What to give to a guy you've recently met. What to give a guy for his birthday? Gift for a guy's birthday, what should it be? Original gift ideas

Today, the spinner has become a fashionable toy; adults and children use it. A designer is also suitable for creating such a product. For the spinner you will need a ready-made axis.

Plastic parts:

  • Round plate: 1 piece – 6x6, 2 pcs. – 4x4, 1 pc. - under the axle;
  • Round flat plate;
  • Blocks 8 pcs. – 3x2, 4 pcs. – 2x2.

Place a 6x6 plate between two 4x4 plates and a flat plate on the axle. The top needs to be secured with a flat washer and secured with a 2x2 block with an X hole.

It is necessary to attach weights of 2x2 and 3x2 blocks to the central part of the spinner. To give the toy movement, grab the edges that protrude and move it.


Regardless of which construction set you purchased, you can build absolutely any structure. It’s worth moving away from the proposed instructions and using your imagination to come up with a house, mansion or penthouse.

For the base, a Lego table or a special green platform is used, which will serve as a wonderful yard or floor. If you connect two such platforms, you can separate them and look at the internal structure of your building.

The main element of this matter is the planning and design of the future building. The foundation is created using brick parts that can be used to lay out and divide all the rooms of the house. If the house is huge, make more rooms: bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, living room, study. You can add stairs, so a second floor will appear.

We are building walls, it is better not to put the parts in pillars, they may collapse, at the same time, do not forget about the windows. You can leave it empty, or you can use the special window parts that come in the kit. The number of layers of the wall depends only on the height of the building, so it’s up to you. When finished, build the walls inside the house, placing parts on top of each other.

Then move on to arranging the house itself, design tables, furniture, taps, appliances, etc. There are also ready-made items in Lego sets. In addition to the building itself, you can also create a vision of the garden, flower beds, fence and plants.

For the roof, the best option would be removable plates, this will allow you to remove it and observe the internal condition. You don’t have to fasten it, just put it on top.

Unusual vase

Homemade jewelry looks more elegant and interesting and is a decoration for any interior. You will need Lego plates, a tall glass or an old vase and colorful brick parts.

The very first step is to lay out the parts according to individual color schemes. Make each tier of your future vase from a specific color that will alternate. Make sure they match and contrast with each other.

To determine the number of additions needed, place a glass inside the tiers. When you see that there is no need to add, fill the glass with liquid and place the flowers in it.

In the same likeness, you can make a glass for toothbrushes, knives, a phone stand, and the most sophisticated ones even create real fences.


From parts that are no longer needed, you can create a unique key holder that will become a decoration for the hallway. A place will appear where you will never lose your keys. For it you will need screws with a screwdriver, various Lego parts, a drill, and tape.

For the base of the key holder, take a platform from the designer; its size depends on the number of keys. We screw it to the wall using a screwdriver, and attach the key holder itself to it with tape. It is advisable to take parts with holes for threading key rings, but if you don’t have them, a drill will help.

Table football

You can combine games with construction by creating a football field. The boys will be delighted with the board game; you can take any ball. The necessary parts for it will be:

  • main plate 32x32 – 2 pcs.;
  • red (L) – 8 elements;
  • light gray (L) – 8 elements;
  • light gray with hole X – 3 parts;
  • red connectors with X-hole - 15 parts;
  • white tiles 2x2 - 6 pcs.;
  • light gray tiles: 2x4 – 15 pcs., 1x2 – 2 pcs., 1x6 – 3 pcs., 1x4 – 1 pc.;
  • Dark gray bricks 1x2 – 12 pcs.;
  • Technic 12 and 8 axle.

The field itself will be placed on the main large platforms. For the goalkeeper, 3 axes of 12 are taken, which are connected via three connectors, and also two elements of the letter L, which will be the players. The parts on the rod will sit firmly and will not rotate during impact, which will allow you to hit harder. It’s easy to make, and you can captivate all your friends.

Car with motor

For this craft you will need a construction set and a regular rubber band. According to your taste and style, assemble a car with wheels, and attach an elastic band to the axle. So, the car with its own engine is ready to go.

In addition to such original ideas, there are the most unusual: The Statue of Liberty. If you think that for this you will need a special expensive set, then you are mistaken, you need an ordinary construction set and incessant imagination.

Architecture and food

The statue of Vova has already been mentioned, and now the process of creation itself. Prepare emerald-colored details for believability. First of all, a polygonal star is created, and then the woman herself. For effect, we insert a yellow torch.

If you want something original, then try making food from a construction set. This could be a small piece of cheese placed on a Lego plate. To make the plate look like a real one, you can lay it out on natural dishes.

What do you think about the apple? It is very difficult to assemble such a miracle; it will take quite a lot of time and effort. But if there are instructions, then everything will work out, and the result will amaze you.

Several unusual uses of Lego were shown. Now you can surprise not only your children, but also all your guests. Activities with children in such creativity have many useful functions. It promotes the development of children's imagination, fine motor skills and motor activity. This work cannot be done without attention and patience, the ability to survive failure, but at the same time complete the job.

You can create absolutely any of your ideas and ideas from Lego. The most important thing is imagination and the ability to imagine what you want to create.

The LEGO constructor has long ceased to be just an educational game for children. Tens of millions of cubes are used to build full-fledged amusement parks for kids and their parents. LEGO has made inroads into the film and gaming industries. Creative individuals use parts to create paintings and sculptures, and passionate engineers use them to make car bodies. Looks impressive! Indeed, the limits of the use of famous figures are limited only by human imagination, and it knows no boundaries. In this article you will learn about unusual uses of LEGO bricks in everyday life.

Coin Sorter

In distant Soviet times, my mother worked as a salesperson, and every day she dealt with kilograms of coins. I helped her sort them by face value. On the one hand, it was very cool to occasionally find memorable specimens, on the other hand, the boring activity quickly became boring. It’s a pity that in those days there was neither the LEGO designer itself nor such an interesting recipe for using its parts. The mechanism can be adapted to any coin diameter.


During the hot summer, my computer likes to shut down due to overheating. Touching the surface on which the laptop is standing will result in a slight burn. Therefore, it is necessary to create an air “cushion” under it to provide greater ventilation and better cooling. Several cubes are ideal as a stand.

The solution can also be used to save space in the kitchen. In the same way, the baking sheets can go into the dishwasher.

Small items organizer

Forget about searching for keys, wallets and other pocket small things with the help of an original organizer. If you're too lazy to drill holes in your bricks, LEGO sells pre-punched keychains.

Educational game

Why not kill two birds with one stone? Combine the development of children's fingers and thinking with learning to read and count. Use a regular marker to write words and numbers onto the cubes. Learning grammar will become much more interesting.

Task Manager

No successful undertaking is complete without planning and setting goals. A design studio from the UK offered its original approach to controlling the movement of projects. The basis was formed by Lego parts.

But any concept is really good if it can be translated into reality. The Lego calendar is successfully used by some companies to plan the work of 20 employees.

Lens cap holder

Do you like photography or video shooting? Then you are familiar with the “problem” of a loose or lost lens cap. Attach Lego pieces to the lid itself and the strap - a simple and practical solution.

Office hacks

Place tiny magnets in the cubes and your paper clips, staples and holders will find a home. The mess on the table is over!

No magnets? No problem! You can make stylish cups for pens and other office items.


For any nonsense, usually lying around anywhere, you can make an unusual stand. For example, for a phone...

... joysticks, and even...

... shaving accessories!

Photo frame

Can a photo frame surprise? Certainly! Flight of thought and Lego pieces will help you.

Flower pot

Lovers of indoor plants should love the idea of ​​a designer pot. Usually the rapid growth of a flower is accompanied by worries about purchasing and replanting into a larger pot. With Lego you can modify any existing pot to the required size.

Theme house

Why waste time with pots when you can speed up a whole house! Perhaps this will be a playroom for children, but adults will also want to visit it at all costs.

What unusual uses for Lego do you know?

Each new Lego set is a joy from a gift, enthusiastic play, free time for parents and a holiday for several days. And then everyday life begins - tears from an accidentally destroyed building and small bricks all over the floor that painfully dig into the heel. Practical considerations suggest that an expensive designer has not yet earned its value. The game must go on, but how? Tatyana Novikova, author of the Lego Buyers Club website, shares tips on how to set up Lego construction at home.

How to organize Lego construction? Searching for an answer on the Internet reveals a lot of advertisements for children's clubs. The details are not specified - you need to bring your child to the circle to find out. It seems that construction is a secret accessible only to selected teachers. But you have so many details - it’s time to open your own circle!

Children love to build with Lego, you just need to create the conditions. If you look at it, there are no obstacles for a child to engage in Lego creativity at home. No investment or huge effort required. A home design club is open to everyone.

The tips listed below are not a step-by-step guide. Rather, important techniques to get around the difficulties that arise. A child loses interest for many reasons and at different stages of playing with Lego. Fortunately, there are recommendations from Lego designers and experienced parents.

Lego - instead of Montessori classes for children and meditation for adults

What do you think about an adult who makes architectural structures from small Lego parts? He seems to spend a lot of time sorting parts and building. He probably doesn't do anything else.

Nothing of the kind! Tom Alfin has also written a book about Lego architecture and runs a blog. But this is just part of his life. Tom is a programmer and user interface manager at Microsoft. He is also a traveler and photographer. It’s just amazing, where does he get so much energy and where does he find the time?

This is one of many cases where a Lego fan is successful in other areas.

Lego blocks are not enemies, but friends of parents. You can do a lot of useful things with Lego and even create a learning environment at home that runs on autopilot. Lego bricks can replace expensive textbooks and teach mathematics, reading and music.

It has been noticed that children who are seriously interested in Lego construction easily overcome difficulties such as “delayed speech development.” Fine motor skills training helps you quickly master mathematics and writing, understand solfeggio and play your first pieces on musical instruments. They pass psychological testing more successfully in kindergarten or school. Little Lego fans are calm and balanced, tests show a high level of happiness.

A child’s passion for Lego is worthy of encouragement and support. But adults also notice that, having started their home construction club with reluctance, they get involved and begin to have fun. Sorting parts, assembling, searching for ideas together - this frees you for a while from endless adult worries and gives you energy in your main work.

It is difficult for a modern person to understand what meditation is. “Sitting like an idol” - what does this give? But a hobby that requires concentration and attention relieves the burden of uncontrolled work of the mind. For a time, you become completely immersed in the present moment. This activity heals better than any medicine and gives a powerful influx of energy.

And you should start with the simplest thing: find time in your diary to sort the bricks...

Lego storage and construction table

The biggest obstacle to successful creativity is toy boxes in which everything is piled up, including Lego. It is impossible to build in such conditions. Children do not understand what to do with this mass.

Organizing bricks by size into storage containers is the first step parents usually start with. At the same time as sorting this way, it is convenient to build something according to the instructions. The son gives orders for the part - the mother looks for it and issues it. Makes for some fun sorting! It immediately becomes clear which parts are most in demand and which ones should be kept separately.

Not a bad start. But later it turns out that the containers are not quite suitable, the place for them is not very well chosen, and such a system does not look very neat. Don't stop. Read on to create the best Lego storage system available.

  1. Sort by color. At first glance, this is illogical. But this is exactly how designers recommend sorting parts. The big drawback of Lego is the noise that the colorful bricks create. No, we are not talking about audio noise, but about visual noise. Even when placed in containers according to size, the cubes do not look very attractive. And children love it when it’s beautiful. They love it when their crafts look neat and stylish.

Megan Rothrock (Lego Group designer and author of Lego Adventure) noticed that while the pieces are in one colorful pile, children do not know what to do with them. When they are arranged by color, interest and ideas arise. Sorting by color inspires creativity, so it's important. It is convenient to use wide and flat transparent containers. All the details are on the surface and easy to find.

To keep things simple, it’s enough to sort by the most common colors: black, white, dark gray, light gray, yellow, blue, red, beige. Leave the others in a common container.

  1. Should I sort by part type? Design experience shows that sorting by size and type makes sense. That's just... from Lego constructors about 4000 types of parts. Each piece is available in several colors. If each type of part is sorted by color and type, it’s scary to imagine how many thousands of containers would be needed.

It is convenient to store small frequently encountered bricks separately. Tom Alfin, who we mentioned above, has made a guide to the most common small parts and even lists the most common colors (at the bottom of the page). Use it as your storage assistant.

  1. Storage system for a child. He must be able to maintain order on his own. An overly complex storage system and a lot of effort to maintain order kill motivation. Who would want to build if it’s so difficult to clean up afterwards?

Independent creativity will be a joy if the building material is available at arm's length. This can be organized using a special gaming table.

3 in 1 solution: gaming table, temporary stand for finished models, organizer for storing parts. Here everything you need is at hand. At his table the child builds and thinks.

To organize one, you need a suitable table (for example, from IKEA) and Lego building boards. Construction boards are attached to the table with superglue or double tape. Velcro textile fastener is also suitable. Ikea tables are so varied that there is a solution for any design and size of a child’s room. Storage organizers can be built into them.

There may be more parts than the desk organizers can accommodate. Then you need to keep the most popular ones on hand.

Take photos of finished models

Many children refuse to dismantle finished buildings and are painfully worried about accidental destruction. But change cannot be avoided. Structures are fragile because creativity is a process. Not to get attached, to be calm about change - this is one of the wise lessons of Lego. To preserve the building, it is not necessary to turn the apartment into a dusty museum. Designers recommend that parents keep a photo album for their buildings. So you can return to them at any time. Models that move can be filmed.

Photo source: www.imgur.com

Instructions for Lego: why store it and where to find it?

Once the parts are sorted, creativity kicks into high gear. Usually a child cannot be stopped - he really wants to assemble something grandiose. He tries to come up with something himself, but it doesn’t turn out as beautifully as he would like. Until the design techniques have been perfected, instructions are needed.

  • Save old instructions for Lego sets in file folders. The new is the well-forgotten old. If you've saved the building instructions, you'll always find great building ideas.
  • Download instructions from the manufacturer's website. You can select by model number or by your favorite series.
  • Find ideas and DIY tutorials on Pinterest.com.

In children's Lego construction clubs they not only build, but also make up fairy tales. Try the same. Choose compositions that inspire role-playing and storytelling. And then move on to the next step.

How to assemble Lego without instructions

The Lego company recommends trying regular pictures instead of instructions. What is your child's favorite topic? Houses, robots, animals and cartoon characters - everything can be assembled from Lego. Assembly without instructions is the next step. For this you need to master the basic techniques. If a child has collected a lot according to instructions, he is ready for independent creativity. Lego bricks are a treasure trove of interesting tricks and tricks.

The house can be opened like a book to see what's inside
Photo source: Pinterest.com

Alternate 1×3 or 1×2 bricks with round bricks to build a circular wall
Photo source:

The Lego company has been producing children's construction sets with the same name for many years. For the first time, this company patented its plastic products back in 1958. The set includes plastic parts of different sizes, each of which can be quite easily attached to another part using pins located in its upper part. Over the years, models of these sets were improved, and many were interested in the question - what can be made from Legos?

Today, the range of these construction sets is very wide: on store shelves you can often find a variety of additional parts for such a construction set: figures of people, birds, animals, as well as coins, trees and other attributes. In addition, the designers themselves may belong to a specific theme, for example: wizards, pirates, etc. characters and everything that accompanies them. But the most popular model is a city or Lego city.

Before you start making anything from this construction set, you, of course, need to purchase it. A standard set will do. In order to assemble a machine gun, pistol or other weapon, you need to start with small parts. By the way, another advantage of this construction set is that even a one-year-old baby can play with it, because its parts are not so small as to penetrate the child’s respiratory organs. But for the most part, the vast majority of sets are recommended for children aged 5 years and older.

Any Lego comes with instructions for making a particular element (robot, machine, etc.). After reading it carefully, you can assemble the construction set without much effort and difficulty. The main difference between such instructions is the most clear description of the assembly stages, and the color pictures will make the assembly process clear even to a small child.

With Lego City, the situation is somewhat different: to build it, most likely, you will need more than 1 set, because here you will have to construct buildings and structures, as well as other elements of urban or rural use. This toy will captivate not only children, but also adults!

By the way, there is one more slightly unusual application for the parts of this designer, namely household use. For example, such products can become excellent ice cube trays! To do this, simply fill them with water and place them in the freezer, and then use a knife to remove the contents from them. In addition, you can use Lego to make refrigerator magnets, candles, soap molds, or other useful household items.

Now the company is actively producing new kits, with the help of which you can create figures not only from simple parts, but also from gears, chains, various connecting elements and even a programming block.

The company does not forget about its many fans. In this regard, she opened a number of amusement parks, which are somewhat similar to Disneyland, located in Paris. These parks are called Legoland and Legosity. In them, kids and adults can look at unusual buildings, ride on attractions and even create structures and entire cities on their own!

DIY Lego crafts: options

Lego is an exciting educational game that is especially popular with children because of its bright colors and colorful designs. But its main advantage is the many different variations in the assembly of parts. Anyone can collect what they like best: from weapons like a pistol or machine gun, to cars, robots and even buildings!

But before you start assembling the construction set, you need to unpack it and look at the manual - instructions, where the work options will be indicated. This guide is step-by-step, so you won’t have to think long about how to properly assemble this or that structure.

If you have already tried all the assembly options suggested in the instructions, then you can create a special model or design using, for example, video tutorials.

But a situation may arise when you do not have any of the necessary parts, then you will need to purchase 1 more set of the designer. But you can immediately buy Lego Freestyle, thereby supplementing the original construction set with a large number of different parts.

The Lego Technic set is very useful for children's development, but first, the baby should be taught how to fasten the main parts together, and then you can give free rein to his imagination. By the way, this Lego set includes, in addition to the main parts, quite specific ones, for example: motors, gears and chains. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your small child while he is busy constructing so that he cannot swallow small parts.

Working on complex designs sometimes takes quite a lot of time, so if your son or daughter is under 7 years old, it can get boring very quickly. To ensure that the search for the required scheme takes the shortest possible time, you can search on the Internet.

But you need to know that different sets have, accordingly, different sizes. For example, when purchasing Lego Duplo, next time it is better to purchase a construction set from the same series if your plans include expanding the parts. There are also sets for older children, and also for those who like to rack their brains, such as Lego Mindstorms. Here you will find software modules, many small and connecting parts, and even electronic sensors, with the help of which you can easily assemble a robot or a car!

How to make a Lego transformer: video

Many children, especially boys, love transforming robots. After all, a toy can simultaneously be a robot itself, a car, and even an airplane.

Lego crafts: video