It was 300 years old for the Russian fleet. Jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"

Symbols, shrines and awards of the Russian state. part 2 Kuznetsov Alexander

Jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"

The anniversary medal “300 years of the Russian Fleet” is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation: military personnel serving in the Navy, maritime forces of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR, the USSR and have served impeccably on ships and on positions as flight personnel of naval aviation 10, and in other naval units 20 or more years in calendar terms on the day the award decree came into force;

military personnel of the Navy who took part in hostilities with the Nazi invaders and Japanese militarists in 1941–1945;

admirals, generals, officers, midshipmen (warrant officers), petty officers and sailors in the reserve (retired), discharged from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, the border troops of the KGB of the USSR, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation Federation, RSFSR, USSR and served impeccably in the Navy, naval forces of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, naval units of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR on ships and as flight personnel of naval aviation for 10, and in other naval units for 20 or more years in a calendar year calculus;

civilian personnel of support vessels of the Navy, sailing personnel and scientific personnel of the sea, river, fishing, research and expeditionary fleets, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, RSFSR, USSR and have worked flawlessly on ships for 15 or more years in calendar terms. the day of entry into force of the decree on the award;

designers, developers, heads of design bureaus, research institutes and organizations, educational institutions, heads of central management bodies of the shipbuilding industry, workers of the main professions directly involved in the construction and repair of ships and ships, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR , USSR and have worked flawlessly in the named specialties and professions for 20 or more years in calendar terms on the day the award decree came into force;

heads of central, basin management bodies, heads of research institutes, educational institutions of the sea, river, fishing, research and expeditionary fleets, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, RSFSR, USSR and have worked impeccably in these industries for 20 or more years in calendar calculation on the day of entry into force of the decree on the award.

2. The anniversary medal “300 years of the Russian Navy” is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the Zhukov medal.

The frigate “Holy Apostles Peter and Paul”, in the construction of which Peter I participated. Hood. A. Stork. 1698

Description of the medal: “The anniversary medal “300 years of the Russian Navy” is made of silver-plated tombac, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex edge on both sides.

On the front side of the medal against the background of the Admiralty building is a profile (to the left) chest-to-chest image of Peter the Great. Along the top edge there is an inscription in raised letters: “300 years of the Russian Navy.”

On the reverse side in the upper part there is a relief inscription “1696–1996”, in the lower part against the background of laurel and oak branches there is an image of crossing anchors. The medal has no number.

Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a white silk moire ribbon with two blue stripes spaced 1 mm from the edges of the ribbon, the width of the stripes is 7 mm. Tape width – 24 mm.”

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The founding date of the regular Russian fleet is considered to be October 20, 1696. A large amount of time and effort was spent on making the fleet a reliable defender of state borders, powerful and strong. 300 years later, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a medal was established dedicated to the anniversary of this memorable event - “300 years of the Russian Fleet”.

Medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"

Along with the medal, a provision was added to the decree about who could be awarded, and its actual description.

Regulations on the medal

Despite the fact that the medal is anniversary, not everyone was awarded it. In connection with such a date as the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, those who met one of the following requirements could receive a medal:

  • It was necessary to be navy personnel who had state awards and served 10 years in naval aviation or 29 years in other naval units.
  • Be naval personnel who took part in World War II against the Nazis or Japanese: officers, generals, warrant officers and reserve sailors. And also those dismissed from the border troops or armed forces of the Russian Federation, the USSR, who were awarded state awards and served the same number of years in the relevant structures.
  • Ship personnel who were engaged in supporting fleets, as well as research fleets, including civilian ones, subject to other state awards and having worked on the ship for more than 15 years.
  • Designers, heads of scientific and educational institutions, bureaus, laboratories, management of the shipbuilding industry, workers engaged in the construction and repair of ships, provided they have worked for more than 20 years and have other state awards.
  • The heads of governing bodies related to the fleet could be awarded a medal in connection with such a date as the 300th anniversary of the fleet, if they had state awards and had served for more than twenty years.

Type of medal

The medal is worn on the left side of the chest, located immediately after the anniversary medal “65 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War.” The anniversary medal “300 years of the Russian Navy” was designed by the artist of the St. Petersburg Mint Baklanov. More than 150 thousand people received the award on the eve of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet. The medal was considered a state award until 2010, when it was removed from the system. Therefore, a reserve soldier is not entitled to additional salary and benefits, if available.

Certificate for the medal

If we talk about the appearance of the medal, it has a round shape, a little more than three centimeters in diameter. There is a border along the edge of the medal on both sides. Made of tombac, an alloy of copper and zinc, coated with silver. The obverse features a portrait of Tsar Peter I, looking to the left, and the silhouette of the Admiralty behind him. At the top there is an inscription along the circle “300 years of the Russian Navy”.

The reverse also contains the dates: the year the fleet was founded and the year the coin was made; below are branches of oak and laurel and a pair of crossed anchors. The medal is connected to a brass block through an eyelet and a ring. The block has the shape of a pentagon and is trimmed with a white and blue striped ribbon. The medal does not have a number, as it is an anniversary medal.

There were three options for making a medal for the tercentenary of the Russian fleet:

  • The first option belongs to the Moscow Mint. Contains the corresponding “MMD” stamp.
  • The second version was manufactured in St. Petersburg. The stamp was on the ear and contained the letters “LMD”.
  • The third option was made of silver. It has the mark of the Moscow Mint and is very rare.

The “300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet” medal, as traditionally, was accompanied by a certificate. It had a standard appearance and contained the name of the medal, its image, surname, first name and patronymic of the recipient, date and signature.

Nowadays it is not awarded; it is gradually fading into history. It is almost impossible to buy such a medal, because gentlemen and their relatives prefer to keep it as a keepsake. Although sometimes some copies are still found at auctions. The medal was last sold at a Wolmar auction for just under 600 rubles.

300th anniversary of the Russian fleet

October 20, 1696 is considered to be not only the day of the birth of the fleet, but also the border coast guard, transport and river, fishing fleet, shipbuilding industry, as well as marine science. The celebration began with the laying of flowers at the monument to its founder, Tsar Peter I. In addition, during the celebration of the anniversary, a monument was unveiled and commemorative coins were issued.

The monument in honor of the anniversary was opened on July 27, 1996 in the city of Sevastopol. It is a stele, which is lined with gray granite and has a round opening with a diameter of 2.74 meters. An anchor with a chain is fixed in the stele, the shape and dimensions of which correspond to the Admiralty anchor from the times of the founding of the fleet. The stele is also crossed by the inscriptions “There will be a Russian fleet” and “300 years of the Russian fleet”.

The 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet was also celebrated by issuing six commemorative coins and one coin-like token. Now the coins are sold in sets and cost approximately 20 thousand rubles. Issued in denomination: 1; 5; 10; 20; 50; 100 - and had a similar obverse, which was represented by the image of a double-headed eagle. Each coin had its own reverse, with the exception of the inscription at the top “300 years of the Russian Navy.” The anniversary coin-like token depicted Peter I.

At the time the medal was issued, it was a state award; now, after the abolition of this status, it is of value only as a memory for its owner. However, the last rare specimen, made of silver, is in demand among collectors.

Single obverse for coins of the series "300 years of the Russian Navy"

The last series of pre-reform coins made of base metals was the set for the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy, issued on October 18, 1996 with a circulation of 100 thousand pieces, which is half the size of the “50th Anniversary of the Victory” sets. The coins are presented in 6 denominations, of which 1, 5 and 50 rubles are made of brass, and 10, 20 and 100 rubles are made of white copper-nickel alloy. The set includes a token with an image of the building of the Leningrad Mint on one side and a portrait of Peter I on the other.

The coins are packaged in a colorful cardboard booklet depicting a painting by I.K. Aivazovsky, and also has a description of some ships of the modern Russian fleet. The booklet was inserted into a thick envelope with a similar design and containing a portrait of Peter I. The coins differ in size, all have an intermittently ribbed edge, the obverses are made in the same style: the emblem of the Bank of Russia (a double-headed eagle without crowns and regalia, artist I. Bilibin ), along the circumference the denomination and the inscription “BANK OF RUSSIA” are indicated in words. The reverse sides depict ships with their names, the inscription “300TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET” and the mint mark.

List of coins “300 years of the Russian Navy”:

A modern fishing trawler is a real floating factory, which is used not only for catching fish, but also for its processing and preservation. The ships have refrigerators and production workshops; work can go on around the clock for several days. Such a system allows you to go far out to sea, the voyage lasts for several weeks without entering a port.
The bark "Comrade" was released in Germany in 1933, originally bearing the name "Gorch Fock". In 1945, during the hostilities, the ship was scuttled, and two years later it was raised and given to the USSR as reparations. In 1951, after repairs, the sailing ship left Leningrad, circled Europe and moored in Odessa. In the 70s he sailed to the shores of the United States, participated in several regattas, and in 1980 visited South America. After the collapse of the USSR, it was assigned to Ukraine; repair attempts were made for many years, but there was not enough funding. In 2003 it was transported to Germany and the original name was returned. Now the ship is in the museum of the city of Stralsund.
Modern cargo ships come in several types: container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, bulk carriers, ro-ro carriers, lighter carriers and refrigerators. Container ships are generally the largest of them, with a length reaching 400 meters and a capacity of more than 100 thousand tons. The world's largest container ship can accommodate 11 thousand 20-ton containers. But the record for length (488 meters) belongs to a gas production vessel built in 2013; it is capable of transporting 600 thousand tons of cargo.
The ship "Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin" was launched in 1971 and was used to control spacecraft through ground-based communication points. It was the largest ship of its type in the world. It had a length of 231 meters, a width of 31 meters, and a displacement of 45 thousand tons. The ship was assigned to the port of Odessa and after the collapse of the USSR came into the possession of Ukraine. In 1996, it was sold for scrap for $7.6 million.
Submarine cruisers are the largest underwater vessels capable of long-term autonomous navigation. Their crew may include 100 or more sailors working in shifts. The largest are the Soviet Akula-class submarines, capable of carrying ballistic missiles. The length of the largest vessel is 172 meters, built in 1981, and is in service with the Russian Federation.
The icebreaker "Arktika" was launched in 1972 in the USSR and was used until 2008. It was the first ship in the world to reach the North Pole and the second nuclear icebreaker. From 1982 to 1986 he bore the name “Leonid Brezhnev”. Now the ship is in the port of Murmansk awaiting disposal.

Coin parameters:

Replica of the ship "Goto Predestination" 1698 in Voronezh

At the time of release of the set, the denomination of the coins had a very low purchasing power (bills from 100 to 100 thousand rubles were in circulation), so the set was intended exclusively for collectors and was not put into circulation. The coins have an improved UNC design (no scratches from bagged storage). Currently, the cost of such a set among collectors starts from 16 thousand rubles, and in ideal condition it can reach 25-30 thousand. It is problematic to find individual coins for sale. The market is flooded with numerous copies and fakes.

The history of the permanent Russian navy begins in 1688, when young Peter I, not yet a tsar, discovered a Dutch boat - a small sailing boat - in the vicinity of Moscow. It formed the basis of the “Amusing Flotilla” created by Peter to study the basics of navigation. In 1696, the first real warships built at the shipyard in Voronezh won a victory near Azov, after which the tsar's decree followed on the creation of its own regular fleet in Russia. In 1712, the first major naval victory was won at Gangut, and then several more victories that significantly influenced the outcome of the Northern War.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 10, 1996 N 176
"On the establishment of the anniversary medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"

In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy and for the outstanding services of the fleet to the Fatherland, I decree:

1. Establish a commemorative medal “300 years of the Russian Navy.”

Moscow, Kremlin

about the anniversary medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"
(approved By decree

With changes and additions from:

1. The anniversary medal "300 years of the Russian Fleet" is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation:

military personnel of the Navy who took part in hostilities with the Nazi invaders and Japanese militarists in 1941 - 1945;

military personnel serving in the Navy, maritime forces of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, the RSFSR, the USSR and have served impeccably on ships and as flight personnel of naval aviation 10, and in other naval units 20 and more years in calendar terms on the day the award decree comes into force;

admirals, generals, officers, midshipmen (warrant officers), petty officers and sailors in the reserve (retired), discharged from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, the border troops of the KGB of the USSR, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation Federation, RSFSR, USSR and served impeccably in the Navy, naval forces of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, naval units of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR on ships and as flight personnel of naval aviation for 10, and in other naval units for 20 or more years in a calendar year calculus;

civilian personnel of support vessels of the Navy, sailing personnel and scientific personnel of the sea, river, fishing, research and expeditionary fleets, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, RSFSR, USSR and have worked flawlessly on ships for 15 or more years in calendar terms. the day of entry into force of the decree on the award;

designers, developers, heads of design bureaus, research institutes and organizations, educational institutions, heads of central management bodies of the shipbuilding industry, workers of basic professions directly involved in the construction and repair of ships and ships, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, RSFSR , USSR and have worked flawlessly in the named specialties and professions for 20 or more years in calendar terms on the day the award decree came into force;

heads of central, basin management bodies, heads of research institutes, educational institutions of the sea, river, fishing, research and expeditionary fleets, if they have been awarded state awards of the Russian Federation, RSFSR, USSR and have worked impeccably in these industries for 20 or more years in calendar calculation on the day of entry into force of the decree on the award.

2. The anniversary medal “300 years of the Russian Navy” is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the Zhukov medal.

anniversary medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"
(approved By decree President of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 1996 N 176)

The anniversary medal "300 years of the Russian Navy" made of tombac with silvering, has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex edge on both sides.

On the front side of the medal against the background of the Admiralty building is a profile (to the left) chest-to-chest image of Peter the Great. Along the top edge there is an inscription in raised letters “300 years of the Russian Navy.”

On the reverse side in the upper part there is a relief inscription "1696-1996", in the lower part against the background of laurel and oak branches there is an image of crossing anchors.

The medal has no number.

Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a white silk moire ribbon with two blue stripes spaced 1 mm from the edges of the ribbon, the width of the stripes is 7 mm. Tape width 24 mm.