Bunker feeder for rabbits drawings. Bunker feeder for rabbits

Every rabbit breeder knows that when keeping and breeding rabbits at home, the animals should be provided with high-quality food and clean, fresh water. For this purpose, the cage or barn is equipped with special feeders and drinkers. Such containers must be accessible and convenient for animals and maintenance. You can purchase them at a pet store or make drinking bowls and feeders for rabbits with your own hands.

During the day the animals come up for food from twenty-five to thirty times. Therefore, food equipment should be convenient and always clean. The following types of feeders are distinguished:

Requirements for feeders for rabbits

The design must be made with your own hands so that it meets the following requirements:

You can make different types of structures with your own hands, but the most optimal and convenient option for both animals and the farmer is a bunker feeder.

Making a bunker feeder for rabbits

This type of design can be manufactured in two versions

Galvanized Iron Hopper Feeder

You can make a container of any size from iron sheets by first sketching out a drawing.

DIY production:

  1. According to the required dimensions and drawings, the side and rear walls, the front part, the tray, the lid, and the limiters that will hold the food are cut out of iron using special scissors. A door is needed if animals are kept outside.
  2. All elements have sharp edges processed, after which they need to be cut and bent according to the markings using a hammer, scissors and a mallet.
  3. Using a drill, holes are drilled in the places where the rivets will be installed.
  4. All parts are connected using rivets. First, a pallet with a limiter is assembled, to which the side and rear walls are attached. The front wall and cover are installed last.

The structure for the feed is ready. Now you can install it and, if necessary, adjust the corners.

Hopper feeder made from a tin can

If there is a fairly large tin can on the farm, then using metal scissors and a drill you can use it to make a convenient container for food.

Stages of work:

Food is poured into the container, which will come from the narrow part after the wide bowl is emptied.

Hay feeder

With your own hands you can make a structure similar to a manger, which will be filled with hay and grass. Its base can be made of any materials, and the side from which animals will take food can be a grate or mesh is installed.

Required materials and tools:

  • grille from an old refrigerator or MDF;
  • hammer and screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • hacksaw;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • nails or screws;
  • metal scissors;
  • sheet of tin;
  • sheets of plywood.

DIY production:

After the hay box is ready, it can be attached to the walls of the cage.

Zolotukhin's feeder

Convenient universal design that can be filled with your favorite type of food. Such equipment is easy to maintain and can be easily made by hand.

The feeder will be attached to the door on the outside of the cage, which makes it easy to clean and fill with food. The following inventory has been completed can be made of galvanized iron or boards and mesh.

Required materials and tools:

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Two walls should be cut out of the board and a recess should be made in them, to which a partition in the form of a mesh dispenser will be attached. Through this mesh the rabbits will get food that they cannot spill.
  2. A piece is cut out of a sheet of tin according to the dimensions of the door and needs to be bent in half.
  3. A board is prepared for the front wall, which, together with the sidewalls, is attached to the sheet metal.
  4. A mesh is installed in the prepared grooves of the side wooden parts.
  5. The structure is attached to the cage. To do this, you need to install it in the door slot and drive one nail into the side elements.

The result is a feeder that can be rotated, which is very convenient when adding food and cleaning the structure.

Animals should always have free access to clean and fresh water, which is poured into convenient drinking bowls. Rabbits are distinguished by the fact that their paws begin to hurt when left in damp conditions for a long time. . Therefore, install for these Pets should be kept in containers that the animals cannot turn over.

Types of drinking bowls for rabbits:

Making nipple drinkers with your own hands

Having prepared in advance everything necessary for making the structure, a nipple drinker can be made in just a few minutes.

Necessary materials:

  • a 180 or 360 degree nipple, which can be purchased at a pet store;
  • plastic bottle or small canister;
  • wire for fastening;
  • a piece of rubber for gasket;
  • stationery knife.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. The bottom of the bottle should be cut off to make it easy to wash and to prevent a vacuum from forming inside the container.
  2. You need to make a hole in the cork using a stationery knife. Its diameter should be two centimeters smaller than the diameter of the nipple nozzle.
  3. A rubber gasket is cut out and installed to seal the connection. You can check whether water will leak, and if there is a leak, then seal the gap with glue or sealant.
  4. A drinking bowl with a nipple is attached to the cage wall using wire. It should be installed so that it is convenient for the rabbits to drink, and for the owner to add water and wash the container.

One bottle of water is enough for several rabbits. If there are a lot of animals, then you can make a structure by installing the required number of nipples in a hose that is connected to a large tank.

Adequate nutrition and free access to fresh water are the key to the health of rabbits. Therefore, they should eat and drink from convenient and safe feeders and drinkers, which can be quite easily made with your own hands.

  • convenience and sufficiency of feed supply for feeding the animal;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the cage.

If the feeder size is insufficient, the rabbit will be malnourished and, as a result, will develop poorly. Or you will have to stay close to it, constantly adding food there.

If the feeder is too large and spacious, the rabbit will climb into it and begin to scatter food, leaving particles of feces and urine there. And this will, in turn, lead to cell contamination and infectious diseases. Therefore, you need to approach the issue of choosing and making utensils for food very carefully, checking in practice your design solutions or products purchased in the store.

You can install several feeders in the cage for eating different types of food: hay, root vegetables, dry grain.

Types of feeders

Each type of food requires its own type of dishes.

Ceramic bowls or cup feeders

They look aesthetically pleasing. Used to feed rabbits with granulated feed, grain and root crops. Also applicable as a drinking bowl. The price of a 250 ml product, as in the picture above, is 370 rubles. There are even more expensive ones. But the fact is that the rabbit does not care about beauty. The main thing for him is that there is plenty of food and it is tasty for him. And he will easily turn over such a bowl and trample the food with his paws. And then there is not much point in feeding. You can secure the feeder, but then it will be inconvenient to add food to it. And its capacity is very small - no more than the daily norm fits. This means that you will buy this bowl to please yourself, not your rabbit.

Nursery or hay barn

They are indispensable when feeding a rabbit hay. If they have a successful design and are of sufficient size, he will always be full. You can even leave him alone for a couple of days.

You can make such a nursery yourself from steel mesh with a cell size of 25x50 mm. Some argue that the cell may be smaller - 25x25 mm. Even with these parameters, a rabbit will be able to easily obtain food for itself. But it’s better to check this on your pets. It may be difficult for yours to do this.

People with imagination attach half a bicycle rack to the wall of the cage as a nursery - as in the picture below.

They must be constantly monitored, making sure that they are not empty.


This type of feeder, in terms of its functionality, is considered a universal accessory. From it you can feed the rabbit hay, root vegetables and grain. They are made of metal or wood. Their design is simple - four walls and a bottom. Craftsmen adapt pieces of pipes (metal or plastic) from 0.5 to 1 m long for it. Their ends are sealed, and an oblong hole is cut out along the top. It can also be used as a drinking bowl. They are placed both outside and inside the cage. Ideal for feeding a group of rabbits.


This type of feeder is the most popular. It is most convenient to pour grain and other bulk feed into it. Structurally, it is made in the form of a box inserted into a trough, from the bottom of which a mesh is fixed. There is a limiter inside the box that regulates the supply of food as it is eaten. To make bunker feeders, either wood or tin is used. A metal product is easier to clean and more durable. If rabbits (who love to chew on everything in the world) destroy the wooden one almost immediately, then they will still tinker with this one. Depending on the number of rabbits, bunker feeders can be used either singly or in batteries, securing up to five together.

Such feeders, as shown in the figure above, can be made by yourself if you have available materials in 20 minutes. One of them is made from a profile, and the other is made from the remains of a sewer plastic pipe. Typically, adult rabbits do not chew plastic. In tin troughs, the walls have curved edges. This prevents the food from being scooped out.

What materials are feeders made from?

They are

  • tin;
  • from a metal profile;
  • wooden (thin boards or plywood);
  • made of organic glass;
  • plastic;
  • made of straight slate.

For hay fields, use a steel mesh or rod. You can use wire for fastenings. If the feeder is made of wood or other not very strong material, then they try to line the areas most likely to be nibbled by rabbits with tin. All nicks and chips are smoothed and polished.

Making a nursery type feeder

Hay is the main component of the diet of your long-eared pets. You can simply throw it into the cage. But in this case, it will quickly become unusable, as the rabbits will trample it. This means that the cells need to be cleaned more often. Otherwise, rabbits, eating trampled hay, may begin to get sick. Therefore, this accessory is necessary in the cage.

In addition, the peculiarity of the rabbit is that it eats and defecates at the same time. This means that if you hang the manger at the top, and put a tray for feces under it, then the cage will become cleaner. And maybe the little ears will get used to the tray.

This feeder is easy to make yourself. There are many options for building hay barns. There are those that are attached inside the cage, and there are those that are attached outside. In double cages it is convenient to use a V-shaped nursery. For decorative rabbits, small feeders are sufficient, but those who raise them for industrial purposes need to install larger ones, the width of the cage wall. When choosing a rabbit house option, pay attention to the ease of its maintenance.

Required materials and tools

To work you need to take:

  • plywood sheet of the required dimensions;
  • electric jigsaw or hacksaw for cutting plywood sheets;
  • connecting devices - screws and nails;
  • hammer;
  • pieces of wire;
  • metal mesh;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors.

Stages of construction of outdoor nurseries

  • Develop a design drawing based on the dimensions of the rabbit cage.
  • Using a jigsaw, cut out two identical side walls in the form of a triangle.
  • Using the same tool, cut out the front part.
  • All parts are connected with self-tapping screws.
  • The finished manger is secured to the side wall of the cage.

Stages of construction of a V-shaped nursery

  • For a double-sided one installed inside the hay barn, you will need to cut seven parts from the board. Four - 40 cm each - for the side walls. Three - 50 cm each - top and base.
  • Cut two pieces measuring 30 x 40 cm from the metal mesh. They serve as walls. Hay will be eaten through the mesh holes.
  • Two short and one long boards are connected to each other with self-tapping screws, forming the letter P.
  • The second part is connected in exactly the same way.
  • These two pieces are then attached to the base, forming a 45° angle. The result is something similar to the Latin V.
  • The mesh is attached to the side walls of the manger.
  • That's it - the nursery can be installed as shown in the figure below.

As you can see, making rabbit feeders with your own hands is not a difficult task, and even a beginner can handle it.

Before you get rabbits, you need to take care of building a cage for them and its arrangement. Feeders are an important accessory that must be in the cage for a pet’s comfortable stay. We will discuss further what kind of structure to build so that it is convenient for the animal and cost-effective for the owner.

What kind of feeders are there?

Feeders are needed in order to regulate the diet of animals and simplify their care. These devices differ in appearance and in the type of food for which they are intended, so before you make a feeder for rabbits, you need to decide what food it will be intended for.

According to their appearance there are feeders for rabbits:

Based on the type of feed, the structures can be divided into three types:

  1. For hay.
  2. For feed or grain. Such devices must be in cages, since rabbits receive most of their vitamins from feed and, as a result, grow faster.
  3. For food waste. They are not considered mandatory, but they will not hurt to diversify the rabbit’s diet. Juicy green shoots, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, and tops of root crops can serve as such food. It is not necessary to place a separate bowl for such food; you can simply put the greens on the floor of the cage. Rabbits will not scatter food like hay, but will immediately begin to eat.

You can make your own rabbit feeders from any available material. It can be a metal profile, thin tin, plywood or board, straight slate, plexiglass, plastic.

DIY feeder

Hopper feeder

For those who do not know how or do not want to make a feeder, we can offer a simple metal structure made of sheet metal, the drawing of which is presented in the photo. To make it, you need to cut two parts from a sheet of tin in accordance with the drawing, bend them along the indicated lines using pliers. All sharp edges must be filed with a file so that the rabbits do not get hurt when eating.

The bunker feeder for rabbits is the most common, as it allows you to not regularly fill the feeder with contents, which is convenient for busy people. And it’s quite easy to do it yourself. Below are two ways to make a bunker-type structure. The only thing you need to do is compare the size of the cage and the dimensions of the future feeding device so that there are no problems with its installation.

From a tin can

The easiest and least expensive way is to make a bunker feeder from a three-liter tin can.

The manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. Draw a longitudinal line on the jar 2.5 cm above the bottom.
  2. Cut the can halfway along the line.
  3. We drill many holes in the bottom.
  4. We turn the cut half into a flat sheet, attaching it to the jar.
  5. We attach the feeder to the cage door.

There is practically no need to spend on such a device, and even an inexperienced master can do it. If you file the edges, the feeder will not only be beautiful, but also safer.

Made from galvanized iron

Rabbit breeders who have skills in working with iron can build a bunker-type structure from galvanized steel. If you act exactly according to the drawing and adhere to manufacturing technology, then even a novice master will be able to cope with this work.

First of all, in any case, a design drawing with exact dimensions is made. Already according to the diagram, the lines of the future feeder are outlined on a piece of iron and the steel is bent strictly along them.

Advice! To make bending a sheet of steel easier, you can use a knife to make cuts along the lines equal to half the thickness.

After the parts are bent, the product is assembled. Sharp corners must be processed with a file. A do-it-yourself rabbit feeder and its drawing are presented in the video:

Wooden feeder

The most common type is considered to be a wooden rabbit feeder. Before starting work, you need to measure the cage and select the appropriate size of the product. For manufacturing you will need high-quality wood, best of all, if it is an inch board.

Typically, such structures have the shape of a square measuring 40 * 40 cm with a height of 10 cm. All planks are connected to each other at an angle of 90 degrees. In total, you need to prepare 8 identical boards, half of which will go to the bottom, and the remaining 4 to the sides. You can use a piece of plexiglass of suitable size for the bottom. Since it is transparent, you can always see how much food is left inside.

The boards for the bottom are connected to each other to form a single structure, to which the sides are attached with self-tapping screws. The structure is ready, all that remains is to attach it to the cage.

Advice! If such a feeder is not installed next to the cage itself, then its front part should be covered with a net.

Nuances when making feeders for rabbits

When making bunker and other types of feeders, the following nuances should be taken into account:

Structures should be easy to clean.

Feeders made of thin material require additional lining of the edges with tin so that rabbits cannot chew through them.

The volume of the feeder should accommodate the daily intake of an adult rabbit.

The devices must be secured as firmly as possible so that animals do not have the opportunity to turn them over.

Special feeders must be installed in rabbit cages. This ensures compliance with hygiene rules and allows you to maintain cleanliness for a long time. In addition, the feed will be spent much more economically, since its losses in the process of feeding the animals will be significantly reduced: they will not scatter it or bury it in the litter, where it usually spoils. Let's look at the features of food containers, their characteristics and types. We will also learn how to make functional, convenient, economical and reliable feeders for rabbits with our own hands.

First of all, you should consider the key requirements for feeders. You need to familiarize yourself with them before choosing a ready-made container and making it yourself.

Prices for cages for rabbits

Rabbit cage

Here are the most important points.

  1. The container needs to be as convenient as possible to use: so that it can be quickly removed and reattached, cleaned, and, if necessary, disinfected.
  2. Pay attention to the capacity of the feeder. Keep in mind that the feed mixture will be poured in for a long time, so the container must be large enough. In addition, please note that you should leave a little free space so that the feed does not spill out.
  3. Economy is of great importance. You should select options that provide minimal manufacturing costs. Of course, it is profitable to do it yourself only when it requires less expense than purchasing a ready-made rabbit feeder.
  4. It is necessary to monitor safety extremely carefully, since rabbits can easily be injured, even die, if there are dangerous places in the cage. Make sure there are no burrs, sharp cutting edges, or dangerous corners on the feeders.
  5. The animals are quite curious, dexterous, and small in size. It is necessary to construct a model taking these factors into account. The rabbit should not be able to get inside the container, otherwise it will spill and dirty the food.
  6. Particular care is taken in developing drawings of feeders designed for group feeding of animals. All individuals are provided with access to food, but the possibility of them entering the containers is prevented.
  7. Access to food is provided freely, but just enough so that it is impossible to trample or scatter food.
  8. It is advisable to take care in advance about the durability and wear resistance of the model. It is important to remember the ability of rabbits to chew everything quickly. For example, they can quickly destroy a container made of thin plywood.

All factors should be taken into account as much as possible so that the rabbit feeder turns out to be as useful as possible and recoups the manufacturing costs. Follow rationality, otherwise it will turn out that a homemade container ends up being more expensive than a ready-made one.

Every farmer who raises rabbits on a farm should know what to feed his rabbits. Our article describes in detail the types of feed, as well as the norms and feeding regimes. Popular vitamin supplements are considered.

Types of feeders

Let's look at the main types of feeding containers. They are usually divided into subspecies, different designs are made in accordance with the specific type of feed. They may be as follows:

  • tops with root vegetables;
  • combined feeds;
  • grain nutrient mixtures;
  • hay;
  • forbs.

Prices for feed for rabbits

Compound feed for rabbits

It is important to have the required types of models in stock so that you can use the most suitable container for a particular type of feed. Farmers divide feeders into the following types:

  • grooved;
  • cup;
  • bunkers;
  • nursery

Let us dwell on the features of specific types of containers.

Hopper containers

Bunker models are considered very convenient and modern. Farmers prefer them. They provide maximum comfort when feeding grain and granulated feed. Feed is distributed in containers in portions, which is achieved due to their design. At the same time, simple and constant access to food is guaranteed.

Pour feed mixtures directly into the bunker. To distribute the feed, there is a fairly narrow opening that stretches along the entire length of the container. It is especially convenient for animals and the farmer that each new portion will be fed automatically.

You can quickly make a functional structure from a canister, wooden boards or plywood. The most optimal, practical option is to use tin, for example, a profiled sheet. A tin container is easier to clean and makes it much easier to maintain hygiene in the cage. In addition, rabbits will not be able to chew through sheets of tin.

Bunker-type containers are secured in different ways. Some people install several pieces, while others prefer to use one spacious feeder. The number of animals in the cage also plays a role.

Nursery models for hay

Senniks are classified as nursery type feeders. Since hay is always present in the diet of rabbits, such containers occupy a special place. Experts recommend that already at the stage of manufacturing the cage, provide a convenient hay area there.

In most cases, they try to attach the nursery to the cage door. This is done for the fastest, most convenient cleaning. But this option cannot be considered correct. When young animals live in a cage, they easily sneak into the nursery. You may not even notice them there. When the cage is opened, the baby rabbits simply fall out of it. To prevent this from happening, it is much more rational to install the nursery near the door, and not on it.

The versatility of trough containers

If you want to have a container that will be suitable for different types of feed at the same time, you should choose a grooved option. This is a universal feeder: you can distribute root vegetables, hay, herbs, and grain in it. Most often, such models are made independently from wood. Large-diameter pipes, as well as tin and profiled sheets, are well suited as the main material.

The containers earned their name due to their resemblance to gutters. Farmers note that using such structures is very convenient. It’s easy to put food there, and access to it is also convenient: several animals can easily be placed near such a feeder.

Models for root crops

When you need to choose an option specifically for feeding rabbits with root vegetables, cup-type designs are optimal. From various materials, farmers make their own trays, cups and bowls of different depths and capacities. Typically, such containers are left without rigid fixation so that they can be easily removed, quickly cleaned, and washed.

It is worth noting that this option cannot be called practical. Animals often overturn such bowls, and food ends up scattered throughout the cage.

Making your own bunker feeder

A good solution is to make a bunker-type feeding container with your own hands. It is necessary to understand the design features, select the material, remember the basic recommendations and act according to the algorithm. Bunker models can be made from canisters, profiles or pipes, tin and plywood.

Profile container

Let's find out how to make a structure from a profile. Stock up on the necessary tools and materials. You need:

  • rivets;
  • riveter;
  • special scissors for working with metal;
  • pencils with ruler;
  • drill;
  • the profile itself, with parameters 40 by 100 mm.

Instructions for making a bunker feeder:

1 First of all, study the provided drawing.
2 Specific dimensions are marked directly on the profile with a pencil. In full accordance with the drawing, make elements for the future container.
3 Now you need to take metal scissors and carefully cut off all the unnecessary fragments with their help.
4 Determine the area in the container in which you plan to place feed accessible to animals. There are a lot of holes to be made there. Be extremely careful when using a drill.
5 At the next stage, the sheets are given the desired shape. The metal is bent along the lines made in advance.
6 Then the riveter will come in handy. Holes are made through which all the elements of the feeder are then securely fastened.
7 Don't forget to secure the container. We need to make a fastening. It is performed on the side where food will be supplied to the rabbits. The design should be conveniently and quickly hung on the cage.

Use an algorithm for greater clarity

Video - DIY bunker feeder

Galvanized iron feeder

A good solution is to make a container from galvanized metal sheets. Here the work will be somewhat more difficult. It is important to carefully study the drawings and then work in accordance with them and the step-by-step instructions.

Stock up on the following materials and necessary tools. You need:

  • drill;
  • rivets with riveter;
  • paper with pencils;
  • ruler with metal scissors;
  • galvanized metal sheets.

Be sure to follow the following instructions.

1 First of all, templates are made in full accordance with the drawings. Each design element requires a paper template.
2 Directly on the resulting workpiece you need to outline all the available templates.
3 Using a ruler, you need to mark all the bending lines that are located on the templates.
4 Now it is important to cut out all the elements of the feeder extremely carefully.
5 Folds are made along the marked lines.
6 Then the places for fastening are designated, and holes are made there with a drill.
7 In areas for fixation with holes, mounting is carried out using rivets.

Please note an important point! All sharp corners must be flattened and any dangerous cutting areas must be eliminated. Otherwise, rabbits can easily get injured and get hurt.

Feeder from a jar

The simplest, fastest way to make a feeder is to take a medium-sized tin can as the main material for the structure.

A tin container with a capacity of 3 liters will come in handy. Follow the algorithm.

1 First of all, a line is drawn across the container. Maintain a distance from the bottom of approximately 2.5 cm.
2 Half is cut lengthwise, but without going beyond the line.
5 The cut part is straightened.
6 When the curved middle part is fixed, the feeder is ready. You can start attaching it to the cage.

Nursery model

At any time of the year, rabbits must have hay in their diet. It is for this kind of food that the nursery structure is intended. To ensure that the hay is always clean, dry and does not rot, it must be distributed in such a model. It’s easy to make it yourself. The main materials are tin, wooden boards with plywood. You will also need a ruler with a pencil, screws with a screwdriver, and a hacksaw. You can use an electric jigsaw.

Focus on the algorithm when making a model.

1 First, measure the mesh side of the cage: it is in this place that the nursery container will be secured.
2 We need to complete the drawing. Please note: it is advisable to make the side walls with an upward extension to make it easier for animals to get the hay.
3 All parts are transferred to a plywood sheet.
4 Using a hacksaw, carefully cut out all the elements of the future structure.
5 The parts are fastened with self-tapping screws.
6 Be sure to make a special fastening for mounting to the cage wall.

Video - DIY PVC pipe feeder

Be careful and attentive. Choose container options that suit you best in all respects. Remember that feeders must be strong enough, reliable and safe for animals. A good solution is to make several containers of different types, and also have spare feeders just in case. It is also mandatory to comply with hygiene standards: containers are regularly washed, disinfected, and cleaned.