Safe and high-quality endoscopic facelift. Endoscopic facelift is a real breakthrough in cosmetology (XXI century) Endoscopic surgery recovery after surgery

Plastic surgeon Valery Grigorievich Yakimets talks about the check-lifting technique and endoscopic lifting of the midface.

The middle zone of the face is most susceptible to ptosis, as it is directly related to facial expressions. The facial muscles are fixed at one end to the upper jaw and the body of the zygomatic bone, and at the other to the soft tissues. High mobility is one of the factors in the development of age-related tissue weakness and the earliest aging of the middle zone of the face and adjacent areas.

In youth, in the area of ​​the zygomatic bone there is a characteristic volume of tissue, under the body of the bone there is a retraction. With age, there is a displacement and redistribution of the soft tissues of the midface, which contributes to the formation of nasolabial folds, sacs (“sufs”) and the tear trough. These age-related changes give a tired and gloomy appearance of age.

Indications for correction of the midface area are the following factors:

Decreased elasticity of facial tissues in the middle zone;

Cheek ptosis;

Reduced roundness of the cheeks in the cheekbone area and “bags” under the cheekbone (so-called “sufas”, paint bags);

Formation of wrinkles and folds, tear grooves and “bags” under the eyes.

Today on the aesthetic surgery market (we do not consider cosmetic interventions) there are 2 most popular methods for correcting such age-related changes: check-lifting and endoscopic lifting of the midface through intraoral access. They may be called differently in different clinics, but there are only two of them.

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

Check-lifting is carried out as follows: a subciliary incision is made in the area of ​​the lower eyelid and lower blepharoplasty is performed from it, followed by detachment of soft tissue subperiosally. Endotins are placed at the lower edge of the orbit and the soft tissues of the midface are fixed to them. The vector of tissue lifting in this case is from bottom to top, although it can be slightly changed (inward or outward).

With the help of a check-lift, the soft tissues of the midface are raised moderately. The corner and outer part of the eye do not rise.

The displacement of the midface as a result of check-lifting occurs to a lesser extent than with endoscopic lifting, since the detachment of soft tissues through the access in the lower eyelid is limited in area. Accordingly, the rehabilitation period is shorter.

When a more pronounced rejuvenation result is needed, I combine a check-lift with an endoscopic forehead lift.

Benefits of check-lifting:

No noticeable scars;

Shortened rehabilitation period.

Disadvantages of check-lifting:

Less pronounced result of rejuvenation of the midface due to less detachment of soft tissues and tissue movement only upward.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Endoscopic midface lift through intraoral access.

An endoscopic lift is performed through an incision in the mouth along the transitional fold. The soft tissues of the midface are exfoliated subperiosally under the control of an endoscope to the lower edge of the orbit and zygomatic bone, and the soft tissues of the temporal region are also exfoliated.

Under endoscopic control, the soft tissues of the middle zone are sutured from the inside in several places and fixed to the temporal fascia. Fixation of soft tissues is also possible with the help of endotins. The tissue lifting vector is oblique-vertical (up and out). In this case, the soft tissues of the middle zone are raised to a greater extent than during a check-lift, so that the rounding of the cheek is more pronounced.

More voluminous, rounded cheeks are obtained due to greater detachment and fixation of the middle zone from the inside in several places. Accordingly, the cosmetic effect of endoscopic lifting lasts longer.

The corner of the eye and the outer part of the eyebrow rise, the shape of the eye becomes almond-shaped. Often, an endoscopic forehead lift is performed simultaneously, and, if necessary, lower blepharoplasty.

Advantages of endoscopic midface lift through intraoral access:

The most pronounced result of rejuvenation due to the movement of tissues in three planes;

Longer effect (result lasts up to 10-15 years);

More pronounced smoothing of nasolabial folds.

Disadvantages of endoscopic midface lift:

Longer rehabilitation period;

Possible change in facial features.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

In my practice I perform operations using both methods, but, I admit, I give preference to endoscopic lifting. Despite the fact that it is much more difficult for a surgeon from a technical point of view. Why is the answer above.

During the consultation, I discuss in detail with each patient the scope of the operation that is suitable for him personally. But there are cases when the patient is indicated exclusively for check-lifting, such as:

Postoperative “round” eye;

Inversion of the lower eyelid;

Change in eye shape after previous surgery.

In these cases (and when patients themselves ask me for this technique), I perform a check-lift. In all other situations, I am inclined to endoscopy of the midface through an intraoral approach, because (as I often repeat) I am not used to half-measures.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Young people think that they will always look attractive. However, with age, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, which is why epithelial tissues lose their tone, and the first signs of aging appear on the face and neck. Moreover, age-related changes are rapidly progressing. But modern plastic surgery offers an effective solution to the problem - endoscopic lifting.

This type of lift today is widely popular among women who are faced with such problems as ptosis of tissues in the middle zone of the face and cheekbones, nasolabial folds and nasolacrimal groove, “swimming” oval of the face, “folds of sadness” in the corners of the mouth, drooping eyebrows, sagging upper eyelids, deep wrinkles on the forehead.

The main advantage of the technique is that tissue manipulation is performed not through incisions typical of traditional anti-aging operations, but through small punctures in the scalp. Moreover, endoscopic lifting involves a relatively short rehabilitation period - patients return to socially active life much earlier than after traditional plastic surgery, since bruises and swelling disappear within 14 days.

Stages of the rehabilitation period

Stage I. 1 day after surgery, pronounced swelling forms in the intervention area. Hematomas also appear, but they are not noticeable, since the manipulations are carried out in deep layers, the blood vessels are practically not affected.

At this stage, provided there are no signs of early complications, the patient is discharged and sent home with a set of medications (painkillers and sometimes antibiotics).

IIstage. After a week, the surgeon removes the compression bandage. Swelling remains noticeable, especially around the cheekbones and eyes.

Svetlana Pshonkina comments

This stage is also characterized by the fact that the pain significantly weakens. The only unpleasant sensations may be a slight burning sensation or sipping.

II I stage. After 10-14 days, the doctor removes the fixing mini-screws, if they were installed. The patient still feels swelling, but it becomes invisible to others. The bruises completely disappear.

Svetlana Pshonkina comments

Stage IV. After 1 month, the patient can return to a full life - resume usual activities, including sports.

Svetlana Pshonkina comments

At this stage, almost all restrictions are lifted, but you should refrain from saunas and baths, facial massage and solarium for at least another month.

Traces of surgery

As already noted, for some time there will be swelling and minor hematomas in the area of ​​the incisions made during an endoscopic facelift - this is a normal reaction of the body. Pigment spots may also appear, but there is no need to use cosmetics, as they will disappear on their own within 6 months.

Svetlana Pshonkina comments

Endoscopic lifting is an operation that leaves no visible marks. Incisions through which muscles and skin are tightened are made in the hair, in the mouth, and behind the ears. For about 2-3 months, there may be noticeable scars in their place, but gradually they fade and “merge” with the tissues. It is also worth noting that after such a lift, hair loss in the incision area is extremely rare. Because of this, even balding men can undergo anti-aging plastic surgery.

In order for the body to recover as quickly as possible and to avoid complications, the following rules must be followed during the rehabilitation period:

  • rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs or wound healing solutions if incisions were made in the oral cavity;
  • consume only moderately warm food and moderately warm drinks;
  • chew food carefully, avoiding sudden movements of the jaws;
  • do not wash your hair until the staples are removed or the stitches are dissolved;
  • do not blow-dry your hair until the cuts in the scalp have healed;
  • Avoid visiting bathhouses, saunas, solariums, beaches and swimming pools for a month after the procedure. This rule also applies to taking hot baths;
  • sleep on a high pillow in a supine position for at least 7 days;
  • give up cigarettes 2 weeks before the intervention and do not return to the bad habit for a month after the operation. Nicotine slows down regeneration processes, which delays rehabilitation and increases the risk of developing infection;
  • exclude physical activity and intense training for a month;
  • do not practice diets before and after endoscopic lifting, as weight loss can negatively affect the results of the operation;
  • do not take medications without first consulting a doctor;
  • do not use scrubs, peels, or apply masks to the skin.
  • if necessary, apply ice or cooling compresses to the affected areas;
  • Drink limited amounts of water and salt. This will help get rid of swelling faster.

Auxiliary procedures

To minimize discomfort in the early rehabilitation period, you can ask your doctor to prescribe mild painkillers. As a rule, Analgin, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are prescribed. You can take a course of microcurrents, lymphatic drainage or hardware massage, etc.

The essence of any surgical rejuvenation comes down to relief changes in muscle and skin tissue, the reverse of age-related changes. Endoscopic facelift is one of the safest methods of this type of surgery.

What is an endoscopic facelift

Rejuvenation surgery involves peeling off the skin, cutting and moving muscle tissue, removing fat deposits if required, attaching muscle fibers, and stretching and fixing the skin. This involves excision of excess skin and connective tissue.

Endoscopic lifting belongs to the category of minimally invasive methods. Its fundamental difference from traditional plastic surgery is the absence of excision. Skin, muscles, and connective tissue are redistributed in such a way as to take their “rightful” place and thus level out age-related changes. Only adipose tissue must be removed, since it is absolutely excess.

To hold muscles and skin in a new place, special sutures or endotins are used - staples and tapes with “tweezers”. The latter fix the tissues for a sufficiently long period of time, so that by the time they disappear, the newly formed connective tissue strengthens the skin and muscles. Endotins dissolve on their own and do not need to be removed.

This approach provides many benefits:

  • minimum number of incisions and their very small size – within 1.5–2 cm;
  • high precision of the operation: the use of an endoscope allows you to obtain an image and constantly assess the condition of the surgical field;
  • minimal intervention guarantees a minimum of consequences and complications;
  • the recovery period after a facelift is significantly lower;
  • The operation can be carried out locally - in certain areas, or comprehensively.

The only drawback of the intervention is that it requires a highly qualified surgeon. In addition, there are restrictions based on age, and not just the patient’s condition.

The video below will tell you what an endoscopic facelift is:

The essence of the procedure

The correction got its name – endoscopic – due to the method. In a conventional operation, it is necessary to completely peel off the skin, literally removing it from the operated area, which requires large incisions and significant blood loss.

Endoscopic technology allows us to do things differently. Small incisions are made in the required places - up to a maximum of 2 cm. Silicone tubes are inserted into the incisions. The lighting and recording system – the endoscope, and the instruments themselves – move along them. As a result, the doctor does not need to peel off the skin, since he receives the image using an endoscope. Accordingly, there is no need to enlarge the incisions.

The small size of the incisions allows modification of the techniques used. To correct the middle zone of the face, a vertical lift is possible, when the skin of the cheeks is raised to the lower ciliary edge and at the same time does not affect the nerve nodes located in the middle part of the cheek. The effectiveness of a vertical lift is higher; a minimal amount of skin needs to be redistributed, but it cannot be done in the usual way.

Endoscopic technology allows you to combine interventions in different areas, with multi-vector tension. Although many plastic surgeons believe that an integrated approach pays off to the greatest extent.

Professor A. M. Borovikov, one of the most famous practicing surgeons, claims that patients return after local rejuvenation literally a year later, because they discover that compared to the younger part of the face, the remaining areas do not look aesthetically pleasing. After comprehensive rejuvenation, over 10 years of practicing this procedure, no one has yet applied for re-restoration.

The operation lasts from 40 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the scale of the intervention. Local anesthesia is only possible for partial correction or blepharoplasty. All other types of lifting are performed under general anesthesia, which is a limitation for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The result of rejuvenation lasts on average 5–7 years: this is due to individual characteristics and general health. A complex operation, as already mentioned, provides a more lasting result.

Photos before and after facelift


The division of the face into zones is associated with the mechanisms of aging and understanding the subject of plastic surgery.

The face is divided into lateral and central - medial parts, along a conventional vertical line running along the nose. According to this division, it is immediately clear why a vertical lift, if possible, will give more tangible results. Signs of aging are concentrated mainly in the medial part, and lateral skin tightening is effective only in relation to the lower part of the face and the lateral area. Although, of course, it still reduces relief changes.

The face is divided into 3, or rather, 4 zones. Conditional lines run horizontally at the level of the eyebrows and nostrils.

  • – neck, jaw line, chin, corners of the mouth. Nasolabial folds are no longer included in this zone, since they appear when the skin of the cheeks sagging and, in fact, corrections in this case are not available. Signs of aging here include a double chin, jowls, drooping corners of the mouth, and folds from the corner of the mouth to the chin. Excess fat most often accumulates in the lower zone, so correction must be combined with liposuction. The mechanism for correcting the lower third of the face is as follows: an incision is made around the ear and the soft tissue of the cheeks is redistributed. At the same time, the jowls are removed, the folds around the mouth take on an inclined position and are smoothed out. For a lift, no incisions are made under the chin. Lifting the lower part of the face does not affect the condition of the middle zone.
  • – the space between the horizontal lines at the level of the nostrils and eyebrows. Includes the nasolabial folds and lower eyelids, although the latter are often separated into a separate zone 4. The middle zone ages the fastest; signs are the zygomatic sac, the relief between the tear groove and the ciliary edge, and, of course, the most obvious sign of aging is the nasolabial sweetness formed by overhanging tissue. Correction of the middle zone provides the most pronounced rejuvenation effect, especially when combined with a lower eyelid lift. The operation takes from 1.5 hours if it concerns only the orbicularis facial muscle, and up to 3 hours if a check-lift is performed.
    • The technique is as follows: incisions are made along the lower eyelash edge in a natural fold. The muscles are cut through them and moved to their original position, secured with endotins, then the skin is stretched. The resulting folds in the corners of the eye are removed with a lift in the temporal region. The complexity of the procedure lies in the fact that you have to work with facial muscles. If they are incorrectly shifted, synchronous work is disrupted, and this is fraught with asymmetry and disturbances in facial expressions on different sides of the face.
    • Another option is also possible: in this case, a lateral lift is combined - incisions are made near the ear, and a lift through incisions on the oral mucosa. The technique is safe, since the nerve nodes in the center of the cheeks are not affected.
  • - forehead and eyebrows. Signs of aging here: drooping eyebrows, drooping upper eyelid, horizontal wrinkles and wrinkles on the forehead. Drooping of the eyebrows and eyes may not be associated with age and can be corrected. The essence of the operation: incisions are made along the border of hair growth in order to hide the roller that appears when the skin is stretched, and the seams themselves, of course. At the same time, the drooping disappears, wrinkles are leveled out, but the height of the forehead increases. If this is a problem, a variety of techniques are used: oblique tilt, sawtooth pattern, etc. An upper face lift is often combined with other types of correction. The fact is that peeling off the skin on the forehead opens up many opportunities for rejuvenation of the eyes, the middle zone of the face, and even the lower one - it would be a shame not to take advantage of this. You can remove folds at the temples, change the shape of the nose - a hump, and fill in the cheekbones. Moreover, in this case, the need for side incisions for lateral skin tightening disappears. True, the result of such an operation is initially fixed not with sutures or endotins, but with titanium screws, which are removed after 20 days.
  • Zone 4 – eye socket. Its upper part belongs to the upper third, the lower part to the middle third. However, often the operation is performed only here, since the eye socket focuses the most obvious signs of aging: wrinkles and folds in the corners, drooping of the upper eyelid, inversion and drooping of the lower eyelid, increasing the distance between the ciliary edge and the tear groove. Often, patients who are not ready for radical rejuvenation undergo eye socket correction as a compromise between the desire to get a more youthful face and the fear of an eyelift. There are no physiological or anatomical justifications for separating the orbit into a separate zone. On the contrary, the surgeon works with two different zones during the operation, which, of course, is unprofitable. However, blepharoplasty as a separate procedure is in great demand, which has to be taken into account.
  • Comprehensive rejuvenation involves working on the entire face at once. This decision should be considered the most rational. A minimum number of cuts are made, since maximum actions are carried out through them. In relatively mild cases, the entire correction is performed through incisions on the forehead and in the crease of the lower eyelid. In addition, the results last longer.

This video explains clearly and with useful diagrams how the operation is performed:

At what age can you do it?

There are practically no age restrictions for correcting cosmetic imperfections - drooping eyelids or eyebrows. But for anti-aging procedures, age matters.

The endoscopic technique does not involve excision of muscles and skin. The calculation is that relatively elastic tissues take root on their own in the “new” place, and connective tissue is formed quickly enough to secure this position. Alas, in old age this is impossible.

Skin with too low elasticity simply will not be able to hold on and will sag again. The same can be said about muscle fibers: the better they are in condition, the greater the chance of success of the operation. Accordingly, any endoscopic procedures after 60 years are meaningless.

  • This kind of midface rejuvenation can be done as early as 30–35 years of age. Ages from 35 to 50 are optimal.
  • Correction of the lower part of the face, as a rule, is performed later - from 45 to 60 years. However, in combination with liposuction, it is done earlier if the double chin and jowls are caused by excess adipose tissue.
  • The age limit for rejuvenation of the upper facial zone is 60 years.
  • Blepharoplasty is performed between the ages of 35 and 60 years.

Photo of the patient

In most clinics in the world endoscopic operations, carried out by puncture (posterior and posterolateral) access, are outpatient. After the intervention, patients are activated on the same day and can be discharged, however, as a rule, doctors recommend that they remain in the hospital for the next 24 hours. Some patients may experience minor muscle pain after surgery, which requires the use of analgesics. Typically, patients return to work within 1-4 days after surgery, choosing Friday as their operating day.

They should observe the appropriate regime, limiting physical activity and sports for two weeks.
Patients after thoracoscopic or laparoscopic interventions transported to intensive care wards. In the early postoperative period, monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, pulse characteristics, blood oxygenation, and diuresis continues. After the operation, an X-ray of the part of the spine where the surgery was performed is performed, and during thoracoscopic operations, an X-ray of the lungs is required. In uncomplicated cases, drainage systems are most often removed the next day.

Otherwise, management of patients after endoscopic spinal surgeries does not differ from that after traditional spinal interventions. After uncomplicated abdominal operations, patients are discharged from the hospital within 5 to 10 days.

During performing endoscopic operations(including spinal) complications may develop. Careful preoperative examination and preparation can avoid most of them.

Complications problems that arise when performing endoscopic spinal procedures can be divided into two groups:
1. Complications depending on the characteristics of the surgical intervention.
2. Complications, independent of the characteristics of the endosurgical operation (infectious and thromboembolic).

Complications problems that arise during endoscopic spinal operations should be divided into the following groups:
By severity: life-threatening, not life-threatening.
By timing of occurrence: intraoperative, postoperative.
By localization: general, local.
By the nature of the process: damage, infection, etc.

Main reasons for the complications that arise are:
1 - lack of surgical experience on the part of the doctor;
2 - violation of the technical principles of surgical intervention;
3 - developmental anomalies;
4 - topographic change in the patient’s organs and tissues as a result of the disease;
5 - insufficient technical equipment of the operating room.

Measures to prevent complications during endoscopic operations are developed in accordance with the reasons causing their occurrence. They consist of the following groups of events (A. Ukhanov, 1999).
Therapeutic and tactical, which are divided into three groups.

Performed before surgery:
thorough preoperative examination of the patient;
preparing the patient for surgery;
adequate assessment of indications and contraindications for surgical intervention, taking into account the technical capabilities and equipment of the operating room;
prevention of purulent-septic and thromboembolic complications.

Performed during surgery:
compliance with surgical technique;
an individual approach to surgery, taking into account the characteristics of the disease of a particular patient.

Carried out in the postoperative period:
early activation of patients;
prevention of complications from the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

The condition of the face is always given paramount importance. If simple care no longer helps to preserve youth, radical methods are required. One of the easier options is endoscopic lifting. It gives an excellent and long-lasting effect, but without severe damage and long recovery.

Read in this article

What is this procedure - endoscopic facelift?

Facial lifting using an endoscope can be performed on patients aged 30 to 50 years. It is effective if age-related changes have not yet developed to the maximum extent. Endoscopic lifting will help improve natural features, but its main purpose is rejuvenation. The operation is performed on individual areas or on the entire face.

The essence of the method is that the surgeon controls his actions using an endoscope, which displays an image of the operated areas on the screen. Therefore, there is no need to make large incisions to access the tissue. Through incisions up to 2 cm in length, instruments are inserted to peel off the sagging areas, move upward and control each process.

Endoscopic facelift scheme

Advantages of a facelift over other techniques

Rejuvenation using endoscopic surgery has several advantages:

Indications for use

Endoscopic lifting is advisable for the following problems:

  • ptosis of forehead tissues, sagging eyebrows;
  • straight and transverse wrinkles in this area;
  • excess skin of the upper eyelids caused by drooping eyebrows;
  • the presence of “crow’s feet” near the eyes, ptosis of the outer corners;
  • age-related downward movement of cheek and neck tissues;
  • pronounced nasolabial furrows;
  • general tired facial expression caused by decreased muscle tone and skin tone.

All changes should not be very pronounced. In this case, gentle surgery will not give the desired effect. The patient's skin should be sufficiently elastic. The requirement also limits the possibility of using a lift to 45 - 50 years of age of the patient.

Types of endoscopic lifting

The effect of the operation depends on the correct identification of problem areas. Sometimes correcting one of them is enough to rejuvenate your face. There are 3 types of endoscopic lift:

  • Upper third lift. The intervention allows you to remove wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, and erase the aging frown from your face. After it, the folds at the outer corners of the eyes disappear. The operation lifts the eyebrows upward, making the gaze more open and the face more friendly.
  • Mid zone lift. With its help, you can remove nasolabial folds, make your cheekbones more expressive, and the oval of your face clearer. A mid-zone lift can also lift the corners of the lips.
  • Lower face lift. This is a rarer intervention option that corrects the appearance of the chin and neck.

All types of endoscopic lifting can be performed in one operation.

Tightening technique

Endoscopic correction of different areas of the face has its own characteristics. What they all have in common is that each type of intervention is performed more often under general anesthesia. But if a small lift is needed, the patient has a high pain threshold, the operation can be done using intravenous combined anesthesia. In each case, antiseptic treatment of the skin is mandatory at the beginning and at the end of the manipulation.

Lifting the upper third of the face

A lift using an endoscope of the forehead, temples, and eyebrows is carried out through 3 incisions in the scalp. A camera is inserted into one of them, the others are intended for instruments. The surgeon separates the soft tissue up to the upper eyelids; the periosteum in the area below the eyebrows is also intersected.

The same work can be done in the temple area if necessary. The tissues move upward and are fixed in this position. For fixation, thin plates made of biodegradable material can be used. When they disintegrate after a few months, they leave behind a supporting collagen framework. Upon completion of redistribution and fixation of tissues, sutures are applied.

Differences in the intensity of the effect when correcting the upper third of the face also occur depending on the age of the patient. For young people, it is enough to tighten the fat layer and skin. In middle age, you need to influence the muscles, eliminating their spasm. Even more in-depth work with this layer of tissue is done in older patients.

Mid zone lift

Endoscopic cheek correction is performed through incisions in the temporal region where the hair grows. Access is also made through dissections of the mucous membrane in the mouth above the upper lip. Next, the soft tissue is detached from the periosteum. They are pulled, giving a higher position relative to the previous one, and fixed.

As a result, the cheekbones acquire greater prominence, and the oval becomes more distinct. Wrinkles near the nose and lips disappear, the line of the mouth is straightened. After repositioning and securing the muscles and skin in the new position, suturing follows.

To learn how an endoscopic midface facelift is performed, watch this video:

Lower third face lift

Lifting of the neck and lower part of the face is carried out through incisions under the chin and behind the ears. As in previous cases, the soft tissue is peeled off and redistributed so that signs of ptosis disappear. If necessary, the thickness of the fat layer is corrected. After fixing the soft tissues in the new position, sutures are applied.

Rehabilitation after a facelift

Recovery after endoscopic facial plastic surgery is limited to 2 weeks. The first day or 2 - 3 days the patient will have to stay in the hospital. This is the time when pain is most pronounced, swelling is very noticeable, and bruises appear on the skin. Then the signs will gradually disappear. To ensure this happens as quickly as possible and to avoid other undesirable manifestations, during rehabilitation you should:

After 2 weeks, in general, the patient’s lifestyle becomes the same. But you can return to sports only after a month. At the same time, the final effect of the operation will become visible.

Possible complications after the procedure

The endoscopic method of lifting leads to new problems with health and appearance much less frequently than the traditional method. However, complications cannot be ruled out. The most common of them:

  • Infection. It can be introduced during surgery, but is more often due to the patient’s inaccurate compliance with rehabilitation rules. It manifests itself as increased swelling, throbbing pain, and redness of the skin.
  • Formation of extensive hematomas. Injuring a large vessel during an endoscopic operation (which is why a cavity filled with blood is formed) is unthinkable for a good doctor. More often, hematomas occur when the patient begins physical activity too early.