What does a panther tattoo mean? Panther tattoo meaning

0 Panthers are mysterious creatures that emerge from the depths of the dense jungle and fill the hearts of every creature they encounter with fear. The panther is not only a symbol of calm power and sophistication, it is the personification of incredible beauty, femininity and motherhood.
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Most importantly, the Panther is a symbol of Motherhood and Protection. It's no surprise that in the classic tale The Jungle Book, Mowgli's guardian was " Black Panther», Bagheera. In the wild, these powerful animals are known to actively guard their territory, and will defend theirs to the death if necessary. In many cultures around the world, the Moon and its phases are said to represent Femininity and the Feminine Divinity. Women are thinkers, they spend their time thoughtfully thinking and weighing the benefits of even their smallest actions. People who are natural thinkers are often calm and reserved creatures, like the Panther, who spends his days quietly moving through the jungle undergrowth and leading a solitary life. They are secretive and mysterious, like women, and as such, Black Panthers are seen as creatures of the moon. Their calm, reserved nature has become an emblem of femininity and a symbol of the seductive charms of a confident, alluring representative of the fair sex.
Black panthers are intelligent, hypnotic, beautiful and deadly.

The meaning of the Panther tattoo

Panthers embody various human traits, including:
  • Strength and power
  • Cunning
  • Intelligence and cunning
  • Chastity
  • Christ
  • Protection
  • Family
  • Motherhood and femininity
  • Triumph and Victory
  • Spirituality and the Divine
  • Heroism

Variations of Panther tattoo

In tattoos, panthers are always depicted hunting. Their crouched pose and piercing eyes create a feeling of danger and strong emotions. This sketch is best placed at the top of a large muscle group. This way, every twitch and movement of the muscles gives the illusion that the tattoo is moving, thereby adding interest to your body art.

Black Panther Tattoo

White panthers are found all over the world, and it is their close sisters that attract a lot of attention. These animal totems are symbols of beauty, honor, valor, motherhood and femininity. The black panther quietly penetrates into the deepest areas of the jungle, and this secretive, solitary lifestyle adds to their image of mysticism and reputation as creatures not to be crossed. They are symbols of restrained strength and power, emblems of protection, and guardians of the weak and innocent.

Cartoon Panther Tattoo

We all love cartoons. They take us back to a time when everything was simple and presented to us in black and white. The Cartoon Panther tattoo brings the essence of innocence and fun into our lives, and pays tribute to the nurturing instincts of this animal rather than its frostbitten reputation as a warrior. It is a carefree bond between a mother and her child because the panther is a symbol of motherhood and cartoons bring out the child in all of us. Despite their playful nature, cartoon tattoos Panther are also symbols of strength and power.

If you are as indomitable as this mysterious cat, then a predatory Panther tattoo will help represent your unique personality and show off your fighting spirit. You don't have to be a fine art student to create a design that will make you stand out in the crowd. Your design can be just as vibrant and creative, and all you need is a little imagination and time. You can add any number of elements to your design to change the overall meaning and symbolism of your design, but keep in mind that each piece should be placed in a location on the body that will enhance the " Wow effect"Creating a unique design can be challenging, but if you need help, check out the tattoos category for some fresh ideas.

After reading this interesting article, you learned meaning of Panther Tattoo, and now finally decide to make the final choice.

Key property: restoration of true strength

Activity period: new moon – new month – winter

Panther is the common name for such large representatives of the cat family as leopard and jaguar, but in Florida the cougar is also called panther, although this animal is very distantly related to leopards and jaguars. In this article we will use this word in its generally accepted meaning.

The Panther is a very powerful and ancient totem. Like most big cats, the panther is a symbol of courage and cruelty. Like the tiger and lion, it represents aggressiveness and strength, the only difference being that it is not associated with solar symbolism. Black panthers undoubtedly have a connection with the symbolism of the Moon.

Just as when interacting with any totem, studying the individual characteristics of a panther can provide information for a deeper understanding of the energies that awaken in those who are attuned to this animal. Leopards are found in Africa, Asia Minor, China and India, while jaguars are found in the southwestern United States, Central America and parts of South America. Meditations with the participation of this totem, during which it will reveal itself to you more fully, will help you determine what species it belongs to - whether it is a leopard or a jaguar. However, regardless of this, there are characteristic features that embody and reflect both species.

In size, panthers are generally smaller than lions or tigers, but they are more fierce. Panthers have more than five hundred muscles, each of which they can voluntarily contract. This can reveal a lot about a person who has a panther as a totem. This speaks to his ability to solve a wide variety of problems. He is able to decide and choose which of the special “muscles” to use - physical, mental, psychic or spiritual.

Panthers generally prefer solitude, and although they communicate with each other, they feel most comfortable alone with themselves within their territory. They always become totems of people who, like them, love loneliness.

The panther's body is a truly perfect mechanism. They have amazing grace along with the ability to move easily or freeze in stillness. Panthers can sneak silently, sit in ambush, or stalk their prey. People whose totem is the panther will find that when they are pursuing any goal, their main strength lies in silence. Revealing too much to others or telling too much about your plans can ruin everything.

Panthers are excellent runners, but only for short distances. To maintain health, people whose totem is the panther must learn to create a certain work routine, allowing themselves to relax and have fun. They should not exert themselves too much while performing any task. If they work too much, they may experience health problems. However, when the need arises to quickly solve problems that have arisen under stressful conditions, people who have a panther as a totem have no equal.

After mating, panthers remain together only for a short time. The female takes care of the cubs herself and reacts negatively to attempts at outside intervention. Women whose totem is the panther behave in a similar way. They don't like other people - even their partners - interfering in their parenting process. A female panther almost always raises her cubs alone, and women associated with a panther often find themselves doing the same, either due to divorce or simply asserting their dominant position in this area of ​​family life.

All cats have binocular vision. Each eye works separately, giving cats the ability to see much better, magnifying images and allowing them to judge distances more accurately. Therefore, people whose totem is the panther begin to see the world around them better - their lives, events or other people. This is more than ordinary extrasensory vision. This represents a deep understanding of the world.

Often people who begin to engage in esotericism perform exercises and meditations to “turn on” their inner light. People whose totem is the panther, as a rule, come into the world with the light already on. Therefore, they should not be disappointed if they never experience the sensations that others describe when their inner light turns on. These people must trust their thoughts and their imagination.

People with whom the panther comes into contact develop the ability to clairaudience, that is, the ability to hear information transmitted by creatures from other dimensions. The panther has very acute hearing. To determine the direction from which a sound is coming, she often moves her ears.

In addition, the panther has special sensitive hairs on its body, mainly on its face. People whose totem is the panther may find that their sense of touch begins to improve with its appearance. The skin is our largest sensory organ, and with its help we learn much more about the world than we think. People who have a panther as a totem should pay great attention to the sensations they experience from touch.

The hairs on the panther's face are particularly sensitive, so people associated with this totem may develop the ability to perform a special form of psychometry. Instead of reading energy imprints from an object using their hands, they can place it on their cheek or forehead to get clearer information.

Such sensitivity of the skin - touch - will increase the sensitivity of the body as a whole. For example, you will react more acutely to certain foods. Those in whose lives a panther appears will also be more strongly influenced by sensual and stimulating touch. Interaction with a panther can awaken sensitivity and passion, two effective mechanisms of feminine energies.

Panther energies come into full force at nightfall. The period of its highest activity is winter, and the most effective period of the lunar cycle is the period between the new moon and the new moon.

If you believe the myths, then the panther that lives in the Old World (that is, the leopard) has a characteristic sweet breath, with the help of which it lures its victims to itself. Leopards kill their prey by grabbing the back of the neck with their teeth. They do not attack head-on, but pounce from behind. People whose totem is the leopard never openly conflict with another person when they show aggression - it’s easier for them to step aside. They must stalk patiently, waiting for the distance to close enough for them to strike hard and mercilessly. They are not inclined to waste time on games and empty chatter. These people aim for the throat to prevent the enemy from speaking.

American panthers (or jaguars) also sneak up on their victims, but since they are stronger, they simply break the victim’s skull. Thanks to their sensitivity, people whose totem is the jaguar are capable of delivering a crushing blow when defending themselves or reacting to someone’s aggression. Because of this, they must learn to control their reactions, otherwise they may unintentionally hurt others much deeper than they intended.

Of all the panthers, the black panther probably has the most powerful energy. She is a symbol of the feminine principle, darkness and the new moon. She personifies the essence and power of the night. The black panther is often associated with the feminine energies of the earth. People still experience a primal fear of darkness and death. Black Panther helps us understand the essence of darkness and death, as well as the natural forces associated with them. Thus, it helps eliminate our fears and teaches us to use the energy of these phenomena.

When the black panther appears in your life as a totem, it will help you awaken your inner passion, which can manifest itself in the unbridled expression of your core energies and instincts. This may also indicate the awakening of kundalini, that is, the time of gaining one's own power. Moreover, the black panther teaches us how declare your strength .

In the myths and traditions of all peoples of the world, the black panther always appears as a very powerful animal. In ancient Greek mythology, she was a symbol of the thousand-eyed giant Argos, who guarded Io, the beloved of Zeus, turned into a cow. After the death of Argos, his eyes were transferred to the feathers of a peacock. A person connected with the energy of the black panther also becomes a vigilant guardian.

The panther is also associated with the name of Jesus. The book Abodazara (Hebrew commentaries on the Holy Scriptures) mentions a man who was healed “in the name of Jesus son of the Panther.” Because of this, the appearance of a panther often indicates a time of rebirth after a period of suffering and symbolic death. This means that, finally, some old problem may be solved, or old mental traumas that have been haunted for many years will begin to heal, and along with the healing, the true strength that was lost at the time of the injury will begin to be restored.

Among other things, the panther was a symbol associated with Bacchus or Dionysus. One of the myths tells how Bacchus was raised and fed by panthers, so he is sometimes depicted riding in a chariot drawn by panthers.

Myths and legends dedicated to Dionysus are very symbolic. This god is known to many as a symbol of unbridled desires and the awakening of kundalini energy. Dionysus - and, therefore, the panther - symbolizes the time of transition from the usual ordered existence to a new life without restrictions and barriers. With the help of the energy of Dionysus, the panther awakens unconscious aspirations and abilities that have been suppressed until now. This indicates that the time of awakening is approaching.

The panther is a symbol of readiness for heroic deeds. All the heroes of Greek myths were born as a result of the love affair of the gods with earthly women - the combination of great fire and great femininity. Therefore, all heroes harbor seeds of divine power that ultimately push them to go beyond normal norms and limitations. Heroic myths tell us that no matter how far we have fallen - whether through our own fault or the influence of external forces - there is always hope that light and love will help us become ourselves again. When a panther appears in your life, it means that a path will soon open before you, leading you to rebirth.

Dionysus had to endure long wanderings, be captured by pirates and even overcome madness before he took his rightful place on Olympus. Thus, he gives us a lesson in overcoming suffering, the cause of which is ourselves or the people around us, in order to ultimately reveal our divine essence. This myth tells us that our life is the story of the formation of a god or goddess.

As a rule, in the lives of those whose totem is the panther, there already exists or will soon appear a person who will play for them the role of teacher, mentor and companion on the path of heroic achievements. For Dionysus, this role was played by the forest god Silenus and the satyrs. They symbolize other realities that exist around us, as well as the ability to perceive them, which will open to us when we embark on the path of heroic achievements.

These realities, as well as the beings who inhabit them, are associated with powerful sexual energies. Meeting them may mean the time has come to resolve old sexual problems or simply accept your sexuality and realize its true power. We must recognize and study the transformative power of sexual energies and learn to consciously manage them.

Dionysus was the god of life, passion and rebirth. He was born twice. Therefore, the appearance of a panther in your life indicates the opportunity to experience a rebirth. This often means that we may be confronted with the most unpleasant aspects of our lives that we have always begun to hide from ourselves, embellish, hide in the far corner of the closet, or pretend that they do not exist. Sometimes this may mean that we must endure the suffering of losing what we thought we loved most. The Panther gives us hope for rebirth and will support us in times of crisis.

In the myth of Dionysus, the hero carries with him a magic wand entwined with a vine, the upper end of which is decorated with a pine cone. This wand gives the person associated with panther magic the ability to create illusions and deceive. A person who follows this path discovers in himself the ability to make people understand and see exactly what he wants. This ability can be developed and strengthened through self-discipline. Like a black panther, you can easily blend into your surroundings.

Among the Indians of North and South America, the jaguar, especially the black one, was a sacred animal. Thanks to the ability of the black panther to climb trees, run fast and swim beautifully among the indigenous peoples of Latin America, it has become a symbol of omnipotence. She was credited with power over all dimensions.

Among the Tucano Indians living in the Amazon region, the growl of a jaguar was associated with the sound of thunder. The black panther was considered the god of darkness and contributed to its onslaught by swallowing the sun. This speaks of the enormous power inherent in the energies of the feminine. People whose totem is the panther will feel this power to an increasing extent.

The Arawak Indians say that the jaguar is in everything. Nothing can exist without it. He is the connecting link of all forms and manifestations of life. For them, becoming a jaguar man is the highest form of transformation.

The same ritual was familiar to the ancient Mayans and Aztecs. In the process of such transformation, any person got rid of all internal restrictions. The second “I” of a person was released to realize all his desires and aspirations.

Shamans from Indian tribes performed special rituals to gain the power of a jaguar. Anyone who was able to transform into a jaguar man could do great good or great harm. The Indians of Latin America have a huge number of stories about the use of jaguar magic in rituals of stealing the soul and healing from illnesses.

Even in Egyptian rituals, the panther's tail was tied around the waist or neck to give strength and protection to a person. It was also used in the skin-coming ritual, which was an Egyptian version of reincarnation to awaken the powers of a panther in a person.

Nietzsche once said, “What does not kill us makes us stronger.” This applies to everyone who interacts with the power of the panther, which acts as a totem. Old traumas that you dare to face again and transform can become a source of strength and creativity for you.

The appearance of the panther marks a new turn on the path of heroic achievements. It symbolizes more than just gaining power. It represents the discovery of what was lost and forgotten, but which belongs to you by birthright.

Ted Andrews "Define Your Totem"

The question is controversial because there are many completely different versions. Perhaps the tattoo with this graceful wild cat is one of the most famous in the whole world. None of the ancient civilizations could do without mentioning the panther in their mythology and legends. This animal has the strongest energy, and you just want to believe in its magical abilities and in the fact that by getting such a tattoo, you can also acquire them. Let's try to understand what exactly the panther owes to such attention from Homo sapiens.

Panther on a guy's hand

The earliest mentions of panthers and their greatness were discovered during the study of the Sumerian civilization. Their predatory cat, oddly enough, personified the goddess of fertility Inanna. In Mesopotamia, the god of rains and storms, Ninurta, appeared in the form of a panther.

The ancient Greeks believed that the god of fun and wine rode in a chariot drawn by two jaguars (yellow panthers, the difference between them and black ones will be discussed a little later). Most likely, the panther’s aggressiveness and hot temper were compared with the inappropriate and sometimes dangerous behavior of a person who drank too much alcohol.

The Egyptians used panther skins in funeral rites as offerings to the god of darkness, Set, and protected priests by wearing the skins on them.

The Mayan Indians, when performing various kinds of rituals, wore jaguar skins as a sign of respect for him as a hunter.

The Chinese, on the contrary, considered panthers to be cruel and cold-blooded killers, inspiring nothing but fear.

Among the American Indians, panthers were one of the strongest totem animals.

Panther pattern on the side of the body

Two types of panthers: what's the difference?

There is a classic black panther, and there is a jaguar - the so-called yellow panther. Although they belong to the same species, their symbolic meanings are opposite.

  • Black Panther. Patronizes the forces of the night and the moon. A first-class hunter and an ideal killer. In Asian countries (except China) it was considered the only creature capable of defeating a dragon.
  • Yellow Panther. Associated with bright sunlight and the sun itself. Previously, wealthy African families kept pet jaguars, revered and protected them as sacred animals.

Panther with a grin on his shoulder

Did you know? That due to the fact that the panther has two color options, it has long been considered a werewolf, passing from one state to another. They were also given the ability to transform into humans. For many peoples, the panther was a symbol of shamans who had access to other worlds and dimensions, including the afterlife, where the souls of the dead rest.

A more detailed disclosure of the image of the panther

In fact, this amazing animal combines incompatible qualities in its character. At the same time, she has both courage and femininity. These cats can be loving mothers and ferocious predators at the same time. Attachment to the family and its protection to the last drop of blood coexist with a thirst for power and leadership qualities.

It is precisely this paradox that is the key to the fact that the panther tattoo enjoys equal success among both the weaker and stronger sexes.

Old school image of a panther

I have a panther tattoo, the meaning of which is very clear to me: I am free from the cliches and frameworks that society is trying to impose on us and I will defend this right to the end.

Lydia, Vladivostok.

I consider my tattoo a reflection of my character. I am a nonconformist by nature, and I will never blindly follow the crowd simply because it is necessary.

Alexey, Voronezh.

Panther on the leg

What does a panther tattoo mean for a woman?

As already noted, the panther perfectly reflects the feminine essence. That is why in the Russian language the word “panther” has already become a common noun. This is what they call an uninhibited, bright, sexy woman with an unpredictable character. That is, the lady who got a panther tattoo most likely wants to emphasize these very qualities of hers, to show that she is proud of them and is not at all embarrassed.

In addition, panthers are wonderful mothers who are sensitive and reverent towards their offspring, are always ready to protect them and are unlikely to ever abandon them to their fate. What is not the ideal female image? Beauty, grace and maternal care in one bottle.

Guy's hand with a panther in old school style

My tattoo makes me confident in myself and in my abilities. She is something important to me, without which I would no longer be me. At first there were associations of the panther with bitchiness, but then I delved deeper into the question and realized that I urgently needed a panther tattoo. Sketches drawn in Photoshop and printed in several versions were already with me in the tattoo parlor a week later. Half of the muzzle, as planned, should be black against the background of the moon, and the other half should be yellow (jaguar) against the background of the sun. In general, with some improvements, my plan was brought to life, which I am incredibly happy about. Personally, I perceive this tattoo as a modification of the yin-yang, which has long been boring to everyone. Once you wrap an old idea in a new shell, questions and surprises immediately begin from all sides. I wish everyone reading, just like me, to find their tattoo and be sure to get it.

Larisa, Magnitogorsk.

Panther on hand crawls up

Panther tattoo: meanings

After we have literally sorted out the image of a panther and revealed its essence, we can finally list the meanings that a tattoo with this amazing animal has.

  • The creeping panther is a slow but sure and inexorable approach of death. A reminder to the owner of the tattoo that no one is eternal, including himself, so the time lived should not be wasted.
  • A panther depicted in a jump is a sign of disobedience, fortitude, and opposition to the whole world. It can also mean having supernatural abilities, that is, being the identifying mark of a psychic.
  • Maternal instinct, love for family and care for it.
  • The emblem of Chinese martial associations, the qualities of an excellent fighter.
  • For a woman: unpredictability, sexuality.
  • Bravery and willingness to sacrifice for the sake of those who are dear.

Panther tattoos have many meanings. It can mean both masculinity and strength, and at the same time love for family; Also, the image of a panther on a person’s body can speak of his love of freedom and indicate how he values ​​his life. In addition, a panther tattoo speaks of the cunning and perseverance of its owner.

Panther tattoo on a woman's body

Of particular importance is the image of a panther on a woman’s body. Such a tattoo speaks of the lady’s femininity and grace, of her quick changeability: from sudden tenderness to equally sudden passion. Also, a tattoo with a panther on a woman’s body symbolizes her owner as a selfless mother, making her fearless in the fight for her own family, because the animal itself has a high maternal instinct.

The meaning of the image of a panther for representatives of different nations

The panther is a strong and confident animal; a meeting with it inevitably ended in death for those who wanted to get closer to it. In many nations, panthers were revered, equating them with sacred animals.

So, for example, the peoples of Asia and Europe saw the panther as their only protector from dragons, who did not give life to people, which means that they treated it with great respect. However, representatives of the ancient Chinese people, on the contrary, treated the panther without much trust, believing that this animal was very cunning and cruel.

Representatives of the ancient Mayan civilization also revered the panther. For them, this wild predator personified a sage who often uses smart strategies rather than desperation and strength. Moreover, many Mayan leaders wore panther skins on their backs, believing that their wisdom and courage would be passed on to them.

The panther was considered a sacred animal in many ancient African states: the animals were kept in the palaces and rich courts of the local nobility, surrounded by care and attention. And the pygmy god Thor in many myths and legends appeared in the form of a leopard or panther.

As for the ancient Christian peoples, panthers were not particularly revered. The image of this predator always seemed to them to be the image of an unfaithful woman, prone to betrayal and possessing cunning; the panther for them was seen as a clear personification of sin.

Where is the best place to place a panther tattoo?

Most often, the image of a panther is placed on the upper parts of the body: chest, shoulder blades. Mostly, a tattoo with the image of a sneaking panther can be found on the side of the arm or thigh. But the lower back is considered not the best place for a panther tattoo.

Panther tattoos are one of the most ancient designs on the body. Such a gorgeous, majestic, noble animal simply could not go unnoticed. It attracts people with its flexibility, grace, and enchanting beauty. It was also done by the Indians to highlight those whose position was higher.

It just so happens that in Russian the word panther is feminine, which is why such a tattoo is given primarily to girls. In addition, since childhood, we have been instilled with a stereotype drawn from The Jungle Book, in which the panther Bagheera belongs to the fair half of humanity.

The meaning of the panther tattoo

All over the world, this image is associated exclusively with the feminine principle, because these animals are distinguished by their grace, flexibility, slimness, and grace. Such tattoos are usually made by strong, confident women.

These images emphasize sexuality and symbolize appeal. Panthers also have a heightened maternal instinct, so such tattoos can mean guardianship over the family, tenderness, love for loved ones - strong, blind and boundless.

Different images of this majestic, gorgeous animal can be filled with different meanings. For example, the image of a “panther” tattoo during a graceful jump or with its mouth wide open means aggression, strength, and even, most likely, somewhat ferocious power and masculinity. A slowly sneaking animal is associated with the fragility and transience of life. It seems to remind us that anything can interrupt it, any accident, for example, the deadly throw of a panther. The meaning of the image also greatly depends on the color of the animal. For example, a black panther represents the moon and the starry sky, and a yellow one (this is a jaguar) represents joy, light and the sun. You can also find another meaning for the “panther” tattoo; in this case, it is associated with endurance, speed, and sometimes ferocity and mercilessness. Such a tattoo can suit strong, iron-hardened, aggressive people; their character should be quite tough, liberated, they always know what they want.

A few more options

This animal has been sacred to many peoples since ancient times. The panther is considered one of the most graceful animals that attracts other individuals. She was worshiped as the protector of people from evil dragons.

It was believed that she was the only one who was not afraid of them. Panthers were revered by the ancient Mayans - both black and yellow; for them these animals were the wisest of all. It was believed that these beautiful cats are excellent strategists.

Black Panther

Some fanatical Christians believe that the black panther tattoo symbolizes resurrection. And in Ancient Greece, she was the constant companion of Dionysus, the god of wine, and therefore was associated exclusively with debauchery and drunken orgies. The Chinese were afraid of her, considering her too wild and aggressive.

That is why the image of the animal subsequently acquired so many meanings, sometimes even too contradictory.

Some say that this is a sign of aggression, selfishness, pride, blind rage, ruthlessness and cruelty. Others consider the meaning of the picture to be more than positive, symbolizing focus on results, grace, strength, iron will, courage, relaxedness, and sometimes even

A little conclusion

Wrist, shoulder, shoulder blade, side, leg - these are not all the places where "panther" tattoos are made. You can find photos with examples in any catalog. Each tattoo parlor will offer you more than one option for depicting this wild cat and the places where it will look best.

If you choose a “panther” tattoo for yourself, then you know what you want in life.