

HRT with the uterus and one ovary removed. Women's health

Hello! My mother is 51 years old; her uterus was removed due to fibroids 20 years ago, and her ovary was removed 17 years ago. Then my period ended. Now she is suffering from menopause - hot flashes, sweating, etc. She has been taking Klimonorm for almost six months now, and says that it makes her even worse. That is, like a drug addict - as long as she drinks, it’s normal, she’s just finished, but after a week she starts shaking all over and has nightmares. I read on your website that it says that Klimonorm should be taken while the uterus is intact. (Although the gynecologist advised her to drink.

cervical cysts - what to do? Planning a pregnancy

I heard about them for the first time about 2 years ago. The doctor said that they cannot be treated. But their number and size are increasing (judging by ultrasound), in addition to almost constant thrush and repeatedly treated ureaplasma. Question: could these cysts be due to ureaplasma and thrush? Considering the amount of antibiotics consumed, vaginosis is suspected. Tell me what the smear is called, not for infections, but for microorganisms, please. Now about yesterday's ultrasound. On the 7th day of the cycle I already have a 16 mm follicle and an endik.

Report after ultrasound (vag). Planning a pregnancy

Well, what can I tell you:) the procedure is of course unpleasant, sometimes even very unpleasant, but tolerable:) The results are as follows: uterus: 48*49*41. what?:)mm?so small?? typical shape, clear, smooth edges Cervix: no Right ovary: typically located, 28*16*24mm Follicular apparatus: normal 4-5. what? Left ovary: typically located, 27*17*23mm Follicular apparatus: norm 5. what? In general, they said “we can plan” :)) Girls, if there were adhesions, or with eggs. Is there something wrong that she would have seen with an ultrasound?

A displaced ovary is not necessarily an indicator of the presence of adhesions. Mine is shifted so that all the insides are mixed by the sensor while it is being detected. There are no adhesions. There are children :).

I did an ultrasound:(. Pregnancy planning

The woman had no worries, the woman bought a pig 🙁 p/m 01/31/03 Uterus in anteflexio. Me: What is this terrible word? Dimensions of the uterus body: 59x47x54 mm. M-echo 14 mm, heterogeneous. A pinpoint anechoic inclusion of 1 mm is very unclearly recorded. The thickness of the anterior wall of the uterus is 24 mm, the posterior one is 10 mm. Right ovary: 26x17 mm Left ovary: not visualized Me: How can this even be? How can you not detect an ovary? There is no free fluid in the pelvis. Conclusion: Short term pregnancy.

so wait, who told you about 5.5 weeks - menstruation? this is a very unclear guideline. Ovulation could happen at any time.

If you are really waiting, donate blood for beta-hCG. or wait another two weeks :)

The position of the uterus is normal, anteflexio - this means it is deviated forward, as it should be.

the ovary has the right not to be visualized. got tangled up in the intestines 🙂 will be seen another time.

It’s bad that they didn’t say anything about the corpus luteum, but maybe it’s just in that ovary that is not visualized.

oh, I wish I could look at the screen :)

and what - there is a delay, bt, the chest is swollen and the stomach is stretching.

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