Money thinking. Rewiring the brain

Money itself can be neither good nor bad; it is made one way or another by the people in whose hands it ends up. Rich people are often considered liars and thieves, and there is a common belief that they are unhappy. This is only partly true because the media is more likely to highlight the negative aspects of the lives of wealthy people. In fact, many of them are honest and happy.

Because the rich are portrayed in a negative light, people subconsciously develop the idea that the rich are bad. Everyone wants to be good, so they subconsciously build a life with little income.

There are many fears associated with money in people's minds. Moreover, this is not only the fear of poverty, but also the fear of wealth. Oddly enough, many people are afraid of having a high income, although they themselves do not realize it. Subconsciously, they understand that big money means big responsibility, it means changes in life, and changes are always scary.

To create a money mindset aimed at generating sufficient income and creating wealth, you need to identify your fears and attitudes and transform them into positive ones. For example, “all the rich are thieves” can be changed into “among the rich there are many honest and worthy people.” Change the saying “money doesn’t buy happiness” to “money can bring a lot of joy and make my life happy.” Looking into an empty wallet, think not “how little money there is,” but rather: “how much space there is for money!” etc.

You need to come up with signs that lead to receiving money, for example, a cat crossed the road - this means money. Believe in these signs and they will work!

Video on the topic

There are currently large differences between poor and rich people. However, there is still a layer of the class of wealthy or fairly wealthy individuals. What group of people fits these descriptions?

Left the cost of living

First of all, in Russia, one who has moved away from the minimum subsistence standard of living can be considered a wealthy person. If, according to the law, the cost of living per capita is 8,000 rubles per month, then any person receiving more than 8,000 rubles per month can be considered a person living in abundance.

Perhaps this is ironic, but in fact one or two hundred rubles a month above the established norm can officially transform an unprotected cell of society from low-income to wealthy. On the one hand, some 100 official rubles in wages can reduce a person to the unpleasant title of low-income, and on the other hand, these same unfortunate 100 rubles in wages above the established limit for the subsistence level automatically deprive them of state benefits.

Can afford

However, all this was just philosophical and normative-legislative reasoning. Those who can afford at least something should be considered truly wealthy people. For example, buy those products that are vital, healthy and without the absence of dubious modern dietary supplements, soy and preservatives.

If a person can afford to buy healthy food, he can be considered fairly wealthy.

Sometimes they rest

When a person can afford to go on vacation once a year (in this case, we do not mean to visit his grandmother in the village or to his own dacha), then the family can truly be called prosperous.

If people live in abundance, they can afford to go to a cafe, cinema, or theater. Their cultural program includes festive and entertaining events, and life is not limited to the limits from salary to salary. Wealthy families are able to save at least small amounts for the near future.

Possibility of planning for the future

You can plan your own future if you have a stable and acceptable level of income. A person who is confident in the future and his stable level of earnings can call himself a person living in abundance.

He knows what his plans are for the future and is confident that he can implement them. At least a wealthy person does not need to worry about his goals for the future from a material point of view. He is able to afford the luxury of immediate planning of events, and he does not need to fear for every little thing from the outside that can derail all carefully prepared plans.

​The course consists of two blocks - ​Basic and VIP

The main block includes the first 2 parts and accompanying PDF slides.

The VIP block includes the first 2 parts and an additional third.

Main unit:

Part 1 (1 day) - audio lecture. Duration 1 hour 10 minutes.

Using a special test, which ​is included in the course materials, you ​will identify the blocks and attitudes that you need to work with and which you need to free yourself from.

These attitudes are located in the first 3 layers of the Magic Pyramid - Self-Love, Acceptance, Independence.

Total ​30 installations.

You will find out exactly what attitudes are preventing you from letting the energy of money into your space. Step by step you will free yourself from blocks and monetary abundance will fill your life.

You will also receive a vibrational transformation to the energy of self-love.

Part 2 (day 2) - audio lecture. Duration 1 hour ​7 minutes.

​​In the second part of the main block, you will test the remaining layers of the pyramid.

4. Global knowledge - 8 attitudes that are important to change

5. I want = I can -

6. Attitude towards success -

7. Responsibility - ​9 settings that are important to change

8. Value - ​12 attitudes that are important to change

9. Charity - 8 settings that are important to change

​There are 8​8 units in the main block.

Using proven techniques, you ​rewrite each of them ​and are guaranteed to unlock the access of money into your life.

VIP block:

The top of the pyramid is the Money Ceiling.

You will learn:

  • What is Money Temperature and how to increase it
  • How the placebo effect affects the amount of money in our wallets
  • How to get the income you deserve
  • How to raise your ​Money ​Ceiling
  • ​How to increase your value
  • ​How to get rid of debts
  • ​How to take action within 72 hours (72 hour rule)
  • ​Which words repel money and which ones attract it?

You will undergo a special body position test to accept money. This test will allow you to determine a realistic, current amount that you are willing to accept from the Universe.

​You will find out what amulet you should wear to protect your energy field from negativity.

You will also receive:

Video "​How to do a block identification test correctly." Duration 5 min.

Recording of the webinar "Identifying money blocks." Duration 2 hours ​48 minutes.

Recording of the webinar "Energies that block cash flow." Duration 2 hours ​4​5 minutes.


​3-day training "10 Mistakes That DO NOT Activate the Law of Attraction". 3 videos, duration 1 hour 27 minutes.

Greetings, friends!

Today we will talk to you again about material well-being. Or more precisely, about what influences the movement of the energy of money in our lives - about money thinking. Money thinking is all those beliefs, thoughts, attitudes regarding money, material well-being and abundance that we currently have. Simply put, what we think about money is what we end up with. Therefore, it makes sense to work hard on our money thinking, so that our thoughts bring material well-being into our lives, and not a lack of money.

So, why do many people fail to get rich, although they make a lot of efforts to do this? I wrote about one of the reasons in the article ““. There was just an example about money. Concentrating on the lack of money is one of the most common reasons why money doesn’t want to come to you.

But today I would like to talk to you about another reason that a person cannot rise above a certain level of income. Many people dream of wealth, but live very modestly. Why? The thing is that their money thinking is not sufficiently developed. Dreaming about wealth and thinking in real monetary terms are not the same thing.

But first, I want to tell you one anecdote, just on topic.

Once upon a time there lived a poor, poor man. He barely earned enough money to feed himself, working part-time here and there. And he had an only daughter. The girl never knew what clothes or jewelry were. She had only one dress, which she always wore. The dress was already old, old, all washed and worn to holes. The girl regularly put patches on all these holes from various pieces of fabric obtained here and there. The girl's father was very sad that his daughter was wearing such a creepy dress. And so he decided that it was necessary after all get material to sew a new dress for the girl. He worked hard for a while, saved little by little from the pennies he managed to earn, and was eventually able to save enough money to buy a piece of good fabric, enough to make a new dress for his daughter! The man was very happy and imagined how happy his daughter would be with such a gift! He brought this cloth home and left it on the table. The daughter was not at home, and the man had to go to another part-time job. In the evening, tired but joyful, he walked home, imagining how he would be greeted by his happy daughter who had found his gift! The man came home and really saw his daughter beaming with joy. She was sitting near the table, on which lay the purchased fabric... neatly cut into small squares!

Dad! Look how great it is! It's going to take me so long to ENOUGH PAYMENTS!!! – the girl exclaimed joyfully. :))

Laugh with laughter, friends, but it is precisely this kind of perception that quite often prevents people from rising to a higher level in terms of material well-being. A person thinks in a certain, let’s say, “price category,” subconsciously not allowing himself to go beyond it. And in the end he gets a life at this level of income.

To attract more money into your life, you need to think more “expensive” categories than you think now. You must at least mentally allow yourself to acquire more expensive things and use them. It happens that a person cannot even mentally (!!!) afford to buy an expensive thing. This is a manifestation of the psychology of poverty. If you, even in your thoughts, cannot afford to spend a large amount of money on some thing, then in reality you will not have much money.

In order for monetary energy to flow to you, you need to “expand the space for it,” that is, at least in your thoughts, learn to operate with larger sums, feel this sensation, and begin to radiate the energy of a richer person. By doing this you will let the Universe know that you are ready to accept more than you currently have. And you will open access to more significant material benefits into your life.

There is one great technique for expanding your money mindset in this way! It makes it possible to feel like a rich person not in the abstract, but quite concretely - by gaining experience in managing large sums of money. The technique is really very cool; in the process of doing it, for example, I had several interesting realizations and rethinking of some beliefs about money. There is only one warning - if you undertake to do this technique, then do it as described - if you need to write it down, write it down, and don’t just mentally imagine something. Without clear fulfillment of the conditions, the effect of this technique is greatly reduced.

So here's what to do.

Take a notepad or notebook. Write down today's date, and next to it the amount of 10 thousand rubles And then “spend” this amount by writing what you would buy with this money. Naturally, you don’t need to spend real money, everything is done in your imagination. But try to be as realistic as possible about the process, thinking about your purchases as if you were actually going to spend real money on real things right now. And when writing down in a notebook what you “spent” your 10 thousand on, try to imagine that you really bought this thing. Feel the satisfaction and joy of your purchase! Imagine how you will use this thing and enjoy its quality. Perhaps you did not buy a specific item, but “paid” for a service - for example, going to the spa. Then imagine it as if you were remembering how it happened to you. Enjoy these memories. In general, your main task is to “spend” a certain amount of money in a way that will bring you positive emotions. This completes your task for today.

The next day you open your notebook again, write the number and bet the amount of 20 thousand rubles. And you do with this money the same thing you did yesterday with ten thousand, that is, spend it with pleasure, imagining the process in all its colors and concentrating on positive feelings.

The next day you do the same thing, but the amount doubles again - now you have 40 thousand at your disposal!

And this is how you act EVERY day. Every day the amount you need to spend should double. That is, on the fourth day you will have 80 thousand, on the fifth – 160, on the sixth – 320, and so on. You need to spend the entire amount, don’t save, buy yourself something every day.

The technique gives amazing results! Many people suddenly realize that they simply DO NOT KNOW what they can spend money on above a certain amount. This means that you have figured out your money ceiling at the moment. Great, now you know that if you want more money, you need to practice mentally “spending” larger amounts. Use your imagination, find an opportunity to spend this money in a way that makes you feel good about it.

One more nuance. Try to make “purchases” thoughtfully, that is, as you would do them in real life, with real money in your hands. For example, it's not worth it just write in the column where you write down your “purchases” - “car” and that’s it. Would you really buy just some abstract “car”? No, you would probably surf the Internet, look through the offers of showrooms and choose a specific car, a certain color. And for a certain price. Try to do the same when performing this technique. CHOOSE your car as if you are actually going to buy it now. Enjoy this feeling. And then write down this “purchase” in your notebook.

This technique greatly expands your money thinking! You learn to think in larger and larger categories, over and over again “spending” larger and larger amounts. You also learn from the process of spending money on yourself, which is also important for removing many blocks in your mind that hold back the flow of monetary energy.

And one more important note. Try to treat this technique as a game. The most important thing for you when doing it is to enjoy the process. Try not to allow tension or a painful feeling of “obligation” to arise. Play and enjoy! And the more you get from this process, the sooner positive changes will begin to occur in your real money situation.

I would be very pleased if you wrote in the comments about your feelings when performing the technique, and most importantly, about your results!

Your Ekaterina:))

Financial thinking is your way of thinking, it is how you perceive yourself from a material point of view, how much you value your work.Money is energy, which directly reflects a person’s internal connection with reality.

In other words, if you rate yourself low, might other people view you differently?

Money thinking is a certain mindset that allows you to transform reality.Do you want to know the secret of wealth? Read more...

What opportunities does correct financial thinking open up?

A person’s thinking determines the course of his life, his social circle, social and material status, and many other facets of life.

Financial thinking, if it is tuned to co-creation, brings prosperity and well-being. It creates andallows you to create realityin accordance with desires.

What is the difference between the financial thinking of a poor and a rich person?

Let's compare how both think, what is the difference and, most importantly, the reason.

1. A poor person loves stability and values ​​his salary/benefits. He's essentiallyshifts responsibilityfor your earnings for your employer

1. Rich mantakes risks. He knows that his financial growth depends only on himself and takes responsibility for it.
2. Afraid of difficultiesand avoids them at all costs 2. A rich man finds in every trialopportunity for development
3. Earns money to spend on current needs,loves free onesand discount offers, save on everything 3. A rich person earns money toinvestinto a new round of your prosperity. He does not look for free ways and does not save on everything.
4. Hates his job, team, office 4. Loves the jobwhich he is engaged in, is passionate about the idea
5. Thinks in terms of “How to save money? or “Where to borrow?” 5. Builds thinking according to the principle “Where can you earn moneyor increase?”, “What other interesting opportunities are there?”

As we see, the inner mood of a poor and a rich person is different. And the main thing that distinguishes them is their thinking. A poor person will consider himself such even if he suddenly becomes rich. He will consider this a happy accident and will most likely spend this money without much sense or even lose it altogether.

A rich person will feel rich even in times of failure. He understands that this is a temporary phenomenon and everything will return soon. Did you feel the difference?

The main secret of money thinking

There is a very important and subtle point here - thisthe sincerity of your feelingsand a sense of your limitless possibilities. It is necessary to achieve a state of internal agreement:

This is the moment of accepting a new self at a different level of life. Believe me, it doesn’t matter that all your ancestors worked at the factory from 8:00 to 18:00 with a lunch break and a salary according to the staffing schedule.What matters is how YOU feel.After all, everyone is given a chance to achieve their goals and objectives.

To reach the desired standard of living, you need to reconfigure your thinking.

Here are 5 proven tips,how to change your financial thinking:

  1. We need to stop focusing on savings and poverty. This will only attract financial difficulties to you.
  2. Expand your money space - mentally operate with amounts larger than your standard income. Do this consciously with the willingness that tomorrow it will become your reality.

“Weak desires bring weak results. Just as a small amount of fire produces a small amount of heat.” N.Hill.

  1. Visualize your wealth - a person perceives pictures very well and remembers them, identifies with them.
  2. Clear your old negative financial attitudes into positive ones. It is best to tune your thoughts in a state of complete solitude in meditation.
  3. Every day, adjust yourself to a new financial level, harmonize your inner world. Feel yourself ALREADY the owner of a new standard of living.

Take the first step

Are you ready to change your financial thinking? Everyone's success lies within us.Our thoughts- this is the one toolwith which you can change your reality.

Feel like the CREATOR of your own Universe right now! And to help you, I created a 3-day online course “Magic Money Pyramid 2.0”, which helps reframe your mindset into one of abundance. Find out more about the course by clicking the button below.