Federal State Budgetary Institution Clinical Hospital 122. Types of medical care

Background information

Medical assistance is provided in the following areas:

  • dermatology
  • cardiology and cardiac surgery
  • therapy
  • neurology
  • surgery
  • otorhinolaryngology
  • ophthalmology
  • gynecology
  • urology
  • traumatology
  • urology
  • pediatrics
  • clinical immunology


Blood test at home

The Central Clinic of Clinical Hospital No. 122 offers a service - taking blood from a vein at home.

To donate blood for analysis, it is not at all necessary to come to the treatment room: it is enough to invite the nurse of the treatment room of the Central Polyclinic KB No. 122 to your home.
It must be remembered that blood is taken for analysis on an empty stomach. All blood tests included in the price list are performed! Procedures are performed by prior appointment at the information and referral center. The results of the examination can be obtained from the paid services department of the Central Clinic of Clinical Hospital No. 122 in accordance with the timing of the tests.

Price for this service - 1160.00 rub. without the cost of performing analyzes (including transport services). The service is currently provided only to residents of the Vyborg region every day, except weekends and holidays.


At Clinical Hospital No. 122 there is an integrated approach to the treatment of many diseases using physiotherapeutic methods of treatment:

  • oscillatory therapy, or Hivamat (massage of deep organs)
  • general cryotherapy (cryosauna)
  • abdominal decompression
  • thalassotherapy
  • mud therapy
  • ozone therapy
  • traction of the spine and joints (Tractizer traction system, Japan)
  • radon baths
  • laser therapy
  • ultrasound therapy
  • high-tone therapy (Hi-Top)
  • myostimulation
  • magnetotherapy, electromagnetic therapy
  • manual massage
  • General underwater massage
  • inhalation therapy
  • physical therapy individual and in groups
  • Pilates
  • pool
  • simulators
  • Huber medical training system
  • robotic mechanotherapy
  • acupuncture (including the “golden needle” method)
  • hirudotherapy
  • impedance analysis of body mass structure (for weight and edema correction)

Medical centers

  • Osteoporosis (densitometry room)
  • Atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism disorders
  • Psychosomatic medicine
  • Health
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Mammology
  • Respiratory therapy and somnology
  • Vascular surgery
  • Thoracic surgery
  • Geriatrics
  • Surgical treatment of the liver
  • Treatment of liver diseases
  • Surgery of the endocrine system
  • Rehabilitation “I hear the world!”
  • Cosmetology salon
  • High technologies in ultrasound
  • Trauma service
  • Surgical treatment of obesity
  • Plastic surgery
  • Soft tissue surgery
  • Proctology
  • Maxillofacial surgery
  • Audiology
  • Halotherapy
  • Occupational Pathology Center
  • Laser technologies
  • Phoniatrics

Neurological department No. 2

Neurological Department No. 2 treats patients with the entire spectrum of neurological pathology. The priority area of ​​activity of the neurological department No. 2 is the prevention and treatment of ischemic stroke.
A special feature of the work of the neurological department No. 2 is the close interaction of neurologists with neurosurgeons, neurorehabilitation specialists, as well as related specialists - psychiatrists, therapists, cardiologists, cardiac and angiosurgeons, ophthalmologists, otorhinolaryngologists, maxillofacial surgeons and other specialists, which significantly improves the quality of diagnosis and treatment .
Neurological Department No. 2 has the diagnostic facilities of a large multidisciplinary hospital, which allows a comprehensive examination of the patient, identification of concomitant diseases and the necessary treatment and preparation for surgical intervention in the event of detection of a hemodynamically significant steno-occlusive lesion of the brachiocephalic arteries.

Found an error in the description Clinical Hospital No. 122 named after L.G. Sokolov ? Please,

Clinical Hospital No. 122 named after. L.G. Sokolova is a unique medical healthcare institution, the only one in Russia that is part of the Premier Hospital Association. The hospital includes a clinic, a hospital and two dozen medical centers. The clinic has been operating since 1983 and provides medical care to residents of St. Petersburg and guests of the city in many areas. Hospital No. 122 employs thirty doctors of science and more than a hundred candidates.

Diagnostics and equipment

The clinic's technology park is equipped as fully as possible - with the newest and most advanced equipment available, including some samples of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment that are not presented anywhere else in Russia. The Department of Radiation Diagnostics unites under its authority the departments of ultrasound, radioisotope, X-ray diagnostics, as well as a densitometry room (measurement of bone tissue density) and a high technology center.

The clinic has equipment for computer and magnetic resonance imaging. Separately, it is worth noting that among the hospital’s MRI scanners there are both those with an intensity of 1.5 Tesla and more powerful ones - 3.0 Tesla. The former are suitable for most common examinations, while the latter is suitable for those requiring extreme precision. The CT machines used by the 122nd hospital are Siemens Somatom Art step-by-step and General Electric Hi-Speed ​​Fx/i single-spiral.

Advantageous offer

The Sokolov Hospital operates within the framework of the state compulsory health insurance program, which allows patients who have a medical insurance policy and a referral from their attending physician to undergo diagnostics free of charge. In contrast, the clinic does not offer any discount programs or promotions for its services for those who undergo examinations for a fee.

So, I had moles removed from Golubovskaya (a cosmetologist-dermatologist) in the spring, but I only got in for the second time, because the first time I came by appointment and they told me that the operator made a mistake and she didn’t see me at the appointed time. But it’s okay, it happens once. I made an appointment for another date, came to remove the moles, and took histology. There was no time to come to an appointment for histology, so I made an appointment in August, called by phone, showed up at the appointed time, paid for the consultation appointment of 950 rubles, waited 20 minutes, because the procedure was not over yet. Well, no problem. I go to the appointment and say that I came for a consultation and also to pick up a histology sample. What I get is that she won’t accept me and a consultation with her costs other money. I ask why, because they signed me up with you. To which they answer me in a raised voice that they won’t be able to accept me, they wrote me down incorrectly, no one apologizes. We're going to find out. We arrive at another office and they tell me that they won’t accept me, so I should go and correspond in the evening and come at 19.30 (and the time in the day is about 15). By the way, it takes me half an hour to get to the clinic; I don’t live nearby, but who cares? I say that I can now, but in the evening I can’t, they start shouting at me that they won’t accept me. What kind of an apology is that? I ask that they give me the histology (the cost of the sampling service in the spring was around 5 tons), they tell me to go down to the registry and they will print everything out for me. I go down to the reception desk and wait for my money to be returned for the consultation. I ask the histologists for a printout and again they make me feel like a fool, they say that they won’t print anything out and tell me to tell the doctor so. Once again I ask you to sort everything out among yourselves, because I am simply conveying words. They call the doctor and in the end they say that I need to go to another clinic and get some tests. Nobody ever apologizes. Russian medical hippie end. No one is interested in the fact that the patient spends time and effort, his money, to get an appointment. Due to your mistake, they write him down incorrectly, and that’s why they yell at him, because it’s very logical. And of course, why apologize, because this is just some patient. I went to this clinic for examinations because their equipment is modern. But perhaps that's enough.



7 812 559-98-43

On March 18, we came to the doctor Malyar Alexey Vladimirovich for a consultation on the wounds that he received in Thailand when he fell from a bike. Lacerated wounds that we cleaned and washed daily in a clinic in Thailand for 11 days. We paid 2000 for the consultation and 1300 for the dressing for each (me and my husband), that is, we paid 6,600 rubles. For an average dressing (we already had something to compare with, the doctor from the ambulance laughed heartily at such a transportation for 1300 rubles) and for a consultation with the doctor Malyar. The doctor looked at our wounds with one eye and, without any tests or x-rays, concluded that we URGENTLY need hospitalization, since there is a risk of losing my kneecap and my husband’s elbow joint. Of course, we did not expect such a conclusion, since earlier in the hospital in Thailand we were told that the wounds were clean and then we would bandage and wait for healing. According to Malyar, our wounds are infected, purulent, and there is a risk of joint loss. We don’t want to take the risk of remaining disabled.. In general, we are stressed and agree to go to the hospital. Next, the most interesting thing begins, the head of the 4th surgical department of the clinical hospital 122 named after. L.G. Sokolova FMBA of Russia tells us that the treatment of such wounds is not covered by our compulsory medical insurance bands. To the question “why?”, the surgeon did not answer anything intelligible and clear, something about registration in Len. Region And in St. Petersburg. (We are registered in St. Petersburg and the hospital belongs to the city of St. Petersburg, if that happens). But, since he is a doctor with a Big heart, he is ready to take on us and put us on our feet, and, most importantly, we and he have a great desire to CURE us). Ok...since there is such a risk of being left without joints and for some reason our compulsory medical insurance policy will not cure us, we agree to pay for the treatment.. Approximate calculation of treatment (minimum 10 days required): 3950 per person. For a bed, for two, 7,900 per day, that is, 79,000 rubles. (But since he is a doctor with a big heart, he will give us a room for 2, my husband and I can live together for 79,000) Each dressing will cost 1,200 rubles. For two 2,400, total 24,000 rubles. In 10 days. (The day before, in the same clinic, we had a bandage done for 600 rubles. Each, but this doctor costs 1,200 for a bandage (it’s done by a trainee, not a candidate of medical sciences). Plus therapy. Therapy from and for what, we asked? “Well You may have a blood infection. (POSSIBLE) You were in a hot country, now in a cold one, and in general they almost ALWAYS bring some kind of infection into your body from Asia. It’s hard to say how much the therapy will cost... Well, take 50 thousand into account. Next, you will need a vacuum for the knee, ideally, but this is also paid for separately, we will think and see. .. 150,000?? Doctor, are you serious? Yes. But it’s up to you to risk your joints or not; you probably don’t have a spare kneecap? Okay...we'll look for money, when do we go to bed? Just so you understand, all this time I’ve been crying because I imagine myself as a disabled person and I’m thinking where to get at least 150,000 after a vacation and my husband and I go on sick leave, that is, we lose our salary. But these are our problems, nevertheless, I am in shock and crying. “Urgently today, preferably before 14:00, go and look for at least 50% in advance so that we can admit you to the hospital.” My husband and I leave with tears... We go home and call an ambulance. They pick us up in 4 minutes, take us to the hospital and do EVERYTHING for free. And, as it turned out, there was no infection, no infection. All you need is daily dressings, and we can do them at home ourselves for FREE. That same evening, the doctor Malyar calls my husband and asks why we didn’t come, we decided to play with him and said that we would come tomorrow. It turns out that he didn’t have to arrive URGENTLY before 2 p.m., the answer tomorrow suited him perfectly... I qualify this specialist not as a doctor whose heart is for his patients, but as a doctor whose heart is for MONEY!!! This speculator is profiting from desperate people and elderly people (while I was in hospital, my grandmother asked me when to give him the money for that same vacuum). You should have seen this doctor’s office... everything becomes clear right away)



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

We ask you to send a formal complaint by e-mail: [email protected]


I would like to express my gratitude to phlebologists Chief P.V., Litvinovsky I., head of the branch Klimshin S.B. and all the employees of branch No. 122 of the Valdai Clinical Hospital for their sensitivity, responsiveness, professionalism, and attention to patients.



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Was there today at 122 am. I had an elderly relative with poor walking in my arms (they came for treatment for a fee). They did not let an elderly woman into the toilet at the ultrasound diagnostic department, arguing that the refusal was that only “their” patients could visit this toilet. The department nurse humiliated me in front of the visitors, With great difficulty, I still managed to get to the toilet, the desire to visit this medical institution disappeared completely. I will spread this fact among all my friends so that they don’t come here for treatment. I’m sure that there will be other hospitals where sick old people can still go to the toilet if necessary without shedding tears of begging from the nursing staff, and you continue to be kings , if you please gentlemen.



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Oksana, please accept our sincere apologies, just one such employee can spoil the impression of the entire institution, although, believe me, we have a lot of good people and excellent specialists working for us. Your feedback will certainly be passed on to the head of the ultrasound department and we hope that such cases will not be allowed again!


Oksana, the head of the ultrasound department, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Strokova, really wants to contact you to clarify which of the employees of her department allowed such an attitude towards your relative. We ask you to call Lyudmila Alexandrovna at +7-921-992-78-54 or send your contact number by e-mail: [email protected] with the note "For Strokova - Oksana Zhukova." Thank you in advance for your help.


4.09.2018. I was at a reception with Natalya Valentinovna Boytsova (head of the prevention department). It was necessary to sign a certificate. How rude he breathes. It is unclear who put her there with red lips and an absolutely boorish attitude. Since the employment certificate asked about the place of work, how I got there and allowed itself to make barbs at me. Communication with her brought only negativity.



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

08/17/18. I had an appointment with doctor Ozirna L.I. There are no questions about the friendliness and competence of the doctor, I was satisfied. But there are big disadvantages in the organization of processes and the work of accompanying personnel. Let me get down to specifics: 1. The appointment is paid for before visiting the doctor, at the cash desk. If during your appointment the doctor, in agreement with you, takes additional tests from you, then after the appointment you are forced to work as a courier - go to the first floor again and pay for these additional tests. tests and return to the doctor with a receipt. Naturally, while you are walking, the next patient has already come to the doctor and you are forced to spend another 10-15 minutes in the corridor, waiting for the opportunity to simply hand over the receipt. I believe that a well-mannered person will not allow himself to look at the doctor while seeing another patient. The clinic maintains electronic cards. Why can’t it be done so that the appointment with a payment stamp can be left to the registrars, and they will enter this information into the email? card? It's like a proposal. There may be other ways to organize this process with minimal patient involvement. Think!!! 2. After your appointment, entry to the clinic is through a turnstile, to which you need to attach a barcode printed at the reception. Moreover, you know which side to apply, and it’s terribly stupid and doesn’t work the first time... Moreover, it turns out that in order to get back out, you need to use not the same one (which would be logical), but the nearby turnstile . But even this quest is nothing compared to how the guard (on duty? someone else?) standing next to the turnstiles and “controlling” the process behaved. When I tried to exit through the same device through which I entered, he loudly announced to the entire lobby that there was an announcement on this topic near the exit, and I should go not here, but to 1st grade, to learn to read. He rudely informed me that I was putting the barcode on the wrong side, etc. Dear medical unit, can I still not read all the advertisements, of which there are dozens posted on the first floor, and you will teach your employees to observe the minimum standards of politeness? When coming to paid appointments and procedures, patients expect a slightly different attitude towards themselves.



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Thank you very much to Alexander Vladimirovich Dyachuk for the operation performed. I was in gynecology on a paid basis. I also want to say thank you to all the gynecological staff for their kindness, care and responsiveness. I would like to mention Alexander Vladimirovich, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and Doctor of Medical Sciences. - as a calm, reasonable, attentive and knowledgeable specialist. If only there were more specialists like you!



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Thank you for your kind words!


I would like to express my deep gratitude to the 5th surgical department for the attention and successful vascular surgery to the surgeon Alexander Sergeevich Shapovalov. Alexander showed his professionalism and kind attitude towards the patient. It was a pleasure to be treated by him! I would also like to thank Lyubov Eduardovna Ishpulaeva for her care and kind attitude. Sincerely, Suprunova Alexandra



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Thank you very much for the wonderful review!


I can't say anything good! I stayed in bed for a week (although they agreed on a day), only upon discharge I found out that my hemoglobin was 2 times lower than normal. At least they prescribed iron supplements. Why? So the person will weaken, lose consciousness and, as a result, simply will not be able to go home, which will further replenish the hospital’s coffers. If they were only harming people here, this hospital would have been closed long ago or the management would have been changed, but here a cunning scheme has been built according to which everything is happening. Nowadays, it is generally dangerous to go to the hospital. It’s hard to say what determines what they will do to you... I think we need to control every step of the doctors. Ask why this or that.., compare with what is written on the Internet about this disease. You can't trust anyone completely. Even if someone was lucky in this hospital, it means they were lucky or met a good doctor. It's like playing roulette! You need to be more insolent! Complain to higher authorities if you don’t like the course of treatment and the attitude of the staff, and not produce parasites. If a nurse can’t get into a vein, let her go to work in another field of activity. Not all those with medical degrees are cut out to be doctors and nurses.



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Hello, this is the second negative review you have written in a row, without pointing out specific persons and events. If you want to file a complaint and understand the situation, please write your full name. the patient, the date of admission to the hospital and the date of discharge, describe specific situations, indicating employees who are not working correctly. A complaint can be sent from the feedback form on the website of KB No. 122 - med122.com. All arguments that the hospital is deliberately worsening the condition of patients in order to get more money are unfounded, as long as there is no indication of facts, dates and persons.


In my opinion and the complaints of patients (we communicate with each other), the service is very expensive, and the staff and conditions are at the level of a simple, budget hospital. For every qualified employee there are approximately three or four low-skilled ones. For example, many nurses cannot find a vein in the arm, so they torture the person, beat him on the arm, etc. As a result, they get caught the 5-6th time. One dark-haired, young, plump nurse here in the surgical department spent her entire shift chatting on the phone about personal matters. I just didn’t take the phone off my ear! How can you avoid mixing up medications or doing something wrong?! As a result, she gave me a painkiller injection at night, after which I couldn’t sleep all night, and at 4 am the pain began to return... although, before her shift, they gave exactly the same injections for 3 nights, and the effect from them was the opposite (and I slept well , and the pain did not return for a long time). So in the morning she refused to give the painkiller an hour earlier, although everything was already hurting. Then she came, after all, with an injection, but not with the drug prescribed to me, but with another one. The question is, where did she put the painkillers prescribed for me?! It seems like I put in some kind of “dummy” in the evening, and I didn’t even want to put it on as scheduled, but advised me to be patient until it hurts a lot. I was given a catheter to drain urine. They didn’t even numb me like the barbarians did, as if they were inserting a hose into a plumbing fixture. No! At the pay department, I don’t argue, this is the practice. But here, excuse me, you pay 4,500 every day, and you also pay a huge amount of money for treatment. It could have been more attentive to people. I don't recommend anyone to come here! And I won’t go again myself. And also... they wanted to put her in a ward next to a half-dead cancer patient, whom not everyone can look at yet, so as not to get a mental disorder. She either moans or shakes... Two or three of her relatives sit in the room for 15 hours. And this is for 4500 per day!!! Thank you for not putting it next to her, “good people”!!! I wonder if the head physician of the hospital reads our reviews? Does he draw conclusions or not?



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Hello, we ask you to submit a complaint indicating the patient, date of admission, discharge and all facts that, in your opinion, are a deviation from generally accepted standards of treatment in hospitals in St. Petersburg.


2 years ago

This is not a clinic, this is a real Aschwitz! Even one star will be too many. This clinic conducts experiments on people. Just give them free rein, they will cut everything out!! The doctors are bad, the administrators are rude. They deceive people... remember one thing, doctors, we are not “sick” and “not patients”, we are healthy people. And you make people sick!



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Good afternoon Such reviews are not even considered as reviews. You splashed out your emotions, but didn’t write specifics. If there is a specific case, it is analyzed step by step, but for this we need the patient’s data (sorry, that’s what a person entering a medical institution is called), the date of admission to the clinic, what disease was treated, what healthy person was “cut out” for you, who confirmed This is your statement about which of the administrators was rude and deceived. There is no need to tar the entire hospital, and even unreasonably. If you have a complaint, describe your situation and send it by email: [email protected](marked “complaint”), we’ll look into it.


2 years ago




7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

Vasilisa, there is no such clinic - MCO 122, not all pain can be cured, unfortunately, and some diseases take years to be treated. As for Ilya Oleynik, he was admitted to us from another medical institution, it was clear that he would not be cured, the outcome of the disease was known in advance.


2 years ago

Wonderful doctors work in this hospital as an inpatient! not in the medical unit there for VHI, doctors who come are not related to 122. Neurologist Elchaninoa AP is the best in St. Petersburg. ENT Konechenkova is NOT a doctor from God! the best therapist in the city is Gorelov AI. dermatologist Kulikova LR are professionals in their field! Yes, treatment there is expensive and not everyone can afford it, but this does not mean that everything is bad there. Not everyone can pay for a room of 6600 per day! but the services are top notch!



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

2 years ago

I am very pleased with the work of the team at the Traumatology Department of this hospital!!! I had hip replacement surgery on September 6, 2017, operated by Dr. Khromov. I am very, very grateful to the entire magnificent, highly qualified, friendly team - they are all specialists with a capital “S”: doctors, nurses, and service staff!!! A huge THANK YOU to all of you for your work!!!



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4

2 years ago

I had a consultation with the thoracic surgeon V. G. Pishchik in 2016. I ran away without looking back... It’s a pity for the money and nerves spent, I wouldn’t have given him a penny, I wish I had known in advance! They write the truth... Very arrogant, does not consider it necessary to answer questions, so I said that, period, and I don’t need to ask and know the details. That's what he said. But nothing that I have the right to know about my health and about the upcoming operation, what complications. I actually paid for it! He believes that the patients are for him, not he for the patients! He told me - he’s not happy with it, go to another surgeon, but it’s not a fact that another will perform this operation on you through small incisions, like me, they will cut your entire chest and leave a huge scar, if you don’t want to, don’t have surgery with me, although it doesn’t matter anymore, I won't take you! The aftertaste is sad. Since he can do it through small incisions, that means I had to bow at his feet, not ask anything about the operation, if only he agreed to operate on me and not ask any questions. The patient has the right to know what awaits him, the reasons, the consequences, Pishchik does not know about this. Looks down on you, very unpleasant! And I was so worried, they found a tumor on me, but after that it became even worse. My husband calmed me down for two days, I cried all night after Pishik. My husband found out about a good surgeon from a doctor he knew, he took me for an operation and said: “No one in St. Petersburg would make a large incision for me! They can only do this in the Russian outback.” I was left with three small, invisible scars. The pischik boasted in vain that only he could do this and scared me! Another doctor told me in detail about the operation, the risks, my tumor, and reassured me.



7 812 559-98-43 Russia, St. Petersburg, Kultury Ave., 4