Elbow bursitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease. How to identify and treat purulent bursitis of the elbow joint Acute purulent bursitis of the right elbow joint

Our joints do a lot of work every day and cope with the enormous loads that we place on them in our daily activities. With such a high level of stress, very often the joints can be subject to a wide variety of pathologies and diseases. One of the common diseases affecting the joint capsule is bursitis of the elbow joint.

The elbow joint is the most favorite place for the disease. Synovial fluid, which is secreted by synovial cells lining special joint capsules - bursae, absorbs the load on bones and joints, and also lubricates them. Fluid accumulates in the joint capsules and as a result of its excess, inflammation can occur, which is called bursitis.

The mechanism of occurrence of pathology

Due to the content of lubricating fluid in the bursa cavity, the friction of bones and tissues against each other during mobility is minimized. The elbow joint is anatomically surrounded by three joint capsules: subcutaneous, interosseous and radiobrachial. Thanks to them, a person does not feel any discomfort and can perform any functions with his hands. Normally, the ulnar bursa is smooth, flat and ideally contributes to the functioning of the elbow joint. When inflammation occurs, an excess of synovial fluid appears in the bursae, which puts pressure on the surrounding tissues and causes pain. In this case we are talking about bursitis of the elbow joint.

Causes of the disease

Most often, this disease affects people who make multiple active movements with their hands, and in particular flexion and extension of the elbow. This may be due to certain repetitive tasks or certain sports such as golf, hockey or tennis.

In some cases, bursitis can be triggered by an injury in which the blow falls on the very edge of the elbow. Another likely cause of the development of bursitis is diseases of the joints such as arthritis or gout, as well as infection getting inside the bursa. When the synovial fluid becomes infected inside the bursa, acute purulent bursitis develops.

Classification by type

Depending on the nature of the exudate, bursitis can be one of three types:

  • serous, in which the effusion fluid is not infected;
  • hemorrhagic, in which there are blood impurities in the joint capsule, most often resulting from injury to the elbow joint;
  • purulent, in which infection of the synovial fluid inside the joint capsule occurs.

Purulent bursitis can be specific and nonspecific. A specific type occurs against the background of syphilitic, tuberculous or gonococcal etiology. As for the nonspecific form, the reasons for its occurrence are infection with streptococci, staphylococci and other nonspecific microflora. It often occurs with various injuries, when the infection enters through skin lesions - abrasions, scratches. Infection can also spread through lymphatic vessels from neighboring tissues when there are foci of purulent abscesses, boils, etc. in the human body.

Depending on the nature of the course, the disease is classified into the following forms of bursitis:

  • chronic;
  • spicy;
  • subacute;
  • recurrent.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Symptoms of elbow bursitis can develop differently depending on its form and cause. So, in acute cases they appear suddenly and are quite intense. In the chronic form, symptoms may appear and persist for several weeks, after which they subside again.

In the place of the inflamed joint capsule of the elbow joint, compaction and swelling are formed, and the tissues increase in volume. Visually, bursitis can be quite difficult to determine, since the inflammation is not visible through the skin. Only in some cases, when the affected joint capsules are located close to the outside, there is redness of the skin over it, as well as a local increase in temperature.

It is possible to determine that a patient is developing bursitis of the elbow joint by the presence of a specific swelling, soft in consistency upon palpation. The size of the swelling can be 7-10 centimeters. All manipulations of the patient's hand are accompanied by painful sensations, general malaise is also possible and in some cases a sharp rise in body temperature. However, movement, unlike elbow arthritis, is not limited at all.

In the purulent form of bursitis, the inflammatory process can also affect nearby tissues. In this case, patients may develop a fever. Due to the acute deterioration of the patient’s condition, very often he has to be urgently hospitalized for treatment in a hospital.

Diagnostic methods

Most often, the diagnosis of the disease occurs through examination and study of symptoms, without any additional research methods. Bursitis is most often indicated by specific swelling formed around the elbow. However, in some cases it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, for which a puncture may be performed. In this case, the synovial fluid is taken for examination to clarify the nature of the exudate and its bacteriological examination is performed.

In some cases, it is advisable to resort to x-ray examination, which allows us to determine damage to the process of the elbow or the presence of osteophytes on it.

Existing treatments

Treatment of bursitis of the elbow joint comes down to eliminating the pain syndrome and localizing the inflammatory process. Treatment tactics are determined by the form of the inflammatory process. For any course of the disease, patients it is necessary to ensure maximum peace affected elbow. This can be done quite effectively using a fixing bandage. Dry heat also helps very well at home.

Treatment in a hospital setting may be as follows:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • non-drug therapy.

Bursitis can be treated with medicinal treatment methods, both in its acute and chronic forms. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drugs are used very effectively today, including locally, for example, voltaren, ibuprofen, diclofenac. Drug treatment also includes antibiotic therapy, which is necessary in the presence of infections. Drugs are selected for patients depending on their sensitivity to certain microorganisms that cause inflammation. When the inflammatory process is clearly manifested, glucocorticosteroids are used, which are injected into the inflamed bursa.

Surgical treatment is most often advisable for purulent inflammation and in some cases with chronic forms. In this case, the following types of operations are applied:

  1. Puncture of the inflamed bursa. Suitable for purulent forms of bursitis. During the manipulation, the purulent formation is removed, followed by washing the joint capsule with an antiseptic. In this case, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs can be injected into the bursa cavity.
  2. Drainage of the inflamed bursa. Also indicated for purulent bursitis. In this case, the cavity is opened and drained using a tube. The procedure is carried out until the signs of the inflammatory process disappear.
  3. Bursectomy. The most radical operation, during which the inflamed ulnar bursa is excised. Most often, this method is used for chronic bursitis of the elbow joint, when there is thickening of the bursa walls, which affects the patient’s quality of life and complicates his normal existence. This operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia. After the operation, the patient is given a splint for several days, which ensures rest for the elbow joint and healing of the wound. Subsequently, the patient forms a new joint capsule from the connective tissue.

Traditional Treatments can be successfully combined with traditional methods, which effectively treat a disease such as bursitis of the elbow joint. After treatment, patients are advised to limit their ability to work for some time and refuse to play sports. With a favorable outcome of treatment, patients fully recover within a few weeks.


Inflammation of the subcutaneous connective tissue or bursitis of the elbow joint can be easily treated at home. Symptoms of this lesion appear gradually, which interferes with their diagnosis, therefore, if treatment is not started, over time this will lead to loss of ability to use the hands. The disease often develops in middle-aged men. The disease is also typical for students, athletes, people who, by the nature of their profession, overload their elbows: watchmakers, office workers, accountants.

What is elbow bursitis?

The inflammatory process that appears in the tissues of the synovial bursa (bursa) surrounding the olecranon is called bursitis. To understand how inflammation occurs, you should know that there are synovial bursa (bursa) filled with fluid around the joints. In normal condition, they play the same role as lubricating materials in the engine and prevent parts from coming into contact.

Specifically, the elbow is surrounded by the interosseous, subcutaneous ulnar and interosseous ulnar bursae. Synovial bursae in normal condition do not allow joint friction during movement. Sometimes inflammation occurs in the cavity of several or one bursa at once, and the fluid in the elbow joint increases, its composition changes, and the arm may swell and begin to hurt. This condition is called bursitis. Diseases of the knee, elbow and shoulder joints are common.


Elbow bursitis sometimes appears for no apparent reason, it is completely painless, and does not interfere with the movement of the arms. During examination, a doctor can only detect one or several formations. The chronic form of the disease occurs in the absence of treatment. Any signs of inflammation can easily be confused with gout and polyarthritis, so even if you feel slightly unwell, you should seek help from a specialist. Olecranon bursitis has the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin around the elbow, sudden swelling;
  • the occurrence of swelling;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • swelling, which may increase in volume over time;
  • feverish condition;
  • limitation of joint mobility;
  • intoxication, accompanied by sweating, headaches, loss of appetite, apathy;
  • high body temperature;
  • formation of pus;
  • severe pain when bending your arms;
  • as the joint capsule enlarges, the mobility of the arm becomes limited.

If you do not begin timely treatment of elbow bursitis and continue to ignore damage to the synovial bursa, the disease will turn into a purulent form, and subcutaneous phlegmons and fistulas will appear at the site of inflammation. If you detect any of the symptoms, you should not try to make a diagnosis on your own and start treatment; it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist.


Chronic ulnar bursitis can appear for several reasons:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • as a result of arthritis of any nature - gouty, rheumatoid, psoriatic;
  • due to idiopathic inflammation of the synovial bursa;
  • if there is an infection inside;
  • with mechanical injury to the elbow;
  • the cause of suppuration may be metabolic disorders, weakened immunity, or use of steroid drugs;
  • due to microtrauma received;
  • in the presence of purulent foci (boils, abscesses, abscesses).


Elbow bursitis has several forms, each of which is characterized by specific changes in appearance and intensity of pain. The most common classification is the division of the disease into the following forms:

  • Chronic. Accompanied by mild pain that persists for a long time. There is no tumor, but a dense, small formation can be felt.
  • Spicy. Symptoms of the disease include intoxication and fever. This form is often called traumatic bursitis.
  • Recurrent. Occurs when the integrity of the affected area is repeatedly violated. The symptoms of recurrent bursitis are similar to the acute form.

In addition, it happens:

  • Specific bursitis (post-traumatic). This type of illness appears in people engaged in monotonous strength work.
  • Non-specific. It is observed in patients who have tuberculosis, treponema, and syphilis.

Based on the composition of the synovial fluid, it may be:

  • Hemorrhagic bursitis. With this type of disease, blood enters the fluid.
  • Serous. The safest form. Characterized by slight pain and swelling, elevated temperature. The serous fluid takes on the consistency of serum.
  • Purulent. The person begins to feel bursting pain and severe swelling is observed. The presence of pus indicates inflammation and the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Purulent bursitis requires urgent treatment with antibiotics.

Diagnostic methods

If you notice the first symptoms of infection of the cavity of the ulnar bursa, you must urgently consult an orthopedic traumatologist. Often the disease is determined through a simple examination. Although there are cases when there is no exact certainty about the presence of a disease, therefore the following methods are used to specify and clarify the disease:

  • Ultrasound. Using an ultrasound examination, you can find out exactly how much fluid is inside and whether there is a need for surgery.
  • Puncture of the joint capsule. It is carried out when the doctor does not understand the nature of the disease - inflammatory or infectious. The fluid taken during puncture helps determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Radiography. After an x-ray, a specialist can definitely tell about the presence of inflammatory fluid.
  • MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging is used only in extreme cases, when it is necessary to find out the degree of advanced disease. MRI determines the depth of the joint capsule.


For purulent acute bursitis of the elbow, the doctor may prescribe a puncture of the bursa exudate. During this procedure, the contents of the bursa are removed. In addition, during puncture it is possible to administer corticosteroids and antibacterial drugs, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Before starting the procedure, the arm is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The needle is passed between the lower edge of the lateral epicondyle and the outer edge of the olecranon.

Treatment of elbow bursitis

If the pathology is a consequence of a bruise, then the disease can go away on its own by limiting the movements of the sore spot and applying a compress using Dimexide. At the early stage of the disease, you need to organize rest for the joint. In other cases, anti-inflammatory therapy will be needed. To begin with, a specialist may prescribe non-steroidal drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac). If the cause of inflammation is bacteria, then antibiotics are necessary. If there is a large accumulation of fluid, a puncture should be performed.

In addition, treatment of elbow bursitis involves the application of immobilizing (pressure, scarf, plaster) bandages. If the damage is open, the wound is subjected to surgical treatment, after which an antiseptic bandage is applied on top. Only a specialist should treat infectious inflammation. Conservative therapy in such cases is ineffective. After healing, the patient should undergo physical therapy. If, due to the neglect of the process, treatment is not successful, then surgery is prescribed.


In case of severe inflammation of the elbow, it is necessary to treat the disease with antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory agents. In addition to this, homeopathic ointments are used. Local treatment at home with Dimexide helps. Severe pain is relieved with glucocorticoids, analgesics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Elbow bursitis is accompanied by pain and severe inflammation. To relieve such symptoms, the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. All of them have antipyretic and analgesic effects. For bursitis, non-steroidal drugs are used systemically. This group includes the following drugs:

  • Diclofenac. The product can be used in the form of rectal suppositories and injections. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Suppositories are administered whole at 50 mg twice a day. Diclofenac should be used with caution in the presence of stomach diseases.
  • Ibuprofen. The drug has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. To relieve pain, the drug is prescribed as an injection. The course of treatment is 10 days. The product may cause side effects: nausea, allergic reactions, dizziness.

Antibiotics for elbow bursitis

Initially, for hemorrhagic and purulent bursitis, the patient is prescribed antibacterial treatment. Antibiotics should be prescribed by a doctor after laboratory tests - culture of the synovial cavity in order to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics. Depending on the infection that triggered the inflammatory process, the following antibiotics may be prescribed:

  • Lincomycin. The product slowly develops stability and is quickly distributed in tissues. The daily dosage of the drug is 2 g. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks. Taking the medication is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation due to the penetration of the active substance through the placental barrier.
  • Amoxiclav. Combined antibiotic medication. Belongs to the pharmacological group of penicillins. Used in tablet form. The average course of treatment is 14 days. Amoxiclav is prescribed with caution for liver failure and severe renal impairment.


The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large number of ointments that are successfully used against inflammation of the elbow joint. The preparations contain specific components that increase capillary permeability: pepper extract, bee or snake venom, essential oils. They locally increase blood flow, cause tissue hyperemia, and cope well with the symptoms of inflammation of the joint capsule. All medications can be used at home, but they should only be prescribed by a doctor. The most effective are:

  • Collagen Ultra. Ointment or cream for external use. Thanks to the free amino acids contained in the preparation, inflammation goes away faster when using the ointment. Collagen relieves pain, strengthens connective tissue, and eliminates muscle tension. Rub the ointment in with massage movements, without pressing on the affected area. Side effect: possible development of allergies.
  • Voltaren. The drug is considered the most effective in eliminating pathological processes in joints and muscles. The ointment is quickly absorbed, especially if it is applied under a bandage. In addition, the effect of the drug on tissue lasts more than 12 hours, which helps to use Voltaren only 2 times a day. Side effects: anxiety, insomnia, headache.

Vishnevsky ointment for bursitis of the elbow joint

The composition of the well-known ointment includes castor oil, xeroform, and tar. The drug is an effective antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, Vishnevsky ointment is an excellent mixture for treating the inflammatory process, because it quickly resolves the exudate. For bursitis, this remedy, due to its structure, is well absorbed into the skin. The ointment is easy to apply and make various compresses. This remedy can cure a disease accompanied by the accumulation of pus. Contraindication – severe tendency to allergies.

Nutritional Features

To help the body fight the disease, you need to eat foods with vitamins C, A, E, and eat more gelatin (at least 3 times a week). Therefore, you should eat more:

  • products of plant origin: cereals, cabbage, viburnum, carrots, beets, sea buckthorn, currants, citrus fruits, nuts;
  • You can also include jellied fish, jelly, jelly, jelly in your diet;
  • products of animal origin: beef, chicken, liver, fish, seafood, dairy products.

Surgical intervention

For bursitis, surgery is performed in extreme cases when all traditional methods are ineffective. As a rule, surgical treatment is necessary for purulent-hemorrhagic inflammation, recurrent or persistent serous bursitis. During surgery, in some situations, purulent exudate or part of the bursa may be removed, and if the disease is advanced, then the entire bursa may be removed. The following methods exist:

  • drainage;
  • puncture of the bag;
  • bursectomy.

Treatment with folk remedies

You cannot self-medicate for bursitis, because... this will lead to complications. All therapy must be coordinated with your doctor. Although folk remedies cannot completely cure the disease, they can alleviate the symptoms of connective tissue inflammation. As a rule, treatment of elbow bursitis at home involves the use of an ointment made from aloe juice and honey. To prepare it you will need plant juice, several parts of alcohol and honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected area 2 times a day. A few more popular recipes:

  • Salt compress. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a large spoonful of salt in 0.5 liters of water, moisten a cloth with the solution and place it on the sore spot. Wrap the top with film and a warm scarf. The duration of the procedure is approximately 8 hours. This treatment is good at drawing out excess fluid from the inflamed bursa.
  • Onion mixture with laundry soap and honey. To prepare the recipe you will need a medium onion, a bar of soap and 500 g of honey. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and used as a compress. It must be done before bed for three weeks.


To avoid bursitis, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • suppress inflammation in a timely manner;
  • avoid heavy loads;
  • disinfect scratches, abrasions, and minor wounds with antiseptics;
  • adhere to dietary nutrition;
  • correct deformed joints in a timely manner;
  • exercise;
  • use special bandages.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The articular surfaces of the elbow are covered by a kind of capsule - a bursa (in Latin: bursa), the role of which is not only to externally protect the joint, but also to mitigate friction between its components. The bag is filled with fluid, which ensures proper lubrication of the joint. Sometimes an inflammatory disease of this capsule can develop, the name of which is bursitis. Bursitis especially often affects the shoulder, elbow and knee joints..

Purulent bursitis of the elbow joint: symptoms, treatment

The elbow is surrounded by several membranes that are not connected to the joint cavity. The largest is superficial, on the side of the protruding part of the elbow.

Cause, types and type of elbow bursitis

Prepare the ground for bursitis:

  • Systematic arthritis of rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic and other nature.
  • with synovitis - accumulation of fluid leading to inflammation of the synovium
  • Constant irritation of the elbow when resting on a surface, as a result of daily monotonous movements. The following are at risk:
    • Engravers, engravers, leather workers
    • Diligent, diligent students, etc.
  • Frequent mechanical injuries to the elbow due to falls or sudden amplitude movements:
    • this is typical for professional tennis players, volleyball players, handball players

Causes of purulent bursitis of the elbow joint

Purulent inflammation of the bursa begins when infection penetrates into the joint due to:

  • Wounds of the elbow joint resulting from trauma
  • Formed near the inflammatory focus:
    • erysipelas
    • subcutaneous phlegmon
    • pustular skin lesions, etc.
  • Surgery with joint hemorrhage
  • Specific diseases (tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.)

Types of elbow bursitis

Inflammation of the joint capsule of the elbow is classified according to three criteria:

  • anatomical location
  • type of inflammatory process
  • nature of the disease

Type of bursitis

  • Serous - inflammation affects the intercavity and cavitary surfaces and occurs without the formation of pus inside the cavities
  • Purulent - pus and pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) accumulate in the bursa
  • Hemorrhagic - the exudate of the joint cavity contains blood

Nature of the disease:

Acute, subacute and chronic.

Symptoms of purulent ulnar bursitis

The usual serous form is accompanied by swelling of the elbow, painless on palpation. The skin is not modified, and the elbow does not experience any special difficulties when moving

Purulent inflammation is another matter. The following symptoms may indicate a purulent type:

  • A painful swelling and twitching sensation occurs just above the elbow
  • The skin in the area of ​​swelling turns red and feels hot to the touch.
  • Body temperature may rise to high levels
  • Movements in the joint become difficult, but due to pain, and not due to a decrease in the true range of motion, as happens with:
    • pain with bursitis is superficial, and with arthrosis it is concentrated inside the joint
  • You should also distinguish between synovitis in arthrosis and bursitis:
    • with synovitis (inflammation of the synovium), the elbow swells evenly
    • with bursitis - clearly localized swelling
  • Possible enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) and skin lymph ducts (lymphangitis), as happens with bacterial infections

Purulent inflammation of the capsule, if not treated, leads to:

  • Symptoms of intoxication: nausea, headache, drowsiness and apathy
  • Formation of fistulas and phlegmons
  • To the chronic form of the disease:
    • Constant aching pain in the elbow
    • One or more lumps under the skin can be felt
  • To periodic exacerbations with all the above symptoms

Treatment of elbow bursitis

Diagnosis of bursitis

Laboratory and instrumental methods are used for diagnosis:

  • General blood and urine tests are taken
  • Blood sugar test:
    • Having diabetes may complicate the course of the disease and require a different treatment regimen
  • A puncture is performed, the purpose of which is to collect exudate:
    • Such an analysis is important for selecting a drug for antibacterial therapy of purulent inflammation of the bursa
  • To differentiate arthrosis, radiography or ultrasound can be performed.

If serous inflammation of the membranes can somehow go away on its own, then this extremely rarely happens with purulent bursitis.

But usually any form of this disease should not be left to chance.

Video: Puncture of the elbow joint for purulent bursitis:

Treatment of serous bursitis

If the inflammation is not purulent, treatment is usually limited:

  • Immobilization of the elbow using a scarf
  • Removing exudate accumulated between the membranes by puncture and rinsing
  • Applying a tight bandage
  • Physiotherapy:
    • warming procedures
    • electrophoresis, UHF, ultrasound, etc.

Conservative treatment of purulent bursitis

In case of purulent form of bursitis, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the abscess of the joint capsule itself.

  • The fluid is aspirated using a syringe, which immediately alleviates the condition.
  • Antibacterial therapy is prescribed
  • Treatment is carried out with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (nimesil, diclofenac, ibuprofen) and corticosteroids

Surgery for purulent bursitis

Surgical treatment is necessary when:

Types of operations

  • The usual surgery for bursitis is simple and takes place under local anesthesia.:
    • A thick needle is inserted into the joint capsule, through which the accumulated exudate is evacuated
    • Complete pumping out of fluid is carried out using a catheter with a rubber bulb at the end.
  • Another type of operation is partial excision of the joint capsule.
  • Radical surgery - complete bursectomy is performed in case of recurrence of purulent bursitis

Prevention of elbow bursitis

To prevent the purulent stage of inflammation of the joint capsule, it is necessary:

  • Avoid permanent elbow injuries:
    • protect the elbow with a pad (caliper) during sports activities
    • put something soft under it when sitting at a desk or studying
  • Treat wounds on the elbow surface in a timely manner
  • Eliminate specific chronic purulent processes


Most often, the cause of long-term pain in the elbow is not arthrosis or bursitis, but epicondylitis, an inflammation of the attachment site of the elbow tendons, which can be cured on its own.

The video below will tell you more about epicondylitis of the elbow joint.

Video: What is epicondylitis

P.S. We don’t even suspect that many diseases can be treated much more simply than in the medical myths written about them. Dr. Sperling talks about many secrets of treating diseases of ODS and not only, as always, with authority and humor.

Elbow bursitis occurs when the bursa (or “bursa” in Latin) becomes inflamed. This section is filled with fluid that softens friction in the elbow joint. As the inflammatory process develops, the tissues of the elbow joint swell, the amount of synovial fluid increases, and the pain in the elbow often becomes unbearable.

Find out the causes of elbow bursitis, symptoms, and methods for diagnosing the disease. Take note of folk recipes that complement traditional methods of treating inflammatory processes in the joint capsule.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Elbow bursitis develops under the influence of negative factors. Sometimes the joint experiences external and internal influences that increase inflammation.

Main reasons:

  • abrasions, scratches, microtraumas through which pathogenic microbes easily penetrate;
  • inflammatory processes in various parts of the body. With the flow of lymph and blood, bacteria and viruses quickly populate the synovial fluid, and acute bursitis develops;
  • systemic pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system: scleroderma, gout, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • active sports, hard work with frequent impact on the elbow joint.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

After infection of the joint capsule, a pathological process develops and the first signs of bursitis appear. If you do not pay attention to them, the disease starts, the inflammation will move from the acute to the purulent stage, and later take on a chronic, recurrent nature.

Be sure to visit an orthopedic traumatologist if you experience the following symptoms:

  • pain when moving the elbow;
  • swelling ranging in size from 7 to 10 cm. Protrusion of tissue, quite soft to the touch;
  • when palpated, the movement of synovial fluid is easily felt;
  • effusion into the bag is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. When infected, the soft tissues melt, and a dangerous complication develops - phlegmon of the elbow joint;
  • the appearance of pus in the joint capsule is indicated by increased temperature, redness of the joint area, severe pain at the slightest movement;
  • in the absence of therapy, further activation of the inflammatory process, health worsens, intoxication of the body continues;
  • The patient suffers from attacks of nausea and vomiting. When the pathogen is highly aggressive, delusional syndrome, confusion, and increased fatigue are noted.

Types of pathology

Based on the nature of the pathological changes, four types of elbow bursitis are distinguished:

  • spicy;
  • purulent;
  • chronic;
  • recurrent.


If there is discomfort in the elbow joint, tissue swelling, or pain, visit an orthopedic traumatologist. With severe inflammation, bursitis is easy to distinguish.

In milder cases, additional studies are required to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound of the problem joint.
  • X-ray.
  • MRI to detect inflammation in deep joint capsules.

Patients ask how to distinguish arthritis from bursitis. Many of the symptoms are similar, but there is a main difference: with arthritis it is almost impossible to move the elbow, with bursitis, movements due to inflammation of the joint capsules are possible, although very painful.

How to treat at home: effective methods

How to treat elbow bursitis at home? The duration of therapy is three weeks or longer. During treatment, the patient often experiences severe pain: a scar forms in the elbow joint.

At the end of the main course, rehabilitation is required to improve the condition of tendons, muscles, and joints. The doctor will prescribe exercise therapy (physical therapy) and massage. The patient himself performs special exercises (after training from a doctor at the exercise therapy office) at home.

The massage must be performed by a specialist. Given the chronic and recurrent nature of the disease, loved ones will have to learn the basic techniques for high-quality rehabilitation of the sufferer after each attack.

Many patients, in addition to ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory effects (drugs Voltaren, Indomethacin, Traumeel S, Dimexide, Diclofenac) use folk recipes for bursitis of the elbow joint. Complex treatment lasts several weeks and requires regular use of homemade formulations.

Consult a traumatologist to find out which remedy is best. If it is not possible to see a doctor immediately, traditional medicine recipes for bursitis will reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

Important! If the form is purulent, you cannot warm up the sore elbow! Heat activates the inflammatory process, accelerating the spread of pus to new areas.

Effective compositions and methods:

  • pine baths. Collect young needles, green cones if available. Place 4-5 spoons of pine needles in a saucepan, put a few cones, pour in a couple of liters of boiling water, and cover with a lid. After 6 hours, the pine elixir is ready. Strain the liquid and pour into the bath. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour;
  • cabbage leaf compress. This method is effective not only for bursitis, but also for arthritis. Wash the leaf, remove the stringy part, cut or beat until the juice appears, apply to the sore spot, bandage it, insulate it with a soft cloth. Cabbage perfectly “draws out” inflammation and reduces pain. As soon as the sheet dries and becomes hot (after about half an hour), replace the compress with a fresh one. Keep the cabbage on your elbow longer: the remedy is harmless;
  • bath with hay dust. You will need 3 liters of cold water, 1 kg of hay dust. Boil the mixture and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Remove the pan from the stove, wait 10 minutes, strain, and add the warm broth to the bath. The useful procedure time is 20 minutes;
  • compress with a decoction of burdock root. Cut a couple of roots, select 2 tbsp. l. raw materials. Add a liter of boiling water to the container. Keep the burdock broth on low heat for 15 minutes, then set aside and let it brew for 15 minutes. Moisten the gauze with healing liquid, apply it to the sore elbow, and insulate it. Change the compress after half an hour and so on 2 more times during the day. The course of treatment is up to three weeks;
  • aloe for bursitis.“Home healer,” as the medicinal plant is often called, is effective in treating inflammatory processes in different parts of the body. Cut the washed leaf, select the pulp, place it on gauze, and bandage it to the problematic elbow. Keep the aloe on the inflamed area for about an hour, change the compress, wait another hour. Course – 2 weeks;
  • Kalanchoe against inflammation. Chop large leaves, dilute the pulp slightly with water, apply to the swollen area, cover with gauze or flannel, and bandage. Make sure that the sore spot is not compressed. Keep the compress for 2 hours, repeat the procedure daily;
  • a mixture of propolis and butter. Means for internal use. The combination of beneficial components heals the body from the inside. Combine 20 g of soft quality oil with 30 g of bee product. For a healing effect, take the mixture daily, 1 tsp. 15 minutes before meals. The optimal frequency is three times a day;
  • baths with medicinal herbs. Steam chamomile and calendula (2 tablespoons each of ingredients) in a liter of boiling water. The healing infusion is ready in 40–45 minutes. Pour the strained product into the bath. Session duration is 20 minutes. Herbal decoction effectively relieves inflammation. In case of purulent form, replace the bath with a compress with a decoction of chamomile and calendula, so as not to heat the sore spot. Change the compress several times, repeat the procedure daily until the swelling subsides;
  • raw potatoes for bursitis. Grate the peeled tubers (2 pcs.), distribute the mixture on gauze or a piece of cloth, apply to the problem area, and bandage. For chronic bursitis, wrap the sore elbow with a woolen scarf; for acute and purulent forms, a light bandage is sufficient.

Three more available recipes:

  • iodine against bursitis of the elbow joint. Use the product only if there are no allergic reactions to the components of the mixture. “Iodine therapy” is an addition to, not a replacement for, anti-inflammatory drugs. Mix 1 bottle of valerian extract, 1 small bottle of iodine, a bottle of regular “Triple Cologne”, 6 Analgin tablets, ground to a powder. Place the bottle in a cool, dark place. After 5 days, the composition against inflammation of the joint capsule is ready. Use the product as a rub daily, protect your hands: the mixture leaves noticeable marks on your fingers;
  • propolis compress. Prepare a medicinal infusion: dissolve a teaspoon of bee product in a glass of warm water, moisten flannel or gauze, and wrap the sore spot. Do beneficial procedures daily until the discomfort in the elbow joint disappears;
  • ointment made from honey and aloe. An excellent remedy for relieving swelling, healing microcracks and wounds on the elbow. Take 3 des. l. tender pulp, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 2 drops of tea tree ether. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, put half the mixture on gauze or a bandage, and secure it to the inflamed area. There is no need to wrap up the problem area. Aloe ointment with honey is suitable for the treatment of purulent bursitis of the elbow joint while heating is prohibited. Keep the mixture for 50 minutes, change the compress, wait the same amount. Course – 20 procedures (or less, depending on the result).

After treatment, follow these simple rules to avoid relapses:

  • eliminate stress on the elbow joint: do not lift weights, exercise in the gym carefully, do not use the problem area;
  • do not make sudden movements with your hands, gradually develop the healed tissue;
  • if the cause of bursitis of the elbow joint is trauma under the influence of negative factors at work, protect your elbows with special bandages;
  • In case of accidental injury or trauma to the elbow area, immediately treat the damaged area with antiseptics. Remember: untimely application of disinfectant compounds opens the way for pathogenic microbes. Infection often causes purulent lesions in the area of ​​the synovial bursa and the development of an acute form of bursitis;
  • If you detect inflammatory processes in the body, visit a therapist and specialists. The longer the start of treatment is delayed, the more actively the infection spreads through organs and tissues, penetrating into the joints with blood and lymph. It is difficult to remove purulent inflammation inside the synovial bursa; bursitis often becomes recurrent.

Timely diagnosis and proper treatment of bursitis will preserve joint health. An integrated approach to the treatment of the inflammatory process using medications, folk remedies, and physiotherapy will relieve the patient of painful symptoms. Don’t put off treating bursitis “for too long”: the disease often progresses to a chronic stage, and attacks cause significant discomfort. Be healthy!

Bursitis is the process of inflammation that develops in the joint capsule. To understand the process, it should be said that around each joint there are several synovial bursae that are filled with liquid contents. They are intended for shock absorption (separation of one articular surface from another) and protection of joints from traumatic damage.

The most common injury is the knee, and the second most common injury is the elbow joint. It contains three bags, each of which contains a certain amount of clear fluid (interosseous, ulnar subcutaneous and interosseous ulnar). The inflammatory process in one of these bags is called bursitis.

What it is?

Elbow bursitis– inflammatory lesion of the synovial bursa – bursa. Due to the close proximity of the neurovascular bundle and a thin layer of fatty tissue, the elbow joints are vulnerable to various traumatic factors, reacting sharply to even the slightest damage.


Bursitis of the elbow joint can occur for a number of reasons, among which are the following:

  1. In the first place, as a factor leading to the development of bursitis, is arthritis of any nature - psoriatic or gouty. That is, against the background of acute inflammation, fluid begins to accumulate in the cartilage itself or in the synovial bursa, which leads to the formation of bursitis.
  2. It can also occur as a result of infection. This happens especially often when the skin tissue directly next to the bursa has been damaged, and a certain microorganism or bacterium has gotten inside. Bursitis can also serve as an infectious cause when the bones and soft tissues of the fingers are exposed to acute inflammation. Also, the infection can enter the synovial bursa not from the outside, but “from the inside,” that is, transmitted through the blood (hematogenous route) and lymph (lymphogenous route).
  3. Bursitis can result from microtrauma, but this is somewhat less common. The elbow is injured due to constantly repeating monotonous movements, so this disease is unofficially called the “occupational” disease of all those people whose activities involve resting the elbow on a hard surface. These could be students, engravers, chess players, draftsmen, etc. In such people, the subcutaneous ulnar bursa most often becomes inflamed, and, for example, in tennis players, the interosseous ulnar bursa is inflamed. This difference is associated with the characteristics of the distribution of the load on the elbow, and therefore the location of microtraumas.
  4. Sometimes bursitis occurs some time after receiving a mechanical injury to the elbow. In the case when a person hits or falls on this part of the body. It is extremely rare, however, that idiopathic inflammation of the synovial bursa occurs, that is, one whose etiological causes remain unclear.

Some other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, are also considered risk factors leading to inflammation in the elbow joint. The cause of suppuration can also be a general weakening of the immune system, metabolic disorders, as well as the use of steroid drugs.


Bursitis, like any inflammatory disease, can be acute, subacute or chronic. In addition, the specific type of bursitis depends on which of the bursae is damaged. The quality of the fluid contained in the bursa in this disease is also taken into account.

In this regard, bursitis is distinguished:

  • serous;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • purulent;
  • fibrous;
  • mixed.

If the disease is based on the introduction of coccal flora, then the process is considered nonspecific. And in cases of disorders associated with tuberculosis, gonorrhea or syphilis, we are talking about specific bursitis.

Symptoms and photos of elbow bursitis

Symptoms of acute serous-hemorrhagic or serous process:

  • mild pain, swelling, redness, increased temperature in the area of ​​inflammation.
  • movements in the elbow are limited.
  • There may be a spherical protrusion visible to the eye, soft to the touch.
  • the general condition, as a rule, does not suffer; only some patients experience low body temperature, accompanied by malaise and weakness.
  • acute inflammation ends with recovery or becomes chronic.

Symptoms of a purulent type of disease:

  • pain with purulent is sharp, bursting or tugging.
  • The more acute the inflammation, the more intense the pain syndrome.
  • the elbow is hot to the touch, swollen, the skin is congested with blood (hyperemic), sharp pain is noted on palpation.
  • movements are severely limited, regional lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • Symptoms of general intoxication appear: the temperature rises to 38–39 degrees, you feel weak, tired, sweating, headache, irritability.

Chronic bursitis lasts much longer than acute, manifesting itself with the following symptoms:

  • moderate pain when moving,
  • discomfort in the elbow area,
  • movements in the joint are preserved almost completely,
  • the area of ​​inflammation looks like a dense formation.

The photo below shows how elbow bursitis manifests itself in an adult.

First aid

In the case of an acute non-purulent process, it is important to do the following:

  • Apply a tight pressure bandage to the joint, which will not stop arterial circulation, to reduce tissue swelling;
  • Form a fixing scarf (orthosis) that will support the arm in a physiological position.

With purulent bursitis, this should not be done: pus under pressure can enter the surrounding tissues and blood vessels.


The diagnosis is usually easy to make based on an examination by an orthopedic traumatologist. But to clarify the prevalence of the process and exclude complications, there are a number of instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • X-ray of the joint: allows you to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the joint.
  • Ultrasound of the joint: helps to clarify the size and location of the inflamed bursa, the amount of exudate in it
  • MRI of the joint: allows you to diagnose bursitis of the deep joint capsules.

This disease must be diagnosed as early as possible in order to begin adequate treatment in a timely manner.


Complications of elbow bursitis are much more difficult to treat than the disease itself. They arise due to failure to provide timely medical care and the disease progressing to severe forms. A peculiar melting of the walls in the synovial cavity occurs and the pathogenic mass spreads to adjacent areas.

As a result, the following are formed:

Lymphangitis Inflammation of the lymphoid ducts, which become more pronounced in the form of a mesh or red lines extending from the site of purulent formation.
It is formed as a result of infection of the lymph nodes, to which lymph flows from the source of inflammation and an abscess is formed.
Suppurative arthritis The disease typically spreads to the joint that is located next to the victim and limits its movements.

Treatment of elbow bursitis

In the case of acute or chronic bursitis, anti-inflammatory drugs (such as voltaren, ibuprofen, diclofenac), as well as antibacterial drugs, are used at home. The latter are selected taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In mild cases of the disease, various gels and ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect have a good effect, but they only help in conjunction with oral administration of the medications described above. To treat a clearly defined inflammatory process that is difficult to treat, glucocorticoid preparations are used. They are introduced into the cavity of the inflamed joint capsule.

Please note that only a qualified doctor has the right to prescribe all medications; you should not try to do this yourself or even with the help of a pharmacist, as this can be dangerous to your health!

Physiological therapy

After the acute period of bursitis has passed, physiotherapy is added to the complex of treatment procedures. Painful symptoms subside during the first procedures. Physiological procedures are well tolerated by patients, such as:

  1. Massage;
  2. Laser therapy;
  3. Paraffin heating;
  4. Mud treatment;
  5. Magnetotherapy;
  6. Bishofite wraps;
  7. Physiotherapy.

It is recommended to treat elbow bursitis at home by following a certain diet. It is recommended to limit the use of table salt in food and reduce the consumption of meat broths, however, boiled meat is beneficial. It is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables according to the dietary menu.

Folk remedies

Some patients, in addition to ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory effects (drugs Voltaren, Indomethacin, Traumeel S, Dimexide, Diclofenac) use folk recipes for bursitis of the elbow joint. Complex treatment at home lasts several weeks and requires regular use of homemade formulations.

  • Directions for use: 20 grams of propolis per 1 glass of quality vodka. The resulting liquid must be mixed and allowed to stand for 1 week. Afterwards, the mixture is applied to clean gauze or bandage and applied to the inflamed area for 5-10 minutes. To achieve the effect, you need to apply the compress every day for several weeks.
  • Cabbage leaf compress. This method is effective not only for bursitis, but also for arthritis. Wash the leaf, remove the stringy part, cut or beat until the juice appears, apply to the sore spot, bandage it, insulate it with a soft cloth. Cabbage perfectly “draws out” inflammation and reduces pain. As soon as the sheet dries and becomes hot (after about half an hour), replace the compress with a fresh one. Keep the cabbage on your elbow longer: the remedy is harmless.
  • Burdock decoction helps relieve joint inflammation, especially with acute bursitis. Directions for use: 2 tbsp required. spoons of crushed burdock root per 1 liter. Boil water for about 5 minutes. Then let the broth brew for 10-15 minutes and apply a compress to the epicenter of inflammation. For complete warming up, it is recommended to insulate the compress with a woolen scarf on top and allow the joint to warm up for 1.5 hours. Course of treatment: once a day for a month.
  • Ointment made from honey and aloe. An excellent remedy for relieving swelling, healing microcracks and wounds on the elbow. Take 3 des. l. tender pulp, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 2 drops of tea tree ether. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, put half the mixture on gauze or a bandage, and secure it to the inflamed area. There is no need to wrap up the problem area. Aloe ointment with honey is suitable for the treatment of purulent bursitis of the elbow joint while heating is prohibited. Keep the mixture for 50 minutes, change the compress, wait the same amount. Course – 20 procedures (or less, depending on the result).

Timely diagnosis and proper treatment of bursitis will preserve joint health. An integrated approach to the treatment of the inflammatory process using medications, folk remedies, and physiotherapy will relieve the patient of painful symptoms. Don’t put off treating bursitis “for too long”: the disease often progresses to a chronic stage, and attacks cause significant discomfort.


When complications of the disease develop and pus appears in the joint capsule, an operation becomes urgent, which is quite simple and consists of pumping out the fluid and injecting antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs into the joint.

Bursitis is usually treated with medications, but if complications occur, it requires surgery.

Surgeries are also performed to remove the damaged bursa. They are completely uncomplicated and highly effective. Patients soon return to their normal lives.

Prevention of bursitis

Preventive measures will help avoid the risk of developing pathology:

  • strict adherence to work and rest schedules;
  • dosing of physical activity;
  • immediate competent treatment of infectious diseases;
  • timely initiation of treatment in order to prevent the transition of the inflammatory process to the purulent phase;
  • prevention of traumatic effects on the area where synovial capsules are located;
  • use of protective equipment if there is a potential threat of injury;
  • abrasions, scratches, cuts, abrasions must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and an antiseptic.

Elbow bursitis is a dangerous disease. The disease should not be left to chance, as complications can be disastrous. The disease cannot be allowed to reach severe forms.