What is the right brain responsible for? What are the right and left hemispheres of the brain responsible for?

Cerebral hemispheres

The brain controls all activities of the central nervous system. Until now, it has been poorly studied and is fraught with many mysteries for scientists. Many of us know from our school biology course that our brain has two hemispheres, each of which performs its own functions. Next, we will look at what exactly they are responsible for, and will dwell in more detail on the right hemisphere of the brain.

Let's start by looking at what the left hemisphere is responsible for. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for things related to logic. His activities are related to verbal communication, memory, handling numbers, facts, and abstract thinking. When processing experience, it analyzes, classifies, systematizes what happened and, on the basis of this, makes a general conclusion. The left side of the brain is a good helper where analytical thinking is required, you need to establish the cause of an event and its consequence. It allows you to engage in activities in stages, gradually moving from one point of the plan to another. Thanks to it, we perceive the meaning of what is said literally. People with a developed left hemisphere have a good ability for languages ​​and usually know several foreign languages. The left hemisphere controls the right half of the body.

Functions of the right hemisphere

Below we will look at what the right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for.

  1. processing of nonverbal information. The right hemisphere of the brain processes signals that come to us in the form of symbols, images, gestures, signs, sounds, colors and other means. The definitions of objects in this case are fused with their essence, and do not simply designate them;
  2. aptitude for art. Musical and artistic abilities are also associated with the work of the right half. This also includes abilities in other areas of creative activity (dancing, modeling, etc.). Thanks to the right hemisphere, we can perceive and enjoy music, paintings, dance numbers and other works of art. Moreover, those people for whom it is well developed can not only react emotionally to the masterpieces of other people, but also create their own;
  3. orientation in space. The right hemisphere of the brain helps us determine our location relative to other objects, as well as the distance to these objects. All this helps us not to get lost in an unfamiliar city, to get to our destination;
  4. perception of metaphors. Due to the work of the right side of the brain, we are able to understand the allegorical meaning of words, which helps us in interacting with people around us. Thanks to her, we grasp the meaning of set expressions, proverbs and sayings. This also includes a sense of humor, the ability to laugh at a joke;
  5. imagination. The right side of the brain allows us to make up our own stories. We can create the most incredible plot twists and mental images that are far from our real experience. One example of such image generation is dreams. Another example: dreams and fantasies;
  6. emotions. Emotions are closely related to the right hemisphere. Thanks to its work, we can emotionally perceive current events and recognize emotional signals from other people. We can understand the hidden reasons for other people's actions, which helps in establishing contacts and protects us from possible dangers, because makes you feel deceived;
  7. simultaneous processing of multiple blocks of information. The right hemisphere works with a lot of information simultaneously. It perceives information as a whole. This comprehensive perception allows you to effectively solve problems. This can be compared to seeing the plan of the city as a whole, and not to moving from house to house. With this type of processing, solving a problem can look like an intuitive insight;
  8. face recognition. The work of the right side of the brain allows us to recognize faces, recognize our acquaintances;
  9. The left half of the body is subordinate to the right hemisphere.

Useful to know: Convolutions and grooves located in the brain: structure, functions and description

The principle of how the hemispheres of the brain work is especially noticeable when observing a person who has had one of them removed. People who have had the right half of their brain removed have difficulty navigating even a small area and need help to get to their destination. Such a person takes everything said literally, because... cannot perceive the allegorical meaning of words. He does not react to other people's emotions and appears unemotional himself. He cannot enjoy music. However, the regenerative abilities of our body are such that subsequently the remaining half takes on part of the functions of the removed one. This is especially true in cases where the operation was performed in childhood.

Which half is dominant?

Which of the two hemispheres is dominant? Previously, scientists believed that the left. However, it is now known that the left and right hemispheres of our brain work together, and the dominance of one of them is associated with the nature of a particular person. You're probably wondering which hemisphere is dominant for you. To determine this, you can take special tests. You can also analyze what types of activities you are better at and what you are capable of. In order for the hemispheres of the brain to work harmoniously, it is useful to perform special exercises that increase the potential of the weaker one.

During childhood, the right side of the brain is more active. We perceive the world through images. However, our entire education system and our lifestyle develop the functions of the left. Thus, the right hemisphere is often inactive, its functions do not receive proper development and it gradually loses its potential. This imbalance has a negative impact on our lives in the future.

The ability to achieve great success thanks to the harmonious work of the hemispheres is shown to us by examples of brilliant people. For example, Leonardo da Vinci was excellent with both hands. It is known that he was not only an excellent artist and sculptor, but also a scientist. The work of the hemispheres of his brain was harmonious. Their development was uniform, thanks to which he was able to create discoveries and inventions that change the life of not only a particular person, but also society as a whole.

What will the development of the right hemisphere give us?

Drawing a general conclusion, we note that the activity of the left side of the brain is associated with processing previous experience and generating decisions based on it. However, we all know that it is impossible to create something new, guided only by previous experience. The right half of the brain goes beyond experience, creates something that did not exist. It gives us a holistic perception of information, rather than getting bogged down in details. Taking a holistic view of a problem allows us to create a solution that would not be possible if we focused only on part of it.

The two hemispheres of the brain - left and right - are responsible for different things. But can one side be dominant, and does this affect personality?

Some people believe that a person is either left-brain dominant or right-brain dominant, and this determines how they think and behave.

In this article we will explore the facts and fiction regarding this theory. Read on to learn more about the functions and characteristics of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.


The brain is divided into two hemispheres, which are capable of performing functions independently of each other.

The brain is a complex, constantly working organ. It is made up of 100 billion neurons, or brain cells, but weighs only one and a half kilograms.

It is an energy-hungry organ, making up about 2 percent of a person's weight, using as much as 20 percent of the body's energy.

The left and right sides of the brain are connected by a large number of nerve fibers. In a healthy brain, both sides communicate with each other.

However, both parties do not necessarily have to communicate. If a person has an injury that separates the two hemispheres of the brain, they can still function normally.

Left brain versus right

According to the popular belief regarding left brain versus right brain, everyone has one hemisphere of the brain that is dominant and determines personality, thoughts and behavior.

Since people can be left-handed or right-handed, the idea that people can be "left-brained" or "right-brained" is seductive.

People who are left-brain dominant are said to be better at:

  • analytics
  • logic
  • detail and fact oriented
  • love numbers
  • most likely they think in words

People who are right-brain dominant are said to be better at:

  • creativity
  • free thinking
  • opportunities to see the big picture
  • intuitiveness
  • more likely to visualize than to think verbally

What does the research say?

Research into theories includes the use of MRI scanners.

Recent research shows that the left-brain-right-brain theory is incorrect.

A 2013 study looked at 3D images of the brains of more than 1,000 people. They measured activity in the left and right hemispheres using an MRI scanner.

Their results show that a person uses both hemispheres of their brain and that there appears to be no dominant side.

However, brain activity varies between individuals depending on what task they are performing.

For example, a study in PLoS Biology states that the language centers in the brain are in the left hemisphere, while the right hemisphere is for emotions and nonverbal communication.

Contributions to this research on "brain lateralization" enabled Roger W. Sperry to win the Nobel Prize in 1960. However, popular cultural exaggeration of these results has led to the development of hemisphere-dominated personal beliefs.

Functions and characteristics of each hemisphere

While people don't fall into the left- or right-brain category, there are some differences in what the left and right brains do.

Differences in the left and right hemispheres of the brain exist in:


It is an area of ​​the right hemisphere of the brain in both humans and other primates. Emotions are expressed and recognized in others by the right hemisphere.


The left brain is more active in speech production than the right. For most people, the two main areas of language, known as Broca's area and Wernicke's area, are in the left hemisphere.

Sign language

Visual languages ​​are also an area of ​​the left brain. People who are deaf show speech brain activity by observing sign language.

Dominant hand

Left-handers and right-handers use the left and right hemispheres differently. For example, a left-handed person uses his right hemisphere to do manual work and vice versa.

Dominance of one hand is an innate characteristic and can even be detected while the baby is in the womb. Some babies choose to suck their left or right thumb from 15 weeks.


The two hemispheres of the brain are what they pay attention to.

The left side of the brain is more associated with attention to the inner world. The right side is more interested in the outside world.

Recent brain imaging studies have shown no differences between men and women regarding the lateralization of their brains.

Do dominant hemispheres differ between people?

The dominance of one hemisphere may vary between individuals, although this is an area that requires more research.

The side of the brain used in each action is not the same from person to person. The side of the brain that is used for certain activities may depend on whether a person is left-handed or right-handed.

A 2014 study notes that up to 99 percent of right-handers have language centers on the left side of the brain. But approximately 70 percent of left-handers also have language centers in the left hemisphere.

The dominance of one hemisphere varies from person to person and in different activities. More scientific research is needed to fully understand all the factors that influence this.


Scientific research does not support the theory that in humans either the left or the right hemisphere is dominant.

Some people may find that the theory matches their abilities. However, they should not rely on it as a scientifically accurate way to understand the brain.

The theory of personality depending on the dominance of one of the hemispheres may still exist, because in fact, brain activity is not symmetrical, and it varies from person to person.

It has long been no secret that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the tendency towards a mathematical type of thinking. But half of the brain cannot perform just one function and determine your favorite subject at school, further specialization and professional direction. If everything else falls on the right side of the brain, it seems somehow too busy.

What makes the brain unique?

For a century, scientists have been trying to achieve answer these questions:

  1. What determines the level of intelligence?
  2. By what criteria can you define a genius? And in general, is this possible?
  3. What can be associated with congenital and genetic mental disorders?
  4. Is it possible to form new memories using electrical influence on brain tissue?

Once autopsy became a common practice, the task of physicians and scientists became easier. After all, they had a huge amount of material at their disposal, but it was here that the research stalled. It turned out that modern research methods cannot reveal at least some reliable pattern between the materials being studied.

Many theories were put forward, but they were all destroyed by the harsh reality of statistical data. To this day, there are no universal brain indicators that could be used to determine a person’s future potential.

How does the nervous system work?

But it would be a crime to say that humanity has not advanced at all in this direction. People far from medicine may be interested in how scientists were able to determine what exactly each part of the brain is responsible for? Did they really conduct monstrous experiments, removing or damaging certain areas? No, peculiarity of our brain functioning thing is:

  • At a certain point, a nerve impulse is formed.
  • This signal is an electrical charge. Too weak a stimulus to cause harm, but strong enough to convey information.
  • Nervous tissue is excited at the point where the impulse is located, and since it is transmitted to neighboring cells, the site of excitation also passes.
  • The current level of technological progress helps to record the electrical activity of the brain using an electroencephalogram.

So all you need to do is connect the subject to the equipment and set him a few simple tasks:

  1. Read or write something.
  2. Talk to someone around you.
  3. Try to solve a math problem.
  4. Draw a portrait or any other drawing.
  5. Make a joke.

It turned out that each time excitement arises in different departments. There is no one universal zone that would be responsible for all of the above actions. The research was not carried out for the sake of research itself; the data are of utmost practical importance. After all, thanks to them, we can guess which functions will be disrupted with certain brain damage.

What is the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for?

The centers in the left hemisphere are responsible for :

  1. Ability to read and write.
  2. Perception of speech in its literal sense.
  3. Data analysis, including mathematical data.
  4. Perception of mathematical signs and symbols.
  5. Consistent logical thinking.

If a person completely lacks the functions that are assigned to the left hemisphere, it is difficult to call such an individual a full-fledged member of society. But look at the list, it all consists of some formalities. It's as if we're talking about a robot.

Yes, the ability to read, write and speak are basic skills that every person needs. It is also difficult to live without logic and consistency. But where are the emotions, experiences, imagery of speech? Apparently another department is responsible for this.

Left and right hemisphere of the brain

Left hemisphere

Right hemisphere

Control over the entire right half of the body.

Control over the entire left half of the body.

Tendency to be formal and stereotypical in one's actions.

Flights of fancy and abstract thinking, the ability to “break boundaries.”

Logic and cynical calculation.

Feelings, emotions and imagination.

The ability to break a problem or situation into separate stages and try to solve them in a certain sequence.

Comprehensive coverage of any problem. An attempt to resolve it immediately, as something holistic and complex.

No one will have enough options from only one column for a normal, fulfilling life. Each person is a complex synthesis of various qualities:

  • We inherited some of them.
  • The other part was formed during life under the influence of external factors.
  • We developed the rest on our own, using willpower.

How to form your own personality?

Emotionality and logic are two good traits, but a strong predominance of one of them can ruin the life of a person and everyone around him. What's wrong with a lover of pure emotions? Regular tantrums. Inclined to analysis and logic? Constant tediousness and emotional coldness.

If you notice that one type of thinking is clearly expressed in you, while another is almost not manifested, try to distract yourself. Get to know the other side of life that you haven't touched yet. Such contacts will contribute to the stimulation and development of the non-dominant half of the brain.

So why the left hemisphere of the brain responds:

  1. Will solve any mathematical problems with ease.
  2. He will begin to develop a love for numbers, memorizing dates and numbers from an early age.
  3. In childhood he will show himself as a reserved child, perhaps a little withdrawn.
  4. Emotional manifestations may not be as pronounced as those of others.
  5. Sometimes he will not understand metaphors and allegories. The “sarcasm” sign will come in handy.
  6. He can always make a plan to solve a problem.

The classic right- or left-handed version of thinking practically does not occur; there are always inclusions and additions. You need to know that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for formal logic . But this information is not so valuable, because despite the dominance of one half of the brain, the other still plays a huge role in shaping your personality.

Video about the left hemisphere

In this video, Arkady will talk about the main functions and purpose of the left and right hemispheres of the human brain, how this organ works:

Every person has left and right hemisphere of the brain, and if one of them dominates, then a functional interhemispheric asymmetry brain, which determines not only the leading side of the body (right-handed, left-handed), but also ways of thinking, perception and imagination...

In a word, depending on the leading hemisphere of the brain, their asymmetry, your character, your personality, the way you write a life script, behavior and activity will largely depend on your ability to achieve certain results in life.
(dominant hemisphere test)

Large hemispheres of the brain - functional interhemispheric asymmetry

This article is not for professionals or for students, so it’s not about what cerebral hemispheres human, not about anatomy and physiology - there is plenty of this material on the Internet.
This publication is for ordinary people: adults, teenagers and parents who want to understand how it affects their lives, perception, thinking, intelligence, behavior, feelings, creativity and creativity, study and activity, interpersonal communication and interaction, mutual understanding and cooperation, on raising children, and finally, how it affects success and achievements in life functional interhemispheric asymmetry, i.e. the difference in the functioning of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, one of which is usually leading (dominant).

Left hemisphere of the brain

Left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for abstract logical thinking of a person, i.e. thinking associated with verbal (verbal) interpretation of concepts and phenomena. This is where speech comes in.
With the help of the left hemisphere of the brain, a person can speak, think, think logically and analyze situations, including the process of induction.

People with the leading (dominant) left hemisphere of the brain usually have developed verbal intelligence, a large vocabulary, they are talkative, active, and have the ability to predict and foresight.

Right hemisphere of the brain

Right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for spatial-imaginative thinking (non-verbal), which ensures the integrity of perception.

A person with a predominance of the right hemisphere of the brain is usually predisposed to daydreaming, fantasies, subtle and deep feelings and experiences, he has developed non-verbal intelligence, he is taciturn and slow.

Interhemispheric brain asymmetry

Functional interhemispheric brain asymmetry, i.e. when the left hemisphere performs some psychological functions, and the right hemisphere performs others, and one of them is leading (dominant).

Interhemispheric asymmetry is only partially congenital (for example, right-handed, left-handed); it acquires greater significance in the process of development, training, education and socialization. For example, a more educated person has higher hemispheric asymmetry than a less educated person.

In a small child, a primary school student, the leading hemisphere has not yet been determined, because his speech apparatus (left) and, accordingly, verbal-logical thinking are still in development. This can be easily noticed, for example, when a child writes mirror letters or draws, he can write, say, a soft sign and “b” and “d”, or draw from right to left, and vice versa - this is not a mistake, he sees it that way, t .e. sometimes with the left hemisphere, and sometimes with the right.

Also, interhemispheric asymmetry is influenced by the upbringing of a child; usually, according to the traditional male or female life scenario, boys develop the left hemisphere more, and girls develop the right hemisphere (the so-called male or female logic)

Asymmetry of the hemispheres influences a person’s future activities and choice of profession. Thus, people with a leading left hemisphere are better suited for professions related to speech, logical thinking, and analysis of processes and situations.

People with a dominant right hemisphere, which influences creative activity, creativity of thinking, artistry and artistry, are more suitable for professions with a predominance of imaginative thinking.

Thus, depending on the predominance of one or the other hemisphere of the brain, people can be conditionally divided into two types: the thinking type, with the leading left hemisphere, and the artistic type, with the leading right hemisphere.

As for relationships in the family, with children, with friends, loved ones, at work... here, interhemispheric asymmetry in different people can help complement each other, and can also contribute to increased competition and confrontation.

For example, a husband with a dominant left hemisphere may well be a complement in family functioning to a wife with a dominant right hemisphere. In fact, this will be, provided that the family is understood as a unity “WE”, a kind of symbiosis, just like within the personality itself - the left hemisphere complements the right (and vice versa), i.e. the entire human brain works as one whole, and each part of it (hemisphere) performs its own psychological functions.

But, if, figuratively speaking, the left hemisphere begins to engage in creativity, and the right hemisphere begins to engage in analysis and forecasting, then an intrapersonal conflict and inadequate perception, behavior, a split in personality will arise, and... all the way to neuroses and psychopathology. (Something similar can happen in a family...)

Or, if there are two people in the family, partners with one leading hemisphere, right or left, then competition and confrontation may arise.

You can also notice a weak asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres in women and men who are poorly educated or have stopped developing their personalities, who spend their time watching TV series; these people can so quickly make either the right or the left hemisphere the host that they can simultaneously, especially for women, watch the next episode of melodrama and worry about the characters (right hemisphere), and, say, do household chores, for example, laundry (left hemisphere)... by the way, hence the name: “Soap Opera”.

Psychological problems and asymmetry of the left and right hemispheres of the human brain

The human psyche can be divided into consciousness and unconsciousness. Those psychological problems that people are able to cope with on their own are easily recognized and can be analyzed and interpreted using the left hemisphere of the brain.
But what is stored in the unconscious; those unfinished situations, emotions, i.e. what is perceived and stored in the depths of the psyche with the help of the right hemisphere of the brain, and indirectly affects the quality of life, relationships, personal growth and prosperity, is not fully realized by a person and cannot be worked out without psychological help, without psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic intervention.

Many methods of psychotherapy work specifically with the right hemisphere of a person’s brain, while trying to weaken the left hemisphere somewhat or turn it off completely, as, for example, with hypnotherapy.

Therefore, for psychoanalysis and psychotherapy it is important to understand the interhemispheric asymmetry of a particular person.
To diagnose the leading hemisphere of the brain, various techniques and observations are used. It happens that it is enough for an experienced psychotherapist to conduct a conversation to understand the asymmetry of the human hemispheres.

Personal assistance from a psychologist (budget option)

Preliminary questions for a psychotherapist to provide psychological assistance online

The brain is the most important and complex part of the central nervous system. With its help, all processes associated with thinking and evaluating information received from the external environment are carried out. The brain has two hemispheres - left and right, each of which is responsible for certain processes - creativity and logic. The work of both hemispheres must be harmonious and coordinated so that a person can adequately carry out all types of life activities.


Interhemispheric asymmetry of mental processes is understood as the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres: when performing some mental functions, the left hemisphere is dominant, while others are the right hemisphere.

Functional asymmetry is one of the most important psychophysiological patterns in the activity of the human brain. According to the researchers, asymmetry is associated with optimization of the decision-making process. The right and left hemispheres operate at different frequencies. Twice a day, at the moment of falling asleep and waking up, the frequency is synchronized. At this moment, a person has incomparably greater capabilities.

Nerve pathways from the sense organs go to each of the hemispheres of the brain. The right hemisphere mainly “serves” the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere primarily “serves” the right. Thus, left-handedness, a dominant left eye or left ear may indicate a predominant role of the right hemisphere in the perception and analysis of information.

It is currently believed that the left hemisphere in right-handed people plays a predominant role in expressive and impressive speech, reading, writing, verbal memory and verbal thinking. The right hemisphere acts as the leading hemisphere for non-speech, for example, musical hearing, visual-spatial orientation, non-verbal memory, and criticality.

The mechanisms of abstract imaginative thinking are concentrated in the left hemisphere, and the mechanisms of concrete figurative thinking are concentrated in the right hemisphere, therefore those people in whom emotional-imaginative thinking predominates are called “right-hemisphere”, and those in whom rational-logical thinking predominates are called “left-hemisphere”.

A curious detail noticed by scientists is the ability of asymmetry to change with age. It has been experimentally proven that the dominant hemisphere works more economically and ages more slowly. It should be remembered that the dominance of the right hemisphere will sooner or later manifest itself. For many people who grew up in a left-hemisphere rational world, creativity manifests itself only in the second half of life. Someone suddenly starts cross-stitching at the age of forty, someone paints pictures in secret from everyone.

Features of the hemispheres

The symmetrical sections of the hemispheres provide movement and specific sensitivity equally. However, such averaging does not apply to higher cortical functions, emotions, activation and adaptation processes.

Neurophysiologists classify interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain into:

  • anatomical (expressed in the morphological heterogeneity of the hemispheres);
  • biochemical (manifested by differences in cellular reactions, content of neurotransmitters);
  • psychophysiological (motor, sensory, cognitive-emotional).


The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for verbal information; it is responsible for a person’s language abilities, controls speech, the ability to write and read. Thanks to the work of the left hemisphere, a person is able to remember various facts, events, dates, names, their sequence and how they will look in writing.

The left hemisphere is responsible for human analytical thinking; thanks to this hemisphere, logic and analysis of facts are developed, and manipulations with numbers and mathematical formulas are carried out.

The left hemisphere of the brain dominates in the following areas:

  • coordination of movements of the right side of the body;
  • control of speech, reading, writing, recognition and understanding of mathematical symbols, as well as remembering names and dates;
  • logical analysis of facts received from outside;
  • only a literal understanding of concepts;
  • stages in the processing of any information received;
  • all mathematical manipulations;
  • orientation in time and feeling of one's own body;
  • the concept of one’s own “I” and its isolation from the environment;
  • dominance in character;
  • logical, symbolic and sequential thinking.

In case of any damage to the left hemisphere of the brain, disturbances, disappearances or deformations of its function are noted. The following pathological conditions may occur:

  • impaired ability to generalize received data;
  • impairment of the ability to build logical chains;
  • various lesions of the speech apparatus (misunderstanding of speech, loss of the ability to speak, and others);
  • damage to the written analyzer (failure to understand what is written when perceiving oral speech or the inability to write with normal speech);
  • combined lesions of speech and writing;
  • violation of time orientation;
  • impaired ability to arrange in the correct sequence the tasks that need to be completed to achieve a goal;
  • inability to draw conclusions from available facts.

A child with a left-hemisphere dominant often learns to read on his own, because he has memorized the symbols mechanically, but the letters are unlikely to include images in his mind: this can lead to indifference to reading.

Interesting to know! It is also difficult for these children to play games on their own, inventing imaginary events and actions.


The right hemisphere of the brain specializes in processing so-called nonverbal information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Important! It is responsible for imagination; with its help, a person is able to fantasize, dream, and compose. This is also where a person’s abilities for initiative and art are located.

The right hemisphere is responsible for parallel processing of information, that is, like a computer, it allows a person to simultaneously analyze several different streams of information, make decisions and solve problems, simultaneously considering the problem as a whole and from different angles.

Thanks to the right hemisphere of the brain, we make intuitive connections between images, understand a variety of metaphors, and perceive humor. The right hemisphere allows a person to recognize complex images that cannot be broken down into elementary components, for example, the process of recognizing people's faces and the emotions that these faces display.

Therefore, we can identify a certain “area of ​​responsibility” of the right hemisphere:

  • reading information from images, symbols;
  • representation of images under the influence of music;
  • orientation in space;
  • collecting puzzles and mosaics;
  • perception of musical works;
  • understanding the figurative meaning of words and expressions;
  • the ability to dream, compose;
  • expression of sexuality;
  • a penchant for mysticism, religious consciousness;
  • control of the left side of the body.

It follows from this that although the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic, speech, event planning and the ability to perform exact sciences, their holistic perception will be impossible without the right half of the brain.


The work of both hemispheres of the brain is equally important for a person. With the help of the left hemisphere, the world is simplified and analyzed, and thanks to the right hemisphere, it is perceived as it really is. The intuitive work of the right hemisphere of the brain is based on facts that have been analyzed by the left hemisphere.

Important! If there were no right, “creative” hemisphere of the brain, people would turn into emotionless, calculating machines that could only adapt the world to their life.

It should be noted that the right hemisphere controls the left half of the human body, and the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body. That is why it is believed that a person whose left half of the body is better developed (“left-handed”) has better developed creative abilities. By training the corresponding part of the body, we train the hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for these actions.

In the majority of people, one of the hemispheres is dominant: the right or the left. When a child is born, he evenly uses the capabilities that were initially inherent in him in different hemispheres.

Interesting to know! However, in the process of development, growth and learning, one of the hemispheres begins to develop more actively.

In addition, the peculiarities of the distribution of functions in the hemispheres and their interaction give a different clinical picture when pathological conditions occur. This is the basis for diagnosing a number of neurological diseases. At the same time, it is impossible to consider interhemispheric asymmetry as the work of isolated structures.

Important! Only the unity of both hemispheres and their coordinated work guarantee the full functioning of the body.

Short test

It is very easy to determine which of them is dominant at the moment; you need to conduct a simple test that will show the most active side of consciousness. You need to pay attention to the location:

  • thumb when intertwining the fingers of both hands together into a kind of fist;
  • palms during voluntary clapping;
  • forearms when crossing arms over chest;
  • legs thrown over one another while sitting.

If the activity of the right side of the body predominates, it means that the left hemisphere is more developed, since it is it that controls it. If it’s the other way around, it means that the person is prone to emotional and illogical behavior and has creative abilities, but he needs to pay more attention to the development of his mind and analytical skills.

Another way to determine the dominant hemisphere is presented in the video below.

Development methods

Music lessons will be very useful for anyone, especially piano, accordion, and accordion. The motor activity of the hands and fingers is directly related to the functioning of the brain. When both hands are used at the same time, two hemispheres develop harmoniously at once, getting used to cooperating.

In addition, they are extremely useful for the development of logic, intelligence and memory, as well as imaginative thinking:

  • chess and checkers;
  • poker, backgammon;
  • Monopoly and Scrabble games;
  • puzzles and puzzles;
  • embroidery and knitting.

Left hemisphere

Since it is known that the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, it can be activated in two ways: by loading it with the work it is oriented to, and by maximizing the use of the side of the body that it controls.

  1. Logic problems
    You will find a large number of them on the Internet, both individually and collected into games and applications. Play, solving both yourself and getting together with the whole family.
  2. Physical exercise
    To activate the left hemisphere, you need to use the right side of the body. For example, perform normal actions with your right hand (write, brush your teeth, stir tea). For right-handed people this will not be difficult, but for left-handed people it will be more difficult. Also, when performing regular gymnastics, pay more attention to the right side of the body. For example, you can jump on your right leg and bend to the right side.
  3. Self-massage
    There are many points on the human body that are responsible for different organs, including the brain. At the base of the big toes there is a point responsible for the cerebellum, and below it are the points of the cerebral hemispheres. By massaging the point under the big toe of your right foot, you activate the left hemisphere.
  4. Fine motor skills
    Fine motor skills of the hands are very useful for the development of the hemispheres. There is a special exercise for this. Place the tip of the little finger of your right hand against the tip of the thumb of your left hand, and the little finger of your left hand against the thumb of your right. Rotate your hands so that the position of your fingers changes places. Then the same should be done with the ring and index fingers.

Right hemisphere

Any creative activity is suitable for developing the right half of the brain - composing music, drawing, writing stories. There are also special exercises that will increase the potential of the right side and make it work at full strength.

  1. Visualization
    Close your eyes and imagine a blank white sheet of paper. Now try to see your name on it in your favorite color. Then make the name change color several times. The brighter the picture, the better. You can also use not a “fictional” sheet of paper, but use applications with exercises to train the right part of the brain. Try to name the colors in which the words are written as quickly as possible.
  2. Movement exercises
    Some have been known to us since childhood, for example, “ear-nose”. With your left hand, grab the tip of your nose, and with your right hand, grab your left ear. Then clap your hands and change hands - now the right one should hold the nose, and the left one should hold the right ear. Anyone who played this game as a child remembers that it worked out much better then. This is due to the fact that in childhood the right hemisphere is more developed (hence the love of drawing and all kinds of creativity in children).
  3. Tactile senses
    Another effective way to develop the right hemisphere is to use tactile sensations. You can imagine absolutely any images during the exercise. For example, try to feel that you are eating a certain dish, what it tastes like, what you associate with it. To develop creative skills, the same can be done with smell or in any way.
  4. Finger work
    Such gymnastics will help develop creative thinking. Try clenching both palms into fists at the same time. After this, straighten the thumb on your right hand and the index finger on your left. Then straighten the index finger on your right hand and the thumb on your left hand. Repeat this exercise several times, speeding up the pace. Alternate and throw other fingers.
  5. Infinity sign
    This exercise also helps to effectively develop the right hemisphere and improve creative skills. To do this, you need to press your left ear to your shoulder and extend your left arm forward. Then all attention should be concentrated on the index finger. Draw a figure eight with your hand, starting from the center - up and from the center - to the left. Perform the exercise with your left hand 8 times, and then do the same for your right hand.

  1. Right-handed people should sometimes use their left hand for writing or daily tasks. It will be difficult at first, but over time the illegible scribbles will turn into elegant handwriting, and new and fresh ideas will appear in the right hemisphere.
  2. and visualizations are useful not only for mental comfort and activation of the subconscious. It is also a training of imagination and intuition. Even if a person is far from esotericism, it would be useful to imagine the taste of a favorite dish in your mouth or remember the smells of a forest clearing, a perfume you like, activating your figurative memory. You can simply try to imagine any object with your eyes closed, clearly and in color.
  3. Constant training also expands the functions of the PP. You can ask a friend or relative to make a wish for an inanimate object, for example, one of those in the room. Concentrate and try to guess with your inner vision what it could be. When you hear the phone ringing, try to imagine who is calling before answering.
  4. Drawing pictures, even if you don’t have any special artistic abilities, is a great way to refresh your mind and increase creativity, which even a financial analyst will benefit from. This helps remove excess control. At first, it can be scary to make the first smear, since there is no clear plan of action, which is what people with strong LP are used to, but your imagination will definitely awaken.
  5. Keeping a diary, writing poems, stories and fairy tales in the evenings for children is not just entertainment, but also very useful activities.

Much more important are exercises aimed at improving the connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Development methods include:

  1. A very simple exercise involves simultaneously stroking your stomach with your right hand and tapping your head with your left hand. You should do it slowly at first, carefully monitoring the movements of each hand, and then gradually speed up.
  2. The next exercise also requires arm work. Having placed them in front of him, a person should draw a square in the air with one, and, for example, a star with the other. At the same time, as soon as he notices progress, that is, it becomes easier to perform the exercise, he should change hands.
  3. A more complex coordination exercise involves holding the tip of your nose with one hand while holding the opposite ear with the other. The training method is to change hands as quickly as possible.
  4. Depending on whether a person is right-handed or left-handed, you should try to do familiar things with your opposite hand, such as brushing your teeth or eating.
  5. Dancing classes, in particular tango, help develop both hemispheres at the same time.

There are also a number of exercises that will help harmoniously develop both hemispheres of the brain.

  1. "Ring". Consistently and very quickly connect the fingers of both hands into a ring with the thumb for several minutes.
  2. “X-Men” - on paper of any size, draw in bright color two intersecting straight lines in the form of the letter “X” and hang the sheet on the wall. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. The gaze is directed to the point of intersection of the lines. At the same time, connect the elbow of your right hand with the raised knee of your left leg. Perform vigorously for several minutes. This type of training very effectively relieves fatigue after routine work and invigorates.
  3. “Multi-colored confusion” - you will need a piece of paper on which the names of the colors are written with multi-colored felt-tip pens. The difficulty is that the name and colors do not match each other. For example, the word “yellow” is written in red, “green” - in blue. The more words, the better. You need to quickly read aloud not the word, but the name of the color with which it is written.