Functional MRI examination. Functional magnetic resonance imaging is an effective method for studying the brain

Since June 2009, a group of functional MRI (fMRI) of the brain has been working at the Center for Radiation Diagnostics of the LRC. The group’s specialists conduct both scientific research and patient visits. The group has developed a range of tests for patients who are about to undergo neurosurgery or a rehabilitation program. Tests allow mapping of motor, speech, perceptual and executive functions.

The results obtained as part of fundamental and applied research conducted by the group of functional MRI of the brain were reported at:

  • Moscow Seminar on Cognitive Science (Moscow, 2011, 2014);
  • annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA, Chicago, 2011, 2014);
  • European Radiological Conference (ECR, Vienna, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015);
  • conference “Cognitive science in Moscow: new research” (Moscow, 2011, 2013);
  • II Conference on Functional Neuroimaging (Moscow, 2012);
  • Congress of the Russian Association of Radiologists (Moscow, 2014);
  • ESLP Conference in Rotterdam (Netherlands, 2014);
  • 2nd International Workshop "Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of conscious and unconscious visual perception" (Delmenhorst, 2014);
  • Conference of users of magnetic resonance imaging scanners from SIEMENS “MAGNETOM Club” (2012);
  • V and VI International Conference on Cognitive Science (Kaliningrad, 2012, 2014);
  • V, VI and VIII All-Russian National Congress of Radiation Diagnosticians and Therapists “Radiology-2011, 2012, 2014” (Moscow, 2011, 2012, 2014);
  • “National Congress of Radiologists” (Moscow, 2012);
  • 6th Annual Fulbright Conference (Moscow, 2013);
  • Moscow International Congress dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Romanovich Luria" (2012);
  • European Conference on Visual Perception (Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, 2012);
  • Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS-2012);
  • XIV International Readings in Memory of L.S. Vygotsky;
  • Scientific Conference on Aphasiology (SoA – 2014);
  • Conference “Modern problems of neuropsychology and psychophysiology”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Evgenia Davydovna Chomskaya;
  • “The Great Illusion of Consciousness - 4: phenomena, experiments, models” (St. Petersburg, 2014);
  • series of thematic seminars “fMRI studies of speech: from experimental design to data analysis” (Moscow, 2013);
  • “Introduction to BOLD-fMRI and DTI” (Moscow, 2013);
  • “Functional MRI of the brain: science and practice” (Moscow, 2014).

On April 22, 2014, a one-day seminar “Functional MRI of the brain: science and practice” was held at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “LRC” of the Ministry of Health. In addition to participating in scientific conferences, members of the fMRI group are actively involved in teaching. Read courses of lectures and practical exercises on fMRI of the brain:

  • Pechenkova E.V. Special workshop within the course “Theoretical and methodological problems of cognitive science” in the master’s program of the Russian State University for the Humanities “Psychology of Cognition and Cognitive Sciences” (2009-2012)
  • Pechenkova E.V., Rumshiskaya A.D. Modern possibilities of radiation diagnostic methods Elective course for students of the Faculty of Physical Medicine of Moscow State University on the basis of the Center for Radiation Diagnostics (CDC) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation php
  • Vlasova R.M. Course “Neuropsychological aspects of neuroimaging methods” at the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (2014)
  • Pechenkova E.V., Vlasova R.M. “Functional MRI in the research and clinical work of a psychologist” - courses organized by the “All-Russian Community of Young Psychologists” (2012, 2013)
  • Pechenkova E.V. Popular science lecture at Hyperion: “Functional magnetic resonance imaging, or the work of the brain in pictures” (Moscow, 2013)

Separate lectures within educational seminars and scientific schools:

  • at the seminar “fMRI studies of speech: from experimental design to data analysis”, organized by the Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation and the Higher School of Economics (March 26-29, 2013);
  • at the seminar “Introduction to BOLD-fMRI and DTI”, organized by the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology with the support of Neurobotics (October 29, 2013);
  • at the Summer Neurolinguistic School (September 1-5, 2014);
  • at the Summer School on Cognitive Psychology of Memory by Karl Duncker (September 1, 2014);
  • at the school “Active and passive methods of the brain mapping”, organized by the National Network of Graduate Schools in Biotechnology in Neuroscience (BioN), November 1-4, 2014;
  • at the Russian Reporter summer school 2014, workshop “Language-Brain”;
  • at the All-Russian Winter Psychological School of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, 2011).

Magnetic resonance imaging is indispensable in the diagnosis of many diseases and allows for detailed visualization of internal organs and systems.

The MRI department of the NACFF clinic in Moscow is equipped with a high-field tomograph Siemens MAGNETOM Aera with an open tunnel design. The power of the tomograph is 1.5 Tesla. The equipment allows examination of people weighing up to 200 kg, the width of the apparatus tunnel (aperture) is 70 cm. In our clinic you can do an MRI of the spine, joints, internal organs, including with the introduction of a contrast agent, as well as undergo magnetic resonance imaging of the head brain The cost of diagnostics is affordable, but the value of the results obtained is incredibly high. In total, more than 35 types of magnetic resonance examinations are performed.

After the MRI diagnosis, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient and issues a disk with the recording. The conclusion is transmitted via email.


Most magnetic resonance examinations do not require special preparation. However, for example, for MRI of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking 5 hours before the examination.

Before visiting the magnetic resonance imaging center (on the day of the examination), you must wear comfortable clothing without any metal elements.


Contraindications to magnetic resonance imaging are due to the fact that during the study a powerful magnetic field is generated that can affect electronics and metals. Based on this, an absolute contraindication to MRI is the presence of:

  • pacemaker;
  • neurostimulator;
  • electronic middle ear implant;
  • metal clips on vessels;
  • insulin pumps

Installed pacemaker, neurostimulator, electronic middle ear implant, metal clips on blood vessels, insulin pumps.

Restrictions on carrying out

If you have large metal structures installed (for example, a joint endoprosthesis), you will need a document about the possibility and safety of performing MRI. This may be a certificate for the implant (usually issued after the operation) or a certificate from the surgeon who performed the intervention. Most of these structures are made of medical titanium, which does not interfere with the procedure. But, in any case, before the study, tell the doctor at the radiology department about the presence of foreign objects in the body - crowns in the oral cavity, piercings, and even tattoos (the latter could have used metal-containing paints).

The price of magnetic resonance imaging depends on the part of the body being examined and the need for additional procedures (for example, contrast injection). So an MRI of the brain will cost more than a tomography of one hand. Sign up for the study by phone in Moscow: +7 495 266-85-01 or leave a request on the website.

The effectiveness of treatment of the disease depends on at what stage it is started - the earlier, the better and faster the result will be. An advanced disease can have more serious consequences even if procedures are carried out to eliminate it. As for the brain, the initial stages of pathologies are very difficult to identify here, because they are not visible from the outside. For this purpose, functional MRI is used, an indispensable tool in surgery and neurology.

Functional MRI of the brain: how does it differ from conventional diagnostics?

The functional type of tomography differs from the classical one in that the indicators are taken not in a calm state, but in the process of active brain activity.

During physical activity, brain cells are better saturated with oxygen, and overall blood flow increases. This is picked up by the tomograph scanner. Registration of activity occurs due to increased magnetization of tissues - it depends on additional oxidation of glucose.

The more intense signal is compared with the indicators obtained in normal, quiet mode. A specialist uses a computer program to superimpose one three-dimensional image onto another.

The result is a complete map that captures the entire cerebral cortex, because blood in an active state allows you to view even the smallest and most distant areas. The tomogram shows parts with a diameter of half a millimeter. If you need to view them, you can enlarge them on the screen.

Signals from different cortical and subcortical structures are recorded and differentiated:

  • Basal ganglia.
  • Cingulate cortex.
  • Thalamus.
  • All types of tumors - not only their size and contours, but also the degree of penetration into the gray and white matter of the brain.

Using functional MRI, you can compare the behavior of brain cells:

  • At rest.
  • During mental work.
  • During physical and motor activity.

The functional type of tomography makes it possible to accurately determine the location and size of all brain centers:

  • Sensory.
  • Motor.
  • Rechevykh and others.

If a more accurate study is required, the patient is additionally given glucose.

Possibilities of functional MRI diagnostics

Diagnostics is used as a complement to the classical type of magnetic resonance examination - in order to clarify an unclear diagnosis, it is better to view a particular part of the brain, a section of tissue or blood vessels.

Options for using functional tomography results:

  • Surgery. Before brain surgery, a precise plan of action is drawn up using a tomographic map - the damage that needs to be eliminated is clearly visible on it. This allows you to avoid errors in actions and complications.
  • Radiology. Tomographic data makes it possible to calculate the amount of radiation required to treat cancer.
  • Neuropsychology. Study of failures in memory, speech apparatus, attention.
  • Identification of epileptic foci.
  • Ischemic areas are visible at an early stage - to prevent stroke.
  • Recognition of the initial processes of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • The method allows you to find a connection between brain activity and dizziness.

A radiation diagnostics specialist can fully decipher the data obtained as a result of the study.

When should you not do a functional MRI?

Since a powerful magnet is involved and it is necessary to lie quietly for an hour while inside a cylindrical device, there are contraindications:

  • Early pregnancy.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Metal parts in and on the body - implants and prostheses that cannot be removed.
  • Mental illnesses due to which the patient cannot remain motionless for at least thirty minutes.

Tattoos with a metal component, small fillings and any non-magnetic materials do not pose a danger, but you need to warn your doctor about them in order to compensate for the magnetic field deviations caused by these objects and, accordingly, data distortion.

The research methodology has undoubted advantages:

  • High quality brain map.
  • Image resolution is more than three millimeters.
  • A convenient way to study the brain in a calm and active state.
  • No harm to the body - the procedure does not lead to cell death or other negative consequences.
  • Availability of the method - you don’t need to go abroad for this.

Informative fMRI in Moscow at a competitive price

Scientific discoveries and technological inventions are changing medicine, making many procedures safer and more accurate. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modern method of obtaining clear images of internal organs and human tissues. The distinctive features of the procedure are that it does not create radiation exposure to the body. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) carried out with minimal preliminary preparation. This method is absolutely safe for humans and does not cause any discomfort.

History of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) very extensive. The first devices for carrying out this procedure appeared about 30 years ago, but then they were not yet so powerful. Over the past decade, science has made significant breakthroughs by creating machines for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) power of 1.5 and even 3 Tesla. Such powerful devices are often used for research activities, but in clinics, as a rule, they use equipment with a power of about 1.0 Tesla.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in our clinic

The department has a modern Philips Panorama 1.0 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner (a tomograph with an open aperture and a magnetic field strength of 1.0 Tesla). The Panorama large field of view MRI system is designed for maximum convenience for both patients and physicians. It has a wide-open design, a large field of view, a broad range of clinical indications and high-quality images. In addition, the device is equipped with a paramagnetic system for bolus intravenous administration of a contrast agent, which increases the diagnostic value of the study.

Indications for use of MRI:

  • diseases of the brain (vascular, inflammatory, neoplastic and other origins), including targeted studies of the pituitary gland, orbits, cerebellopontine angle, paranasal sinuses;
  • developmental anomalies, vascular malformations of the great vessels of the brain - MR angiography of the arteries and veins of the brain;
  • diseases of the spine (degenerative-dystrophic, inflammatory, neoplastic and other origins);
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, larynx, incl. lymphadenopathy of the lymph nodes of the neck;
  • diseases of the abdominal organs (including with the use of a hepatospecific contrast agent);
  • examination of the biliary tract (MR cholangiopancreatography);
  • diseases of the pelvic organs (both women and men);
  • diseases of the joints (including traumatic, inflammatory and neoplastic origin).

In connection with the increase in oncological diseases of the mammary glands, a separate study of the mammary glands should be distinguished, which makes it possible to identify non-palpable neoplastic processes, clarify the nature of nodular formations, recognize multifocal lesions, and also assess the prevalence of the process. In addition, MR mammography is used to clarify the condition of implants.

Research time depends on the area of ​​study and the need for intravenous contrast enhancement, on average it ranges from 30 to 60 minutes.

Preliminary preparation necessary for studies of abdominal organs (on an empty stomach), for studies of pelvic organs (preliminary cleansing of the colon) and for studies with intravenous contrast enhancement (preliminary consultation with an allergist and clarification of serum creatinine levels is advisable).

Contraindications for MRI:


  • Pacemaker, cochlear implants, other types of stimulators;
  • Insulin pumps;
  • Vava filters and stents of unknown metal;
  • Metal clips in vessels;
  • Foreign metal objects (shavings, splinters, piercings, etc.).


  • Pregnancy;
  • The patient's serious condition;
  • Claustrophobia.